Mois Tim rry

The Kmanuel'’%9nirchnven of the Kmahuel Lutheran Church will Great Chiefs Visit District Leaders A b o u t T o w n meet tomorrow night at 7:30 at the church. A film, "Tour Lhtheran Red Men' Monday Named-for Drive parkhi^'Chirge Th« ZJpeer Qub will hold tU World Federation," depicting the WMkly Mtbaek party in th« club* meeting of Lutherans' from many M lantonomoh Tribe 'N o. 58, York Btrangfeld, dl^lrman of The Riv. .Charles ReynoliH. as-; rooms Saturday night starting at nations In Minneapolis. Minn,, In the Residential Divieion OTAhe Red, . Follows Aeeident sociate minister of South Aletho- ; IpRM, will hold ita regular meet­ dist Church, will talk and show 8:80 o’clock. 1057, will be shown. Cross Fund'Drive, has annolmced ing'in Tinker hall Monday night Harold V. Andrews, 48, of East slides of India at the meeting ot Ramrrationa are now being ac^ Scandls Lodge. Order of Vsaa. at .8 o'clock. Past sachems' night the following district majors: Walpole, Mass., wgsiarrested and the Young Adults of the Emanuel; \captad at the British .American will hold its monthly meeting to­ will be observed, the chairs to be Mrs. Edwfird Catrigan, Mra. Ar­ arged, with Improper parking Lutheran Church tomorrow night Suburbia TodaV Cnub for the annual St, Patrick’.^ night St 8 o'clock in Grange Hall. occupW by past sachems, f | thur StMle, Mrs. Jerome Walsh, yesleyday morning after a oar hit at 7:30 in the chapel. Sbme*€k)t 51c an Hour Dtbtca Saturday, March. H- Art Card playing will be the program Members aie requested to make : Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. Mil­ the re'h^^of his trailer truck parked The^Young Adults, a group for a special effort to attend this post-high school young people, Here Tomorrow P i o n c e r McKay and his orchestra will play for the evening, .and each member dred Hall, Mrs. Roger Bagiey, Mrs. on Main 'St. fo r tUkncing fro m '9 to . A buffet meeting aa the Gi'cat Chiefs will | York Strangfeld, Mrs. Ralph ,Co- , Police said |he truck was parked have extended an Invitation to the 1 is asked to make up his own table. young adults of Condordia Xu- will b?N|ierved. ” Refreshments will be served. make their annual visitation. A ; well( Mrs. Arthur Starkweather, at an angle tih.Uie east curb and In this month's Suburbia report will be made by the enter- i Mrs. Stanley Matteson, Mrs) Hay­ w'as fa c |n g \n o rth K jt was" parked theran Church to attend this meet-' New Haven Farms Today,' the French tell lUf 'hmv ing. Other young people In the Dr. Jacob.A. Segal, 413 Main St.. Due to' a scheduled basketball tainment committee on the prog- ! den Griswold -.Jr., Mrs. William Jusf south of tlVood&ryge St. American auburba are making Vanishes area will be welcome. ' liaa enrolled for a special post­ game tomorrow night, the Round ,ress of the anniversary dinner and i Fegy, Mrs. Edith Keith, MrA Fred Mrs> D ora RNllusseflk, 28, of 64 history. The French -Magazine dance to be held at the Garden Refreshments will be served fol­ grad u ate covirae, "Advances In Table Singers of Manchester High Edwards, Miss, Mary O’pwyer, Bolton St., drivingv north, hit the lowing the program. Realltes views the .suburban Diagnosis and . Management of School will pre.sent their program Grove next month. Mrs. Rika Horvath, Airs. John Mc- lift rear corner of tl«‘trailer aa movement and takes the view Refreshments will be ael'ved at Hit as H eart Disease,'’ giy-en by.the Yale to the .50-50 Club of St. Mary.a i Keever, Mrs. Gladys 'M srte Flor­ she paase'd, police sai^'PoIlce Said D ^D D NAMES .AIDE that the auburba are the bul­ In S p a ce the close of Monday night's meet­ University School ot Medicine. The Epiacopal Church promptly at 7 i ence Spaulding. Mrs. William Hol­ traffic coming from theNppposite W ashington, M arch 5 (jW—F ran­ wark of our economy and the p.m. in the old pariah hall. Tlic ing. ______guardian of our future. course consists of a series of teach­ lander, Mrs. Oswald Fisher, Mrs. direction caused .Mrs. Ruiagll to cis X. Dooley, 36, of Waterbury, Washington, March 6 (IP)— ing conferences which will be held club will hold ila aupper meeting Bruce Noble, and Mrs. fWesley drive close to the truck. ^ today was named a staff assistsmt MORIARTY A financial editor adviaes on on Thursday evenings.Xbeginntng following the entertainment. Talks on Shrines Shorts. I' . Dcunage to Airs. Russell's car to Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn.) Of Puerto Ricans when to borrow and when to Pioneer IV vanished into Ike’s Stand on Berlin ^nlght, and contlnuingXthrough MATES Change These women, alopg with their w;as light, police sald."T7o one was V Dooley, a graduate of Holy BROTHERS buy on credit — and when not spat'e today and may never A pril 23. ^ Mrs. W arren G. Wiilsey Sr..' 140 The llev,'Richard L. Foley will di.ttrlct teams, all volunteejr work­ Injured. CbQSs College, is a director of the to. Readers can learn what he heard from again. Garden St., Wethersfield, gave a give an illustrated lecture on the ers, wift start contactttig Manche.s-, Andrew's posted a $25 bond and Connecticut Society for Crippled 801 C EN TER ST. New Haven, March « the weather does for -them talk and demonstration yesterday (;ard Partym Dale approved by the U.S. Employment The space probe tracking sta­ "Shrines of Europe" at the month­ ter reaidents for Red Crois dona- is due in court Monday. Children and Adults. An 8-0138 A report by the local Hu­ from Ellin Rol>erl.s article on tion at Gold.stone. Calif., lost con- to the Homemakera group at the ly meeting of the Ladies of St. Service and j-ie Puerto Rican De­ the subject. Community Y, using dried flowers, The average weekly of the man Relations Council today partm ent oths\x> r. laiH at 10:1.6 a n . EST today when Paris, Bonn MATF.S for the past week was I's ■iame.s, ■ Monday in St. James' On the lighter side, a fath­ ‘.he probe's transmitting signals Personal Notices fresh flowers and fruit. School ha.l. charged that NewHaveibjirea Many ol the Puerto Ricans who pounds, bringing the total loss to truck farms and nurseries ex­ worked at New Haven area tnick er. faced-with a request from '.leoanie very weak. Mrs. Walter Tedford of 163 Oak date to 121 pounds. The top three "Father Poley. assistant pastor , farms and nurseries last summer, hia children for a pet burro, At that time the probe was trav­ Block Plan In Memoriam St. Slid Mrs. A lbert .Ford of 20 weight losers are Donald Kuohl, of St. Thomas the Apostle Church,,! ploited Puerto Rican work­ he said, v.’ere hired "through un- recalls the transgressions of eling toward the siin at about Overlook Dr. will leave this eve­ ,10 pounds: Beverly Harvey. 26 West Hartford, is the.aon of Mr. ! It's Hale's Self ers, paying them as little as 51 licenised private out-of-state 'em­ the pet goat of his boyhood .1,900 miles an hour, 412,000 miles In lovtn* m^morv of mv hui>hiinf). ning for a 6-Weck vacation in F lor­ pounds: and Winslow MpLoughlin, and Mrs. Cornelius R. Foley. 49 : cents an hour. ployment' agencies or contractors days - and buys the burro. from the Earth. C M Joel M. fCichoii who psss^d swsy Scarborough Rd, During his trav- 1 The Goldstnne station in.stalled VsScM 5. 1990 ida. They/vlll divide their time be­ 16 pounds. D(»n Donchlap, formor executive who often, provided unwilling, in- .Suburbia Today will he dis­ For Pullout tween Fort Lauderdale and Pnlm Because of Lent, the March ckrd els while a aludent at North [ Serve ahd secretary of the Greater New expibriencet. or unhealthy workers, tributed tomorrow with The a special filler in its tracking gear Not dead to thos^ who lovod htm Beach, and plan to visit Mrs. party has been moved to April 10. American College in Rome, Italy. ; Haven OouncL, rAeaeed the report charged exrrbitant fees and fare.s and followed the space probe for Kot lost blit Rons bffor#.* an additional nine minutes. Honn, (iermany, March 6 He lives with us In memArv still August Carlshn. -formerly of Man­ Frank Marchewe will take over where he completed hia studlesl which outlined what it called the to both employer.s snd workeis, lHanrhrstrr And will for ever mor«“ chester, who how re.sides In < St. for the ''stiprise'' meeting next for the priesthood, he visited many Meat Dept. For poor working conditibna of Puerto and undercut local labor standards The last eontai-t was made at ! (/?’)—A Kovernment Rpokes- of these shrines. about 10:24 Mrs. Florenr* J Nichols Peter.sbiirg. W ednesday. Rican migratory worker.i. man said toda.v France and ✓ The report wa'e released in con­ (Uontinlied on Page .Nine) SitriuiuT i^rralh Asked if there was any likeli­ West (iermany atand opposed nection with teetimony Donchian hood of fiirtl'ei eontaet with Pi­ “to all plans of diseirjiagrc- WE HAVE A CARRIAGE FULL w aj to make today before the oneer IV a .spokesniaii for the Labor OommUtee of the Connec­ National Aeronaiilics and Space m enf’ that have yet been ad­ ticut General Aaaembly in Hart­ j A dm inistration said it wa.s iin- vanced to thin out military PINEHURSt ford. j likely. forces in Kurnpe. OF LENTEN SPECIALS! The Puerto Rican truck farm' Discount Rate Boost I He added that since the probe's The spokesman told it news IS OPEN and huraery workers are "not cov­ I battery apnaiently had gone dea75 March 6 (JPt T h e 2'j to .3 per cent in the lending '''^tht has been a step which has grce.s F. Do not overcook, as this causes unnecessary became ice-ci listed, (AP Photofax). RECIPE Cleveland, March 6 - The federal Reserve Bank.s, ef- permitted the bank.s to "create larger solar orbit than does the a 90-mimile-White House confer­ shrinkage and loss of juices. If a meat thermometer is HALE’S BEST GRADE FBI W’M concentrating its search today more money, buy more govein- Earth. This means its ybar. the | ence. Yet they emphasized that PREMIER FANCY', lime for a trip around tlie sun | firmnesa does not mean regidlty used, mast to an internal temperature of 170-175 de­ Lb. . ALBACORE fpr Frank Sprenz in the extreme patman called the action evidence nient bonds and to collect more in­ j will he alm ost a month longer than \ or uinvillingnesa to negotiate. FOLDER grees F. for medium, 180 degrees P\ for well done.'fn northeast comer of Ohio today in of "a determination to further I 59 WHITE MEAT $1.29 .v,» k.iioc . nc vAnUrts of ciush the people over unearned in- estimated that last year the the 12-iiionth terrestrial year. "There la no thought of yielding placing a meat thermometer in a roast, be cure it docs the belief a seriea of reports of . ... Administration source.s American people paid SIO billion The Gold.stone station had hoped to presaure. ” Senate Democratic M ajor Sn otr’storm p chief Lyndon Johnson of Texas not rest in fat or bone. I!i‘Jh"th»^env"fiiimve* I on the other hahd saw it as a step mo''® iti interest charges than they to track the p,ohe alla day today. , TUNA Hamburg 2-^1 with the wily fugitive. ■ Cnnntpr B nnasihle unturn imdn- wmild have hfcd to pav if interest -'t the same time scienlist.s ai - ' told newsmen. PINEHITRST FROZEN SOLID PACK The 29-year-old bank robber has, P ^ .P ) rates had been left at the 19,62 i knowledged it would be a stroke He added that on th« other hand PINEHURST SEASONED LAMB led authorities on a merry,'* , , „ „ I level.s. ! of iimisiial luck If they did so the United States and its Allies SPECIAL BACON through Ohio and Pennsylvania, "It i® not nece.ssary. Patman, “This glO billion of increased in-; The Pioneer batteVv was de- B l a n k e t s 8 StatesXiyer 1 2 Hours are determined to explore every COOK 3 7 Oz. Cans 99c aince he held up a Hamilton bank said. V\ e have too many tei est payments. ' he .said, "moAn.s '0 min- Announcement of the definite SPECIAL VALUE and abandoned a short time later and better 'Ommiinity facilities.! ------nl/s to nrake a 1^) block trip in , The Teimessee Highway Patrol plans by Macmillan to cbma here In Titusville, Pa. | A squall that resembled a small .said the bar stolen hy William E. Lb. 55c 1 in l Beef Kidneys 49° Denver. March 6 (IP)—"I'm 'and that the people in every enm- tornado ripped out a 60-foot sec­ Iris car-. A Chevrolet was stolen in Titus-1 i .Sniolhers in his freedom bid was TVoft RIB LAMB HEINZ TOMATO going downtown on a little munity of the voimlrv are paying tion of a wall of the Ford Motot The storm wa.« headed into the (Continued on Page Nine) 1 ’*'■"'‘*‘ 00 no' •'»•* iTSo* t'l. ville and abandoned in Pierpont, '," Leonard H. Wilson ; more taxes" j found on a rural road at the Ten- \ in dov. o»*" lb. CATSUP or HOT Ohio. Discoverer I Ol. parts plant in Monroe. .Mich northeast. Snou>Hll of 4 to ft I nessee river near here. HELLMANN'S lemarkeel slyly the other day. j The di.siouiit rate will to 3 1 io* -,.r O’ , wi'b Just before midnight Wednes­ •None of the 2.60 workers was hin t inche.s,, was . forei' J ». frrj .. northern I Officers believe Similher.s is on Ihirmo-ntj* ” ,l|.cion*.J^ „p,|. CHOPS"* 79c CATSUP Here's A Real Treat ".Anything i can take care' I per cent from 2';; per vent at le- and operations continued. / Vermont and .New Hamp.shlre. I .p,,^ PINEHURST I i)on», of t'onbo'"* day, a stolen Buick was found nehr .serve banks In New 6'oik, Phila­ Ashtabula,' Ohio. A little later, of? I'm going dow-ntown too." Not Desi«[iiecl : "It sounded like two z’ailroad Maine expected up tp a foot. | Tennes.see. Alabama and Georgia FRESH PORK 1 Iruit MAYONNAISE said hia wife:. delphia, Chicago and Dallas. .Sim­ 1 eeu. 12 Oz. Bols came a report that a 1955 Olds- ilar increa.sea are expected later at ' trains coming together,/^ related Another major- utorm hit the , highway cars were in inp area, n Bulletins SPECIAL VALUES 4 $ c PURE PORK A F #• mobile bearing Ohio license plates The Wilsona parted, only to Pete Raft, the plant'-s industrial .Southeast, A recorri 9.M7 inrhes ot . hilly farming ami mining aertion. m eet -a few hours later in the eight other bank.s in the sy.s- F or Recovery FOR .\ TASTY MEAT LOAF ST322 was stolen in Ashtabula. tem. , relations manager. rain Yielngod the Cimi’leston,' 8.(7.. | Smolhei's, ser'vlnp 160 years In from the AP Wireia PINEHURST 3 in 1 PI 43c That’s where the trail seems to traffic court Vvhere each had I A grevhound bus was st landed airport in a 24-lioiir ppr>md. It ' prison on .six robbeiy convirtion.s, RIB PORK ROAST ALCOA WRAP been charged vvlth a minor vio- The move loward tighter money Washington, March 6 The on U.S. 27 end. came as a .surprise. An increase in 1 about 12 niilc.s .soiilli of j lueasiircd 4.34 inches in .downtown . overpowcr(>i| the patriolman and a BLEND OF ALUMINUM FOIL latioh. Defense Department said today I (Cheboygan. Mich. A, snowplow ( -hai lp.slon. i trti.*ly conVu t in a piilicp c ai^ ^ iith BU VS. UUONN IN NCAA The FBI said there was no defi­ the discount rate, the- 01 2!i feet. ^ SAUSAGE O 5 - nite, evidence Sprenz wss connect­ "I should have known bel­ tile 1,300-poiind Discoverer aalel- | wa.s sent to the rescue bill coiidi of Birmingham ye.sterda.v Hartford, M airli 6 (IPi—^The *6- BEEF-VEAL-PORK .73c charged wlien member hanks bor­ Apalai hicola, Fla , wa.s (trenrh- ^ T Rib Cut Lb. 2 9 c * Rnlls a XC ed with any of these cars, but add- ter," said Wil.son later. "I lite never was designed to he re- I lions were so bad it had to turn ed bv 7 .61 indies of ram ' ""® "•'*®'J " he msrfle himself leotinn of Boaton University for row from th e re.serve s.vsteni- ■ iis- covered and contain.^ no recovery j ba.rk. an at-large berth In the Enat- Leg of Lamb >59° Lb 7 9 c 75 feet. J haven't been able to keep a winds reached gusts of 68 his liand(;ufrs in the bark C = - 0 eWAMY TOMATO SAUCE secret from her for 32 vears" uall.v portends a rise in other in­ experiments. | A nother Greyhound bus wa.s re- em NCA.\ baaketbnll tourna­ Economy Size (Contlnaed on Page Six) terest clvai'ges. mp.h. on the North Carolina "*® Whole 7 '2 to 8 '2 lb. mealy legs of lamb or butt half Add frtduill/ Vt cup kttchup 1o Vi cup Tile ' department's Advanced ported marooned on .State Road 68 shoreline. Gale warnings were ' -D®®'' «"®® I*® m ent a t New York Mareta 10 PORK ROAST 2 Lb $ 1 .5 0 The board traditionally increases . betweefi Indian River and .Alan- was announced liere today. The of |eg. HcMminn't Riil Miyonniisc. Add V« cup Rpsearcli I’rojects Agency I hoisted between Charleston. S. C . ' c , . i t Oil* meat men will gladly cut from 4 to 6 rhop.s from leg. if milk and 1 tsp. lemon juice, Viz tsp. ta!t. GREEN GIANT the rate when it wants to dis­ chaigp of the Discoverer priigiam. i ***''• Mich. l and Cape Mattera... N C. I Was in the back sea . and I committee aaid B.U. clinched Whole Strip or 5 A O — you want 2 different meals from one lamb leg. Cook over low heat 3 min. Stir constantly. courage borrowing which it feels rnade that comment on a report All .schools in Cheboygan and ' The .Midwest battled to w®-* ''' the fronL He got a strangle the Wd by beating ProridSBce to 5 'i lb. Rib. Lb. * T T C FAVORITES surrounding counties were closed. . , , J 1 hold on me and held a piece of college laat highL Boston U.i • ■Srualler 6-i j to 7 lb. lamb legs or shank halve, of large Whole cic Hetimann'i blends thii Into $ m ight boost inflationary pre.S8iire«. published bv the Milwaukee .loiir- tain nmmal fiinctkms amid heavn ^ legs will be featured at ...... I.h. O ^ C PINEHURST LEAN Rebels in Algeria Kill The Boards announcement was „ai ,iial the satellite "(ontains a St. Ignacp wa.s virtually isolated, now 18-6, 4vlll m eet University great jeuca for many dishes. ; PEAS Hale's Fish Case Is Weli Stocked made yesterday after the close of recovery experiment. " Iowa, staggering from the ini- I snow drifts. i gun.” of ((onnectleut In the 6 p.m. con- . CHUCK GROUND the .N'eVv. \ ork markets In Lo." q-iig j»torv' bv .loiirnal si lence Iji Crosse, \Vis . came close to Then, Dees said. Smothers or- teat at Madiaqn Square garden ’ c=-- Q EASY WHITE SAUCE a standstill. Ail the schools were : dered the trusty, Ted Easley, a next Tuesda.v, in the first gaine PINEHCRST 2 Can,35c ’ Angeles, where the Pacific w riter H arry quoted Dr. Lb 6 9 c Cradually add V^ cup milk to Vi cup. With Your Lenten Favorites Miss Kellems Brother sKvek exchange was still open. Homer .1. .Stewart, director of the closed. .Several nianiifacturing convicted killer serving 25 years, of a triple-header. In an early l>laiit.* shut their doors for s long to keep driving, SAUSAGE MEAT Hellmann's Real Mayonnaiie, Season with, NIBLET VACri'M prices went down fractionally af- office of Planning and Evaluation aea.son game, Boston V. downed 2 Lb. $135 ter the annoimremenl. * for the .National .Aeronaptics and News Tidbits weekend. Mail deliveries were r an-( They drove in the patrol car to Uarnnecticut at Boston, 67-55. salt, pepper. Cook over low heet 3 min. PACKED By ANDREW BOBOWIBC d A French spokesman said t.he celed. Telephone service was the home of .Smothers' sister, Stir constantly. HtUmann't gives this basic M any in the .New "i'oi'k financial ; Space A dininislralion. as saying Culled from .\P Wires Algiers. March 6 (J*) French toad was forbidden to traffic daily placed on an emergenev basis. Mrs. Full >. ".'’eems. a t Birniing- FLi&OI) SHUTS SCHOOL Lb. 6 9 c I sauce a smooth ttxture and delicate, go* . FRESH CORN troops fanned out in western A,l- community obviously were siir- (hi.s in an interview at Chreago after • 5 p.m.. as are most rural Hundreds of scliool children hani, where Lmother* got a anil with-averythlngflevor. ye.sterday. Bristol, March , 6 _ UP) — ‘ geria today in an intense search' roads in Algeria. The ambush re ((tontlnued on Page Pliree) who iisiiallv ■ travel by bus were and *10. Hea> y rains sent' am ^l ■ brooks CHICKEN LIVERS for nationalist rebels who am portedly occurred at least an hour .\t the Pentagon. Rand Ara.skog, C .S. ferry pitot .Max Conrad ; 2 c a n s 3 5 c - information officer, said Dis- landed at ftonie's Ciampino^ Air-i stranded away from their homes "Then we JuM drove around a oiit of their hanks today and bushed and killed an American and and a half after curfew, and French while." Dees aaid, "until Smothera lb. 79c e=—O LBWN-V _ ' I/V eoverer contained no recoverv ex- port, completing a 4.806-mlle non-] during the rttght in Wiscomsin. forced the closing, of the Bris­ It trill pay you to shop Pinehurst Crocery de­ a Gernian and wounded, another sources said the killers probabK-p Ij spotted a car parked in front of | tol Senior High School. Other LEAN lAIPORTED CHICKEN WINGS Combln. |uic. of VI Itmon With 2 tbip. i T iia r n iii Of I () . pes intents of any kind because it atop flight from Chicago and his. Hotels were Jammed partment ...... EDUCATOR American. , were' not aware of their victims i * IKIIV A mail train was tiap|>ed in the a He aaid to stop and we public and private schools in 2V2 lbs. 50e water or flih itock. Bland with Vb cup The dead men were Homer nationalities. was not de.signed to be recovered. SfMllh Iransatlanlic crossing in a BOILED HAM Helintann's Real Mayonnalit, lalt, pepper. '** OPEN SESAME He .said the satellite wa.s in­ small plane.. Mexico City Police t snow a t -Maribel, Wis did."' Bristol closed at noon. At SLICED iranr w onw . TOMATOES. Papk of 4 ...... 