Jude, a Servant of Jesus Christ and a Brother of James
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JUDE Chapter 1
1:1 Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Father’s great love for them. Finally, these Christ, and brother of James, to believers are kept by Jesus, or preserved those who are the called, beloved in spiritually until His glorious return. Jude then God the Father, and kept for Jesus prays that his readers receive mercy, peace, Christ: and love. Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, So who is this Jude who seems to like sets To those who have been called, of three? His introduction offers little help. who are loved by God the Father Most likely the James here is the one who and kept by Jesus Christ: wrote the epistle of James and was also Jesus’ brother. That would make Jude the Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, brother of Jesus too. So why doesn’t he say and brother of James, to them that so? Probably because he didn’t believe in are sanctified by God the Father, Jesus during His incarnation, but rather and preserved in Jesus Christ, and became a believer later. Jude focused on his called: spiritual status, a servant of Jesus, and not his physical connection to Jesus. 1:1 Jude’s letter focuses on apostasy— when people turn away from God’s truth and Apparently, Jude had already intended to embrace false teachings. Jude reminded his write when he received a disturbing report readers of God’s judgment on those who and felt compelled to write the present had left the faith in the past. This letter is a epistle. Jude urges his readers to “contend warning against false teachers—in this case, for the faith” (v. 3), which means the basic probably Gnostic teachers. Gnostics beliefs of the Christian faith, such as Jesus’ opposed two of the basic tenets of sacrificial death and His bodily resurrection. Christianity—the incarnation of Christ and This faith was attacked by the false the call to Christian ethics. Jude wrote to teachers. combat these false teachings and to encourage true doctrine and right conduct. We’re not exactly sure who these false teachers were. Jude disdainfully refers to 1:1 Jude was a brother of James, who was them as “certain men” who “secretly slipped one of the leaders in the early church. Both in,” and he’s very clear about their evil of these men were Jesus’ half brothers. character. First, he says that their Mary was their mother, and Joseph was condemnation was written about long ago; in their father. Although Mary was Jesus’ true other words, the Old Testament clearly mother, God was Jesus’ true Father. shows that such men are doomed.
TODAY IN THE WORD C. H. Spurgeon Structural engineers have long known that a Our holy faith breeds in us the best wishes triangle is the most stable shape. A three- for others. As we desire to find mercy legged object, for example, is more secure ourselves, so do we long that others also than a four-legged one. Perhaps this is true should find mercy; and as we rejoice in the in spiritual matters as well, because one peace and love which the Holy Ghost works characteristic of Jude’s epistle is sets of in us, we desire that others may partake of “threes.” the same spiritual benefits. Hence the apostles usually begin their Epistles with Right away, we notice that Jude refers to these good wishes, which are not mere Christians as those who are called, loved, wishes, but earnest prayers and inspired and kept. To be called is to be chosen by benedictions. May we breathe such petitions God. Next, these called ones enjoy God the 1 JUDE Chapter 1 wherever we go! Let us wish no man any ill, even in the most exciting and trying times, 1:3 Beloved, while I was making every and under the greatest provocation; but still effort to write you about our let us breathe out this prayer, “Mercy unto common salvation, I felt the you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.” necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the Sevenfold Sanctification: faith which was once for all Sanctified in Christ delivered to the saints. Sanctified by God the Father Dear friends, although I was very Sanctified by Holy Spirit eager to write to you about the Sanctified by Truth salvation we share, I felt I had to Sanctified by Blood write and urge you to contend for Sanctified by Prayer the faith that was once for all Sanctified by Yourselves entrusted to the saints. Beloved, when I gave all diligence C. H. Spurgeon to write unto you of the common He does not say, “and brother of our Lord,” salvation, it was needful for me to for we know that James and Judas were write unto you, and exhort you that both of them among the Lord’s kinsman ye should earnestly contend for the according to the flesh; but now, after the faith which was once delivered unto flesh, knoweth he even Christ no more, but the saints. is content and happy to be known as “the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of 1:3 Jude emphasizes the important James,” relationship between correct doctrine and true faith. The truth of the Bible must not be For the decree of election, the setting apart compromised, because it gives us the real of the chosen is usually ascribed unto God facts about Jesus and salvation. The Bible is the Father. inspired by God and should never be twisted or manipulated; when it is, we can become We have here a very blessed description of confused over right and wrong and lose the whole work of our salvation, — set apart sight of the only path that leads to eternal by the Father, joined unto Christ, and life. Before writing about salvation, then, preserved in him, and then, in due time, Jude felt he had to set his readers back on called out by the Spirit of God. the right track, calling them back to the basics of their faith. Then the way to 1:2 May mercy and peace and love be salvation would be clearer. Saints refers to multiplied to you. all believers. Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. C. H. Spurgeon Mercy unto you, and peace, and These godly men, though they wrote under love, be multiplied. divine inspiration, yet stirred themselves up that they might be in a right condition of C. H. Spurgeon mind and heart. Christian letters should be full of love and good will. The Christian dispensation Even though the pen does not by itself write, breathes beneficence, it is full of yet it is well that it be not corroded, lest it benediction: “Mercy unto you, and peace, answer not to the hand that uses it; so Jude and love, be multiplied.” May the Divine says, “I gave all diligence to write unto you.” Trinity give you a trinity of blessings! All the diligence of Jude by itself could not 2 JUDE Chapter 1 have written this Epistle; still, while start anywhere at the base, but eventually depending upon divine guidance, he was no everyone comes to the same place at the mere passive agent, but he gave all top." diligence to the accomplishment of his task. Jude wrote of “the common salvation”, for Such inclusivism is very popular in our world there is but one. He was writing a general today. Yet it runs counter to Jesus' words: "I Epistle, a catholic Epistle, to all sorts of am the way, the truth, and the life. No one persons all over the world, and he therefore comes to the Father except through Me" wrote of “the common salvation.” There is (John 14:6). But there is more. but one salvation; there cannot be another. There are some who trouble us, as some The New Testament tells us "to contend troubled the Christians in the apostles’ day, earnestly for the faith which was once for all by preaching “another gospel, which is not delivered to the saints" (Jude 3). Jude's another,” but there is only one salvation. expression "the faith" refers to the body of teaching believed by first-century Christians “It was needful,” says the apostle, “for me to and lived out in the power of the Spirit. Why write unto you;” and oh, how needful it is still such an admonition? Because false to preach the gospel, and to warn men teachers were subverting the truth. They against defections from it! Jude continues, were "ungodly," they turned "the grace of our “It was needful for me to write unto you, and God into lewdness," and they denied "the exhort you that ye should earnestly contend only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ" for the faith which was once for all” (that is (v.4). the correct rendering) “delivered to the saints.” The faith is not a growth, it is not an We must not compromise the exclusiveness evolution, it was once for all delivered to the of Jesus' words. And we must not fail to saints; and the great business of the saints, proclaim the all-inclusiveness of the gospel. the holy, the saintly among men, is to God loved the world so much that He gave defend, if necessary with their lives, the faith His only Son to die for our sins. Therefore once delivered unto them. We are put in anyone who believes in Him will not perish trust with the gospel, we are trustees of a but have everlasting life (John 3:16). divine deposit of invaluable truth; and we must be true to our trust at all costs. It