1. Take two photos in action holding an index card. This will be your iPod. 2. Upload these two pictures into your DGA folder. 3. Open GIMP. 4. Open one of your photos.

5. Duplicate your layer by clicking on Layer/Duplicate Layer. 6. Use a selection tool of your choice to select around yourself. I used the Scissors. Remember you play connect the dots and then click in the middle of your selection. Make sure it’s as detailed and close as you can be or your silhouette will look like a huge blob. 7. Click Select/Invert. Then click the Delete button to get rid of your background. 8. In your Layers window, drag your background layer to the trash can to get rid of it. 9. Click on Layer/New Layer. 10. Drag your new layer below your background copy layer. 11. Make sure your Background Copy layer is selected. Click on Select/Invert to reselect yourself. 12. Make sure your foreground color is black. 13. Click Edit/Fill with FG Color. This will turn yourself black so now we have your silhouette. 14. Click on your Background layer. 15. Click Select/All. 16. Choose a bright color of your choice as your foreground color. Click on the Paint Fill button and fill the background with that color. 17. Use the Rectangular Select button to draw the outline of your iPod. Change your foreground color to whatever color you want your iPod to be. Click Edit/Fill with FG Color. You may have to rotate your area a little bit to line up with your index card. 18. Use the Rectangular Marquee button to draw the screen on your iPod and fill with a dark gray. 19. Use the Elliptical Marquee button to draw the circle pad of your iPod and fill with a color of your choice. 20. Set your foreground color to white. 21. Click on the Brush tool. 22. Change the size to a four or five. 23. Draw your earphone wires. 24. Use the Ellipse Select Tool to draw the earphones. Fill with white. 25. Now you have an iPod silhouette. 26. Save this as yournameiPod1. 27. Now make your other picture into an iPod silhouette.