19c F lint Kellems, 65, Siloam Springs. Kellems and Hobbs were in Afri­ Gotham Ceiiieterie-s -A state of emergency was de­ The tI.reA went Inside the hoiii^ nearby Terryvllle, the Pequa- Another round of reductions on Instant Coffee. Cook over low heat, juit 3 mlnutee. Stir Ark., and Alrele Raimund Allen. tended to te.s; propulsion, giiitiance are hunting lixlav fi>r the en­ CRACKERS LEnUCE, Large Heod ...... eo. 25c ca ito make educational film s and and control device.*. clared in Ripon, Wl.*., and pupils and ordered Mr. and Mrs. Noel Imck river was within six Inch­ conitantly, Go with-tytrylhlnf Hellmarto'. 19. Bonn, an interpreter. Kellems gineer of a speeding freight which i es of going over Ita hanks. THe^ AT PINEHURST photoga-aphs. The French embassy As Diggers Strike Di.scovprer I, launched Fell. 28. slammed into a iias.sengcr triiin, ' Lb. $1.19 inakei tMt sauc. combln. well with ve|*. CELERY.HEARTS ...... pkg. 25c was a brother of Vivien Kellems, (Continued oii Page Tliree), (UonHniieif on Page Thirteen) river cuts through the heart of . in Rabat, the • Moroccan capital, only ye.-terday was officially de­ killing II |>ersons and injuring I tables, fish or meets. ______P k g . tax-fighting Connecticut woman .said it had issued Algerian visa.s both Bristol and Teriyvillei 39c IDAHO POTATOES ...... 5 lbs. 45c industrialist and unauccessful as­ New York. March 6 iJ*!- Police clared to be in it.s polar orbit. more than 70. I MAXWELL HOUSE Heilman’. Sandwich to the thi'ee men Tuesday and that protection has been ordered for 10 'fracking equipment aboaid the Rep. Cheater Bowles (D-Conn) BANANAS ...... 2 lbs. 29c pirant to the U.S, Senate. they left there Wednesda.v morn­ 19-fii(rt^-long satellile failed at the ■STATE M A R IN E IN JU RED Spread 8 Oz, 2 5 C FOOD SALE The woiindeti man. William nieti-opolltan area cemeteries fol­ I plan.s to protest to Pre.sident j ( ’herrv Point, N. U., M arch fl I2ejeui)a - where he waa - Traveling in a rented bar on a colonel in the U.S. Air Force Re­ ( 1®-“' "'® practicability of recover- sa.V.* the Red Chinese unquestion­ ■ Philadelphia, March 6 (^i—It- be dropped. The books that are to listed In critical condiUoii. photographic tour, the three men serve. F mg the vehicles after they have ably are" having trouble in Tibet seems the' boisterous characters of, be dropped from the approved (ext- 95 Kellems had made, similar for- Ing with a labor situation," Adler but that piost reports of the .situa­ had entered the rebel-infested'.area made a .series of passes around the Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous book list nevertheless will remaili TAKE 1980 D EPRESSION , .said. "H bw ever. I tvill not stand tion apiiear to be greatl.v exag­ of \Ve.*t ’ Algeria, from Morocco. ^ ®lgn photographic tours in the E ailh. ARP.A ha.* .said th a t novels "Treasure Island"-Jind ("Kid-1 on th^ approved library and collat- Morgantown, W.VA., March 6 Thev were ambushed at dusk ■ past. He and Hobbs sailed from for any Inlerfererice or molesta­ the current schedule calls for the gerated. An action naped" can’t keep up with tht fast ’ eral 'feading lists, UPt— \ West Virginia university, 3P 3 1 ®® tion of funer-’I coKeges and the 8 c , n , n o o Werine.sday on a loitely road in a : New York Jan. 12'and reached launching about one Discoverer prevent the state from American life. "In Philadelphia." she said, "we economics professor said today mmmtainflua region' known aa Gol | Africa via Germany and Spain, funei-al parties is the.v go about eaciji m onth for this year. public boat launching aiVn ... v^... - , , tchoI's "Silas, try .to-allow at least three books unempib.vment In the Morgan- PINEHURST du Juif (ilew’a. PalasV, 35 milea They reportedly planned to drive pet'forming the burial services for toivn labor afea "approximates tJielT friend." an' relalives. - Pl^M* (^mlrtdn Nonvirii and'wa* subject, so the. individual SELECTED west of the frontier - from North to South Africa. .(Continued on Page Five) to conUnue a? 2 n m King, " Stephen (.teacher may have a , choice. conditions that exists here d(ir- Hobbs told French- authorities j — , — ------— ~ ’’And we don’t intend fo have Ing the great depression” of the U.eae )>eopIe harassed by anybody. ! ■ union (ifflcial at New London Mill* Crane’k '■'TT'® R®f> "’® S'"""' SHURRNE NATIVE the' rebels swept down Oh the road ' . c^mg®flh*t ?he comp«nf"ls not |^g®” a > Pearl Buck’s "The Good; have to be pared down. Sometjme^ 1980s. Prof. Leo Fishman told a as the car was passing and opened R A #le inr flirllH We. \*1I1 not tolerate interference a group of teachers tvlll order a senate s4ibcommlttee on prodae-i ^fire with puhmachineguns. The ••• IlH IItt. O ltlnl with buria'a." , PhilippiiMt.s Frees fulfilling Its: nbligation.s to cooper-i i tIon and stabilization that liMt PEARS POTATOES ate fully'* in attempL* to settle a! For a-committee of public, school book, use it for a couple of years, first burst wounded Hobbs. . IT Tlalrfcfaii There was no Immediate com­ then ignore it. Those books have October in the MorgantowYi stmI' large 2Va eon' ment ion tile developments from dispute. ■ teachers■ e ti " ha.s ■ recommended th a t Kellems. who was driving, stop-; tJeCJej X 'X ctUl 5 Soviet« Trawlers to go to keep within the budget, iinemploymen^vas 17.9 perJJfint .10 Lbs. ped as a second burst ri))ped Into! - ____ the striking union, I/>cal 385 of- A (razed gunman filled a Los the ,Bo(ird of Education drop these as do the good books which are 29c Angeiee Police Officer and a cafe claasic)i from its approved list of of the labor forre."vHe-said there the car. This fusillade hit the | Delhi. March X (JPi The the Cemetery Workei-a ant) Green Manila, Miirch 6 lA*) — Foreign picked and then never used at all. has beeii no Improvement since 4 3 c •'German, who apparently was killed- U.S.-Pakistan military pact Attendants Union, a unit of the patron and \ ounded three other textbooks. " It i* like a nice .suit on a rac.k,” Secretary Fellxberto Serraiio to- persons liefore-he" fell mortally' 'Xton’t niislinderstand the .school theft—“msli'be a slight • woreerit^;' Instantly, i touched off an. uproar today'in the Building Service Employes Union, iiiglil orUereti the immediate, re­ she explained. "Everv'body jikea it ,«ng,” Kellems also A^'as hit but man-1 Indian parliament wllh .Commu- The, strike started Wednesday wounded in the exchiinge of. fiUn-j .system. The.v heartily approve of but nobody takes it. And if a book lease of five fUiasian trawlers de­ fire... The fire which dyatro.ved i theSe authors and their \vorks. SHURFINE FRO-JOY aged to get out of the car. He, nista seeking an immediate debate, in a pay dispute at six nonsectar- tained by the PhiJlippine Navy at is inactive for three years, wo-take KHRUSHCmOV TOASTS JKRI cried "Amerlcains" (French for| Prinie-Minister Nehru alflled the ian snd'fO’Jr Jc ’.lsh cemeteries in the Hotel Gary, Hazelton. Pa,. I B'at if off the list.” ■ SLICED a small ba.S- (^n the northern tip of "R's' a matter of economics and Lei|>sig, East Oennany, Americansi ‘'Ainericalns''. but was j (.ommotion by promising to' ask the New York City borough.* of Luzon'for‘the week, claims ' andther life, .bringing the On the other hand, the teachers ALWAYS AMPLE FREE PARKING AT THE REAR p F OUR STORE! ‘Aa death toll to five. - the changing times in which we. l 6 (A’l—Nikita Khrushchev WETS ICE CREAM^ cut'down by a thlrdi round of fire.jtl.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunk- Brooklya- ar ' 'Queens and the Serrano said an investigation of found-some, books that proposed a ' toast to Alfi French authorities were upset i er to clarify what the*-treaty in- subiirhaii counties of VVestchejjter tlie iinaniioiuiced visit of the The Dil PcLit-G eneral .Motors"TUVe,Uve, Dr. Helen C-l Bailey, 1 iteep-. pa(;e ver.v nicely,^iUh Amerl- antl-fnist caseVvaa adjourned un­ clate School superintendent ’ffjean n(e. These, tpev decided,, Kriipp, .Wont Oermafty’s by the publicity certain to -follow volves; and N assau. ' ' j Soviet .ship* appeared to be "satis- ing IndustHallst who aerved" ^ ' . C a n s 2 7 c the death;of two foneignera. Such Nehru said that Bunker told the Adler said both incidents of in factory.'' He said this meant In ef- til March 16 aa the government charge of curriculum, sAid yester- gj,ould be added to Ahe approved !i Gal. 7 9 c Greed Sfampa ,foi^ completed testimony after nearly day. prison term sa * 4Vftr cHftdftftl^t publicity An their mind*, can only Indian ' Fowign Secretary the terferepce were nt Beth David i lect, the. Philippines la satisfied textbook list. .1, "I wish good . hcaMh to Sir purchases in meat ' ond focus attention on the loose con-, agreement covered aggression only Cemetery.' alJewlsh burial ground , ^vliH- the explanation of" the Rua- three weeks of hearings". . .Spain "She has approved the teachers |. 'Hie.v IncliVde Anatole France’s ...... ^ : trol French forc^ hold over the is tefrn by an -rnolionai crisis over committee recommepdatlona (and |"yhe Crime ' ot - Sylvboter Bon- krupp aad sand him PCreonht I grocery depqttmtnt now as defined in the,'Eisenhower Doc-' St Elmont, plasisau County. l .sians that they stopped to repair gards," aaid the aftyMUadier l u u c o 8 i > Yemofe Algeilan-' countryaidfe at trinis -'- In other-words, Cohinui- Yesteraay. ' he said) a granite an. engine hreakdowji. I the- Impending reiiinial of > all they will be submitted to the acifool j,nard,’' And Anne F rank's "Diary Pictsweet Cut Broecall ...... 2 for 35e being issued at grocery .nlghR U.S. consulate Hanns Im- " Serrano's .order fiermltted the SjMiin's Civil W ar dead At a ''V al­ board .on Tuesday. of a Voupg Girl’’ for the Wdsi and he-drained cognac tram Pinehurst frosted Food m, nist aggression - and,, gave aa- bench and a footstone werw found ' cap maaufiKilvad hy th# Pictsweet Braceoli Spears \ . .../.'. 2 for 45e ^CHiSTER'CQNH' check-out for. your c^on*’ hoff iwa* flown from Algiers to aurances'that 'it fiddedmo new fac- duipped Into a grave which had Soviet vessels to depart at once ley :pf th# Fallen’' shrine near "We are Hying at such a-rapid J u im ’ . Verne’s" • "20.000 Leagues ,Speeiai Values Tlemden by special plane to In­ I '' - "■* ■ Madrid, the New York Timeti re- pace-,’’ Dr. Bailey explained, ''that .under the Sea” for the adult, edu­ firm,

.^ ’4 / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1969 PA6E1HRBB h s Cn c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , m a H c h e s t e r . c o n w ^ F r i d a y , m a r c h 6, i m T mltte* and th* OratorteiJ OontMt TWO C()mmlttee. I, ' '', ,' "' D r, Palmquist Legion Post Mayor Ehigqn* Kelly and Qenert- Diindait M bit flic* building next to Uis B. 4 J- al Manager Richard Martin wlU Hardware store, and will be the Police Guarding 10 Major Snowstorm mM WpViTffllVIIfv South Windsor be aeated Kt the head table togeth­ town's first financial .institution. SheMwold on Bridge To Sp^ak at To Note 35th er with officers of the. post and its Trewhella waa bom in East Gotham's Cemeteries Hartford dnd attended schools Available, Town Told auxiliary os well os District and ARTHUR RRUR OES Chapter there and the Loomis School in. As Diggers Strike f/j Anniversary Department officer*. DON'T DEFEND ON « blankets 8 States South Ckurch Following a short speaking Windsor. A graduate of the Bab- North dealer program dancing will follow to son Institute of Business Admlnls- ORYlrrAL BALL NoHh-South valnenblB A brief discussion.of the Clvllf Fuj-ther budget discussion jEilects Raines (Conttnned from Palte One) Defense budget request yesterday prompted Advisory Council Mem- Th* Manchester American Le­ the music of Tony O'Bright’s or­ traUon in iM i with s bachelor of Bjr Alfred SheUiwold NORTH (Doatbiaed (rona Eng* One) ' several counties reported every Dr. Theodojw'H. palmquist, pas­ chestra. science iiegree In business admin­ 4 A 5 brought to light the fact that Man­ bers Russell Hathaway and Leon gion Post is preparing to celebrate been opened Wednesday for UJI. Matters Team Champion road Impassable. Driving condi­ tor of FoUrtiiry Methodist Church, Thorp to repeat the council’s con- ^ Serving with Hogan on- the com­ istration, he Is married to the for­ V A « 3 tions were extrenlely hazardous on chester is eligible for a “local gov- Its S5th anniversary this month, To Head Post mer Gall Cowles. They have one burial yesterday. He said the beiteh If you are a aeventh eon of a stayed •vemtght in Rlpon High Waahljt^on, D. C., will apeak at trrtment ” radio frequency, half ^ tfentton that this year's request la mittee are Past Commander* ♦ KQ96 School. the snow covered highway*. while across the nation post* will Francis E. Miner, guests; Henri child and f-eslde at 108 Bolton St., and footatone had been removed seventh eon, yoil don't have to ___ 4Q986 iha'Sunday Eveiling Lenten Series coat of which would be paid !^.-the the "minimum amoimt on vyhlch) read this column. Ukewiae, If you Strong wind* drifted highway* Air travel waa grounded In many federal government. CD can operate,” In reeent meet­ join in marking the 40th anniver­ Pessinl, programs; T. L. Fair­ N otice Manchester. from a nearby grave. They had to iPrESr EAST a.,.*.' e f Preaching this week at and' Mrs. C r»lf IUIum of Democratic Tea own a very rellahle cryetal ball. In ■outheaatem Mume*ota faster places. Many schools In Iowa and- This waa learned as^ an ches- ings the council has said It would sary of the birth of the world’s banks. dinner: Eugene Freeman, 4 K 4 4 J 10 9 1 3 2 than crew* could open theih. Wisconsin were closed. BusipeSs the South Methodist Church at 8 tickets. ' • I O ur dow ntow n bm neh forai-| Taylor S t, TalcottTmo, were olact- The ’ Democratic Women's Club be lifted out of the grave before &it If you aomatim'ez gueae wrong, ¥754 2 ¥QJ10 ter CD Director JiJlin Merz and have to halt operations if it didn't largest veterans’ organization. erly a t J . W . R ale’s, 18 O a k ] the burial could be made. thin column is for you. iafirfFORO. Scores of ca n were atalled. and industry slowed operations, o’clock. member* of ^ h e CD Advisory get suffl'clent funds. Tickets may be purchased from o4 wwtby matron and worthy jSa- will hold a tea for lU new officers 4 A532 * 8 4 The theme for the nationwide all post commanders, from mem­ I S t r e e t . Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the West opens' the king of spades, 4 7 3 2 4 A 5 Among the heaviest snowfalls In with worker* hampered by travel Three years aga Dr. Palmquist Coumdl Juktlfled their *9,763 Budget Doubled trOfi o f S w r g r fn Wo«d, Chapter, On Wedifesday, a group of 20 the Midwest w«rre IS inches In conditions. . ' celebration la “ Forty Years of bers of the post, or from the stew­ Pleasant Valiev Clubhouse on Ell­ men took picks and shovels away and you are delighted. You tri- SOUTH ' Nicholson will pour. All the body. As the funeral par'ft' left monds at the second trick. West TAKE THE KIDS! THEY’LL LOVE IT! AND YOU! precaution. If the town applies will meet this evnlng at 7 o'clock tron; WlUlam Fraize,. associate pa­ Democratic women in South Wlnd- i the cemetery,, the intruders shook takes the ace of diamonds and through State CD, Edwards said, funds for educational expenses, in Orange Hall. I.AUNDRT and tron; Mrs. Hinlly Pallalt, conduct­ aor are invited the empty hearse as though they leads his other spade. This enables can do nothing to help hia part­ HIIDI It BACK the federal government would pay which include newspaper and racllo DRY CLEANING 1 advertising. Merz said that results ress; Mrs. Helena Foster, associate The Young Democratic Club will j trying to overturn it. They East to set up the rest of his long ner's cause. Either way you make half the coat of installation. conductress; Mrs. Elsie Bertram, the contract. INANlWAmHTmi of radio advertising in recent Confirmation classes will meet meet tonight at 8 p m. at Clvle a threw garbage and an ash can suit. The discussion was prompted by as \)suhI tomorrow at 10 a.m. In eeoretary: Mra. Ella Burnham, Restaurant on Rt. 5. Sooner or later, you must go af­ Daily Question Discount Rate Boost the CD request for funds to pur­ weeks has been ’’excellent,' at the hearse, Adler said he was /I P I P ^ v P ^ The two radio units would co«t Zion Lutheran Church. treasurer; Mrs. Anita Ellis, chap­ Building Permits told. ter the clubs. Then East takes the Partner bids one diamond, and chase two new 2-way radio tinlta. r ------lain; Mra "Jeanette Brown, mar- the next player passes. You hold: If the town obtained a license a total of *600 and would bring to The total value of all building Prestrike wages for gravedig­ ace of clubs and the rest of the Dr. Pascal Poe, 37 Tanner St., ahal; Mrs. Helene Newberry, or­ permits issued during February spades. At best, you are dowm one. Spades—Q 7 6; Hearts—K 9 8; for a local frequency, all town de­ nine the number of 2-way units in gers were *81,80 a week. The union the oiganization. This would still dean of Hlll.ver College of the ganist; Mrs. Delores Falcone, amounted to *89,292, with four said it offered to accept *88 weekly You make the contract If you Diamonds—J 10 7; Clubs—K J 10 Spurs Probe Appeal partments which would perform a University of Hartford, attended } Adah; Mrs. Marjorie Madsen, dwellings accounting for *82,000 i go after the clubs first. "This 4. What do you aay? , CD function in time of emergency fall short of what Is needed, Ed­ for the first year of a proposed 2- wards said. the 14th National Conference on I Ruth; Mrs. Concetta Francis, of the totali It was revealed in the year contract and *88 for the sec­ knocks out East's only sure entry Answer: Bid 1 NT. This shows would be equipped with 2-way Esther; Mrs. Rose Petersen, Mar­ monthly report of Town Engineer to the spades. However, there Is (OeatJinied from Page One) ' units. The Police and Fire Depart­ If the town were to become II- Higher Education in Chicago, 111., j ond year. The union said the best about 6 to 10 pointa in hig^h cards. help this move by donating maga- cen.sod for a radio system, Edwards this week. I WATKINS- tha; Mie. Jane Farley. Electra; and Building Inspector Walter offer by cemetery representatives no way for you to know which ace In this case you have the maximum ment radio frequencies would not ^Zines. Letters received from for­ be changed. Edwards said. .said, CD operations would benefit . . . - i Mra Laura Collins, warder; and H. Burnham. This more than waa *88.80 and *87.80. to knock out first. value for your bid, but partner prised and interpreted th* Increase eign countries list the type of nieodore Petersen, sentinel. doubled last year’s total for the There has been no public' c |n- Martin pointed out that Town trcmendou.sly. He pointed out that The Hartford Chapter of the | A Better Way has no way of knowing It as yet. as an aggresAvb-afitl-Inflatlonary magazines preferred. Anyone in­ the town could apply for a maxi­ WEST ZBA Allows Variance same month, when *37,000 was ment by cemetery representatives - There Is a better way to play If you made your bid of 1 NT Engineer Jame.s Sheekey had re­ University of Connecticut Alumni move. \ - terested , in this project Is asked quested funds for a 2-way radio mum number of units but only pur- will hold its fifth annual blue and Louia Boxer of JBaiington Rd. recorded. on the strike. the hand. You can eliminate all over an opponent’s bid, your part-' to contact Mr*. Kenneth Piirter, system in his budget, Funeral Servlet waa granted a variance of the Income from permits and fees The union Is conducting contract guesswork by refusing the first ner would know that you had max­ Goveminent bond .trades In New what was needed at one time. white hall from 9 p.m. to 1 am. York predicted the action would who will forwarii the necessary in the Hotel Staller ballroom April ■onlng oidinance to allow use of during the month amounted to negotiations with the opebatora of spade trick. imum value. SHOWN AT 2:00-4:45 information. The letters are in Edison M. Bailey ORMOND J. WESr. Director end a 2-day rally In Treasury se­ Dr. Theodore H. Palmquist Annette Hill, of Manchester, and 3. Richard Llnson orchestra will hla farm property for chicken *840.40. nine other cemeteries, controlled l ( o ) i i For one thing, West may have (Copyright 1989, General Fea­ English, and no translation will be and Specialist 4,C. Warren G, 142 EAST CENTER ST. barbecuea by Zoning Board of Ap- Heart Fund Quota Met by the Roman Catholic-Church.