was Yes, the truth is both exclusive and needful for Jude to write as he did, for he inclusive. had further to say There is one God and one Mediator Sermon Note between God and men, Common source the man Christ Jesus. All classes Common need How: All races By praying for success All sacred writers By a holy example By our lives Truth By encouraging others Contend earnestly for the faith which was By honest confession once for all delivered to the saints. --Jude By cheerful suffering 1:3 C. H. Spurgeon A man once said to me, "All roads lead to In the sense of being once for all given to God. It's like climbing a mountain. You can the saints, the faith of Christians is not a 3 JUDE Chapter 1 variable quantity. It is not a thing which so that we can recognize false doctrines and changes from day to day, as some seem to prevent wrong teaching from undermining suppose, vainly imagining that fresh light is our faith and hurting others. bestowed upon each new generation. No, the truth was delivered once for all, it was 1:4 Many first-century false teachers were stereotyped, fixed; and it is for us to hold it teaching that Christians could do whatever fast as God has given it to us. they liked without fear of God’s punishment. They had a light view of God’s holiness and 1:4 For certain persons have crept in his justice. Paul refuted this same kind of unnoticed, those who were long false teaching in Romans 6:1-23. Even beforehand marked out for this today, some Christians minimize the condemnation, ungodly persons sinfulness of sin, believing that how they live who turn the grace of our God into has little to do with their faith. But what a licentiousness and deny our only person truly believes will show up in how he Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. or she acts. Those who truly have faith will For certain men whose show it by their deep respect for God and condemnation was written about their sincere desire to live according to the principles in his Word. long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless C. H. Spurgeon men, who change the grace of our These are two vital points in which many God into a license for immorality have erred, either separating holiness of life and deny Jesus Christ our only from orthodoxy of belief, or denying the Sovereign and Lord. divinity and the supremacy of our Lord For there are certain men crept in Jesus Christ. Nothing could more discredit unawares, who were before of old the gospel than the first error, that of turning ordained to this condemnation, the grace of God into lasciviousness; and ungodly men, turning the grace of nothing could more injure the gospel than our God into lasciviousness, and the second error, that of “denying the only denying the only Lord God, and our Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Lord Jesus Christ. New Humanist Manifesto 1:4 Even some of our churches today have One hundred and twenty religious leaders, false (“godless”) teachers who “have philosophers, scientists, writers, and social secretly slipped in” and are twisting the scientists have signed a document criticizing Bible’s teachings to justify their own religious dogmatism and stressing that opinions, life-style, or wrong behavior. In humans alone must solve the problems that doing this, they may gain temporary freedom threaten their existence on earth. to do as they wish, but they will discover that in distorting Scripture they are playing with "No deity will save us; we must save fire. God will judge them for excusing, ourselves," the statement declared. tolerating, and promoting sin. Following are excerpts from Humanist Manifesto II: 1:4 Some people avoid studying the Bible We believe that traditional dogmatic because they think theology is dry and or authoritarian religions that place boring. Those who refuse to learn correct revelation, God, ritual, or creed doctrine, however, are susceptible to false above needs and experience do a teaching because they are not fully disservice to the human species. grounded in God’s truth. We must Promises of immortal salvation or understand the basic doctrines of our faith 4 JUDE Chapter 1
fear of eternal damnation are both ON DRUGS: "Your decision about marijuana illusory and harmful. They distract is important to you. You should be the one to humans from present concerns, make it" (Good Health for You, Laidlaw). from self-actualization and from rectifying social injustices. ON SITUATION ETHICS: "If a situation We affirm that moral values derive pressures a person to act in a certain way, their source from human that person is not likely to be judged as the experience. Ethics is autonomous cause of the act" (Experiencing Psychology, and situational, needing no Science Research Associates). ideological sanction. Ethics stems "Let each pupil decide for himself about from human need and interest. To each. Emphasize that this is not a test, and deny this distorts the whole basis of there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers" (Man life. and Society, Silver Burdett). We strive for the good life, here and now. ON MORAL VALUES: "The moralistic value Reason and intelligence are the system remained firm in the rural areas and most effective instruments that small towns of America until World War II. humankind possesses. There is no Since World War II, rural and small-town substitute; neither faith nor passion America began to pass into history. Today suffices in itself. urban America, with a changing set of values, is taking over. Protestant evangelists C. H. Spurgeon continue to crisscross the land attempting to They did not boldly avow their heresy when revitalize the old religion, the old culture. they came in; — they would not have been They preach the old values, the old allowed to enter if they had done so, — but standards, the 'old-time religion.'...But now they sneaked in, they climbed into the pulpit, they represent a waning culture" professing to be preachers of the gospel, (Perspective in American History, Field). when they knew, all the while, that they intended to undermine it. Basest of all men ON SEXUAL PERMISSIVENESS: "Activity are those who act thus: “There are certain C... 1. Have students write a one-sentence men crept in unawares,” statement on "Why sex urges can be fun for an adolescent'..."What are some of the Proscribed by God as traitors long ago. values of communal living?' " (Finding My Those who have not the courage of their Way, Benett). convictions probably have no convictions at all, but seek to undermine the faith which ON RELIGION: "Anthropologists studying they profess to hold. human customs, religious practices, ritualism, and the priestcraft came to the conclusion that men created their own Humanism In School Textbooks religious beliefs so that the beliefs answered The Mel Gablers, who do extensive their own special needs. To the research into textbooks used in public anthropologists religions were functional; schools, have revealed how Humanism it they served men's needs, and they were written into these books. For example. clearly man-created" (Perspective in U.S. History, Field). ON SEX: "Everyone must develop his own set of principles to govern his own sexual behavior" (Psychology for Living, McGraw- C. H. Spurgeon Hill/Webster). Antinomians, “turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,” falsely declaring that
5 JUDE Chapter 1 the law has no binding force upon the found in Genesis 19. Indeed God intended Christian’s life, and saving that we may do that Sodom and Gomorrah would become evil that good may come; — and Socinians, an example of evil and judgment, as today’s “denying the only Lord God, and our Lord verse from 2 Peter shows. Jesus Christ.” In His mercy, God gives many examples of 1:5 Now I desire to remind you, though sin’s consequences. Jude also uses you know all things once for all, that examples to warn his readers about the evil the Lord, after saving a people out individuals who slipped into their midst. As of the land of Egypt, subsequently we saw yesterday, these individuals were destroyed those who did not believe. immoral and faithless. In short, they refused Though you already know all this, to submit to God’s authority. I want to remind you that the Lord delivered his people out of Egypt, Three historical examples show that these but later destroyed those who did kinds of people have been around for a long time and that God’s judgment awaits them. not believe. Jude begins with the early Israelites. I will therefore put you in Although the Lord redeemed them from remembrance, though ye once slavery in Egypt, they refused to believe that knew this, how that the Lord, having God would bring them into the Promised saved the people out of the land of Land because of the “giants” in the land (cf. Egypt, afterward destroyed them Num. 13–14). Therefore, they perished in that believed not. the wilderness. Next, Jude talks about angels who trespassed God-given positions 1:5-7 Jude gave three examples of rebellion: of authority (v. 6). Again, this is a clear example of refusing to submit to God’s The children of Israel—who, authority