PPT Scope & Sequence

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PPT Scope & Sequence

PPT Scope & Sequence

Developer Notes:  Goals and sequence are now fairly well established. Many activities are drafted. We need to determine our assessments.  Do we want to put the shadows lab ahead of acceleration to intro a squared function? It seems a bit forced, especially since we need to come back to it for inverse-squared. Could do the activity we used in scaling with little cubes stacked – teaches length, area, and volume, even gets into cubed. Even some interesting graphing! Could be supplementary. Could be added as part of CM.  Development Sequence  Get the sequence of physics/math, and the pedagogy right  Improve assessment  Refine the physics – add as needed, pare down where possible  Add in more physiology  Add in more reading and history, especially personal history of the famous people  Do we want to use scientific notation?  If so, where do we introduce it?  If so, do we use x103 or e3?  Do we want to use significant digits?  If so, where and how, how much detail?  d = at2/2 (t = (2d/a)) needs to be included for use in projectile prediction and pendulum projectile prediction, but it needs to be de- emphasized in the exercises and tests. We should include a worksheet to assist with the predictions if required.

 There are many ways to derive the formula, especially from vf = 2vav and at = vf.  Need to decide at what points to hand out the various support material – like graphing, finding patterns, solving problems, etc.

Approach  Make it fun. Students should enjoy science. Turning them off to science is the worst outcome.  Teach children, not science.  Thinking and the scientific approach are more important than the particular subject matter.  Inquiry, not lecture.  Concepts, not facts.  Concepts, not calculations.  Post-holing – explore major concepts  Give broad exposure through stations.  General to specific – deduction  Group work  Hands-on, body-on, manipulation

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 Simple, inexpensive, accessible materials  Varied presentation to fit varied learning styles  Constructivist – Socratic  Recapitulation – follow the historical sequence (more or less)  Messy data is OK. It is realistic. It may be more educational. We’re looking for patterns.  Some conventions:  Use more/less/same comparisons  Use up/down arrows (with 3 variables and independent/dependent/control)  Use big/small letters in formulas

Scope Plan  This is the physics course in a physics-first sequence, followed by chemistry and biology.  Concepts from physics, applications in physiology and technology.  What is necessary for chemistry?  What is the basic physics they should know for possible future study?  What should they know about the physical world and physics for life?  What is fun?

Sequence Plan  Overall approach  Start with concepts that students are familiar with and that are relatively easy to graph, them move to more abstract concepts.  Start with simple math (more/less, 3 variables), move to complex math  Activity first, analysis after  5-fold path (of analysis/ explanation)  diagrams – show physical relationships  tables – show patterns  graphs – show patterns  formulas – show relationships  writing – clarifies thought  Reading for reinforcement and extension  Homework and exercises for practice  Math and concept extension material (available in each activity as appropriate)  Use energy as a unifying concept – this is easiest through work, Fd.

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 Intro sections with physiology (this is much more applicable in the second semester)  Analyze in physics terms (perhaps several concepts/ activities)  Qualitative intro  POE?  Qualitative stations for depth/ exposure, connection to real life  Find direct or inverse relation  Quantitative investigation  Use control, independent, and dependent variables consistently  Find direct or inverse, linear or exponential relation  Lab reports using 5-fold path?  Assessment  POE/ Prediction – the point of understanding (one of the stations?)  Assessment  Explanation of some setup in physics terms (one of the stations)  Return to physiology  Explain physiological function in physics terms?  Have a semester project? First semester Rube Goldberg, second semester ? Build something – engineering. Design an experiment (not create a demo). Do real, contributory science (how?).

Handouts  Course overview (materials required)  Safety  How to find patterns in data  How to graph  Formula worksheet (5-fold path worksheet? lab report outline?)  How to solve physics problems  3-variable algebra with numbers, variables (unknowns), and units  Table of physics quantities & units?  Table of conversions?  Grading rubrics  Overall  Behavior  Homework

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 Tests & quizzes  Lab data  Lab report?

