How to Redo a Paper

An assignment that receives a 69% or below may be redone. Please follow these directions.

1. When you get a paper back that is a 69% or below you may redo it. 2. Take it home and show it to your parents. 3. Do not erase your first answers. 4. Head a paper and redo your incorrect answers on the paper. 5. You only need to redo the ones you missed. 6. Parents need to sign your redo paper. 7. Staple the signed redo to the original and bring them back to school the next day. 8. You will only get one day to redo a paper. So, if you get a paper back on Monday and it is a redo, it must be turned in on Tuesday. (Friday…due Monday.) 9. I will re-average your grade up to a 70%. This is a great way to keep your grades up.

You must follow these directions for me to accept a redo.

How to Redo a Paper

An assignment that receives a 69% or below may be redone. Please follow these directions.

1. When you get a paper back that is a 69% or below you may redo it. 2. Take it home and show it to your parents. 3. Do not erase your first answers. 4. Head a paper and redo your incorrect answers on the paper. 5. You only need to redo the ones you missed. 6. Parents need to sign your redo paper. 7. Staple the signed redo to the original and bring them back to school the next day. 8. You will only get one day to redo a paper. So, if you get a paper back on Monday and it is a redo, it must be turned in on Tuesday. (Friday…due Monday.) 9. I will re-average your grade up to a 70%. This is a great way to keep your grades up.

You must follow these directions for me to accept a redo.