Sample Procurement Plan
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Procurement Plan dated July 15, 2010
I. General
1. Data of General Project information:
4. Loan No.: 7436-POL, Project ID: P086768
5. Coordination Agency: Project Coordination Unit Wroclaw
6. Project Implementing Unit: RZGW Wroclaw, RZGW Gliwice, DZMIUW Wroclaw, IMGW, PCU and DGLP.
7. Bank's approval Date of the Procurement Plan
December 16, 2006 - initial approval over Loan Agreement Section 1.02 (n)
December 2007 – updated Procurement Plan for 2008
December 10, 2008 – updated Procurement Plan (current version for 2009)
September 2, 2009 - updated Procurement Plan (current version for 2010)
Procurement Notice: 6 October 2008r., No. WB583-697/07
Period covered by this procurement plan: 2010 -2011
1 II. Coods and Works and non-consulting services.
1. Procurement Method Threshold
Method Threshold Comments
1. Goods > €500,000 per LA
2. Goods <€500,000 per LA
3. Works> €4,845,000 LA provides for PQ above €10,000,000 and ICB is a default method
4. Works< €4,845,000 LA provides for "works estimated to cost less than €5,278,000" and it was reduced further due to EU Regulation (ref. para 3)
5. TS > €4,845,000 per LA
6. TS < €4,845,000 per LA
7. Works< €75,000 per LA Goods < €75,000
8. < €600,000 Direct contracts below EUR 6,000 will follow the Polish Procurement Law. Any DC should meet Procurement Guidelines requirements 3.6 (a) - (e)
Prior Review Threshold Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement: Thresholds for applicable
2 procurement methods (not limited to the list below) are determined by the Bank and agreed with the Borrower based on the assessment of the implementing agency’s capacity.
Procurement Method Prior Review Threshold Comments
1 ICB (Goods) Goods > €500,000 All ICB prior review .
2 NCB (Goods) Goods <€500,000 All NCB post review .
3 ICB (Works) Works> €4,845,000* All ICB prior review .
4 NCB (Works) Works< €4,845,000* All NCB post review .
5 ICB (Non-Consultant TS > €4,845,000* All ICB prior review . Services)
6 NCB (Non-Consultant TS < €4,845,000* All NCB post review . Services)
7 Shopping Works< €75,000 All Shopping post review . Goods < €75,000
8 Direct Contracting All All DC contracts irrelevant of the value should be prior-reviewed by the . Bank
2. Prequalification. Bidders for works, estimated to cost more then EURO10,000,000 shall be prequalified in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Guidelines.
3 3. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements:
NCB-POPT - Polish procurement procedure of open tendering (POPT) according to Chapter 3, Section 1 of Polish Procurement Law or National Competitive Bidding (NCB) for contracts up to €4,845,000*.
ICB – POPT for contracts more than €4,845,000*that are to be cofinanced by EU Cohesion Fund. – This is the Polish procurement procedure of open tendering (POPT) according to Chapter 3, Section 1 of Polish Procurement Law, „except that the Bank’s Standard Bidding Documents for International Competitive Bidding procedures shall be used and the bidding opportunities shall be advertised in U.N. Development Business, the Europr Journal of Procurement and the Polish Bulletin of Procurement. The Bank will conduct a prior review of such contracts“ as stated in Loan Agreement Schedule 4, section II, paragraph A2.
*replace the EUR 5,278,000 threshold with the current valid threshold of EUR 4,845,000 . The Regulation of the Prime Minister of 23 December 2009 on the value of contracts and design contests imposing an obligation to submit the notices to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Journal of Laws No. 224, item 1795). III. Selection of Consultant
1. Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix l to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants:
Selection Method Prior Review Comments Threshold 1. Firms QCBS, Above 150 000 EURO 2. Single Source (Firms) all 3. Individual Consultants Above 50,000 EURO
4 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than 150 000 EURO equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.