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Big picture plan 1st quarter  Inertia  Speed  Velocity  Simple machines  Acceleration 2nd quarter  Dynamics  Momentum  Energy 3rd quarter  Hydraulics  Pneumatics 4th quarter  Electricity & Magnetism  Waves  Sound  Light

Not included:  Statics (a bit on simple machines), but no stresses and strains, no strength of materials  Scaling  Rotational motion (just rotational speed and maybe torque)  Pendulums (just that they’re regular)  Quanta  Relativity  Atomic/Nuclear structure (maybe a little, to get electrons)

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Table of formulas and direct vs. inverse relations Concept Formula Direct or inverse Linear or exponential Notes speed S = d/t, Sav = dtot/ttot direct (d, t) inertia first acceleration a = (Sf-Si)/t, a = ∆S/t direct (S, t) velocity v = d/t, vav = dtot/ttot direct (d, t) includes direction, requires force acceleration a = ∆v/t direct (v, t) equilibrium Fnet = 0, ∑F = 0 na balances md = md inverse (m, d) torque  = Fr inverse (F, r) simple machines Fd = Fd inverse (F, d) work W = Fd inverse (F, d) acceleration d  t2 , d/t2 = k direct (d, t) exponential extension? final velocity vf = 2vav direct (vf, vav) acceleration a = 2d/t2 direct (d, t) exponential extension acceleration d = at2/2 inverse (a, t) exponential extension acceleration a  F, a/F = k direct (a, F) uses vf = 2vav acceleration a  1/m, am = k inverse (a, m) acceleration a = F/m direct (F, m) force F = ma inverse (m, a) field L  d, A  d2, intensity  1/d2 inverse (I, d) exponential gravity F = Gmm/d2 direct (m, d) exponential momentum p = mv inverse (m, v) impulse ∆p = Ft inverse (F, t) derivation as extension potential energy PE = wtht inverse (wt, ht) kinetic energy KE = mv2/2 inverse (m, v) exponential derivation as extension power P = W/t direct (W, t) density D = m/V direct (m, V) pressure P = F/A direct (F, A) pressure P = Dgh inverse (D, g, h) Boyle’s Law PV = k inverse (P, V) Charles’ Law P/T = k direct (P, T) Gay-Lussac’s Law V/n = k direct (V, n) Ideal Gas Law PV = nRT inverse (P, V; n, R, T) Ohm’s Laws V = IR, P = IV inverse (I, R; I, V) frequency & period f = 1/T inverse (f, T) rotational & linear speed S = rot spddist per rev inverse (rot spd, dist per rev) rotational & linear speed S = f inverse (f, )

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Overall scope and sequence for PPT  Concepts are listed where first encountered, but not thereafter.  Key for Activities: A: Activity, C: Class discussion, D: Demo, L: Quantitative Lab, P: POE?, S: Qualitative Stations, T: Assessment (Test),  *(The PP&T curriculum addresses most benchmarks for grades 9-12 in standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 of Domain I. Standards addressed refer to benchmarks and standards for Domain II). Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Administrati - on Introductions - Course syllabus - Expectations Pre-post - FCI pre-test - honesty 1- pre-& post testing testing - Math pre- - evidence, introduces students to test data scientific - Attitude - controls investigations and pre-test? (FCI) they learn about - controls & variables independe 12- allows students to nt (course) see what affects - learning dependent (scores) Safety - Safety - safety - Domain I- 4- training students learn safety - Safety test rules, operation of safety equipment, how to assist the teacher, and how to document and apply safety protocol

Mechanics - Start out - C: Your - space - human 13- Introduces - Human with our body (distance & body/ physical properties of Body bodies – size volume) mass matter - Mass and weight - weight 11- Introduces human - Gravity - Stacks of - force (push physiology and - Force cubes? or pull) appreciation for the - Weight Length, area, - mass & human body and volume. gravity 15- looks at forces But it’s (mass acting on the body exponential. attracts 17- Introduces mass) gravitational force Mechanics - Need force - A: Galileo - Mass & - - more, - playing/ 1- emphasizes using

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns - Newton’s to change think-piece inertia movement less curiosity logic based on 1st Law of motion. - N’s 1st - muscles - evidence Motion - observatio 2- Looks at how acceleration n Galileo and his - motion is - scientific ideas relative experiment affected history, - qual data society, the scientific - patterns community, etc - 15- investigating the extrapolati motion of objects on(?) - inference(? ) Mechanics - Follows on - A: Friction - friction is a - joints - just - sources 13- relates - Friction Galileo/ force (cartilage, about of error interactions between Aristotle - friction synovial everything - quantities molecules & friction opposes fluid) - units 15- analyzes specific motion forces acting on - friction is objects; describes the everywhere effects of multiple - static forces friction > dynamic friction? Mechanics - We need - C: Vectors - Force is a - diagrams - vectors 15- analyzes specific - Vectors this here vector qty - number forces acting on because it - Vectors line? objects; describes and sets up for have size and explains affects of velocity. direction multiple forces - Would a - Vectors are Domain I- 3- number line arrows emphasizes using be helpful - Vectors can models for 1-D be added vectors? Add (parallelogra +, -. m) Mechanics - C: 2 ramps - distance dt, d/t = k - aging? - cars - - quant 15- analyzes and - Speed - A: Electric - time S = d/t (time) subscripts data describes motion of

