Science Lesson Planning Template s2

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Science Lesson Planning Template s2

Science/Engineering & Technology Instructional Design Lesson Planning Template

Class: _Algebra Support Unit: Measurement, Forces, Friction, and Engineering Modeling Date: 2012-2013 school year Science and Engineering Practices

Measurement, Forces, Friction, and Engineering Modeling Core Ideas Core Ideas Question K12 Framework for Science Education: PS2 – How can one explain and predict interactions PS2: Motion and Stability: Force and Interactions between objects and within systems of objects? ETS1: Engineering Design ETS1- How do engineers solve problems?

CCSSM: A-CED: Creating Equations A-CED F-IF: Interpreting Functions

Component Ideas Component Idea Questions PS2.A: Forces and Motions PS2.A- How can one predict an object’s continued PS2.C: Stability and Instability in Physical Systems motion, changes in motion, or stability? ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting and Engineering PS2.C- Why are some physical systems more stable than Problem others? ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions ETS1.A – What is a design for? What are the criteria ETS1C: Optimizing the Design Solution and constraints of a successful solutions? A-CED.1 Create equations and inequalities in one ETS1.B- What is the process for developing potential variable and use them to solve problems. design solutions? A-CED.2 Create equations in two or more variables to ETS1.C- How can the various proposed design solutions represent relationships between quantities; graph be compared and improved? equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales. A-CED.4 Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. F-IF.4. For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity.★ Grade Band Endpoints PS2.A- Newton’s laws accurately predict changes in the motion of macroscopic objects, but requires revision for subatomic scales or for speeds close to the speed of light. Momentum is defined for a particular object. It is the mass times the velocity of the object. In any system total momentum is always conserved. If a system interacts with objects outside itself, the total momentum of the system can change, but any such change is balanced by changes in the momentum of objects outside the system. PS2.C Systems often change in predictable ways; understanding the forces that drive the transformations and cycles within a system, as well as the forces imposed on the system from the outside, helps predict its behavior under a variety of conditions. Systems may evolve in unpredictable ways when the outcome depends sensitively on the starting condition and the starting condition cannot be specified precisely enough to distinguish between different possible outcomes. ETS1.A Design criteria and constraints, which typically reflect the needs of the end-user of a technology or process, address such things as the product’s or system’s function (what job it will perform and how), its durability, and limits on its size and cost. Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can tell if a given design meets them. ETS1.B Complicated problems may need to be broken down into simpler components in order to develop and test solutions. When evaluating solutions, it is important to take into account a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, and to consider social, cultural, and environmental impacts. Testing should lead to improvements in the design through an iterative procedure. ETS1.C The aim of engineering is not simple to find a solution to a problem but to design the best solution under the Integration: Mathematics: -Assigning variables to numerical quantities - Balancing equations - Using correct units - Multi-dimensional units (i.e. m/s) - Using geometry concepts to calculate volume Sceince: - Measuring in metric units - Using graduated cylinders - Making and testing hypotheses

ELA: Other: Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction - Kinetic manipulative such as - Dictionary/ Textbook - Use of kinetic manipulative wooden blocks, legos, gears, glossary and pulleys, etc. - Reading assignment/ article - Extra time to complete tasks summary of common - Rubric and project-based mechanical system assessment - Video/ Web based applications - Rubric and project-based - Dictionary/ Textbook assessment glossary - Options for poster/ pictorial presentation - Oral and/or written reporting - Calculator - Options for computer - Video/ PowerPoint - Added time to complete tasks graphics presentation presentation

- Working space modificaitons - Calculator (varies by student) 5 e’s Instructional Design ENGAGE Notes/reflection Lesson 1 - Show 2 minute video of astronauts walking on the moon, doing no gravity Conversion of units is exercises in Vomit Rocket high altitude plane. essential when going from - Have students respond to the prompt “Why does it look so easy to jump US customary units to around and move things on the moon?” metric as is often the case - Think/Pair share: Have students share their answers with their shoulder when calculating forces and partner and swap papers (making sure it is legible enough to read) velocities for the Tribometer - Ask students to share in TEAMs. - Now, have students look at a picture of a barbell and talk with their partner about why there are 2 different numbers on the barbell. “Why do they have both?” - “Think about the difference between an intrinsic property and an extrinsic property.” - Lead students to a discussion about how the intrinsic property does not change, but the extrinsic property can change. [mass = intrinsic; weight = extrinsic]

