Regular Meeting s12
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A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held in the evening of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the revised notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 4, 2017.”
ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor Patrick Rosenello, President of Council Salvatore Zampirri, Councilpersons Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, James Kane and David Del Conte. Councilpersons Kellyann Tolomeo and Joseph Rullo were absent. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Yecco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Kane, that the minutes of the regular meeting of February 21, 2017 be approved as read. Carried.
NEW JERSEY DEP RE: Notice of Public Hearing, March 22
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
CMC DEPT. OF HEALTH RE: 2016 Local Health Report
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
SPECIAL EVENT RE: Ed’s Funcade Easter Egg Hunt, April 16
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
SPECIAL EVENT RE: Easter Son-Rise Service, April 16
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
SPECIAL EVENT RE: Chrissy Tolomeo Memorial Walk, April 22
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
SPECIAL EVENT RE: The Wild Half Marathon, April 30
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
APPOINTMENTS: Anglesea Volunteer Fire Company: Charles Klink Volunteer Firefighter On a motion by Del Conte, seconded by Koehler, the above appointment be confirmed. Carried. REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2017
Administration Department: Tracey Nordberg Clerk 1 03-13-17
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called with all voting in the affirmative, the above appointment was confirmed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1711 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, that Ordinance No. 1711 be placed on its second reading. Carried.
The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1711 by its title, as required by Law, known as “Bond Ordinance Providing For Various Capital Improvements In And By The City Of North Wildwood, In The County Of Cape May, New Jersey, Appropriating $3,850,000 Therefor And Authorizing The Issuance Of $3,657,500 Bonds Or Notes Of The City To Finance Part Of The Cost Thereof“.
This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.
The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1711 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. Hearing none, he then asked the City Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the City Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that Ordinance No. 1711 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1711 duly adopted.
# 81-17 RE: Refund For Overpayment Of Real Estate Taxes
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 82-17 RE: Refund For Overpayment Of Sewer Taxes
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 83-17 RE: Issuance Of Amusement Game Licenses (Fanny Nickels)
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 84-17 RE: Issuance Of Amusement Game Licenses Morey Organization)
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2017 # 85-17 RE: Authorizing An Agreement For Participation In The Houston – Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Program
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 86-17 RE: Determining The Form And Other Details Of Not Exceeding $16,500,000 General Improvement Bonds, Of The City Of North Wildwood, In The County Of Cape May, New Jersey, And Providing For Their Sale To The New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust And The State Of New Jersey And Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of Loan Agreements To Be Executed By The City And Each Of The New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust And The State Of New Jersey, Acting By And Through The Department Of Environmental Protection And Further Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Escrow Agreement Pursuant To The New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust Financing Program The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 87-17 RE: Annual Sewer Rate The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 88-17 RE: Authorizing A Shared Services Agreement With The Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority For Review And Submission Of The 2016 Annual Recycling Tonnage Report Of The City Of North Wildwood
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 89-17 RE: Tonnage Grant Application The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 90-17 RE: Awarding Contract For Beach Umbrella Stand Concession
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2017
# 91-17 RE: Authorizing Award Of Lease For Vending Location (In 1100 Block On East Side Of John F. Kennedy Beach Drive)
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. City Clerk Jett stated that although three persons were present at the time of bidding, Mr. Ryan Troiano was the only bidder in possession of a County Vendors License as required by the bid specifications and was, therefore, was the winning bidder.
# 92-17 RE: Authorizing City Clerk To Advertise For Bids For 2017 Beach Fill Project
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 93-17 RE: Rejecting Bid Received On Contract For 16th Avenue Boardwalk Utility Improvements
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 94-17 RE: Authorizing Approval Of Change Order #2 – 2014 Street & Utility Reconstruction Of Various Streets
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #11-17, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.
