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Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) PAC3/INF. 4
COMMITTEE Submitted by: Secretariat Date: 19.X.2015 Original Language: English THIRD SESSION Geneva, Switzerland, 22 to 23 October 2015
DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED: Review and approve the PAC Workplan in light of the GFCS Operational and Resource Plan 2015- 2018 and the Monitoring and Evaluation Process and Criteria of the GFCS.
CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: The Table of Contents is available only electronically as a Document Map*.
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2. APPENDIX A: DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY 4. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE PAC WORKPLAN (Agenda Item 4) 4.1. The Partner Advisory Committee (PAC) recalled that at its Second Meeting it had decided to develop a workplan focusing on a set of activities that were based on the five broad areas of work that were agreed at the First Session of the PAC as follows: (a) Advocacy and awareness raising in partners’ constituencies and beyond to ensure that climate services are part of major agendas, receive support from policy-makers and are effectively applied in support of decision making. This should also ensure strong involvement of users in climate services development and application; (b) Leveraging of initiatives of the partners to optimize benefits and impacts of current and planned activities through improved use of available expertise and technical capabilities of each partner organization, enhanced coordination and more effective application of investments; (c) Ensuring effective integration of climate services in partner’s plans and budgets and support to more update of climate information in decision making in the priority areas; (d) Supporting the development of guidelines for the development and application of climate services in the priority areas; (e) Resources mobilization through identification of funding opportunities, facilitation of integration of major resource needs of the GFCS into broader investments and the establishment of partnerships or consortia for the development of joint bids. The partners for each bid will depend on the nature of the call for proposals. 4.2. The PAC welcomed the contributions from its members that enabled the development of draft workplan, provided as an Annex to this paragraph. The PAC reviewed the draft workplan and made the following comments/recommendations
[Comment: ...... ]
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Agreed Activities Specific tasks Deliverables Key responsible actors Ongoing 2015 2017 2018
(a) Advocacy and 1. ensure that Awareness raising climate services are in partners part of major constituencies and agendas beyond to: Several sessions are organized on Climate 1. ensure that CS Session at the 2nd 12-14 May Services, and one climate services are European Climate 2015 plenary in particular EC (in cooperation with other partners, see www.ecca2015.eu part of major Change Adaptation (Copenhag for the presentation agendas (ECCA) Conference en) of the Roadmap on CS Cg-17 decisions on: a. energy exemplar, b. development of a results framework for WMO’s 2. receive support contribution to GFCS Reporting on WMO from policy-makers implementation, and support to GFCS May 2015 and are effectively c. related work by WMO implementation to (Geneva) applied in support of WMO technical Cg-17 decision-making commissions, regional associations and programmes, including co- sponsored programmes One session (n. 3338) co-organised 3. ensure strong Reflect GFCS at CS by the EC, the involvement of users session at “Our 7-9 July Climate-JPI and the in climate services Common Future EC 2015 Climate-KIC will development and under Climate (Paris) feature Climate application Change” Services in its agenda - PPCR Climate Services are Pilot Promote CS in the an integral part of Countries WBG/PPCR CIF/PPCR the project design Meeting, and implementation July 20-22 (Rome) PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 4
CS language and yearly in explicit mentions to SBSTA events WMO, FAO, UNISDR May/June GFCS are included in (Bonn) the reports Promote CS as part - 3rd Int’l of the SDG Conf. on Negotiations on negotiations (NOTE: Financing Post-2015 SDGs WBG/GFDRR These processes are for and Financing for WMO far advanced with Developme Development (FfD) many competing nt, July 13- priorities) 16 (Addis) - UN Promote CS as part Summit to of the SDG adopt the Negotiations on negotiations (NOTE: post-2015 Post-2015 SDGs These processes are WBG/GFDRR developme and Financing for far advanced with nt agenda, Development (FfD) many competing Sept. 25-27 priorities) (New York) Presence at COP 21 30 Nov - CS are advocated for 11 at partners' side all December events (GWP and EU 2015 committed) (Paris) 30 Nov - 11 GWP side GWP December event 2015 (Paris) Copernicus 30 Nov - and Climate Services 11 will be organized at EU December the COP21 in the EU 2015 Pavilion (Paris) Launch of WFP 30 Nov - WFP Food Security 11 Climate Resilience December Facility, which will 2015 use seasonal climate (Paris) forecasts to trigger early action to bolster resilience before climate shocks occur. PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 5