Lesson 2 The model for the Frictional - Show 2 minute video of students in laboratories modeling mechanical designs Heat Generator (FHG) - Ask for one student to be a scribe for the opening exercise turned out to approximate - Have students respond to the prompt “Describe what you think a model is. the actual build of the unit. Give 3 examples of different types of models.” We had to proceed knowing - Think/Pair share: Have students share their answers with their shoulder that the model was partially partner and swap papers (making sure it is legible enough to read) accurate and therefore - Have 4 volunteers (or random selection if needed) read the paper in their needed to extend our hand. thinking to maintain the intent while at the same Lesson 3 time adjusting elements to - Icebreaker: The temperature game. Have half of the students select a make a working unit. temperature anywhere from 0 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Have the other half of the students select a temperature from 0 to 100 degrees Celsius. Each Temperature is one of the person will need to convert their temperature into the other system of units two major metrics in and find a partner from the other system with the closest temperature to theirs. Tribology. Most of the Use the Formula F= 9/5C + 32 or C= 5/9(F-32) to convert temperatures. Other mathematical models have electronic means are allowed if available. temperature functions. Converting from C to F is Lesson 4 sometimes necessary given - Students will be given a prompt: “Give at least one reason why oil used in a certain equipment car engine?” and asked to write their answer quietly in their class notebooks. specifications. 30-60 seconds. - Direct students to engage in a Think/Pair/Share activity with their shoulder Monitoring the application partner (closest desk front or side). and volume of oil during the - Have a volunteer write each TEAMs idea on the main board (or smart board) triobmeter pin and disk - Repeat this excercise with the prompt: “What is friction and how do scientists experiments proved very and engineers measure it?” critical. Our initial set of runs had data that looked inconsistent. When we looked at the experimental Lesson 5 log, we realized that we had - Demonstration of buoyancy between a foam golf ball and a normal golf ball. not carefully metered the Same volume, but one floats. amount of oil. Oil affects - Students asked to write down what they think the reasons are to explain why the heat transfer and wear of the foam ball floats. the disk.

Making a conjecture based on observation is part of the

EVALUATE Lesson 1 The graphs of temperature Students will be asked to create their own poster board of a physical example of how gradients were used in at least one journal paper and several mass can vary from weight and why we need to calculate weight depending on the presentations given by Dr. location of the object. The poster must include a description of the real-world Wornyoh. Taking the data and situation, the question being asked, the mathematical and pictorial model, and the making sure that the units, the mathematical analysis and solution. They will be given 2 days to complete the plot lines, and axes labels were assignment as a part of their homework and expected to do much of the project at legible took some time to adjust home, bringing questions to class each day before it is due. since we used MatLab and these parameters were coded in the “.m” files. This method was time Lesson 2 consuming on the front end, but Students will be asked to create their own poster board of a physical example of what made it nicer than using motion. The poster must include a description of the real-world situation, the question Excel was that we knew the being asked, the mathematical and pictorial model, and the mathematical analysis and graphs would be consistent, and once we had the correct program solution. They will be given 3 days to complete the assignment and expected to do we could just run this on various much of the project at home, bringing questions to class each day before it is due. lists of data with minimal change to the code for identifying the Lesson 3 various velocities and trials for The class will summarize their thoughts about how temperature increases when the experiment. objects interact. Students will be prompted to look at their graphs and answer the How panels of researchers following questions: evaluated our research is 1. Is temperature increase linear in your experiment? something that I am waiting to 2. Can you predict what kind of input is necessary to get a higher temperature hear from Dr. Wornyoh. Once the output? papers are published and presented then I will return to 3. Why does the temperature decrease when there is no interaction between the UWM to talk to him about it. objects? Or… where does the “heat” go when you stopped the experiment? As always, research ideas are Lesson 4 sparked from previous research. I - Students will keep or revise their own definitions of force and friction in the am looking forward to seeing where this past summer’s research context of engineering and mathematics. will lead the TEDL team. - Students will create a handwritten outline for a Powerpoint presentation that Tribology and Energy Design includes all the slides and words that would describe to an audience what they Labaroatory. did in the friction lab over the past 2 days. (Computer time to develop these power points will be periodic and in half/class groups. Frequency TBD. Students need to be taken to the computer lab to spend time on developing reports. Once 2 or 3 outlines are completed, computer lab time will be implemented)

Lesson 5 - Gallery walk and Voting! - Once all of the posters and papers are submitted, each student will be given a number. This will be written on their work and the students will then post their work from 1-30(?) around the room for others to look at. - Each student must comment on the work of at least 5 other students (by number) on their Voting Sheet (handout) and select their TOP 3 - The class will vote on the gallery poster that they like the most by handing in a Voting Sheet. - The winner for each class will be posted in the classroom.

Lesson 6 - Gallery walk and Voting! - Once all of the posters and papers are submitted, each student will be given a number. This will be written on their work and the students will then post their work from 1-30(?) around the room for others to look at. - Each student must comment on the work of at least 5 other students (by number) on their Voting Sheet (handout) and select their TOP 3

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