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SEELEY HISTORICAL LIBRARY Journal articles October 2010
Blockmans, W. Constructing a sense of community in rapidly growing European cities in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries Sharpe, R. The last years of Herbert the Chamberlain: Weaverthorpe church and hall Westervelt, T. Warrants under the signet in the reign of Edward IV Mahlberg, G. Henry Neville and the toleration of Catholics during the exclusion crisis Gibson, W. ‘Mr Wesley’s business’: dissenters, debt and distress in 1705 Chattopadhyay, S. Cities and peripheries Shpayer-Makov, H. From menace to celebrity: the English police detective and the press, c.1842- 1914 Bearman, C.J. The legend of black friday Fisher, J. Keeping ‘the old flag flying’: the British community in Morocco and the British Morocco Merchants Association, 1914-24
Chong, A. & Maass, M. Introduction: the foreign policy power of small states Chong, A. Small state soft power strategies: virtual enlargement in the cases of the Vatican city state and Singapore Braveboy-Wagner, J. Opportunities and limitations of the exercise of foreign policy power by a very small state: the case of Trinidad and Tobago Wivel, A. & Oest, K.J. Security, profit or shadow of the past?: explaining the security strategies of microstates Vucetic, S. Anglobal governance? Pettman, R. Psychopathology and world politics Knafo, S. Critical approaches and the legacy of the agent/structure debate in international relations
Robb, T. Henry Kissinger, Great Britain and the ‘year of Europe’: the ‘tangled skein’ Whipple, A.C. Speaking for whom?: the 1971 festival of light and the search for the ‘silent majority’ Mitchell, D. Sticking to their guns?: the politics of arms decommissioning in northern Ireland, 1998-2007 Luckin, B. A never-ending passing of the buck?: the failure of drink-driving reform in interwar Britain Bartie, A. Moral panics and Glasgow gangs: exploring ‘the new wave of Glasgow hooliganism’, 1965-1970
1 CONTINUITY AND CHANGE, Volume 25, Part 2, August 2010
Tomkins, A. Demography and the midwives: deliveries and their dénouements in north Shropshire, 1781-1803 Levene, A. Poor families, removals and ‘nurture’ in late Old Poor Law London Brunet, G. & Vulnerable and unsteady: life histories and changes of residence of unwed Pinol, J. L. mothers in Lyon at the end of the nineteenth century Kok, J. & A life-course approach to co-residence in the Netherlands, 1850-1940 Mandemakers, K. Maegraith, J.C. Nun apothecaries and the impact of the secularization in southwest Germany
ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, Volume 125, Number 516, October 2010
Moore, T.K. The loss of Normandy and the invention of Terre Normannorum, 1204 Forrest, I. The politics of burial in late medieval Hereford Arnold, R.J. ‘Learned lumber’: the unlikely survival of sacred history in the eighteenth century Hewitson, M. ‘The old forms are breaking up, … our new Germany is rebuilding itself’: constitutionalism, nationalism and the creation of a German polity during the revolutions of 1848-49
GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION, Volume 45, Number 4, 2010
Møller, J. & Marshall revisited: the sequence of citizenship rights in the twenty-first century Skaaning, S.E. Arter, D. The breakthrough of another west European populist party? : the case of the true Finns Sedelius, T. & Ekman, J. Intra-executive conflict and cabinet instability: effects of semi-presidentialism in central and Eastern Europe Park, K. Party mergers and splits in new democracies: the case of South Korea (1987- 2007) Blondel, J. A plea for a genuine ‘micro-political’ analysis in political science [review article] Dunkerley, J. Latin lessons [review article]
HISTORY TODAY, Volume 60, Number 10, October 2010
Williams, M. Acting like Neanderthals Hewitt, N. Sea strategy Llewellyn-Jones, R. In memory of India’s fallen Butcher, T. Our man in Liberia Marklund, A. The count and the spy Ravenscroft, J. Philip II: a pen portrait Alston, C. Tolstoy’s guiding light Castor, H. Elizabeth I: exception to the rule Whittall, D. Colonial Fascism: Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia Gundle, S. Il Duce’s cultural cachet
2 HISTORY TODAY, Volume 60, Issue 11, 2010
Dikötter, F. The great leap backward Joyce, F. Body of evidence Lay, P. Brain box Werrett, S. The power of pyrotechnics Hibbins, S. The Pentrich rebellion Morris, I. Latitudes not attitudes Hunter, M. The great experiment Purcell, H. The afterlife of India’s fascist leader Stanley, T. To build a shining city on the hill Robertson, G. Trial of the century
HISTORY WORKSHOP JOURNAL, Number 70, Autumn 2010
