Alex Centala, James Duong, and Amir Nahangi
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ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS (Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus aggregatum) AIDS IN THE GROWTH OF THE STRAWBERRY PLANT (Fragaria ananassa)
Alex Centala, James Duong, and Amir Nahangi Department of Biological Sciences Saddleback College Mission Viejo, CA 92694
Abstract (Not needed) Many species of plants utilize symbiotic relationships with other organisms. mycorrhizae fungi are commonly a part of these relationships What kind of relationship?, and aid in plant growth as well as nutrient uptake. We third person tested the effects of a mixture of mycorrhizae fungi, species Glomus intradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus aggregatum, on the growth of the common garden strawberry plant, species Fragaria ananassa, chosen for its reputation as a plant that is inexpensive and experiences rapid growth Run off sentence. Two groups of ten plants were tested over a four week testing period, one with mycorrhizae fungi mixed with their soil, and the other without. It was found that those with the fungal soil grew faster and thus experienced greater growth, along with a greater yield in strawberries, though the difference in strawberry yield was not found to be statistically significant. Where is the data calculations? What type of test was used? Introduction
The proposed study will investigate the effect of an mycorrhizal fungus group containing three species – Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus aggregatum – on the overall growth of strawberry plants. Mycorrhizal fungi forms mutually beneficial relationships with the roots of plants and are a great aid in the functioning of ecosystems (Van der Heijden 2009, Wilson 2001). Incorrect citation, put appropriate citations to where the information was used. Split it into two sentences if you have to. The fungus is such a crucial factor in certain ecosystems that some plants have become dependent on it (Yücel, C., Özkan et 2009). While these plants supply the fungi with essential organic materials, the fungi aid the plants’ roots in uptaking more minerals and nutrients, allowing greater growth, due to the complex mycelia networks it produces (Campbell et al 2011). Confusing re-word these sentences Other studies have shown that in the early stages of root development, Mycorrhizal fungi can be a major factor in growth rate (Janos 1980, Resendes et al 2008). The investigators are to test this symbiotic relationship on strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa) to see whether the fungi will accelerate growth, compared to plants without the aid of mycorrhizal fungi. The experiment will have a duration of eight weeks, with measurements being taken every other day in order to track progress. Should this result in productive growth, these fungi could potentially be further tested as to whether or not they are safe, ethical, and viable to be used in the agriculture and distribution of strawberries and fruits alike. This experiment is looking to find how great of an effect the addition of mycorrhizal fungi will have on the growth of garden strawberries, Fragaria ananassa. Twenty sprouted strawberry plants will be obtained from Home Depot and divided into two groups. One bottle of twelve ounce Garden-Villa fungi will be purchased online from the Garden Villa website. Garden-Villa is a combination of three types of mycorrhizal fungus; Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus aggregatum. The day that the 1 fungus is added to the group, all plants in both groups will be measured. Measurement will be taken from the bass of the plant to the end of its longest point. For the next four weeks, the plants will be measured every two days. After the allotted time, the fungal group will be compared to the non-fungal group to determine the effect of the fungi on the growth of the experimental group of plants. Then a statistical analysis will be performed involving all the data acquired. Introduction is used to give background information as well previous work. It is not used to demonstrate how your experiment will go. It is also very repetitive.
Materials and Methods
The materials utilized in this research project consisted of Mycorrhizal fungi, strawberry plants, two 24x10x10 inch Metric planters, Miracle Gro® brand potting soil, water, and measuring tape. The Mycorrhizal fungi were obtained through the “Garden Villa” company on for approximately $22 and consisted of a mixture of three species: Glomus intradices, Glomus mosseae and Glomus aggregatum. The strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa) were purchased from Home Depot for $3 per plant. The Miracle Gro® brand potting soil was also purchased from Home Depot. The planters were supplied by one of the researchers. Water was acquired through the tap. The tape measure was supplied by a researcher.
