Study Guide: the Odyssey Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald

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Study Guide: the Odyssey Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald

Study Guide: The Odyssey Homer Translated by Robert Fitzgerald

Book 1: A Goddess Intervenes 1. What is a "Muse" and why does the speaker of the poem request that the Muse, "Sing in me"? What does this immediately suggest about the story? 2. (6-16) Odysseus begins his journey home with over eight hundred men and arrives home alone. What causes his men to die? 3. (17-25) All of the other Greek leaders have arrived home from the Trojan War except Odysseus. Where is he and why is he there? 4. (26-34) Which god is Odysseus's enemy? (35-41) Why has this god left Olympos? 5. (48-62) Zeus and his fellow immortals are discussing the death of Agamemnon at the hands of Aigithos and Orestes’ subsequent revenge. What does this small reference reveal about the relationship between gods and humans? Husbands and wives? 6. (63-84) What is the main question that Athene asks Zeus? Why does it take her so long to ask this question? 7. (87-89) What is Zeus's opinion of Odysseus? 8. (100-105) Why does Zeus ask the other gods to help with Odysseus's homecoming? 9. (106-122) Athene suggests a plan to initiate Odysseus's homecoming. What is this plan? 10. (129-133) How is Athene disguised? Why is this significant? 11. (134-141) What does she discover when she arrives? 12. (142-149) What is foreshadowed in Telemakhos' daydream? 13. (150-178) Comment on the Greek idea of hospitality. 14. (179-192) There are one hundred suitors feasting in Odysseus's home. Describe a typical day for a suitor. Describe a typical suitor. 15. (209-213) What questions does Telemakhos ask Mentes/Athene? 16. (240-249) What does Mentes/Athene prophesize about Odysseus? 17. (277-298) What are the conflicts Telemakhos faces? What is particularly painful for Telemakhos in regard to his father's fate? 18. (318-350) Summarize the plan that Athene suggests to Telemakhos. 19. (355-362) What other facets are revealed about Greek hospitality? 20. (368-374) How has Athene inspired Telemakhos. 21. (375-395) What is the subject of the singer's song? Why does this upset Penelope? 22. (397-408) How has Telemakhos "amazed" his mother? 23. (417-430) How has Telemakhos "amazed" the suitors? Who questions him? 24. What are the words used to describe Odysseus, Telemakhos, and the Suitors? 25. What are Telemakhos’ prospects at this point in the story? Give several variations.

Book 2: A Hero's Son Awakens 1. (49-52) What are the two "evils" Telemakhos describes to the assembly? 2. (53-62) According to Telemakhos, what should the suitors do to properly court Penelope? What do they do instead? 3. (63-67) Why hasn't Telemakhos challenged the suitors before? 4. (91-118) How does Antinoos defend the suitors against Telemakhos' accusations? 5. (119-136) What does Antinoos tell Telemakhos to do about Penelope? How is Penelope hurting Telemakhos? 6. (138-154) Why does Telemakhos refuse to follow Antinoos' advice? What does he beg of Zeus? 7. (154-165) What is the omen sent by Zeus? What is its purpose? 8. (166-186) How does Halitherses interpret the omen? What other predictions has he made? 9. (187-203) How does Eurymakhos respond to Halitherses' prediction? What does he threaten? 10. (219-234) What are Telemakhos' plans? 11. (235-238) Who is Mentor and what is his role in Ithaca? 12. (240-253) What "sickens" Mentor? Why? 13. (285-312) How does Mentor/Athene encourage Telemakhos? What are his/her instructions? 14. (327-338) How does Telemakhos react to Antinoos' attempts to be friendly? 15. (342-348) What do some of the suitors fear as they mock Telemakhos? 16. (395-399) Why doesn't Telemakhos want to tell his mother of his planned journey? 17. (405-416) How has Athene prepared for Telemakhos' journey? 18. (456-end) What are the final preparations for the journey?

Book 3: The Lord of the Western Approaches 1. (5-13) Describe the scene Telemakhos and his crew discover off the shores of Pylos? To which god are they sacrificing? 2. (17-33) Why is Telemakhos reluctant? How does Mentor/Athene inspire Telemakhos to speak to Nestor? 3. (111-130) Describe Nestor's experience in the Trojan War. Describe his relationship with Odysseus. 4. (140-197) Based on Nestor's summary of the end of the war and the return journey home, describe the relationship between gods and humans. Why did the Argives have a hard homecoming from the Trojan War? Why was Nestor able to get home safely? 5. (233-241) What is the relationship between Athene and Odysseus? 6. (254-256) What is the nature of death in the Greek tradition? 7. (273-337) Describe Agamemnon's death. 8. (345-358) Why does Nestor tell Telemakhos to visit Menelaos? 9. (402-417) How does Athene reveal her identity? How does Nestor respond? 10. (471-505) Summarize briefly the ritual sacrifice that Nestor performs 11. (519-529) How does Telemakhos travel to Menelaos’? Who accompanies him?

