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Wichita State University Department of Mathematics & Statistics Stat 370 – Elementary Statistics Spring 2010 ● TR 9:30 – 10:45 ● 335 Jabara Hall ● CRN 22602
Instructor Information Name: Sandy Derry Office Hours: MW 12:30-1:30, TR 11-11:30 Office: 309 Jabara afternoons by appointment Phone: 316-978-3931 Email: [email protected]
Prerequisites: Math 111 (College Algebra) with C or better, or equivalent.
Required Materials ● Intro Stats, 3rd edition, by DeVaux, Velleman, and Bock ● Graphing calculator which will do all statistical calculations needed in the course. (TI-83/84 or Casio fx9750G recommended, TI-86 will NOT work) ● Regular access to a computer and the internet. If you do not have a personal computer, you may use one of the many computer labs on campus. ● MyMathLab access code: allows self-testing, extra problems, see video lessons, see step-by-step or animated solutions, and get live tutoring help. The student access code comes bundled with new books and can be purchased separately if you have a used book from www.coursecompass.com Homework will be done using MyMathLab – it is required. ● CD accompanying the textbook with Activestats package, a multimedia program supporting learning chapter by chapter with the textbook. The CD also includes a copy of Data Desk, a full-function stand-alone statistical software package. Make sure you have the access code. Use of other statistical packages such as Excel may be used to analyze data, produce graphs, and run tests.
Class Participation Attendance is required and roll will be taken. If you cannot attend and Attendance: class, notify the instructor prior to your return to class to make arrangements to be prepared for the next class. Assignments are subject to change. Be sure to email to see if there have been any changes. No makeup tests will be given without arrangements being made BEFORE the exam time.
Poor attendance will be interpreted as a poor attitude toward your grade, and in such a case, no mercy will be shown to the student that has a grade that is border-line. You are responsible for all material assigned or covered in class.
Tips & Hints ** in MyMathLab – Chapter Contents Tools for Success Graphing Calculator Tutorial
** in MyMathLab – Chapter Contents Tools for Success Lecture Video Podcasts
Assessment: The student will be evaluated on the basis of his/her performance on the following:
All grades will be weighted. Homework 30% Exams 30% Project 20% Final Exam 20% A final grade of 90% or above will earn an A, 80% a B, 70% a C, and 60% a D. There are no plans to include extra credit points. If you would like a (+) on your letter grade (a B+ or C+) an additional problem will be assigned. If you would like a (-) on your letter grade, just let me know and I will put it on.
Homework (30%) – Homework will be assigned at the end of each class and will consist of 2 parts: READING – To be adequately prepared for class, it will be necessary for you to faithfully complete the reading assignments including the examples given. Reading a math text may be something you’ve never done before! You MUST do so in this class! WRITTEN & ONLINE – Homework will be done in MyMathLab online and on paper. You must have an access code to log in to MyMathLab. All online homework is due at 9:00 am on the due date, this is BEFORE class. If submitted late, points will be deducted. The online homework will close when the unit test is taken, but you may rework homework as many times as desired until that time (though if past the original due date, points will be deducted.) On paper, neatly organized work, done in pencil, must be shown to justify the given answer. No work = no credit. Homework will be assigned almost daily and will be due at the beginning of the next class meeting. Homework turned in after collection in class will be worth half of the credit earned until the beginning of the next class. No late homework will be accepted after that point unless you have been absent. Success on tests is directly related to success/completion of homework. If you are absent, all work must be turned in before taking the next test. No work will be accepted from a unit that has already been tested.
Exams (30%) – Tests will generally cover 3-4 chapters of the textbook. You must communicate with the instructor if an absence is unavoidable on exam day. Personal contact with the instructor must be made to schedule a make-up exam before the next class meeting, or in the case of an emergency, as soon as possible. If such arrangements are not made and the exam is not taken before the next class meeting, a grade of 0 will be recorded. If a class is cancelled when an exam is scheduled, the exam will be given at the next class meeting. At the end of the semester, your homework average (if higher) can replace your lowest exam grade. Project (20%) – A final project is required to demonstrate understanding and ability to apply the tools and techniques learned in the class. Students are required to prepare a written paper. Detailed descriptions and deadlines for submission of the various aspects of the study will be scheduled and announced throughout the semester. Final Exam (20%) - The final exam will be comprehensive. Final Exam, Tuesday, May 18, 8 – 9:50 am, JB 335
Academic Honesty: A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences, penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the college or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty, constitutes dismissal from the University. (WSU Student Code of Conduct)
Special Needs/ADA: If you have a physical, perceptual, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning diability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned coarse work, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Grace Wilkie Annex, Room 173, 978- 3309. ODS will review your concerns, confirm your disability, and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by ODS without your written permission.