- a singleton king. In that case, he tures Corp.) FABULOUS, FORBIDDEN ARABIAN NIGHTS ADVENTURE L curities. Late Wednesday and yes­ lives at 73 Eldridge St. Mills, an Maloney to, the rank of sp()clalist died for March 14 at the post provide music for the semlformal terday the government market reg­ necessary. Hall, where he preaches to 4,000 Mitchell 9-7196 peala following a public hearing Mrs. Daniel P. Cavanaugh and will have to switch, and any switch Members are reminded that this Alabaman, I's married to a Hart­ fifth; , home. Plan* are being made by,lhe event. 1 Mrs. Donald Bancroft, Heart Fund ill '//ALT! R istered gains of more than half a worshippers. ^ ^ ford girl, the former Elizabeth Pfes. Rodney D, Barnes.'John A Past Commanders Assn., of which TOursday eveninr- Some adjoin­ will be to your advantage. W A •■4 Cl t K Is the final month of the Grange A d e le g ^ to the Worl(d Council ing properiy owners opposed the Drive co-chalmen, have announc­ As the cards lie. West has an­ They Should Know point In moderately active trading. Sewing Contest. Non-grangqrs are Stevens, and lives in Hartford. Miller. Rol ert O, Senglaub, Roger (Chester Hogan is chairman. Miss Isabella M, Smith, 27 Madi­ Recollection Day ■ Government market experts In of Churehes meetings at both application. ed that the town reached Its quota other spade to lead. You win with admltteU to ,the contest. Afty in­ Three new men have been as­ W. Spangler. Conrad L. Steigel Pagan! (Caterers will serve a son St., Miss Dianne L. Audetle. ' Manchester’s Oldest Luray, Va.. (/P)—William Henry New York attributed the rally In Amaterdam and Evanston, he i.s signed Uj the battery; Specialist steak dinner al 7 p.m. 42 Ijancaster Rd.. and Miss SI-| John Maiin of East Windsor of *700. with *708.20 subscribed to dummy's ace and knock out either formation needed will be furni)m' also a delegate to the Methodist and Jerome C. Teal, all to the rank tvlth Finest FoollItJes. Hill, newly elected chairman of date. They wish to thank all who Held at Church the ace of clubs or the ace of Miller says his wife, Carrie, is the I part to remarks Wednesday by M. 4. C. Bkldle B. Evans Jr.. Special­ of Specialist fourth; and mone Amlrault, 37 Lenox St„ have ; 'A v l H!5 — — • •••dOOtMl MtfVtl by Mrs. Viola 'Warner, Home Eco­ eneral Conference. He i.s- a mem- Edson M. Bailey, principal of Off-Street Parking the board, said the application la helped make the campaign a suc­ diamonds. It doesn't matter which- best cook ever, and she says he cSln ★ ★ ★ ★ S. Szymezak, a member of the nomics chairman. All entries must ist 5.C. Stuart E. Allen and W. O, Pvts. John F, l.<‘wickl, Warren started a 12 - week program In >i«rln« PATRICIA M iDINA • JOHN SAND* a o o m o s u m m bM'xpf the General Bonid of the Manchester High Sch(X>l, will serve Established 1874 granted for a two year period cess. ; Ttie Day of Recollection was held Te*««e If you knock out the ace of still do a day’s work with the rgst Federal Reserve Board, who said be in Mrs. Warner's hands by James H, Filch. G. Stout, Herbert F. Armstrong as toastmaster. Bailey has been a psychlat)1c nursing at the Instl- j C of the men. He is 93 and she Is 88 that becauae of unemployment the Natiohql Council of Chuiches of •tartlng this ^ring. Little I.«ague ye.sterday at the Church of the As clubs first. East's entry goes. If 8HOW?« AT 3:30-6:20 March 31. Christ iriHjie U.S.A., and a member Evans, a fire control mechanic, and Talmagc C. Riggsby-, all to member of the post for more than tuie of Living, Hartford. They are you knock out the ace of diamonds and they Have been married 70 board could not pursue a more The permit stipulates that no The South Windsor Little League sumption. ADMISSION THIS PROGRAM—CHILDREN 80c • Members are informed that pro-^ of the Commission on P:iblic Rela­ is from Milford, and All^n. also a the rank of private flr^t class. 30 years, and has served as chair­ student nurse.s attending St. Fran­ bualneas is to be conducted after will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Tlie Rev. Philip Blaney of St. first. West is out of spades and years. restrictive monetary policy at this gram books have been received fire control mechanic, Is married I-enve Service man of the Americanization Com- cis Hospital School of Nur.xlng. Tliomas' Seminary, Bloomfield, time. tions and Methodist Inforrrulion.' one hour from sunsK and that at the Community Hall on Main and some distributed, Those who Dr, Palmquist la g form * Dis-, to the former Faith Hill, of Coven- Seven men from the battery geographical location shown on St. to map out plans for the com­ conducted the services, which were Police Arrests A board spokesman here declin­ have not received theirs may con­ tr.Y, and now lives in that town. have completed Jiqlr tours of duty ed to elaborate on the brief formal trict superintendent.\ Uie diagram submitted must be ing season. Parry W. Roberts, sponsored by the Ladles of the As­ tact Mrs. Kenneth Porter or get His career m th^xniinistiy W. O. Fitch, materiel officer, and have returned to the land of sidhered to. Sanitation facilities league president, announced today. sumption. Frank Tercyak Jr., of New Brit­ announcement of the increase. them at ihf next Grange meeting. and a native of New Haven, is civilans. Specialist 5.C. Delmus E. PAIIK ING 'A/R COND However, he did point to these fac­ started after work in ad\>rtiaing. must meet standards prescribed All those Interested in helping Opening the service in the inorn- ain. was arrested by police last Held Over! The conservation essay is still He left that environment to rKurn currently living in Rockville. Wood, Specialists 4.C. Jay B. by the State Health Deipartment, with the league this year In'the Ing, Father Blaney explained the night and charged with Intoxlca- tors that likely influenced the de­ open, the closing date May 1. This A Springfield, Mass,, youth, Whltesel, John W. Lahda, and cision: to college and prepare for the and must be inspected and ap­ capacity of coaches or umpires meaning of the word "glorious," as tion.^Te.rcyak is being held in lieu Is open to all in the state who have istry. -^ ’t, Roger S, Combs, has., been Willie Gooden. Pfc. London BURNSIDEBURNSIDt AV( ,f, HTFD Recent congressional testimony proved prior to operation. are especially urged to attend. "Indicating the ability to perform of boli^ and Is due In court tomor­ It's So Good not reached their 21st birthday by On Sunday evening, March 15, tritn,sfen-ed to a missile station in and Pfc, Charles E. Williams, and KEITH'S SPECIAL SALES! actions which deserve or receive PROGRAMS by board chairman William M. The board specified that no In­ Last year four teams engaged In row. \ ■ LESLIE CARON DANNY KAYE May 1 of this year. The topic is the Chancel Choir will again com­ Thul^; ^Greenland. Pvt. John B. Raba each Served In toxicating liquors will be sold or a series of games to decide the lo­ honor, praise, or forgiveness in Stale Police reported the ar­ MAURICE CHEVALIER CURT JURGENS Martin Jr. that the board is con­ "The History and Future of Con­ the Army three years. worship.” He slated: "This is pre­ cerned about the renewal of in­ bine with the Hartt Chamber Or­ Promotions served on the premises, and that cal championship. Shepard's Short rest of Allen W. Hlxon, 87, of Wor­ in PARIS COLOR! NICOLE MAUREY necticut Agriculture.” Tlie essay chestra to present a concert of Sgt, l,(?XAlba L. Bowen Jr, adequate police protection be pro­ Seconds won the title, and an all- cisely what the death of Christ cester. Mass., yesterday on the flationary trends; the fact that the should be not more than 800 won for us. His death won for us "ME AND THE discount rate has been lower thanU sacred music. Under the dii’ection battery top Klcjt. ha* been pro­ Tacoma, Wash.— The bulk—or vided whenever necessary. star team won the district cham­ Wilbur Cross Highway. He was words long. of Philip Treggor, the ensemble moted to maater^Wrgeant, Bowen, tote—bin Is a- recent development pionship. who are the Church the ability to charged with driving while intoxi­ other short term interest rates for 4-H Is ^ e m Conference Savings, Loan Head give perfect honor and jiraise to G I6 I COLONEL" *'Video Everyday" will perform the "Mass in G Ma­ originally from M m^ville, Vt,: in handling apples. Each bin has ALL 3 TABLES Robert H. Trewhella has been This year. Increased enrollment cated. Hixon posted a *200 bond more than six months—usually It jor " by Franz Schubeit and the God, to receive in ret, n divine for- AT 8:18 6:26-10:10 Is kept higher; and continued re­ Hebron 4-H leaders who plan currently lives In Mankftfld. a capacity of 26 to 28 boxes of named manager of the South which la anticipated may cause ex­ and is due in court Monday. All Rights Reserved— to attend the annual 4-H Leaders’ Bach Cantata, "Christ Lay In the Other promotions are: apples and saves handling time in pansion of the league to five teams. givenes.s. The death of our Re­ covery from the 1957-58 recession. Windsor branch of the East Hart- deemer on Calvary gave perfect SATURDAY 1 P.M.. KIDS SHOW— PAT BOONE H. T. Dickenson A Co., Inc. conference tomorrow, are LeRoy Bonds of Death." Specialxrt 4.C. Neel E, BUw.- the oorchard and at the warehouse $ 4 4 4 4 . ford Federal Savings and Loan adoration and praise to the Father “BEBNADINE” Tech— TOMMY SANDS “SING BOY, SING” B., and Joyce E. Kinney. Elissa Tickets are available for this SpeeioHst 4.C. Donald A- EngdaJlUdock. Assn., it was announced by Ray- Manehester Evening Herald Hebron special concert through the church and In return as a troph.y for suc­ Phone HmHtord JA MMl Lederer, Mr. and Mrs. Victor \ mond L. Miller, president. The South Windsor ror_res|M»ndenl El­ Rychling, Charles T. Schreier, and office or the choir members with­ more Burnham, fielephone Mitchell ceeding generations won the for­ new office Is to be located on Oak­ giveness of the Father for all man­ Degrees Awarded Mra. Albert A. Coolidge. ’The last out charge. land Rd. In the Wapping Post Of- 4-06'l4. kind." You Enjoy three named will help furnish He went, on to explain "That de- HARTFORD. OOXX. To 14 Grangers transportation. stnictlon of Christ tool" place In a Style-Appeol Plus.. Women’s Fellowship r ORANGE HALL v a Philippines Frees visible, bloody and perfect manner 10 SHOWS SOMETHING N-E-W HAS BEEN ABDEU . . . outstanding per­ A work meeting of the Gilead „ ,, * I I i on Calvary: it continues today In NOW WEEKI.Y formance with a Sylou- The first and second degrees Congregational Women's Fellow­ N ike News 3FL» VA6AB0NDS' ^ o O V l Q t I r f l W i e i ’ S jan unbloody manner in the” Good Seats Available ^ t a m k ette TV bv Sylvanla. were conferred on a class of 14 EVERY THURS.-FRI.-SAT. ship will be held in the Sunday The day of prayer concluded Right I'p To Show Time ELECTRONICS Visit STANEK’S soon to candidates at this week's meeting .school room Wednesday, from 10 with a Holy Hour in the afternoon, see this striking example of Hebron G range a.m. to 4 p.m. Members are asked E'our men from Balter.v C of the (Continued trora Page One) when Father Blaney defined char­ THU ONXY TODD-AO Dine—Dance—Have Fun of the BIGGEST TV Grange Master Sherwood Strick­ 2n(j, AAA Missile Bn., have enroll­ DANCE Miracle Screen nad Sonad LABORATORIES to bring a box lunch. Beverage ily, in six parts: "Charity Is pa­ VALUES IN TV . TO­ land thanked ell who took part, ed in courses at the Universities of f BINGO lletweea jtoitoa and Nerr York I liijl be furnished. - on their scheduled voyage from tient,. cliarily is kind, charity en- A Wally Fields a*d the Trio DAY. ancf congratulated them on their SATURDAY Tkere Is ao other Todd-AO la Cean. Library Hour* Changed Connecticut and Hartford. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 the Baltic Sea to 'Vladivostok. vleth not, charity is not the pro­ With Don Brush at the Organ and Vibes 277 BROAD work. 7:80 P.M. to 12:00 The next meeting will be March Saturday morning hours the 1st Lt. Matthew A. Howard Jr., American Legion Hall The newly built Soviet trawlers vided avenger, charity deals not “The Biggest and Danclest Band In Towu’’ Douglas' Library haye" been ^ ORANGE HALL, 72 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER perversely, and charity Ls humble. " RADIO T I L [ V I S I 0 N 17 at Gilead Community Hall. The fire control platoon leader, la DONATION 80c dropped anchor a week ago at Dl- Harvest Supper Is scheduled for 7 changed from 10 a.m^to 1 p.m.. to 2« REGULAR GAMES—8 SPECIALS—1 SWEEPSTAKE Mrs. Virgil Provencal, 17 Carol ★ PIZZA— Enjoy Here or Take Out 9 a.m. to 12, ’■starting tomorrow. studying integral calculus and riqiie Inlet on the northwest tip of Dr,, waa rhairnian. p.m. This supper is for' the candi- As there Is still a little eon- analytic general physics at UConn. Luzon Island. Philippine Navy The Friendliest and Liveliest Spot In Town! Uhaanel H New Haveti Conn. (S3) LIBEBACE dates and members, and’ is in ' . . authorities sent out a boarding Db^nnel .18 Hartford. Cnnn. 8:80 ( 53) CONRAD NAGEL THEATER charge of Mrs. Viola Warner. Fol-j fii-xion about library h()urs, a corn- W.O. William R. Hawkins, ma­ Chararl 22 Sprlnrfield. Aluoi. (18) YOU ARE THEBE lowing the supper, the 3rd and 4th ! plete program is as, follows: Mon- teriel officer, is stud.ring algebra parly to investigate, and the ves­ MIKE ChaaneJ...... 80 80 Ne New - Britaij...... Conn, “ Bllko'i Formula No. 7” TOLE LAMPS sels ivere kept under close watcli. STANKO’S ChAnnei <0 Holvoke. ail. t:00 ( 8-40) PHIL SILVERS SHOW degrees will be conferred on the i da.y. 2 to 5 p.m. T:ie.sday and and trigonometry at UConn. The trawlers were en rotite to so OAK ST., MANCHESTEROAK aGRILL MI 9-8094 Channel SS Waterborv Cona. (22-30) »I-SqUAD candidates. This will be inspection! Friday. 2 to 5, and 7:30 to 9 p.m., Pvt. Leonard L. Eller, a native T0I,E TABI,E l a m p In choice "Voluntary Sarrrndrr** night, and Mr. and Mrs. E'arry S, |"and Saturday, from 9 k.m. to 12, of Danbury, is studying general of White or Black with rich Vl'adivostok to be turned over to 8:00 (3) THE RIO PAYOFF ( 8) HIGHWAY PATROL Imaqrinel 3 (ablai lor lesa the Soviet Fishing Mini.str.v there. : rO.MKDV HIT OK THK YKAR NO COVER—NO MINIH^UM-AMPLE PARKING # (18) MOVIE AT » Kitching will be guests. Kitching is , noon. mathematics at UConn. gold trim. <22-80) Y O ^G DR. MALONE them $15 aachl 2 step anda Tlie .Soviet Union has no diplo-1 jAmn* StFWAft • Kim Novak ( 8-68) BEAT THE CLOCK “ 'Thry Won’t Forart” deputy and will do the inspection j ------— Studying electronic engineering Now only ...... *9»5 (40) ALL S T A R nPLAYHOCSE (88) MAN WITH A CAMERA •100 REWARD matic relations with the Philip- i Id Performaacdi Weekly of degrees. Every one ia requested j Manchester Evening Herald at Hillyer College, of the Univer­ plus cocktail, gat all 31 TOMORROW 2 P.M. Eve. Pert. 8;M Kaec|it Saa. 1-.U 8:80 ( 3-40) THE VERDICT IS YOITBS "Rouzhrd I'p” TULE BRIDGE LAMP In choice pines. It asked for the release o f ! "M i, Book and Condi*" 9:80 (22-80) THE THIN MAN to come on'time so-that the eve-1 H(-bron correspondent Miss Susan sity of Hartford, is Specialist 4.C. For Safe Retuni Of Large, lovaly Dcotiah stylad DOORS OPEN 1 :S0 Wed. Sat. San. Mat. Perl. 1:M. (22-30) FROM THESE ROOTS Matching Comer of White or Black with the trawlers through Its embassy : In Color Adm.; —Wed. Mat. tl.U, (l-Sd; ( 8) CONNECTICUT BAND­ "Holiday for Haarl” ning's activities ,n»Ay be completed ' Pendleton, telephone AOademy Warren D. Clay, a natiVe of Glas­ tables in rich walnut Table Available AU)Delut LsmASuiii store and Plant 296 Broad St, 14:80 ( 8-40) PERSON TO PERSON Two Complete Bed Outfits $189 RAINBOW CLUB Gueita: Shirley MacLklnr and Rube Golduerx FRANK’S «BT»M«HT TEL Ml 3-5179 ( 8-83) JOHN DALY. NEWS CTAfl 10:48 ( X) NEWS. WEATHER, SPOBI'S V hartfordI i t>2.3 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER (18) LATE NEWS NEW YORK FLOOR SHOW (I*) TV RKAUKR'g DIGKST (22) SPQRTSLIGHTS (S2) KIR.ST SHOW (30) SPORTS CA8IEBA <301 ROY BOGKR.S (58) THE EARLY LATE SHOW CHAIR and OTTOMAN AvtfRiCAS FAVORiTC fNTthTMlwfas: EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT (40) RIN TIN riN ’ ’Double Identity” dWdlB. Mtl i:S0 < S-SS) M ICKEY MOUSE CLUB 11:** ( 8) NEWS. WEATHER, SPORTh Famous ’Rock-Lock' Chair . . use it os * ONLY *3.00 MINIMUM PER COUPLE (18) KATHY GODFREY < 8> WORLD'S BEST MOVIES Rocker •• locks to any position for complete 18«) TH E E A R tV SHOW "I.aa Vexaa Story" f i' *‘Brifham ' Y'ouiik’' (22) BIG NBW» relaxatien, In heavy plastic or Tapestry, com­ ROUTE 6- 44A — BOLTON (40) TWILIGin THhaTEB (80) NEWS A WEATHER plete with matching Ottoman. tl:0D I XI -o c i V I. rU E A T E B (40) FEATURE FORTY and economy eT7ttz:m.r.'jTa ar,:-:-f:g.xr.:-T7r PHONE Mi 9.8023 118) NEWS A T 8 11:18 < 8) FEATURE FILM. C A T H W r /% B>B>B-I (88) THE LATE MATINEE "The Rlr Knife” «:15 (18) COLONEL TIM .MrCOV (30) JACK PA^RB SHOW ‘ I «:25 ( 3) W EATH ER. NEWS A 11:80 (22) JACK PAAB SHOW $ 5 9 9 5 ★ PLUS ★ SPORTS 11:48 (88) NEWS €:3D (18) 9IICHAELS IN AFRICA ( 8) HEADLINES A BASKETFUL OF 6:S» (32) SPOBT.S 1:18 ( 8) NEWS Sr WEATHER H;4n (22) SPi;ci»l ASSIGNMENT Liberal Budget Terms COLOR CARTOONS In the Italian-American St^lc! «:4S .( 8-22) NEWS SATURDAY ( X) NEWS * W EATH ER AAA to D ALL. UHILDREN 28c eeNi TSMeLS«x2.—... ..TO- 7:6e ( 8) MAN WITHOUT A GUN 12:00 ( 8) LONE RANGER I ■IrtrJlttt'AAIAffuit STATE < 8) SPECIAL AGENT 7 in the beautiful width* tn (22-30) TRUE STORY MANCHESTER (18) MOVIE AT 7 ( X) STAGECOACH THEATEB brown, red, "D evil Ship” (40) SATURDAY- WESTERN blue and NOW and SATURDAY W A U n J T block Continuous From 8 P.M. leather. Feature Tonight 6:00-8:80 >RESTAURAMTSn";^r ^ Flower Fashions,.. MORIARTY BROS. WHITE ELEPHANT Academy Award Nominee by MILIKOWSKI SELUNO RESTAURANT ■r» . FRIDAY SPECIALS LINCOLNS — MERCUBT U90 BERLIN TPK£„ BERLIN Appetizers , Artistry in Flowers AND SilSkN ENGLISH FORDS 1959 CHRYSLER TEL. BEverly 7-9900 Cherrystone Clams — Shrimp Cocktail ■ 695 Main Street Four Host ED LaHOUSE HMWHRD Fresh Fruit Cup — Clams Casino Phone Ml 9-5268 316 CENTER STc-Ml 3-6188 Soup du JoUr Adv*rtii*d In BANQUET HALL AVAILABLE Celery and Olives—• Fresh Garden Salad (t2-3*-40) NEWS * WEATHER (22-80) DETECTIVE’S DIARY VOOUl • McCAUT 'FOR WEDDINGS, PARTIES Choice of Entree (88) HOLLY GOLDBERG ( 8) B.F.D . No. 8 NINE PIECE Broiled Lobster, Drawn Gutter ...... > ...... 3.50 7:18 (40) NEWS. DOUGLAS ED- ( 8) congressional v i e w ­ E a | e and beauty WARDS ■ ^ FRIDAY SPECIAL Baked Lobster .Thermldor ...... 8.804 p o in t DESK OUTFIT 2.76 (23) HIOHIAUHTS i ( 3) THIS IS UCONN 4 in motion combine Filet of Sole, Butter Lemon Sauce ...... (88) NEWS , ( H> UNCLE AL I ' ■ • FULL COURSE LOlSTER DINNER 2.25 Fresh Opened Lobster Meat In Butter, en Q w serole...... 8.00 7:M ( 844) VQIIR BIT PARADE (22) SATURDAY BIO SHOW with superb fit.. . “ Expert Shoe Blond l,4med Oak. Mahogany or 1 (I r Broiled Rainbow Trout with Lemon Butter S au ce...... 2.80 < > (t^3•) NORTHWEST l^SSAOE (SO) SATURDAY. STORY Maple! Kneehole Desk, matching OANOmO EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS 2.60 (Color) "Trial by Fire” (4B) CANDLEPIN------BOWLINO,. to give delightful Fitting . . .!’> Broiled Eastiern Shore .Swordfish, Anchovy Sauce ...... < S-88) RIN ‘H n tin 1:18 (S«> MS WK WEREW ERE So easy on your Desk Chair, peak Lamp, Electric IRE Huna Pried Fantail Shrimp, Red Sauce ...... 2.'I6^ "Plllitiohn'a Proxre»»” 1:8* < 8) PBQNTIEBBQNTIEB d DO o c______t o r meaning to thi* invitation from Clock. Desk Blotter Set and Desk t :N ( 8-44) RAWHIDE ( 0) SA’niRDAY MATINEE feet, and so easy TIIIl IHIT Pried. Blue Point . Oysters, Tartar Sauce ...... 2.6€|< Pen Set. All For Only i SNtaElIHE 2.76 “ Incident ol the Town ’ In ” klnc Kuna” <■ on your budget, Frog’s Legs Supreme en .Casserole ...... ■ Terror” (30) TACTIC (Cancer Film) Includes. TpRsiOMAiRt ride, safetk rims, too! Mini Baked Nlantlc Scallops en Casserole, Steamed'Rico ...... 2.76^ (22-3*1 El l e r y quEEM (Color) < 8) HOPALONO CASSIDY Fresh Opened Lobster a la Newburg en Cass'qrole ...... 3.00' •■"The Chemlatry Set” (8*) SATURDAY MATINEE ★ PLUS ★ ( 8) WALT DISNEY PRESENTS < I-**) PRO HOCKEY $ 5 9 , 9 5 r . Lobster a la Cacciatore 1...... i . 3.00 “ The,Man from Bit(rr (N. V, £tn(*ra va. Chleaz* HEATER. DIRECTIONAL USHTS, UNDERCOATINe Comblnatltm Sea Food Platter ...... 2.76, Creek” , ' ' Black Hakka) f ■ \ , I MID-WINTER SOCIAL Cholbe of Potato — (Jholoe of Vegetable •' Dessert — Coffee Open an Account \ . SPONSORED BY TOUNO DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF MANCHESTER rxCHlLDAEN'S MEALS HALF PRICE • ' Don WILLIS Garage For jRoioivarioiis PImM)* Fbon’t Ml 9-B070 specialists in . WHEEL ALIGNMENT u d at V Suhday March s - 5 to 9 P.M. BRAKE 8BRVI0S: f - 5^ .URtll SERVING DINNERS UNTIL CLOSING DME g e n e r a l a u t o RBI'Ant SUN.-MOJJ.-'T.UBS. SllteheP IMSSI— IS MAIN ST.. BtANClIESTBK m RESTAURANT IN BOLTON “ Stranger In'jMy Amu” OORSHOW -mm] . D4SCVVO AND, REFRE8HME>iTS. AND DANCING TONIGHT 80 OAKLAND ST„ MANCHESTER, CONN. SHOE DEFARTMENlV-^f^ BBAS. OOVATION 82.00 AIMHI PAMHie ■J i WlAM TWUATM Advertise in The Heridd— ^It Pays . J . .


