New Skating Club
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1. Title
The club shall be called the Aberdeen Linx skating Club and shall be affiliated to and bound by the rules of such bodies as the committee sees fit.
2. Objectives
The object of the Club shall be:
(a) To promote and cultivate ice skating and to encourage participation in the sport in a spirit of equal opportunity. (b) To arrange coaching and provide practice facilities for club members wishing to undertake affiliate association elementary skating qualifications.
3. Membership
Membership of the Club shall be confined to eligible persons as defined by the National Ice Skating Association of UK.
Membership of the Club shall comprise of:
(a) Senior Members who shall not be less than 18 years of age. (b) Junior Members who shall be less than 18 years of age. (c) Family Membership which shall comprise of a maximum of two Senior Members and a maximum of four Junior Members resident at the same address. (d) Honorary Membership of the Club may be conferred on members or other persons at the discretion of the Committee. (e) Life Membership of the Club may be conferred on members or other persons at the discretion of the committee.
Life membership is conferred in an individual basis only and holds all the rights of a Senior Member.
Honorary membership is conferred on an individual basis only and holds no voting rights.
No person shall become a Club Member until their application has been approved by the Committee and recorded in the minutes. “The Executive Committee may refuse applications for Membership, but not on the basis of sex, nationality, religion, race or colour.” 4. Fees
Members shall pay an annual subscription of such amounts as shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will be entitled to determine different levels of subscription for different categories of Member. Subscriptions become payable when an application has been approved by the Committee. On joining the Club, all members must be provided with a copy of the current Club Constitution and Club rules and regulations (if applicable), noting that membership is conditional on their agreement to abide by all the provisions contained therein.
Annual subscriptions shall become payable on June 1st and must be paid within one month thereof. Members who have allowed their membership to lapse shall be liable for any monies due to the club. New members joining after 1st February shall be charged 50% of the annual rate.
5. Committee
The Committee of the Club shall consist of 11 members who shall be elected by the Membership from the Senior Members of the Club.
The Office Bearers consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Members of the Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Members of the Committee will normally hold office for a period of five consecutive years without the requirement for re-election at the intervening Annual General Meeting. Any member (Ordinary or Office Bearer) of the Committee who has served for two years may stand for immediate re-election for a further period of two consecutive years.
Where more than one nomination has been received for any of the Officer Bearers or if more nominations have been received for positions of Ordinary Member than there are vacancies, election will be by secret ballot.
As far as is practical and to ensure the smooth running of Club affairs, no more than two Officer Bearers should retire in any Membership Year. The President and Treasurer should consider their post to be of 2 year tenure.
In addition, as far as is practicable, a minimum of one year’s service on the Committee is required before an Ordinary Member can stand for election to one of the Office Bearer posts. No two members of immediate family may serve on the committee at any one time.
Any committee member may only serve on one ice sport committee to avoid a conflict of interest with-in Aberdeen ice rink.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt from Full Senior Members, additional Committee Members to replace any who may resign during the course of the Club year. This shall normally be the first reserve from the voting at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to appoint an existing Committee Member to any Office Bearer’s position which might become vacant.
Committee Positions not filled at the Annual General Meeting, or which become vacant during the course of the Club year and there is no reserve, then these shall be considered casual vacancies, and the Committee shall have the power to co-opt from Senior Members, person(s) to fill or replace these positions. The Committee shall however invite applications from Club members by posting notice on the Club Notice Board 14 days prior to the Committee meeting at which the co-option(s) is/are made. Such appointments shall be posted on the Club Notice Board within 7 days.
In the event an Office Bearer’s position is not filled at the Annual General Meeting, or becomes vacant during the course of the Club year, the Committee shall have the power to elect an existing elected Committee member to the position, who shall serve in that post until the next Annual General Meeting. If that person subsequently seeks re-election to the post, and is re-elected, he/she may only serve until that post is normally due for re-election. Such appointments shall be posted on the Club Notice Board within 7 days.
Committee meetings shall be convened on a 6 Weekly basis at least, but may be convened by the President more frequently as appropriate. Seven days notice should normally be provided to committee members for all committee meetings, but in event of an emergency, may be convened within 24 hours. In the event of the President failing to convene a scheduled Committee meeting, or within 14 days of receiving a request for a Committee meeting, such meeting may be convened by any 7 Committee members, giving not less than 7 days notice. A quorum for Committee members must consist of 7 members from Officers and Committee persons. If an office bearer is unavailable for a committee meeting then they shall send their report to the President prior to the meeting.
6. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held during November each year at which the Officers for the ensuing year shall be appointed (Subject to Clause 5 above). Auditors for the Club accounts will also be appointed. The A.G.M. will normally be held on a Sunday each year, but in special circumstances, the Committee may hold the meeting on a different day during the month of November each year, subject to posting notice on the Club Notice Board giving not less than Thirty Five (35) Days notice. Additionally all members will also be notified in writing. (From this point “in writing” means by e-mail where your details are held by the club and also posted on the club web site and notice board) If postponed for any reason the committee will choose another date, this will be posted 14 days before the meeting and will have the same agenda as the original AGM.
At the A.G.M., all Committee members and those Office Bearers due for re- election (under Clause 5 above) will be eligible for re-election. The existing Officers/Committee will remain in office during the AGM until the vote for new Officers/Committee Members has taken place.
Each nomination for membership of the Committee shall be made by completing and returning the approved form available from the Secretary. This must contain:
The full name and address of the nominee The signature of the nominee indicating his/her willingness to serve on the Executive The full name and address of the proposer and seconder The signatures of the proposer and seconder The date of completion of the nomination form A short written statement with the reason for joining the committee if unable to attend the AGM in person.
A minimum of Thirty Five days clear notice of the AGM must be given by the Secretary of the Club, this to be posted prominently on the Club Notice Board stating the date, time and place of the meeting, together with Office Bearer/Committee Member places due for election/re-election. This notice must also invite items for the agenda including proposed changes to rules and regulations and/or the Club Constitution. Such items together with nomination for election must be submitted to the Club Committee to be received not less than 21 days prior to the AGM.
The Secretary must post notice of the AGM Agenda on the Club Notice Board, not less than 14 days prior to the AGM, detailing the business to be transacted thereat including the specific wording of all proposed changes to rules and regulations and/or the Club Constitution. Additionally all members will also be notified in writing.
The business at the Annual General Meeting shall be:
(a) To approve the minutes of the previous years Annual General Meeting (b) To receive reports. (c) To receive audited accounts. (d) To appoint Auditors for the Club accounts who shall not be members of the committee. (e) To elect any new committee members. (f) To complete any other agenda items
7. Special General Meetings
A Special General Meeting shall be called, within 28 days, upon receipt by the Committee of a requisition signed by at least 50% Senior Members and stating the purpose of such meeting. Notice of the SGM shall be posted on the Club Notice Board not less than 14 days prior to the SGM, detailing the business to be transacted thereat including the specific wording of any proposed changes to rules and/or the Club Constitution. Additionally all members will also be notified by e-mail. Should the Committee fail to issue within 30 days the notice convening the SGM requisitioned by the members, the members may themselves convene the SGM.
The Committee may call a SGM at any time and notice of the SGM shall be posted on the Club Notice Board not less than 14 days prior to the SGM, detailing the business to be transacted thereat including the specific wording of any proposed changes to rules and regulations and/or the Club Constitution. Additionally all members will also be notified in writing.
No business other than that specified on the notice for a SGM may be transacted at an SGM.
If a member or members request a Special General Meeting against the advice of the Committee and their proposal is unsuccessful then they will be liable to any costs to the club.
8. Voting Procedures
At Annual General Meetings, Ordinary Business shall require a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote in order to succeed. Special Business at both Annual and Special General Meetings shall require a 66% majority of those present and eligible to vote in order to succeed. Special Business shall consist of:
(a) Proposals to amend or alter the Club Constitution. . All other matters are regarded as Ordinary Business.
Voting at Annual and Special General Meetings shall be show of hands or by secret ballot at the discretion of the meeting chairperson or requested by a majority of members present and eligible to vote. At the commencement of the meeting the Chair will appoint two impartial scrutinisers to count and record the votes cast. Voting at Committee meetings shall be by a show of hands, unless a secret ballot is requested on any issue by 7 or more Committee members.
Voting for election of Committee Members and Office Bearers shall be by closed ballot. If there are fewer nominations/candidates than available positions then no ballot will be necessary. If the number of candidates requires a vote then eligible voting members will be permitted to cast the number of votes equal to the places available for the relevant positions(s).
All meetings shall normally be chaired over by the President of the Club, or in his/her absence the Vice President or other Officer nominated by the Committee. In the event of tied votes, the Chairperson of the meeting will be given the casting vote on all matters except Special Business and elections.
Each approved proposal shall become effective from the time it was approved by a General Meeting, except where otherwise stated on the agenda or determined by Proposal of the General Meeting.
At AGM and SGM meetings members may table amendments to agenda proposals, which must be correctly proposed and seconded, for consideration by the meeting. Amendments must be directly concerned with the specific agenda item and may not introduce unrelated issues.
Where it is clear that a typographical or logical error has occurred in the drafting of a proposal, the error may be corrected during the meeting as long as it does not materially affect the meaning or intention of the original proposal.
At any General Meeting of the Club, Junior Members may attend and speak but only Senior Members shall be entitled to vote on any question asked.