and the consequences of that although they were delivered from rebellion. Egypt, refused to trust God and enter the promised land. Finally, Jude cites Sodom and Gomorrah as The angels—although they were the example of transgressing God’s intent once pure, holy, and living in God’s for sexuality. All three are examples of presence, some gave in to pride and rebellion and all three suffered judgment joined Satan to rebel against God. accordingly. Verse 8 draws the clear link The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; between these past examples and the the inhabitants were so full of sin current godless people in view here. that God wiped them off the face of the earth. C. H. Spurgeon So you may get in among the spiritual If the chosen people, angels, and sinful children of Israel, you may share their cities were punished, how much more would privileges, you may sing the Red Sea song these false teachers be severely judged? of triumph; and yet, after all, if there is not real living faith within your soul, God will as TODAY IN THE WORD surely destroy you as he destroyed the Even people who know little about the Bible unbelieving Israelites. Those myriads of still have clear associations with biblical graves in the wilderness are as sure a token concepts. Consider, for example, Sodom of God’s hatred of sin as the drowning of and Gomorrah. Most people associate these Pharaoh’s chariots and horsemen in the Red two names with wickedness, even if they Sea. Beware, then, of having a form of faith don’t know that the story of these cities is 6 JUDE Chapter 1 which does not purify your lives, a And the angels which kept not their profession of belief in Christ which even first estate, but left their own allows you to live in sin with impunity; for if habitation, he hath reserved in you have this however near you may seem everlasting chains under darkness to be to the people of God, even if you are unto the judgment of the great day. counted in with them, yet God will not reckon you as his, for he is the same Lord C. H. Spurgeon who “afterward destroyed them that believed The angels-think of how high they stood in not.” their first estate. If sin could drag an angel from the skies, it may well pluck a minister No Biblical God—Must Find Another from the pulpit, a deacon from the Some of the best and brightest of the young, communion table, a church-member out of emerging from the moral wilderness of our the midst of his brethren. It is only secularized schools, are inventing new perseverance in holiness which is the token religions. of eternal salvation; if we forsake the Lord, and turn back to our former evil ways, it will The newest is the New Age philosophy, the be the evidence that we never really so-called yuppies' religion. Common to believed in Christ, and that there was no many of its adherents is a belief in true work of grace in our hearts. reincarnation, in astrology, in the miraculous powers of quartz crystals, and in trance Legend Of Mahomet On Angels channelers, individuals with the psychic According to legend, when Mahomet was power to summon up voices from centuries transported to heaven, he saw an angel ago. there with "70,000 heads, each head had 70,000 faces, each face had 70,000 mouths, Thus, when belief in the Biblical God has each mouth had 70,000 tongues, and each been extirpated, the beneficiaries of that tongue spoke 70,000 languages." This secular indoctrination soon set out to find would make more than 31,000 trillion another God. And if the search fails, they languages, and nearly five billion mouths. invent one. C. H. Spurgeon This is the history of the human race. See, then the need of stability, the need of abiding in the faith, and abiding in the C. H. Spurgeon practice of it, lest we should turn out to be If we have no real faith, we may appear to like the Israelites, who, though they came go a long way towards heaven, but we shall out of Egypt, left their carcasses in the not enter the heavenly Canaan. wilderness, or like the angels, who, though they once stood in God’s presence in glory, 1:6 And angels who did not keep their have fallen to the deeps of the abyss own domain, but abandoned their because of their apostasy. proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the 1:7 Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and judgment of the great day. the cities around them, since they in And the angels who did not keep the same way as these indulged in their positions of authority but gross immorality and went after abandoned their own home-- strange flesh, are exhibited as an these he has kept in darkness, example, in undergoing the bound with everlasting chains for punishment of eternal fire. judgment on the great Day. In a similar way, Sodom and 7 JUDE Chapter 1
Gomorrah and the surrounding No Longer "Mental Disorder" towns gave themselves up to Trustees of the American Psychiatric sexual immorality and perversion. Association have ruled that homosexuality They serve as an example of would no longer be considered a "mental those who suffer the punishment disorder" in the association's official manual. of eternal fire. The landmark decision, passed by Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and unanimous vote of the 19-member board, the cities about them in like manner, was termed by homosexual activist as giving themselves over to "psychiatric turnabout." The idea is to allow fornication, and going after strange homosexuals to obtain help if they want it and to reduce discrimination against those flesh, are set forth for an example, who do not. suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. 1:8 Yet in the same manner these men, 1:7 Many people don’t want to believe that also by dreaming, defile the flesh, God sentences people to “eternal fire” for and reject authority, and revile rejecting him. But this is clearly taught in angelic majesties. Scripture. Sinners who don’t seek In the very same way, these forgiveness from God will face eternal dreamers pollute their own separation from him. Jude gives this warning bodies, reject authority and to all who rebel against, ignore, or reject slander celestial beings. God. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, C. H. Spurgeon and speak evil of dignities. Whatever the new gods, newly come up, that some preach nowadays, may be or may 1:8 The “celestial beings” here are probably not be, “our God is a consuming fire,” our angels. Just as the men of Sodom insulted God is one who takes vengeance upon angels (Genesis 19), these false teachers iniquity, and who will by no means spare the scoffed at any authority. For information on guilty. He is as terribly just as he is divinely the danger of insulting even the fallen gracious; let us bow before him. angels, see the note on §2 Peter 2:10-12.
15 Sins: C. H. Spurgeon Sexual perversion What a strange thing it is that such evils should spring up in the nominal church of Hate government and law God! I suppose that, out of the professing Insult rulers church, there have come more monstrous Corrupt yourself and others evils than have been nursed in the world Error in God's Word itself. Why, even in these days, we have had Serve for religious gain those who have professed perfection, who Rebel against Jesus have given themselves over to abominable Commit blasphemy evils, and who have even taught them as a Murmur and complain part of their perfection! Ah, me! To what Live in ungodly lusts depths of infamy will not men go! Under the Brag and boast of sinning very guise of holiness, the most loathsome Mock Jesus Christ iniquity has been practiced. Unless the Live as a homosexual grace of God prevent, that which is best rots Unrepentant are condemned to Hell! into that which is worst. You could not make a devil except with an angel for the raw 8 JUDE Chapter 1 material; a Judas Iscariot could only be rebuke you." produced out of an apostle of Jesus Christ; But even the archangel Michael, and it was into the nominal church of God when he was disputing with the that these filthy dreamers of whom Jude devil about the body of Moses, wrote had come. They were also, according did not dare to bring a slanderous to the apostle, those who “despise dominion, accusation against him, but said, and speak evil of dignities,” those who cavil "The Lord rebuke you!" at everything that is right and good, and Yet Michael the archangel, when seek to pull down everything that comes to contending with the devil he them with authority, especially everything disputed about the body of Moses, that is of divine authority. durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord Homosexuals Called "Risk To Safety" rebuke thee. WASHINGTON, DC (EP)—In the wake of a New York Supreme Court decision that 1:9 This incident is not recorded in any other homosexual couples are legally a "family," place in Scripture. Moses’ death is recorded the Family Research Institute has released a in Deut. 34. Here Jude may have been report showing that homosexuals pose a making use of an ancient book called The health risk to society as well as to Assumption of Moses. themselves.