Cars - speed Sav = dtot/ttot - ratio, rate - units objects

- A: Runners - average Sinst = ∆d/t, -  - mks & Walkers speed t0? (proportio - control, - T: Bent - inst. speed a = ∆S/t n) ind, dep

Rails - a = (Sf-Si)/t - k var acceleration - ∆ - data (speed) - average tables - 3 - patterns variables in data - algebra -

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns - direct/ prediction inverse relationshi ps - graphs - linear graph - slope - y = mx - hyperbola - numbers, variables (unknowns ), & units all follow algebra Mechanics - Refer to - D: office - force is v = d/t - 15- analyzes and - Velocity inertia, chair? air required to a = ∆v/t relativity(! describes motion of

- equilibrium platform? change a = (vf-vi)/t ) objects Acceleration – force req’d C: motion for change. (speed, - Introduce direction) position? - acceleration is change in motion - acceleration implies net force and v.v. - velocity is a vector qty - acceleration is a vector qty

Mechanics - A: - equilibrium F net = 0 - balance - ∑ - net 15- Meets both - Equilibrium (libra) ∑F = 0 benchmarks Equilibrium ∆v = 0 Analyzes the forces

anet = 0 and motions of objects; describes and explains the effects of multiple forces action on an object

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Mechanics - A: Human - human 9- introduces how the - Human Center of body/ nervous system is Body Mass mass specialized to carry - Mass - human out specific functions - Gravity CM 11- discusses health and physiological effects of nervous system and changes in center of mass 15- analyzes forces on and motion of human body Mechanics - A: CM of - center of - buildings 7- discusses how - Center of 2-D Objects mass - dance? anatomical (center of Mass, 2-D - A: - CM & mass) evidence led to Dinosaur support a certain theory about Models? points dinosaurs 15- analyzes forces on and motion of objects Mechanics - Add in a - L: Ruler - mass (same md = k - - balances - radius 2- looks at the - Center of comparison Balance on moon) md = md - scales technologies of Mass, 1-D to lab scales. - torque Fd = Fd - balances, scales, etc. - Torque Use a torque ∑md = wrenches, and the scientific feeler in here ∑md bolts, nuts principles behind to get a feel ∑Fd = them; how they’re for what’s used ∑Fd happening  = Fr on the ∑ = 0 balance. Mechanics - Levers - L: Levers - simple - musculo- - simple 2- technology of - Levers needs (Wheels & machines skeletal machines simple machines - Skeleton revision, axles?) - levers system - levers 9- introduces how the FP’s double - SMs - body is a - wheels & musculo-skeletal wheels? Real multiply machine axles system is specialized levers? force - pulleys to carry out specific Wheels & (bigger/ - machines functions axles are a smaller, +/ -) 15- analyzes forces bit confusing and motions of simple – it’s just machines levers. Doesn’t get into roll vs. drag. Mechanics - What if the - L: Work - work in = W=Fd - inclined 2-benefits of inclined - Inclined car rolled (cars on work out Fd = Fd planes planes Planes down the ramps) - work on vs. - wedges 15- analyzes forces ramp (or by - screws and motions of simple fell)? Intro to - work is the machines

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns next section. same regardless of path - work is energy?

