II. Roll Call: All Present

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II. Roll Call: All Present

SAC Meeting 9-14-2011

I. Call to Order: (3:01PM)

II. Roll Call: All present

III. Prayer: Given by Sarah, Travis to give prayer at next meeting.

IV. Approval of minutes: 9-7-11 minutes were approved without change.

V. Public Forum Morgan Zuziak As you know we have two vacancies on the board, therefore Lydia and I offered the position to the alternates who were selected in the spring last academic year. One of those alternates is Rob Kelly. He was extremely interested in the position; however, he has a class conflict with the meeting time meaning he would have to leave the meetings early most days. Due to this Lydia and I offered him the position of Associate SACer, which he accepted pending the vote of the board. If the vote is in his favor, he will be placed on concert committee, as it states in the SAC Rules of Order Chapter 14, Section 2: An Associate SACer shall serve on one or more committee(s) of their choice with the approval of the SAC Chair and the chair(s) of the chosen committee. (Which both Matt and I, along with the other chairs have approved this.) If you have any questions regarding this you may ask me now, however, if you feel this needs to be discussed, per the SAC Rules of Order Chapter 14, Section 1: Discussion of an Associate SACer must be done in the absence of the student in a closed executive session. At this time I’d like to give Rob a few moments to express a few thoughts to the board.

Molly Dugan: Assistant Director of Leadership and Orientation

Robert Kelly: First alternate on SAC, would like to be on Concert Committee Morgan: Offered positions to alternate, Robert has class conflict, offered position of associate SACer.

Sarah Richardson: study abroad in Ireland, want more information, let me know.

Pat Schlenbach: I hope all of your events during the past two weeks were successful! I am sure the new dorm is really cool and I hear the new Caf/Hoff/whatever SGA is calling it is really great. Ours is a time of immense change on campus and I am pleased that our main programming body is changing with it, re-arranginG into new committees and taking the board in a whole new direction. I noticed from Facebook that Eatt and the rest of cofcer4 deserve some snaps for getting the Fall concert planned. I can only optimistically assume the other cgmmittees are fulfilling their roles as wel,. I look &orward to chatting abouT1NACA, SGA drama, and everything else in the future. For now, just know that someone on the far side of the1world is thinking about you all and the wonderful work you are doing.

Mfreke: Former SACer observing meeting

VI. Review of the Budget Crystal Guffey Passed around copy of budget

VII. Report of the SGA Executives Report of the President, Ryan Alleman I want to begin today with a very heartfelt thank you. Thank you to all of you for your extraordinary support and patience with the Executives over the past week as we have worked through our different transitions. Despite the difficulty, I am confident that today the Association is on very solid footing, and I have all of you to thank for that. Moving forward, I just ask that you continue to be patient with Brock as he transitions into his new role.

One of the unexpected benefits of this transition, is that I – along with a few other Senators – had a chance to reflect on my role in the Association last week. During our interview for Senate vacancies, one of the candidates asked Brock, Johari, Zach and myself a simple questions: why are you on SGA? As we each went around and thought of a response, I realized that in the midst of our day to day work, this is a question that we likely don’t think about very often. While certainly we each have our own reasons for being here today, it’s a questions that frequently falls to the back of our mind. With the idea in mind, I’m going to pass around some note cards, and I encourage all of you to try to answer that question for yourself. What you choose to do with that note card is entirely up to you. Certainly I’d love to hear some of your answers, but feel free to use that note card as you’d like. I’ll just say that I found that to be a very poignant question last week, and it did a lot to lift my spirits last week as I thought about it.

Lastly, I wanted to make you aware of the new catering options that dining services is rolling out. In an effort to appeal more to students groups, catering has developed a line for more student centric catering options, and they have asked for a few of us to help evaluate those options. I’ll pass around a signup sheet, and if you would be interested in providing feedback to dining services, just sign your name and I’ll follow-up with you.

Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran SAC, how are we lookin?

