
Captain Graham Cruse - Chairman - EasyJet Airlines Captain Paul Field - British Airways Captain Peter Shaw - CAA Captain Chris Mann - EasyJet Airlines Captain Rick Newson - CAA FOI(H) Captain Paddy Connolly - CAA FOI(H) Captain Roger Benison - Consultant Mr Carey Edwards - LMQ Captain Colin Budenberg - Thomson Airways Captain David Harrison - GAPAN/ CTC Mrs Janice Fisher - CAA – Cabin Safety Mr Richard Heybroek - Loftwok Captain Kevin Lawrence - Bond Offshore Helicopters Captain Dave Thom (DT) - CTC Captain Chris Beaumont (CB) - BALPA Mrs Corinne Baron-Morgan (CBM) - CAA (Minutes)

ACTION 1 Introductions and Welcome

1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked the CAA for hosting the meeting and contributing to lunch. Janice Fisher was also thanked for organising the evening event.

2 Apologies 2.1 Mr Jim Reed – CAA Captain Robert Calvert – Consultant Mrs Fleur Johnson - Active Team Solutions Dr Stephen Jarvis – Cranfield University Captain David Riley – CAA Captain Lucio Polo – ENAC Captain Laurie Benn – LVB Aviation

3 Minutes of Meeting held on 2 nd December 2010 3.1 The Chairman advised that, once approved and published, the Minutes would not be altered until the next meeting unless critical information has been incorrectly relayed. 3.3 Grammatical correction to Para 8.1, should read “..there are currently no resources…” Correction to item 13.2 –“….NVL trainees” should read “…..MPL trainees”. 3.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd December were reviewed and accepted with some items re-presented for discussion on the Agenda.

4 Matters arising from the Minutes Not on the Agenda 4.1 Item 13.3, After discussion with the relevant parties it was decided not to send the survey to Panel Members as it was mainly intended for completion by 'technical trainers'.

5 CAP 737 Update 5.1 Captain Dave Thom presented Captain Peter Shaw with Action initial draft CAP 737. Out of date items have been PS removed. Peter will conduct an initial review of these updates and confirm that they are in line with Implementing Rules.

6 Panel Membership Update 6.1 The Panel is delighted that Simon Henderson will remain a “corresponding” member. 6.2 Captain Paddy Connelly has joined the CAA as Flight Operations Training Inspector (Helicopters). Paddy wishes to continue his contribution to CRMAP. A proposal was made by Captain D Harrison, and seconded for Paddy’s continuation as a member of the Panel.

7 CRM CD Library

 Mr Rick Heybroek discussed the need for keeping Action details of CRM Advisory Panel history up to date on the DH RAeS website. It is essential that the object of the group, the Terms of Reference and the Mission Statement are kept current. Captain D Harrison has kindly offered to review the entry and circulate to the panel for comments in due course.

Rick Haybroek also discussed the idea of having on-line  access to a library of videos and DVDs via the RAeS website. The material would be a bibliography and the list would be “key word” search led. Contribution to material, provided it is robust and reliable would be welcome. Captain Colin Budenberg suggested that the content of the DVDs carry a warning that the clips provided are for training purposes and a standard disclaimer is presented. He also proposed that material would be donated by panel members and presented at the next meeting. The fee charged for the sale of a DVD should cover admin fees and development/research. Rick is able to Action PF  convert videos to DVDs and would welcome offers of help on this particular task as it may become onerous. Captain Paul Field has offered help on conversion from video to DVD as he has the tool for this task.

Rick also suggested that representative samples would be uploaded onto Utube. These samples would be subject to access restriction.  The Chairman asked the panel to provide Rick with as much support as possible with this venture.

8 CRMAP Comment to UK HF Review 8.1 The Chairman thanked Peter Shaw, Paul Field and Colin Budenberg for their contribution and comments on HF Strategic Review. Captain Peter Shaw informed the panel that the strategy will be delivered to the CAA board in June 2011. The view from the panel is that Human Factors is still a major safety issue in industry and needs further development. The Panel fully supports CAA Strategy development.

8.2 Peter reiterated that the Advisory Panel has been very active and supportive of the UK CAA. The potential for the panel to maintain standards and share material with EASA was highlighted.

8.3 Discussion focused on UK HF Advisory Board. The Chairman named the members and their tentative TORs. The interim report is available on the CAA website (under HF Phase 1 report).

9 EASA Proposal & Standard Doc 29 - Short Guide 9.1 The meeting felt that the Short Guide was not particularly helpful and might be better replaced by a Reference Guide document that would endeavour to be “European” friendly. Captain Paul Field has provided EASA with an amended Doc 29 for review. References to “Short Guide” have been deleted from this document.

Captain Peter Shaw and Carey Edwards agreed to provide support to Captain Paul Field and review the Action guide once EASA have provided feedback. PF/PS/CE 10 EASA GM Proposal 10.1 Captain Peter Shaw confirmed that a plagiarised Standards Doc 29 had been welcomed by EASA and this may prove to be an opportunity to influence the development of Human Factors within Europe.

11 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman – Dec 2011 11.1 Chairman and Vice-Chairman elections due December 2011. Colin Budenberg will be running the election, anyone wishing to stand as the Panel chair or vice chair should contact Colin. The “applicant” should be aware that the position is for the full 3-year term. It was suggested that the closing date for manifestos should be the September 11 meeting.


12 Doc 29- Further Enhancements Required 12.1 The following 4 items were presented to the Panel. Captain Peter Shaw’s responses are highlighted in red:

1. CRM Instructors 'initial training course requirements' needs review Stds Doc 29 Ver 4 Para 4.3 The word “initial” should be removed.

2. Approval of courses needs review in light of CAA processes Stds Doc 29 Ver 4 Para 9.1.1 CAA does not approve courses. Operators using third party trainers should ensure that they are competent and use adequate training material.

3. Military Instructors and the civilian commercial experience requirements needs defining Stds Doc 29 Ver 4 Para 4.5.3 (additional text) Military Instructors/Civilian Commercial experience will need to feature within Standards Doc 29. Paul Field informed that TGL 44 has some valid information that could be extracted and used.

4. Police AOC CRM Instructors and restricted CRMI (G) accreditation discussion. Presently Police AOC CRMI (G) can only instruct Police Is it necessary for Police AOC to have CRMI qualifications as they have adopted JAR OPS 3/ EU OPS Action 3. Captain Rick Newson to send comments regarding RN PAOC and CRM training to Peter.

The Chairman reiterated that proposed changes or corrections to Standards Doc 29 should be forwarded to himself or Paul Field. 13 Formal Question and Response Process Between Meetings 13.1 Captain David Harrison shared his concerns over the lack of communications facility in between meetings. Action There are numerous issues regarding training and GC publications that would benefit from the creation of a web based forum. This would enable panel members to contribute and achieve some resolve before the next meeting. The Chairman will contact Rick Heybroek requesting assistance in progressing this issue.

14 Any Other Business 14.1 Carey Edwards relayed a quote emerging from an EASA meeting of a US company that employed 5000 pilots, 17 of which were under the age of 40!

14.2 Evidence Based Training Initiative: (ITQI similar to ATQP) ITQI suggests the training should develop in accordance with modern evidence based requirements rather than relying on previously developed and potentially dated training philosophies.

14 Date and venue of Next Meeting 2nd June 2011 at Balpa Captain Chris Mann has presented his apology for this meeting as he will not be able to attend.