The "Effect of homosexuality upon public C. H. Spurgeon health and social order" report says that I do not know when that happened, yet I compared with heterosexuals, homosexuals believe it, because it is here. were seven times more likely to have sex in a public restroom, three times more likely to When we are called to dispute,-whether it be have had sex in order to infect somebody about the law, which might be regarded as else with a disease, and four times more the body of Moses, or about the gospel, likely to have made an obscene phone call. which is the body of Christ,-let us use no The study also found that homosexuals are railing accusations, for the wrath of man far more promiscuous than heterosexuals. worketh not the righteousness of God. Let us be satisfied with hard arguments and soft The study found that homosexuals were words; and when we feel that our own more likely to have attempted suicide, and rebuke will be useless, let us simply say, about twice as likely to have cheated on “The Lord rebuke thee.” their income tax. It concluded that 71% of the areas in which social behavior was Doctrine of Angels: studied, the findings "suggest an untoward Archangel link between homosexuality and public Cherubim health and social order," and said that the Seraphim socially disruptive lifestyle of homosexuals Principalities reflected personal choices, rather than Powers social stigmatization. Named Generally 1:9 But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued Compassion—God's Turn, Now Ours about the body of Moses, did not I have long since ceased to pray, "Lord dare pronounce against him a railing Jesus, have compassion on a lost world!" I judgment, but said, "The Lord remember the day and the hour when I 9 JUDE Chapter 1 seemed to hear the Lord rebuking me for making such a prayer. He seemed to say to If Only 100 Bad Teachers me, "I have had compassion upon a lost The importance of competence on the part world, and now it is for you to have of each teacher is emphasized by the fact compassion." that the average elementary teacher who retires this year will probably have taught 1:10 But these men revile the things approximately 1000 American citizens, and which they do not understand; and the average high school teacher about 5000 the things which they know by persons. Let us examine the educational ill instinct, like unreasoning animals, effects of only 100 ineffectual high school by these things they are destroyed. teachers who retire. Fifty thousand American Yet these men speak abusively citizens would not have received adequate instruction in the high schools. against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like Doctor Of Divinity, Anyone? unreasoning animals--these are In Evanston, Illinois, are the "Missionaries of the very things that destroy them. the New Truth" who also advertise under the heading: "We want you to join our faith as an But these speak evil of those things ORDAINED MINISTER with the rank of which they know not: but what they DOCTOR OF DIVINITY." know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt They state: "We are a fast-growing faith, themselves. actively seeking new members who believe as we do that all men should seek the truth 1:10 False teachers claimed that they in their own way, by any means they deem possessed secret knowledge that gave them right. As a minister of the faith you can: Set authority. Their “knowledge” of God was up your own church and apply for exemption esoteric—mystical and beyond human from property and other taxes; perform understanding. The nature of God is beyond marriages and exercise all other our understanding, but God, in his grace, ecclesiastical powers; seek draft exemption has chosen to reveal himself to us—in his as one of our working missionaries. We can Word, and supremely in Jesus Christ. tell you how. Get sizable cash grants for Therefore, we must seek to know all we can doing missionary work for us; some about what he has revealed, even though transportation companies, hotels, theaters, we cannot fully comprehend God with our etc., give ministers reduced rates. GET THE finite human minds. Beware of those who WHOLE PACKAGE FOR $100.00." This claim to have all the answers and who "ordination" is declared to be legal and valid belittle what they do not understand. anywhere in this country. C. H. Spurgeon 1:11 Woe to them! For they have gone Very generally it is so; those who revile Holy the way of Cain, and for pay they Scripture are usually persons who have not read the Bible; they “speak evil of those have rushed headlong into the error things, which they know not.” of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. You seem to he sailing smoothly along over Woe to them! They have taken the the placid waters, but these men are like way of Cain; they have rushed for hidden rocks,-that is the expression used by profit into Balaam's error; they the apostle rather than “spots.” have been destroyed in Korah's rebellion. 10 JUDE Chapter 1
Woe unto them! for they have gone godless men among the believers to whom in the way of Cain, and ran greedily he is writing. Each image found in verses 12 after the error of Balaam for reward, and 13 describes something that should be and perished in the gainsaying of beneficial but here is actually destructive. Core. The first two are especially poignant. Shepherds’ first concern should be for the 1:11 Jude gives three examples of men who welfare of their sheep. Clouds bring the did whatever they wanted (Jude 1:10)— promise of rain for crops and drinking water, Cain, who murdered his brother out of especially in arid Palestine. vengeful jealousy (Genesis 4:1-16); Balaam, who prophesied out of greed, not out of Sermon Note obedience to God’s command (Numbers 22- Human opinion 24); and Korah, who rebelled against God’s Willful ignorance divinely appointed leaders, wanting the Utter rejection power for himself (Numbers 16:1-35). These Unyielding pride stories illustrate attitudes that are typical of Manifested hatred false teachers—pride, selfishness, jealousy, Hopeless despair greed, lust for power, and disregard of God’s will. Cain's Stain Goes On An Alexander who, in the name of culture, TODAY IN THE WORD ruthlessly sweeps away whole populations. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln A Napoleon who can write to Josephine declared that the fourth Thursday of rejoicing in a victory which leaves behind a November should be a national day of million murdered men. A Mussolini who “Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent bares his head at the singing of a Te Deum Father who dwelleth in the heavens.” This to celebrate the studied murder of day also commemorates the early Pilgrims’ thousands of hapless Abyssinians. There is gratitude to God for bringing them through not a civilization in the world which is free the harsh winter of 1620–21. from the stain of Cain.
It’s only right to celebrate the Pilgrims’ 1:12 These men are those who are gratitude–this celebration helps us hidden reefs in your love feasts remember God’s grace. The three examples when they feast with you without of evil that Jude presents in today’s passage fear, caring for themselves; clouds also instruct us to remember, though they without water, carried along by aren’t positive examples. winds; autumn trees without fruit, Like yesterday’s passage, Jude gives three doubly dead, uprooted; brief examples from the past. Whereas Abel These men are blemishes at your offered his best to the Lord, Cain selfishly love feasts, eating with you offered “some” (not even the best) fruit (Gen. without the slightest qualm-- 4:1–13). Balaam was willing to disobey God shepherds who feed only and curse the Israelites in order to make a themselves. They are clouds profit (Num. 22–24). Korah rebelled against without rain, blown along by the Moses’ leadership while the Israelites were wind; autumn trees, without fruit in the wilderness (Num. 16:1–40). Each did and uprooted--twice dead. blatant evil. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, Jude links these three evil men to the feeding themselves without ear: 11 JUDE Chapter 1
clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose Evil Rasputin fruit withereth, without fruit, twice We have all heard about Gregory Rasputin, dead, plucked up by the roots; the "Mad Monk of Russia" who managed to get a strong hold on the royal family of his 1:12 When the Lord’s Supper was day. Some believe the corrupting power he celebrated in the early church, believers ate exerted was a contributing factor in the a full meal before taking part in Communion takeover of communism. By currying the with the sharing of the bread and wine. The favor of the court he was able to influence meal was called a “love feast,” and it was many decisions within the palace itself. designed to be a sacred time of fellowship to prepare one’s heart for Communion. The czar of Russia and his wife had a child However, the false teachers were joining who was born with a dreaded blood disease. these love feasts, becoming “blemishes” in It caused much pain and often threatened to what should have been a time of rejoicing in bring death to the young prince. In such the Lord. In several of the churches, times of extremity, when the doctors could however, this meal had turned into a time of do no more, Rasputin was called upon to gluttony and drunken revelry. In Corinth, for perform his "miracles." Although example, some people hastily gobbled food unexplainable, it appeared that remarkable while others went hungry (1 Cor. 11:20-22). healings did occur whenever he was brought No church function should be an occasion in. The "Mad