College of Education students in teacher preparation programs should go to the web site below for additional needed information: http://webs.wichita.edu/depttools/depttoolsmemberfiles/COEdHome/COEDSyllabusinformation.pdf Course Schedule: This schedule and assignments are subject to additions and/or modifications. Any changes will be announced in class. It is your responsibility to check for any changes.
Reading HW Due Week Date Material Covered for next class Tues. 1/19 Intros Ch 2-4 1 Ch 3-Categorical Data Thur. 1/21 Ch 4-Quantitative Data Ch 5 Ch 3 Tues. 1/26 Ch 5-Comparing Distributions Ch 6 Ch 4 Ch 6-Standard Deviation 2 Project Info Given Thur. 1/28 Ch 6-continued Ch 5 Tues. 2/2 Test #1 – Ch 3-6 Ch 7-8 Ch 6 3 Thurs. 2/4 Ch 7-Scatterplots Ch 9 Ch 8-Linear Regression Tues. 2/9 Ch 8-continued Ch 7 Ch 9-Regression Wisdom 4 Project HW – Part A Due Thur. 2/11 Test #2 – Chapters 7-9 Ch 11 Ch 8-9 Tues. 2/16 Ch 11-Randomness Ch 12 5 Thurs. 2/18 Ch 12-Sample Surveys Ch 13 Ch 11 Tues. 2/23 Ch 13-Experiments & Observations Ch 14 Ch 12 6 Thurs. 2/25 Ch 14-Probability Ch 13 Project HW – Part B Due Tues. 3/2 Test #3 – Chapters 11-14 Ch 15 Ch 14 7 Thurs. 3/4 Ch 15-Probability Rules Ch 16 Tues. 3/9 Ch 16-Random Variables Ch 17 Ch 15 Permutations 8 Data Collection Completed Thurs. 3/11 Ch 17-Binomial Prob. Ch 16 Combinations 3/15 – 3/19 SPRING BREAK Tues. 3/23 Test #4 – Chapters 15-17 Ch 18 Ch 17 Thurs. 3/25 Ch 18-Samp. Distr. Models Ch 19 9 Ch 6-Part 2 Project Draft Due Tues. 3/30 Ch 19-Conf. Int. for Proportions Ch 20 Ch 18 4/5 – Last day to withdraw Ch 6 #2 10 Thurs. 4/1 Ch 20-Testing Hypothesis about Ch 21 Ch 19 Proportions Tues. 4/6 Ch 21-More About Tests Ch 22 Ch 20 11 Data Collection Complete Thurs. 4/8 Ch 22-Comparing 2 Prop. Ch 21 Tues. 4/13 Test #5 – Chapters 18-22 p. 589, 600 Ch 22 Ch 27 12 Thurs. 4/15 Ch 23-Student’s t-distr. Ch 27-Testing Regression Tues. 4/20 Ch 23-Testing Means Ch 24 Ch 27 13 Thurs. 4/22 Ch 24-Comparing Means Ch 25 Ch 23#2 Tues. 4/27 Ch 25-Paired Samples Ch 26 Ch 24 14 PROJECT DUE Thurs. 4/29 Ch 26-Comparing Counts Ch 25 Tues. 5/4 Test #6 – Ch 23 - 27 Ch 26 15 Thurs. 5/6 Review Tues. Final Exam 5/18 8 – 9:50 am, JB 335 Homework Details
Chapter Online Written Assignment Due Date Completed 3 p. 40 #24, 34 a-c 1/21 4 p. 81 #30a, 34 1/26 5 p. 112 #34 1/28 6 p. 148 #14, 24 2/2 7 p. 186 #4, 38-do parts a-c from 36 2/9 8 p. 216 #56 2/11 9 p. 247 #20, 26a 2/11 11 p. 299 #15, 18a) component? outcomes? b) 2/18 trial? c) response var? d) run 10 trials, what is average # of boxes needed to get at least 1 Tiger Woods card? 12 p. 324 #20 2/23 13 All online 2/25 14 p. 379 #20, 36 3/2 15 p. 404 #4, 22 3/9 16 p. 427 #26 3/11 17 p. 448 #28 3/23 18 p. 480 #22, 38 3/30 6 #2 p. 150 #40, 53 3/30 19 p. 504 #18, 26 4/1 20 p. 527 #26, 30 4/6 21 p. 552 #12, 20 4/8 22 p. 574 #10, 30, 32-extra credit 4/13 23 p. 609 #2 4/20 27 None p. 745 #24, 28 4/20 23 #2 p. 610 #14, 38 4/22 24 p. 640 #22a-d, 42 4/27 25 p. 669 #14, 22 4/29 26 None p. 712 #4, 40, 46 5/4