Climate Health Summit Resource List Handout

Climate Health Summit: Creating Health Leaders on Climate Change (PSR, 2015) Description: Full listing of all presentation slides and/or handouts and links. Includes direct health impacts of climate change (heat, pollution, psychologic, infectious disease), public health impacts (extreme weather, water, agriculture and ocean/coastal) and impacts of burning fossil fuels. Overview of policy, focus on Clean Power Plan, local policy choices and involvement along with communication skills and tips are also included. Video presentations will be included.

U.S. Global Change Research Program --National Climate Assessment Description: The National Climate Assessment website details the full impacts of climate change in the United States from the impacts of climate change in the different regions of the United States, the observations old and new of climate change throughout the country and the different response strategies to tackle climate change. Includes slides for presentations by region.

CDC's Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative BRACE-Building Resilience Against Climate Effects Description: A list of the 16 States and 2 Cities to receive Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative Grant from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The Grant helps States and Cities prepare strategies and programs to tackle the health effects of climate change.

Climate Change Indicators in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) Description: A comprehensive list organized by the EPA of data relating to 30 climate change indicators and their evidence organized by category. Categories include Greenhouse Gases, Weather and Climate, Oceans, Snow and Ice, Health and Society, and Ecosystem.

Climate Change in the United States: Benefits of Global Action (Environmental Protection Agency) Description: Climate Change Impacts and Risks Analysis (CIRA) Report put out by the EPA detailing the different sectors affected by climate change (such as health, infrastructures, electricity, water resources, agriculture and forestry, and ecosystems), what the consequences of inaction are, and what can be done to mitigate the impacts.

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: Human Health Description: An online toolkit that documents what the health concerns of climate change are (Extreme Heat, Extreme Events, Increased Levels of Air Pollution, Food and Water Related Threats, Changing Ecosystems and Infectious Diseases, and Building Health Care Sector Resilience). The links provided for each topic address how climate change brings about the issue, and how to be aware of and prepare for the effects. Study: MIT Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S. (2014) Description: A MIT study that found that air pollution in the United States accounts for about 200,000 premature deaths each year. The study found that more than 100,000 of those deaths were from emissions from road transportation and electrical production.

Connecting on Climate: A Guide to Effective Climate Change Communication (ecoAmerica Dec. 2014) Description: An ecoAmerica and Center for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University produced guide with strategies on how to communicate climate change topics to varying audiences. Each section focuses on a different strategy to effectively craft the message to an audience to act on climate change, while also dealing with some of the hurdles that accompany talking about climate change. Climate Change Communication Primer for Public Health Professionals-George Mason, Center for Climate Communications. Reflects research from 2012-14 on how to effectively communicate the public health implications of climate change. The product of that research – a communication primer and a PPT designed to help public health professionals communicate effectively about climate change. Enhancing Health Care Resilience for a Changing Climate (US Dept of HHS 12/14) Description: A primer from the Department of Health and Human Services detailing the current state of health care infrastructure resilience, the effects of extreme weather risks due to climate change, the institutional level infrastructure vulnerabilities, and what can be done in the future to make health care institutions more resilient to climate change.

Climate Change Solutions: Best Opportunity for Public Health Description: A sample Grand Rounds Presentation by PSR Executive Director Catherine Thomasson, MD for Oregon. Template that could be altered to reflect different states with script.

CLEAN POWER PLAN and state specific information Clean Power Plan State-Specific Fact Sheets (Environmental Protection Agency) Description: A State-by-State list containing the each State’s required carbon dioxide emission reduction goals set by the Clean Power Plan. Each document details the goal set for each State and the programs to help States meet their goals.

Additional state by state resources for the Clean Power Plan updated on PSR Climate Health Action Team Resource Page: teams/resources-by-state.html

Arizona--EPA Clean Power Plan (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality) Description: A 2 page handout from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality documenting how what Arizona’s carbon emission goal is under the EPA Clean Power Plan and how it plans to meet that goal of 52% less carbon emissions from 2012 baselines. It also details the timeline required by the CPP to submit a plan and questions for the reader to question what is needed to make a successful proposal.

California--Climate Change Health Threats in California (National Resource Defense Council) Description: A summary by the National Resource Defense Council documenting data of the health effect of climate change in California and tips for protecting yourself and loved ones from the harmful effects. Also provided is California’s Climate Adaption Strategy for dealing with problems like extreme heat, drought, and air pollution.