Updated Procurement Plan - July 15, 2010
ESTIMATED / Ref. Contract Category of Number of Procureme Review ACTUAL COMMENTS DATES No. (Description) expenditure Contracts nt Method by Bank Prequ (Prior / TOR/ REI/ IFB/ BD/ Bid Bids Contract Contract alificat Post) ITQ/ BD ITQ / Opening/ Evaluation Signing Completion ion Prepare & REI Proposals Report / Date Date (Yes/N Submission issue submission Technical o) Date Date & /Data Financial “No Evaluation Object Report & ion for Award PQD Recommen dation Component A- Construction of Raciborz Dry Polder PQ start 30.08.2010 OF Y/ Construction of December March May July September March RPP PQ ended Raciborz dry CW 1 ICB - POTP 5 Prior -A1- 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2015 27.10.210 polder Augus 1 t 2010 BD under preparation
BD under OF Novem Advances November December January November preparation RPP October 2010 ber archaeological CW 1 NCB -POTP N Post -A1- 2010 2010 2011 2011 servis 2010 2
5 OF November November RPP Purchase of maps On-going G 8 DC N Prior -A3- and documents 2009 2014 3 On-going J.V. Construction OF CES - lider, Supervision for October Februar April July November November RPP Haskoning, Raciborz Dry CS 1 QCBS Prior -A3- 2008 y 2009 2009 2009 4, 2009 4, 2015 Polder for Ekosystem Sp. 1 Component z o.o.
Component B Modernization of Wrocław Floodway System
OFRPP-B1 Construction of levees upstream of Wroclaw under WFS
PQ start 30.07.2010
OF Modernization of Y/ PQ ended RPP Embankment in Decembe February April 14.10.210 CW 1 ICB 5 Prior November 2010 May November -B1- Blisanowice and August r 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 1 Trestno 2010 BD under preparation
O Modernization CW 1 ICB Y/ Prior November 2010 Decemb February March April June PQ start FR of Embankment 5 er 2010 2011 2011 2011 2013 September PP in Kotowice and Augu 2010 - Siedlce st B1
6 PQ ended
November 2010 -2 2010 BD under preparation
O FR Construction of Septem PP other levees November December January April Not started CW 1 ICB Y Prior August 2011 ber - upstream of 2011 2011 2012 2014 procedures 2011 B1 Wroclaw -3
O FR Construction of PP levees September October December December January April Not started 3- downstream of CW 1 ICB Y Prior 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2014 procedures B1 Wroclaw under - WFS 11
OFRPP-B2 Construction of Boulevards/Ret aining walls in WFS
O Modernization FR of Boulevards
PP of the ICB - Y May September September October October Not started - Srodmiejska CW 1 Prior May 2011 POTP 2011 2011 2011 2011 2013 procedures B2 Odra River - 2.1
7 PQ start
September 2010 O FR Y/ Excavation and PQ ended PP expansion of ICB - 5 June October November December November - CW 1 Prior June 2010 November channels in POTP Augu 2010 2010 2010 2010 2014 B2 2010 WFS st - 2010 BD under 3.1 preparation
Excavation and expansion of O channels in RF WFS and PP adaptation of ICB - March July August September November Not started - CW 1 Y Prior March 2012 Rędzin barrage POTP 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 procedures B2 to pass flood - water 3.2
O FR PP Other Hydraulic ICB - May July September October October Not started - structures in CW 1 Y Prior April 2011 POTP 2011 2011 2011 2011 2013 procedures B2 WFS - 4.2
O Design and CS 1 QCBS Prior November January April May October 8, October 8, On-going J.V. FR Construction 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2015 Scott Wilson PP Supervision for -lider, - Wroclaw Halcrow
8 Floodway Grup, B4 System BRL -2 component B2 Ingenierie
OFRPP-B3 Flood relief through Widawa Transfer
O FR Flood relief P- through April June July August August Not started B3 CW 1 ICB Y Prior March 2011 Widawa 2011 2011 2011 2011 2014 procedures -1 Transfer B3 -2
OFRPP-B4 Design, Construction supervision, Administration
On-goingJ.V. Design and Grontmij O Construction Polska – lider, FR Supervision for Grontmij November January April May October May PP Wroclaw CS 1 QCBS Prior Nederland 2008 2009 2009 2009 14, 2009 14, 2014 B4 Floodway B.V. Sogreah -1 System Polska, components B1 Sogreah SAS, and B3 Ekocentrum
9 O Support legal FR services for Septem TOR under November December December May preparation PP Wroclaw CS 1 CQ Prior August 2010 ber 2011 2010 2010 2014 B4 Floodway 2010 -3 System (WFS)
Component C- Improving Flood Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Supervision of the EMP & RAP
