Educational Services Center, Bloomington Public School District
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November 2015 Meeting Minutes Educational Services Center, Bloomington Public School District Bloomington, Minnesota November 4, 2015 11:30 a.m.
Attendees: Mauricio Barrientos (KHS), Sheri Brezinka (PTSA Council Treasurer), Roberto Cantu (Principal PB), Bridget Drummond (OGE), Rick Kaufman (Community Relations), Becky Lechner (OE), Molly Lueck (PTSA Council Secretary), Beth Maiwurm (JHS), Joan Maland (Principal IM), Kate Martin (Community Relations), Carissa Meierdierks Wall (NH/Family Center), Eric Melbye (Asst Superintendent), Katrina Mezera (Technology Project Coordinator), Jill Oldenburg (OM), Ric Oliva (School Board), Carla Van Ries (PB), Thea Sheffert (HC), Holly Skadsem (Digital Learning Coordinator), Heather Starks (PTSA Council VP), Jodi Syrjamaki (WB), Jason Thiel (WW), Gina Vozka (OGM), John Weisser (Dir of Technology), Charlotte Westby (IM).
Welcomed by Heather Starks, filling in for Tiffany Shermak, and introductions were made around the room.
A motion to approve the October 2015 minutes was made by Jill Oldenburg, seconded by Beth Maiwurm. Minutes approved.
Eric Melbye, presented the Superintendent’s report: 1. Election results are in. All incumbents won which will provide us with good stability and continuity. 2. A district employee committee has created the 2016-17 school calendar proposal, option #4. They will meet again in January to start on the 2017-18 calendar to be completed by the end of the 2015-16 school year. A parent rep to serve on the committee would be appreciated, let Eric know if you are interested.
Rick Kaufman, presented the community relations update: 1. The Personal Growth Plan video is done but was unavailable to view at meeting due to system being down. 2. Severe Weather Protocols – aim to minimize loss of instructional time while being mindful of safety. Hennepin County Emergency Management (HCEM) now has a meteorologist on staff to help coordinate the first alert system. School closings are decided after consulting with HCEM, the National Weather Service, law enforcement, transportation companies and neighboring school districts. The Superintendent is responsible for cancelling school (by 5:30am) and/or activities (30 minutes prior to dismissal) and will notify parents via voicemail and email. School closing information is also shared on TV, radio, district Facebook page and district website. In general, Bloomington will not do late starts or dismiss early. In the event that schools close early, Kids Safari and ELA will remain open. 3. Please update personal contact information on the HUB.
Roberto Cantu, presented the Principal’s report: 1. Fall fundraisers and conferences are complete. A few highlights from the middle schools: OGM held a bully awareness day and a drug-free awareness day, VVM was raising hunger awareness with a Good in the Hood event on 11/19, and OM wants to say thank you to their PTA for all the support for the first part of the year.
Sheri Brezinka, presented the PTSA Council Treasurer’s report: 1. Letters have gone out for dues. We have a $6K balance.
Heather Starks for Tiffany Shermak, presented the PTSA Council President’s report: 1. Nothing to report Heather Starks, presented the PTSA Council VP’s report: 1. The Parent Speaker Series SurveyMonkey on topics had a three-way tie: financial literacy, college finance and social media safety & technology. Heather has speakers available for all three options. The Series will be on Thursday, January 21 st. After a vote, it was decided that financial literacy will be the January topic. A speaker from RBCU will cover five things to teach your kids. The next Series will be on either Thursday, March 31st or Monday, April 4th.
John Weisser, Katrina Mezera and Holly Skadsem, presented the Technology in the Classroom update: 1. Three elements of New Technologies for Learning (NTL): digital content, anytime/anywhere learning and personal growth plans (PGP). All 6th – 12th graders have Chromebooks, a core tool of NTL. Teachers can store content in digital classrooms called moodles, kids can access googles apps for education and visit the HUB, all of which satisfy the three elements of NTL. 2. The district Chromebook roll-out timeline: 2013-14, 6th grade; 2014-15, 6th–8th grade; 2015-16, 6th–12th grade and Metro South; 2016-17, 3rd–12th grade and Pre-K to 2nd with a 1:3 ratio. 3. Elementary schools are working on professional development skills, creating google classroom moodles and finding apps for design and creation. Each school has a team of seven people to work on the logistics of implementing this new technology and to utilize the HUB to create assignment tracking. NTL updates: RV has four ipads in each 1st grade classroom and the students create book box photos, PB 5th graders each have a Chromebook and work with a flipped math curriculum and digital social studies curriculum, VVE utilizes Go-Noodle for brain breaks, IM utilizes the chatterpix app, NH is in the 3rd year of 5th graders doing math online at their own pace and in the 2nd year of 4th graders doing word study online. Each school is given funds by the district to keep up district technology standards but schools can opt to spend discretionary money from their funds or PTAs to upgrade at a faster pace than the timeline set by the district. 4. Middle school NTL updates: OGM student “geniuses” work with new students on their first day to educate them on the Chromebook, OM has a non-fiction narrative, and VVM has a math class mastery. 5. High school NTL updates: JHS has Algebra 2 math questions in a Family Feud format and KHS has a tutoring website for National Honor students. Looking into hybrid classes that would be on an as needed basis with some face to face time. Also looking into online classes. 6. Computer carts, not computer labs, will be the model for the future. For now, labs are still needed for standardized testing areas.
Next meeting topic: Pathways to Graduation Results, December 2nd Next meeting location: ESC Room 610A
Respectfully submitted by Molly Lueck, PTSA Council Secretary