Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Pitkin, Colorado
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June 08, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Pitkin, Colorado Minutes taken by Nancy Duetsch
Full and timely notice of this meeting was given to the public pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(2) (c).
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Mayor Pinkston called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Trustees present were James Sharpton, Darwin Geesey, Patrice Boyd, Rand Makowski, and Suzy Metzler, and Cyndi Wick.
APPROVE MINUTES of May 11, 2010 REGULAR MEETING: Motion to approve the minutes as corrected by Trustee Geesey, seconded by Trustee Wick motion carried 6-0-1.
CLERK’S REPORT: Nancy Duetsch reported that she has been contacted by CIRSA for the yearly audit. It will take place on June 16, 2010. She still has not heard from the auditor.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Trustee Geesey, 2nd by Trustee Metzler; motion carried 7-0.
MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor reported that he heard that a cell phone tower was installed in Taylor Park and has inquired about what is needed to get one installed in Pitkin. It may not cover a large area. There may be a cell tower placed at Highway 114. Due to the many calls from the census bureau worker, Mayor Pinkston believes that the census will mean nothing. We will host the Mayor Manager Meeting on July 1, 2010 at the Town Hall and requested that the Newcomb Community Center is open so people can use the bathrooms.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Patrice Boyd brought in examples of stationary the Town can use. She called the Department of Wildlife about bear proof trash bins and if the trash companies can pick them up. Patrice Boyd would also like the Town to work on making a public toilet available in the Town. Loose dogs are a concern in town. There is no leash law but the dogs need to be under control. If there is a problem with a dog, the people involved should contact the county Sherriff. The Sherriff is usually here on July 4 weekend for Firemen’s Day. Richard Olenick recommended that the Town look into ways to improve the economic structure of the Town. Patrice Boyd mentioned that we may be hosting an art show next year. Suzy Metzler mentioned that the CML newsletter had an article about Medical Marijuana and the Town may have to decide if it wants it here or not.
COMMISSIONERS’ REPORTS: Building: 2 permits are in progress. Mr. Lickert wants to cover the porch on the building in the back of his property. Zoning: There was a meeting to brainstorm about the Zoning ordinance changes. Fire Department: The Fundraiser will be July 3, 2010. They are starting training on Wednesdays at 6:00. Suzy Metzler is putting the phonebook together for the fire department. Please let her know if you would like to advertise in it. Parks/Rec: Alicia Archeleta verified what her budget is and is looking into putting in a sandbox. She is also trying to figure out how to increase the size of the basketball court. Environmental Health: no report.
June 8, 2010 minutes [email protected] The Town of Pitkin is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider. Page 2 of 3
Streets: Helmut Metzler reported that the mag chloride will be applied in the last week of June. It will cost approximately $20,000 – 30,000 to improve the condition of the road. He installed a new culvert on State Street next to Wicks. Sean McCormick came and looked at the road at the turn from Main Street to 9th Street and has told the Town that the County will fix that for the Town. Ditches: Chuck Kolinski reported the alternative service people have done hundreds of hours of work on the ditches. In the process of doing that work, the window on Chuck’s bronco was broken and a part on the weed-wacker was broken. The workers do not carry individual liability insurance and Chuck wants to make sure the Town is covered if greater damage is done. Nancy Duetsch said she would look into this but is pretty sure they are covered. Chuck, Rex Huckaby, Charlie McDaniel’s and others helped by moving sacrete to save the head gate to the ditch. We need to make sure people are not putting any sort of trash including dog poop in the ditches. It is considered littering. The ditch is not on at 1st Street and the road up Waunita pass because the holding tank used by the property needs to be fixed. There are no plugs in any culverts in Town and the Ditches are running at 100% efficiency. He wants to leave the flume in place on State between 4th and 5th. The Jordan’s are not having any flooding problems. The product to seal the ditch leak needs to be used with bentonite clay. We have enough for about 4 years. Must be used every year. Will place it in the ditch at the east side of the flume to the culvert below the Silver Plume to seal the ditch leak. Cemetery: no report. PHCA: The first meeting is June 18 at 6:30. The Ohio City Fire Department fund raiser pot luck is June 25. Town Hall: no report
Cemetery Land issue – Attorney Fogo sent the counter offer and has not heard anything back.
Changes to Website – No changes will be made to how we manage the website. The Town would like to express our thanks to Ethel Coffman for all her work for the Town.
Vote on Ordinance to Prohibit Camping on Town Streets – Ordinance read and motion made to approve Ordinance 1, Series 2010 by Trustee Metzler, 2nd by Trustee Boyd. Motion carried 7-0
Rossmiller Septic – 608 Main Street – Presented engineered plans and letters of agreement of the system by neighbors. Since we just received the plans, matter tabled until next meeting.
Discuss Property split by Sue and Ted Hertz – The Hertz were told by a Pueblo attorney that they could do what they want with the property but it would be in non-conformance. Attorney Fogo responded that the Town could sue and that they must put the properties back on one deed. Sue Hertz said she would put the properties back together.
Vote on expense of food for the Mayor Manager Meeting – Motion by Trustee Geesey, 2nd by Trustee Sharpton, motion carried 7-0.
Planning committee meeting scheduled for 6:30 on June 17, 2010
June 8, 2010 minutes [email protected] The Town of Pitkin is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider. Page 3 of 3
ADJOURN: Mayor Pinkston adjourned meeting at 9:00 pm.
June 8, 2010 minutes [email protected] The Town of Pitkin is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.