AITP Region 5 Board Meeting Agenda

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AITP Region 5 Board Meeting Agenda

AITP Region 5 Board Meeting Minutes May 13, 2011 Springfield, IL

I. Call to order-Schmitz Meeting Called to Order at 8:25 am

II. Appoint Parliamentarian-Schmitz Mike Welch appointed as Parliamentarian

III. Roll Call/Credentials-Hall A quorum was reached and the meeting started. The following Region 5 Board Members were in attendance: Officers: Larry Schmitz (President), Mark Gilfand (Vice- President), Mike Hall (Secretary), Bill Riter (Treasurer),

Central District Directors: John Council

Chapter Liaisons: Larry Winkelman alternate (Chicago), Mike Welch (Capitol), Dave Garrett (Twin City), Bill Riter (West Michigan), Chris Leja (St. Louis), Chris Nimmer (Northeastern Wi), Tony Lacrosse (Southeast Wi),

Members: Hank Jackson (St.Louis), Vernon Vincent (Capitol), Adelle Bushman (Kenosha WI. Student Chapter 5154), Helen Bassett (Capitol), Rebecca Gement (Kenosha WI. Student Chapter 5154), Laszlo Acs (Capitol), Ed Gaffney (Capitol), Dusten Nance (Capitol), Pam Seaman (Chicago), Nita Adams (Capitol)

IV. Introductions—Schmitz

V. Welcome to Springfield/Announcements-Acs/Nance Laszlo Acs, Capitol Chapter President stated that we have 70 in attendance, over 50 paid, yet to do is a final roster of attendees, final profit and loss statement, and article for IE. Lesson learned: advance planning is the key to success.

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VI. Consent Agenda-Schmitz VII. Approve minutes of 10-8-2010 Board Meeting A. Acknowledge receipt of Region Officer Meeting minutes from December 17, 2010 B. Approve AITP Region 5 Budget Consent agenda was approved.

VIII. Treasurer's Report-Riter A. Auditor's report/status Tony Lacrosse has the information for the Audit Committee and will pass it on to Jim Stankovsky.

B. Current 2011 YTD Financial Report 1. Copies distributed of 2010 Year End and 2011 Year to Date reports.

2. Student chapter grants ($1500) for NCC was initially set at 5, however at the last minute Blackhawk had to withdraw leaving 4 NCC scholarships awarded for 2011.

3. Income for 2011 increased by $729 from the Region's share of the profits from the Fall 2010 Conference.

4. Question asked if Region advances chapters conference start up funds. In the region operating procedures it is outlined that a hosting chapter can borrow up to $500 from the Region provided that a budget is submitted and all of the procedures are followed.

C. Status of Region Funding and GITCA Funding 1. GITCA funding awarded for this meeting, $500 less the processing fee.

2. Region funding application for the maximum amount ($1,000) has been submitted to the Association.

IX. Region Nominating Committee/Officer Elections—Schmitz

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1. Larry is chairman as no one volunteered as he is not running again.

2. All officer positions are open. Election for 2012 Region officers will take place at the Fall Board meeting.

3. The link for the Region 5 officer nominating form is on the region web site under "documents", with the deadline for submission of July 31, 2011.

X. District/Association Candidate Recruitment Committee-N. Adams 1. Rick Steeber is current District Director and can run again, but has not committed yet.

2. Chris Leja chairs the Association committee, and Region V has always been a leader on the Association Board, which we should be as we have more members in Region 5 than some other regions combined. We are the "Pacesetter Region" and need volunteers to continue the tradition. To serve in the capacity of District Director, you need to have one full year of membership in AITP, and a strong desire to want the association to grow. To serve as an Association officer, you need to have one full year on either the Region Board or the Association Board.

3. Nita stated that any one that has an interest in running, they should contact her.

4. Chris and Nita submitted a joint ARC/DRC report that is posted on the Region 5 website for this meeting.

XI. Region Webmaster Report-Gilfand 1. Region reports are on the web page. Reports submitted during or after the meeting will be added to the web page.

2. We will go into detail at the leadership workshop with the changes in the website both short and long term.

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3. Mark is on the web transition team to convert from the old to the new web portal for the association.

XII. Region Operating Procedures Committee-Schmitz A. Appoint Committee for 2011 1. Objective for this year is to rewrite the region operating procedure as it is 90% out of date. We need to correct this so when new officers join they will have a document they can run the region with.

2. Question raised if this change has any effect on the chapter operation, which it does not. Chapters have their own procedures.

3. Chapters will approve the region operating procedures at a region meeting.

4. Larry asked for volunteers to serve on this committee. Chris Nimmer, Chapter liaison for the NEW chapter, volunteered.

XIII. NCC Region 5 Grant Selection Committee-Harbour A. Region 5 NCC Grants for 2011 (Report is on Region 5 web page) 5 schools were selected for this and at the last minute Blackhawk student chapter president passed away with a heart attack. The students could not continue with this event and backed out.

XIV. Fall 2010 Conference Report-Helms/Kern (Report is on Region 5 web page)

XV. Spring 2011 Conference Report-Nance/Acs No further information.

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XVI. Fall 2011 Conference Report- Beard/Steeber 1. Oct 19-20 at the Radisson in Green Bay. Full Registration is $40, Students $20, guests $50. Similar to the conference held in Green Bay in 2008. 3 concurrent tracks of 3 seminars each.

2. New for this year: Wednesday morning panel discussion on "Social Networking – Risk Verses Opportunity in the Corporate Environment".

