Building Audit Packet

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Building Audit Packet

Building Audit Packet

The State of Michigan requires all pupil accounting records to be kept a minimum of three years. District Building Signature Count Date Click/check “Yes” if applicable and “No” if not. The records/reports marked “Yes” are to be submitted to Oakland Schools. The next page lists records and reports that must be available to auditors at the field audit. Yes No Alphabetized building membership list (one copy) from CEPI’s MSDS that includes district and building name; pupil’s legal name; address; birth date; residency; grade; FTE claimed in general education and special education to two (2) decimal places; headcount and FTE grand total; official signature and date verified (PAM 1). Please print the list using the option “FTE greater than 0.00”. Pupil Add/Drop List Calendar— bell schedules and calendar block documents located on website (October count only) (PAM 2) Elementary Count Day Absence Form that includes: (PAM 1, 3) pupil’s legal name; grade and/or hours; class period absent; excused/unexcused; date returned for each class period absent; FTE reported Secondary Count Day Absence Form that includes: (PAM 1, 3) pupil’s legal name; grade and/or hours; class period absent; excused/unexcused; date returned for each class period absent; FTE reported Verification Statements Alternative Education Report (PAM 4, 5A) Experiential Learning (PAM 6A)/Links (PAM 6B) Homebound/Hospitalized/Home Based/Mandatory Expulsion (PAM 5C-D, 5N) Homebound/Hospitalized/Home Based/Mandatory Expulsion Instructional Service Log Nonpublic Part-Time/Home Schooled (PAM 4, 5E) Nonresidents Under School State Aid Act Section 6(6) (PAM, 4) Nonresident School of Choice Sec 105 (PAM 4, 5I) Nonresident School of Choice Sec 105C (PAM 4, 5I) Nonresident Waiver/Release (PAM 4) Part-Time (PAM 5F) Postsecondary Enrollment (PAM 5A, 5G) Postsecondary Enrollment—Oakland Schools Accelerated College Experience (ACE) (PAM 5A, 5G) Pupils Attending Another District’s General Education Cooperative Education Programs (OSTC & CASA) (PAM 5B)

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 1 September 2016 Pupils attending your General Education Cooperative Education Programs (PAM 4, 5B) Reduced Schedule (PAM 5H) (4-block schedule: ___Yes ___No) Reduced Schedule Request and Approval (Sample Form) Reduced Schedule With IEP Less Than Full Day (PAM 5-H) Seat Time Waiver (PAM 5-O-B) Seat Time Waiver Mentor Instructional Time Log Section 21f Expanded Online Learning (PAM 5-O-D) Section 21f Weekly (PAM 5-O-D) Interactive Mentor Log Special Education Transition Services—Community Living Experiences (PAM 5L) Split Schedule (within district) (PAM 4, 5M) Virtual Enrollment/Distance Learning/Independent Study (PAM, 5-O-A) Virtual Enrollment Weekly Interactive Mentor Log (PAM 5-O-D) Work Based Education Learning Experiences General Education (PAM 5P) Unpaid In-District Placement Agreement (MDE Sample Form) Work-Based Learning Training Agreement/State-Approved CTE Program (MDE Sample Form) Work-Based Learning Training Agreement/Non-CTE Program (MDE Sample Form) Work-Based Learning Training Plan (MDE Sample Form) Work Site Based Learning Special Education (PAM 5L, 5P)

Public School Academy Use ONLY: New grade in building:

Special Education A/B Worksheets (signed by special education teacher of record) Email duplicate set to addressed to [email protected]

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 2 September 2016 Building Audit Packet

Count Date

The State of Michigan requires all pupil accounting records to be kept a minimum of three years.

Field Audit

The following records/reports are to be available to the pupil accounting auditors at the time of the field audit:

Alphabetized building membership list (one) that includes: a. District and building name b. Pupil’s legal name c. Address d. Birthdate e. Grade f. FTE claim in general education and special education to two (2) decimal places g. Headcount and FTE grand total h. Official signature and date verified

All Population III documentation

Attendance recording system approved by your Board

Course catalog that includes courses and credit granted toward high school completion

Excused Absence Documentation

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 3 September 2016 Master schedule showing hour, course, and teacher assignment with special education teachers clearly identified

Pupil schedules as of the official count date (including all change in schedule forms)

Record of pupil adds/drops

Teacher attendance records—SIGNED (If your district has not been approved for electronic attendance auditing, electronic attendance must be printed weekly—one week prior to count, count week, and four weeks after count. If your district has been approved for electronic attendance auditing, you must have a process in place that verifies teachers have reviewed their attendance records during the six week count period.)

