Plate Tectonics Study Guide Test: Friday, Nov. 9th Name: ______1. What branch(es) of Earth Science studies the composition and processes of the Earth? Explain your answer(s). 2. Complete the table on the layers of the Earth. Layer Chemical make-up/State of Matter Rank thickness (km) of Rank layers. Temperature 1= thinnest of layers 4= thickest 1= coolest 4= hottest

3. How old do scientists approximate the Earth to be? 4. a. Identify and explain the difference between the two types of Earth’s crust? b. Which one is denser, explain your answer. 5. T or F The crust is divided into plates that will sometimes move. 6. What causes the plates on the crust to move? 7. a. What is the continental drift theory? b. Who proposed the continental drift theory? c. What evidence did he observe that proved that continents might be moving. 8. Why was the continental drift theory originally not accepted by most scientists at that time? 9. a. Who provided direct evidence that the plates (continental and oceanic) were moving? b. What evidence did he observe to prove plates were moving? c. Where was this located? 10. What is a ridge? 11. a. Draw a detailed diagram of seafloor spreading labeling important features/concepts. b. On the diagram above, identify the oldest section and newest section of rock. 12a. What is the plate tectonics theory? 13. What is the name of the initial landmass that made up the earth’s continent? 14. a. What is a plate boundary? 15. Complete the table on plate boundaries. Type of Boundary Describe: words and illustration What can be Specific Example created at this (Use Plate Tectonic Map) boundary? Convergent



16. a. Explain the three types of convergent boundaries b. What can occur at each convergent boundary? 17. a. What is a subduction zone? b. At what kind of plate boundary can a subduction zones occur? 18. Explain how each of the following are affected by plate tectonics? a. Climate b. Life 19. Use your plate tectonic map to answer the following questions: a. Identify two plates that form a convergent boundary, a divergent boundary, and a transform boundary. b. Identify two plates that can cause an earthquake. c. Identify two plates that can create a volcanic eruption. d. Identify two plates that can create mountains that are NOT volcanic. e. Identify two plates that can create the formation of islands. f. Is the Atlantic Ocean growing or shrinking? Explain why. g. Is the Pacific Ocean growing or shrinking? Explain why.