Chamberlain School District #7-1
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Chamberlain School District #7-1 Board of Education – Regular Meeting February 8, 2016
A regular meeting of the Chamberlain School District #7-1 Board of Education was held at 7:00 P.M. at the High School Media Center with the following members present: President Jay Blum, Board Members Keith Reuer, Marlo Natwick, Leanne Larson, Foster Iversen and Annette Priebe. Casey Hutmacher was absent. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Deb Johnson, Principals and Business Manager Holly Nagel.
President Blum called the meeting to order and noted a quorum present to conduct business.
Motion #15-145, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Ms. Natwick, all votes yes to amend the agenda to include the transfer of St. Joseph land and the Governor’s resolution to the Agenda as presented. Motion Carried.
Motion # 15-146, duly made by Mr. Iversen, seconded by Mrs. Priebe, all votes yes to approve the agenda as amended. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-147, duly made by Ms. Natwick, seconded by Mr. Iversen, all votes yes to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2016 Regular Meeting and February 1, 2016 Special Meeting. Motion Carried.
The following reports were presented to the Board:
A. Delegations – None B. School & Public Lands – The district received $ 93,315.49 from the apportionment. C. Facilities Update – Discussion focused on the Parameters Resolution from D.A. Davidson, future plans for the Administrative Building, and a potential Foundation fund-raiser. The Parameters Resolution was for $ 3,565,000. D. Legislative Update/Cracker Barrel – Dr. Johnson spoke on Bills affecting education which includes the ½ cent sales tax bill to increase teacher pay currently on the House floor. E. Governor Daugaard’s Education Proposal/Resolution/Student/Teacher Ratio – The board discussed the proposal, reviewed the district student/teacher ratio and will make a motion later in the meeting. F. Hall of Fame/Teacher of the Year –The board received a confidential document with the names of those being recognized in the CSD Hall of Fame. The names will be officially announced at a later date. The School Board Awards Night is Monday, April 11, 2016. G. Staffing Update – Dr. Johnson reviewed current openings which include two 1st Grade openings, Special Education and a Para-professional position. H. CMS Explorer’s Donation – The CMS Explorer’s donated $500 towards an AED Device for the middle school. I. CES Class Sizes – Mr. Almond and Dr. Johnson discussed class sizes in the 3 rd and 4th grades. A recommendation will be made to add a third grade position at the next meeting. J. Building Principals’ Report - Mr. Almond reported on Enrollment, Activities, Parent/Community Communication, Staff Evaluations and Important Dates. Mr. Pearson reported on enrollment, Building Leadership Team, Staff Evaluations, In-District Staff Development, Parent/Community Communication and Upcoming Dates and Events. K. Review Policy IKC – Mr. Pearson reviewed the changes in percentages for late assignments. L. Superintendent’s Report – Supt. Dr. Johnson reported on Upcoming Dates, the One Act Play State Competition, Gymnasts place 1st @ Regions, and riding on bus routes.
Motion #15-148, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Mr. Iversen, all votes yes to set Tribal and Parent Input Meeting for 2/22 @ 7:00 PM in the High School Multi-Media Room. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-149, duly made by Mrs. Priebe, seconded by Mrs. Larson, all votes yes to accept the CMS Explorer’s donation of $500 for a CMS AED unit. Motion Carried Motion #15-150, duly made by Ms. Natwick, seconded by Mr. Reuer, all vote yes to approve the Parameters Resolution from D.A. Davidson. Motion Carried.
Motion # 15-151, duly made by Mr. Iversen, seconded by Mrs. Priebe, all votes yes to accept the retirement/resignation from Lonna Chilson, Speech Language Pathologist, with appreciation for years of service. Motion Carried.
Motion # 15-152, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Ms. Natwick, all votes yes to offer a work agreement to Lowell Peterson, Elementary/Middle School Paraprofessional and to accept transfer of Kayla Resick to 2nd Grade Teacher for 2016-2017. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-153, duly made by Ms. Natwick, seconded by Mr. Iversen, all votes yes to approve that pursuant to the Warranty Deed between The Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, Inc. and Chamberlain School District No. 7-1, filed with the Brule County Register of Deeds office on the 13 th day of July, 1989 at 10:25 a.m., which deed grants the Grantor, The Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, Inc. the right to repurchase the property described within said deed at any time for the sum of $1.00 upon 30 days written notice to Chamberlain School District, that Chamberlain School District re-convey said property to Grantor subject to its right to remove any temporary improvements thereon at its expense; also, to permit the Board Chair to execute any and all necessary documents re-conveying said property to grantor . Motion Carried.
Motion #15-154, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Ms. Natwick, all votes yes to formally support Governor Daugaard’s Proposal and sign the resolution. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-155, duly made by Mr. Iversen, seconded by Ms. Natwick, all votes yes to enter into Executive Session for SDCL 1-25-2, Subsection I – School Board Self-Evaluation at 8:08 PM. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-156, duly made by Mrs. Priebe, seconded by Mr. Reuer, all votes yes to exit Executive Session at 8:32 PM. Motion Carried.
No action taken.
Motion #15-157, duly made by Mr. Iversen, seconded by Mr. Reuer, all votes yes to adjourn at 8:32 P.M. Motion Carried.
Date: ______
President: ______
Business Manager: ______