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 4 September 2016 Count Day Absence Form (Elementary)

District School Year Building/Program Count Day

INSTRUCTIONS List each pupil absent on the count day. Note the grade of the pupil, when absent (AM or PM or BOTH) and whether excused or unexcused and the date the pupil returned to school. Determine the FTE based upon whether the pupil returned to all classes within the appropriate time frame.

FTE Pupil’s Abs Abs Date Member Legal Grade ent ent Excus Unexcu Retur ship Name AM PM ed sed ned Reporte (Last, d First, MI)












Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 5 September 2016 12




16 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of all eligible FTE reported for pupils who were absent on the count day. Authorized Signature Date Count Day Absence Form (Secondary)if using one packet, need elementary absence

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 6 September 2016 Count Day Absence Form (Secondary)

District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: List each pupil absent on the count day. Indicate the grade of the pupil and the date the pupil returned to each class period absent on Count Day. Indicate whether the absence was excused or unexcused. If the pupil returned to all classes, check the box in Column 5. Indicate the total FTE reported for each pupil. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type of FTE Class Period Absent Absence Returned Member- Pupil’s Legal Name to All ship Grade Date Returned Indicated Below (Excused or Reported (Last, First, MI) Unexcused) Classes 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th


















Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 7 September 2016 18








I certify that this is a true and accurate list of all eligible FTE reported for pupils who were absent on the count day report for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual. Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 8 September 2016 Verification Statements

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Birth Date

Birthdates of all pupils entering your district for the first time have been verified according to pupil accounting regulations. Any exceptions to this are listed below.

We are in the process of obtaining birth date documentation for the following new enrollees who were counted in membership.

Pupil’s Legal Name Grad Pupil’s Legal Name Grad e e 1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of all pupils whose birth documentation has not been received.

Authorized Signature Date

Educational Field Trip

All of our field trips counted as instruction time are educational trips supervised by certified personnel and attendance is taken. Regular instruction is provided for those pupils who do not participate in an educational trip and attendance is taken.

I certify that this is a true and accurate statement for all educational field trips conducted during instructional time and claimed for membership.

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 9 September 2016 Authorized Signature Date

Recess (Elementary Buildings Only)

I certify that no more than 30 minutes per day of recess time supervised by a certified teacher is counted as instructional time. Recess time used for passing from the bus at the beginning of the school day or passing to the bus at the end of the day or a recess to provide breakfast or lunch to students shall not be counted. Recess may attach to lunch.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 10 September 2016 Alternative Education Report

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

We operate a K-12 alternative education program(s) where the pupils are counted in membership at the high school. Our alternative education program(s) is(are) located at:



Contact person Date



Contact person Date



Contact person Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 11 September 2016 Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 12 September 2016 Experiential Learning/Links

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the following information for all pupils enrolled in Experiential Learning/Links. Limited to one course per semester.

Teacher Lin teachin Pupil’s Legal Gr Course ks g FTE Name ad Y/ concurr e N ent course at same time Y/N








Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 13 September 2016 8








I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible Experiential Learning/Links pupils reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 14 September 2016 Homebound/Hospitalized/Home Based/Mandatory Expulsion

District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: Complete the report below for all eligible pupils enrolled in a homebound/hospitalized, home based, or mandatory expulsion program who meet the required criteria per week. Please list pupils together within each area and include a copy of their attendance record for the count period.

Homebound/Hospitalized Program (HB/HS)—State School Aid Act Section 109 (if eligible, FTE equals 1.0) Home Based Program (HBP)— State School Aid Act, Section 6(4)(u) (if eligible, FTE equals the number of hours actually provided/1098; i.e., prorated FTE) Mandatory Expulsion Program (MEP)—MCL 380.1311(2) and MCL 380.1311a (if eligible, FTE equals 1.0) Weapons; criminal sexual conduct; physical assault against employee, volunteer, contractor; bomb threat Ex. Abs. HB/HS On Physic Date HBP GE SE Count ian Servi Pupil’s MEP Grad Categ Day Letter ce FTE Legal e ory Y/N Y/N/N Bega Name A n









Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 15 September 2016 9



12 The above pupils should appear on the building membership list and, if in a special education classroom, on an A or B worksheet.