Florida--STATE ENERGY OVERVIEW (Southern Alliance for Clean Energy) Description: An overview of Florida’s energy challenges and state of renewable and fossil fuel energy in the State. It includes links to more facts about Florida energy and actions you can take to encourage clean energy in Florida.

Beyond Coal Florida (Sierra Club) Description: Information about the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign and coal usage in Florida. The campaign aimed at shutting down coal plants throughout the country gives information about what some of the health and economic benefits are.

Idaho--Idaho’s Clean Energy Future (Snake River Alliance, 2011) Energy-Future_August-2011_SMALL.pdf Description: A briefing on what Idaho can do to move over to clean energy that provides a picture of Idaho’s energy picture, how to move over to green energy, what Idaho’s energy plan is, and who are the utility companies and governmental agencies involved in clean energy decisions.

Iowa--Climate and Health in Iowa (National Resource Defense Council) Description: A brief two-pager from the National Resource Defense Council that relays some climate change related information tailored to the health of the citizens of the Hawkeye State. Examples include projected Tick habitat expansion and the worsening of air conditions will lead to more asthma related emergencies.

Maine --Federal Climate and Energy Issues (National Resources Council of Maine) issues/ Description: This webpage contains information about what Maine is doing to meet the standards set out by the Clean Power Plan with its Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and what some of the impacts of climate change could do to the economy. Death by Degrees: Climate Health impacts in Maine- Maine PSR 2015.

Maryland--Energy and Health in Maryland: A Briefing for Health Advocates (Maryland Environmental Health Network, 2014) Description: A report put out by the Maryland Environmental Health Network that outlines the negative health effects that the burning of fossil fuels, the types of fossil fuels used in electrical generation, and other sources of pollutants in Maryland. There is also information about the use of renewable energies in Maryland followed by a call to action for health professionals to have a voice in combating the negative health effects of the fossil fuel emissions.

Minnesota- Renewable Minnesota: A technical and economic analysis of a 100% renewable- energy based electricity system for Minnesota (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 2012) Description: A study done by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research that examines the feasibility a a way for Minnesota to meet 100% of its energy demand using renewable energy that already existing technology. The study outlines what Minnesota could do to transition to meet 100% of its energy needs and become less reliant on fossil fuels that it needs to import from other states.

New York--The Clean Power Plan and New York Fact Sheet (National Wildlife Foundation) Fact_Sheets/New%20York_NWF%20Clean%20Power%20Plan%20state%20fact%20sheet.pdf Description: A Fact Sheet put out by the National Wildlife Federation documenting how the compliance with the Clean Power Plan can help reverse the ongoing threat climate change poses to New York’s suffering wildlife and extreme weather effects to New York’s residents. It also outlines how New York can grow its economy and reduce carbon pollution by complying to the Clean Power Plan.

North Carolina--Matching Utility Loads with Solar and Wind Power in North Carolina (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 2010) Description: A study from the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research that outlines the way North Carolina can produce nearly all of its electricity from renewable energies, mainly relying on solar and wind as complementary producers along with hydroelectric.

Pennsylvania--Global Warming Solutions (PennEnvironment) Description: A call to action by Penn Environment outlining how pushing the Clean Power Plan will is not only the right thing to do for the current generation’s safety, but the future generation’s safety as well. It also notes the roadblocks to having the Clean Power Plan defeated and what you can do about it. Texas--San Antonio’s Bright Energy Future (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 2008) Description: A study by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research making the case for CPS Energy and the City of San Antonio to invest in renewable energy in order to meet its goal of doubling its renewable capacity to 1,200 Megawatts by 2020.

Utah--eUtah: A Renewable Energy Roadmap (eUtah, 2010) Description: An analysis of Utah’s energy sector with scenarios on what are the consequences of Utah perusing five different scenarios in regard to its energy policy. It outlines whether or not it is feasible in Utah to reduce CO2 emissions with renewable energies.

Wisconsin--Wisconsin Climate and Health Profile Report (Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2014) Description: A fact sheet overview of Wisconsin’s Building Resilience Against Climate Effects program from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The page explains the health related dangers from climate change and the people most at risk, as well as the projects they are undertaking to do combat these dangers.