30 Nov - Specific CS language 11 is introduced into all December 'Climate Action' of 2015 the UNSG (Paris) A topic on CS is 30 Nov - introduced at the 11 HLCP working group all December on climate change 2015 coordinated event (Paris) Climate Services Cross-cutting theme sessions at on decision-making EC (in cooperation with other partners, see Adaptation Future and governance, www.adaptationfutures2016.org 2016 – Practices sessions on climate and solutions services Intergovernmental Have CS recognized expert group on and reflected by the defining Sendai group (will there be UNISDR, WBG/GFDRR, WMO-DRR Programme DATE (city) framework on DRR specific terminology indicators, used for CS?) terminology Dissemination events on WMO- Raise wide-spread Throughou WBG-USAID awareness on socio- t the year, WMO, WBG/GFDRR socioeconomic economic benefits of various benefits CS locations publication Nairobi Work Share experiences Programme FAO DATE (city) and lessons learned meetings Side event on CS for food and Climate Services are agriculture during more widely known FAO council (to be FAO DATE (Rome) across the FAO further discussed community with FAO and WMO) 2. receive support from policy-makers and are effectively applied in support of decision-making 3rd Pacific Have GFCS GFCSO July 2015, Meteorological recognized in the Tonga Council and 1st Ministerial Pacific Ministerial declaration PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 6
Promote CS and share recommendations of Meeting on Expert Roundtable Meteorology on climate services for agriculture and food security FAO
Pacific 2 meetings per Meteorological Ensure user needs year (various Council's Pacific are taken up and PICS Panel Members (WMO, SPREP, SPC, invited sectors) locations Islands Climate implemented throughout SW Services Panel Pacific) (PICS Panel)
Climate Services are CM SAF Training Month, an integral part of EUMETSAT Course in Pretoria 2015 (city) User Training Climate Services are African User Forum an integral part of EUMETSAT 2016 User Fora Have GFCS recognized in the UNISDR Ministerial Asian Ministerial declaration DATE (city) Conference on DRR Trickle down to national DRR UNISDR platforms Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiatives (LAKI) Climate Services are sub-regional an integral part of FAO DATE (city) adaptation the activities prioritization workshops Regional programmes of Support user Integrated Drought involvement and Management GWP DATE (city) contribute to GFCS Programme (IDMP) national action plans in West Africa and the Horn of Africa 3. ensure strong involvement of users in climate services development and application PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 7
Discussions on Active participation science in support of IUGG Associations IUGG/WMO June, 2015 of CS in GFCS activities Engage energy- related stakeholders to Energy exemplar and support identification of development of a initial CLPA and GFCSO Oct-15 GFCS energy implementation exemplar relevant activities for the UNFCCC and draft SDGs Technical feedback on satellite based products and User involvement UNITAR/UNOSAT Dec-15 services linked to CS (b) Address GFCS Meeting of the address GFCS communication partners’ communication GFCS Office, GWP-WMO, OTHERS? After Cg-17 aspects in a more communication aspects in a more coherent manner focal points coherent manner Web portal for joint Joint office website WMO/WHO office clearly linked to WHO/WMO joint office Dec-15 on climate services GFCS for health Development of book of examples WMO/WHO WHO/WMO joint office of climate services published book for health 1. improved use of available expertise (c) Leveraging of and technical initiatives through: capabilities of each partner organization 1. improved use of available expertise On-line training Free e-Tutorial and technical and information UNITAR/GFCSO Jun-15 Introduction to GFCS capabilities of each resources partner organization Include specific references in PPCR 2. enhanced e-learning platform coordination for Weather and -WBG/PPCR Dec. 2015 (including UNDAF) Climate Services for Resilient Development PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 8
Support climate Enhanced knowledge service user forums on climate science 3. more effective of National and and potential application of Regional Climate upcoming impacts by investments (HOW IS Outlook Forums GWP On-going water community; THIS DIFFERENT (NCOFs/RCOFs) by enhanced feedback FROM F) facilitating opportunities for participation of NMHSs water community Training packages Development of for each priority dedicated training area, usable at UNITAR / GFCSO 2015 - 2016 tools regional level (ToT) and national level
