Monroe Community College Foundation
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ALUMNI Hosted over 200 alumni at Alumni Weekend 2002. Inducted four new alumni into the Hall of Fame. Secured $2,500 in underwriting from Tim Wentworth '80 and Merck-Medco. Launched "lost alumni" solicitations. Identified new alumni prospects to support 2003 events; delivered proposals. Planned a Florida alumni/retirees reception. MCC Alumni Hall of Fame inductees were: Dennis Alongi ’69, Teresa (Fox) Coykendall ’86, Jeff Sluman ’77, and Betty Smith ’82.
ANNUAL FUND Annual giving to date is $238,945. Developed new mail solicitation and the Directors’ Challenge. Phase I of the Telemarketing program completed with an 11% increase over last year’s pledges. Board participation currently is 45%, resulting in $18,410 total.
Held successful board retreat.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Total gifts and pledges through December = $7,735,531; an increase of $2.84 million over previous quarter. Campaign public announcement made at Salute to Excellence Dinner on December 11. Anne Mulcahy, Xerox; Jim Gleason, Gleason Foundation; Stephen McCluski, Bausch & Lomb; and Daniel Carp (on video), Eastman Kodak Company all spoke on behalf of their commitment to Building on Success. The Estate of Nancy H. Johnson made a direct bequest of $450,000 to benefit the Arnold L. Johnson Endowed Scholarship.
DONOR RELATIONS President’s Circle Reception held on September 18 at Cobblestone Creek Country Club. Fifty-two donors and guests attended. President Flynn acknowledged twelve donors who have belonged to the President’s Circle and have given $1,000 or more annually for ten years.
FINANCE/INVESTMENT/AUDIT COMMITTEES FYE 08/31/02 audit presented to Audit Committee and approved by Finance Committee. Expanded membership on Finance Committee. First quarter financials statements presented and approved by Finance Committee. Third quarter investment performance reviewed by Investment Committee. ANNUAL GRANTS COMMITTEE Solicited new members for the grants committee and began preparations for February meeting. Anthony Felicetti will chair the committee this year and board members Mary Burkhard, Pinny Cooke, and Rich Warshof will serve as new members on the committee. Eleven MCC faculty/staff also serve on the committee. Monroe Community College Foundation Activity Report Summary September 2002 – December 2002
PLANNED GIVING Launched the first issue of IDEAS, the new planned giving specific newsletter. Added 5 new members of the AHY Society; Robert Brown, anonymous, Diane Shoger, Brenda Babitz and the estate of Nancy Johnson. Received proceeds of a planned gift from the estate of Nancy Johnson.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Fall 2002 Foundations produced and mailed. The MCC Foundation 2001-2002 Annual Report produced and mailed. The premier issue of the MCC Foundation’s Ideas newsletter, designed and targeted to generate planned gifts, produced and mailed. Issue highlights the Alice Holloway Young Society. MCC Nursing newsletter produced and mailed (target audience: nursing alumni). 2002-2003 Annual Fund folder (a new invitation format for donor solicitation) contents produced. Salute to Excellence Save-the-Date card and program produced. Alumni Weekend Events promoted in Campus News Sept./Oct. 2002 issue. Salute teaser included in Campus News Sept./Oct. 2002 issue. Announcement of Len Redon as incoming Board Chair in Campus News Sept./Oct. 2002 issue. Scholarship Benefactors’ Reception coverage in Campus News Nov./Dec. 2002 issue. Alumnus Mike Greenlar ’76 article featured in Campus News Nov./Dec. 2002 issue. MCC’s Alumni Hall of Fame coverage in Campus News Nov./Dec. 2002 issue. Meeting with Editorial Board of the Democrat & Chronicle on Dec. 11 (Flynn, Babitz, Cooper and Brennan). News Releases Distributed - MCC Foundation New Board Members for 2002 - Redon Chair Announcement - Ward to Receive Philanthropy Award - Nursing Shortage Collaborative/$1 Million Healthcare Gift - Four Inducted into MCC Alumni Hall of Fame - Salute to Excellence to Honor Thomas T. Mooney - Salute 2002 Event Release - Leaders Support MCC (Salute follow up release) Media Successes - Community College Times (Nov. 14 issue): Alumni Participate on Board Article. - Brighton-Pittsford Post: Jim Ward Receives Award, Rochester Parent Network Grant. - Rochester Business Journal: MCC Foundation Ranking, New Board Members. - Democrat and Chronicle: Speaking Out Piece from President Flynn highlighted MCC. Alumni Hall of Fame inductees; MCC Salutes Chamber Leader; MCC Honors four alums. - 10NBC: Salute to Excellence/Alumni Hall of Fame coverage. - WROC News 8: Salute to Excellence/Alumni Hall of Fame coverage. - FOX News Rochester: Alumni Hall of Fame coverage. - Rnews: Salute/Alumni Hall of Fame coverage. - WHAM: Salute/Alumni Hall of Fame coverage - Golf Week: Alumni Hall of Fame/Jeff Sluman coverage. - The Rochester Engineer: MCC Alumni Hall of Fame coverage. - Gates-Chili Post: Names in the News: Teresa Coykendall. - Daily Record: Four MCC Alumni Inducted into College’s Hall of Fame.