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible FTE reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 16 September 2016 Homebound/Hospitalized/Home Based/Mandatory Expulsion Instructional Service Log SAMPLE

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for each period of instruction provided to an eligible pupil enrolled in a homebound/hospitalized, home education, or mandatory expulsion program.

Note: To qualify for 1.0 FTE, the pupil must receive the minimum amount of instruction for every week of the count period.

Pupil’s Legal Name Teacher’s Name

Date Instructional Instructional Hours/Minutes Time Start Time End

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 17 September 2016 Certified Teacher’s Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 18 September 2016 Nonpublic Part-Time/Home Schooled Pupils

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Offer ed to Publi Total Total c Annu Class Days of Scho alize FTE Time Instruc ol d Reside Non-core and tion Pupil Hour nt Course Day s s of Grad District Pupil’s e (Y/N Instr Legal ) uctio n Name










Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 19 September 2016 10


12 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible nonpublic part-time/home schooled memberships reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 20 September 2016 Nonresidents under State School Aid Act

SECTION 6(6) (388.1606), (f) (assault), (g) (moved), (h) (alternative education), (j) (child of district employee), (k) expelled pupil reinstated (l) (middle colleges), (n) (foster care placement) District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the following information for all nonresident pupils enrolled under Section 6(6) (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (l), (n), (o).

General Special Resident Pupil’s Legal Educatio Educatio FT District Name n Grade n E Category









Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 21 September 2016 9



12 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible nonresident memberships reported for state aid and that we have complied with SAA Section 6(6) (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (n) to enroll these students without a release.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 22 September 2016 Nonresident Schools of Choice—Section 105

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

GE GE SE SE Total Pupil’s Legal Residen Gra FTE Cate FTE FTE Name t de gory District












Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 23 September 2016 12





17 I certify that we have complied with all School of Choice requirements including timelines, conducted a random draw if necessary, enrollment was not refused due to disability or discrimination, and district of residence was identified as required under SSAA Sec. 105/105c.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 24 September 2016 Nonresident Schools of Choice—Section 105c

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

SE Ag GE GE SE SE re Tot Pupil’s Legal Resident Gr FT Cate FT em al Name District ad E gory E en FT e t E Y/ N










Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 25 September 2016 10







17 I certify that we have complied with all School of Choice requirements including timelines, conducted a random draw if necessary, enrollment was not refused due to disability or discrimination, an agreement covering special education costs was entered into and district of residence was identified as required under SSAA Sec. 105/105c.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 26 September 2016 Nonresident Waiver/Release Pupils

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Rele GE ase Resident Pupil’s Legal Name Gra SE FT on District de Categ E File? ory Y/N












Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 27 September 2016 12

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible nonresident waiver/ release memberships reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 28 September 2016 Part-Time Pupils

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for all pupils scheduled for less than 1098 hours of instruction and not approved for a reduced schedule.

Annua l FTE Pror Pupil’s Legal Gr (Y Other hours Deno ate Name ad /N district of minat d e ) (s) instru or FTE ction (see below )

1 1098

2 1098

3 1098

4 1098

5 1098

6 1098

7 1098

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 29 September 2016 8 1098

9 1098

10 1098

11 1098

12 1098

Calculation Options (choose one) and enter annual instructional hours in above box:

Number of classes scheduled divided by the number of class periods multiplied by the total building hours including professional development hours.

Other (please explain)

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of part- time memberships reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 30 September 2016 Postsecondary Enrollment—Oakland Schools Accelerated College Experience (ACE)

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

District Paid Total Pupil’s Legal Name Grade Tuition Classe High Colleg FTE Y/N s e













Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 31 September 2016 13


15 MCL 388.511-388.524 (Postsecondary Enrollment Option Act)

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible Postsecondary pupils reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 32 September 2016 Postsecondary Enrollment

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Distric t Paid Total Pupil’s Legal Name Grade Colleg Colleg Tuitio Classe High Co FTE e e n s lle Name Cours Y/N ge e













Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 33 September 2016 13


15 MCL 388.511-388.524 (Postsecondary Enrollment Option Act)

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible Postsecondary pupils reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 34 September 2016 Pupils Attending Another District’s General Education Cooperative Program (To be completed by enrolling district)