Identification of key sector-specific CSIS “toolbox” of tools and decision- CCl, with input from CAgM, CHy, CBS, JCOMM and relevant WMO decision-support support services programmes, including co-sponsored programmes tools and capacities and delivery mechanisms
Demonstration actions are planned to be launched in the near future for demonstrating the value of climate Demonstration services in actions of CS that sectors/applications EC DATE have reached which have already maturity. reached maturity. This is expected to trigger further deployment of Climate Services in Europe. Include reference to CS in training UNITAR DATE materials on P2015 Use of existing partners’ technical guidelines (i.e. All DATE flood hazard mapping) and back up with training PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 9
2. enhanced coordination (including UNDAF) CS become a natural GWP to support ongoing efforts ongoing element of NAPs Reference to health component of WHO, WMO (in collaboration with UNDP and UNFCCC) National Adaptation Plans in X countries. Include Climate Projects in 6 Services in countries providing discussions on financial support to, WHO, WMO (in collaboration with UNDP and UNFCCC) National and making use of, Adaptation Plans national GFCS for (NAPs) with a focus health. on user needs Support to integrate climate services into FAO’s country programme FAO ongoing frameworks and National Adaptation Plans WMO results framework developed and implemented coordination of focused on technical WMO Steering Committee on Climate Activities implementation Coordination of advisory and on-going WMO inputs to coordination GFCS services to support implementation country-level GFCS May 2015, implementation GVA Baseline assessment of meteorological WMO Steering Committee on Climate Activities capacities of 6 PAC pilot countries Include Climate Services in discussions of the multi stakeholder CS become a natural Partners include IFRC, WFP, German Red Cross, RCRC Climate dialogue platform element of these Centre and CS Partnership. Other stakeholders will be invited 2015-2016 (global think project (WMO, IRI etc.). thank) under the German funded CCA project PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 10
Include Climate Services in CS become a natural discussions at IFRC- element of climate IFRC, WFP DATE WFP project related projects dialogue events A Coordination action is being to be established with EU funding with the goal of providing coordination among Coordination of EU various research and wide action on CS innovation initiatives EC DATE research activities at EU level, among national climate services and Copernicus, and within the EU stakeholder community. The Coordination action on climate services and modelling which is Coordination on going to be funded climate services EC DATE by the EU will work standardisation on various standardisation issues; AND THE OUTPUTS WILL BE? 3. more effective application of investments (d) Integration of Ensure reference to climate services in GFCS and joint partner’s plans and Climate change project office in budgets and workplan approved WHO workplan on support to more by the WHO WHO Apr-15 climate change and update of climate Executive Board with health, and on information in reference to GFCS disaster decision-making in preparedness the priority areas Discuss EUMETSAT future support to Updated EUMETSAT climate services as EUMETSAT Strategy part of the new strategy PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 11
Climate Services are a shared activity among EU Member States, and the involvement of users Copernicus and EC in their design is EC DATE Roadmap on CS being strongly supported by Copernicus and through the implementation of the Roadmap on CS Inclusion of Climate Services in work on project preparation and financing, which is part of ongoing work in the AMCOW-GWP Water, Climate and These programmes Development are structured to Programme respond to an (WACDEP), expressed national GWP DATE WMO/GWP need and support Integrated Drought national and sub- Management national level Programme (IDMP) decision-making. and WMO/GWP Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) also in some of the GFCS PAC focus countries. Contribution of Acceptance of GEO- GEO to GFCS GFCS white paper by GEO DATE recognized in the Members GEO workplan PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 12