Check # Check Date Vendor Name Net Amount 42867 3/7/2017 ATLANTIC TACTICAL 21.02 42867 3/7/2017 ATLANTIC TACTICAL 116.94 42868 3/7/2017 AMERIFLEX 465.50 42869 3/7/2017 BRADSHAW & SONS, LLC 1,476.00 42870 3/7/2017 FRANK BASILE 80.00 42871 3/7/2017 GOLD MEDAL ENVIORMENTAL NJINC 36,991.00 42872 3/7/2017 B W STETSON LLC 9.40 42873 3/7/2017 BANK OF AMERICA 714.05 42874 3/7/2017 CAPE REGIONAL PHYSICIANS ASSC. 1,084.00 42875 3/7/2017 CARLSEN GROUP INC, THE 590.00 42876 3/7/2017 CMC MUN CRT JUDGES' ASSOC 75.00 42877 3/7/2017 COMCAST 395.00 42878 3/7/2017 CMC COAST GUARD COMMUNITY 1,000.00 42879 3/7/2017 CAFIERO & KAUFMANN 6,250.00 42880 3/7/2017 COMCAST 370.78 42881 3/7/2017 WALLACE F CARTY, JR 160.00 42882 3/7/2017 DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF NJ 9,425.47 42883 3/7/2017 DIANA L. LILLO 40.00 42884 3/7/2017 DELL COMPUTER CORP. 1,084.73 42885 3/7/2017 DAVE GREENLAND 850.05 42886 3/7/2017 DRAEGER SAFETY DIAGNOSTICS INC 169.00 42887 3/7/2017 Emergency Training & Consultin 3,000.00 42888 3/7/2017 ENVIROMENTAL & TECHNICAL SERV 1,200.00 42889 3/7/2017 FORD SCOTT & ASSOC., L.L.C. 6,500.00 42890 3/7/2017 JOHN T FAIR JR 80.00 42891 3/7/2017 SETH FUSCELLARO 1,500.00 42892 3/7/2017 FRANK SALERA 1,105.11 42893 3/7/2017 GAILE ROCKEY 80.00 42894 3/7/2017 IACP 150.00 42895 3/7/2017 Jimmy's Discount Bags 632.10 42896 3/7/2017 J.P. BAINBRIDGE & ASSOCIATES 5,900.00 42897 3/7/2017 JERRY AND SONS EXCAVATING 33,324.48 42898 3/7/2017 LORETTA MURPHY 120.00 42899 3/7/2017 KATE KELLY 40.00 42900 3/7/2017 ROBERT LUBBERMAN 40.00 42901 3/7/2017 MARIE'S FLOWER SHOPPE 110.00 42902 3/7/2017 MUNIDEX INC 4,485.60 42903 3/7/2017 Metro Environmental Svcs, LLC 87.53 42904 3/7/2017 NJ POLICE TRAFFIC OFFICERS ASN 50.00 42905 3/7/2017 NJ SHADE TREE FEDERATION 95.00 42906 3/7/2017 WILLIAM PIOTROWSKI, JR. 80.00 42907 3/7/2017 PARA PLUS INTERPRETER 399.63 42908 3/7/2017 R. A. WALTERS & SONS, INC. 47,839.23 42909 3/7/2017 SECOND STREET IRISH SOCIETY 1,100.00 42910 3/7/2017 SHORE TITLE AGENCY, INC. 555.41 42911 3/7/2017 TITLE COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY 1,122.70 42912 3/7/2017 TREE SURGEON 89 LLC 1,000.00 42913 3/7/2017 TREAS.,STATE OF 1,000.00 42914 3/7/2017 TREASURER, STATE OF NEW JERSEY 100.00 42915 3/7/2017 TAYLOR OIL COMPANY 2,695.41 42916 3/7/2017 TIM ROTZ 504.38 42917 3/7/2017 TOM LEICHT 1,945.96 42918 3/7/2017 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (CMRS-FP) 5,000.00 42919 3/7/2017 US LUMBER INC 675.20 42920 3/7/2017 VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES 15,834.50 42921 3/7/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS 3,300.15 42922 3/7/2017 VERIZON 7.01 42923 3/7/2017 VECTOR SECURITY 95.00 42924 3/7/2017 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 176.43 42925 3/7/2017 XEROX CORPORATION 786.92 42926 3/7/2017 KMY CONSULTING SERVICES LLC 7,952.25
COUNCILMAN DEL CONTE stated that the Recreation Dept. did a great job with the Optimist Tournament last weekend.
COUNCILMAN KOEHLER invited all to come out to the St. Patrick’s Parade on March 11. COUNCILWOMAN BISHOP reminded everyone to turn clocks ahead on Saturday night.
CITY CLERK JETT gave Council members a reminder of a Special Meeting to be held on Friday, March 10 to consider the award of a contract for the 16th Avenue Park project. Bids will be received tomorrow at 2:00 pm. This year is the 90th Anniversary of the construction of the 15th Avenue Firehouse. In April we will commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the change of form of government from Borough to City.
ROBERT WHITE, 459 Shunpike, CMCH and owner of #1 Taxi, asked about the progress of plans to amend the licensing procedures for taxicabs.
CITY CLERK JETT stated that the City Solicitor has drafted an ordinance that all municipalities on the island would have to agree to and adopt, at which point the municipalities could enter into an agreement with GWTIDA to take over various aspects of the licensing procedure. REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2017
ADMINISTRATOR YECCO stated that there are certain parts of the taxicab licensing procedures that, under State statute, a municipality cannot relinquish.
SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that the proposed ordinance would repeal, as much as possible under the State statute, the licensing procedures now carried out by the municipalities. Taxis need approval of the governing body to operate, they must submit proof of insurance, and drivers must submit to criminal background checks. We will try to have GWTIDA take over as much as possible under a Shared Services Agreement eventually, but at present North Wildwood, Wildwood and Wildwood Crest need to agree on these proposed amendments.
ROBERT WHITE thanked Mayor and Council for trying to make these changes.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that there being no further business before Council, we do now adjourn. Carried. 5:18 PM.
______Patrick T. Rosenello, Mayor
______W. Scott Jett, City Clerk
This is a generalization of the meeting of March 7, 2017 and not a verbatim transcript.