Ameen Also Had an Elder Sister-Lentha. Lentha Was a Lovely Pythopian, Who Adored Her Younger

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Ameen Also Had an Elder Sister-Lentha. Lentha Was a Lovely Pythopian, Who Adored Her Younger

Ameen was princess of Pythopia. By this, you have probably guessed that her parents were the King and Queen. Well you are absolutely right. Ameen’s parents were Marigo and Adeline, King and Queen of Pythopia.

Ameen also had an elder sister-Lentha. Lentha was a lovely Pythopian, who adored her younger sister.

A few months before Ameen became three, her Mother, Marigo sadly passed away. Adeline was left alone with two children to rise. Well not actually two…

Lentha couldn’t take all of this. She couldn’t live, knowing that her Mother wouldn’t be there for her. She stopped speaking to anyone for a while, and then plucked up the courage to pack up her belongings and run away…

Nobody was certain where she had gone, but most Pythopians believed that she had run away to the Spirit’s Castle, as they all knew that Lentha would go anywhere to try and talk to her Mother. Ameen agreed with her fellow Pythopians, as they would never lie to her, and her sister would do anything to communicate with her beloved Mother.

Adeline knew that Ameen couldn’t go on this quest without any help along the way, so he presented her with two weapons-a bow and arrow, and a sword. Not just any sword, but the sword Adeline’s Father had used when he had first became king of Pythopia.

Now Adeline had not yet told his daughter that she was going on a quest, so she didn’t have clue as to why she had been given these weapons. She did accept them, but also questioned her Father.

Even though Ameen already had a rough idea that her Father was ill, Adeline began explaining how he was becoming very, very ill. He told her that he wasn’t going to be able to hold the throne for much longer. Lentha. That’s who he needed. Lentha was next in line for the throne, as she was older than Ameen. Adeline wanted to send his own daughter, Ameen on an exciting, yet frightening quest-not just any quest, but a quest to find Lentha, her long lost sister…

Ameen took off her princess dress, and put on her blue blouse, with a white apron on top. She didn’t want to ruin her princess dress and also wanted to be comfortable on her journey, so she thought wearing these would make her task a lot easier.

Ameen was of course terrified of going on this quest, but also very excited to finally see her sister again. She was positive that Lentha would be extremely pleased to see her sister, but a strange feeling was overcoming her- a feeling that her sister might not want to see her again…

After finally overcoming her fears, Ameen set off for the Spirit’s Castle. Within moments of leaving her beloved Father, Ameen faced her first mini quest-the River of Misery…

Where could she go? How could she cross the river? There was no other way, but to risk losing her happiness. The bridge was broken, so she couldn’t use that, and if she swam, the River of Misery would turn her life into pure misery!

In the distance, Ameen saw something swim towards her. Was it a fish? It couldn’t be a fish, as it was far too big! Ameen had a few more guesses, but none of them matched the strange figure swimming closer and closer to her…

As it got really close, Ameen realised that it was an alligator! Not just any alligator, but a very, very angry alligator! Ameen didn’t understand why the alligator was this angry, but she didn’t think it was unusual to see a really angry alligator. After all, why would an alligator be very happy? Ameen discovered that the only way to get across the river would be to take a little ride on the extremely angry alligator. It took a long and tiring battle, but it all paid off, as the alligator eventually gave Ameen a ride. She wouldn’t have made it across though, if she didn’t have her grandfather’s lucky sword.

Ameen knew she still had a long journey ahead of her, but she would never give up. More than any thing, she wanted to bring home her sister. Thinking of her sister, Ameen thought of all the times they had played together. She thought of having someone to have fun with again. Someone to play with. She was getting quite bored with this quest, and wanted someone to play or at least talk with, but she knew this would never happen.

Trying to ignore the fact that she may never find another friend, Ameen carried on with her quest. The next place Ameen stopped to rub her eyes at, was the Field of Forget-me-nots. She was amazed at how beautiful it was! Ameen grabbed her weapons, and ran as fast as possible to the field which awaited her…

When Ameen finally reached the field, she headed straight for the flowers. As she was just going to pick one, she was stopped by a little, and very unusual looking creature. At first, she thought it was a lady bird, as it looked very much like one, but then she realised that it wasn’t red and black; it was yellow and black checked!

Now Ameen was a very bright girl, so she knew that this couldn’t be possible, but it was! The little thing flew up high, trying to reach the young girl above him. Ameen was a little afraid at first, but soon plucked up the courage to place her small hand on the ground so the tiny creature could hop up onto it. That was when Ameen was given the shock of her life… The tiny creature with black and yellow checks started talking! He told her of his family, where he had come from and most important of all, why he had stopped her from picking the flowers. He explained that anyone who picks the flowers loses their memory! He said to her that he had watched this happen before, and that it wasn’t very pleasant to see.

Ameen appreciated the creature trying to save her, and listened to it. She removed her hand from the ground, and sat the creature onto her shoulder. The one thing the tiny creature hadn’t told Ameen, was his name. She asked him for it, but he refused to tell her. He did think that she was lovely, and that he could trust her, but he didn’t want her to laugh.