An overall objective in the Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (budget planning) of the EU is to mainstream climate issues through a target to use at least 20% of the overall budget for climate-related objectives. The engagement for Horizon 2020 (the framework Mainstreaming programme for climate action in research and EU DATE the EU budget innovation) is to invest at least 35% of the 80 billion € funds in climate- related activities. Climate Services are part of this commitment, but do not have a specific budget target. Further investment possibilities are available within the various European development cooperation funds. (e) Development of Publish joint guidelines for the WMO/WHO Guidance on heat- development and guidance on heat- health warning WHO Jul-15 application of CS in health warning systems the priority areas systems Contribute to the Projects Inputs from relevant WMO departments, commissions and Oct-15 development and implementing programmes implementation of coordination and the GFCS Operating technical services for and Resources Plan the Ag, H2O, Health to enable increased and DRR UIPs and access to high- OBS/MON, RMP, CSIS demand practice and CD pillars guidance for country-level PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 13
implementation of climate services
Publish joint WHO/UNDP/WMO Guidance on climate- guidance on informed early WHO Dec-15 climate-informed warning systems for early warning health systems for health Publish assessment of climate and health working Guidance and groups, with capacity assessment guidance and WHO tool for climate capacity services for health assessment tool for climate services for health. Guidelines on CS for resilience (request by UNFCCC) with a All section on risk assessment and impact assessment CSA (???) project guidelines Guidelines for the development and application of CS (one per priority area of GFCS) and checklists (per area and pillar)- 2016???? List and database of Identify guidelines available and that are available suitable guidelines to GFCSO and relevant to be made available on climate services GFCS page as background info PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 14
Guidelines for including weather Workshop of key and climate in NGOs and participatory organizations assessment, planning working at the WMO to convene and decision support community level to tools for identify key development elements needed interventions at the community level Guidelines for NMHS to prepare, conduct NCOF guidelines and review outcomes WMO DATE of Climate Outlook Fora - An action is planned in the draft WP 2016-17 for addressing market Market barriers barriers and and enabling enabling conditions, EC DATE conditions including standards, IP frameworks, legal constraints, and criteria for QA/QC protocols PPCR e-learning platform for Weather and Climate Services for HOW IS THIS A Resilient WBG GUIDELINE Development – Value Chain approach to Project management (f) 1. identification Resources of funding mobilization opportunities through: Investment of 123 1. USD secured to identification of Donor conference support x% of the GFCSO, all Dec-15 funding at COP 21 GFCS Office and ORP opportunities, activities PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 15
Inclusion of line item for support of 2. climate facilitation of information for integration of health, through major resource GFCS in WHO needs of the GFCS applications for into broader health adaptation investments and projects from GEF, bilateral (Norway, DFID, GIZ), GCF. Large Horizon 2020 investments on Climate Services 3. the through research establishment of Investments in and innovation and 2014-15 partnerships or research, earth observation EC (about 70 consortia for the innovation and activities established M€) development of observations in 2014-15 (about 70 joint bids M€) and going to be launched in 2016-17 (more than 70 M€ planned). Obtain funding Explore other through private avenues of funding WBCSD sector investment, (i.e. hydropower) PPP, etc. Investment of 123 USD secured to Fundraising for support x% of the All GFCS projects GFCS Office and ORP activities Integration of WMO Resource regular and extra- requirements for budgetary implementation of resources into GFCS WMO Project oversight board WMO results implementation framework identified support where and met appropriate Fundraising Investment of 123 All connected to USD secured to national plans of support national action to develop activities frameworks for climate services at national level (to address user PAC3/INF.4, Draft 1, p. 16
2. facilitation of integration of major resource needs of the GFCS into broader investments Promote CS investments in WBG country strategies and WBG/GFDRR/PPCR investments and new PPCR countries Influence future WB country plans Inject CS and GFCS in projects being All funded by partners Articulation of CS component in WBG WHO projects for health infrastructure 3. the establishment of partnerships or consortia for the development of joint bids Programme in alignment with GFCS CREWS - Climate to be sponsored by and Disaster Early WB, WMO, UNISDR the French Warning Initiative Government amongst others Consortia of PAC All members Synergy frameworks by All country