Mechanics - Intro w/ - S: - dt2, d/t2 = k - - linear/ 2- discusses - curved & Dropping acceleration vt, v/t = k pendulum exponentia technology of

Acceleration straight Things due to a = vf/t clocks? l pendulums and time-

ramps. - L: Galileo's gravity vav = (vi+vf)/t - squared keeping

- d increases Ramp (w/ - vf=2vav function 15- analyzes forces on faster than t flat) acceleration a = 2d/t2 (- inverse and motion of falling - dt2 just d - T: can change d = at2/2 squared) objects increases Acceleration - straight t = (2d/a) 17- explores gravity faster than t Prediction ramp has - d=at2/2 for - L,T?: constant use in Gravity at acceleration projectiles School - g = 9.8 m/s2 only Mechanics - L: N's 2nd - aF, a/F = 15- analyzes forces - Newton’s Law acceleration k and motions of 2nd Law of - T: Ramp w/ is a1/m, am objects; explains Motion Cart & proportional = k effects of multiple Pulley (Ma to force a=F/m forces acting on an = mA) - F=ma object acceleration is inversely proportional to mass Mechanics - Refer to - A: N’s 3rd - action- 15- analyzes forces - Newton’s inertia – Law reaction and motions of 3rd Law of outside force - system objects; explains Motion effects of multiple forces acting on an object Mechanics - Do we have - A: Motion - motion at - space 2- technology; how - Projectiles time for this? in 2-D right angles flight projectile motion - It’s a very - T: Ramp is - ballistics relates to space flight, nice Projectile independent - ballistics, etc. assessment. Prediction - projectile navigation 15- analyzes forces - Need a - T: Car motion and motion of objects shorter flat Crash CSI 17- discusses gravity part on the ramp since we already have final = 2average.

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Mechanics - D: Ripples - light is a L  d - length 17- analyzes inverse- - Field - L: Shadows field A  d2 - area squared relationship - gravity is a I?  1/d2 - similar (for gravitational field triangles force – distance - between masses) intensity1/ d2 Mechanics - Too much - C: Mass, - G Fmm - inverse 17- Specifically - Gravity math? Weight, and - why things F1/d2 squared describes the - Skip Gravity fall at the F  mm/d2 relationship between F=Gmm/d2? same a F=Gmm/d2 gravitational force, - Put this Ext: a = masses of two objects, before Gm/d2 and the distance acceleration( between them. 2)?

Mechanics - After F = - L: - momentum p = mv - - car - - 2- safety technologies - Momentum ma for Momentum - ∑mv = cushioning crashes derivations conservati 9- describes how derivation of (Using carts, conservation ∑mv , support, - sports (Ft=) on certain tissues provide Ft = ∆mv. could use of Ft = ∆p fat, cranial (football, cushioning - Carts show BBs on momentum fluid boxing) 11- discusses injuries effect of ramp) - impulse - dance and injury prevention mass - T: Happy/ - momentum 15- analyzes forces - BBs show Sad balls is a vector and motion of objects cons. of qty velocity (direction)

Energy - digestion 6- looks at digestion - Digestive - digestive (how humans obtain System? system and use energy and matter) 9- describes specific function of digestive system 11- examines factors that contribute to wellness Energy - Do we just - L: Work- - PE PE = Fd = 14- applies the Law of - Mechanical tell them its PE-KE- (position) wtht = Conservation of Energy conserved? Work - KE mgh Energy to describe the Is there a - T: (motion) W PE  v2 dynamics of a system; better Pendulum - KE = mv2/2 analyzes activity w/ Projectile conservation transformation of numbers and prediction of energy no rolling? mechanical - KE = energy.

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns mv2/2 derivation as extension Energy - A: Human - efficiency P=W/t - - engines? 6- discusses how - Power Horsepower - calories efficiency energy is obtained - Calories - Calories from food and how to measure food energy 11- examines diet and energy factors that contribute to wellness 14- uses Law of Conservation of Energy and analyzes the transformation of energy involved in the activity Energy D: 2 equal - heat 13- analyzes - Heat & temperature - temperature molecular motion and Temperature masses into relationship to water physical properties in a physical system 14- analyzes transformation of energy Energy - ? - 5- mentions - conservation photosynthesis and Conservation of energy the transformation of energy; shows interdependence between sun, plants, animals, and humans 6- looks at the conservation and transformation of matter and energy from sun, to food, to humans, etc. 14- Applies Law of Conservation of Energy; transformation of energy Energy - ? - 1st Law of ∆E = 14- Applies Law of - 1st Law of TD ∆Q+∆T Conservation of Thermodyna Energy; mics transformation of energy

