Monday 21st November 2016, 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Sixways Stadium, Worcester Warriors, Worcester WR3 8ZE

PRESENT: Mark Stansfeld (MS) Non-Executive Chair Carl Arntzen (KA) Managing Director, Worcester Bosch Group Cllr Linda Robinson (LR) Leader, Wychavon District Council (rep Southern DCs) Cllr Simon Geraghty (SG) Leader, Worcestershire County Council Chris Walklett (CW) Partner, Bishop Fleming Dr Simon Murphy (SM) Non-Executive Chair, Sandwell Local Improvement Finance Trust Mark Martin (MM) Chair of WLEP Business Board Nick Baldwin (NB) Chairman, Office for Nuclear Regulation Prof David Green (DG) CEO & Vice Chancellor of the University of Worcester Stuart Laverick (SL) Principal & Chief Executive, Heart of Worcestershire College

IN ATTENDANCE: Gary Woodman (GW) Chief Executive, Worcestershire LEP Ian Edwards (IE) Deputy Chief Executive, Worcestershire LEP Claire Bridges (CB) Strategy & Partnership Executive, Worcestershire LEP Diane Dwyers (DD) Executive Assistant, Worcestershire LEP (Note Taker) Kevin Dicks (KD) Chief Executive, Bromsgrove District & Redditch Borough Council Steve Ashton (SA) Senior Project Manager, Strategic Change Team, Worcestershire County Council Graham Pendlebury (GP) DFT, LEP Senior Sponsor

APOLOGIES: Cllr Karen May (KM) Bromsgrove District Council (rep Northern DCs)

1. Welcome and Apologies ACTION

1.1 Mark Stansfeld (Chair) welcomed the Board, Kevin Dicks and Steve Ashton. Apologies noted from Cllr Karen May.

2. Minutes from WLEP Board Meeting on 18 th July 2016

2.1 The minutes were approved and signed off as a true record by the Board. 3. Matters Arising

3.1 Action List

3.1.1 Feedback on the Annual Conference was good, upbeat and positive, if individual board members would like to feedback to Kirsten Dally or Jack ALL Barnett.

3.1.2 Inward Investment - in relation to the action identified in September’s Board Meeting to establish the Inward Investment Programme, the LEP Board wanted feedback on current leads, a particular focus on the game-changer sites and work of the taskforce. CW is a member of the taskforce on behalf of Sharon Rai/ the LEP Board and it was agreed that monthly reporting would take place for Steve the first 3 months and then moving to quarterly. Butterworth

SG confirmed that the Business viewpoint survey would report in the New 3.1.3 Year.

Both the Scale-up and Business Central reports are on the secure portal. 3.1.4 The Strategic plans on partner organisations will be reported when appropriate to the LEP Board. 3.1.5 Correspondence

3.2 Correspondence was noted.

4. Worcestershire Entrepreneurship Strategy

4.1 The LEP Board had a discussion on the background highlighted within the Board paper. The Board highlighted the following points:

 The establishment of Centre of Entrepreneurship would be a catalyst for new and existing businesses.  It could provide a focus for business support and nurturing early stage businesses.  It would have a small management team.  Entry into the centre could be through a competition.  Recognition that students are important but not the only route of good ideas.  Recognition that this needed to be based in the city but a physical presence across the whole county.  The satellite centres would be from those that are already in existence. 4.2 Following discussion about the examples of Valencia and Baltimore and the lessons learnt, LEP Board agreed with the following recommendations:

 The WLEP Board should provide strategic leadership and clarity of partner’s role and remit – WINN should continue to be supported to develop the innovation community.  Recognised the good progress being made with the Jenny Lind building.  Agreed the principles of operation which were highlighted in the Board Report under 4.3.1  Agree that the development fund within Growing Places can fund an additional Executive post to lead the development of the incubator – should be recruited a.s.a.p. GW

5. Connected Strategy for Worcestershire

5.1 Steve Ashton gave his presentation highlighting the strategic opportunity that improving the digital connectivity of the county would provide.