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, FRIDAY, MARCH 6 , 1 « 6 » pleaasd by ths InformzUbn Indlcut* ing Pioneer hilH corns acroaa no F O R RENT P A ^ l f O U l lethal radiation )>«ltii beyond t)ie Mra. Margaret Connors'Driscoll, Rdckville»V^mon A sn* I* mm.' Movie Ftejeefettes ment at Pratt and ,<^itn#y Air­ P ion eer two discovered in prSvloua lower- reprssentlng the State AFLrCIO, Area MethodiHtH —soon* or ellenti alee 88 mm. craft, and te a « f the Bill Asks Schew level spare shots. slide projertors. Delta Chapter South Metbodiat O bu i^ ' MdBcliaa- said the labor orgahiSation fa: (»et WSCS in6o iie t «x Lovelb sai'd this w'ss "a mos ter Lodge o t Maaona, Adtmiram Oraiits Be Used yorad the purpose of the hill. Chamber Sets portsnl Tiegatlve result" 0*^ Pio­ WELDON DRUG CO. Cmmcil of Rockville, ajul *Jack Turner (R-Bethany), RETURNS Vanishes neer’s trip He sdded^'Djefnate of 901 Main St. ' T»i. MI 8-8881 Elects Slate Foreat, TaU Cedars of (Abantm. He For Education ttng a question he had asked In Coiiference marl’s first trip lnto',zpace must Tax Aide Says State la a paat patron o f Temple Chap­ uther witneaaes, asked Mrs. April 15 pate now be (airly rinse. ter. Order of Eastern Star. in \ If she thought the bill Methodist wbtnen from Msnchss- PREPARED Francis J. Schlebel, 25 Hamlin Hartford, March 8 ^ . The JCXPERIENOllD aod Isvvell said ayrtjlher Ihiporlanl St., waa elected moat excellent The offldera will be Inati^ed at ShejMid no, ter and Bolton attehdod the annual In Space ronlnhution p f Pioneer has been j the Masonic Temple on Thursday, House maJoHty leaden* yesterday he didn’t think the niOROUOH WORK For Meeting high priest of Delta Chapter. Roy­ meeting of the Woman’* Society to sliow the'best route to take to] Nearing Income Levy al Areh Masons, at th#^ annual March 19, at 8 p.m. Frienda are In­ utgsd passags of an administra- bin spbUed outSqdequately bnough avoid radiation, Tite most likely; meeting.Wednesday at the Mason­ vited to the semi-public installa­ Uem blU that would require towna how tha Hate would get back for­ of Christian Service, New Rngland RAY COOPER The eemi-anual m em bbr^p (Continued from Page One) route, IvS said, would he over either , ic Temple. tion. to use state edpcational grants feited money. Southern Conference, yesterday at meeting of the Rockville Area pole w h e r e radiation free zones FIR SM tfwd. lU itlt • ttften came u a ahock to Other officers elected are: Wil­ Chamber of Commerce will be held meant the cahulated battery life are-believed to exist. m«ny families exclusivsly for that purpoae. Meanwhile, the StataJBoard of Trinity Church, New ' Bedford, las dcpartiMBt apokeaman Barry *ald hi# bill was "good liam J. Turklngton, king: Warren Players Schedule Education urged Increasing the Mass'. April 14 at a- place to be deter­ period wa.x up by 3 a.m. today. SAFETTS SAKE ararned yeat*tday that ConnecU- R. Goons, scHbe; Hayden L. Gris­ "Stata aducaUonal granU are state’s share M public-a< Mra. AryUle W. Gilmore, War­ mined. ' The 7:.50 am. signals came from' law, gipd logic, and good public made solely for edueatlonsl p»jr- The Board of Directors, which And Len^nr Tlr* W«ar eut waa heading “atralght for an relations ~for the state and the wold Sr., treasurer: John F. Sea- penaes from the present wick, R. I., was elected president, a point farther out in space than, vcy. secretary; Ralph M. Clifford, Spring Production poses,” Rep. Samuel 8. Googel (I>- of 25 per cent to th e' natii repli^ng Mrs. David M. Bennett, ■et the meeting date yesterday, de­ snv ever prevlotisly recorded. Discoverer I Drivt In For Oiir tnoome tax” unleaa the Leglala- state tax department. ” cided that the meeting should in­ Tarrant said that the present captain of the host; Robert Rich- New Britain) told the Education average of 40 per cent. Wareham, Mass., formerly of NASA .scientlsrs ralc\j,HHed the ture reaisted appeala for apeclal The Manchester Community Committee, “and the state Is en stenchester. Local women elected clude a dinner, but no speeches or dlstame at 10,1,000 mites and the 50 per cent tax on blUingi on mor­ The board gave lU blessing to a ARtYOORCAI exemptions to the sales tax law. Players will present as their spring titled to insist that the money measure H said would cost Con< t o ^ l c e include Miss Ethel Ooelee, entertainment The members will gold plated cone's afreed at 3.960 Not Designed ticians was worked out with them idiseuaa business of the Chamber John r. Tarrant, counsel to the bv the tax department In 1948 production thj classic melodrama. granted be devoted entirely to this nectlcut about $14 Vs million a yei^ Mrs. UUfford Stephens, and Mrs. PAYMENTS TOO mile.x an hour. tax d^>artment, made the etate- purpose. at this meeting, while a social time At that lime the Ploneei- had FREE w’hen the sales tax went into ef­ "Ten Nights In a Barroom," on Charles straight. more than current expensea will be planned for the annual ment before the General Aaaem- fect. April 10 and 11 at Bowers School. .'Thie bill assures that and also Theme Tor the day was "To HIGH? been tmdet radio observation for F o r Recovery Front End, Brako and WiUiBjn j . Sanders, secret^ meeting in the fall. Members may abovit 80■'hours, longer than *iy biye Finance Committee in op- This was done precisely so that Dllworth-Comell-Quey Post , o f provide# that any money so used Serve the Prasent Age.” A panel pbetng a series of tax exemption will be forfeited.” the board, said' the bill embe discussed "Chiqging Patterns for bring their wives and friends who Other such space trav eler. Shock Absorber the sales tax would not have to be the American Legion 'will Sponaor a board ractnnmendation for the may be prospective members ' of Earlier a "really good signal" frt»m rnfr> <>n^> WHs. listed on a biil, Tarrant said. He this play. The Legion has spon­ Googel noted at a public hear­ Women: In Employment, Family Inspection. Tarrant said the 3 per cent sales establishment of a long-range plan the chamber. wa.a reporled by Ihc Ccncml said tlii.s provision of the law is sored previous productions of the ing that Ctov.’: Abraham Riblcoff life, and the Church,.” TRADE StPWftiM's «R:rn( y lh» NASA— of educational grants to the towns. 7 The Chamber will have a booth Electric Co, tracking stalum at Work done by experts on all tax was the sUte’a ■■workhorse.” still in force. drama group. urged passage of the bill In his Those attending from Manches­ producing eome millton of This plan would call for a uni' ter were Mrs. W. Widker Briggs, In the Products show to he held in Schenectady, N Y , from nearly ! ha.'^ ivot.blnp: to tin rMr^rlly with the conventional makes of cart. If the morticians insisted on At the March meeting of the inaugural message. The House form state contribution. Additional the high school at the end of April. 400.000 mllc.s, Thai wa.x at 1:02 '-sPi.Roovcrrr nrnjcri. revenue a year. listing the tax on the bill it was players at the home «of William leader said he hoped the commit­ South Methodist WSCS president; -W e can’t keep chipping off ex­ state grants would .be . related to Mrs. Straight, Mra. Charles, Rey­ DOWN The booth was donated by the a.m. Tn tho’ Riivcrnmont'ii Fot up, tho fhelr business, ,he said. bi\^ that Luettgens, Roger Negro was tee wiU follow the Govemor’a rec­ MORIARTY emptions,” Tarrant declared. 'If the fiscal need of the -communities. Amerbelle Corp. and 'Will feature Roy Anderson, bead of the idofl tha: NASA if* primnrny this was not the. intention^^hen named director. He will work with ommendation. nolds, Mrs. Lawrence Almond, Mra. WE NEED LATE 5IOOELB Industrial promotion, redevelop­ we do, we are heading straight for Sanders said two other bills Alfred Whitney, Mrs. Earl Trot­ operation, e.siimated the distance, j ( oncornofl with ba.air resran.'h urul the bill was drafted. a cast of 11 players, Including The administration has argued would "move In the direction” of OF ALL KINDS. ment, and consolidation. and said that "never before has BROTHERS an Income tax. There is no other Tarrant said the morticians that many communities now chan­ ter, and Miss Goslee. Attending I civilian pmjocta ARPA hna tho two newcomers, Barbara Coleman the 40 per cent State aid figure. Top AUowancea Mada!^ Chamber Directors were adVl*ed any radio signal of tins type been iirnHi) fiolihnf military implU’nUrina .801-315 TENTER STREET way out.” conduct a lucrative business and and Lorraine Leclerc. nel state aid funds Into their gen­ from l^lton were Mrs. Kenneth by Executive Secretary George R, picked up from so far out in The tax department opposed Perrett, United Church WSCS ' nnfl ntion.s. Telephone Ml 3-5135 .should be subject to the tax like The flavor of old-time melor eral fund budgets, using the state Bennett thaA the State Highway space," bills that would grant sales or any other business. He said they money: for non-edhicational pur­ Red Balloon* Preferred president; Mrs. (Jarlton Daley, Commissioner has Indicated an In­ He Said the signal, "essentially Tho linoa «ro nnt ahnrply rtrawn dnuna will be sustained between Mrs. Elmer Weden, Mrs. Harvey sales and use tax exemptions for paid $213,000 in taxes to- the state acts with special musical numljers, poses. In his inaugural message Beaupre Motors terest in improving highway epn- unchanged ftom yealerday. a leal- anrl Ihoro la aomo ovcrlappinfr. motor bus companies, photography last year. Rlbiooff toM thle Legislature: Inman, A C. (/Pi—Youngsters K. Mousely and Mrs. Stephens. BROAD ST, AT nectiona In this area. Bennett will ly good signal," was first picked eupplies. farm machinery trade- featuring a barber shop quartet. , Buiriness management Is uftder seem to like red balloons beat of W. 51IDDLE TPKE. reccommend to the Highway Com­ up at 5:02 a m. , [ ins, funeral materials and burial “ In all fqlrnasa. we should in­ during his administration. the direction of Arthur Holmes. sist that our towns, in their turn, all. A balloon factory near here Open Evenings—5n 8-849* mittee that they propose, elimina­ The signals fro.n America'.s auh- expenses, reetaurant meals, and Kiwanis to Hear turns .but half a mllUon rad ones President Franklin Pierce, who spend every cent of their state tion of the rniiorad underpass on bound satellite were picked up others. eskih week, half of the weekly pro­ was In office from 1853 to 1857, Rt. 83; a link between Windsor earlier at .lodre 1 Bank. F.ngland Cite Financial Uoes Airlines Official Stepping Out grants far education alone. This duction. made no changes in his Cabinet is one way we can make sure that Ave. and Mile Hill Rd., and be- Prof. Bernard laivell, director of . Self PtCK-UP Spokesmen for bus companies in Fallot Photo tw ^n Rts. 15 and 5. the tele.acope station at ,IoP)—Ptriice can't wise and effective use Is being The' Manchester Kiwanls Club made of every dollar provided In ' Fire Warning Issued said the 1 'S son aatcllile was SAVE! OASES OF SODA AT i would exempt their companies figure how four men who walked The Board of Fire Comiiiisslon- will hear John Ryan, sales repre­ mond. principal sojourner; and our budget for education.”' 380.000 miles from tlie F.arth w hen OISCOUN’I PRICES ' ■ from the sales and use tax. Robert W. Ferguson, Royal Arch out of the Oshrin Hospital in Tuc­ era of the Vernon' Fire District it» signal V a.s picked up as it rose . 12 Large Bottles AT OUR BOTTLING PLANT They said their companies were sentative of American Airlines, at son made such a clean get-away. The bill was also supported ^ issued a whrning today to residents captain. spokesmen for the Connecticut and above the Rriflah horizon at 12:16 Priest quoted are for home deilv- , In serious financial troubles and its meeting Tv.esday. The high priest-elect announced They were dressed in bathrobes regarding outdoor burning. a.m. EST. • needed the tax relief. and cowboy hats. Hartford Federations of Teachers. $ 1 .5 0 eriea only; extra charge for "ban- Ryan Will take and show slides the following appointments; Robert F. Ringsbury, chairman, Lovell said Pioneer waa travel­ qiieta, partlei, showers, weddinga, stressed that the months of March, I Tax Incl. Herbert A. George, an official of on '"phe Civil Jet Age, a Look at George W. Hatsenbuhler, third ing at about 4.200 milc.s ah hour etc. ,the ConnecUcut Railway and Tomorrow." The meeting is at veil; Arne P. Sterud, second veil; April and May have extrentely at the liicc. IMu.s Deposit ' Lighting Company, paid $215,000 r on at the 3 J’s Restaurant. Clarence Schlebel, first veil; Roy hazardous conditions for brush ■ The renewed ,pi< knp of radio sig -' ; in sales and use taxes In the On St. Patrick’s Day, a dinner Sorensen, chaplain; John T. Mtin- and grass fires, and residents nals at that distance surpaii.semon and TalrottVilla newa eral local bus companies. sn—11 I The Red O oss Bloodmobile will The Women's Republican Club of Members will go on a tour of WHITE SLICED— FUIX SIZE handled thrduifh The Herald’* In opposing It. Tarrant remind­ ■ visit this community March 31 un­ Vernon has scheduled a panel dis­ I the Vo-Ag School on LovelanJ der the sponsorship of the Jiinlor Rockville Bureau. 7 AV. Main JSt., ed the committee that the 1967 cussion for Tttesday at 8 p.m. in ! Hi)l. telephone TRewiont 5-SlSB. Legislature, at the recommenda- BREAD Chamber of Commerce. the cafeteria of the old high school Eastern Star Eleet* Units will be located at the First Uon of the tax department, passed on Park St. Mrs. Hazel Dombek and John another tax relief measure that Congregational Church of Vernon The meeting had been po.stponed *Oreflseless'’ lAkely JOHN F. TIERNEY SUNKIST CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS and at the piks Home, with hours I Dombek have been elected worthy M. has resulted in about $375,000 in previously. e I matron and patron of Hope Chap- set from 2 to 7 p.m. The discussion will center on lo­ A "greaseleaa" tu­ tax savings to the companies. N A V EL O RANG ES ' Last vear the Jaycee’s sponsored , ter No. 60. Order of F.astern Star, New York If the bus companies need more Funeral Home cal issues, with the following per-1 other officers eleptqd were Mrs tomohile may be on the market bv help, Tarrant said, let it be done visit resulted in the highest num­ son.x participating: Mayor Herman i ber of donors for the year. In some other way. A prompt, courteous, sympathetic service HALFHILL BEST BUY G. Ol.son. Town Coim.sel Harry H. ' Tarrant said that the tax de­ Robert Lippman is chairman of the Jaycee committee in charge. Liigg. Town Committee Chairman partment opposed the other bills with personal attention for the many detail.s. and Second .Selectman Franklin G. chiefly because of the loss of rev­ TUNA Teacher Resigns Yes, }rn m —A)iir Fruit and f egelahle Mrs. Mary Grady, teacher of Welles, School Board Member Mrs. enue to the state. Convenient parking on premises. ^9 WEAR WHITE Grade 1 at Northeast .School for Alice Hammer. former Con­ I'«riT/y is one of the finest in Hartford One that would raise the sales Located in a quiet, residential neighborhood. RIVER VALLEY ALL TYPES OF gressman Antoni N. Sadlak and a tax exempUon on restaurant PATTERNS and COLORS the past sev’en years, has resigned, At representative of the Young Re-, County. Seeing is believing'. Easter meals from the present $1 to $1.50 effective March 15. 219 WEST CENTER STREET—TEL. MI 3-1222 ORANGE JUICE IN BOYS' and PREP DRESS Superintendent of Schools Ray­ publican Club, not ideirtified. waa supported by the Connecticut Mrs. Frankiln G. In an­ FRUITS • Restaurant Assn. A spokesman mond E. Ramsdell announced that • Mrs. Virginia Dow. who has been nouncing the pjincr talk, iiy^ed all said the cost of meals have risen Plenty of Free Parking—Parcel Pickup Service to Your Car , TIES SHIRTS women qf the community to at­ VEGETABLES lloneydews. Bine Riber, Tem­ because of inflation. If th^re was substituting this year, will fill the I vacancy. Mrs. Dow had already tend. " ‘ \ I Beet Greens, Dandelions, ple, f'allfomia Emperor no objection to the exgmpUons on $ 2 * 9 5 Grapes. Navel Oranges. Indi­ meals under $1, the;p^ should be been engaged to teach full time-* Hospital Notes \ Okra, Peas, I'ellmv Squash, Former Ch^ey Mills, 50c T. *1 SUITS Admitted yesterday: Nicholas ; an River Seedless White and none for those under $1.50 as pro­ FURRIERS next year. She has a BS in-educa­ Green and Wax Beans, Taull- Hartfoid- Rd. and ITIR BOYS tion from the Unlyerstty ^ f Ver­ Nedweden, Glenwood Rd., Elling- j Pink Grapefruit, posed in the bill. CHESTER'S and pBSIONERS Pine St. to 12 and 13 to It's mont. ton: Ger>- Bard, Maple St., Elling­ flower, Artlehokes, Belgium Rose and But TarranV said the state loses Manchester, Conn. Medium or charcoal gray Qlrl Scouts at Cliuroh ton. : Endive, I.eeks. Rhubarb, Red D’.Anjmi more than W million a year be- Remodel with a fine pin stripe. Slim Girl Scout Week will be observed Discharged ye.sterday: John and New Cabbage, Romalne Pears, . cause of the exemption on meals trousers as Dad’s suit. In a PLENTY OF by Vernon Brownie and Girl Scouts Morocco, Bancroft Rd.. Ellington: I.ettuee, Potatoes (white, Tantaloiipes, under $1. Raising the limit, he YOUR OLD FUR COAT FREE PARKING fine worsted w ool' by attending church In uniform on SERVICE said, would cost another $1H mil­ $2995 Naomi Janicki, 124 Orchard St.: Peaehes. INTO A NEW §ize.x 13 to 20. Sunday. Barrj- Cole. RFD 1, Ellington: sweets), Piirjile "roii Turnips. lion. Parcel pickup service Also students’ sizi^. Protestant Scouts arid Brownies Bills that would exempt funer­ to your car. al materials and expenses from • Chpe • Stole will attend the 9:30 a.m. ser\1ce at APPLES FRESH FROM OUR COOLER the s a ^ tax waa supported by • Jacket Fi Vernon Methodist (Jhurch. They threc/le^Iatdrs and a mortician. *19 95 OPEN 10 AJU, to 10 P-M. MONDAY Thru THURSDAY will meet downstairs in the church COLD CUTS - GROCERIES - DAIRY PRODUCTS R^p. Inring L. Aronson and Da­ Call 511 9-7218 or Rockville TR 6-5929 at 9:15 -a.m. vid M. Barry, Manchester Demo­ OPEN 9 AJ«. to 10 PJW. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Catholic Scouts and Brownies fiBneral Home HOl'RS: 7 .A.M. to 9 P.M. WEEKDAYS For Free Estimate In Your Home. will attend the 8 a.m. Mass at crats and sponsors of one of the St BURKE ROAD, ROCKVILLE 7 A.M.-ta 8 P.5I. SUNDAYS ______J bills, said the sales tax on funeral Sacred Heart Church, meeting dovnstrairs' at T :46 a.m. ImprovBffleiit Go. .Acting Roles Open I There are tw'o openings In the Estimate#' Cheerfully Given east of "Out of the Frying Pan” PERO'S FRUIT STAND to be produced by the Hamsters Phene BU 9-3537 DRESS UP IN A PAIR OF this spring. 276 0.4KI.AND ST.—All .1-6.384 - A young man about 22, and an Where FIT is all importan SNAPPY older man are needed to complete IVY LEAGUE Garden Your Complete SHOES One Stop Garden Shop SLACKS Polished cotton style with Many styles to choose from. Center fantbus buckle in bach and t ' VITTNER’S INCORPORATED sllm-look. Sturdy, seams; Manchester-Vernon Town Line Easy to wash. $ C , 9 5 Sizes * to 12. Sizes 26 to 31 $795 waist. rs lean and sway SPECIA L OFFER! SPORT JACKET CAMELIA FLOWERED TUBEROUS Nubby textured wool with new look, Slightly. padded shoulders. 4 1 A . 9 5 . . n u m b e s ® BOAO e*« Sizes 13 to 20. ^10 Up AMERICA’ S MINIATURE BEGONIA STARTER KITS 5 BULBS A- PLANTER ^ PEAT 1 WATERPROOFED ROSES CHOICE OF 6 COLORS BED, 'PINK, ORANGE. WIHTE, SCARLET, YELLOW Att for Only.. RAINCOATS Ounce-light warm eptton popUn with a waterproofing that lasts many amahing'a. Fly front. Zip Ibi- 5 0 AFRICAN VIOLETS ^ «1.9 S ed. Sizes 13 to 20. Styled to thrill your E a f er Angels— yet biiilt enced fitters are proij|d''to give luch care IN BUD to "take it" from B*c@ »rd Buckdroos! Little fitting each pair. Free Planting Inatniotiona Yankees are' con$ider6d by many « i • i* z • '’Piz Fnr f LARGE SELECTION Clearance On A ll be the finest children’s shoes m adeKThaf s Remember, we are specielilH n t for t h « BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE why wa feature them. That's why our experi- child yolu lova. NOW IS A GOOD FLOWER, e w n e WILD BIRD FEEDERS { • . ■ -t’ TIME TO APPLY VEGETABLE 9 I!lElV.9 AT A QUALITY STORE WE HAVE ALL THE MATERIAL . ' If they don't fit-W e won't let hiim wear therti FOR STARTINO YOUR 8EI!D OFF UME Sreck*$f-yMandeviUe~-^Kmg—- ; , 0j/m V /O Mrr Umesleiie - . 50 Ibf . 4 9c ' Hart**-irFerry Morse i WE MBED THE ROOM | ' 1" ■ HyOrof Lim* M lbs. 79c *, I