Monk" took advantage of these for selfishness, gluttony, greed, disorder, or occasions to gain power for himself. He told other sins that destroy unity or take one’s them their son would not die if they listened mind away from the real purpose for to his counsel. As a result, the Russian gathering together. government felt the influence of this wicked man. Sad to say, the entire world has 1:12 The false teachers were “twice dead.” indirectly suffered the consequences of one They were useless “trees” because they person using his energies for evil purposes. weren’t producing fruit; because they weren’t even believers, they would be rooted 1:13 wild waves of the sea, casting up up and burned. their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black C. H. Spurgeon darkness has been reserved forever. At the love feasts in the apostles’ day, these They are wild waves of the sea, ungodly men feasted without fear, just as foaming up their shame; some do at the communion table now. The wandering stars, for whom absence of holy fear is a damning mark in blackest darkness has been the souls of unholy professors. That religion reserved forever. which has no awe in it, which never makes Raging waves of the sea, foaming us tremble before the Most High, is not the out their own shame; wandering religion of genuine faith, for there is a fear stars, to whom is reserved the which even perfect love casteth not out, but blackness of darkness for ever. it rather increases and deepens that holy fear which is the very essence of true piety. C.H. Spurgeon Such were in the professing church in Jude’s “Reserved” seats in hell! Did you ever think time, so we must not be surprised if we meet of that? with men like them in the nominal church to- day. What Islam Believes 12 JUDE Chapter 1
Islam is nowhere near being what we would presence of ten thousand times ten call Christian. It is not even a cult on the thousand angels. fringe of Christianity. Islam is a non-Christian religion and, although those who are C. H. Spurgeon Muslims desperately need the Gospel and When Enoch thus prophesied, we do not salvation in Christ, they are probably the know. That he did so, was revealed to Jude, most difficult people in the world to reach and he here tells us of it. It was profitable for with the truth of the Word. us that so pointed and plain a testimony of Enoch should not be lost. This is especially true in view of their belief in the tradition that Allah created all men fifty His Return: thousand years before he created the earth. Promised Christ First came Adam. Then all others were Declared Men created by Allah rubbing Adam's back. With Announced Peter the first rubbing, those created for paradise Described Paul came forth. Upon the second rubbing, those Urged James created for "the fire" were created! Affirmed John So the tradition states that not only the acts Quoted Jude of men, but their ultimate end has been predetermined by Allah, which means that Why Enoch Never Returned when a man sins (and there are many listed In a sermon on "Enoch walked with God," in the Koran) it is Allah's will that he sin. It is Dr. Campbell Morgan gave the following also believed that Allah's will cannot be illustration: resisted. A little child gave a most exquisite explanation of walking with God. She went 1:14 And about these also Enoch, in the home from Sunday School, and the mother seventh generation from Adam, said, "Tell me what you learned at school." prophesied, saying, "Behold, the And she said: "Don't you know, Mother, one Lord came with many thousands of day they went for an extra long walk, and His holy ones, they walked on and on, until God said to Enoch, the seventh from Adam, Enoch, 'You are a long way from home; you prophesied about these men: had better just come in and stay.' And he "See, the Lord is coming with went." thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 1:15 to execute judgment upon all, and to And Enoch also, the seventh from convict all the ungodly of all their Adam, prophesied of these, saying, ungodly deeds which they have Behold, the Lord cometh with ten done in an ungodly way, and of all thousands of his saints, the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." 1:14 Enoch is mentioned briefly in Genesis to judge everyone, and to convict 5:21-24. This quotation is from an all the ungodly of all the ungodly apocryphal book called the book of Enoch. acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh 1:14 Other places where Jesus is mentioned words ungodly sinners have as coming with angels (“holy ones”) are Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 24:31. Daniel spoken against him." 7:10 speaks of God judging humanity in the To execute judgment upon all, and 13 JUDE Chapter 1
to convince all that are ungodly their mouth speaketh great swelling among them of all their ungodly words, having men's persons in deeds which they have ungodly admiration because of advantage committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners Lusts of the Flesh: have spoken against him. Evil in their character Deceitful in their appearance Character Of The Antichrist Varied in manifestation The personal character of the Antichrist may Fleeting in their enjoyment be described as follows: Hurtful in their embrace Personal in their origin High intelligence Captivating in their influence Rev. 13:18; Daniel 7:8. Great speaking ability Mixed Messages In Tongues Daniel 7:8; Rev. 13:5. A woman was invited to a meeting at a Crafty political talents Pentecostal church. She heard someone Daniel 9:27; Rev. 17:12-13, 17. speaking in tongues and it clearly appeared Strong physical appearance to be a foreign language. Because she was Daniel 7:20. interested she wrote down phonetically what Military genius was said. Rev. 13:4; Rev. 17:14; Rev. 19:19. Morally, the worse personage A few months later she told a missionary Materialistic about this. On hearing the language he said Daniel 11:38 he worked in the very area where it was Blasphemer spoken. On translating the message that Rev. 13:6 had been spoken in tongues the woman was Against the Law astonished to find that it consisted of a lot of 2 Thes. 2:8 gross blasphemy against the Trinity and Selfish ambition immoral expressions. Daniel 11:36-37; 2 Thes. 2:4. Open It Tries to change prophecy and history 01. Who was someone everyone tried to Daniel 7:25 avoid in grade school? Why? Substitutes self for God ______Daniel 11:36; 2 Thes. 2:4. ______1:16 These are grumblers, finding fault, ______following after their own lusts; they ______speak arrogantly, flattering people ______for the sake of gaining an advantage. 02. What is something you have learned These men are grumblers and or taken note of from history? faultfinders; they follow their own ______evil desires; they boast about ______themselves and flatter others for ______their own advantage. ______These are murmurers, complainers, ______walking after their own lusts; and ______14 JUDE Chapter 1
______Explore It 03. How did the author of this letter 08. How do godless people misuse the describe himself? (1:1) grace of God? (1:4) ______
04. Why was Jude initially eager to write 09. Of what historical events did Jude this letter? (1:3) remind his readers? Why? (1:5-7) ______
05. What made Jude change the topic of 10. How do the stories about Israelites, his letter? (1:3-4) angels, and Sodom and Gomorrah ______add to Jude’s warning about godless ______people? (1:8) ______06. What are “godless” people? (1:4) ______11. What sins do godless people commit? ______(1:8) ______07. Why did Jude describe certain people ______as “godless”? (1:4) ______12. In what ways are godless people like ______“unreasoning animals”? (1:10) ______15 JUDE Chapter 1
______word “ungodly” in Jude’s message ______have on you? ______13. What destroys godless people? (1:10) ______18. How could the grace of God be ______changed into a license for immorality? ______14. How are godless people like clouds, ______trees, waves, and stars? (1:12-13) ______19. How do we ever misuse the ______knowledge of God’s grace for our own ______desires? ______15. What effect does Jude’s figurative ______language have? (1:12-13) ______20. In what ways is it necessary for us to ______contend for the faith? ______16. How does Enoch’s prophecy add to ______the warning about godless people? ______(1:14) ______21. How does it help us to recall past ______events (either from the Bible, church ______history, or our own lives)? ______Get It ______17. What effect does the repetition of the ______16 JUDE Chapter 1
______22. What past events are most instructive ______to you? ______27. In what ways do you need to guard ______yourself against the sins of grumbling, ______finding fault in others, boasting, and ______flattering others for your own ______advantage? ______23. How should our belief in eternal ______punishment motivate us? ______Apply It ______28. How can you keep past events that teach you to live for God at the front of 24. What difference should it make in your your thinking this week? life that the Lord will return to judge ______and convict? ______29. What step can you take this week to guard against grumbling, faultfinding, 25. How can we prevent ourselves from boasting, or using flattery? becoming self-absorbed as the people ______Jude warned against were? ______30. In what specific ways do you need to contend for your faith this next week? 26. What responsibility do we have to ______protect our church congregations from ______godless people? ______17 JUDE Chapter 1
______words of our Lord quoted in today’s verse, ______as well as a similar idea expressed by the apostle Paul (Acts 20:29–30; cf. 1 Tim. 4:1– 31. What could you do in the near future 3 and 2 Tim. 3:1–5). There were many to come to a better appreciation for warnings that godless individuals would God’s grace? appear in the midst of churches with the ______intent of deceiving and leading people ______astray. And Jude’s purpose in calling these ______words to remembrance is to warn believers ______again about these godless ones. ______Notice that the quote used by Jude calls ______these people “scoffers.” Instead of upholding the truth, these false teachers mock and 1:17 But you, beloved, ought to twist it. Most likely, these individuals were remember the words that were mocking God’s moral requirements. spoken beforehand by the apostles Remember, these people followed their base of our Lord Jesus Christ, instincts, not acting according to the Spirit. But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus So what should believers do in the presence Christ foretold. of such individuals? Jude offers some very But, beloved, remember ye the practical advice. First, we are to build words which were spoken before of ourselves up in “the most holy faith” (v. 20). Recall that “the faith” refers to the core the apostles of our Lord Jesus beliefs of Christianity. Here Jude is saying Christ; that we need to be grounded in these essential doctrines. 