9. Minutes
Minutes of all meetings of the Club and Committee will be kept and recorded in the Minute Book, which shall be available for inspection upon request by Senior Members giving at least 7 days notice. Any Senior Member requesting minutes must state the particular minutes they wish to review. Any minutes referring to a Junior Member shall be removed before any member is permitted to access minutes as a matter of Child Protection.
All matters relating to expenditure of Club Funds proposed or agreed at Committee meetings must be recorded in the minutes to ensure that correct procedure has been observed.
10. Finances
Proper account books shall be kept by the Treasurer who shall arrange to have these audited annually. The audited account shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting with the Treasurers report.
11. Activities of the Club
The Committee shall be responsible for formulating all programmes of activities within the times allocated to the Club for use of the ice rink.
12. Competitions
No Member shall be allowed to compete in any Club competition or participate in NISA test sessions held during allocated Club ice time unless he/she has paid his/her subscription.
The Committee shall have powers to organize skating competitions
13. Observance of rules
The Constitution and the club Rules and Regulations and any Rules and Regulations laid down by the rink must be observed at all times.
14. Misconduct
Any Member acting in a manner derogatory to the Club shall have his/her conduct dealt with by a Sub Committee convened to deal with the matter, which will afford the Member an opportunity of being heard. The Sub Committee shall have the power to expel the Member by a majority of two thirds of those present and voting. Any Member shall, however, have the right to appeal to a Full Committee Meeting called for that purpose.
The Sub Committee shall comprise of three committee members. The panel should comprise at least one executive member (Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer) plus two ordinary members. The Child Protection Officer should also sit in on the meeting(in an advisory capacity) where the member is under the age of 18 but will have no say in the decision of the panel unless they feel that it contravenes Child Protection Policy.
The Sub Committee shall have the authority to warn, suspend or expel any Club Member deemed to have brought the Club into disrepute, or whose behaviour merits sanction.
Any Member alleged to have acted in such manner shall be informed of the matter, in writing by post, by the Secretary and invited to attend a meeting of a Sub Committee (which may be called to deal with the matter) to give an explanation before any disciplinary measure is decided, additionally this member may take along with them an uninvolved witness. The disciplinary measures must be agreed by two thirds of the Sub Committee. The disciplinary measures taken should be proportional to the behaviour involved and recognise such disagreement as may exist within the Committee.
The Member shall be informed in writing by post within 7 days of the meeting of the disciplinary measures imposed. The disciplinary measure shall take effect from the date of the letter informing the Member of the action taken.
The Member shall have the right to appeal to a Full Committee Meeting of the Club convened for that purpose. Disciplinary measures considered at such a meeting require a majority to be upheld, the President holds a casting vote.
15. Discretionary Powers
Discretionary powers shall be given to the Committee to deal with any matter not provided for in this Constitution, provided it does not actually or potentially create conflict with the provisions of the Constitution. This clause shall not apply to matters of discipline and misconduct, where the established procedures under Misconduct must be strictly observed. Matters concerning the interpretation of the Club’s Constitution must be carefully considered. In cases of serious doubt, or legitimate challenge, reference should be sought from external authority such as Local Sports Council, Governing Body or Aberdeen City Council. Where serious concern arises, the Constitution provides for Proposal via a Special General Meeting.
16. Alterations to the Constitution
The Constitution may only be altered or amended at an Annual or Special General Meeting and proposed alterations or amendments shall be set out in full and posted on the Club Notice Board in accordance with the requirements set out under the headings of Annual & Special General Meetings.
Any proposed changes to the Constitution must be approved by a 66% vote of those Members present and eligible to vote. An amended version of the Club’s Constitution shall be forwarded to the National Ice Skating Association, Sport Aberdeen and relevant local bodies within 1 month of an Annual General Meeting at which any change has been made, indicating clearly the alteration(s) made. The Club acknowledges that alterations to the Club Constitution may affect its affiliation status.
17. Affiliation
The Club shall be affiliated to the National Ice Skating Association of UK, and agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Governing Body.
The Club may affiliate to other organizations as may deemed appropriate by the Club Committee, however in the event of conflict, the rules and regulations of NISA of UK will take precedence.
18. Children’s Act
The Aberdeen Linx Skating Club has adopted and supports the Guidelines issued by the NISA concerning the Children's Act 1989. The Club will have a Child Protection Officer as a sitting Committee Member at all times.
All club officials, Team Coaches, Managers, Committee Members and other Off - Ice Officials must be willing to go through an application to Disclosure Scotland.
19. Dissolution
The Club may only be dissolved by a majority of 75% of Club Members aged 18 years and over.
In the event of any funds remaining after the financial affairs of the Club have been settled, such funds will be held for a period of 3 years for the purpose of re launching a skating club in Aberdeen. Thereafter the funds and assets will be given over to a charity with a detailed document as to the purpose for which they can be used.