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Energy - A: Cookies - energy is 2- analyzes affects of - Global limited technology on Energy environment, discusses how to improve 3- discusses limited resources and conservation; discusses possible solutions in sustaining life on Earth considering limited resources 5- analyzes factors that affect the carrying capacity of an ecosystem 6- discusses what happens to energy through the human food web 18- evaluates consequences of human activities on the atmosphere; analyzes energy transfer and its affect on climate; justifies need for pollution control Energy - D: Break a - 2nd Law of - 16- entropy is - Entropy Cup TD (hot to probability important to - C: Entropy cold) understanding the - entropy Universe (tendency (increasing for disorder) disorder) -

States of - S: states of - 3 states (+ 13- discusses physical Matter matter plasma) properties of matter - 3 (4) states - T: ? - S&L don’t and how molecular compress arrangement, motion, - L&G flow and interactions - matter can determine these change states physical properties - states aren’t always clear

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Solids - Skip - D: brick - pressure P=F/A 15- analyzes forces - Pressure stresses & with pin - pressure acting on objects strains. - D: books increases - Skip on hand with depth strength of - A: materials. Elephants - and High Heels Solids - A: Metal - density D=m/V - density - materials - volume 13- analyzes the - Density Pieces - all matter of bones for flight physical property of - T: ? has density - bird vs. must be density - density vs. human light weight bones?

Hydraulics - D: Heart - 9- describes specific - The model? circulatory functions of the circulatory system cardiovascular system system structure 11- allows for - heart, discussion of ventricles, cardiovascular health atria, valves - venous system, arteries, veins, capillaries, valves - osmosis Hydraulics - D: Cup - pressure P=Dgh - blood - 15- analyzes forces - Depth and with Holes increases pressure submarine and motion of fluids. pressure - D: with depth in s Cartesian a liquid diver - L: Depth Gauge - T: Cartesian Hydraulics - Do we - L: Clay - buoyancy - - boats 2- uses the concept of - Buoyancy want to do Boats due to ∆P buoyancy to analyze buoyancy? - buoyancy = the technology of How much wt of fluid boats time? displaced 13- physical property of Density 15- analyzes forces and motion of objects in fluids

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Hydraulics - Need - D: Fat - fat is less 9- looks at physical - Solids & buoyancy floats, meat dense than differences between liquids first sinks muscle fat and muscle tissue - Density - Is this - L: Wood - 13- analyzes the worth doing? Block Float physical property of Students (chopstick, Density don’t learn straw?) anything - D: Stacked new, just Liquids practice - T: U-tube density. w/ oil & water Hydraulics - Can we get - A: Liquid- - Pascal’s F/A=F/A - - car lifts 2- applies Pascal’s - Liquids, any data filled Principle (W=W and circulatory Principle to Pascal’s here? Only syringes of V=V, and system technology Principle qualitative. different W/V = Fd/V 15- analyzes forces sizes = F/A) and motion of objects Hydraulics - Is this - A? D?: - blood 9- analyzes - Blood reasonable to Blood pressure cardiovascular system pressure include? Do pressure - ∆BP, 11- allows for other schools height of discussion blood have BP sleeve pressure and health equip? We don’t have much. Hydraulics - Can we - A: Heart - heart - valves 9- analyzes - Cardiac build a Sounds function, - pumps cardiovascular system cycle reasonable, - A: valves inexpensive, Harvey’s - venous safe (for vein system, ears) experiment valves stethoscope? Hydraulics - Osmosis of - D: Grapes - 13- analyzes - Osmosis air would in salt water membrane concentration and lead nicely s movement of into - nutrient molecules in the respiration transfer context of a biological from system blood? - digestion? - breathing?

Pneumatics - D: Lung - lungs, 9- analyzes - Ventilation model alveoli respiratory system (Mechanical - 11- allows for