1:17 Other apostles also warned about false teachers—see Acts 20:29; 1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. "The Communion of Saints" 3:1-5; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 John 1:7. Paul Althaus tells us that the phrase in the Apostles' Creed, "the communion of saints," TODAY IN THE WORD had come to be wholly misunderstood by the Sometimes pithy little sayings contain a lot days of Martin Luther. In its Latin form, it of truth. Here’s just one example: could mean either "the sharing of the saints," “Forewarned is forearmed.” When we know as we understand it today, or "the sharing of about a situation in advance, we’re able to sacred things." prepare for it properly. This seems to be what Jude meant when he wrote “remember In Luther's day, it had come to be accepted what the apostles of our Lord Christ foretold” as the latter. The sacred things were said to (v. 17). The presence of the ungodly be the merits of the saints, the magical individuals who were infiltrating the church powers of the Mass, and the tradition of the to which Jude was writing had already been church. predicted, therefore this congregation should not be caught off guard. But Luther's influence was felt in bringing "the communion of saints back from heaven The exact quotation of verse 18 is not found to earth again." elsewhere in the New Testament, although 2 Peter 3:3 is very close: “In the last days When Luther's Elector, Frederick the Wise, scoffers will come, scoffing and following was ill, Luther wrote him a little book of their own evil desires.” We also have the 18 JUDE Chapter 1 consolation. He reminded the Elector of the effect on women and people under the age communion of the saints: "This is the sweet of 25. and pleasant picture which the Apostle Paul depicts, 'Bear ye one another's burdens.' The most common are bacterial infections What things have the saints in common? such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, which Blessings, forsooth, and evils; all things spread quickly but are treatable with belong to all." antibiotics. Although information on the prevalence of venereal disease has been 1:18 that they were saying to you, "In the known to public health experts, it has largely last time there shall be mockers, escaped general notice, in part because of following after their own ungodly the public's focus on AIDS. lusts." They said to you, "In the last Teenagers and blacks are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted diseases, times there will be scoffers who the report said, because these groups are will follow their own ungodly more likely than whites and older Americans desires." to be unmarried and therefore to have How that they told you there should multiple sexual partners. In addition, be mockers in the last time, who teenagers who begin sexual activity earlier should walk after their own ungodly are more likely to have multiple partners. lusts. Many cases of gonorrhea or chlamydia lead 1:18 The last times is a common phrase to bacterial infection of the uterus, fallopian referring to the time between Jesus’ first and tubes or lining of the pelvic organs, second comings. We live in the last times. sometimes causing infertility.
Lusts of the Flesh: 1:19 These are the ones who cause Evil in their character divisions, worldly-minded, devoid of Deceitful in their appearance the Spirit. Varied in manifestation These are the men who divide Fleeting in their enjoyment you, who follow mere natural Hurtful in their embrace instincts and do not have the Personal in their origin Spirit. Captivating in their influence These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the U.S. Venereal Disease Infects Millions Spirit. Washington—More than one in five Americans, or 56 million people, are infected C. H. Spurgeon with a viral, sexually transmitted disease They know nothing of the divine life, and of such as herpes or hepatitis B, a new study that Divine Spirit who dwells in the bodies of has found. Such viral infections can be the saints as in a holy temple. controlled but not cured, and they often recur. Simple People's Idols Dr. F. B. Meyer tells of going to a meeting of Moreover, the study by the Alan Guttmacher the Salvation Army where it was announced Institute estimated that even more an exhibition of idols was to be displayed. Americans are likely to contract a sexually He said, "I expected to see idols from India, transmitted disease sometime in their life, Africa, and the South Seas. But instead of and these diseases will have the greatest that eight young men stepped to the rear of 19 JUDE Chapter 1 the platform and returned, each bearing a the lines of God's nature. Impulsiveness is a large sheet of cardboard. One card was trait of the natural life, and our Lord always covered with pipes, cigars, and tobacco; ignores it, because it hinders the another with sham jewelry, feathers, ribbons development of the life of a disciple. Watch and things of that sort. There were eight how the Spirit of God gives a sense of cards, each covered with things that had restraint to impulsiveness, suddenly bringing been idols to some. us a feeling of self-conscious foolishness, which makes us instantly want to vindicate A man behind me pointed and said, "That ourselves. Impulsiveness is all right in a was my pipe." A woman said, "See my bow child, but is disastrous in a man or woman -- of ribbon?" These simple people felt that an impulsive adult is always a spoiled these things had become idols to them and person. Impulsiveness needs to be trained they had given them up." into intuition through discipline.
1:20 But you, beloved, building Discipleship is built entirely on the yourselves up on your most holy supernatural grace of God. Walking on water is easy to someone with impulsive boldness, faith; praying in the Holy Spirit; but walking on dry land as a disciple of But you, dear friends, build Jesus Christ is something altogether yourselves up in your most holy different. Peter walked on the water to go to faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Jesus, but he "followed Him at a distance" But ye, beloved, building up on dry land (Mark 14:54). We do not need yourselves on your most holy faith, the grace of God to withstand crises -- praying in the Holy Ghost, human nature and pride are sufficient for us to face the stress and strain magnificently. 1:20 To “pray in the Holy Spirit” means to But it does require the supernatural grace of pray in the power and strength of the Holy God to live twenty-four hours of every day Spirit. He prays for us (Romans 8:26-27), as a saint, going through drudgery, and opens our minds to Jesus (John 14:26), and living an ordinary, unnoticed, and ignored teaches us about him (John 15:26). existence as a disciple of Jesus. It is ingrained in us that we have to do C.H. Spurgeon exceptional things for God -- but we do not. That prayer which is not in the Holy Ghost is We have to be exceptional in the ordinary in the flesh. Only the prayer which comes things of life, and holy on the ordinary from God can go to God. streets, among ordinary people -- and this is not learned in five minutes. Sermon Note Doctrine of Salvation: Fervently acutely, eagerly Grace Persevere overcome obstacles (source of salvation) Humble showing respect Redemption Lovingly passionate, soft (meaning of salvation) Faithfully truthfulness Faith (life of salvation) Oswald Chambers Love There was nothing of the nature of impulsive (soul of salvation) or thoughtless action about our Lord, but Holiness only a calm strength that never got into a (blessing of salvation) panic. Most of us develop our Christianity Prayer along the lines of our own nature, not along 20 JUDE Chapter 1
