CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 2/4/2013
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CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon – 2/4/2013
Convened about 12:02 PM; adjourned at 12:26 PM EST
On the call (as best as I could tell):
Allen Arrington
David Fuller
Mark Melanson
Steve Dunn
Nancy Andersen
Alison Lauderbach
Jim Blohowiak
Carmela Brittingham
Mat French
Satoshi Nagano
Brett Hoffstadt
Reece Lumsden
Program Layout Changes
Monday Events
CFP Input
Track Status
Around the horn….
Aviation 2013 Program Schedule Changes:
There were a few tweaks to the overall Aviation 2013 program schedule. Allen found out about these on Friday as part of the Event Preview development. After discussions with Wilson, Carmela and Jim, I think we have the schedule set. The changes helped CASE in some places and pinched us in others. The schedule is attached. Here’s the rundown:
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 11, 2/11/2013 Page 1 o On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon where we were looking to ignore the Speaker’s Briefings and regain that time for use in the sessions, the adjustments now give us 2-hour session blocks throughout the program. So we can now use the Speaker’s Briefing for last minute set-up on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and still have 2-hour session blocks.
o The constraints come on Tuesday morning for the Introduction and Opening Plenary and Wednesday afternoon for the Wrap-up session. These were to be 2.5 hour blocks of time, but are now 2 hours each. No worries about the Wrap-up session; I think we can still have the Track reports and Wilson’s closing, plus time for discussion within the 2-hour block. The Tuesday morning session was more of a concern, but Wilson and I discussed options and we think we can make it work.
o Wilson should still have time for his introductory remarks, we can still have the reports from the Monday events (morning Executive Workshop and the afternoon Brainstorming session) and a special guest speaker, plus discussion time.
o The discussion on vocabulary that Brett is working on will be moved from Tuesday morning to the Monday afternoon brainstorming session. Seems like a good fit.
o Note that the Monday morning Executive Workshop is not listed in the attached schedule. Carmela was concerned that the “by invitation only” would be confusing, so it will not show on the program, but will be a part of CASE and will show in the meetings list (the folks going to the workshop will know where and when, so not having it listed in the program is not an issue).
Carmela will be scheduling a meeting with the Aviation 2013 Forum Tier Chairs (Jim, Dave and Allen) to ensure that we are all on the same page with respect to the final program schedule.
Monday Events for CASE:
The Monday afternoon event is turning into a brainstorming session where we can present ideas about developing the nomenclature, theory and best practices relative to complex systems development.
Mat (or someone from ASI_WG) and Jimmie have agreed to take on the lead roles for this session.
ASI_WG, INCOSE and other professional societies who are working on laying the groundwork will be involved.
As mentioned above, the vocabulary discussion that Brett is championing will be included as a key component of this session.
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 11, 2/11/2013 Page 2 Thought is to start with a set of short presentations on what each group is doing, then move to a workshop or poster session format so that we can get more involvement from the session attendees.
Rapporteurs will capture the ideas and comments.
There will be a report-up from this session at the Tuesday morning opening plenary.
CFP status: So far just one submission has been received (from Jim Rendleman).
Track Updates and Status
Track 2: Mark provided the update with support from Steve, Alison and Jim. o Three sessions in the work. Starting with a higher-level perspective then working into more detail. Mark and Bryan are working on content for session 1 (earlier involvement of test in the process). Track 3: Update from Nancy:
o Working to finalize the session chairs and co-chairs.
o Jim Vasatka will be meeting with Sophia to discuss the supply chain session. This is also a major theme for the overall forum, so he want to make sure that we take advantage of all opportunities.
Allen reminded the Track Chairs to use the program details tabs in the planning spreadsheet to start layout out the plans for their tracks and sessions (session chairs, moderators, panelists, speakers, etc. with the timing for the sessions).
o The timing listed for the session on the tabs needs to be adjusted due to the recent program schedule changes, but that is an easy fix.
Around the horn….
Satoshi asked about capturing the briefing charts used by the CASE presenters for publication and archiving. Not all of the sessions will use charts, but there will be a rapporteur in each session to capture the key thoughts.
Meeting Schedule:
The 2/18 telecon will be canceled due to the Federal Holiday.
The next telecon will be on 2/25.
We will continue with the weekly telecons mostly likely through March.
Action Item List
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 11, 2/11/2013 Page 3 Date Responsible AI Action Due date Status Assigned Party Provide introductory 001 10/22/12 information (and a photo if Everyone 10/31/12 Working you like) to Allen Assemble and distribute Initial release in on 002 10/22/12 Allen 11/1/12 intro package the SP site. 1. Working Recruit co-chairs for each 003 10/22/12 Track Chairs 11/15/12 2. Melanson Track. 3. Andersen Start identifying session topics, session chairs/co- Planning 004 10/22/12 chairs, speakers and 11/15/12 Working Committee panelists to build the program for each track Planning 005 10/22/12 Identify topics for tutorials. 11/15/12 Working Committee Review CFP and forward 11/5/2012 Planning 11/12/2012 011 comments to Allen or Working 11/26/2012 Committee 11/30/2012 Dominic Summary of ideas for 012 11/26/2012 overview/framework of Brett 12/10/2012 Working complexity topics Summary of potential 013 12/3/2012 session topics from 12/3 Jimmie 12/10/2012 Working meeting Check on telecon capability Email inquiry sent 014 12/3/2012 Allen 12/3/2012 for the ASM meeting to Karen (12/3) Outlook meeting notice for 015 12/17/2012 Allen 12/17/2012 Completed the CASE meeting at ASM Update program layout on 016 1/14/2013 Allen 1/18/2013 Completed SharePoint Follow-up with Dominic 017 1/14/2013 Karen 1/16/2013 Completed about the CFP Set up telecon to discuss 018 1/14/2013 Nancy 1/18/2013 Completed human factors session. Check on Twitter hashtags 019 1/14/2013 Karen 1/18/2013 for Aviation and CASE Set up telecon to discuss the Monday afternoon 020 2/4/2013 Allen 2/4/2013 Working event (with Mat, Jimmie, Laura and Allen) Contact Tom Irvine about a 021 2/4/2013 Management TC POC for Allen 2/4/2013 Working the Executive Workshop.
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 11, 2/11/2013 Page 4 Date Responsible AI Action Due date Status Assigned Party Email to Dress, et al on 022 2/4/2013 Bryan 2/9/2013 Completed Track 2 comments Set up telecon to discuss Aviation 2013 program 023 2/4/2013 Carmela 2/9/2013 Working layout (with Jim, Dave, Allen, Craig and Carmela Add track/session details to 024 2/4/2013 Track Chairs On-going the planning spreadsheets Update the track details planning sheets to reflect 025 2/13/2013 Allen 2/15/2013 the changes in the program schedule
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 11, 2/11/2013 Page 5