Book 4: The Red-haired King and His Lady 1. (40-72) How are Telemakhos and Peisistratos welcomed at Menelaos'? Why? 2. (97-101) What is Menelaos' attitude towards his wealth? Who was his brother? 3. (124-130)(149-157) What makes Menelaos and Helen believe that their visitor is related to Odysseus? 4. (3-4)(202-208)(230-231) Why does Menelaos try to postpone his conversation with Telemakhos until tomorrow? 5. (235-249) What does Helen do to relieve everyone's sorrow? 6. (252-285) Summarize the story that Helen tells of Odysseus. What heroic quality does it illustrate? 7. (286-311) Summarize the story that Menelaos tells of Odysseus. What heroic quality does it illustrate? 8. (358-372) What is one of the metaphors or similes Menelaos uses to describe the suitors? 9. (377-633) Summarize, as briefly as possible, the story that Menelaos tells of his difficulty getting home. What information does Proteus, The Ancient of the Salt Sea, give about Agamemnon? What information does Proteus give about Odysseus? 10. (710-720) What is Antinoos’ reaction when he learns of Telemakhos' voyage? What does he plan? 11. (753-813) What is Penelope's reaction to the news that Telemakhos has gone to Pylos? Whom does she wish to summon? How does Eurykleia soothe her? 12. (848-895) To what extent does Athene comfort Penelope?

Book 5: Sweet Nymph and Open Sea 1. Who is Hermes? What are his instructions? How does he travel? 2. Describe Odysseus' emotional state when Hermes finds him on Kalypso's island? 3. According to Kalypso, what is the real reason Zeus has demanded that she release Odysseus? What is the irony that she points out? 4. When Odysseus learns that he is to be released, why is he fearful? How does Kalypso help Odysseus? 5. How does Odysseus navigate? How long is he on the raft? 6. Who is the Earthshaker? How and why does he interfere with Odysseus’ journey? 7. Who offers assistance to Odysseus? What instructions does she give him? How does Odysseus respond? Why does he finally take her advice? 8. What is Odysseus' final trial before he reaches land? 9. What is Odysseus' dilemma once he reaches land? 10. Where does Odysseus find refuge?

Book 6: The Princess at the River 1. How does Athena engineer Nausikaa's discovery of Odysseus? 2. Summarize Odysseus' reaction when Nausikaa awakens him. How is his reaction in keeping with his character? To what is he compared? 3. What is blandishment? How does Odysseus use it effectively? 4. For what are the Phaiakians renowned? Why are they powerful? 5. Why does Nausikaa ask Odysseus to follow her at a distance into town? 6. What is the strategy Nausikaa recommends to Odysseus to appease her mother? Why should Odysseus be concerned for his safety?

Book 7: Gardens and Firelight 1. What is Athena's advice to Odysseus as they approach the palace of Alkinoos and Arete? 2. How is Arete characterized? How could this description relate to other characters in the story? 3. What is Homer's purpose in providing the elaborate descriptions of the Phaecian kingdom? 4. How does Alkinoos honor Odysseus? 5. What is Alkinoos's understanding of fate? 6. Of the questions Arete asks Odysseus, which one is most important to her? 7. What is Alkinoos's criticism of his daughter? How does Odysseus defend Nausikaa? 8. What does Alkinoos offer Odysseus?

Book 8: The Songs of the Harper 1. What is the subject of the singer's song? Why is this significant? How does Odysseus react? 2. Identify the games that the Phaiakians enjoy. 3. How does Odysseus respond to the invitation to join the games? 4. How does Seareach insult Odysseus and how does Odysseus respond? 5. In what game does Odysseus participate? In what other contests does Odysseus claim to have skill? What is the tone of his speech? What contest does he wish to avoid? 6. According to Alkinoos, for what are the Phaiakians most renowned? 7. What is the subject of Demodokos’ song? Explain its importance as a recurring theme. 8. During a break in the festivities, Alkinoos offers Odysseus riches and encourages his fellow citizens to do the same. What do they offer and why would these gifts be especially important to Odysseus? 9. "All men owe honor to the poets- honor/ and awe, for they are dearest to the Muse/ who puts upon their lips the ways of life." (8. 512-514) Explain the significance of these words. Discuss the irony/humor. 10. What is the subject of the next song? Identify the dramatic irony. How does Odysseus react? 11. What questions does Alkinoos ask Odysseus? What prophecy does he mention?

