Discriminatory Behaviors and Belongingness
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Participants were UW students from underrepresented groups. Total N = 88 (24 African Americans, 32 Non-Indian Asians, 10 Indian Asians, 11 Hispanic/ Latino, 7 Middle Easterners, 3 Jewish, and 3 No Answer). Data were collected in Spring 2016. Participants were asked to rate the extent to which their sense of belongingness on campus would improve if the frequency of each of the following behaviors and situations were to be reduced by half. They responded on 7-point Likert scales with endpoints labeled "1=not at all" and "7=very much". a. Twelve items about indirect forms of discrimination
Item (with question number on the survey) Mean SD
3. Majority students making assumptions about my athletic and/or 4.59 2.22 intellectual abilities 5. Majority students not approaching me when the instructor tells the class 4.47 2.34 to form a discussion group or a project group 8. Majority students not sitting next to me in big lectures, leaving a circle of 4.40 2.29 empty seats around me 9. Majority students making assumptions about my socioeconomic status 4.35 1.99
2. Majority students saying that I don’t act like a typical member of my 4.28 2.26 racial/cultural group 10. Majority students limiting conversations to small talks such as “hi” and 4.24 2.06 “how are you?” in residential halls 6. Majority student employees in campus stores or at reception tables showing 4.22 2.26 less enthusiasm and warmth towards me 7. Majority students coming to minority events only for free food then leaving 4.16 2.34 right away 11. Majority students laughing with other majority students but not with me 3.95 2.21 when the instructor says something funny in class 1. Majority students making shorter and less sincere eye contact with me on 3.91 1.88 the street 12. Majority students not inviting me for group outings (e.g., going to 3.77 2.05 football games together) 4. Majority students telling me that my name is “weird” because they can’t 3.48 2.26 pronounce it 2
b. Twelve items about direct (blatant) forms of discrimination
Item (with question number on the survey) Mean SD 10. Majority students agreeing with discriminatory comments made by 4.68 2.14 political candidates or other authority figures 11. Majority students telling offensive jokes about my race/culture 4.51 2.14 6. Majority students verbally making a racist statement to me 4.36 2.30 5. Majority students making an offensive gesture because of my 4.33 2.47 race/culture 8. Majority students referring to me as the token minority friend 4.11 2.09 2. Majority students telling me that I don’t belong here on campus 4.00 2.54 3. Majority students yelling racial slurs at me 4.00 2.38 4. Majority students throwing a party or dressing up with a theme that is 3.98 2.43 offensive to my race/culture 7. Majority students mocking my physical characteristics (e.g., skin color, eyes, 3.94 2.25 hair) 9. Majority students kicking me out of a party, but not other majority 3.60 2.47 students 1. Majority students changing sidewalks or purposefully moving away from 3.59 2.17 me when I walk on the street at night 12. Majority students saying it’s not legal for me to come and/or stay here 3.53 2.35