Well, it has been a hectic week to say least, so I want to update you all on a few things.

1.) I have met several times with Lydia and Ryan to review the platform and discuss which projects I will be taking over. Having said that, I will now be focusing on the following: Involvement with the Student Director of Diversity and MOSAIC, a market implementation plan with Discovery Services, the student emergency fund, BikeXU, and the current SGA Student Recognized Business process. A lot of work, but I am excited for it! 2.) For those of you that haven’t heard, Senate has three new members! Junior Desmond Dodd who was appointed to the Community Affairs Committee, Sophomore Ricky Narsinghani who was appointed to the Student Life Committee, and Junior Needom Mitchell who will fill the vacancy left by the new Senate Coordinator. These three are very well qualified and bring a lot to the table, so if you see them around campus or in the office, please welcome them and invite them into anything that may be beneficial to their growth. 3.) Lastly, the overall transition from Senate Coordinator to Legislative Vice-President has been smooth and a lot of that is thanks to you guys. You guys have had all of your stuff together and have been extremely supportive through this entire process. Thank you for putting your trust in me to make this year a successful one for SGA.

As always if there is anything I can help with or if you just want to sit down and talk, my door is always open and my phone is always on, so just let me know!

Other than that, keep up the great work and be expecting me to report on actual Executive projects in the near future!

Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach Not too much to report again. Thank you to Lauren and Travis for the Snackage. Next week Sarah is bringing a surprise! Project updates: 1. LGBTQ

Check out the correction and letter to the editor in the Newswire! :D 2. Excused Religious Observances I really need more syllabi. I’ll start hunting you guys down.

3. Logo

I just received the next draft of our potential new logo, our committee meeting will take place on Friday (9/16) at 2PM. 4. SAC Selection

The SAC selection committee was formed yesterday: Senator Colak will be the representative from Senate. Interviews for SAC (for first-years and for the vacancy) will take place September 26-30. How are the name selections coming for res. complex? Votes are tallied, sent results to Father Graham, sharing with cabinet this week, unveiled at Founders Day Thursday. More information refer to Kevin’s Newswire article from last week (page four).

VIII. Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak Senator Meghan Savercool and I would like to get together a group of SGA representatives to participate in Community Action Day on September 24th. We will meet in front of Gallagher at 9:00a.m. and we will all choose a service site to go to together! Congratulations to Late Night Programming for having 750 people attend Late Night Movie this past week! That’s awesome!

Life and culture, although I’m sad to see The Beach Waterpark get cancelled, I’m really looking forward to your upcoming events!

Chairs regarding dinner/lunch this weekend – Can you please raise your hand if you can make it to Bellarmine Circle this Sunday at noon for lunch we will still be going to the Rookwood?

IX. Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis For your Senate Minutes today, I have several updates from this past Senate meeting.  Three new senators were sworn in at the meeting on Monday. Please welcome Desmond Dodd, Ricky Narsinghani and Needom Mitchell to SGA.  The Senate approved $500 from the Senate Projects Fund to support the BikeXU Program.  Club Relations will be bringing a new process for the approval and activation of new clubs forward to the Senate next week. This process will be shared with you via Morgan for your next SAC meeting. The Club Relations Committee spent a good deal of time working on this project over the summer and early into the fall, so I want to strongly encourage you to review what they’ve created so you can help answer questions and better understand the process for future club activations.  Senator Zach Aliberti is bringing forth a resolution next week regarding the Anti-Rail Project opposition as it relates to the City Council of Cincinnati. This is expected to be a hot-button issue for the City and the senate has been asked to take a stance on behalf of SGA and the student body. I want to also share my sentiments that I have shared with the Senate and will be sharing again on Monday that the Senate needs to carefully consider what their role should be and whether or not it is their place to speak on behalf of the student body in this issue.  Johari Idusuyi was approved as the new Student Life Chair on Senate.  I had dinner with the Senate Chairs last weekend and had a great conversation over dinner. My dinner with the SAC chairs is scheduled for Sunday the 25th at 5pm.

