Class Copy Pond Water Lab Class Copy

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Class Copy Pond Water Lab Class Copy




1. Obtain a fresh sample of pond water and observe the live organisms under the microscope. 2. Draw 2 plants and 2 animals that were observed in the pond water. a. Include both common and scientific names. (use websites to research) b. Also identify 2 plant species from the water. 3. Choose your favorite organism you observed and give a description and several traits of each organism. Also include what they eat and what eats them. 4. Write a conclusion about the organism you found the most interesting and why?

Requirements for lab write up: Title, purpose, section for each organism, conclusion and sources Example of lab write up bug section:

Name: Water Master Scientific Name: Omnipotentis colizzicus Magnification:

Your Drawing Description: 8-10 cm long, hard outer shell, strong jaws, 4 legs Traits: Large powerful bug, considered the smartest of all bugs. Feeds on whatever it wants to feed on. No known predators. It can breathe in air and in water. It will defend its home to the death. Very fast swimmer and can run on water.

Links at Microscopy-UK Pond life identification kit: Virtual pond dip:


Idenfication Key of Pond Animals Nikon Microscopy

Pond Identification Sheet Insects & Arthropods

Caddisfly larvae

dragonfly nymph diving beetle diving beetle larvae

mayfly nymph water boatman

water cricket water scorpion whirlygig beetle Protozoans and Small Animals

Euglena Rotifers Waterbear (tardigrade) Nematode Planarian

cyclops water shrimp water flea (Daphnia) Algae and Other Microorganisms

Volvox (green) Haematococcus (red colored) dinoflagellate (red, green, some multicolored)

Desmids (green) Spirogyra (green) Anything green and stringy can be classified as an algae!!! Image Credits: Images were compiled from scans, public domain work and clipartETC Ciliophora - protozoans that move with cilia These protozoans are called Ciliates and have hundreds of tiny cilia which beat in unison to propel them through the water. Often cilia are fused together in rows or tufts (called cirri) and are used for special functions such as food gathering. In addition to locomotion, the Paramecium and other ciliates like the Stentor use cilia to sweep food down into their central channel or gullet.

blepharisma bursaria carchesium colopoda

chilodonella colpidium didinium side view chilodonella top and side

dileptus epistylis euplotes oxytricha parameciu m


spirostomum stentor

stylonychia top and side view

tetrahymena vorticella

Mastigophora: Flagellates that move with a whip These protists move with a whip like extension called a flagella. The flagella is a long fibril that is spirally wound and beats or rotates in the water to move the protozoan about. Some band together in colonies and beat their flagella in unison to move the colony through the water. Many have chloroplasts and make food from sunlight.

chilomonas chlamydomonas eudorina euglena

pandorina peranema volvox gonium top and side

Sarcodina - move with pseudopodia The amoebas. They are a blob of protoplasm formed in a single cell. By flowing their protoplasm forward into a "foot" then bringing the rest of their body into the foot, they can slither along. Some Sarcodina have firm axial rods instead of pseudopods. They move by motion in these rods.

Actinosphaerium Actinosphaerium amoeba chaos-chaos close up of axial rods proteus shown with paramecium

arcella arcella difflugia top and side view side view

Pond Water Animals, Not to be confused with Protists Below are a few microscopic animals found in fresh water. Some of these animals, like the rotifers may look like protozoans but they are not. Each is made of many cells and belongs to the Kingdom Animalia.

The rotifers and gastrotrichs are related to the round worms. The Daphnia, Macrothrix, Cypris and Cyclops are crustaceans and related to crabs, lobsters and shrimp. The Hydra is a coelenterate and is related to the jellyfish, sea anemone and coral.

chaetonot cyclops cypris daphnia us

macrothrix rotifers rotifer hydra

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