Weeks, J. Making the human gesture: history, sexuality and social justice Barber, S. Curiosity and reality: the context and interpretation of a seventeenth-century image Harskamp, J. In praise of pins: from tool to metaphor Perry, A. ‘Is your garden in England, Sir’: James Douglas’s archive and the politics of home Verdon, N. ‘The modern countrywoman’: farm women, domesticity and social change in interwar Britain McCarthy, H. The league of nations, public ritual and national identity in Britain, c.1919-56 Zalc, C. Trading on origins: signs and windows of foreign shopkeepers in interwar Paris Caine, B. Writing cosmopolitan lives: Joseph and Kwame Anthony Appiah Moran, J. ‘Stand up and be counted’: Hughie Green, the 1970s and popular memory MacKay, R. The good fight and good history: the Spanish Civil War Boon, T. Folk work: growing up in the past Jordanova, L. Public history and the public understanding of medicine: the case of embryology
INTERNATIONAL HISTORY REVIEW, Volume 32, Number 3, September 2010
Thomas, M. European crisis, colonial crisis?: signs of fracture in the French empire from Munich to the outbreak of war Munck, T. Eighteenth-century review journals and the internationalization of the European book market Ransom, J. ‘A little Marshall plan’: Britain and the formation of the European payments Union, 1948-50 Scherr, A. Presidential power, the Panay incident, and the defeat of the Ludlow amendment Kotlowski, D. Independence or Not?: Paul V. McNutt, Manuel L. Quezon, and the re- examination of Philippine independence, 1937-9 Sherry, M. The Vietnam war: digging deeply, if not widely [review article]
DeGregorio, S. Monasticism and reform in book IV of Bede’s ‘ecclesiastical history of the English people’ Melve, L. The public debate on clerical marriage in the late eleventh century Methuen, C. Preaching the Gospel through love of neighbour: the ministry of Katharina Schütz Zell Dixon, L. Richard Greenham and the Calvinist construction of God
Meyer, W.W. A tale of two cities: John Henry Newman and the church of the catacombs Skinner, S. History versus hagiography: the reception of Turner’s Newman
3 JOURNAL OF PEASANT STUDIES, Volume 37, Number 4, October 201 0
Special issue on biofuels, land and agrarian change Borras, S.M. et al. The politics of biofuels, land and agrarian change: editors’ introduction White, B. & Agrofuels capitalism: a view from political economy Dasgupta, A. McMichael, P. Agrofuels in the food regime Dauvergne, P. & Forests, food, and fuel in the tropics: the uneven social and ecological Neville, K.J. consequences of the emerging political economy of biofuels Franco, J. et al. Assumptions in the European Union biofuels policy: frictions with experiences in Germany, Brazil and Mozambique Hollander, G. Power is sweet: sugarcane in the global ethanol assemblage Gillon, S. Fields of dreams: negotiating an ethanol agenda in the Midwest United States Wilkinson, J. & Biofuels in Brazil: debates and impacts Herrera, S. Novo, A. et al. Biofuel, dairy production and beef in Brazil: competing claims on land use in São Paulo state Mançano F.B. et al. Agrofuel policies in Brazil: paradigmatic and territorial disputes McCarthy, J.F. Processes of inclusion and adverse incorporation: oil palm and agrarian change in Sumatra, Indonesia Pye, O. The biofuel connection - transnational activism and the palm oil boom Ariza-Montobbio P. et al. The political ecology of Jatropha plantations for biodiesel in Tamil Nadu, India Vermeulen, S. & Over the heads of local people: consultation, consent, and recompense in large Cotula, L. scale land deals for biofuels projects in Africa Richardson, B. Big sugar in southern Africa: rural development and the perverted potential of sugar/ethanol exports Hunsberger, C. The politics of Jatropha-based biofuels in Kenya: convergence and divergence among NGOs, donors, government officials and farmers
Hirshbein, L. “We mentally ill smoke a lot”: identity, smoking, and mental illness in America Phelps Coco, A. Diseased, maimed, mutilated: categorizations of disability and an ugly law in late nineteenth-century Chicago Vester, K. Regime change: gender, class, and the invention of dieting in post-bellum America Kohler-Hausmann, J. “The Attila the Hun Law”: New York’s Rockefeller drug laws and the making of a punitive State Robertson, S. et al. This Harlem life: black families and everyday life in the 1920s and 1930s
Adler, J.S. “Bessie done cut her old man”: race, common-law marriage, and homicide in New Orleans, 1925-1945 Harrison, L.M. Factory music: how the industrial geography and working-class environment of post-war Birmingham fostered the birth of heavy metal Frykman, N. The mutiny on the Hermione: warfare, revolution, and treason in the Royal Navy Hart, D. Sociability and “separate spheres” on the North Atlantic: the interior architecture of British Atlantic liners, 1840-1930 Caron, S. “Killed by its mother”: infanticide in Providence county, Rhode Island, 1870 to 1938 Kiel, D. On the politics of indigeneity: North American and Pacific histories [review essay]
