Yearbook Staff Application
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1 YEARBOOK STAFF APPLICATION Return pages 1-3 to Mrs. Tomerlin in a sealed business envelope. APPLICATION DUE TO MRS. TOMERLIN by Monday, March 2nd .
Thank you for applying for a position on the yearbook staff. As a staff member you will be tasked with creating the 2009-2010 Skyliner, RS Central’s yearbook. Each staff member will be assigned a variety of tasks, including ad sales, photography, layout design, writing, editing, book sales, and book distribution, to name but a few. Though we will devote the entire class period to working on the book, you may be required to devote additional time before and after school, on weekends and holidays, and/or at home. If you are involved in other Please affix a extra-curricular commitments, you may want to reconsider whether recent picture of yearbook is right for you at this time. yourself here.
Complete the following questions relating to your application for the yearbook staff. Keys to making the staff are good English grades (preferably A’s), as well as positive references from your last English teacher and one other instructor. After completing the application in its entirety, return it to me by 3/2. The staff list will be posted on the Student Message Board in the Commons Area. Please do not ask me to reconsider my decisions, as all staff decisions are final.
Name: ______Email Address: ______
09/10 Grade: Soph Jr Sr Previous English grades: 8th ___ 9th ___ 10th ___ 11th ___
. Who is/was your most recent English teacher?
. Do you feel comfortable when asked to work with computers? Yes No
. With what computer programs are you most familiar?
. How much time do you spend on a computer each week?
. Do you have Internet access at home? Yes No If yes, do you have dial-up or DSL?
. Do you have a license? Yes No Do you have access to a car during the day? Yes No
. Are you able to spend time after school working on the yearbook deadlines? Yes No If no, please explain.
. What other extra curricular activities, including athletics, are you involved in?
. Have you ever used a digital camera? Yes No
. Do you have a 8 megapixel + digital camera that you can use for this class? Yes No
. List two adults (teachers, administrators, coaches, etc.) you wish to give you references: Reference A: ______Reference B: ______(MUST be an English teacher) (MUST be a teacher at RS Central) 2 Use the space below to answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember, a good command of the written word is essential to success in the class.
. What do you think working on the yearbook involves?
. Discuss three characteristics/traits that would make you a good member of the staff.
. Do you work best alone or in small groups? Explain.
. Discuss one fact or example that shows your leadership qualities.
. What would you like for your primary area of focus on the yearbook staff and why? (photographer, computer specialist, business manager, writer, proof reader, etc.)
. Why do you think that you should be selected for the yearbook staff? 3 To students and parents/guardians of students accepted as staff members:
Participation in yearbook affords students more freedom than most other classes. Members are required to take on a great deal of responsibility and must exhibit a high degree of maturity, good judgment, self- pacing, self-motivation, conscientiousness, and independent thinking.
As members of a group that produces a concrete product that will be sold to and read by both students and adults, those chosen for the staff can expect to be held to accepted journalistic standards and ethical practices. Their actions must always be in the best interest of the yearbook program, present and future.
As individuals, they are recognized by many as representatives of the Skyliner staff, whether actually on an assignment or not. Students should remember that they are also spokespersons for the advisor, as well, and will be expected to conduct themselves accordingly.
As evidence that you have read and fully understand the responsibilities of staff membership, please have the following read and signed by both you and your parent/guardian.
I, ______(print your name), as a potential member of the Skyliner yearbook staff, am in complete understanding of and agreement with the following:
1. I will not take advantage of the freedom that is given to staff members to leave class to complete assignments for the staff, or to leave campus to run yearbook errands. I will not use my duties as an excuse for wasting time, socializing, or disturbing other classes. 2. I will meet all deadlines for assignments, rewrites, edits, and other projects. If I find that it may be difficult for me to meet a deadline, I will inform my editor at the earliest possible opportunity. I further understand that missing deadlines or turning in deficient work WILL RESULT IN LOWERED GRADES. I understand that my grades may not always be A’s. 3. I understand that I am expected to devote sufficient time to completing assignments and other production requirements, just as I am expected to complete class work and homework for my other classes. This means that I will be willing to devote as many as three to five extra hours weekly, although this may not be required on a regular basis. 4. I understand that there may be an after-school/after-hours time commitment as deadline time approaches, and agree to devote the effort necessary to complete assignments/deadlines. 5. As a representative of the yearbook staff, I agree to abide by standards of good behavior, politeness, and respect to students, faculty, and staff, as well as a devotion to completing my assigned duties that goes “above and beyond” my average work and effort. 6. I understand that selling business ads is an integral part of the production of the Skyliner. In order to qualify as a member of the staff, I agree to sell at least $700 in ads, $350 of which must be sold this summer. Further, I understand that I may be excluded from the staff if I do not meet my summer ad sales goal. 7. I understand that much of what will be printed in the yearbook must not be revealed until the books are distributed, and agree to keep such matters confidential. 8. I agree to arrive to class every day on time and ready to work. I understand that this class should be regarded as any other academic class at RS, and that all school rules will be followed, including prohibition of cell phones, unless used specifically for yearbook.. 9. I understand that the Skyliner should feature students from all social groups and backgrounds, not just people like me. I will do my best to feature a wide variety of my fellow Hilltoppers on all of my assigned pages, and will not feature my friends above others. 10. I understand that inclusion on the first semester staff does not necessarily guarantee inclusion on the second semester staff, and that the adviser reserves the right to make staff decisions in the best interest of the yearbook program as a whole.
I understand that failure to abide by the terms of this contract can lead to my dismissal from the staff and/or my receiving a failing six weeks and/or final grade. 4 ______Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date YEARBOOK STAFF APPLICATION Reference A
Please fill in your name and give this referral form to the individual you listed as Reference A on page 1.
Applicant: ______Reference A: ______
. Use the space below to relate how you know this applicant.
. What strengths does this student possess that would benefit him/her as a member of the staff?
. Please rate this student in the following areas:
Qualities: Excellent Good Fair Poor Trustworthiness Self-discipline Determination Positive outlook Personality Respect for others Ability to work with others Language skills Maturity Attendance/Tardiness Respect for authority figures
. Pleas check one:
Highly recommended Recommended Recommended with reservation Not recommended
. Please relate any further details you think may help me in making staff decisions.
______Signature__ Date Put this referral in a sealed envelope and return it to MRS. TOMERLIN BY MONDAY, MARCH 2ND 5 YEARBOOK STAFF APPLICATION Reference B
Please fill in your name and give this referral form to the individual you listed as Reference B on page 1.
Applicant: ______Reference B: ______
. Use the space below to relate how you know this applicant.
. What strengths does this student possess that would benefit him/her as a member of the staff?
. Please rate this student in the following areas:
Qualities: Excellent Good Fair Poor Trustworthiness Self-discipline Determination Positive outlook Personality Respect for others Ability to work with others Language skills Maturity Attendance/Tardiness Respect for authority figures
. Pleas check one:
Highly recommended Recommended Recommended with reservation Not recommended
. Please relate any further details you think may help me in making staff decisions.
______Signature__ Date Put this referral in a sealed envelope and return it to MRS. TOMERLIN BY MONDAY, MARCH 2ND .