MLANt eat E.ii!.wiNti HERALD,.. MANt.Ml*aSTEH, CdNN.. Jb'KlDAY, MARCH 6, 1959

ment uiKNintod to u guurlmto* (Ge n e r a l manp would taka ovtr W wt G«r- Reds in India Blast ^Rgainat qggreeslon from "uny FBI Believes Bm tlftetsr many and conv)^ an Odrmany in­ quarter.” TV SERVICE to a new Runiaa piwlneo ud a U .S ., RaSkistan Pact India, feuding with PaklaUsi on CttnttttQ l|rraUk Here *n There such issues as Kashmir and canal Flym g Bandit itetv Russian advance Into the, waters (ram the Indiur River, (Mia jn gMm. 8 Aa9 9 Plaa P a rti THB W est We ourselyea real^ know fCMitBbeg from Fugs OM| $135.*“" CO., ate. that an "any quartar" pledge flrmdd TEL. »g $-A4n 11 BUmU 8b[< this cannot .happen, but wo do not *»y ' ampubt tb q. threat to her dwn aa- Stealing Autos torsi to the indlA-Paklstoii/ dis­ contode Utat KhituMichbv alao may curlty. ' $ A .M L t E . T I »RD putes. / ------know It cannot happen. But Nehru said he. undswtood (t tioai Page Ona) ttma£“otuSTii twa the concern of psrliameny mem­ Neverthelesa. we shall keep the EOURTT^ITOR CHARGE YOUR t i BvMiiaB u n *;* theory In mind—that Khnishchav bers and would seek further as­ A Thought for/Thditjf nd that tha pattam aeemed to In­ surances from Bunker. He hsd told Boudin. Batorod at tn« la reaUy IpoWnr for a way to sell Sunday is tlie sjart"of “National Let'i^GoLR^y-f^ Sponsor^ tty ttte 8tT dicate he wad Involved. at MawSoatar. aa press conference earner today ConaeO of Ctia t^ rtaa la on the B ^ ’a Hat of 10 PRESCRIPTIONSHERE llaU Matter. out the faiUng Communiat experi­ >rinff-BeftMlM-It-Can’t-Be-to6^ar-Behind-Woek. A^teir^ a he waa still uneasy that Pakistsm mcM wanted criminals and la con- 9 P. i l BOBSCRIPTION r a t es ment In Beat Germany, without rugged winter that may still be reldetant to give up the ghost, might use against India American aUMred extremely dangerous. He FanUte 1B Adaaaoa What are thege pompous doctrifwe .m being' caught In euch a faitMese it certainly is heartening to know that seven Whole days arms, furnished it fOr use only has not been known to bs'^e used T M t aaeaaaaaa»#**a«»4a>aaa« against communism. ’ ye parade? '’ however, since he broke out PINE • oaa aaaa«*aaaaa«aa a< I tt act, and that h^ Is doing this not have been set aside for an oliservance pi this sort, Mere piles of words! tana, MOpthS a a M a a a a a a , To bolster the aiUi-Commuidst of an Akron Jail last April* • . ______PHARMACY aa'Maaae because he Is/generous, but be^ A word of caution should' be^------ta*» ad*****^ Baghdad Pact, the united States And, as ye con them olsr and o'er He's IWHBs using bis ^t*-*and tsxsr.*ss!sar' a a aa.aaaaa aa cause he la a rdallst, not because, he heeded by those who might rush Coventry'Lake; sitting uMpr a kig signed mutual defense treaties in stolen cars and airplanes-Lto. keep off In all directions to make this again, wants to glve^aat Germany tb/the tree In my yard while slpjHng * Ankara, Turkey, yesterday with Nought do ye win save words, one atop ahead of the law. 664 CENTER ST. ' MEMBER OW w ^k the success It deserves. That cool drink and Uatenlng to a bake, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. The 5o\*»room** TBB jSSo^SnkD PREn - -West, but because he Is.^arraid to wort| Is ’ don't overdo It. Being- ' words! . New York State PoUce kept e More fabulous.dollar savingvspecials TUa SmoSSdFteea la azcli^elT ball game; watching the brave, United States pledged to take cloaa watch on highways leading aa^ad to the luie » t. retwbU^UOTi rt have Russia try to hdld It much among the relatively few who first green plants as they push their way "BUCh-^4Ppropriate action, includ­ The secret of our God Is (Ar from north from Pennsylvania follow­ - f « « t ■U nawa dlapatchM-CT^led to It « longer. In this vle< then, he pre heard of this special celebration, Irorn the soft dark earth; feeling ing the use of armed forces, aa A t T O W ■M otherwiae credited hi fbU paper lemade the mistake of planning this. ing a report yesterday that a car » ii »!,«' the local pawi pubHabed ■hera. clpitates the Berlin crisis not be­ the warming sun beat down on my may be mutually agreed upon" m By doctrines ye shall never know matching, the deacriptlon .of one RANGE aln rtthta o* repl®UeaUon of apjcial too many activities. To carry wlhter-whltened shoulders. Ah such event of aggrMSlop against the celebrating the; opening of the giant cause he wartls to take over Berlin, his truth: In which Sprenz left Altoona,. Pa., dlapatdiaa herala aye alao reaerred. them all though to completion pleasant thoughts. three Aslan powers. '" '- . but beesdae he wants to get East waa spotted near Welhntoe, N. Y. roll aerrica clleal d N. E. A..8erT- would - take'm e well Into "Nation­ But the pracMoal side somehow Initial reports on the ttea^ies did Row can ’he' enter your gross PoUce say Bpre'na has stolen an rUEL OIL lc« Inc. aeea. G erm ^y off his hands. We shall al We’d-Bettftr-Start Thinging -of- slipped Into my consciousness and not say that only communllt ag- hearts," Sotittt ^bUahara Remaeotattvea: The airplane imd several autos Li addi­ Jtdlaa Matbewa SpSelal Aaency — New see how well, even with Western tVlnter-Because-It-Will-Be - Here- I found myself writing these gresaion was specifled, and respon- Thus barrecl^ a|mihvt Him by your tion to purchasing one kince last GASOLINE N new Robert Hall family HarHordLtot Before - We-Knpw-It-Week." and things; Rske the lawn, get the sfble 'U.S. sources w en not imme­ pride of words? ^ S**Aoorr* *BU^Ai?' or diplomacy denying all the posaU Monday when he allegedly Tobbed that Just^wouldn'^ Work out. mqwer ready for sunlmer, respade diately available for comment. the bank in Hamilton. 5 A tT h e t« » ^ CIRCDUATIUNS bilitles and considerations Involved, that section next to the back During the negotiation of the tree By sacrifices htedtuUy performed On Route What sort_ of tlgngs can we do The airplane waa the seeond such a theory tests out In the light next week to celebihte? Well, I porch where the grass seed refused ties, U.S. diploihats reportedly Ye shall not reach'Him, were aware of the effect on Indian Nor yet-by penaniiscea and grim Sprenz is reported to have-stolen, BANTLY OIL clothing center In Danbury! Meal errore appaamg in ad- of future events. jumped the gun last night by turn- to grow last year, paint the back plus an undetermined nUrnber of tlaetheota and other reading njalter Ing my thermostate dial all the porch, and rebuild the stone wall and other neutralist nations of a austeritlek: . (OMI't.M, INC. Mancheedar Ereolna Herald blanket pledge, and'apparently the autos, to keep one tantalizing step way down. The furnace stopped i in front of the house. Naturally, ahead of the law since he escaped ; M UN - 1m:i;i Fair If Guilty burning oil and I wak estatlc ' I threw this list away, clause providing for mutued agree­ Both thought and things ye think . l . \ Duplay adrcrtlMir'eloeiBS houra; of . In Akron. For Monday-1 p.m. FridayFMda: thinking ahead to when I Mn shut | gut thinking of spring can be ment before action waa designed to TEL Mitchell 9-45V5 ------Monday. Cuba's Castro has. on pccsslon, assure such non-communist na-: Fall and fall in SMrch-.of him His sblUty to escape Just when For Tueaday-1 p.m. Moni It off for the summer. But my fun, and If we don’t get a blizzard capture seems Imminent has earned For Wedneaday-1 P-ot defended the executions carried out wife made me turn It on again before spring folds Its* tender tions. KOCKVILLB TR 5-3271 r»TFor ThuriJlay—1 rnurKuy — 1 p m. Wedneaday. New Delhi newspapers published One wair Alone thpre la o f finding Spreh* ranking aa one of the F B I’s FOr- Frtday—1- - - pjn. - . Thuraday.Tl by his victorious revolution, and when the houSe suddenly grew blanket around us, I may think of Him: 10 most wanted criminals. Tm- aaturdsy—1 a. m rtlday. cold. mere things to, add to my list. varying' accounts of the pdets. - - Clpatned______deadm:It: lO.Bl % in.. undertaken variousi stratagems in One version was that the ..United Surrender all thoti hast and art, in The balding fugitive, who re­ day of publication eWMrt Saturt the effort to prove that the trials It's things like this that make fhe lovb for/HIip, portedly uses a toupee for an ef t a m' observance of NLGRFSBICBTFB States had pledged to come to ordering such executions have been B ig C ity Pakistan's defense only under the And thou shalt ' Know Rim , love fectlve dlsguUie, has a wife and Week so much fun. There are Him' ri^ht. two children In Akron. Friday, March ® full and fair. One of these strata­ few thrills that can match sitting general terms of the Eisenhower Honolulu (/P) — Honolulu could Doctrine. John S. Hoyland, Sprenz also Is sought in the $12, / . gems consisted of holding a trial In down after a long winter and list­ ______,000 holdup of the Union ft New If He Were Intelligent ing tho things we’d like to do when claim to be the biggest dlty In the But some Delhi newspapers Indian Peasant Mystic a sports palace before thousands the daylight hours grow longer and world—with city limits more than quoted Pakistan Foreign Secretary Selected by Haven Trust Co. branch at Ham- If we could concede that Khrush­ of spectators who constituted w« slip Into our short sleeve soorts 1,000 miles from downtown. M. S. A. Bal^ as saying the agree- Rev. Charles Reynolds dea, -Conn., last month. PRAn FLANNEL & SHEEN chev Is very Intelligent and realis­ themselves an unofficial but very shirts and suntans. The official city boundary covers LOOK WHAT YOU CAN an expanse of 540,000 square tic, we could entertain a theory vocal jury. When that. In turn, Some thoughts I had at random SIGN CQ. were: Lying down on the cool miles most of which Is Pacific about his German policy which. Is produced criticism that It had pro­ ground in my yard and staring at Oceaii. almost directly at variance with vided more spectacle than Justice, the bright, blue sky; feeling the Technically, the boundary ex­ Fitting children's shoes is a speflialty a t Leonard's: For Signs tha WesTs routine concept of that the same trial was held over again. weight of my fly rod pressing tends to Midway Island, 1,149 GABARDINE MEN’S In quieter setting. But however the against the heel of my palm as 1 mile.s to the west, and to Palmyra Yes, Mothers and Dads.. ,.we do know how. policy. Island, 960 miles southwest. BUY FOR ONLY... nick a lure onto the surface of The chances may be that he is trial was held, the verdict was «ot that Intelligent, and that, even guilty. "Complete Line And that seems to be the Im­ Of Corrective If he ta. we are not going to be Shoes” Intelligent enough. In our turn, to portant thing. Fornow the system SLACKS understand hts situation. But, for of trials which Castro has defended Poll n !Parrot Your Doctor’s Prescription has come up with a verdict of not SHOEb FOf» |bO.S An purposes of Interesting speculation, FUled With Care let us take a look at what he could guilty, in the case of some 45 mem STEREO have in that mind of his, If it were hers of the Cuban air force, and > very Intelligent. . Ca.stro, the defender of the trials, I f Khrushchev Is very Intelligent, has now become their outraged SALE he knows and recognises some critic. o S H O E S 'li, The airmen In question are all things for certain. He knows that 881 MAIN STr " German reunification Is an- historic guilty, Castro proclaims, and mutt $1.00 OFF Inevitability. He knowa .also, that be tried again so-that they can be MANCHESTER O N A L L “ Fitting Is Russia is sitting on a potential found guilty. Our Business’* FABULOUS SUITS OF revolution so long as it remains in He himself honors and defends $3.48 OR M OM SHREO LP.'s IMPORTED ITAUAN TWCCD Bast Germany. He knowis, also, If his own courts. In other words, he is Intelligent and realistic, that, only when they produce the guilty Just arrived, nefW/;^udio Fidelity Classics with ascot scarf a! with the prestige of Communism verdict. and Stereo Tcs^''Record. *1 Imagine paying so little for Spring suits continually slipping In East Ger­ In this, we repeat a previous / of (rayon, many, where It Is established. It opinion, that Castro Is so naive In RAY BELLI r s imported Italian tweed has no chance of taking over In a the execution of the power which MUSIC SHOP reprocessed wool and nylon) in bladt- unified Germany, Where It would Is’ his that he himself does not and-white or multi-colors-Misses’ sizes. not be backed or enforced by Rus­ quite realize what he Is doing. And Hi'Fi Records sian arms. there are times, as the world's Bond Instruments If Khrushchev knowa these previous history of revolutionary 1018 UAkN ST. Ml- 9-2038^ things, his problem Is to get rid movements has taught, when the BLACK-N-WHITE TWEED of East Germany before It blows Idealist who dares not know how to OF MANCHESTER SPRING COSTUME COATS COMPLCIC AUnum ON* up on him or becomes a stinking touch reality can prove bloodier failure for Communism. Stated than the worst professional tyrant. with white overcoUars! even more bluntly, his problem is 935 MAIN STREET Fashion’s smartest color combination ...) how to sell the East German Com- A Monument For Franco STORE HOURS: 9 to 5:30: Trust Robert Hall to tuingymi mimist regime down the river, so THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS Colonial masterpieces bladc-and-white tweeds of cotton-rayon, The tributes dictators have tried like Uiese. . . In famous Burlington M ife fribiifu - It won’t drag Russia into Its own TO 9; CLOSED MONDAYS with white linen-look overcoUarsl failure. to pay to themselves have, In the PHONE MI. 3-5171 r I - - Rayon taffeta lined. Misses’ sizes. atasizzlingtuiD|jaIrjfor$7/TakBjwrdMlBfl§MMt'' But how does,. Khrushchev go course of history, produced both liv i n g about such a thing? barbarisms and wonders. One way for today's superbflannels,oraiheengdbaBflj>Bi*.JoRoo ^ One thing obvious to him is that or another, they have sought to he tvashiA le rayon-ocsAatesI Top fufliwM iidodRi remembered forever, to compel all he himself cannot go to a Big LUXURIOUS TOPPERS OF .cdlor-siatdiing inner waiitliasfids aodpodBlfl, Four summit meeting, and say to posterity to remember that they, his Western peers, "Ver>- well, I existed and ruled.. Some of them, IMPORTED ITAUAN CHECKS hook-eye dnsmes! Newest $pdng Shades. give you East Germany. I sink the like the builders of pyramids, have Worn Out ? Misses! Women^a! Communist regime we have estab­ been rather successful. / .. lished there." Dictator Franco of Spain has, for blehead Cherry Wool-nylon checks—Iffllion fabrics some 20 years, been building hla Why not let us give you an estimate on new linoleum If he himself made such a direct exclusive with Robert Halil Tuxedo styles, own monument. It Is. a giant with santitary cove base to beautify your kitchen and abandonment of a Communist rayon taffeta lined. Gray, blue, tan, llfneen— regime, and of a forward position burial place, called the "Valley of simplify i ainteiiance. We specialize in complete remodel­ of Russian domination and influ­ the Fallen.’.' Now it has been com­ ing of bathrooms. by WILLETT heather. Misses’ sizes, women’s half-sizesl ence, that would be a direct con­ pleted, and his orders are that, be­ f u i1 y - i fession of weakness on his part and ginning March 17, the some 1,000,- Tbnnica tops replacements complete with sinks and When investing fn good furniture it pays to a direct Inritatlon to every other 000 dead of the Spanish civil war all plumbing. choose a style that has stood the test of time. ExtMsJon Dining Table $129 shall be taken out Of their present Russian satellite to demand a Rus­ Generation after generation of Americans GABARDINE graves and transferred to this new Ceramic tile baths. Server-Console $99.50 ' sian withdrawal too. have returned to their love of Colonial styling Welsh Cupboard (to oi;der) $324 iMJASTtC tow Suppose,' however, he goes location. These are .to pa the, dead MEN’S BLDIISE through the elaborate pretense of of both sides, of the victorious rev­ for its warmth, simplicity and livability. Arm Chdirs (to order) $59.50 setting up East Germany as an In­ olution, and of the government It PERSONALIZED FLOORS dependent, sovereign political en­ replaced. They are to be placed Willett designers, in keeping" with today's trend Whot a ridiculous low price JACKETS tity able to negotiete for Itself, together, under the shadow and 390 MAIN ST. TEL. Ml 9-9258 CAPW . t . ble.sslng" of a giant granite Cross, to Colonial, turned to America's choices origi­ V- and then sends this East Germany nals in creating the Marblehead Group. Then fm LADIES NEW fo r g ir l s 3-lA Into conference \rith West Ger­ In B “reconciliation" they never found in the strife-tom Spain of they carefully rescaled these beautiful solid many on the subject of German llurra . . atlW s P**** . reunification. What Is decided In their lifetime.*- When they an cherry pieces to fit today's needs. r:‘V J such negotiation is then the act massed Jogether'there, In this sym SPRING SLACKS I-It and responsibility not 6f Russia holism of reconciliation, thqy will ledical Mirror There are Marblehead pieces for every room in but of this East German regime. form the setting for the last rest­ ing place df Franco himself,' who WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: your home . . in a deep brown oiled finish ef­ I Khrushchev cannot help it if this fect that's absolutely dlistinctive! East German regime goes and gets would thus also become a symbol Itself engulfed in a reunified Ger- of reconciliation, the creator of • Wovon • Royon- Full-bodied; rayon.and lustrous Spanish unity instead of the ruth­ e Sunglass Habtluates meuiy. He did not abandon It. cetten cotton sheen gabardines that are water-' Rather, it abandoned him, and he less divider. < I if ■ e Mental Breakdowns Nrw ctttton bw *K*»*' can even point to its fate as proof This somewhat touching dream. ploldsl twilltl repellent, spot, stain and creasfe- If carried through, may well be­ of its folly in leaving mother Rus- resistantl New self-collar blouse aia. In short, he has, got- rid of the come, for the distant future, the Q. Doc* lAe wearing o f dark kind of myth up an armful at this off-beat price.. .' to hold Influence. vriiich side the dead fought on. Tbe si eomciemiously as th^ shave, brush their hair, or apply , make­ for now dirough summerl Woven combed The reason resists common reaction is one of distaste forces thgt cause nervous trouble and some horror for Franco's up. Perhaps some people want tol any more than we can completely this effort to pirt East see without being seen. It js their shield ourselves from tuberculosis cotton plaids in bright colors! Fine combed Garinany Is a Bayfrtignty in itself, process of asaembUng the bones of privilege of coiiise, and wearing germs and whatevW it is that cotton and rayon twilb in wanted shades! Trim and why the Waat'-resists his prop- a million dead to provide the aeti dark glasses woufd have no more causes high blood pressure. Re- medical justification than many visjts to the psychiatrist are sim­ iMltion that Gepaan reunification ting for his own grave, knd the tapered legs, bi-rise waists, button-trim gfestu're which he proclaims .to be other things we do by compulsion ply a matter of taking precau­ can only be discvsMd by West and or habit. . tions. The doctor needs to keep podtets, beltfl Misses’ 10 to 18. designed to heal the wounds of the AMERICA'8 * LARQE8T FAMILY CLOTHINO CHAIN<* | E ast Germany and nobody else, is in touch. Has the' patient's think­ a ' that the West. il^not visualize 'civU war seems. Instead, to be .re­ ing, feeling, or behavjor undei- opening these wounds, not In bittjer- (?