For Use with NAACCR V12

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For Use with NAACCR V12

Missouri Edits Dictionary 2012 For use with NAACCR v12 Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center

This dictionary of Missouri-specific edits is provided to assist users in understanding the edits that are run before submission of files to Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center (MCR-ARC). There are currently 15 Missouri-specific edits run on incoming files; each is identifiable with the prefix “MO”. Each edit is explained below in a format similar to that used in the NAACCR Edits Detail Report (which lists all the national edits and can be accessed at

Edit Titles are highlighted in yellow and presented alphabetically. Any Fields and Tables used by the edit are listed. The Error Message that you see in your software is also listed here. A further explanation is given under Description. Because the Description is likely to be the most useful item for users, it is listed in blue font to make it easy to find. The Edit Logic is not necessary to understand, but is included for those who find such programming of interest.

MO Alcohol History Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Alcohol History [Item# 9507]

Default Error Message "value of MO-Alcohol History" is not a valid value for MO-Alcohol History

Description Must be a valid code for MO-Alcohol History (0-2,9).

Edit Logic if (INLIST(#S"MO-Alcohol History","0-2,9")) return PASS; return FAIL; MO County at DX, Addr at DX--Postal Code Agency: MCR Last changed: 05/11/2010

Fields Addr at DX--State [Item# 80] County at DX [Item# 90] Addr at DX--Postal Code [Item# 100]


Default Error Message Conflict among Addr at DX--State, County at DX and Addr at DX--Postal Code

Description This edit is skipped if any of the following conditions are true:

1. Any of the fields are blank. 2. Addr at DX--State is not Missouri (MO) 3. Addr at DX--Postal Code is equal to 99999 or 999999999 4. County at DX is equal to 999

This edit verifies that the County at DX code is valid for the first five digits of Addr at DX--Postal Code.

Edit Logic char cnty_zip [13]; if (not INLIST (#S"Addr at DX--State","MO")) return PASS; if (EMPTY (#S"County at DX") OR EMPTY (#S"Addr at DX--Postal Code")) return PASS;

If (INLIST (#S"Addr at DX--Postal Code","99999, 999999999")) return PASS;

If (INLIST (#S"County at DX","999")) return PASS;

STRCPY(cnty_zip, #S"County at DX" ); STRCAT(cnty_zip, #S"Addr at DX--Postal Code",5); if (ILOOKUP( cnty_zip, "ZIP_CNTY.DBF.cntyzip" )) return PASS; return FAIL; MO Personal Hx1 Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Personal Hx1 [Item# 9502]


Default Error Message "value of MO-Personal Hx1" is not a valid value for MO-Personal Hx1

Description MO-Personal Hx1 must be a valid Primary Site code as defined by the International C lassification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition. (The decimal point is dropp ed and the “C” is required.)

May be blank.

Edit Logic if (EMPTY(#S"MO-Personal Hx1")) return PASS; return LOOKUP(#S"MO-Personal Hx1","SITE_TBL.DBF.SITECODE");

MO Personal Hx1, Year1, Seq Number--Hospital Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields Sequence Number--Hospital [Item# 560] MO-Personal Hx1 [Item# 9502] MO-Year1 [Item# 9503]

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("MO-Personal Hx1 and MO-Year1 are required for this Sequence Number")

Description If Sequence Number--Hospital = 01-59 or 61-87, then MO-Personal Hx1 and MO-Year1 ca nnot be blank.

Edit Logic If (INLIST(#S"Sequence Number--Hospital", "01-59,61-87")) If (EMPTY (#S"MO-Personal Hx1") or EMPTY (#S"MO-Year1")) Return ERROR_TEXT("MO-Personal Hx1 and MO-Year1 are required for this Sequence Number");

Return PASS; MO Personal Hx2 Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Personal Hx2 [Item# 9504]


Default Error Message "value of MO-Personal Hx2" is not a valid value for MO-Personal Hx2

Description MO-Personal Hx2 must be a valid Primary Site code as defined by the International C lassification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition. (The decimal point is dropp ed and the “C” is required.)

May be blank.