(language of salvation) right: “Ye, beloved, building”-doing good, Hope substantial, solid work, building- (outlook of salvation) He has told us about the one foundation, Devotional now he bids us build thereon: “Building up yourselves on your most holy faith.” Things are never as bad as we think they are. It is the devil that tells us all the “Praying.” That is the next thing; there is no negative things. He is the accuser of the preservation like that which is given by God brethren. He is a liar. He is a destroyer. He in response to believing prayer. “Praying in is a killer. He is a cheater. He usurps us. the Holy Ghost.” There is a kind of praying God surely does not feel that way about you. which is without the Holy Ghost, and it We believe lies about ourselves. If we will speedeth not. There is a praying which is the just pray in the Holy Spirit, open our mouths breath of God in man, returning whence it and call on the Lord, or sing with our hearts, came; this will keep us from falling, and we will discover that God's love in us is what bring us untold blessings. is real. We can keep ourselves in the love of God by On: praying in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Believe on Name of Son within us. The love of God and the grace of Build on Holy faith Christ will flow in us in the fellowship of the Put on Holy habit Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14). And that Go on Enable Spirit fellowship of the Holy Spirit is ours simply by Mediate Lord’s things praying in the Holy Spirit. This is how we Wait on Power keep ourselves in the love of God. Oh, what a love-life! This is an encouragement to Devotional everyone. Even if you feel like the most God's love is made up of the Spirit's pitiful person, you are a candidate for the transmission. The Spirit transmits all that is dispensing of this love-life. Just let the Lord in this love - God's choice and His plan, in. And then keep letting Him in. Pray in the Christ's redemption, resurrection, ascension, Holy Spirit, and you will discover how you and intercession. Now we can have the feel about yourself from God's point of view. reality of this love in our experience. We can You will say, "I am really in a wonderful have "the good" of it by the Holy Spirit. The condition! God loves me!" participial phrase "praying in the Holy Spirit" modifies "keep yourselves in the love of How to Pray: God." So the way we keep ourselves in the Secretly love of God is by praying in the Holy Spirit. Watchfully When we pray in the Holy Spirit, we enter the realm of the poured-out love of God. Believingly This is how we keep our hearts in the Unceasingly unconditional love of God. Abidingly Directly It is so easy for a day to go by - you go to Effectually work and come home. Maybe you have been burdened down with all the cares of life C. H. Spurgeon and have had no prayer and fellowship with Is this the way, then, to prevent our falling the Lord. You feel somewhat beaten down. into sin? Yes. To prevent doing wrong, do And you feel like God does not love or care about you that much. You do not have the 21 JUDE Chapter 1 present enjoyment of His love in your sensation. But Jude tells us, "Keep Keep The Romance yourselves in the love of God." Take some Keep yourselves in the love of God. —Jude initiative now. Do not go away from the love, 21 but keep yourself in it. He tells you how - "praying in the Holy Spirit." It is not praying The great American statesman and lawyer just from your mind, but praying in the Holy William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) was Spirit. That means you use your spirit to having his portrait painted. The artist asked, pray, fellowship, talk, call out, cry out, and "Why do you wear your hair over your ears?" sing. This activates your spirit and brings you into the realm of the Holy Spirit. Bryan responded, "There is a romance Sometimes there is a breaking-through connected with that. When I began courting period, but the principle is that we can keep Mrs. Bryan, she objected to the way my ears ourselves in the love of God. This is God's stood out. So, to please her, I let my hair unconditional love toward us through the grow to cover them." Spirit's transmission. "That was many years ago," the artist said. As we see the composition of God's love, we "Why don't you have your hair cut now?" discover that it is not just a shallow, "Because," Bryan winked, "the romance is superficial feeling in God. This love is still going on." eternal. This love can never be defeated or frustrated, because it met the devil, it met Is the romance still going on in our sin, it met every obstacle, and it overcame. It relationship with Jesus? When we first came overcame through death, through in faith to Christ, we experienced the joy of resurrection, and through ascension. And knowing our sins were forgiven and we were now this love is transmitted into us by the adopted into His family. Our hearts were full Holy Spirit. and overflowing with love for the Lord. We longed to please Him. 1:21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of As time passed, however, the zeal of our our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. first love may have begun to cool. That's Keep yourselves in God's love as why we need to take to heart the words of you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jude in his brief letter. He wrote, "Keep Jesus Christ to bring you to yourselves in the love of God" (v.21). Jesus eternal life. used similar terms when He said, "Abide in Keep yourselves in the love of God, My love" (John 15:9-10). We nurture that looking for the mercy of our Lord love when we focus on pleasing Him instead Jesus Christ unto eternal life. of ourselves.
1:21 To “keep yourselves in God’s love” Keep the romance going. means to live close to God and his people, not listening to false teachers who would try To renew your love for Christ, to pull you away from him (John 15:9-10). review His love for you. Double Blessing: C. H. Spurgeon While you thus carefully watch over Rest yourselves, have great love also to others, Meetness and seek to bless them, especially your Supply fellow church-members. Peace 22 JUDE Chapter 1
Keeping politics, and the like while Christians were Indwelling muzzled. The Omaha World-Herald Life and Joy lampooned the school's action in an editorial entitled "Sit Down, Shut Up For Jesus." Inexhaustible Love Of God Psalm 103 was probably written in David's The school is now forging a policy regarding old age. Surprisingly not a sigh, murmur, or religious activities on campus. regret is expressed. Looking back a lifetime, he tells his soul to "forget not all His C. H. Spurgeon benefits" (Psalm 103:2)—a common human They may all, apparently, sin in much the fault! same way; but there may be circumstances that make a difference between them. There You may not remember ALL God's benefits, may not be the same willfulness, or the but don't forget ALL of it! same continuance in the sin in some as there is in others; there may be in some A list of "To-Be-Thankful-For" items are cases greater temptation, and therefore given (Psalm 103:3-10). The climax of this more excuse for them: “Of some have beautiful chapter is Psalm 103:11-13. David compassion, making a difference.” uses 3 majestic illustrations of God's inexhaustible love: (see following 1:23 save others, snatching them out of illustrations) the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment 1:22 And have mercy on some, who are polluted by the flesh. doubting; snatch others from the fire and Be merciful to those who doubt; save them; to others show mercy, And of some have compassion, mixed with fear--hating even the making a difference: clothing stained by corrupted flesh. 1:22-23 Effective witnessing saves people And others save with fear, pulling from God’s judgment. We witness to some them out of the fire; hating even the through our compassion and kindness; to garment spotted by the flesh. others we witness as if we were snatching them from the eternal fire. To hate “even the 1:23 In trying to find common ground with clothing stained by corrupted flesh” means those to whom we witness, we must be that we are to hate the sin, but we must careful not to fall into the quicksand of witness to and love the sinner. Unbelievers, compromise. When reaching out to others, no matter how successful they seem by we must be sure that our own footing is safe worldly standards, are lost and in need of and secure. Be careful not to become so salvation. We should not take witnessing much like non-Christians that no one can tell lightly—it is a matter of life and death. who you are or what you believe. Influence them for Christ—don’t allow them to Shut Up For Jesus A heated controversy raged at the University influence you to sin! of Nebraska. Officials there forbade a Campus Crusade wrestling team from giving C. H. Spurgeon testimonies during an appearance. Many Loving the sinners, but hating their sin. students, professors, and even a few newspapers asked why other groups were Life Saver's Life Exposed free to promote homosexuality, radical 23 JUDE Chapter 1
