I. Cultures of Middle America a. Aztecs 1325 AD – looked to God to tell them where to make their city b. Odd place – Swampy island – Built Tenochtitlan

II. The Geographic Setting a. Variety of land i. icy area, mountains, plateaus, plains, deserts, b. Variety of Climates i. Extreme cold, to almost tropical

III. The Mayas - A.D. 300 – 900 a. A Farming Culture i. Farmed: beans, squash, peppers, avocados, and papayas ii. Maize (corn) most important iii. Burn and Slash Agriculture 1. Cut down trees, burned tree stumps (used ash as fertilizer), planted seeds 2. After a few years, worn out soil – Clear new spot b. Religion and Cities i. Crops need sun and rain = Mayans worship forces of nature c. Mayan Achievements i. Calendar 1. To plan important religious festivals ii. Hieroglyphs 1. System of writing iii. Unknown end – Left cities 1. A.D. 900 2. Possibly crop failure, war, disease, drought, feminine, or rebel against the leader

IV. The Aztecs – A.D. 100 a. Tenochtitlan: City in the Lake i. Looked to God to tell them where to make their city 1. Odd place - Swampy island ii. Magnificent city 1. Center – Huge gathering place 2. Pyramid Temples 3. Palaces 4. Large Stone Houses iii. Causeways 1. Canal system 2. To transport goods 3. To move about the city iv. Chinampas 1. “Floating Garden” 2. Island gardens the size of a football field v. Aqueducts 1. Pipes and channels designed to carry water from distant sources b. A Warlike way of Life i. A.D. 1400 – Aztecs began conquering other regions ii. Forced conquered people to become sacrifices to the sun god iii. Society ranking 1. Military leaders, royal family, priests, and nobles 2. Artisans – skilled workers who created 3. Farmers (Most people) 4. Slaves