• "■d member of my_ fam ily got)o a change? If he is not hold­ Xhrushebev bei^ t^ t Intelligent teas ireatetF; for a tsersans ing his own the doctor can take —Intelligent etlrt^ to know that hess toward each cither, but ^eaki^tt iy. « psftehUtrlst. ■ off a recurrence of ;lli# oor cewenlfliit Joytowoy jshm. . . no e*fSO dNSTB?/ ha has to get rid of Fast Germany, ward the Idea that the sacrifice Bvery^hmg seems fiao nom omt the trouble. th e doctor suggests further vis­ and clever mough, to figure out and pain and agony involved 1 be turned to the gloty of an bi^i- its for checkups. It this neeet- Answers do not nsftssatUy reflect that the only way ha can do that saryT”-—A soother. the opinion o f all doctors. The diag­ V Is to send BastyGemany out into vidual’ who has never practiced A. Let's try ta answer this quesn nosis and treatment ,of disease is the cold world/alone and on its reconciliation this side of' die grave. tion by asking one. Would it be the function o f the patient's per­ wise for a person who hits bden sonal physician. Questions directed own, ' treated for ttibefculosis or high to Science 'Editors, P.O. Box 396, : - ' f Tp the contrary, adiat the West ' ^ober Note blood' pressure to disregard the Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y, 10, N. Y. eal'nilatca is st^ething that not doctor’s advice and not gol back will be Incorporated in ' these col­ ' ■» '-'ft, for checkups? We can't hideifrom •> oaly despises Klbnubcbev's Intelli- Richmond, ya. (A7--Vlrglnla Uq- umns when possible. ■ s . 38 0 CAFif OL AVIv uor sales are declining a|>d at I w t gaacc, but also challenges the PNRT.BAT THB ONTHd a p art o f the alamp pr believed PubUshed As A PnUfe Service By I ■ ■'.i ■■ W est's own intellilfisnae. In all our due to a change la the drinking lERLIN TURNflKI aMdal te^Mnse Khrushchev, habits of sailors. Itie most signifi­ Pirn Pharmacy Pina Lanai Pharmacy . '.-V MAST HARTBORO UNE ; IHIW W iVa IN, 2 6 5 PARK St^ wa cakulata that ,fk>urtahipg cant decUne has been in the Hamp­ ton Roads area, hwadquarto» oi, •M OWtar 8L -M I fl-0n« 8M Ih OcMler S tp - ija fl-anfl the Ngvjr's AUutle fleet | L dsHMils . ■'v.r vA’ V ’ *; 'S' ' 5 Church to See \ Congress CMefs Slides of Maine Th* Soeond Oongr*g*.Uonal Ike’s^Stand on Berlin Church will hold th* second in a a«rl«s’ of three meetings Sunday (Coattsnefi traui Pag* Om ) evenings ,at 7:30. (Coatiaoed front Bag's Om ) . The meeting will Start with a by providing a source of choap brief service of worshto In th« was made hy the British and UJl. Regtenal IHatrict 8 offteials last labor." i ' church sanctuar'/, and will be fol­ governmOnts toetor* Elseuhowar'a- night offered to help Coventry In Hospital Notes The report aaid about 80 per lowed by the showing of colored conferencs with the congnsslonal slides of the .coastline and liny leaders. -Its school dilemma. cent of the workers earned 65 Mrs. Anthony' Vanuiianiikas Accompanying .Johnson to thq H. Clay Osborne, Regional 8 comnuinitlffi by Dr. Mar- PaflenU Today! tU ' cents hourly and that some were ion J. BradahavV o( Bangor Theo­ South WlrdsOr — Mm - Anna conference fpora the Capitol were Board of Education, Chairman, told ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Jo­ paid SB little as 61 cents. It offer­ Yamisatikai (Jartson) of New­ House Speaker Bam Rayburn of logical Seminary. Texas: Senate Republican lehder a Oo'vin.tty delegation the Regional seph WilUama, 18 Pearl St.;' Wal­ ed what It called these other find­ The wonshlp service in the sanc­ berry Rd., wife of Anthony J. district could take 200 studenU la Yanusauskas, died yesterday In a Everett M. Dirksen of llllfiolSi and lace Shearer, Cider Mill Rd., Bol­ ings: V tuary will be conducted by Mu Rep. Charles E. Halleck of ton; Mrs.'E)dlth Slocomb, J9 Wel­ Sigma Chi, the senior high youth, convalescent home In Vernon. She September ^md an additional 100 1. More than 80 per cent worked waa l)orn in Lithuania and had Indians, the House GOP leader. the following year. lington Rd.: George Churchill, 11 or more hours daily. More than group, under the direction of Mrs. The Congresslona)-.,leader* said WlndsorK Ro'iiert Phillips, Car­ Stanley Matteson, group advisor. lived In Hartford 50 years. /' Any decision bn Coventry send­ 30 per cent worked 13 hours a day, She was a member of the Holy Elsenhower had not ^proposed that ing students to RFtAM High School penter Rd.; Bolton; Sharon Mur­ six and, a half days a week. The opening poem will be'glyen by Congress take any specific action phy, Glastonbury; Donald Gates, Sandra Stlmson, the scripture Trinity St. Mary's Roeary Society. would hinge fin Whether that 2. Mbre than two thirds re­ Beeides her husband, she leaves regarding the B'erlln situkUon. ■- t town’s school board would wish to 994 Parker S t; Mrs. "Vivian Weir, ceived no pay when bad weather reading by Mary Jane McCurry After the meeUng with KJaen- 210 Spruce S t; Misa Louise Llff- special. Lrove man, 127 E. Middle Tpke.; George five per cent received full pay re­ Williams, the evening prayer by office of White House press secre­ McKeever," 214 Oakland St.; Mrs,, Constance Brand and the benedic­ .luknis of Wapplng; and four such a step. It would not be a per­ gardless Of weather. grandchildren. tary James C. Hagerty, Each of manent arrangement, the Coventry: Florence Hoher, Vernon; Mrs. 3. Only 16 per cent of the farms tion by Judith Rylander. The en­ the leaders then made a brief Mildred Morris, Brookfield Rd., tire group will present an anthem. Funeral services will be held delegates were told. provided satisfactory housing. Llv-. Monday at 9;I5 am. at the Ahern statement to newsmen. . ( These remarks were made at a ^ K o n ; Robert Schwarz,' Cem- ing quarters for the rest "meant The light heareia will be Raymond Rayburn called the conference Gauthier and Richard F'yler. Funeral Horae, 1406 Main St., meeting 'held at RHAM High etAo’ Rd', Vernon; Kathleen and crowned, inadequate housing with East Hartfo d, with a .solemn very informative. School. Representing Regional Dis­ Kerry .Carroll, 57 Morse Rd,; Mrs.. unacceptable toilet facilities. Following the service of wor­ "The Upshot,” he added, ” la that Eileen -Evoy, Wlndsorvllle Rd„ ship the group will adjourn to requiem In Holy Trinity trict 8 at the meeting were School Housing has Improved, the report Church. Hartford, at 10. Burial we are united. We h#ve no (politi­ Board chairman H. Clay Osborne, Rockville^ Mrs. Virginia Powell, said, but legislation Is needed to Fellowship hall v/here 'Or. Brad­ cal) parties in this'thing.” 279 Parker a t ; Robert Nicola, 166 shaw will show his pictures. Dr. will be' in St. Mary's Cemetery, John |4. Yeomans of Andover, for­ raise wage and working condl East Hartfoi-d. Friends may call Rayburn went on to gay that all mer board chairman and now a L3*nes8 St. tions. Bradshaw is often sicken of as the leaders agreeT'Wlth Eisenhow­ member, Superintendent Andrew •an artist with a camera.” He is at the funeral home tomorrow and BIRTHS 'YESTERDAY: A son The report said the average Sunday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. er that "must bo itoFSnd remain j . Manges, and Principal Carlton to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holmej, worker was left with only about the author of a number of hooks firm.” ^ _y Aii^rea Pratt Bob Seelert Ken Sheptoff Paul Newth Unda Painter j $27 a week with which to support and collections of poetry. On* of A reporter asked whether the Doris MIchelltsch Carole Moses Seybolt. , East Hampton: . son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Vennard Nanejr M tifaU Attending from Coventry were Mra. Harry Hawkins, Hazardville; his family, after deductions were his boons, "Third Glass World,’ Speaker was talking about firm­ School Board Chairman Mrs. Alma made for plane fare, food and loss tells of his experience traveling all Mrs. Margaret Vennard, wife of ness with respect to Russia of the a aoh to Mr. and Mrs, Edward 'Thomas W. Vennard, 2'1 EIro St., C. Heckler, school board mem­ Jordan, Storrs. t of work due to bad weather. the way around the world )islng U.S. Allies. Two Swim in NEISC bers' Mrs, Burton Hansen and Donchian’s report, recommend­ only third class passenger ac­ died at the Mercy Hospital In "Firm • all around;” Rayburn DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: commodations. Another book, "The Springfield, Mass,, early this morn­ shot back.■ Qyde Richard Rifle Team Wins GCIL, jNhie Students Win Writing Keys Frederick Mohr, Superintendent of Howard Farrands Jr., Storrs; ed, among other things, a minimum Bill Stuek and Charlie Tot 4e, Schools Royal O. F'iSher and Mrs. hourly wage and an overtime pro­ Maine Land,” has been hailed as ing after a short illness. He said Eisenhower has made Mary-Jo Nichols, South Rd., Bol­ A resident of Manchester for clear many times Just whaA he both Juniors,-were the only In­ Robert Cleverdon. of the Coventry ton; Michael Gullbault, 76 Birch vision; maximum and minimum an outstanding series of black and Top Winner in dians to qualify for the finals of Twenty-six MHS students and School Housing and Planning Com­ white photographs of the State of many years, she was a member of rqeans in saying the United States on# Barnard Student wort recogni­ St.; Linda Moore, 47 Maple St.; hobr limits for the work day and the South .Methodist Church and Retire Second Trophy the New England Interecholaa- ' Senior I*laccs 2nd mittee. , ^ , Georgette Roginka, 21 Wirfdemere work week; enforcement of work­ 'Maine. will stand firm. The President has tic awimniing -Ctiamplonshlp Winter ^Quill’ tion in the 1959 Scholastic Writing of Temple Chapter, Order of East­ said the Allies are willing to ne­ Awards of Connecticut sponsored They met with the regional S t; Mrs. Geraldine Regini, Wap- men's compensation laws to cover Science Fair held Feb. 28, In the Bnindagc school officials in an attempt to migratorysand other agricultural ern Star. gotiate,- tut on the, other hand brek and Gai-y Kosak who. both Dick 01ni.s*ed, MHS senior, for the state by-...the Hartford ping; Raymond Jdason, Sunset Dr., Besides her husband, she leaves ’The Indian rilflcmen turned in Memorial Pool at the Univer­ won second place In the District determine what help the regional Vernon; Mrs. Annie Spaulding, workers; regulation of activities won't budge a single inch in de­ fired a 174. sity of Connecticut. Huge Success Courant. There were 3,700 entries About Town a daughter, Mrs. Roger Cheney ot termination to preserve the rlgtota Clyde Richard. 'Sg., won first their best report Monday as they American Legion Oratorical In the contest, and the articles of district can give to allevla^te Vernon Trailer Court; Mrs. Helen in the state bys^frlvate out-of-state On Wednesday, February 18, In the finals Stuek placed sec­ Springfield, with whom she waa of the West. captured three out of five places In Contest, Feb, 26 at the Hartford those students winning recogni­ rapidly approaching dllimma. Rannacker, 71 Oliver Rd.; Miss contractors and 'agencies, 'especial­ visiting at the time of her death; phM In the senior d{vlslon of the Captain Jim Tierney and Johnny ond in the 50-yard freestyle County Courthouse. Helen Mlkulskl, East Hartford; ly non-licensed o n ^ and contlnuecT Col. Emil Nelson, who is prin­ The CongressiotMl leaders made the CCIL Individual match and Matchett led the team to a win With Students tion-will go onto the national con­ Facing Double Sessions three brothers, Thomas of Toronto, it plain Elsenho- /eh has ndt asked i ^ t h Annual Manchester Science event and third In the 100-yard Olm.sted had advanced to the test sponsored by Scholastic The town faces double sessions Mrs. ZiUah Apel. 236 Hilliard S t; (^enforcement of unifqrm ho\islng cipal of Ihe Salvation Officers posted a decKslve team win over with impressive 181’s over Wllbra- freestyle event. Canada, Wilkon of Buffalo, N. Y., for any resolution by* G °n grw to Fair with a proje^ titled "Heatlnjr district contest by winning the Magazine. In Its elementary schools,- prob­ Gail Lutz, 7 Hale Rd. Ext., Rock­ and sanitation codes f ^ those em­ Training School, New York City, and William Vennard of I-ondon, Bristol and Windham High Kchool.s ham High. Manchester's team score Towlo placed fourth in the The winter Issue of "Quill,” lit­ The following students in ville; Robert Scarchuk, 30 'Worces­ ploying "Itve-ln” workersX will speak at the Holiness service support his German ptfilcy, com­ of the Future.” 7 t)\ « fair was open with an amazing team effort of local and area competitions. He ably by next September, and will George Dobin, proprietor of th* Firestone Store on Main St., England: a sister, Mrs. Lavinln Mc­ was 889 to Wilbrahams 843. On 150-yard individual medley erary magazine of MHS, was dis­ had won the contest last year as the Senior ■ Division, sqphomore ter Rd., Vernon; Dorothy Hoff­ The organization, financed by Sunday at 10:45 at the Citadel. A parable to the h'iddle East toso- to the puhUc Feb. 26-27 In the 912. This gave the Indians a sdb- team competition level senior. Jack In two years be faced with find­ waves an arm Ahrptlgh space which was recently occupied by Clelland of Derry Add. Ireland: lutlon two years ago. event. tributed in the homerooms, Thurs­ a Junior and this year he lost by through senior years, won keys: ing a place to send its high school man, 181 Avery St.; William Flem­ solicitations from the public. Bays heavy plate glhss.- Window "Just blew In ’ suddenly shortly after male quartet will sing and the band and two grandchildren. high school cafeteria. stantial win. over Bristol’s 883 and Toomey fired the mbst amazing only two points in his second at­ Doris MIchelltsch, ’59, for news ing. 237 Hilliard St.; Arthur will play. Col. Nelson will speak Rayburn said there was no^ ^^^ Windham’s 842. The Nassiff Arms day, Feb. 19, by the "QuiU” repre­ students when Windham stops ac­ its aim la to, promote better un­ noon. ( Herpl^l'hoto by Oflara i The funeral will be held at 11 Robert J ^ a ltis, also a senior, score of 189 to capture the team tempt to win the gold c-tp which story in the Journalism Division: Young, 122 WOodside St.; Mrs. derstanding between people re­ again at the 3 p.m. service. quesT- and no discussion of sum Trophy was put into retirement ns championship title. cepting Coventry pupils. o’clock Monday morning at the a step and that he sees no pros­ took second prise with a project sentatives. Its red and gold jacket, he won year for the school. Carole Moses, '60, feature story in The Coventry delegation repeat' Mary Kennedy and daughter, gardless of race, creed or cqlor. Watkins-West Funeral Home, 142 called "Solar Ehiergy.” Paul Gelss- the team victory has earned the This Saturday the entire team Two ^Celtics’ desitpied by Janic'd McKinney, was Dick got J15 in cash for second the Journalism Division; Paul Hartford; Mrs. Joan Sikes and 1935, when another firm supplied Boys IT'in Out pect that It wil. be considered in final leg of three needed for per­ «d questions asked In a recent let­ very small quantities Of such E. Center St„ with the Rev. Law­ the house. ler, '60, won ththl prize. His ex­ will travel to New Havert for the a fitting index to the delightful place. Newth, ’60, an informal . essay; daughter, Lynnwood Dr., Vernon; rence Almond, minister of the manent possession. This will be the ter to the Regional board.. Mrs. Rose Ann Morrison and Wii^dSmaslies paper, Crane Sc Co. of Dalton has Medina, Ohio (/P)-With people Dirksen added he does not look hibit was named "Hydroponics," State Championships. The first rea^ng that awaited 4he readers Bob Seelert '60 Linda Palmer, '59, an expository They were; Can Regional Dis­ South Methodist Church, officiat­ second euch trophy to decorate the Top Season’s article; Bob Seelert, '60. sports Nicholas DeCesare daughter, Coventry. WCTU Will Host produced the nation’s entire out­ who Judge high school piebaking for discussion of any such resolu­ ^phomores George Ordway and Manchester High display cases in team has not yet been posted, but within. trict 8 accept 486 high school stu­ conte.sts here, it's boys-two to one. ing. Burial will be in East Ceme- Peter Klock won the team prize it will be seeking the title which It story in the Journalism Division; DISCHARGED TODAY: Can­ put of currency paper. It waa tion in the Senate. seven years of competition. ”I traveled the Highest Moun­ dents from Coventry In l661? If StVtll be asked speclalizea In shoplifting detec­ Shadows,” Mrs. Bauer will give a would not gx) direct to the TPC She was born In Manchester, ter in the conference. , team called the Knicks to win' 44 The winter season seems . to tion by food store patrons. summary of the proceedings. with “high -winds'' and occasional presented. \ prisss were gpven at the annual a Joking contrast of the crazes for bring about numerous resolutions inations of the College Board for problem. Through this new sys­ to take action. / These dealt with such things as office. Feb. 17. The following attended from the "awards assembly” held in the to 38. In the playoffs the team go­ smaller and bigger cars; Carole college credit may get the Appli­ Since the freem en attending squalls.” Passersby noted that the White House staff: ing by the magical name of Cel­ to improve. To aid this tendency, tem, about three times as many wind velocity indicator hovered in zoning applications, Insertion of During this conversation Martin Besides her parents she leaves high school auditorium Feb. 27. Moses’ "A Date for Pinky,” an ex­ cation forrrts in the Guidance the school would number less than dryly pointed out that. a great her paternal grandparents. Mr. Bryce Harlbw, head of liaison tics won over the Hawks by the the students of Miss MSry L. students'can receive extra help. the 50-mile-an-hoUr bracket earlier clauses in the bullding^code, pros­ Dr. Alexander Zerban, Dean of change student’s experience with B.urke's English classes have re­ Office. Applications irtu-st be in Tom Newman ’60 100, it waa suggested that the re- pects for developing the town, ex­ many calls of this nature received and Mrs. Gilher Wlttmann of Rt. with Congress: Brig. Gen. An­ the School of Engineering at the score of 35-26. The low'-scoring American diplomacy in Argentina; Princeton by April 6. Seniors who ional schelol accept some 7th and Rockville-V ernon today. , at the Municipal Building were drew J. Goodpaster, an Elsenhow­ game's high scorers were Steve cently completed a paper entitled Police reported no accidents as tension of utilities to outlying 44A; her maternal grandparents. University of Hartford, was the Rodney Clavette's “Guidance," a look the College Board examina­ fth grades and put them through not really c^mplalnta but were Mr. and J'rr. Charles W. Long er aide on national security mat­ Cavagnaro and Bill Griffin of the "Self-inventory in the Middle of a result of the storm but said they areas, industrial foundations and main speaker. Dr. Zerban stated picture of the disgust of self-wor­ My Sophomore Year." tions in Januhry may get the the .program, including high "requests for service.” of Manchester; and her paternal ters; and Army Major, John Elsen­ Celts with nine and seven points, Belgium Subject schpdi. It was also pointed out had received reports of tree limbs "service requests” or complaints. t ^ t the participation in the Sci­ ship',• and Diane Mather’s and Leslie Hochberg '60 results in the Guidance Office. Proposed budgets discussed were Martin also suggested that some great-grandmother, Mrs. Marion hower, the President’s aon and as­ respectively, and t"he Hawks’ cap­ Claire Saporlto's respective "Bert tbht children attending Windham blowin|: into the streets andjiigh- ence Fair gave him increased No Opposition Voiced $32,113 for the Town Parking sort of revision could be made in Barnes of Coventry. sistant to Goodpaster. "faith in \Aiherican youth and tain John Campbell with 9 points. IV” and "The Request.’’ Of Assembly Talk ^ ig h could be switched to Region­ ways. . the building code to protect resi­ Private funeral services will be According to reports .which The winning squad Bob Cal­ Carole Fische's "Dusk” Is a al District 8. The freshmen class Although wster flowed freely Authority and Parking Meter Ac­ have reached officials hei'e since the American system." in town streets, there were no ab­ count, $16,251 for the Town Plan­ dents wishing to build homes In held at the ISaat Cemetery, Man­ Other speakers were senior Sam j ler. Griffin, Cavagnaro, Jim poem about the calmness of the Mr. Michael Guadano, former now at Windham will be Juniors In the older or already developed sec­ chester at the convenience of the Macmillan’s talks with'' Khrush­ spirit at evening. Ronald Pren­ 1961-62 and would then attend normal flooding conditions report­ ning Comrnission, and $12,601 for Foster, president of the Science | O’Brien, Dick Provos'., Ron Flynn, exchange teacher to Belgium, en- To Consolidation Bill tions of town. family. The Potter Funeral Home, chev, Macmillan will urge Eisn- Jim Cole, Jim McCauley, and tice’s "The from Brock" is a their'.senior year at Regional EHs- ed. the Development Commission. hower to reduce his conditions for Club: Dick Olmsted, senior c o -' Lcrtalned the students at a recent Bolton St. residents, however, Most for, Salaries At the present time there are 4.56 Jackson St., 'Wtllimai.tic, Is in chairman of. the Science Fair.; George Turklhgton. limerick which pokes fnn at new assembly as he showed some slides trlct 8, a summit meeting with the Soviet fashions. Peter Klock’s "Televi­ Transport Cost High There wfis no opposition pr6-fthe committee a copy of a $10,000 noted that the "usual amount” of Of the $32,113, it is proposed to regulations governing grading in charge of arrangements. Wck Baxter, Junior co-chairman, The won-lost records of the var­ and spoke on some of the IntereM-'" BuI>diviisons, but none in other premier. sion'’ states that while TV can be sented today at tlis State Capitol- ■ • professional * • • report " “’’to to ShowAhow h*—how water swirled In the street. In back allocate $14,953 to the Parking The British leader is apparently of the Science Fair; and Ijeohard I ious team.s during regular league ing aspects of Belgium life. Th'e One of the-reasons Coventry did m is s in g g ir l f o u n d an enjoyable pastime it can also on the legislative bill which would complicated our governmeiTMsrnmeiTMs and yards and on several garage floors. Meter Account and $17,160 to the area#, he said, and as a result a convinced that at present Khrush­ ^ Toet, chairman of the .Y o u t h i competition are as follows: Fresh­ antiquity and the archltecUire o f not consider sending students to why something has to be\donebe''^ d Parking Authority. Most of the house may be built }n such a way Bridgeport, March 6 (A*) —. A man-sophomore division: Royals, be M awful bother. Cynthia Ny- Regional 8 next year was because provide a consolidation and charter The 'Water Department said one chev is determined to push his de­ ” Committee of the local Plotary lin'.-r"Waiting’’ and Carole Fische's the buildings shovVed a g r ^ t con­ commission for Rockville and Ver­ about It.” half inch of rain had fallen up to $14,953 would go toward paying that-it is ubject to flooding. 10-year-old girl reported miss­ Club. c 11-1; Celtics, 10-3; Hawks, 7-6; trast to those in the United States. of the resultant Increase in trans­ the salaries of parking meter of­ Martin suggested that a regula­ ing when she failed to return mands for withdrawal of the west­ "Emptines.';" both tell of lost love, non. John Grant,' vice president' of 8 o’clock this morning. No further ern powees from Berlin, and for a * Sam Foster served as master of Nats. 3-9; Lakers. 0-12. Junior- The Belgium homes were con­ portation costs, Mohr said. He the CCBG, called the bill the first ficers and the rest for maintenance. tion should be drawn up which home after .school ..yesterday, senior divi.slon: Warriors, 15-1; but the former expresses a confi­ heads the Coventry School Board’s Mayor Herman G. Olson opposed readings had been taken, however. German peace treaty, to a very cerdmonies. Richard O 1 rn s t e d dent attitude that it will return structed in an upward design which major step up a long road to final Of the amount asked for by the would require homes in these sec­ iva-s found at lO-AH'a.m. today praised as "indispensable" senior Jeanne Halvorsen Richard Avery Hawks, 6-7; Celtics, 6-9; Knicks, -transportation subcommittee. only the manner In which the com­ TPA, $12,000 would be used for dangerous extreme. while the latter tells of the inviil- made the homes look quite thin. mission members would be named. dissolution of "an adequate gov­ At Waterbury.' public schools tions be built above the road grade walking near her home. I^ula Pan Dormer, chairman of the 2- 12. The Regional Board pointed but clearing and irhpro\1ng any,prop­ Hagerty denied' the conference nerabillty and hardness she has ac­ The harbor of^Antwerp held in­ He- said he favored the bill in gen­ ernment" He said previous were closed at noon because of the to prevent .such flooding. Ann Lucas, daughter of Mri'and Judges and Awards Committee; A bright smile and the ability As spring training begins in the Jim Whitehlll '60 terest wltli its numerous cargo ttat It cannot give an estimate of steps- haVe been broken down by erties which the group nalght ac­ 'When a house is being built It Mr*. Anthony Lucas,, of 247 with congressional leaders was dic­ quired. ■ what it would cost Coventry in eral InHhat '"It gives us a chance rainstorm. The Naugatuck River tated by any sudden emergency. Junior Bert Feingold, chairman of to enjoy life are characteristics Major Leagues, simultaneously, the ‘'Sonnet to the Wind.” byCvnthia ships and long docks.. A sight un­ "self centered Interests.” had risen two and a half feet by quire for parking lot purposes. is an easy matter to see that the Sixth St., had l>een the object Of MHS "nine," captained -by Rich­ tuition in 1901. to have a referendum. We were to Atty. Herbert Phelon, TPA Asked whether anything had de­ the Registration Committee: sen­ of this week's feminine Legion of Treggor, expresses a desire for common to the students was the Seymour E. Lavitt pointed out noon but was well within Its foundation is high enough to pre­ a city-wide pellce search shortly ior Stan Auerbach, : chairman of ard Avery, will prepare for the "We obviously cannot predict otir ha*^ one In January, but the Citi­ chairman, told Martin it Is antici­ after 5:45 o’clock last night veloped In the preceding 24 hours freedom from the obligation to con­ out-of-door ahlps. zens Committee for Better Gov­ that the bills’ intent is not to con­ banks. vent this from occurring, he said. the Physical Arrangements Com­ Honor personality, perky Miss 1959 baseball , season.' Dick, the Indians Lose tuition figures in 1961, since 'the solidate, but to setup -a commis­ pated such property will ibe bought when she' was rei>orted missing to require such a meeting, he re­ form to social patterns. “ Two T he Belgians • showed some of ernment thought people were not There were scattered power fail­ Doing this ivbuld "save a lot of mittee; senior Steve Nagy, chair­ Jeanne Halyorsen. Whether she Indian’.s star catcher, hopes that Voices.’.’ by Virginia Vabalas tells their talent in their beautiful dis­ coat dependsjDp.the number of chil­ sion to write a combined charter sOon. Actual purchase of the site or people headachel as well as the hy her mother. plied: "No, I wouldn’t say that." dren in the school," he said. An .ready for It." OlsOn said not ures in the Waterbury area. man of the Demonstrations Com­ is participating in the high school '59 will be a successful year for of an inner conflict and a resolu­ play of tulips. The countryside wsls for the decide upon. Moderate to heavy rains and sites would be made ifrom the town,” Marti! added. mittee; and. Junior Richard the Indian squad as was last year To Torrington tion to peace. "Futility,'’ by Pris­ increase In the number of teachers enough had been told to the peo­ He said it was necessary to pre­ Parking Meter Fund with the ap­ intramural sports games,, typing also a beaaitiful sight to the eye, would also Influence the cost. Os­ ple about consolidation and he add­ strong winds ' b.uReled several Martin mentioned Vernon St. Stephens, chairman of the P»ubUc- When they captured the CCIL title. cilla Tennant tells of a, colony of with the, green flat land in the sent a charter to the people before parts of the. State. ' proval of the Board of Directors. several 'times during the discus­ Ity 'and P»romotipn Committee. for the Nigh' School World or Jijst Dick- also played on last year’s anta which has built its city only borne pointed out that thla item Is ed that separation Is, an Impost asking Ufem 'to decide on consoli­ There is now approximately $138,- The Manchester High Swim­ northwest and the rolling moun­ 72 per cent of the school budget sibility. The Mayor said there were School buses were delayed in sion; Dick Baxter publicly thanked all walking tlirough the MHS corri­ state champilonship American Le- ming Squad dropped a close 41-36 to .be crushed by a child's footstep. tains in ' the Mutheasti dation. Asking that the people Winsted,. and some classes started 000 in the fhnd. In conversation about the Zon­ the members of the Science Club, dors, Jeanne had a ready, smile gibn baseball tCatA. ■swimming meet to Torrington, "Youth," by Marcia Werner shows bow. .v,-.r. difficulties in appointing twelve be allowed to name the commis- Another $1,000 in the TPA’s pro- T h e students enjoyed the color- members to a commission from the an hour late, ing Board of Appeals, Alvord the Art Department, the custodial and a frfendly word for every one. ■^hen he Isn’t on the baseball Feb. 20, in Torrington. The win­ the hopeful attitude of the youth. - The Regional board expressed Us elon at a town meeting, La'vltt A few minor traffic accidents poied budget would be used for suggested 4t would be an excellent fiU array of informative and en­ sympathy with Coventry’s plight. floor of a tbwn meeting as pro­ staff, the Rotary Club, Mr. Haroian Her vivacious personality earned field, Dick takes an active part In ners: captured five; of nine events Patricia Platt's "Death of a City: tertaining slides presented at tlie suggested if there were too many were reported In the New Haven appraisal fees. idea if a member of the Building and his Audio-Visual Aids dub, her a position on the cheerlcadlng other MHS activities. He Is the while handing the Indians their 5,000 Years Hence,” says that our It was In much the same situation posed- in the bill. He suggested nominations, names could be put area. Small craft warnings were During the discussion, Phelon assernbly-.-jr-'' a few years ago before the towns Inspector’s Department attended Ji^rs. Kunz and the Business De­ squad but a knee injury prevent­ treasurer of the Varsity “M” Club, second defeat in 11 meets. Importance to ourselves and bur ' Jean Halvorsen '59 that four members ibe named by on the Voting machines and picked lip along Long Island Sound. The told Martin he did not think all all of that group's public hearings, ed her from getting out and cheer­ of Andover, Hebronj and Marl­ of the salary of the parking meter '4 partment, and all those who helped a reporter, for the High Sfchool '■ Bill Stuck lowered the school satisfaction with ouj'sclvcs will add the city council, four by the fire in a referendum. He pointed out winds were gale pr&portlbn off- Martin pointed out that applica­ ^ o ld m ill pond Tillage ;s- '' to Bring about this year’s Science ing with the cheerleaders this record in the 200-yard free-style but a page ov. two to the volume of borough Joined together to buIltfiA' district and four by the town meet­ that the miatidate 'of the cotpmis- officer# should come from the World, and a member of both the school. Msny of their children ■hore. t. _ tions for permits first go to ' the Faltl year; however it did not hinder Boys’ Physical Education Club, and event to 2;04.5. Doug Stevens the future. ing. divided evenly as to residence. aion to write a charter • The U.S. Weather Bureau at Parking Meter account as the col­ Building Department and then, if The Science d u b presented a gift her "pep personality” ; apd she smashed the school record in the The "Quill” staff and its direc Roundtable Group were taken out of other high Olson aliso spoke for Second Se- acceptable to. all the people.'. Windsor Locks forecast continued lectors also acted in a law enforce­ NOW hs a good time to shop Current Affairs Club. schools to finish at Dlstrlfct 8. ■they do mot conform to zoning to its faculty adviser Mr. Anthony could- be found cheering Just as Our senior standout follows the 100-yard oHhodox breast . stroke tor, Miss Marian fiaaey, are being lectmari Franklin Oi Welles In fa­ A tty. Leo B. Flaherty said the rain, sometimes heavy, and wind ment capacity. Part of the salaries regulations, an appeal is generally —and it could be particularly C. AUbrio, Ploom 247. hard in, the bleachers, j College Prep. Course; listing Mod­ event with hie time of 1:13.7. heartily congratulated. Sings on'Video Long Contract Pondered vor of the bill. consolidation move Is a citizen’s this afternoon. The forecast said should thus come under the Police made by the applicant to the ZBA There were over 800 exhibits in Jeanne is very acti\-ie in the Torrington won the' medley Linda Recknagel,,'59, , A possibility that the j-eglon Vernon’s , Represfahtatlve Ray­ movement, and they Should be al­ the fain likely would, end .tonight. Department budget, he said. rewarding for you to browse the : fair. Certificates'will be given ern History as his favorite subject for permission to built. MHS extra-curricular wjorld; she relay, -the 40-yard freestyle' event, Linda Hartwell, '60. might enter In a long-term ar­ mond Splelman, a member of the lowed to pick the commisaiohers. The bureau aaid the weather was Or. Phelon added, perhaps pro Disoussions at the ZBA hearing in our display rooms of Co­ through the public schools to the is a member, of the Student Coun­ He has been accepted at HlUver . The Roundtable singers added rangement v/aa also suggested last visions could be made by the TPA and UConif, alid he is looking, for­ the diving event., the butterfly another feather to their already cities and boroughs committee, He said officials have been unable caused by a strong storm center can be of a "technical nature” Al­ top 60 per cent of the. exhildlprs. cil and the Senior Girls’ Club. event and the backstroke event. night. Yeomans said all of Coven­ hearing the bill, asked Mayor Ol­ to solve the community's .problems, moving through the Great Lakes to secure collector who 'would act lonial l^urniture Reproduc­ Rlchkrd -Stephens ’60. ward to a career Int the field of full caps by appearing on tele­ vord said, and he thought it wise Sportswise she is frequently found Beside.s' •Stuek and Stevens, try’s high school students could be son if the. new city hall was hbt adding that those whose jobs are and northeastward near the St. In that capacity atlone with a sub­ to have someone present from the tions and accessories. Year participating the Intramural sports business administration at either ^asliington Trip vision on the Kathy Godfrey Show, sent to the school if a lO-year con sequent saving to 'his group college. > Charlie Towle and the freestyle an . example o f the duplication 'of at atake should not have the re­ Lawrence Valley. Inspector’s Department and act­ program and in the Girls' Leaders relay team were the only Indians Friday, Feb.'27. The Kathy God­ tract were signed. Such a sf a------— j— — Phelon said he found no fault round Country Prices— and a Outside of school Dick plays bas­ services which will continue until sponsibility of picking a commis­ ing In a “ neutral capacity..” club. She has also earned her- to win flr*,t places. *lMade iJ>v Pat Poe frey show JB seeri on-!Chamicl 18, at would most lUtely ne6d appro' •with the amount now4)eing paid to Debaters Attend ketball in the Intermediate League 3:30 Monday through-Friday. the town is consolidated'. Mayor sion. The fact that the town aqd See Activities Increasing number of, duplicate pieces at ■elf membership In the girls’ swim­ Kurt Elgenbrad, 40-yard free­ of-teglonal residents since It woi Olson admitted that it was. The city combined have 119 elected of­ the parking meter officers, merely In discussing the Town Develop­ ming club, the Aquaettea. Out at the Rec. He previously held a style; Dan. Dormer, backstroke A'ririp to Washington, ,D. C., Mr. G. .Albert Pearson, the Involve adding more classrooms to Warrants Readied with the way It waa budgeted. an extra discount. Debating Festival Job at tWe Highland Park Market. Roundtable originator and con­ nety city hall Is within a block of ficials for ah estimated population ment Commission’s proposed, $12,- of schMl Jeanne also cbntinues and Bruce McClain all won record during vacation was the prize giv­ the schooL of 18,000 Waa brought - out by Frintlng Expenditure* 601 budget with Martin, Clialrmart her "hurried” pacj, as she is Music by Chuck Berry and Jackie ductor, wiur interviewed by Miss Asks Quick Decision ; the town hall. places in the respective events. *' Cites Growing Pains Charles H. Brown, chairman of the By Tax Collector Estimated expenditures fpr the I.