I want to remind everyone on SAC that it is your responsibility to be updating the SAC events on the SAC OrgSync Calendar. This calendar feeds into the larger OrgSync system and populates events on everyone’s pages. There are currently over 1,700 users in OrgSync and all of them can see your events. Please make sure that when you cancel, change or move an event that you go into the system and update it. Your committee chairs should also be responsible for making sure that you are doing this on behalf of your committee’s events.

The annual Leadership Summit registration is due next Friday (the 23rd) and several of you are now registered but I want to remind everyone that you need to go into OrgSync and register as soon as possible if you plan to attend. The summit will be held on Saturday, October 1st on campus from 10am-4pm.

Constitution Day will be on Friday, September 16th. Please stop by and check out the display to learn more about the constitution, including some interesting facts about words or phrases often associated with the constitution but not actually in the document.

In a few minutes, Morgan will be calling for an Open Executive Session to discuss NACA and SAC applying for some NACA Awards this year. I want to ask that you vote to pass the Open Exec Session so that we can have this brief discussion. And finally, kudos to Kevin and Katie K. for hanging up a lot of promo today for other committees, aside from their own…this is what SAC is all about – working together and helping each other out! Leadership summit free? SGA covers registration for members Senate Discussing Anti-Rail, why? Student at Xavier petition Senate promote. Why Anti? Zach Aliberti will send out informational email.

X. Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey None

XI. Opinion Entries

XII. Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting) FAC, Jim Reitenbach None

Regular Rob Kelly Associate SACer on Concert Committee Not Emailed (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Vote Passed

Fall Ball (we’re currently working on a better name) Date: October 28, 2011 Time: 7:00-11:00 p.m. Location: Cintas Center Ballroom Est. Attendance: 150

Event Description: We’re bringing Fall Ball back this year!! Since there have been issues with attendance in the past, we’re going to have two rounds of promo to really encourage people to start talking about the dance early.

First Round of Promo: $60.00

Total: $60.00 (Initial Questions) Will there be alcohol? No (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Vote Passed

Movie and Discussion Chairs: Makenna and Ryan Date/Time: October 11th at 8:00 PM Location: Kennedy Auditorium

Event Description: We will be showing the Oscar Award Winning Film “Milk” at 8 PM in the Kennedy Auditorium. There will be a discussion afterwards led by Xavier Alliance with LaRosa’s Pizza and drinks.

Cost Breakdown: Promo: Bookmarks $30 Movie Poster $5 FedEx Promo $50 Movie: Swank Motion Pictures Rental $375 Shipping $21 Food: Larosa’s Pizza and Drinks $350 Total: $831 (Initial Question) Has the room been reserved? Yes One big discussion after word? Yes, probably break up into groups. (Debate and Discussion) Event starts at 7:00pm not 8:00pm. Update OrgSync Calendar. Debate Ended Vote Passed

Renaissance Festival Chair: Ryan & Kevin Date/Time: October 8th from 11:00-5:00 Event Description: We will bus students to the Renaissance Festival. Students pay $5.

Cost: 40 Tickets $450 Promo $50 Bus $265

Total: $765 (Initial Questions) When will students buy tickets? Next Tues, Wed, Thurs Will the bus be 11-5? Yes, bus will stay there. Bus may only be allowed to rent 4 hours at a time? Going off hours from Beach Water Park Contract. (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Vote Passed

Late Night Movie Date: October 6-8 Time: 11pm Location: Gallagher Theater Est. Attendance: 200-300 per showing

Event Description: Late Night Movie in the theater like usual. STRAW POLL: Crazy Stupid Love or Transformers: Dark of the Moon!

Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming

Cost Breakdown: Movie Rights: $930 Movie Posters: $10 Promotions: $60

Total: $1,000 (Initial Questions) Seen Transformers? Good? Yes. Can we watch trailers? Straw Poll: Watch trailers – all in favor Watched trailers (Debate & Discussion) Straw Poll: Crazy, Sexy Love-15, Transformers-12 Debate Ended Passed

Publicity Proposal Help fund bookmarks as a giveaway for Movie & Discussion MILK Taking place October 11, 2011 pending passed proposal from Life and Culture

Bookmark total cost $60.00 Publicity Contribution $30.00

Total $30.00 (Initial Questions) How many bookmarks? 275 (Debate and Discussion) What will they look like? Will have theme and general info. Have rainbow ribbon left over from last year, can use it. Debate Ended Vote Passed Motion to enter Open Executive Session Enter Open Executive Session NACA Straw Poll: Award entry for NACA Multi-Cultural Program America I am -1 Multi-Cultural 11 Sushi 0 Day of Dead 0 Colored Girl 13 Straw-Poll: Entry for NACA Education Award America I am - 11 Sushi - 1 Multi-Cultural Food Fair - 8 Create-Your-Own event, Yoga event – 0 Straw Poll: Award entry for NACA Late Night Alternative Program Flash Back Friday/MAD – All Mock-tails- 0 Late Night Movie (Pirates) – 0 Movie on the Greenspace - 0 Harry Potter Premier Trip - 0 Straw Poll: Award entry for NACA Outstanding Program Collaboration Franklin McCain Lecture Touching History– 6 Sushi Rolling – 11 Jain Elliot Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes Lecture - 0 Multi-Cultural Food Fair – 6 Straw Poll: Award entry for NACA Program of the Year Boat Dance – All but 1 Mr. Muskie – 1 Straw Poll: Outstanding Programmer of the Year SAC – All Executive Session Closed

XIII. Blast from the Past Bridesmaids: 750 people showed.

XIV. Here and Now Oktoberfest: Saturday Do you have volunteers to ride busses? Do we need them? May or may not be helpful.

Grocery Bingo: Thursday in Atrium Defer: What is it? Bingo to win groceries. Do you still do video games? Yes, first late night gaming.

XV. Committee Reports Financial Affairs Committee, Jimmy Reitenbach Not Emailed

Life & Culture, Analisa Condon Although the Beach Water Park was cancelled, I wanted to thank those that helped with the event. I really appreciated those who put in the effort to really get ticket sales going. Multicultural Food Fair is currently being planned and organized. Please start spreading the word. Thank you for passing the Ohio Renaissance Fair and Movie and Discussion. I think both are going to be great events!! Please be looking out for our next proposal of Sushi Rolling next week! Thanks all!

Campus Traditions, Sarah Richardson Not Emailed

Concerts, Matt Morefield Canvassing will be on September 22 and 24 at the same times as last time. Please send me an email or text if you have not signed up and would like to volunteer. The more help the better. Also, I have a list of everyone that can receive their free ticket as well as those that requested a second ticket for a friend. If you have any questions on if you are eligible for a free ticket or if you want to reserve a ticket for a friend please talk to me. Nexcyx will be next week during MAD. Make sure to come out and see them.

Also, concert committee has begun some work with Andy to start a semi-regular concert in his pub. Keep your ears out for information on that.

Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer Hey SAC! Please come to grocery bingo! We've been working hard. Many more events this month. MAD and Late Night Movie are next week and Late Night Snack the following. No proposal next week, but we've been brainstorming for the next late night snack and we will probably bring it to a vote, so get ready!! That's it and have a good rest of the week!

Publicity, Annette Frac Thanks to all of those who came to our meeting on Sunday. Also, thank you for passing our proposal today for the bookmarks I will get a start on those soon. Finally remember our meetings are Sunday at 7 if you are proposing an event next week. Thanks!

XVI. Closing Sentiments LeeAnn gave Cynthia Bear to Ryan: Favorite NFL or College football team?

XX. Adjourned: (4:46PM)

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