3. Exhibitors and seminar sessions will be on Wednesday afternoon with the banquet on Wednesday night. Region Board meeting and Leadership Workshop will be on Thursday morning. Hospitality Suite will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Dell will be the Gold Sponsor.

4. Web site is up, conference link is under construction. This will open when the speakers and sessions are finalized and registrations can be accepted.

5. Conference room rate is $79 per night (single or double), and includes a full breakfast buffet and a gaming coupon that can be used for the casino or simply cashed. "Shoulder rates" of $79 are also available two days before and after the conference. There are a lot of attractions to see (Packer Hall of Fame, Lambeau Field, NEW Zoo, National Railroad Museum, Heritage Hill, etc.) as well as a beautiful time to discover the Door County Peninsula.

XVII. Spring 2012 Conference Report--Dittman/Winkelman Larry Winkelman reported that the date selection is not completed; reviewing hotels presently and conference planning has started. They anticipate a Chicago suburban hotel site which is much better for parking, access and costs.

XVIII. Bids for Hosting the 2012 Fall Conference-Schmitz 1. No bids offered at this meeting.

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2. Chris Leja suggested that the spring 2013 be held with the NCC in St Louis.

XIX. Region Directory--Status Report-Hall Directory completed. All email addresses are now hot links. Mike Hall will resend to Larry to forward to all chapters.

XX. Region Awards Committees (Reports are on Region web page) A. SCOPA--Gilfand B. ROCA—Riter 1. Eastern Illinois University was selected as the Region 5 Outstanding Student Chapter for the past year 2. Twin City was selected as both the Region 5 Outstanding Professional Chapter for 2010 as well as the Association Outstanding Professional Chapter for 2010. Association had an outside group evaluate the candidates this year.

XXI. Status of Inactive Chapters/Uncashed Checks-Riter Bill reported that all outstanding checks from closed chapters have been completed. We might be the only region with no inactive professional chapters on the books.

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XXII. Status of At Risk Student Chapters—ALL 1. Earlier this year, Larry sent everyone the list of at risk student chapters by professional chapter. Larry had asked that all get back to him by April 15 to update the status of each and dissolve the inactive chapters. If a chapter is not functioning, we need to get them off the Chapter, Region and Association web pages. Larry has had discussion with two professional chapters thus far. The other professional chapters have not responded. Larry asked again to have a status to him by June 15. If the professional chapters cannot get this done we need to propose an Association procedure change to allow the Region to step up and dissolve the inactive student chapters.

2. We will be discussing student chapters in the leadership workshop.

3. Suggestion was made that we resend the report to the liaisons. Mark offered to place this list on the Region web site for the chapter presidents and liaisons to work on.

XXIII. Other New Business-Schmitz A. Proposed Chapter Status Report Form 1. Each chapter liaison received a draft of this proposed report template. Three chapters (Capitol, Northeast Wisconsin and Twin City) actually completed the report and submitted it for this meeting. Even though the report was not required for this meeting, the three chapters reported that they found filling out the report to be useful in determining how their chapter was doing. Larry asked for a show of hands if we could implement this form for our region and it appears that the majority are in favor of this document. We will implement this format for the Fall Board Meeting and it will be incorporated into the new region operating procedures.

2. This document will assist the chapters in filing for COPA awards as it gathers all necessary information in one place and provides the chapter and the Region with metrics to determine the general "health" of the chapter.

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B. Discussion regarding Region Conference procedures Discussion to have Region 5 board decide on conference locations and work with a local chapter to put it on instead of soliciting chapters to volunteer to host the Spring and Fall conference meetings. Larry asked all to think about this idea and we will discuss further at the fall meeting.

C. Discussion regarding Membership promotions 1. Mike Welch reported that the current unemployed member program has been in effect for 6 months for both current and new members for the rate of $35 per year, and is scheduled to either be eliminated or renewed by the Association at the upcoming May board meeting. 224 members have been brought in to AITP as a result of this program.

2. The Region took a straw poll vote to either: Extend this, eliminate it or change the price. The vote was to extend the $35 rate (or adjusted rate) for current/former AITP members ONLY that are unemployed. The program should be extended until Dec. 31 and then should "sunset" unless conditions warrant another extension (i.e.: the economy).

3. The Top Gun promotion was a non-discounted membership promotion.

4. The NCC Student-to-Professional (S2P) program netted 400 students filling out applications with a non-school email address and was well received.

5. The Enterprise Member Program allows for as few as 3 individuals from the same organization to join AITP at a reduced rate, centralized billing, and synchronized renewals. The brochure, forms and procedures for implementing this program have been on the web portal since last Fall just waiting for the Association Membership Committee to get the brochures printed (there is money in the budget for printing the brochures).

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D. Discussion Regarding Faculty Advisor dues 1. There was discussion on whether to have faculty advisor dues be the same or different from professional member dues and whether the advisor be required to be a member of a professional chapter.

2. After much discussion the Region Board would prefer to have the faculty advisor pay the student member rate, and be a member of the student chapter – or – pay the professional rate and belong to the professional chapter (their choice). If they are a student member, they are not eligible to participate in NCC contests since they are not full time students. They do not have the right to vote, hold a professional level office, or have other benefits of professional members. This feedback is provided to allow Larry Schmitz to represent our views to the Region Presidents Council.

XXIV. Adjourn Motion to adjourn made and seconded, approved at 10:10 am.

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