District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: Complete the report below for all pupils attending cooperative education programs (OSTC, CASA, etc.) 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Other Dist or Annu OSTC-SE, FTE al OSTC-SW, claim hours Travel Annu OSTC-NE, Agre ed at of time al OSTC-NW emen Res inst per hour Tota Tota Pupil’s Legal CASA A.M./P t Y/N Dist at year s of l l Name .M. Y/N home (see inst hou FTE (see below at rs below ) other ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. Calculation Options (choose one) and enter annual instructional hours in box 7:

Number of class periods scheduled at the home school divided by the number of class periods required to qualify for a full FTE multiplied by the total building hours. Hours per day multiplied by days scheduled (include half days only if class meeting that half day). Other (please explain)

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 35 September 2016 8. Maximum: 36 minutes divided by 60 multiplied by the number of school days scheduled. Travel time is allowed if it is the only reason a pupil is not 1.00 FTE.

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of all resident pupils attending cooperative education programs reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual. Authorized Signature Date

Send to operating district for verification. Operating District Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 36 September 2016 Pupils Attending Your General Education Cooperative Programs (To be completed by Operating District)

District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: Complete the report below for all pupils attending cooperative education programs (OSTC, CASA, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FTE Agr claim Co- Reside Progr ee- ed at Op Co- Pupil’s Gr nt am me Res. Prog Op Legal ad District Name nt Dist. ram FTE Name e (Y/ (Y/N Hrs/ /YR N) ) YR









Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 37 September 2016 9





14 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of all nonresident pupils attending cooperative education programs reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Send to resident district for verification. Resident District Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 38 September 2016 Reduced Schedule Pupils

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

State School Aid Act Section 101 (7) (c) states: “A pupil in grades 9 to 12 for whom a reduced schedule is determined to be in the individual pupil’s best educational interest must be scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 80 percent of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction (878.4 hours) to be considered a fulltime equivalent pupil”.

“A pupil in grades 9 to 12 who is scheduled in a 4 block schedule may receive a reduced schedule if the pupil is scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 75% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction (823.5 hours) to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil.”

NOTE: It is assumed a district would not have many pupils taking fewer than the prescribed 1098 hours. There is to be involvement of parents, counselors and administration before a determination is made to place the pupil on such a reduced schedule.

All information requested must be provided.

Annu al Pupil’s Legal Gra Hrs FT Approval Comment Name de of E Form(s) s Inst/ Year




Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 39 September 2016 4








12 Documentation is on file and is available for audit. Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 40 September 2016 Reduced Schedule Request SAMPLE (To be completed by student or parent) Page 1 of 2

District School Year Building/Program Count Day

Student: Grade: Birthdate:


The above-named student requests a reduction in scheduled classes (not to total less than 878.4 hours per year) for the following reason(s):


Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 41 September 2016 Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

SSAA 388.1701(7) (c) states “Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, a pupil in grades 9 to 12 for whom a reduced schedule is determined to be in the individual pupil’s best educational interest must be scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 80% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil. A pupil in grades 9 to 12 who is scheduled in a 4-block schedule may receive a reduced schedule under this subsection if the pupil is scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 75% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil.”

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 42 September 2016 Note: The State Department of Education has determined that a reduced schedule may not be accepted if the stated reason is that the student may graduate with a reduced schedule; i.e., needs only four credits to graduate.Reduced Schedule Request SAMPLE (To be completed by school official) Page 2 of 2

School District: School Year:

Building: Date form completed:

Student’s Name: Birthdate: Grade:

The educational needs of the above-named student are best served by a reduced schedule (minimum of 878.4 hours) in accordance with SSAA 388.1701(7) (c).

Page 1 of this form must be completed before a reduced schedule may be approved.

Permission for a reduced schedule has been granted for the reason(s) listed on Page 1 of this form.

It is agreed that if the student fails to perform satisfactorily under a reduced schedule, he/she will be required to return to a full schedule.

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 43 September 2016 SIGNATURES

In our professional judgment, the above-named student’s education needs would be best served through a reduced schedule.

Counselor: Date:

Building Administrator: Date:

SSAA 388.1701(7) (c) states “Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, a pupil in grades 9 to 12 for whom a reduced schedule is determined to be in the individual pupil’s best educational interest must be scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 80% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil. A pupil in grades 9 to 12 who is scheduled in a 4-block schedule may receive a reduced schedule under this subsection if the pupil is scheduled for a number of hours equal to at least 75% of the required minimum number of hours of pupil instruction to be considered a full-time equivalent pupil.”