Book 9: New Coasts and Poseidon's Son 1. In Book 9 Odysseus begins to recount his adventures. How has he been motivated to do so? Is his tale brought in naturally or does it seem out of place? What reason did Homer have for changing the point of view from the third person to the first? What would have been the effect on Odysseus' audience when he revealed his name? 2. Odysseus' first stop on his voyage home from Troy was at Ismaros where he "stormed that place and killed the men who fought/ Plunder we took, and we enslaved the women, / to make division, equal shares to all-" (9. 47-49). What does this raid suggest about the Greeks of this period? Why is their near destruction particularly foolish? 3. What is Odysseus' concern about the Lotos Eaters' drugs? How could this episode be interpreted metaphorically? 4. The island near the Kyklopes's island is beautiful. Why don't the Kyklopes inhabit it? 5. Why does Odysseus go to the island of the Kyklopes? Why does he take only one ship? 6. Why did Odysseus take wine with him? Where did he obtain this wine? 7. What is Polyphemos' attitude towards Zeus? Why is this a problem for Odysseus? 8. Why doesn't he kill Polyphemos after the giant kills and eats the first two members of Odysseus' crew? 9. Identify the two Homeric similes that are used to describe the blinding of Polyphemos. 10. How is Polyphemos' interpretation of Telemos' prophecy ironic? 11. Note the frequent references to the Kyklopes's lack of law and mutual cooperation, to their fierce independence and individualism. Describe their culture. What level of culture do these creatures represent? What is Homer implying about Greek culture when he belittles that of the Kyklopes?

Book 10: The Grace of the Witch 1. Who is Aiolos? What does Odysseus ask of Aiolos? What is he given? 2. Explain the irony in the men's expectations as they open the bag. Why didn't they know the identity of the contents? 3. How does Aiolos respond to Odysseus' request for more help? 4. In what ways are the Laistrygonians civilized? In what ways are they uncivilized? 5. Describe the Laistrygonians' attack. Analyze Odysseus' escape. Is he a coward? 6. What purpose does the Laistrygonian attack serve in fulfilling Polyphemos's curse? How are they similar to the Kyklopes? 7. Why are Odysseus' men reluctant to explore Aiaia? How do they choose the search party? 8. What happens to the search party? Why does Odysseus feel compelled to attempt a rescue? 9. What is Hermes advice to Odysseus? Why does Odysseus refuse to eat it at first? 10. Why does Eurylochus challenge Odysseus' authority? How does Odysseus respond? 11. How long do Odysseus and his men remain on Aiaia, Kirke's island? What prompts them to leave? How long has it been since they left Troy? 12. What advice does Kirke give to Odysseus? Why is he afraid? 13. Describe the ritual that Kirke instructs Odysseus to perform in order to speak with Teiresias of Thebes, prophet of the Underworld.

Book 11: A Gathering of Shades 1. Who is the first to greet Odysseus in the Underworld? What does he ask of Odysseus? 2. What is the significance of Odysseus seeing his mother in Hades? 3. Describe the sacrifice Teiresias tells Odysseus to perform upon returning home. 4. In relation to the chronological order of the story, what is interesting about the information Odysseus' mother tells him about Ithaka? 5. What is the effect of Odysseus' story on the Phaiakians? If the tale of the Wanderings isn't finished, why pause? 6. Why is it wise for Odysseus to accept the Phaiakian's gifts? 7. Why does Agamemnon warn Odysseus to be cautious of Penelope? 8. From the types of questions Agamemnon and Akhilleus ask, what can you conclude about contact between Hades and the world of the living? What new information does Agamemnon add about his death? How does Akhilleus feel about the Underworld? 9. At the end of Book 11, why does Homer include information about heroes, legends, and events that are not directly related to the plot of the Odyssey? Are they indirectly related? What purpose does this account of Greek mythology serve?

Book 12: Sea Perils and Defeat 1. At the beginning of Book 12, what promise does Odysseus fulfill? 2. Odysseus receives advice from Hermes in Book 10, Teiresias in Book 11, and from Kirke in Book 12. Does all of this assistance make Odysseus less of a hero? Explain. 3. Odysseus wants to fight Skylla, but Circe advises Odysseus to run away. Odysseus accepts her advice. Is this in keeping with his character? 4. (185-190) How is this speech hypocritical? What information has he left out? Why doesn't Odysseus tell his men about Skylla? 5. What is the subject of the Siren's song? What do they offer? 6. How does Odysseus display courage in his confrontation with Skylla and Kharybdis? 7. What is the Homeric simile Odysseus uses to describe his men being ripped from the boat? 8. Why do Odysseus and his men land on Helios's island, Thrinakia? What conflict do they encounter? 9. Quote Eurylochus' reasoning behind eating the cattle? Do you agree? Explain. 10. What does Helios threaten if the mortals are not punished? How does Zeus oblige? 11. Summarize briefly Odysseus' struggles once his ship is destroyed.