4 JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN STUDIES, Volume 36, Number 3, September 2010
Part Special issue: Zoë Wicomb: Texts and Histories Attwell, D. & Introduction – Zoë Wicomb: texts and histories Easton, K. Driver, D. The struggle over the sign: writing and history in Zoë Wicomb’s art Samuelson, M. Oceanic histories and protean poetics: the surge of the sea in Zoë Wicomb’s fiction Coetzee, C. ‘The one that got away’: Zoë Wicomb in the archives Kossew, S. Re-reading the past: monuments, history and representation in short stories by Ivan Vladislavić and Zoë Wicomb van der Vlies, A. The archive, the spectral, and narrative responsibility in Zoë Wicomb’s playing in the light Pooley, S. Pressed flowers: notions of indigenous and alien vegetation in South Africa’s Western Cape, c. 1902-1945 Edwards, P.N. History and the technopolitics of identity: the case of apartheid South Africa & Hecht, G. Mosselson, A. ‘There is no difference between citizens and non-citizens anymore’: violent xenophobia, citizenship and the politics of belonging in post-apartheid South Africa Schubert, J. ‘Democratisation’ and the consolidation of political authority in post-war Angola White, F. Deepening democracy: a farm workers’ movement in the western Cape Werbner, P. Appropriating social citizenship: women’s labour, poverty, and entrepreneurship in the manual workers union of Botswana Francis-Chizororo, M. Growing up without parents: socialisation and gender relations in orphaned- child-headed households in rural Zimbabwe
JOURNAL OF VICTORIAN CULTURE, Volume 15, Number 2, August 2010
Chaudhuri, S. Phantasmagorias of the interior: furniture, modernity, and early Bengali fiction
New agenda: urban mobility: new maps of Victorian London Boehm, K. & Introduction McDonagh, J. Grande, J. Nineteenth-century London in William Godwin’s diary Owens, A. et al. Fragments of the modern city: material culture and the rhythms of everyday life in Victorian London Ross, E. Missionaries and Jews in Soho: ‘strangers within our gates’ Stokes, J. ‘Encabsulation’: horse-drawn journeys in late-Victorian literature Pike, D.L. Afterimages of the Victorian city
Victorians beyond the Academy Davies, A. & Where angels fear to tread: academics, public engagement and popular history Strange, J. M.
Digital Forum Mussell, J. Processing the past Deswarte, R. Growing the ‘faith in numbers’: quantitative digital resources and historical research in the twenty-first century Mahlberg, M. Corpus linguistics and the study of nineteenth-century fiction
5 MODERN ASIAN STUDIES, Volume 44, Part 6, November 2010
Chatterjee, N. Religious change, social conflict and legal competition: the emergence of Christian personal law in colonial India Qasmi, A.U. God’s Kingdom on earth?: politics of Islam in Pakistan, 1947-1969 Roy, K. Discipline and morale of the African, British and Indian army units in Burma and India during World War II: July 1943 to August 1945 Masafumi, A. The China-Russia-Japan military balance in Manchuria, 1906-1918 Howe, B. Between normality and uniqueness: unwrapping the enigma of Japanese security policy decision-making Junya, M. & Wright, T. Industrialisation and handicraft cloth: the Jiangsu peasant economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Collins, S. & Buddhist ‘nuns’ ( mae chi) and the teaching of Pali in contemporary Thailand McDaniel, J. Po-Yin Chung, S. Chinese Tong as British trust: institutional collisions and legal disputes in urban Hong Kong, 1860s-1980s
Reitan, R. Völkerpsychologie and the appropriation of “spirit” in Meiji Japan Guettel, J.-U. From the frontier to German south-west Africa: German colonialism, Indians, and American westward expansion Shelley Rubin, J. Repossessing the Cozzens-MacDonald imbroglio: Middlebrow authorship, critical authority, and autonomous readers in postwar America Baring, E. Humanist pretensions: Catholics, communists, and Sartre’s struggle for existentialism in postwar France Mayhew, R.J. Geography as the eye of enlightenment historiography Jones, M.L. Matters of fact [review essay] Kors, A.C. Mind, body, and soul: ideas in context [review essay] Majeed, J. The crisis of secularism in India [review essay] Rydell, R.W. The proximity of the past: eugenics in American culture [review essay]
PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, Volume 29, Part 3, 2010
Holmes, G. Robert Harley and the ministerial revolution of 1710 (edited by W.A Speck) Jones, C. Of male and female heirs; of English and Scottish peerages: the fine tuning of the Peerage Bills of 1719 Cawood, I. The 1892 general election and the eclipse of the liberal unionists
Winner of the Parliamentary History Essay Prize, 2009 Chow, P. Parliament and the problem of China, 1925-7: priorities, preoccupations and stereotypes Ó Beacháin, D. ‘Slightly constitutional’ politics: Fianna Fáil’s tortuous entry to the Irish Parliament, 1926-7 Redvaldsen, D. ‘Today is the dawn’: the Labour Party and the 1929 general election