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Respiration) diaphragm discussion of - osmosis respiratory health Pneumatics - S: balloons, - air takes up - 5- analyzes - Air and the helium space atmospheric system atmosphere balloon, - air applies and relationship to beakers pressure terrestrial system under water, - vacuum, 15- analyzes forces crush the nothing can’t involved with the can, suction cause a force atmosphere cups, rubber - air sheet, foam (atmosphere) plates, has mass & drinking wt, force, straw, upside pressure down water, - ∆P in the parachute, atmosphere etc. - D: guinea & feather Pneumatics diver with - Boyle’s P1/V, PV - breathing - air 2- applies Boyle’s - Boyle’s drain Law = k pumps Law to technology Law - L: Boyle’s 15- analyzes forces on Law objects Pneumatics - D: Hot & - Charles’ VT, V/T = - hot air 13- analyzes - Charles’ Cold Law k balloons relationship between Law Balloons - Gay- PT, P/T = temperature, - Ideal Gas - D: Blow Lussac’s k molecular motion, and Law Up Balloons Law? Vn?, V/n = volume of gases - L: Charles’ - Ideal Gas k? 14- Energy Law Law? PV = transformation - T: bike - PV is nRT? (W=PV=nRT) pump, hot air energy (as is balloon, nRT) breathing? Pneumatics - Bernoulli’s - S: p-p ball - Bernoulli’s - coughing - flight 2- applies Bernoulli’s - Bernoulli’s also applies & straw, principle - principle to Principle in liquids. bent card & - wave carburetors technology straw, formation by - air dams 15- analyzes forces spool/pin/car wind - weed and motion of objects d, plane spray wing, funnel - & p-p ball, paper, hanging balls & straw, water thru pipe?, - T: ?

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns Pneumatics - This would - D: - atomic 13- introduces atomic - Atomic prep for EM. Rutherford structure theory and structure theory We should & the - nucleus, have the idea Nucleus electrons, of electrons. - ? protons, Most kids neutrons have probably had some training in this.

EM - Good - D: Nervous - CNS, 9- analyzes nervous - Nervous return to system brain, system System previous - D: $ Drop spinal cord 10- introduces lessons - L: Ruler - PNS, complexity of human Drop sensory, nervous system - C: Reaction motor Time - autonomic, somatic - RT = PT+NT+D T EM - S? D?: 2 - not like - birds 15- analyzes forces on - Magnets types, attract/ gravity, bi- migrating objects repel, force polar - 17- explains magnetic field, - opposites compasses and (and electric) levitation, attract, likes - forces opposites repel levitation, attract, - called N, S trains - magnetic - field refrigerato r seals - motors EM - S: Static - like - lightning 15- analyzes forces on - Static generating magnets, bi- - batteries objects charge materials polar 17- explains magnetic - A: - opposites and (and electric) Electroscope attract, likes forces - D?: 2 repel balloons & a - called +, - wall - electrical field - voltage EM - Test - A: - moving 15- introduces moving - Current conductors Electroscope charge charge (to lead into with s and wire - current electromagnetic

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns electroscopes - S?: (moving waves) ? Conducting/ electrons) 17- electric forces non- - current conducting does work materials EM - Can we - A: Circuit - circuit V = IR - electrical 2- discusses - Current quantify boards - resistance power, technology involved electricity Ohm’s Law? - T: ? (load) kW-hr is with electrical power - Extension: - Ohm’s Law energy 15- introduces moving series, - - charge (to lead into parallel, conservation electronics electromagnetic P=IV of charge? waves) 17- electric forces EM - L: Electro- - moving - electro- 2- discusses - Electro- magnet charge magnets technology involved magnetism - A: (current) - with electrical power Generator creates a generators, 15- introduces moving field electric charge (to lead into - moving power electromagnetic field creates - speakers waves) current 17- relates electric - AC? and magnetic forces EM - Is there a - C: Nerve - how 9- describes how - Nerve demo function nerves nerve cells are function possible - T: ? work specialized to carry here? - electro- out specific functions; chemical describes structure and function of nerve cells

Waves - S: Jell-O, - periodic - running - clocks 14- describes waves - Periodic water motion - - engines 15- introduces wave motion balloon, differentiated peristalsis - CDs properties vibrating from non- - - (for sound & EM ruler, spring periodic reproducti waves) w/ mass, motion on/ life pendulum, cycle top, bouncing ball, etc. Waves - Ext – go - L: Who’s - rotational spd = rev/s  - CDs - diameter 2- relates rotational - Rotation into going faster? speed m/rev - wheels - motion to technology rotational - T: rolling - frequency, spd = - Earth’s circumfere 15- analyzes analogs to cup rev/s rrad/s? orbit nce rotational motion of linear - Earth’s objects motion. rotation - Ext – taped - motors

