Chapter 11: Discovery & Exploration

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Chapter 11: Discovery & Exploration

Learning & Cognition Trading Card Project


1. Working independently, students will create a trading card/webpage/creative project on an individual of the Progressive Era. 2. The trading card/website/creative project should include the following items: a. Unique Design & Visual Elements – using a 8” x 5” piece of paper, or Google Sites/Wikispaces/ another free web service, or another innovative method, create a unique graphic that visually depicts a learning theorist. Students should get inventive with the layout and design of their project and should be sure to include their name, the due date (Monday, November 21), and the hour of their class into the layout of their project. (15 pts) b. Occupation/Jobs/Positions Held– preferably a list of colleges/universities/jobs/experiments /findings the learning theorist held/conducted during their life. Think of this section as the “Statistics” section of a baseball card. The student will need to consult additional resources to complete this portion of the assignment. (10 pts) c. Accomplishments/Events/Importance – this is the “meat” of the project, create a description of what the person contributed to the field of learning or cognitive psychology; this should be an explanation/list of what made this person significant. The student will need to consult additional resources to complete this portion of the assignment. (15 pts) 3. Consult a wide variety of research materials. a. Consult both the Blue & Orange textbooks available in Mr. Jorth’s room, along with other texts that Mr. Jorth has. b. Check out the library and research if there are any books or information that can be utilized. c. Finally, consult the Internet for specific data and visuals. i. Do not forget to document the sites that material was obtained from. 4. Timeframe: a. Assigned – Tuesday, November 15 b. Due – Monday, November 21 5. Total project worth, 50 points. a. Trading Card/Website/Creative Project: 40 pts b. Reference Page: 10 pts i. Must utilize three different sources ii. Documentation must be done using APA style 1) Use Microsoft Word to help construct the APA citation page 2) If you do not have access to Word, use

Learning & Cognitive Theorists to Choose From:

1. Abraham Maslow 11. Edward Thorndike 20. John B. Watson & 29. Robert Rescorla & 2. Alan Baddeley 12. Edward Tolman Rosalie Rayner Allan Wagner 3. Albert Bandura 13. Edwin Guthrie 21. John Flavell 30. Richard Atkinson 4. B.F. Skinner 14. Eric Kandel 22. John Garcia 31. Richard Shiffrin 5. Benjamin Lee Whorf 15. George Miller 23. Kenneth Spence 32. Sigmund Freud & Edward Sapir 16. George Sperling 24. Kurt Lewin 33. Wolfgang Kohler 6. Carl Rogers 17. Hermann 25. Lev Vygotsky 7. Clark Hull Ebbinghaus 26. Max Wertheimer 8. Daniel Schacter 18. Ivan Pavlov 27. Noam Chomsky 9. David Kolb 19. Jean Piaget 28. Rene Descartes & 10. Donald Hebb John Locke

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