O Monitoring and FR evaluation of November January April June April November On-going P- project impact CS 1 QCBS Prior 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 2014 Ove Arup C4 Supervision of -1 EMP and RAP
O TO FR Preparation R under November January April June June November P- strategy of CS 1 IC Prior preparation 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 C5 projects -1
O Preparation of CS 1 QCBS Prior September October January January February April FR the Quality 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2013 P- Control TOR under preparation C2 Algorithms for -1 Hydrological and Meteorological Measurements and
10 Hydrological Forecasts
Implementation of the IT System for Quality Control of Hydrological and O Meteorological FR Measurements BD under P- and Decem January February April April preparation C2 Hydrological G 1 ICB Prior October 2010 ber 2011 2011 2011 2013 -3 Forecasts & 2010 Expansion of the Client Service System (SOK) & Implementation of the Central Historical Database
O FR P- Interpreter June December BD under C2 CS 1 IC Post services 2010 2012 preparation - 10 -3
Technical O Support for the FR On-going Project and P- October March Sogreah Strengthening CS 1 SSS Prior C2 12, 2009 2013 Consultants of IMGW's - SAS Institutional 12 Capacity
11 Component D Project Management, Technical Assistance and Training
Contract no. February November D1 1/2008 - Project CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2008 2014 Management
Contract no June April D1 CS 1 IC Prior Ended 2/200/ A. Tiukało 2008 2010
Contract no June November D1 CS 1 IC Prior On - going 1/200/ A. Drożdż 2008 2014
Contract no June November D1 3/200/ CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2008 2014 M.Kozłowska
Contract no July November D1 5/2008/J. CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2008 2014 Banaszak
Contract no July November D1 6/2008/ A. CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2008 2014 Piwowarczyk
Contract July November D1 no7/2008/ W. CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2008 2014 Barczyński
Contract 8/2008/ September November C4 CS 1 IC Prior On - going M. Kończak 2008 2014
Contract no July January D1 9/2008/ CS 1 IC Prior Ended 2008 2010 B. Nowak
D1 Contract no CS 1 IC Prior September November On - going 10/2008/H.
12 Batko 2008 2014
Contract 11/2008/ Casus November November D1 CS 1 CQ Prior On - going Iuris - Support 2008 2014 for legal
Contract 1/2009/ Chief August November D1 CS 1 IC Prior On - going Accountant/ d. 2009 2014 Kuchar
Contract 2/2009/ Accounting August November D1 CS 1 IC Prior On -going Specjalist / J. 2009 2014 Zielińska
Contract 3/2009/ Administration September November D1 CS 1 IC Prior On - going Specialist/ M. 2009 2014 Kozłowska
Contract 4/2009/ Adminstration December November D1 Specialist at CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2009 2014 PCU/A. Głowińska
Contract 1/2010/ January November D1 Deputy Director CS 1 IC Prior On - going 2010 2014 PCU/ B. Nowak
Contract 2/2010/ November Hydraulic April D1 CS 1 IC Prior 2014 On - going Projects/ 2010 St. Kostecki
O FR Under November January April June June November evaluation P- Consultant PR CS 1 IC Prior 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2014 D1 -1
13 O Interpreter FR services for November January April June July November P- CS 1 SSS Prior On-going PCU 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2014 D1 L. Greszta -2
O FR TOR under Consultant for July October September September November preparation P- CS 1 IC Prior May 2010 SMOK 2010 2010 2010 2010 2014 D1 -3
D1 Short-term O consultant to FR determine the April June July June October P- scope of work CS 1 IC Post January 2010 On-going 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 D1 in the building -5 of the Office of PCU
D1 O FR Purchase of a December December Not started G 1 SH Post P- car for PCU 2010 2010 procedures D1 -6
Incremental Operation cost*
Training for September PCU OP N/A On -going 2010 Consaltants
Purchase of OP N/A July November On-going office 2010 2010 equipment(a computer,
14 laptop, printer) -PCU
Purchase of office equipment (furniture, a July December computer, OP N/A On-going 2010 2010 laptop, multi- device fax, scanner, printer) - IMGW
* The term, means expenditures approved by the Bank and incurred to finance the reasonable cost of office rent, office supplies, utilities, operatrionb and maintenance of equipment and vehicles, and minor cost necessary for managing the Project.