SCHOLARSHIPS Third annual Scholarship Benefactor’s Reception on October 22 at the Damon City Campus. Twenty- eight scholarship donors and thirty-seven scholarship recipients attended. Annual endowment report letters out to donors; term scholarship donors informed of their scholarship recipients. New scholarships: Hurlbut Nursing Scholarship
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Alan Shaw Memorial Scholarship 21 - Salute to Excellence Scholarships realized from event sponsorship in December Henry Pierson French III Endowed Scholarship Joanne D. and John T. Smith Endowed Scholarship Irwyn Glazer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Nancy Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund Thomas Mooney Endowed Scholarship Fund
Salute to Excellence Over 500 guests attended, including 27 MCCF Board members. Thomas T. Mooney honored as the recipient of the 2002 Salute to Excellence award. Anne Mulcahy—Xerox Corporation, Daniel Carp (via video)—Eastman Kodak Company, James Gleason—Gleason Corporation and Stephen McCluski—Bausch & Lomb, Inc. all spoke of the importance of Monroe Community College and their companies’ commitments to MCC through their participation in Building on Success. Netted over $38,000, with 21 annual student scholarships established for 2003-2004 academic year. Thomas T. Mooney Endowed Scholarship established. Event Sponsors: The DiMarco Group LLC $5000 Eastman Kodak Company $5000 Excellus, Inc. $5000 Gleason Foundation $5000 M&T Bank, Rochester Division $5000 Democrat and Chronicle $2500 Frontier $2500 HSBC Bank USA $2500 JPMorgan Chase $2500 LeChase Construction Services $2500 Donald D. Lennox $2500 Medco Health Solutions $2500 Riedman Foundation $2500 RIT $2500 SIGMA Marketing Group $2500 University of Rochester/URMC $2500 The Honorable James S. Alesi $1000 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. $1000 Brown & Brown of NY, Inc. $1000 The Doyle Group $1000 Fleet Bank $1000 Harris Beach LLP $1000 Harter, Secrest & Emery $1000 Hatch Leonard Naples $1000 Heidelberg Digital LLC $1000 The Hurlbut Foundation $1000 Konar Foundation $1000 KPMG LLP $1000 Parrone Engineering $1000 Paychex, Inc. $1000 The Pike Company $1000 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP $1000 RIPA, Inc. $1000 Rochester Lumber Company $1000
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Rochester Tooling & Machining $1000 Rural/Metro Medical Services $1000 SUNY Brockport $1000 Wolford & Leclair LLP $1000 WROC TV $1000 Xerox Corporation $1000
Constellation Brands donated all wine and desert liqueur for the event. 10NBC provided the production of the Hall of Fame videos. Sandy Parker chaired the event.
Gold Star Gala
Preparations started for this year’s event, which will be held on April 26, 2003 at the Monroe Golf Club. Solicitations for auction items in progress. Committee Members: Elaine Michael, Chair, David Mack Co-chair, Hope Drummond, Susan Salvador, Frances Dearing, Donna Cox, Matt Fox, Joyce Medwin, Dan D’Angelo.
19th Annual Scholarship Open
This year’s golf tournament will be held on July 14, 2003 at Irondequoit Country Club. Toyota Motor Sales USA has agreed to sponsor the event at $15,000, with one of their tour professionals scheduled to attend. Committee Members: Dennis Bassett, Chair, Justin Smith, John Kraus, Peter Buckley, Don Jeffries, Holly LeSchander, Donna Gillespie, Don Hilliard.
ALUMNI Promote, update and enhance the alumni web site. Initiate plans for Homecoming 2003 with emphasis on the new campus center. Encourage new alumni involvement with and in support of 2003 special events. Launch the campaign to secure 20 new nominations to the Hall of Fame. Hold an alumni event in Florida. Raise $1,000 from graduating students with Commencement Dedications.
ANNUAL FUND Continue Direct Mail and Telemarketing phases of Annual Fund 2002-2003. Continue to monitor the Board Challenge Fund. Concentrate on fulfillment of all pledges. Achieve 100% Board Member participation.
BOARD GOVERNANCE Follow through with recommendations resulting from board retreat. Begin process to identify new 2003/2004 board members.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Publish mid-campaign report.
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Revise commemorative giving prospectus and finalize plans for donor wall. Complete plans for Special Gifts Division public phase of campaign. Close a minimum of 3 remaining Major Gifts Division prospects.
FINANCE Prepare financial statements for second quarter ending February 28, 2003. Complete scholarship transfer for January and forward monies to Bursar’s office. Attend annual SCT meeting to review new software recommended by college. Prepare for Annual Investment Presentation meeting to be held on February 11, 2003.
GRANTS COMMITTEE Convene Grants Committee meeting on Febuary 7 to review grants and make awards.
PLANNED GIVING Follow up on leads received as a result of the first PG newsletter. Encourage College family to consider bequests. Make plans for a 2003 retiree event and AHY recognition luncheon.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Publication and mailing of Building on Success Mid-Campaign Report. Publication and mailing of Winter 2003 Foundations issue. Publication and mailing of Ideas/Planned Giving newsletter (second issue). Continued communications regarding Building on Success campaign: including speaking out piece from Mulcahy and Carp in Democrat and Chronicle, WXXI’s 1370 Connection will feature President Flynn on Jan. 30, and a variety of interviews. 19th Annual Scholarship Open brochure produced and announced (media advisory and press release). MCC Alumni Hall of Fame nominations process announced. Gold Star Gala media strategy developed and executed.
SCHOLARSHIPS Initiate project for printed scholarship descriptions that will be sent to individual scholarship recipients.
SPECIAL EVENTS Gold Star Gala Continue soliciting auction items from MCC family. Renew previous underwriters, solicit new event sponsorships. Continue planning event aspects.
19th Annual Scholarship Open Renew all sponsorships. Solicit underwriting prospects. Begin Day of Event preparations. Salute to Excellence Identify possible Salute to Excellence honorees. Establish committee.
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