Edit Logic if (EMPTY(#S"MO-Personal Hx2")) return PASS; return LOOKUP(#S"MO-Personal Hx2","SITE_TBL.DBF.SITECODE");

MO Personal Hx2, Year2, Seq Number--Hospital Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields Sequence Number--Hospital [Item# 560] MO-Year2 [Item# 9505] MO-Personal Hx2 [Item# 9504]

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("MO-Personal Hx2 and MO-Year2 are required for this Sequence Number")

Description If Sequence Number--Hospital = 03-59 or 63-87, then MO-Personal Hx2 and MO-Year2 ca nnot be blank.

Edit Logic If (INLIST(#S"Sequence Number--Hospital", "03-59,63-87")) If (EMPTY (#S"MO-Personal Hx2") or EMPTY (#S"MO-Year2")) Return ERROR_TEXT("MO-Personal Hx2 and MO-Year2 are required for this Sequence Number");

Return PASS; MO Rad--Regional RX Modality, RX Text--Radiation Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/16/2010

Fields Rad--Regional RX Modality [Item# 1570] RX Text--Radiation (Beam) [Item# 2620] RX Text--Radiation Other [Item# 2630] RX Date--Radiation [Item# 1210]

Default Error Message If Rad--Regional RX Modality = "value of Rad--Regional RX Modality", RX Text--Radiation fields cannot bo th be blank

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Radiation: %DC")

Description This edit is skipped if RX Date-Radiation is blank or less than 2006. If Rad--Regional RX Modality is 20-98, then the first 79 characters of either RX Te xt--Radiation (Beam) or RX Text--Radiation Other must not be blank.

Administrative Notes Modifications: NACR110C 07/19/06 Updated to check the first 79 characters of RX Text--Radiation (Beam) and RX Text--Radiation Other when verifyi ng that text is not blank; the previously used fields, RX Text--Radiation (Beam)-80 and RX Text--Radiation Oth-80, have been deleted since they are not NAACCR standard data items.

Edit Logic int rad_year; rad_year = DATE_YEAR_IOP (#S"RX Date--Radiation") ;

If (rad_year == DT_EMPTY) return PASS;

If (rad_year == DT_ERROR) Return ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Radiation: %DC"); if (rad_year < 2006) return PASS; if (INLIST(#S"Rad--Regional RX Modality", "20-98" )) if (EMPTY(SUBSTR(#S"RX Text--Radiation (BEAM)",1,79)) and EMPTY (SUBSTR(#S"RX Text--Ra diation Other",1,79))) return FAIL; return PASS; MO RX Date--Surgery, RX Text--Surgery Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/16/2010

Fields RX Date--Surgery [Item# 1200] RX Text--Surgery [Item# 2610]

Default Error Message If RX Date--Surgery = "value of RX Date--Surgery", RX Text--Surgery cannot be blank

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Surgery: %DC")

Description This edit is skipped if the RX Date--Surgery is blank or less than 2006.

The first 79 characters of RX Text--Surgery must not be blank.

Edit Logic int su_year; su_year = DATE_YEAR_IOP (#S"RX Date--Surgery") ;

If (su_year == DT_EMPTY) return PASS;

If (su_year == DT_ERROR) Return ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Surgery: %DC"); if (su_year < 2006) return PASS; if ( EMPTY(SUBSTR(#S"RX Text--Surgery",1,79) ) ) return FAIL; return PASS; MO RX Summ--BRM, RX Text--BRM Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/16/2010

Fields RX Summ--BRM [Item# 1410] RX Text--BRM [Item# 2660] RX Date--BRM [Item# 1240]

Default Error Message If RX Summ--BRM = "value of RX Summ--BRM", RX Text--BRM cannot be blank

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--BRM: %DC")

Description This edit is skipped if the RX Date--BRM is blank or less than 2006.

If RX Summ--BRM = 01 (biological response modifier administered), the first 79 char acters of RX Text--BRM must not be blank.

