The 4 P S of Marketing Unit Plan
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The 4 P’s of Marketing Unit Plan
Unit Summary In this unit, students will create their own marketing plan using the 4 P’s of marketing. Students will learn the 4 P’s of marketing: Product, Price, Place, Promotion and how they are used to build a marketing mix (or target market) for a company. They will research successful marketing plans from three different companies and determine the target market of each company. After research of other companies and learning the importance of the 4 P’s the students will create their own marketing plan, design their own web page, and present their plan to the class.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question
> What are the 4 elements of the marketing mix? Unit Questions
> What is the purpose of the marketing mix? > How do companies use the 4 P’s of marketing to determine their target market? Content Questions
> What are some companies that use an effective marketing mix?
> How does an effective web page benefit a company and help market their product? Assessment Processes
Begin with the introductory slideshow and lecture to introduce key terms and concepts. Use the Crossword puzzle to assess the students’ understanding of key terms. Allow students to play the “Lemonade Stand Game” to further their understanding of the concept of using the 4 P’s in marketing. “Determining different Target Markets” assignment tests the students’ abilities to identify the 4 P’s for other companies. Questioning and note taking throughout the unit allows the student to deepen their understanding of the marketing mix. Creating a marketing plan and web page design allows the student to use their creativity and apply what they have learned. Use the Peer Review and Final Evaluation to test the students’ knowledge and understanding of the unit. Instructional Procedures Prior to Instruction In advance, prepare a lecture and PowerPoint that discusses the marketing mix and defines the 4 P’s of marketing. Research other businesses to use their marketing plans as examples in the classroom. Create a crossword puzzle (using a puzzle maker) made up of important marketing terms and their definitions. Research a website that can be used to draft a simple web page such as, Weebly for Education, Kafafa, Yola, or Snap Pages. Beginning the Unit Have the students take notes of your PowerPoint presentation while you lecture on marketing mix, the 4 P’s of marketing, and target market. Make sure to offer examples of other real-world businesses so the student’s can relate the lecture to real-life. After the lecture, hand out the crossword puzzle to assess the student’s understanding on the subject and terms. Learning how to use the 4 P’s of Marketing Have students play the online “Lemonade Stand” game available at the link listed below. This gives the students a fun and exciting way to learn how price, promotion, place, and product can affect profit for a business. Have students write a summary of their experience, what they learned from the game, and what they can use to help when creating their own marketing plan. Determining Different Target Markets Show students websites of two different businesses that market the same product (i.e. Coca-Cola and Pepsi). Explain that while the companies use the same four P’s to create their marketing mix; they may have a different target market. Have the students research websites from three different companies in the same industry (ice cream shops, shoe stores, clothing stores, sport equipment stores, etc.) and compare/contrast their marketing strategies. Have the students answer the following questions for each company:
1. What is the product being sold? 2. What is the market the company is targeting?
3. Does the product meet the needs of the consumer? 4. Will the consumer find the product where they shop?
5. Will the consumer consider the price favorable? 6. Will the marketing efforts of the company reach their target market?
7. How does this company’s target market differ from the other two companies you have researched? 8. Does the company have a well-designed, easy-to-navigate website?
9. How does the website help increase profit for the company? 10. Overall, do you feel the company has an effective marketing strategy/plan to reach its target market?
Creating a Marketing Mix and Target Market
Have student brainstorm ideas for their marketing plan project.
During the brainstorm process have students answer the questions:
1. What product do I want to sell? 2. What is my target market?
3. What price do I want to sell my product? 4. Where will I sell my product?
5. How will I promote my product? 6. Did I effectively use the 4 P’s to reach my target market?
Designing a Web Page for Effective Marketing
After the students have determined their product and target market, have them draft a simple web page that promotes their product. This web page will be used during their final class presentation. Offer help to students who may be struggling with their web page design.
Creating the Marketing Plan and PowerPoint
Give students the outline and rubric for their Marketing Plan final presentation and PowerPoint. Make sure students understand what is expected. Give students class time to begin drafting their PowerPoint. The PowerPoint should outline the students’ product, marketing plan, and target market. The last slide should include a link to their web page that they designed.
Final Presentations
Students should complete their final presentation on their own at home and then present them to the class. This could take 2-3 class periods. Have students take notes during each individual presentation because they will be reporting on their favorite at the end.
Concluding the Unit
After all students have presented their individual marketing plans, have each student choose their favorite presentation/product. Instruct the students to write a summary of the presentation or product they chose. They should be able to answer the questions:
1. What is the product being sold?
2. Where can I find the product? 3. How is the product being promoted?
4. What is the price of the product? 5. What is the target market?
6. Did the student effectively use the 4 P’s to create a marketing plan?
7. What things did the student do that you liked? What do you believe could have been done differently and why? 8. Was the wed page designed for effective promotion of the product?
Prerequisite Skills
> Reading for information > Ability to navigate websites for information
> Presentation skills > Basic Marketing concepts
Differentiated Instruction
Resource Student
> Make modifications as outlined in the student’s IEP > Allow the student to work with a peer for the final presentation
> Give the student extra time to complete assignments > Provide templates/handouts for lectures and for brainstorming activity Gifted Student
> Allow student to help other peers who may be having trouble with their marketing plan or web page design
> Have the student create a more complex web page for their presentation
> Give the student questions/requirements that will encourage deeper thinking English Language Learner
> Pair the student with an English speaking student for assignments to encourage communication > Give extra time for assignments
> Offer templates and outlines for lectures > Use well-known brands for lectures to help the student relate to real-life experiences Things You Need Assessment
Begin with the introductory slideshow and lecture to introduce key terms and concepts. Use the Crossword puzzle to assess the students’ understanding of key terms. Allow students to play the “Lemonade Stand Game” to further their understanding of the concept of using the 4 P’s in marketing. “Determining different Target Markets” assignment tests the students’ abilities to identify the 4 P’s for other companies. Questioning and note taking throughout the unit allows the student to deepen their understanding of the marketing mix. Creating a marketing plan and web page design allows the student to use their creativity and apply what they have learned. Use the Peer Review and Final Evaluation to test the students’ knowledge and understanding of the unit. Standards 4 P’s of Marketing Content Standards and Objectives National Educational Technology Standards NETS for Students 1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
> Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
> Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues 2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
> Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
> Process data and report results
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
> Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions 5. Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
> Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity 6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
> Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
Objectives Students will be able to:
> Identify and define the 4 P’s of Marketing
> See how the 4 P’s affect profit > Compare and contrast marketing plans of other companies
> Create their own marketing plan for a product > Design a web page for their product
> Present final presentation to the class Resources Printed Materials
> Crossword handout
> Lecture Outline > Final presentation outline and rubric Supplies
> Lecture PowerPoint Internet Resources Lemonade Stand: Web page design:,,, Technology-Hardware
> Computers for research and creating slideshows
> Internet connection for research and web page design
> Word processing to write summaries
> PowerPoint software to create slideshow presentations > Web browser for research