San Francisco (AP)—Saving the life of heroes of God, but all three were also President Ford brought Oliver Sipple an murderers. Look what God did with this trio unwelcome kind of fame that may have of murderers! There is hope for you fellows destroyed family and personal relationships, —and for me." the former U.S. marine said. Saved To: Sipple, 32, is credited with deflecting the gun Relationship with God of a woman accused of trying to kill Ford. Eternal live With the story of his heroics have come Newness of life published reports that he is homosexual. Holiness of character Pureness of heart Shaking and red-eyed, Sipple appeared before reporters and television cameras and Love of Christ said: Righteousness of conduct Sweetness of temper "I want you to know that my mother told me Victory over Satan today that she cannot walk out her front door Saving others even to go to church because of the pressures she feels," Sipple said. He added Noah...Lot...Gideon that the conversation ended with his mother Noah preached to the old world for a hanging up on him. hundred years, but only eight souls were saved. Lot preached to the cities of the Sipple is considering invasion of privacy plain, but only three souls were chosen from lawsuits against news media that have them. Six hundred thousand men, besides published reports "that have destroyed 32 women and children, passed through the years of family life enjoyed with his mother Red Sea, but only two entered the Promised and father and other personal relationship Land. Gideon went to fight the Midianites with friends." with 32,000 men, but only 300 were allowed to participate in the victory. "Many are called Saved From: but few chosen" (Matthew 22:14). Wrath to come Curse of broken Law 1:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you Servitude of sin from stumbling, and to make you Pollution of sin stand in the presence of His glory Corruption of the world blameless with great joy, Selfishness of self To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you Murderers Who Became Bible Heroes before his glorious presence I once spoke to a group of prisoners about without fault and with great joy-- the text "You are the light of the world" Now unto him that is able to keep (Matthew 5:14). I showed them that after you from falling, and to present you they received the Lord Jesus as their faultless before the presence of his Saviour, they had the duty of being the light glory with exceeding joy, in the darkness of that prison. 1:24-25 As the letter begins, so it ends— One of the men said, "Fellows, this morning with assurance. God keeps believers from I read in the Bible about three murderers. falling prey to false teachers. Although false One's name was Moses, one's was David, teachers are widespread and dangerous, we and one's was Paul. We know them as don’t have to be afraid if we trust God and 24 JUDE Chapter 1 are rooted and grounded in him. has been on individual prayer, one of the best ways to grow in prayer is to pray with 1:24-25 To be sinless and perfect (“without others. Consider finding another person who fault”) will be the ultimate condition of the also has a desire to grow in prayer. You may believer when he or she finally sees Christ meet with your “prayer partner” daily or face to face. When Christ appears, and we weekly, in person or on the phone, for a walk are given our new bodies, we will be like or for a cup of coffee--the possibilities are Christ (1 John 3:2). Coming into Christ’s endless! Consider also more ways to bring presence will be more wonderful than we prayer into family time. could ever imagine! Christ’s Ability: 1:24-25 The audience to whom Jude wrote To save was vulnerable to heresies and to To make all grace abound temptations toward immoral living. Jude To give us the victory encouraged the believers to remain firm in To keep us from falling their faith and trust in God’s promises for To shield us from harm their future. This was all the more important To make us active because they were living in a time of To keep us always increased apostasy. We too are living in the last days, much closer to the end than were the original readers of this letter. We too are C.H. Spurgeon vulnerable to doctrinal error. We too are It strikes me just now, the author’s name is tempted to give in to sin. Although there is Jude: Judas. Did he recollect Judas, his much false teaching around us, we need not namesake that was called Iscariot, as he be afraid or give up in despair—God can penned these words? keep us from falling, and he guarantees that if we remain faithful, he will bring us into his He who can keep the saint from stumbling presence and give us everlasting joy. can bring the sinner into the right way. The same grace that can preserve the child of TODAY IN THE WORD God from falling into sin can bring you out of Father, I am beginning to know how much I sin. And as we have to look wholly to Christ, miss when I fail to talk to thee in prayer, and certainly you must do so. through prayer to receive into my life the strength and the guidance which only thou There is no doxology in Scripture which I canst give. . . . When I neglect to pray, mine enjoy more than that one at the end of the is the loss. Forgive me, Lord. Amen.–Peter Epistle of Jude. Marshall Glory: For whatever reasons, we all find ourselves Hope of glory neglecting prayer at times, perhaps from the Body of glory pressures of the day or thinking we have to Partners of glory pray in a certain way. Hopefully, this month’s Liberty of glory study has sparked a deeper desire to pray by recognizing the great privilege we have to Presence of glory converse with our Heavenly Father, even if Throne of glory we’re angry, frustrated, or don’t feel like Appearing of glory talking! TODAY IN THE WORD Although much of our emphasis this month The crowning masterpiece of Ludwig van Beethoven was his ninth symphony, called 25 JUDE Chapter 1 the “Choral Symphony.” After three grand, majesty, dominion and authority, sweeping movements, the fourth movement before all time and now and forever. seems to explode with exuberant joy. In a Amen. brilliant stroke, Beethoven brought in a choir to the only God our Savior be for this final movement and incorporated glory, majesty, power and Friedrich Schiller’s moving “Ode to Joy.” authority, through Jesus Christ Music critics describe this final movement as our Lord, before all ages, now an invitation to humanity to join together in and forevermore! Amen. joy to seek God. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and Perhaps we could liken the short letter of power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude to a symphony that passes through slow, deep movements before it explodes The Lord bless the reading of his Word to into joy . . . for certainly the final two verses our profit! Amen. of Jude can only be described as overflowing, joyous praise of the triune God! The majority of the letter focuses on false Before He Formed A Star teaching and uses challenging warnings and Before He formed a star, examples from the past. Maybe for this Our God arranged our lot; reason this short letter is frequently Our little lives were planned afar, overlooked. As we’ve seen, however, Jude When we as yet were not. was deeply burdened by the presence of false teachers in the midst of a group of Time hath no aimless strands, believers whom he loved. And one thing that God's warp and woof combines; we also should take away from Jude is a Life's loom is in His holy hands, profound concern for guarding the truth and His shuttles know their lines. exposing false teaching. He purposed all He sends, But like Jude, our focus must finally turn He knows what us awaits; toward the One in whom there is no deceit, He marketh now the distant ends no darkness, and no defilement. As we Of paths to hidden gates. contemplate the One True Sovereign God, our hearts will also explode with joy. All acts His eyes foresee And never choice constrain; So willeth He that we are free Notice that Jude picks up a theme from the His grace to lose or gain. beginning of his letter, namely, the idea of being kept by God (v. 24; cf. v. 1). Here he His love hath filled the past, stresses that God keeps us from falling, An ocean without shore; which is why he warned against the false Our purchased souls Him first and last teachers and exhorted believers to build Love, trust, obey, adore. themselves up in the faith. Moreover, God keeps us from falling so that we might Open It appear before Him “without fault and with 01. What is it like to anticipate an exciting, great joy.” Jude wants to assure his readers important event? that God is able to preserve believers until ______the final day of judgment. ______1:25 to the only God our Savior, through ______Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, ______26 JUDE Chapter 1
______02. Who is the most difficult coworker or ______boss you’ve ever had to work with? ______07. How can Christians stand against ______scoffers? (1:20-23) ______Explore It 03. What did Jude urge his readers to do? 08. How did Jude advise Christians to (1:17) pray? (1:20) ______
04. What will it be like in the last times? 09. What were Jude’s readers waiting for? (1:18) (1:21) ______
05. What are “scoffers” like? (1:18-19) 10. How is Jesus’ return described? (1:21) ______
06. How do those without the Spirit behave? (1:19) 11. How should we treat believers who ______doubt? (1:22-23) ______27 JUDE Chapter 1
______12. What did Jude tell his readers to do ______for those who await “the fire”? (1:23) ______17. How should you respond to the ______ungodly people you must work or ______associate with? ______13. Who is able to keep believers from ______falling? (1:24-25) ______18. How should your life be different from ______the lives of the non-Christians around ______you? ______14. How did Jude praise God? (1:24-25) ______19. How can we show mercy to believers ______who doubt? ______15. How did Jude conclude this letter? ______(1:25) ______20. What does it mean to “show mercy, ______mixed with fear”? ______Get It ______16. Who are some “scoffers” you must ______work or associate with? ______21. How is it possible to build yourself up 28 JUDE Chapter 1
in the faith? Apply It ______26. What do you want to remember the ______next time you must work with a difficult ______non-Christian? ______22. What often causes division in ______churches today? ______27. How can you show mercy to a ______believer you know who doubts his or ______her faith? ______23. How can you show mercy to believers ______who doubt? ______28. What can you do to build up your faith ______this week? ______24. What difference does it make that ______Jesus is able to keep you from falling? ______29. When and how can you voice your ______praise to God this week? ______25. How can you voice your praise to ______God? ______