Edit Logic int brm_year; brm_year = DATE_YEAR_IOP (#S"RX Date--BRM") ;

If (brm_year == DT_EMPTY) return PASS;

If (brm_year == DT_ERROR) Return ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--BRM: %DC"); if (brm_year < 2006) return PASS; if (INLIST(#S"RX Summ--BRM", "01","dd" )) if (EMPTY(SUBSTR(#S"RX Text--BRM",1,79))) return FAIL; return PASS; MO RX Summ--Chemo, RX Text--Chemo Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/16/2010

Fields RX Summ--Chemo [Item# 1390] RX Text--Chemo [Item# 2640] RX Date--Chemo [Item# 1220]

Default Error Message If RX Summ--Chemo = "value of RX Summ--Chemo", RX Text--Chemo cannot be blank

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Chemo: %DC")

Description This edit is skipped if the RX Date--Chemo is blank or less than 2006.

If RX Summ--Chemo = 01-03 (chemotherapy administered), the first 79 characters of R X Text--Chemo must not be blank.

Administrative Notes Modifications:

NACR110C 07/19/06 Updated to check the first 79 characters of RX Text--Chemo when verifying that text is not blank; the previously used field, RX Text--Chemo-80, has been deleted since it is not a NAACCR standard data item.

Edit Logic int chemo_year; chemo_year = DATE_YEAR_IOP (#S"RX Date--Chemo") ;

If (chemo_year == DT_EMPTY) return PASS;

If (chemo_year == DT_ERROR) Return ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Chemo: %DC"); if (chemo_year < 2006) return PASS; if (INLIST(#S"RX Summ--Chemo", "01,02,03","dd")) if (EMPTY(SUBSTR(#S"RX Text--Chemo",1,79))) return FAIL; return PASS; MO RX Summ--Hormone, RX Text--Hormone Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/16/2010

Fields RX Summ--Hormone [Item# 1400] RX Text--Hormone [Item# 2650] RX Date--Hormone [Item# 1230]

Default Error Message If RX Summ--Hormone = "value of RX Summ--Hormone", RX Text--Hormone cannot be blank

Additional Messages ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Hormone: %DC")

Description This edit is skipped if the RX Date--Hormone is blank or less than 2006.

If RX Summ--Hormone = 01 (hormone treatment administered), the first 79 characters of RX Text--Hormone must not be blank.

Administrative Notes Modifications: NACR110C 07/19/06 Updated to check the first 79 characters of RX Text--Hormone when verifying that text is not blank; the previousl y used field, RX Text--Hormone-80, has been deleted since it is not a NAACCR standard data item.

Edit Logic int horm_year; horm_year = DATE_YEAR_IOP (#S"RX Date--Hormone") ;

If (horm_year == DT_EMPTY) return PASS;

If (horm_year == DT_ERROR) Return ERROR_TEXT("RX Date--Hormone: %DC"); if (horm_year < 2006) return PASS; if ( INLIST(#S"RX Summ--Hormone", "01" ) ) if ( EMPTY(substr(#S"RX Text--Hormone",1,79) )) return FAIL; return PASS; MO Tobacco History Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Tobacco History [Item# 9506]

Default Error Message "value of MO-Tobacco History" is not a valid value for MO-Tobacco History

Description Must be a valid code for MO-Tobacco History (0-5,9).

Edit Logic if (INLIST(#S"MO-Tobacco History","0-5,9")) return PASS; return FAIL;

MO Tobacco Years Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Tobacco Years [Item# 9501]

Default Error Message "value of MO-Tobacco Years" is not a valid value for MO-Tobacco Years

Description Must be a valid code for MO-Tobacco Years (00-99). Cannot be blank.

Edit Logic if (INLIST(#S"MO-Tobacco Years","00-99", "dd")) return PASS; return FAIL; MO Year1 Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Year1 [Item# 9503]

Default Error Message "value of MO-Year1" is not a valid value for MO-Year1

Description MO-Year1 must = 1900-9999 or blank.

Edit Logic if (EMPTY(#S"MO-Year1")) return PASS; if (INLIST(#S"MO-Year1","1900-9999", "dddd")) return PASS; return FAIL;

MO Year2 Agency: MCR Last changed: 06/03/2010

Fields MO-Year2 [Item# 9505]

Default Error Message "value of MO-Year2" is not a valid value for MO-Year2

Description MO-Year2 must = 1900-9999 or blank.

Edit Logic if (EMPTY(#S"MO-Year2")) return PASS; if (INLIST(#S"MO-Year2","1900-9999", "dddd")) return PASS; return FAIL;

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