TRA 2008 Ljubljana Terms of Reference
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European Commission
Terms of Reference
For the
to be held in
Ljubljana, Slovenia, on April 21st to 25th, 2008 TRA 2008 Ljubljana Terms of Reference
(Approved by the Management Committee on 27.09.2006) Background This document defines the terms of reference for the Transport Research Arena, (TRA) that will be organised in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in April 2008. This TRA will be the second in the line of events organised by: the Conference of European Directors for Roads (CEDR), the European Commission (EC) and the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC).
Ljubljana was selected as the venue of the second TRA after approval by the Management Committee of the TRA 2006 in spring 2005.
During the take-over meeting between the organisers of the TRA 2006 and the TRA 2008, held in Gothenburg on June 13th, 2006, it was agreed that the main objectives of the Transport Research Arenas will remain as specified in the Terms of Reference for the TRA 2006. The organisers of TRA 2008 will build on the TRA 2006 firstly, by taking into account the experiences of the Swedish organisers, secondly, by taking into account the current strategic European topics in the area of transport research and innovation, and thirdly, through specific issues that would characterise the TRA 2008 through the view of Slovenia as a new EU Member State and as a country holding the presidency of the European Union at the time of the TRA.
Following the structure of the TRA Management Committee defined for the TRA 2006, the organisers have appointed the following 19 members into the TRA 2008 Management Committee:
Mr. Vili Žavrlan Chairman Director General, Directorate of Roads of Republic of Slovenia Dr. Andraž Legat Deputy Chairman Director, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute Mr. Michel Egger Secretary Secretary General of CEDR Mr. Fred Barry Chairman of CEDR (2007) Mr. Metod DiBatista Director, DDC Mr. Reinhard Klein European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry) Mr. Rudolf Kunze Chairman of ERTRAC Mr. Jean-Luc Maté Vice-Chairman of ERTRAC Mr. Arnoldas Milukas European Commission (DG RTD) Mr. Dimitrios Nikolaou Chairman of CEDR (2008) Mr. Peter Pengal CEDR Executive board member (Slovenia) Mr. Ingemar Skogö Member of CEDR, MC Chairman of TRA 2006 Mr. Miloš Šturm Slovenian Member of ERTRAC Dr. Govert Sweere Chairman of FEHRL Executive Committee Dr. Peter Verlič State Secretary, Ministry of Transport of Republic of Slovenia Mr. André Vits European Commission (DG INFSO) Mr. NN European Commission (DG TREN)
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Mr. Matija Vilhar Chairman of the TRA 2008 Organising Committee Mr. Aleš Žnidarič Chairman of the TRA 2008 Program Committee
Legal entity and responsibility On October 16th, 2005, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia (MP) and the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Roads (DRSC) signed an agreement with the three local organisers, the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), DDC Consulting and Engineering Ltd. (DDC), Road and Transport Research Association of Slovenia (DRC), on the organisation of the TRA 2008 in Ljubljana. The three main organisers, ZAG, DDC and DRC will take on all the financial risks (on an one-third-each basis), although it will be a TRA under the auspices of the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR), the European Commission (EC) and the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC).
Societal mission and importance The EC’s expert group’s report on “Creating an Innovative Europe”, CEDR’s Strategic Plan 2005- 2009, the EC’s 7th Framework Program, and ERTRAC’s Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) describe the needed breakthrough technologies and research demands for a sustainable road transport system in 2020, bearing in mind that the road transport sector is a major contributor to the economy with an important societal role. At the same time the European Commission stresses the importance of creating a common European Research Area (ERA) in the 7th Framework Program which will lead towards an innovative society that will be capable of competing with the world. Furthermore, the European Commission expresses an interest that TRA should grow into a European Transport Research event that will in the years to come cover other modes of transport.
Main theme The main theme for the TRA 2008 in Ljubljana is:
Creating an Innovative Road Transport for Europe
The slogan 2006 remains for 2008: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe
Objective The main objective of the TRA 2008 is to consolidate an event for the alignment of the stakeholders of road transport research and development, thus contributing to an innovative road transport in Europe. This will provide for a greener, safer and smarter transport system, which will be more sustainable, competitive and efficient. The TRA 2008 program will be organised into six pillars built around the European research and innovation strategies: I. European Road Research Needs and Agendas. II. Transport, Mobility and Infrastructure.
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III. Safety and Security. IV. Energy, Environment and Resources. V. Design and Production (Vehicles and Infrastructure) VI. Societal Importance of Road Transport (Integrated Approaches). The TRA 2008 in Ljubljana will promote an enhanced inclusion of the Southern European Countries and particularly the New Member States and Candidate Countries. Active participation of the latter is essential to reduce the gap between the level of road transport in these countries compared to the Western European countries and thus to improve the overall competitiveness of the European economy.
Mission The mission of the TRA is to support the alignment of European, national, regional and private research and development actions on road transport by enhancing the networking and clustering of Europe’s research and development capacity based on a shared Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Research Framework. The CEDR members, being both regulating authorities and public clients and with the tools and the capacities they possess, are the important driving forces to implement the ERA. The European Commission sees an opportunity for all parties involved to meet and to present, exchange and disseminate the results obtained in research and development. As such, the European Commission welcomes this TRA and strongly supports it. ERTRAC is a body of crucial importance when creating and implementing a shared European Research Framework on Road Transport.
Scope All aspects of road transport research and innovation will be covered. This is essential as the TRA will demonstrate and highlight problems and challenges facing road transport in the future, which does require a multi-stakeholder system approach. This approach is envisaged in different strategic documents. In addition, the MC of the TRA 2008 will seek the first contacts with other modes of transport, primarily the rail, which might become a constituent part of future TRA events.