Note: The State Department of Education has determined that a reduced schedule may not be accepted if the stated reason is that the student may

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 44 September 2016 graduate with a reduced schedule; i.e., needs only four credits to graduate.

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 45 September 2016 Reduced Schedule Pupils With IEP Less Than Full Day

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for all SE pupils who have been scheduled for less than a full day per IEP.

Medical Verif Grad ly or ied e Emotio by nally phys Necess ician Number FTE Pupil Name IEP in SE ary? , of Members (Last, First, place? Date Progra psyc Classes hip MI) Y/N of m Y/N hologY/N GE SE GE SE IEP Code 1.










I certify that this is a true and accurate list of all SE pupils scheduled for less than a full day of instruction per IEP and reported for FTE membership.

Authorized Representative's Signature Title Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 46 September 2016 Seat Time Waiver Pupils

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Number of H.S. courses equal to a full time FTE:

Instructions: Complete this form for all pupils receiving a seat time waiver. List all classes for which the student is scheduled and enrolled; indicate requirements with Y/N.

G C Tr S Po Non- Enroll E Cer T r r a u st CTE ed n tifie o a e di sp se prog throu r d t d d ti e co rams gh ol Me a nto e it o n n Work Distri le l r G n d da - ct d wee F Pupil’s Legal r Course al e ry Base Progr t kly T Name a Title(s) H. d C d am h con E n S. or ou Lear r tact / t cl E rs ning o (W c e as x es u ed- l d s p g Tue a ell h s) s e G s d e n N E T 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 1 2 3 4 5

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 47 September 2016 6 7 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of pupils receiving a Seat Time Waiver. All classes included in the Seat Time Waiver are teacher led. Approved district guidelines for Seat Time Waivers have been followed.

Authorized Signature Date

Seat Time Waiver Mentor Instructional Time Form

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for each pupil receiving a seat time waiver. There must be 2-way contact between student and certified teacher of record at least once per week each week during the 28 day count period (Wednesday-Tuesday).

Pupil’s Name: Grade: Mentor:

E = P = F = O = emai Pho Face Oth l ne to er (wit Con Face h vers repl atio Comments Date y n Must be relevant to the course or pupils’ progress.

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 48 September 2016 I certify that the teacher mentor is a certificated Michigan teacher employed by the district.

Signature of Teacher of Record Date

Special Education Transition Services Community Living Experiences

District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: Complete the report below for all pupils enrolled in Transition Community Living Experiences (TCLE) Special Education Programs.

Training Plan

1. Skills aligned w/EDP or IEP ≤ Monit Traini 0.50 or ng 2. Responsibility FTE every One Agree in 30 hour SE Pupil’s Legal Name Grad FTE ment 3. Safety inst. TCLE Attenda calen Instruc e and/ nce dar tion 1. 4. Related inst. or days Start (if applicable) WSB & L end 5. Signatures date 2. Signa ture s 3. TCLE acti vitie s


Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 49 September 2016 2








10 I certify the pupils listed are in Transition Community Living Experiences (TCLE) and meet the requirements reported for State Aid and in compliance with Pupil Accounting Manual.

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 50 September 2016 21f Expanded Online Learning

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Number of courses equal to a full time FTE:

Instructions: Complete this form for all pupils enrolled in Section 21f, Expanded Online Learning. List all 21f classes for which the student is scheduled and enrolled; indicate requirements with Y/N.

G C Cert Certified r r ified Teacher a e Men (CT ) or Adult d d tor Supervisor (AS) e it wee G kly Educating r cont District, if other a act than submitting Pupil’s Legal Name n Y/N district t 21f Course ) FTE e Title(s) d 1 1 2

2 1 2

3 1 2

4 1 2

I certify that this is a true and accurate list of pupils receiving 21f Expanded Online Learning and the enrollment and classes meet the requirements of 21f.

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 51 September 2016 Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 52 September 2016 Weekly Interactive Contact between Teacher/Mentor and Student Time Form

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for each pupil enrolled in a 21f course or a virtual learning, distance learning or independent study. There must be 2-way contact between student and certified teacher of record at least once per week each week during the 28 day count period (Wednesday-Tuesday).

Pupil’s Name: Grade: Mentor:

E = P = F = O = emai Pho Face Oth l ne to er (wit Con Face h vers repl atio Comments Date y n Must be relevant to the course or pupils’ progress.