Parliament and Art: The Armada Project, Westminster Farrell, S. The Armada tapestries in the old palace of Westminster Hay, M. The Armada paintings in the new palace of Westminster Holden, P. Westminster in 1712: a description by Samuel Molyneux [note and document]
6 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY, Volume 38, Number 3, September 2010
Greenberg, D. Cool hand Luke in the marketplace of no ideas Isserman, M. Dead reckoning: the mysterious Henry Hudson Mandell, D.R. “Lo, the poor Indian”: native Americans, reality and imagery Levy, B. Rediscovering the lost city of early American welfare Malcolm, J.L. Growing up in interesting times Dallett Hemphill, C. Rushian Revolution Hartigan-O’Connor, E. Gender roles and revolutions Hodes, M. Sally Hemings, founding mother Riordan, L. What, me join?: the contested development of voluntarism in early national Massachusetts Bay, M. Unsettling the history of slavery and freedom Outram, D. The essence of mission: conversion and the child-like heart on the Georgia frontier Egnal, M. Sprawling cities and new factories?: rethinking the political economy of secession Downey, D.B. “Better than Ben Hur”: lynching and the ghost of Sam Hose Brophy, A.L. The life of the law of death Bryson, D. Anthropology in history: Lewis Henry Morgan and Margaret Mead Allamong Jacob, K. Aluminum pigs and bronze generals: outdoor sculpture in Washington, D.C., from Adam to Zapata Nugent, W. Searching for the GAPE Miller Sommerville, D. “PMS made me do it” and other gendered legal defenses Stowe, W.W. Some words for nature Zieger, R.H. Builders and dreamers Friedman, A. Plants and the insecure nation Deverell, W. Claims and reclaims in the American West Marshall, J.J. A Crisis is a terrible thing to waste: funding art in the Great Depression Allen, M.J. The limits and fears of flesh and blood Greenberg, C. We contain multitudes: arguments for African American equality Krissoff Boehm, L. An examination of African American women’s lives in postwar Philadelphia Ramos, L.Y. She’s Stylin’: La Pachuca, Chicana Resistance, and the politics of representation Kammen, M. Wall-gazing: memorializing Vietnam veterans while distorting and disremembering the war Schocket, A.M. The American revolution: new directions for a new century [reflections]
Rennie, K.R. At arm’s length?: on papal legates in Normandy (11th and 12th centuries) Diemel, B. & United or bound by death?: a case-study on group identity and textual Deploige, J. communities within the devotio moderna Clais-Girard, J. Le cardinal Henry Edward Manning et la question Romaine 1875-1877 Nieto Sánchez, C. El privilegio español de presentación de obispos a la luz del concilio Vaticano II Poujol, C. Missions vaticanes et missions de rapatriement (France-Allemagne, 17 janvier 1944-28 août 1947) Gérard, J.P. Approches historiques des origines du christianisme Delville, J.P. Histoire de l'exégèse aux temps modernes. Études générales parues en series [mélanges]
Tomlinson, J. Responding to globalization?: Churchill and Dundee in 1908 Penlington, N. Masculinity and domesticity in 1930s South Wales: did unemployment change the domestic division of labour? Zander, P. TCBH postgraduate essay prize winner for 2009: (right) wings over Everest: high adventure, high technology and high nationalism on the roof of the world, 1932-1934 Whipple, A.C. ‘Into every home, into every body’: organicism and anti-statism in the British anti-fluoridation movement, 1952-1960 Luckin, B. A kind of consensus on the roads?: drink driving policy in Britain 1945-1970 Nym Mayhall, L.E. et al. Roundtable: twentieth-century British history in north America
WOMEN’S HISTORY REVIEW, Volume 19, Number 4, September 2010
Special issue: International feminisms. Edited by Ann Taylor Allen, Anne Cova and June Purvis Taylor Allen, A. et al. Introduction: international feminisms Carlier, J. Forgotten transnational connections and national contexts: an ‘entangled history’ of the political transfers that shaped Belgian feminism, 1890-1914 Anagol, P. Feminist inheritances and foremothers: the beginnings of feminism in modern India de Haan, F. Continuing cold war paradigms in western historiography of transnational women’s organisations: the case of the women’s international democratic federation (WIDF) Miroiu, M. ‘Not the right moment!’ Women and the politics of endless delay in Romania Cova, A. International feminisms in historical comparative perspective: France, Italy and Portugal, 1880s-1930s Pieper Mooney, J.E. Forging feminisms under dictatorship: women’s international ties and national feminist empowerment in Chile, 1973-1990 Morris, J. UNICEF, syphilis and the State: negotiating female citizenship in the post- second world war world