
Julia Hansen born in Hamburg/Germany, is working since 2000 as a freelance set and costume designer for Opera, Theatre and Dance. Recently she worked in London, Wien, Freiburg, Hamburg, Wiesbaden, Helsinki, Essen, Lübeck, Lausanne, Oviedo, Tel Aviv, Cologne, Nancy, Nantes, Bern and Strasbourg.

2001 she won the 1. Price of the European Opera-directing-Competition 2001 (EOP) organized every two years by the Camerata Nuova and the Opera Europa and she realized the winning concept of “Fidelio” (Beethoven) in Wiesbaden for the opening of the Maifestspiele 2002.

Besides she got 2004 the Gudrun-Wassermann-Buschan-Price for set-and costume design from the Freudenberg Stiftung in Mannheim and the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim organized an exposition of her works.

The productions “Il Viaggio a Reims” and “Il Barbiere di Siviglia” in Bern, „Giasone“ in Antwerp and „Platee“ in Strasbourg were nominated for the best set of the year, “Platee” in Strasbourg got the first prize for the best set and costume of the season 09/10 of le Syndicat Professionnel de la Critique.