Ameen didn’t make the creature tell her his name, but she did try to persuade him to. She said that she was a lovely person and that she would never make fun of anyone’s name. In the end, the unusual creature gave in and told Ameen of his name.

It was the weirdest name Ameen had ever heard! She didn’t laugh though, as she would never break a promise. The weird little creature told Ameen that his name was Kackadoodledandie.

Kackadoodledandie was thankful that Ameen didn’t laugh at his name, and decided to ask her what he wanted to ask her at the start-If he could come on the rest of the quest with her. Of course Ameen said yes, but she didn’t seem very pleased about it. The only reason for this was that she didn’t want him hurting himself, but after all he did save her from loosing her memory.

After saying yes to Kackadoodledandie, Ameen set off on her quest once again, with the little creature making himself comfortable on her shoulder. In the distance, they could see a long, winding path. It led in all sorts of directions, which were all sorts of different colours! Ameen didn’t have a clue which way to go. Neither did Kackadoodledandie, but they knew that they would have to make a decision sooner or later.

It didn’t take as long as they thought, and they made a decision on which path to take. At first, Ameen wanted to take the blue path, and Kackadoodledandie wanted to take the purple path, but Ameen didn’t really want to argue, so she took the purple path with her little friend.

The purple path had more twists and twirls as the two friends had ever seen! They were speechless for nearly the whole journey down the path! They discovered that each path had something to teach the person or thing walking down it. They all had a name as well! The path of this, the path of that, the path of all sorts of different things…

Both of them had seen the names of the other paths, but didn’t have any ideas of what this one could be called. When they had finally given up guessing what the path could be called, they glanced up at the sign above them and it read:

This is the path of knowledge,   Ask it anything you would like to know,  And it will answer all of your questions,  No matter what the question is or how hard it is, The path will try it’s hardest, And will never give up…

The path of knowledge. Neither of them knew what this meant. It couldn’t possibly be true could it? Anyway, the friends carried on walking, forgetting all they had just read…

Half way down the path, Ameen stopped walking for a little. She had been thinking of what she had read on the sign, and had plucked up the courage to ask the path a question. Kackadoodledandie didn’t know what Ameen was doing, but stopped walking too, as he knew she would know what she was doing. Ameen wasn’t sure if her question was answerable, but after all, the sign did say that the path wouldn’t give up on any question.

Ameen knew she couldn’t hold her question in any longer, and to Kackadoodledandie’s surprise, Ameen shouted out her question loud and clear. Ameen waited a little, but the path didn’t give an answer. She knew that her question couldn’t be answered. She grabbed her weapons and started walking on, getting closer and closer to the end of the path…

Suddenly, the path started to swirl, whirl, and twirl in to all sorts of different shapes. Ameen and Kackadoodledandie didn’t have a clue what was going on! All of a sudden, every thing stopped. Silence. So silent, that you could hear a pin drop! But then it all changed…

The path started to shake. It opened! The path opened up, and revealed a castle! Not just any castle, but the one they had been seeking! The one Ameen had been sent on this quest for-The Spirit’s Castle…

Ameen couldn’t believe it! The path had heard her question, and revealed the answer! Ameen started running as fast as she had ever run before, to the castle where her sister was believed to be…

When Ameen finally reached the gates of the castle, she discovered that her little friend, Kackadoodledandie was missing! He was nowhere to be seen! Even though Ameen desperately wanted to find her little friend, she had to complete her quest.

She opened up the gates, and stepped in. There was nobody there! Well, nobody except a little creature sitting in the corner. As Ameen got closer to the creature, she realised that it was Kackadoodledandie! Ameen was glad to have her friend back, but was a bit disappointed in herself for not finding Lentha…

As soon as Kackadoodledandie had seen Ameen step into the Castle, he began to change. He looked quite familiar to Ameen actually! Ameen recognised the creature, but not in a Kackadoodledandie way; in a Lentha way! The creature was Lentha!

The creature started to swirl in the air, and seemed to be growing every second! In no time at all, the little creature had turned into Ameen’s elder sister-Lentha! Ameen ran towards her, and gave her a huge cuddle!

Lentha seemed pleased to see her sister, but wasn’t very pleased by the news that she had brought. Lentha didn’t think it was fair, sending her sister on this quest just to find her. Lentha refused to take the throne off her father, as he had sent Ameen on this quest when he could have just gave the throne to her.

Even though Lentha didn’t take the throne, she let her sister take it. Ameen was extremely proud of herself for becoming Queen, but was even more proud for finding her sister!

Back at home, a surprise coronation was taking place. Queen Ameen I of Pythopia and Princess Lentha of Pythopia didn’t just become good sisters again, but also became best friends. They were always there for each other and Lentha promised never to walk out on her family again.

Both girls helped to look after their Father, and he soon became well, but not willing to take the throne off his daughter, who was doing a great job at being Queen!

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