Date and Venue The TRA 2008 will be held at the Cankarjev Dom Conference and Convention Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia, on April 21 – 25, 2008. This gives 3 ½ days for the conference and provides sufficient time for stakeholders’ meetings. Further information is available on The program will be organised in three types of sessions: a) Based on call for papers, b) Arranged by different associations, c) Run by CEDR, EC or ERTRAC.
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They can run as plenary, strategic or thematic sessions.
Exhibition and Excursions A commercial exhibition will be arranged. A social program and technical excursions will be organized for participants and accompanying persons.
Other Separate Events The CEDR and ERTRAC members and research project consortia will have the opportunity to arrange separate meetings and workshops at the TRA 2008 before and after the TRA.
TRA Management The Management Committee has the overall responsibility for the arrangement of the TRA 2008 to be held in Ljubljana in April 2008. The formal name of it remains Transport Research Arena – Europe 2008 with the acronym TRA 2008. The Management Committee has in turn the mandate to set up the necessary sub-committees. These are: 1. A Program Committee, which is responsible for the TRA’s program and its scientific content and quality. 2. An Organising Committee, which is responsible for financing the TRA and all practical arrangements, including the commercial exhibition and technical excursions.
The strategy for the TRA is fixed by the Management Committee. The details are elaborated by the Program Committee and/or the Organising Committee, respectively. However, both committees have to seek for approval from the Management Committee for the most important decisions.
The following Organising Committee of 15 members is set up:
Mr. Matija Vilhar Chairman DDC Consulting and Engineering Ltd Mr. Bojan Leben Deputy Chairman ZAG Ljubljana and member of the FEHRL Executive Committee Ms. Suzana Svetličič Secretary DDC Consulting and Engineering Ltd Ms. Teja Alič Cankarjev Dom Congress Centre Mr. Jean Yves Calvez European Commission (DG RTD) Mr. Evstahij Dermota DDC Consulting and Engineering Ltd Mr. Gregor Ficko Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Robert Jerončič Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Tomaž Košič DDC Consulting and Engineering Ltd Mr. Lado Prah Motorway Company in the republic of Slovenia Mr. Saša Skulj Road and Transport Research Association of Slovenia
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Mr. Miloš Šturm Hidria Mr. Boris Tomšič Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Ljubo Zajc Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Aleš Žnidarič Chairman of the TRA 2008 Program Committee
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The following Program Committee of 32 members is set up:
Mr. Aleš Žnidarič Chairman ZAG Ljubljana, Slovenia Ms. Helena Garzarolli Deputy Chairlady DDC Consulting and Engineering Ltd Ms. Nina Gartner Secretary ZAG Ljubljana, Slovenia Dr. Josef Affenzeller ERTRAC, EARPA & AVL List GMBH, Austria Mr. Gert Ahe CEDR TG Research & Danish Road Directorate, Denmark Mr. Jean-François Corté Secretary General PIARC Ms. Myriam Coulon-Cantuer European Commission, DG INFSO Prof. André Gilles Dumont ERTRAC & FEHRL & EPFL, Switzerland Ms. Isabelle Dussutour ERTRAC & POLIS, France Mr. James Hardy ERA-NET Road, CEDR TG Research & Highways Agency, UK Mr. Björn Hedlund CLEPA & AGORIA Automotive, Belgium Mr. Dean Herenda Ministry of Transport of Republic of Slovenia & ERTICO Dr. Hans Ingvarsson ERTRAC & CEDR & Swedish Road Administration Ms. Christine Kellerman CEDR TG Research & BASt, Germany Mr. Jon Krokeborg CEDR TG Research & Norwegian Public Road Administration Prof. Johann Litzka CEDR TG Research & ERTRAC & Vienna Uni of Techn, Austria Dr. Alberto Mansilla European Union Road Federation (ERF) & CIDAUT, Spain Prof. Mike McDonald ERTRAC & University of Southampton, UK Mr. Jean-Pierre Medevielle ERTRAC & ECTRI & INTRETS, France Mr. Patrick Mercier-Handisyde European Commission, DG RTD Dr. Josef Mikulík ERTRAC & Centrum Dopravního Výzkumu, Czech Republic Dr. Livia Pardi ECTP & Autostrade per Italia Dr. Ulf Palmquiest ERTRAC & EUCAR, Sweden Mr. Peter van der Perre ERTRAC & ERTICO (ITS Europe) Mr. Claude van Rooten CEDR TG Research & Belgian Road Research Centre Mr. Robin Sebille CEDR TG Research & LCPC, France Prof. Zissis Samaras Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Greece Mr. David M. Storer (ERTRAC & ACEA) Centro Ricerche FIAT, Italy Dr. Tomaž Tollazzi University of Maribor, Slovenia Mr. Witold Zapašnik CEDR TG Research & GDDKiA, Poland Dr. Marjan Žura University of Ljubljana, Slovenia NN European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry)
Due to the size of the Program Committee, it is proposed that it be divided into subgroups that will cover specific program pillars.
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Supporting Bodies/Organisations CEDR, the EC and ERTRAC, and thereby their member bodies/organisations, support the TRA.
Target Audience
Representatives from the following bodies/organisations are expected to attend the TRA 2008: Industry: Road / Infrastructure / providers Energy / Fuel suppliers Vehicle manufacturers and suppliers Service / Telecommunication providers Logistics Research Providers: Research centres and laboratories Universities Public Bodies: European Commission Governments (Member States) Local and regional governments National road administrations
Time Schedule
The time table for future actions is as follows: Call for papers: Mid November 2006 Full papers submitted: End of September 2007 Proceedings printed: Mid March 2008
These Terms of Reference for the TRA 2008 have been approved by the Management Committee during its meeting held in Ljubljana on September 27th, 2006. The ToR are put in force as of that date.
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