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns cups on - merry- tracks go-round Waves - A: Rope & - period, T, f = 1/T - ocean 14- describes waves - Waves Slinky s/c speed = f waves? 15- introduces wave - D? A? L?: - frequency, properties (for sound Wave Tank f, c/s & EM waves) - wavelength, , m/c - amplitude - waves do work Waves - A: - standing 14- describes waves - Standing Swinging waves 15- introduces wave waves Rope - reflection properties (for sound & EM waves) Waves - A: Slinky - transverse 14- describes waves - Transverse - D: waves(Shear 15- introduces wave & Aluminum ) properties (for sound Longitudinal bar - & EM waves) - T: ? longitudinal waves (Pressure) Waves Is there - D: Ripple - 14- describes waves - another tank interference, 15- introduces wave Interference choice than a constructive, properties (for sound ripple tank? destructive & EM waves)

Sound - ear, how 9-describes auditory - Auditory & much and vocal systems Vocal detail? Systems - speech, vocal cords Sound - S: cans & - sound - speakers 14- describes waves - Vibrations string, plastic requires as a means of bottles, vibrations, transmitting energy, mailing motion? describes sound as a tubes, metal - sound form of energy rod & string, requires 15- analyzes nature of pan lids, etc. energy sound (work) - sound is a field Sound - D: Sound - sound 14- describes waves - Medium in a vacuum requires a as a means of required medium transmitting energy,

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns describes sound as a form of energy 15- analyzes nature of sound Sound - D: Drum - sound is a 14- describes waves - compression as a means of Compression wave transmitting energy, wave describes sound as a form of energy 15- analyzes nature of sound Sound - How to do - A?: - speed of 14- describes waves - Speed this as a Clapping sound in air as a means of class? echo transmitting energy, - Extension: describes sound as a Speed of form of energy sound in 15- analyzes nature of another sound medium Sound - Extension: - S?: - resonance, - music 14- describes waves - Resonance 12-tone scale resonators sympathetic as a means of - (Joe’s vibration transmitting energy, Interference instruments? - sound does describes sound as a ), tube in work form of energy water, - 15- analyzes nature of speakers, interference, sound tuning forks, constructive, destructive Sound - D: - Doppler 14- describes waves - Doppler Swinging effect as a means of effect sounds transmitting energy, - T: explain describes sound as a Doppler form of energy 15- analyzes nature of sound; shows that the observed wavelength of a wave depends upon the relative motion of the source and the observer

Light - eye - Vision structure System - cornea/ lens - iris/ pupil - rods &

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns cones - vitreous humor - optic nerve Light - A: Pinhole - light is a 14- describes waves - ? camera field as a means of - light is transmitting energy, emitted in all describes light as a directions form of energy - light travels 15- discusses in straight electromagnetic lines waves - no medium is required (space) - light has energy (does work) Light - D: Slits - light bends - 14- describes waves - Diffraction with laser - light astronomy as a means of interferes, ? transmitting energy, constructive, describes light as a destructive form of energy - light is 15- discusses waves electromagnetic waves 16- astronomers use properties of light and EM radiation to gather information about the solar system (& Universe) Light - Coloring - A: Coloring - white light - TV 14- describes waves - Spectrum includes is composed (pixels) as a means of prisms, of colors transmitting energy, crayons, - subtractive describes light as a additive & colors form of energy subtractive - additive 15- discusses light colors electromagnetic waves Light - ? - light is - suntan - radio 14- describes waves - EM made of EM - IR as a means of spectrum waves. remote transmitting energy, - EM control describes light as a spectrum - UV form of energy - windows, 15- discusses light & electromagnetic

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Goals Notes Delivery/ Physics Equations, Physiolog Technolog Math Science Standards Activity Concepts Formulas y y Concepts Concepts Addressed* Concepts Applicatio ns heat waves Light - L: Pin & - angle of - mirrors 14- describes waves - Reflection Mirror incidence = as a means of - A: Curved angle of transmitting energy, Mirrors? reflection describes light as a form of energy 15- discusses electromagnetic waves Light - rainbows - L: Lenses - light bends - 14- describes waves - Refraction - Why the when magnifyin as a means of sky is blue. changing g glasses transmitting energy, - Why media - describes light as a sunsets are - different telescopes form of energy red. media have - 15- discusses different binoculars electromagnetic refraction waves - critical 16- lenses are used to angle gather information about the solar system (& Universe) Light - T: Explain - - cameras 14- describes waves - Vision eye function as a means of transmitting energy, describes light as a form of energy 15- discusses electromagnetic waves

Pre-post - FCI post- testing test - math post- test - attitude post-test - teacher eval? - course eval? - student self-eval?

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