Mycorrhizae fungi and strawberry plants were acquired (Mycorrhizae fungi were obtained through “Garden Villa” on – the fungus was a mixture of species Glomus intradices, Glomus mosseae and Glomus aggregatum; 20 strawberry plants were purchased at Home Depot).Already mentioned in the previous paragraph The strawberry plants were then split into two groups of ten, one to be placed in the control group planter and the other to be placed in the experimental planter. Each of two doesn’t sound right 24x10x10 inch Metric planters were filled with Miracle Gro® brand potting soil. The soil of the control planter was Were left alone, while the soil of the experimental planter was mixed with the Mycorrhizae fungus mixture. Both plots of soil were soaked with equal amounts of water and each of the two groups were then planted and left to settle for 3 days. Re-word differently These planters were kept in one of the researcher’s back yards (in Ladera Ranch, California). Where the two groups could experience the same natural fluctuations in sunlight and temperature (to remove possible confounds or extraneous variables). After this period, plants were watered and growth was recorded every other day over the course of four weeks. Plant feeding took place in the form of the addition of six fluid ounces per plant (every two days as previously stated) It was not previously stated in this paragraph, re-word confusing sentence , administered at the base of each plant. Data collection took place in the form of measurements of the length of the plant (in cm) from its base to the end of its longest vine and in the form of its yield in strawberries (numbers of strawberries on each plant).Use variety in words too repetitive Data analysis consisted of three statistical tests: a one-factor ANOVA for the lengths of the strawberry plants’ longest vines, another one-factor ANOVA to analyze the growth rates of the two groups, and a one-tailed, unpaired t-test for number of strawberries yielded by each group. The ANOVA tests were used on the basis that the lengths of plant vines were taken and compared over time, while the t-test was appropriate in that it was used solely to compare the ending quantities of produced strawberries between the two plant groups. 2 Results
The null hypothesis (being that there is no difference in the growth of Fragaria ananassa with the addition of Glomus intraradices, Glomus Mosseae, and Glomus Aggregatum to the rooting system) has been rejected and the alternative hypothesis (that the growth of the experimental fungal will be greater than that of the control) has been accepted. A single variable ANOVA statistical analysis was run upon the average plant base to leaf length of both groups to find a p value of 0.012314. Since this p value is less than 0.05 in correct data input. we can firmly reject our null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Only results go in this section, your discussion is used to explain your results. Where are the results from one-factor ANOVA for the lengths of the strawberry plants’ longest vines, another one- factor ANOVA to analyze the growth rates of the two groups, and a one-tailed, unpaired t-test for number of strawberries yielded by each group?
Both Table 1 and 2 say the same thing however, there are different numbers? Not understanding what the tables are trying to represent. Also the Table caption goes above the table.
Fungal Base to Longest Leaf Non-fungal Base to Longest Date Length Average (cm) Leaf Length Average (cm) 25-Oct 15.18 15.17 27-Oct 15.80 15.52 29-Oct 16.21 15.88 31-Oct 16.56 16.05 2-Nov 16.88 16.08 4-Nov 17.32 16.22 6-Nov 17.75 16.41 8-Nov 18.05 16.85 10-Nov 18.45 17.08 12-Nov 19.05 17.29 14-Nov 19.35 16.48 16-Nov 19.37 16.43
Table 1: Table of the average base to longest leaf length of fungal group and non-fungal group against date.
t 25 g n e L
a 20 Fungus e L
Length t s
e Average 15 g ) n m o c L (
t 10 Non-fungus
e Length s
a Average B 5 e g a r e v 0 A 24-Oct 29-Oct 3-Nov 8-Nov 13-Nov 18-Nov Date
Figure 1: Scatter plot of the average plant length (measured in cm from base to longest leaf) of fungal group and controlled group versus time (two day increments). Single variable ANOVA shows that there is a significant difference in the groups (p=0.012314 / p<0.05).
Non-fungal Growth Average Date Fungal Growth Average (cm) (cm) 25-Oct 0.62 0.35 27-Oct 0.41 0.36 29-Oct 0.35 0.17 31-Oct 0.32 0.03 2-Nov 0.44 0.14 4-Nov 0.43 0.19 6-Nov 0.30 0.44 8-Nov 0.40 0.23 10-Nov 0.60 0.21 12-Nov 0.30 0.08 14-Nov 0.02 0.05 Table 2: Table of the change in the average base to longest leaf length of the fungal group and the non-fungal group against date.
s 0.7 e g
n 0.6
o Fungus L y = -0.0121x + 496.16 Growth
o 0.5 t ) 2 R = 0.249 Average e m s c 0.4 ( a
B h
e 0.3 Non- g g n
a fungus e r 0.2 L e
Growth f v y = -0.0134x + 546.84 a A Average
2 e 0.1 R = 0.2838 n L i
e 0 Linear g (Non- n 24-Oct 29-Oct 3-Nov 8-Nov 13-Nov 18-Nov a -0.1 fungus h
C Growth -0.2 Average) Date Linear (Fungus Growth Figure 2: Scatter plot of the change in the average base to longest leaf length of fungal groupAverage) and controlled group over time. Linear regression lines with equations and R2 values are also displayed. Single variable ANOVA shows that there is a significant difference between the growth of the experimental group and the that the change in the average base to longest leaf length of the experimental group is consistently greater than that of the controlled. controlled group. Comparison of linear regression lines show s P valves? Maybe you should ask Teh if this would be an appropriate type of graph to use.