Nick Baldwin proposed a suggested vision which gives access to the internet 5.2 wherever you are and whenever you need it.

MSt stated that in order to achieve this vision a jigsaw of solutions would be required.

CA stated that as businesses started to look at new ways of working the non- 5.3 urban experience would become more important.

Nick Baldwin supported this view by suggesting that we future proof any investment to build a future of a digital community.

MM stated that the lack of connectivity was already having an impact on 5.4 residential property prices.

Other locations such as Bristol and York are already starting to invest in the 5.5 opportunities.

The Board asked about funding to invest in this area. GW confirmed that 5.6 there was no growth deal money. SA said that there is an opportunity for funding in the superfast broadband project from both claw-back from the LEP monies as well as the County Council contract. SG also confirmed that the County Council would invest capital resources if the business was strong.

MSt said we should be looking to maximise private sector investment as there is an obligation on broadband and mobile companies. 5.7 The LEP Board agreed the following recommendations:  The creation of a vision and strategic plan for the connected county 5.8 workstream.  This plan would include a view on the needs/wants of future technologies as well as investment in mobile and fibre broadband.  This topic will come back to a future board with a clear plan of action.


6. Local Growth Fund & Growth Deal 2016-2017 Performance

6.1 Ian gave a quick overview, all schemes delivered and phasing. The two major risks were Kidderminster and Parkway Stations.

6.1.1 SG gave confidence in Kidderminster Station project advising that the local Transport Board have agreed to retain this project within the local growth fund programme.

6.1.2 DG Green asked about the progress on Parkway Station. IE said that until we receive GRIP 4 approval we cannot proceed. SG said that sign-off will be in the next few weeks, just waiting government to agree services.

The Board agreed that a letter needs to be sent to Paul Maynard, the Rail 6.1.3 Minister as urgent matter of course to ensure spend of local growth deal funding in this financial year. GW

The Board agreed to the following recommendations: 6.2  That the Board notes the current position in respect of the 2016/2017 programme and endorses the measures proposed in 5.1.4 to mitigate the risk of underspend.  That the Board agrees to retain the Kidderminster Station Project in the Growth Deal programme with a budget of £429,000 in 2016/2017 and £2,071,000 in 2017/2018.

7. ESIF Update

7.1 Claire gave a quick overview, she stated that the LEP has a good reputation for early delivery and 70% has been allocated so far with good guaranteed robust projects. Managing Authorities report that we are in a very good position.

7.2 SM asked that if we’re spending our allocation when can we spend others. SM also asked if Managing Authorities compare performance of LEP areas. Claire replied that this stage there was a focus on allocation, contracting and spend before any redistribution of resources is confirmed.

The Board commented on the excellent management of the programme. 7.3 8. Worcestershire Agri-Food/Agri-Tech Sector Update

8.1 Claire presented the paper covering the strategy for the key AgriTech sector which included existing projects and funding through the European Programme, specific sector skills development by Pershore and HoW College, skills capital investment into the Horticultural Excellence at Pershore College, the Better Business for all Projects and the Food Enterprise Zone on Vale Park, Evesham.

8.2 Claire continued to explain the AgriTech West alliance and joint working between Stoke and Staffs LEP, Cheshire and Warrington LEP and Marches LEP.

This work will be relevant once we know the details of emerging Government 8.3 Industrial Strategy. We expect this to be announced as part of the Autumn Statement on the 23rd November 2016.

The Horticultural Strategy written by ADAS highlights 4 areas: 8.4  Investing for development  Promoting and environment for growth  Labour provision  Promoting knowledge exchange

A number of projects can now be funded through European Funds covering 8.5 technology in this sector and Geothermal potential in the county. These case studies will be brought before the Board in due course.

9. Any Other Business


10. Dates of WLEP Board Meetings in 2017

30th January 2017 20th March 2017 22nd May 2017 17th July 2017 18th September 2017 20th November 2017