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This list is posted on the Instructor’s Companion Site at www.wiley.com/college/rainer. We will add to it as we find new resources. If you have a link to contribute, please send to Beth Golub at [email protected]
School Contact URL Description/assets
Bentley College Heikki Topi, http://www.bentley.ed Homepage for the CIS department opens with promotional language about [email protected] u/cis/ the major and an overview of careers. A listing of current events includes several sessions on learning about the CIS major.
A “Career Options” link from the front page leads to more career info and further links to a Money Magazine article and to a list of best paying jobs.
Florida State Pamela Carter, http://cob.fsu.edu/mis On the homepage for the MIS Department is a link to MIS @ the Movies University [email protected] / which provides the following information:
Lights, cameras, Hollywood stars, action...information systems?
That’s right. Hollywood depicts real and imagined lives on the screen, and information systems are an integral part of life. As a result, information systems are embedded in every movie you see. (Click here for a definition of information systems.)
But, don’t take our word for it. Join us for great movies, and see for yourself the supporting role of information systems.
From blockbusters to classics, MIS @ the Movies features films that highlight information issues and technologies important in today’s society. Empowerment, privacy, identity theft, computing, espionage, email, trust, networking, social relationships – it’s all in the movies. Continued…
Other links for students include Find a Job / Internship with current local job and internship opportunities and Ask a Mentor which provides names and email addresses of MIS professionals, many of them FSU MIS grads, who are available to answer students’ questions about what MIS professionals do, what courses to take, etc. Georgia State http://www2.cis.gsu.e Links on the CIS department website including: University du/ CIS Slide Show Information Systems grads get largest salary gains Consider a Major or Minor in Information Systems New Health Informatics Concentrations Careers Available to Computer Information Systems Majors
The site also includes student information with FAQs.
James Madison Tom Dillon http://www.jmu.edu/ci The CIS department website’s homepage has an attractive headline box University [email protected] s/index.html containing photos and quotes from recent MIS grads on their experience in the MIS major. The first paragraph on the page highlights careers and provides links to useful career and major information:
Exceptional Careers in Computer Information Systems! Computer Information Systems is one of the top majors on the James Madison University campus in terms of average starting salary, job placement and career potential. In Spring 2007, starting salaries for CIS graduates averaged $53,200. CIS jobs are among the most lucrative degrees for college grads. A CIS degree often leads to a wide variety of exciting career opportunities. Learn more about the Computer Information Systems major at JMU.
Other useful links from the homepage include “Jobs/Internships” and “Resources” which include links to help those interested in a career in CIS including:
Advice from IT managers who have "made it". (from techcareers.com) Dress for Success (advice from Monster.com) Best Places to Work in IT The Life and Times of Dr. Madison (Award Winning Web Site Built by JMU COB 204 Students) JobLink Temple http://www.mis.templ This site includes an 11 page “MIS brochure” that promotes the major. The University e.edu/ link to “Jobs” contains News & Events, Job News, Dept Resources, School Resources, External Resources. A spotlight box highlights recent grads.
University of Dave Salisbury – www.udmis.info “Got Job? Get MIS” U of Dayton’s MIS department’s source of info about Dayton [email protected] their MIS major. Includes lots of great info about the major and career. du What the heck is MIS? I'm in engineering or computer science. What’s different about MIS? Aren't all the MIS jobs going to India or China? What kind of people pursue MIS? What jobs do MIS majors do? Who'll hire me (employers who hire entry-level MIS jobs)? Can I pay off my UD student loans (or, what are the starting salaries and placement rate)? What about a double major or a minor? How do I get started? Got something short and sweet for me to send to my parents?
External Links
An MIS Job Profile
MIS Job Myths
University of Mark Huber – http://iscourseinabox. IS Course in Box. This is a blog for discussing teaching ideas and materials Georgia [email protected] wordpress.com/ used in the Intro to IS course at the University of Georgia. It contains two du useful assets concerning recruitment:
A box on the right with “Recent Postings” includes MIS Recruiting by busting Myths . This section includes a set of powerpoints on MIS Myth Busting, created by the UGA MIS Department, used in UGA’s on-campus recruiting events.
Another link in the “Recent Postings” box, Inspiring Students - Recent ACM Communications Article, summarizes a recent article titled “Inspring students to pursue Computing Degrees” in the October 2007 issue of the “Communications of the ACM.” University of Paul Cheney – http://www.bus.ucf.ed On the MIS department homepage, in a section called “General Information,” Central Florida [email protected] u/mis/cgi- are some useful links to resources: u bin/site/sitew.cgi 3 Ways to a More Exciting and Rewarding Career with MIS leads to a well- designed, colorful and informative brochure.
MIS Presentation (About the Program) leads to a Powerpoint presentation about the major and careers including a great slide on “What MIS is” and “What MIS is not.”
And other links including
MIS Careers MIS Internships MIS Newsletters MIS Seminars News and Announcements Online MIS Resources
US Department of Labor Occupational Outlook
Washington Paul Clay – http://www.business. Link on the IS department website: “High Demand, High Pay” leads to a State University [email protected] wsu.edu/academics/I page with the following useful info: nformationSystems/P ages/highdemand.as As an MIS graduate, you'll have the skills that companies need. Our px graduates are in demand and:
IS grads get the biggest increase in salaries IS jobs account for 5 of the 10 fastest growing occupations for college grads Desperate for Developers and Systems Analysts High Demand for Database Administrators and Systems Analysts Systems Analysts and Developers, among the 5 'Big Demand, Big Pay' careers 17% more IT/IS jobs today than at the height of the dot com boom