Figure 3: Column graph of the mean number of berries produced in the fungal group and the controlled group. Two sample t-test assuming equal variance shows that there is no significant difference in the number of strawberries produced by the experimental, fungal, group and the controlled, non-fungal, group. (p=0.075475 / p<0.05) one tailed unpaired t-test. Mean bar is incorrect 5 Discussion
Our tests have indicated that strawberry plants that are planted with strictly ectomycorrhizal fungi located around the roots will grow at a faster rate than those without the fungus. Figure 1 is a pictorial representation of the averages in Table 1 and depicts the average plant length (from the base of the plant to its longest leaf in centimeters) versus time, where measurements took place in two day increments. Visual examination of the graph will show a clear separation of the two groups as the average plant length of the fungal group moves above that of the non-fungal, control group. A single factor ANOVA test indicated a significant difference between the two groups of average plant lengths (p value of 0.012314). This indication of difference brought about by the ANOVA test along with an examination of the nature of the graph leads to the conclusion that ectomycorrhizal fungi do improve the growth of strawberry plants. Figure 2 plots the data from Table 2 against time. Examination of the linear regression lines in Figure 2 show that the amount of growth that was recorded for the experimental fungal group was consistently above that of the controlled, non-fungal group. A single factor ANOVA was also run upon the two groups, measuring change in average plant length over time. Through this, it was found that there was a significant difference between them (p=0.00965). Noting this, along with the clear difference in linear regression lines, where that of the fungal group is much higher than that of the non-fungal group, it can be said that the fungal group’s growth is thus significantly greater than that of the control. This is likely due to the accelerated uptake of nutrients provided by the complex mycelia networks created by the ectomycorrizal fungi (Cambell et al 2011). As also shown by Figure 2, the growth rates have negatively sloped linear regression lines associated with them, consistent with research previously performed, which showed more rapid growth changes immediately after fungal addition, as opposed to later in the study (Janos 1980, Resendes et al 2008). The numbers of berries that each group yielded, experimental and controlled, were also taken into account to further assess the effect of addition of ectomicorrhizal fungi upon the strawberry plants’ growths. A one tailed unpaired t-test indicated that there was no significant difference in the number of berries produced between the two groups (p value of 0.075475). However it is worth recognition that this p value is very close to required alpha of 0.05, meaning the data is close to significant. The fact that the experimental group was the only to actually yield strawberries at all is something that should also be taken into consideration, regardless of the fact that Even though very few were produced. This supports the idea that the fungi benefit the ecosystem as a whole, because of their ability to help the plant produce more fruit, therefore allowing for a greater reproductive capacity as well as, and providing more food for the local consumer. ultimately adding to the food chain. This supports research previously done by Van der Heijden in 2009, which found that mycorrizae fungi play an important part in some ecosystems. When considering the fact that the strawberry plants in the control group lacked strawberries entirely, it isn’t unreasonable to image these note that these fungi are being a vital component of certain communities. It could be said that without the help of a mycorrhizae fungus, the host plant would not be able to create fruit and therefore not reproduce and contribute to the community as well, if at all (Yücel et all 2009). This additionally plays along with previous studies that have found that mycorrhizal fungi improve not nly growth, but the flowering of plants as well (Wilson et 6 al 2001). You do not need to add your p valves in this section. You referred back to them using your tables and graphs in your results section.
Works Cited Campbell, Neil A., Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, and Robert B. Jackson. Biology . 9th ed. San Francisco : Pearson, 2011.
Janos, David P. (1980). Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Affect Lowland Tropical Rain Forest Plant Growth. Ecology , 61(1), 151-162.
Resendes, M. L., Bryla, D. R., & Eissenstat, D. M. (2008). Early events in the life of apple roots: variation in root growth rate is linked to mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal fungal colonization. Plant & Soil, 313(1/2), 175-186.
Van der Heijden, M. A., & Horton, T. R. (2009). Socialism in soil? The importance of mycorrhizal fungal networks for facilitation in natural ecosystems. Journal of Ecology, 97(6), 1139-1150.
Wilson, Gail W. T., David C. Hartnett, Melinda D. Smith and Kerri Kobbeman (2001). Effects of Mycorrhizae on Growth and Demography of Tallgrass Prairie Forbs. American Journal of Botany, Vol. 88 (8). 1452-1457. – species with fungus grew/flowered more
Yücel, C., Özkan, H., Ortaş, İ., & Yağbasanlar, T. (2009). Screening of wild emmer wheat accessions (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides) for mycorrhizal dependency. Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry, 33(5), 513-523.
You’re short five references.
7 Review Form Department of Biological Sciences Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Author (s): Alex Centala, James Duong, and Amir Nahangi
Title: ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS (Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus aggregatum) AIDS IN THE GROWTH OF THE STRAWBERRY PLANT (Fragaria ananassa)
Summary Summarize the paper succinctly and dispassionately. Do not criticize here, just show that you understood the paper.
They wanted to see if growing strawberry plants with mycorrhizae fungi would grow faster than plants that did not have these fungi.
General Comments Generally explain the paper’s strengths and weaknesses and whether they are serious, or important to our current state of knowledge.
Methods and materials section is good just needs some revision. The Introduction to this paper is a weakness, it barely gave any introduction to what was being tested, very repetitive, and did not go into depth about previous work. Results section did not have results, all your data was hidden under your graphs where they don’t belong. The Discussion section is also a strong point. However it does not sound like the rest of the paper.
Technical Criticism Review technical issues, organization and clarity. Provide a table of typographical errors, grammatical errors, and minor textual problems. It's not the reviewer's job to copy Edit the paper, mark the manuscript.
This paper was a final version This paper was a rough draft
It would be very useful and helpful if you looked at previous papers from previous classes. It would help in constructing your paper to have better flow. Some of the details and explanations are not in their proper section.
This paper should be published as is This paper should be published with revision This paper should not be published