I certify that the teacher mentor is a certificated Michigan teacher employed by the district.

Signature of Teacher of Record Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 53 September 2016 Split-Schedule Pupils (Within District)

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for all pupils who attend two or more buildings/programs within the same district IF FTE is split between the buildings.

Annual FT Educati Hours FTE E claim Pupil’s Legal Name Gr ng of Deno ed at this ad Bldgs/ Instruc minat Bldg e Progs tion in or this Bldg

1 1098

2 1098

3 1098

4 1098

5 1098

6 1098

7 1098

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 54 September 2016 8 1098

9 1098

10 1098

11 1098

12 1098

13 1098

14 1098

15 1098 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible split-schedule and part-time memberships reported for State Aid and in compliance with the Pupil Accounting Manual. .

Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 55 September 2016 Virtual Learning/Distance Learning/Independent Study Self Scheduled Time/Place District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: Complete this form for all pupils enrolled in Virtual Learning Class/Distance Learning Classes OR Independent Study (grades 9-12 only) taken at pupil’s self scheduled time and place with no regular attendance required. No more than two (2) classes per pupil may count toward pupil membership. List each class per pupil on a separate line. If regular class attendance is required then do not list on this form.

Grad Type H.S. Cour Dist Enrol On- In FTE Total e : Credit/ se Pd led Site Attn for FTE VL, Grade Title( Tuiti in Mentor Coun this DL, Progre s) on Conc Teache t Class IS ssion Y/N/ urre r Name Day Pupil’s Legal Name Y/N NA nt Y/N Cour ses Y/N










10 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of pupils enrolled in Virtual/distance learning/independent study classes pupils reported for State Aid and in compliance with Pupil Accounting Manual.

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 56 September 2016 Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 57 September 2016 Weekly Interactive Contact between Teacher/Mentor and Student Time Form

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the report below for each pupil enrolled in a 21f course or a virtual learning, distance learning or independent study. There must be 2-way contact between student and certified teacher of record at least once per week each week during the 28 day count period (Wednesday-Tuesday).

Pupil’s Name: Grade: Mentor:

E = P = F = O = emai Pho Face Oth l ne to er (wit Con Face h vers repl atio Comments Date y n Must be relevant to the course or pupils’ progress.

I certify that the teacher mentor is a certificated Michigan teacher employed by the district.

Signature of Teacher of Record Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 58 September 2016 Work Based Education Learning Experiences—General Education

District School Year Building/Program Count Date

Instructions: Complete the following for all pupils enrolled in Work Based Education Learning CTE and Non-CTE Program, Work Based Education Learning State-Approved Career and Technical Education Programs. Access this link for a types of programs:

Training Plan

Training CTE Agreement 1. Skill s aligned or w/EDP and ≤ Atten- Non 1. Sta if unpaid, 0.50 dance Cr Monito WBE rt & end date new skills FTE signed toward r every Pupil’s Legal Name Grade - every 45 in by h.s. 9 FTE hrs. WBE employ diplom weeks CTE 2. Wo er a rkers comp and 2. Res general ponsibility liability ins 3. Safe 3. Sig ty inst natures 4. Rela 4. Job ted inst activities 5. Sign atures








Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 59 September 2016 8







15 I certify that this is a true and accurate list of eligible Work Based Education Learning Experiences pupils reported for State Aid and in compliance with Pupil Accounting Manual. Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 60 September 2016 Work Site Based Learning—Special Education District School Year Building/Program Count Date Instructions: Complete the report below for all pupils enrolled in Work Site Based Learning Special Education Programs.

Training Plan

1. Skills Training aligned Agreement w/EDP or IEP Atten Monit Work and if unpaid, ≤ 0.50 - or 1. Start & new skills Pupil’s Legal Name Gra Site every 45 hrs. FTE in dance every de FTE end date work signe 30 based d by calen 2. Workers 2. Responsibility emp dar comp and general or days 3. Safety coord liability ins. inst. Signature 3. 4. Related s inst. (if applicable) 4. Job activities 5. Signatures








Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 61 September 2016 8


10 I certify the pupils listed are in Work Site Based Learning and meet the requirements reported for State Aid and in compliance with Pupil Accounting Manual. Authorized Signature Date

Oakland Schools, Pupil, Corporate & District Services 62 September 2016

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