Book 13: One More Strange Island 1. Describe the reaction of the Phaiakian audience when Odysseus finishes his story. For what might Homer have been hoping? 2. What is Poseidon's grievance with the Phaiakians? How does he punish them? 3. Pallas Athena makes Odysseus appear unrecognizable. What is her purpose? 4. Why does Odysseus lie to Athena (disguised as a herdsman) about his identity and how he came to Ithaka? 5. What is Athena's response to Odysseus' trickery? 6. Why is Odysseus supremely confident that he will defeat the suitors? 7. What is Athena's plan for Odysseus? Telemakhos?

Book 14: Hospitality in the Forest 1. What is Homer's purpose by describing in such great detail the well-built pigpens of Eumaios? 2. Why does Eumaios refuse to listen to the stories of his master? 3. How does Odysseus attempt to persuade Eumaios to listen to his tale of Eumaios' master? How does Eumaios respond? 4. Describe the incredible tale that Odysseus, in disguise, tells Eumaios. What does this re-enforce about Odysseus' character? 5. What is Eumaios' reasoning behind his belief that the gods hate Odysseus? 6. What do we learn about Odysseus’ character through an analysis of the relationship between Odysseus and Eumaios?

Book 15: How They Came To Ithaka 1. How does Athena inspire Telémakhos to return home? 2. Who is waiting in ambush for Telémakhos? How will he escape the trap? 3. How do Meneláos and Helen delay Telémakhos' departure? What does this reveal about their hospitality? Why will Nestor be angry about Telémakhos ' departure? 4. Who is Theoklýmenos? Why is his passage on Telémakhos' ship significant? 5. What are Eumaios' origins? Describe the role of slavery in Greek society. 6. In Book 15, there are two examples of symbolism involving birds. Identify and explain each example.

Book 16: Father and Son 1. How does Eumaios greet Telémakhos upon his return? How is this ironic? 2. How does the disguised Odysseus react to Telémakhos' excuses for not trying to get rid of Penelope's suitors? 3. What excuses does Telémakhos offer for his inaction? 4. Describe Telémakhos ' reaction to seeing his father. How does Odysseus respond? 5. What is Odysseus' first order of business? Why is Telémakhos fearful? How does Odysseus calm his fears? 6. Describe the plan Odysseus proposes. 7. Why does Odysseus demand secrecy from Telémakhos? 8. Why does Antinoos feel the suitors are running out of time? What are their options? 9. Penelope appears and speaks for the first time in this book. What does her speech to the suitors reveal about her character?

Book 17: The Beggar at the Manor 1.What significant changes are apparent in the character of Telémakhos? Give examples 2. Explain the role of the following: Theoklymena, Melánthios, Argos, Antínoös

Book 18: Blows and a Queen's Beauty 1. Athena plays a very active role in bringing about the destruction of the suitors. Explain how she influences people or events. 2. Explain the role of the following: Iros, Melántho, Eurýmakhos

Book 19: Recognitions and a Dream 1. What characteristics of Odysseus do Penelope and the old nurse begin to see in the beggar?

Book 20: Signs and a Vision 1. Odysseus and Penelope pray to the gods. What are their prayers and how are they answered or not answered?

Book 21: The Test of the Bow 1. What test does Penelope offer the suitors? Why? 2. Why does Telémakhos attempt to string the bow? Was he able? 3. What plan does Odysseus devise? 4. What is the grief that Eurýmakhos experiences? 5. Explain the irony in Eurýmakhos’s reproach of Penelope. 6. Identify a statement by Telémakhos that reveals his maturity?

Book 22: Death in the Great Hall 1. How was Antínoös killed? Why didn't he defend himself? 2. How does Eurýmakhos try to appease Odysseus? 3. Why does Homer give the gory details in the deaths of Antínoös and Eurýmakhos? 4. How does Telémakhos aid in the fighting? Eumaios? Philoitios? Athena? 5. Who does Odysseus spare? Why? 6. What is the Homeric simile used to describe the suitors? 7. What is the ritual Odysseus performs at the end of the book? Explain its significance.

Book 23: The Trunk of the Olive Tree 1. Why is Penelope cautious about believing the news that Odysseus has returned home? 2. Explain the significance of the olive tree. 3. Why does Homer use the wrecked Mariner metaphor? 4. What final task does Odysseus still have to finish before he can relax from his labors?

Book 24: Warriors, Farewell 1.Where does the book begin? How are the suitors characterized? 2.Is the story that one of the suitors tells to Agamemnon about their death entirely accurate? Explain. 3. Explain how The Odyssey ends on a "they lived happily ever after" note.

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