>eonard Sender aaid the activities The debating club, advised by active In the Luther Leagpie of the Gleason ■ "really rates'' with' Dick en to Pascal Poe for- winning the' Godfrey, before ' the group, pe'r- However, he seemed optimistic* 1958-59 period for the Planning Splelman told the cbmmittee of Vernon Fire District Zoning Com-i of his group in contacting outside YOU -will like the relaxing at­ Mr. George Doug^rty ahdi. Mr. Lutheran Chur^, where she serves and his favorite dish is chicken' sta^ Voice of Democracy contest. fcq-med, on the music couraei ftt that the cost) of such a plan would Commission are $13,534. Account­ industry are' expected to Increase croquet. i - ' the growing pains being felt toy mission. He noted that this Is one Warrant# « r the ai-rest of de­ David Hartwell, attwidsd the New as b representative to the youth Biology Students t Pascal, alonig with' winners from Manchester High Schoql. toe reasonable Provisions for heat­ official for every 150 people. If (he ing partially for the Increase to during th# next year. The services mosphere' of our village and the England Debating Festival' at IVhether on the ball field -or In a • The Roundtable'Slngers have ap­ ing Bind plumbiitg Lor additional the’ town and city. • "Ohe group linquent tax^yera'are being read­ council. Sundays Jeanne has a (Ahec states, spent four days tour­ thinks when' you have a growth same basis waq followed for New ied by Tax Collector Paul CJervlnl. $16,237 in the proposed budget la ot a part-titne office worker on a many interesting pieces to be . G|k6shire. Academy; on Saturday Sunday school class and siiigs in classroom Dick Avery certainly peared several times on Miss God- ■ apace ar,6 Included In the central the salary to pay a Junior' en­ regular raOibr than an occasional February 20. ‘The two teams, that personifies the many qualities Study, Chinchillas ing the pity, seeing, "Just about all plant, planned for an eventual y ou ' should amputate It ah.d get Yprk' City they would have' 60,000 Cerylnl vflll start Issuing the found these, There's always aome-J the church choir. And. yet with frey’s'progrffm' in the past and, elected,officials, Brown said. Also gineering aid. A nticipate printing basia will be necessary , to handle attended werei Gharl957 Grand List. When some of the members of a''petition in support of the bD|L also spoke for former Repfeaenta'- also contribute /to .the additional for the ^aat week In Aprilltoas been dabatad three timea on the proposi­ ly stvtdJlihg'’ Engli8h IV, Algebra John D, Avery, R.F.Di 1, Vemoh. ogy cldss. The girls!ln the class.are luncheons and dinners in their hon­ ' 'try. V'' About 150 peraona, .received DEHiNG Roiiijdtable were asked thetr . opin­ He termed the bill a poalUye ap-, Uve Luther White. amount eought. ,* set by tola group to begin the for­ tion ri^ lva d ; The United States U, M(|>defniiHistoix Typing II and Donna Skndals studying and experimenting with or, ”I was very pleased to isee ions on-the experience of appear­ Regional Principal Seybolt urged noUcea in, early February that th* ' In answer to a.queatlon from the mation of an induatrial foundation. Congressman Emil Daddarlo / at proach to the community’s proh-' ^11 except Olson urged paaiiago* warrants tvo Jd, be geryed' unlega ilfottU adapt tha eMhitlal features Harmony. As her favorites Jeanne the chinchillas to answer the qu^s- ing on T.V.,i Judith Grant, ’60, said Coventry to decide aoon. He aaid It general manager, 'TPC Chairman During the pieetlng Martin 'aaid COLLEGE H’^ ’Y our. final banquet and had £ very lem and urged a favorable report of the bill os written. they pay , the tyx. a( the Britwi Syatem o f Education. .lists History wid HanAony. The first ordering period for Uon which has been facing them \ Fin^islls in Contest ^ "It'was .a I thrilling experience.” Would bo best for the children In­ Hartln Alvprd,- w d he did not be will probably ask the Board of I mil* north oi^confor 'The debating c!ub;attended thla enjoyable conversation with him.” volved If they could sit down with pn It ' When no one rose to oppose the '-'J'"- '■ ...... ■i.-*"—-. la tiip n ^ following, graduation 1980 class rings ehdfed Feb.' 14. this year and M**- Vendrillo’* The opinioni "Very Impresslye,” bill the ettiaa pnd-Boroughs Com­ 'vlaualize any great incroaae in the Directors for $4,000 to to* set aside / taitttajl and baa biean .debating Jeanne p ll^ to attend Centenary classes la:;t year. T w o_^ ls a week ■aid Pat. ' Cynthia T r^gor, vioUiitut,' an^ Dlanf Mathar, cellist, are among guidance counaelora from Regional ^ e 'Y a c t that the bill was sup­ Rings had ^ -to , be j ordered within the five finalists In the contest sponaanKl by the Aetna Life In­ .wss stated toy Don Selpel, While ported by the bipartisan Citisena: mittee Chaitnnan said "{Mdi la hard ; Fitm M«kea Money Paper atharVcIUha around the state In OoUege 1; Hackettowik ,Nsw Jer- that period in order to get delivery are assighed to car* for tbo oblii- What part of the trip-, did he 8 to deetdo their high school pro- enjoy inoetT "The whole trip, surance Co. The wUiacr of the oontesU will receive a $1,000 Pat Piatt suinmed It all up by say­ Mm. A dselrion aoon would alao Commlttes for Batter Government to boUavo.’ NSBirtlou for the StjitaJSohatesi sey. She the dkughW of- Mr< by; May IS. A depoaitr of gS.OO was chUlas and they a n axpeetod tq ing, T t was a iwwardlng mtper- t at: the Uniyonity o f Obnnactl- and Mrs. &Jve keep good and coniplata nporta df w onder^, but the friend* I made scholarship, and all five art ahI(Aat» with the Hiurtford Symphony awbr^ HaTvoiFoa, of 61 and the rings could h8ve on their Sunday afternoon broadcasts at X o’clock. Cynthia waa lonea and ona I'll ntver .forgot.” Phelps Rd.' f been ordered from any Manchester their flndlnga. i\ perhaps, moM memorable." :or Bant jraar. gat ta tta gyriar* . ' aololst oni Jhn. 11 and DUae will peifonn on March 8. Karan Rivard *•! lUchard OtautM ‘69 Donnb MetMlf '69 Jawaler. Judy PrtMOtt\'|bt OeorgMiiM ,lieOauFl^y> .’60. V\. . Ia - • 1 . ■ ,A '• , • V \. ■ 1 V' IWJ-' r , i a ’ \ rJT ■ ■* ■n“'r . - PAGSi ELEVEN MANCHKSTKR EVEmNO HERALD, MANCJHESTER/CONI^^ FRIDAY, MARCH «. 1«6» liANCHPrSTER EVSNINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 19S9 TKN A- ... MAJOR HOOFLE d a i l y CROSSWORD PUWfiLB Sisterhood Plans BUGS BUNNV OUR BOARDING HOUSE with i 4 f i ^ v e r Graham Playing \ WHArsup.QcagwTj fPUfF') /'n o w fiiVE ME T i « > Weddings R e e o lfd s ■u s s T n Better at GoU w m .vo u jYkA RE, F1VE-CENT OEPOSrr ’ At $1 Savin#loeli HURRY! SOMEMOY^ lANOrtl-HRVt HELPAMEA AhiWBf to ProWouB F u ® * 4 Oistrict^ B ktelboume, Australia, March 6 Cousins-Augusto A progrsin snttUed "A Caval- ALL $8.98 Fon fSAt MINUTE? t h r e w AVMY THAT^ ENOUEH f o r >tN^ ‘ VO X LOOK UKb\1H|$ (5THE ICECREAM] k/,^1. 1 30STFELL OFMCALL R5R WNNER/ Wordt Wonted (/P) — EvangeUst Billy Graham Mr. and Mrs. CelesUno Auguslo, c»de of Jewish Music” will be pre­ ALL SABS FOA il.SS Ki- •oni.e.ANP I, is playing, so much g o lf during his East St., Hebron, announce the sented to the' Slstirhood of Tem'ple BAS! -TpvlngNdesplte his a y e Marie, to Allen W. Cousins of ing Tuesday evening in the vestry STEREO BiMa <5Cnr TH‘ KIN6, AN '/ FlSUee ON MAIWT- belonging* >. t jT u & O B lr fi ^ INS THIS ISLOO.JAKE, I -----luck A safaYY plan wWclLta probably8lcd pay level, one# the qualitative trouUa. • N^theast H a rW , Maine. , of the Temple at 8 o’clock. Cantor O ft Fm" 4 Welsh writer, •i t,on shot a 38 the other day.” The ceremony took plxce on Feb. Harry Sebran of Temple Mlshkan ^ J L ,y O And Vp POINTS OP TH LAW/ J / 6UT IF THE ARSU- 4 "Thl^blilKi Walter -r— unique' in this state'tiaa been ap> or quantitative, plsms have been de­ V i -)sss mSiffis; /WENT Ke e p s Up rns vised. *rhe Developmental' Status Graham said. He is under doctor’s 14 in Washington. D.' C. The cou­ Israel In New Haven wntl conduct Large SelBction & l 8 Pataage in proved by, four l^airds of Educa­ ple were attended by Miss Patti the program and will alng the mu-' r SOlNSTOfl/WETO BE BR»Bt \ the brain salary would be bwed on the cur­ orders to relax as miioh as pos­ PRNKS tion t^thlA Befflonal District 8. 3eU of New York a t y and Donald slcal portion. v PASSTTOEONy • W-ACK, IN StSN LANSUASt 11 Stray \ < Girdle rent applicable salary, level plus sible. OR s o m e p l a c e Graham had no revival M eet­ cousins of Northeast Harbor. The program, which, waa origi­ IS— bomb x7 Australian 'nf^>1ire the school boards of 10 per cent Using the earliest po*- The bride Is employed at a law TO I ELSE/ 14 Mimiekcr ings scheduled today or tolhor- nally acheduled' fo.r the February ^oitrlch AndoVer,' Hebron, Marlborough slble level, on which this could be firm In Hartford, and the bride­ Potterton^s i w r 15 Malt drink S ^ t ^ l pow because the Melbourne Show meeting, was canceled 'then due to • w # e, w ww iFMk 42 Oltsi basla and Ftqgional District 8. achieved, level 4, a teacher being groom is a bookkeeper for M. H. inclement weather, It will Include Manoheeter’c Largest RadlOi' TV, Record anA Appliance Storo T4|k- *1^ PlieiwtMe. lA *>M. «■.. 16 South aootiidagee 26 Closed car Ground where Ije Is preachlnjg Is 43 Mothtr of Called the Professional Service paid $5,300 per year on coptinuous Rhodes, Inc,, Hartford. a summary of Jewish music from ISO CENTER STREET CORNER OF CHURCH -American* BJaiSx 27 pinto Salary Plkn (PSSP), it differs service would get $5,300 plus $530 booked by other organizatipiis. 15^ IB School book* 10 N e v a d a ^ swallow Helen of TroF For bts meeting, Sunday .after­ The couple are now residing at earliest Biblical times down to 11 Formerly ; 23 Arrow poison 44 Gudrun'a from the ‘usual salary schedule; for a total of $5,U0. 236 A ^ le y St., Hartford. !|iodera Israeli -folk music. SO Apportion noon 66 Sydney people have BY V. T* HAMLIN lIDlrtreu *i(nal 17 Malicious ^ The acid----- husband and does' not liiclude automatic The PSSP also includes a Full Mrs. George Wald ie in charge ALLEY OOP fmytlL) increases. Professional Status level which chartered an airliner to fly them NOW r KNOW, WHY 22 Saa'Cafla* destroyer Sr HoTding of program arrangements and has [WBl. ALLBSHt .AATHERUFWHAT I KNEW THEY 24 Bttirdtn 10 Gave medicine 33 Lariat 46 Mexican eolii Details o f the plan were.jreleaacd may be entered upon the board- the 1.000 miles to Melbourne and extended an invitation to the hus­ KNOM, \OOP, IF M3U TOLTO like to f PIPNTMANI 1 NEVER CA R O 24 Boa* 23 Subterfuges 38 Adhesive 47 Battle o f' last night by Rural Superintendent approved recommendation of; the then back. ' Deaths Last Night UF MANCHESTER ABOUT MOONUGHTI bands of all Sisterhood members to poc, I Th i n k \ w a n t t o TAKE WITH MW ' ' ME AROUNP 27 off more 24 German king appUer Lakg— i- Andrew, J. Manges who serves the. superintendent Entrance to this attend. BETCHER 8USS GO. . MltcheU ' - OOrSfiOTA [ g o BACK ANP I'LL SENP ANYMORE.' than he could (yar.) 40 Spare —— 48 Facta four S9hopls. bracket carries a $200 increment E n ^ Series 8-7879 SO Afflpcrd (tb.) Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A business meeting wilt precede fiOOO IPEA >x'vTO MOO. M W ON chew” 28 Lack 41 Soft drinks The plan lists a minimum of and provides the opportunity to Dr. Israel Ipiok of the faculty Pittsburish— Wllmer M. Jacoby, the pro$;ram, and, at its conclu­ SO Cylindrical Goodstme Speaks .188 WEST MIDDLE TCRNPIKE MWRWAM $4,200, emd a posajble maximum of teach successive' super"maximum of New TbrkXuniverslty will be 76, former publisher of the Pitts­ sion, light refreshments will be 32 Salty r r r r \ 88,000^ pending the adoption* of an levels up to $8,000 per year. How­ burgh Sun-Telegraph and promt CORNER D U RANT B'l'. 24 Paid n r 1 ! the third and final speaker in the To PTA Monday served. Mrs. Fred Ksprove is in evaluation instrument to deter-" ever, the Full Profelurional. Service hent in the city's civic affairs, died charge of hospitality. atientlon to 11 R 11^58-59 Adult \ Lecture Series NEW LARGER QUARTERS 25 Cheara r nilnfe' qualitative hr quantitative status is gained only through the Thursday. He was one of the five 26 Hypothetical r service in relation to salary. Developmental Ser^ce bracket sponsored by Ternple Beth Sholom. Max O.oodstlne will be the speak­ founders of the Pittsburgh Sym r L. “Tysechihg today has achieved a Dr. Knox will speak on “ Jewish er at the meeting of the Lincoln PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING ^ 4j!^t I force* Consequently,'no teacher.can enter phony Orchestra and had served OnrHEPWOROS 37 Afternoon r~ p status of true professionalism,” that bracket until a plan relating Humor and Charadfer,” Sunday at PTA. Monday night at 8 o'clock in on its board of directors 30 years. Maitj^es said, ‘'and should be paid the school auditourlum. He was bom in Philadelphia. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED A r ifc BiE BA’ *>A m. E/3LM E:T/f P salaries to qualitative or quantita­ 8:30 p.m. FOR INCOME TAX « i m 2 Sm b h h 30 Let it *tand r ft commspsurately.” tive service/la adopted. He is the author oi “ the Aesthet­ A former officer of the PTA, Sah Mateo, Calif.—Mrs. Ethel O. i Goodstlne will talk about the visit Risso, 65, an actress in the days of ASSISTA^NCE, CALL ' Bfh aaltd IT s iT Under the plan a teacher enter­ "The P^SPiP Is offered,” Manges ic Theories of Kani, Hegel and GLASS FURNITURE TOPS t o ip*M point r r i ing ithe' school system wHh no pre­ said, “ on' the condition that a Schopenhauer." Along with his he made with his family to Bermu­ silent movies, died Wednesday ANDERSON BY DICK TURNER 'atural talent !Z vious experience will receive a sal­ planned course of action will be general studies, Dr.\ Knox has da and will show colored slides of after a long Illness. She appeared CARNIVAL aeked sr Jl maintained from his W l y youth that trip. under the stM^ name of Ethel Ml 9-4764; Ml 9-08S4 MIRRORS (Fireplaee and Doar) tt—>»ig*hA*»«w.lifc Til.fc»WAW a r y o f '$4,200. Increases of $200 in itia l^ immediately and pursued 19 Went back n 5 per year may he obtained during by the entire staff, including ad an interest in Jewish Culture and Goodstlne has traveled exten­ Teare. Her husband, Frank F. RIs- PICTURE FRAMING (oH typos) 1 Aga i the 8-year> probationary period. ministration toward the objective has lectured widely on ithis topic. sively in the United States and has 80, recently retired as assistant to i52 Unemployed He has contributed essaw and re­ given many talks on his travels, the president of the Bank . of sr ST s An exception to the plan was of A plan for evaluation of services IMtlSClLLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 53 Plateau i views to the Menorah Journal, the showing, slides -to illustrate the America. WINDOW and PLATE GLASS 84 — — down made by Hebron which retains a r^ated to salaries. IT m e a n s t h e f o o d In comments on the plan Reconstructionist, Commentary, talks. Daytona Beach, Fla.— Dr. Ken­ l i s t e n t o 5S'Siame*e» $4,000 minimum salary, similar to GENERAL CONTRACTOBSl WE HAVE IN STOCK IS ALL GONE JUST P r its previous schedule, but increases' Manges also stated, "The Board and the Journal cf Philosophy. Parents and friends are invited neth H. 'Vlnnedge, 57, retired H E R ! S H E tpeaking R Navy captiln and former execu­ DOESN'T EVEN WHEN MY TUMMY ” people* salary for the sCcorid year to $♦;- may withhold an Increment or ad­ His lecture brings to a conclu­ to the meeting. G O L L X MOM ! P Refrertments' will be served af­ tive officer of the U.S. Naval Hos­ MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS ; TM A T S U R E KNOW WHAT . A L L F U L l ^ 86 Those in favor r u 300k' and matching the other bouds vance In level status when in Its sion the third annual series,Which TV SERVICE WAS A WEUL- THAT MEANS.' 6HA^MC(/BBQ 87 Beverage with a third-year salary of $000. collective judgment such action is is deslgnedno bring to the M a n ­ ter the program. pital at Great Lakes, 111., died Daye *g AE A Call OPEN SATURDAVS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS E A L A N C E D 1 sr 11 { 11 Hebron also differs fronl the warranted." No differential is chester .Jewish community speak­ Thursday. NIghta aA i93 PluB Parte DOWN Brunswick, Ga.—John F. ESTIMATES o LADLY GIVEN MEAL'. L 1! plan by paying a salary o^ $4,300 recognized in training, as substan­ ers pn topics . of Jewlljh interest Playing It Safe TEL. Ml 8-5482 1 Fruit to a teacher entering Its system tiated by additional course hours Th4 other two speakers in Yhe Shields, 61, Investment broker for­ BHcraMUe bond merly of Atlanta and Chicago, died with one year of previous exper­ or degrees. spriek, this year were Dr. LoUls Pepper Pike, Ohio (/P) — Mrs. Thursday. He represented the Wall ience. On this basis ' the basic Contracts have been offered tp Levitsky and Prof. Abraha\ Paul I. Schultz and her daughter PSSP calls for $4,400. the entire Andover staff of 10 Hescbel. Paula drive tp work together each Street firm of Shields & Co., head­ SHORT RIBS BV FRANK O’N&AL PSSP recognizes up to six years’ teachers with salaries based on Lpuis S. Hurwitz is chairman of dayi— to Orange School, a little ed by two of his brothers. experience in other'schools, allow­ the PSSP. the lecture committee: Other mem ' over a hundred yards from their St. Petersburg. Fla.—Mrs. Daisy ing $200 increase per year over bers ar% Babbi.Leon Wind, Irving home. The two teachers explain Taylor Backus. 70, mother of YOU the minimum , $4,200, so that a Manchester Evening Herald An Hochbei*;, Milton Leon, Dr. Rob­ 'that "w e’re not crazy, but it's d'ffl- James D. Backus, television and teacher with slx-yeafs of exper­ dover correspondent Mrs. Paul K. ert Karna and George Sandals. 6ult to cross the road on foot be- radio entertainer, died Thursday. ience elsewhere will draw a $5,400 Pfanstiehl, telephone Pilgrim ckuse of tralHc.” She formerly lived In Cleveland. 2-6856. ^ J IWt >■ ¥ U In . T.M « . . . U X f .l. Ml. In ^shl/i manner, PSSP provides 65 m.p*h Limit compi9t[Uv.e beginning salaries at OWE LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS levels zeror one and two, Msinges Extended Forecast Set for Jan. 1 said. '!He explained that a proba­ irsOPeSIM©?/ OPEN IT OR tionary' .period for all staff mem­ YOl) F O O L - bers entering the Regional School Temperatures in Connecticut for Sacramento, Calif., March 6 C o liio n L ([ District, with or without exper- the next five days,- Saturday — Californians, with a 55 miles an FACB HBRfr f > through IVednesday, will average le)nce,t"followed by" a large Incre- hour speed limit, are going to have youiJSPROTEaep, 2 to 4 degrees shove normal. The ment'>wHth the tenure appointment, to slow to not more than 65 m.p.h. o< i:i |to jto U U tiijEiiS ’ TO YOURSELF NOW- PONT ' places'" apeelal emphasis on the normal mean temperature for the LET ALL OF m - - . Hartford area i s '36 and ranges next New Year's Day. necessity for carefiirevaluation at The Senate yesterday passed an LIFE PASS WHeiO! HOMA&W A WTTLC this period of service.” from a high of 45 to a low of 26. It will be colder Saturday then assembly bill fixing the state DRIVE DOWN TO DROAD ST. SEE 'iDU O Y lt lO'H . FOP A WAN6E? A J$400 raise is given the fourth speed limit at an absolute 65, It year when- the certified teacher is warmer Sunday or Monday and colder again Tuesday and IVednes- was requested by Gov, Edmond G. placed on tenure and enters the day. Brown, who will sign It. bracked known as Continuous or Precipitation will average one California has a 55 m.p.h. law, D evelow chtal Service. If a teach­ half to three quarters qf an inch but it permits a driver to ^o faster r J1 Rif. (BJ. Nl M, er coniflhuck . in this bracket, she if he can show that is safe. e t«M w MA tiFiliis tMb occurring Sunday or Monday and i may i^ lV o A n increase of $300 per again Wednesday. As a result many Californians BEAUPRE MOTORS year, /f^ommended, until she have stepped up th «r speed to 80 .!.■ ■ -J ■' .. ' *‘N«v«r mind dates! How do you win over a parent has h ^ e lg h t y4ars e f experience STAKDISH named editor to 100 miles an hour. Sa^bty offi­ who's dedd set against a new formal?" or r^lielwis q toUI of $6500 per cials have blamed speed/for many JUDD SAXON BY BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD jNorwlch, March 6 —Myles E. year. ;',V* Standlah. who started newspaper accidents. THE VERY NEWEST IN USED CARS WHY PON'T WE lET MR.BREAM c^oentlve for Plan Wbrk as a delivery boy, yesterday 'PEOPE THAT? AN0 TAKE YOUR OlHU /S ta^ membeM may gain larger was named editor-in-chief of the HAND OFF ME ©R YOU'LL ' increase* .in salary If the boards Norwich Bulletin. SEE WHAT IT IS LIKE TO DRIVE A 190% RECONDITIONEI uiiK WIND UP IN THE WASlTEBASKET adopt .‘‘a plan • for relating salary He succeeds Harvey M.' Briggs, I'lm. __ -->_ WITH YOUR I.1TT;^E SPORTS BY ROUSON. ’< K !1 U I ORANGE PEOS..! to quajjty pf service and a plan re 79, editor since 1920, who retires CAMERAS USED CAR.. BY THE WAY.. STOP and LOOK AT THE lating'salary, to Quantity of serv­ next month. FOJM—FLASHBULBS ice, or both." Standish, who started newspaper DISCXIUNT PRICES Provision has been made In the work in 1904, Wil! head the Bulle­ BOATS, TRAILERS and MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS. plan so that a teacher who has tin, a morning newspaper, and the j ARTHUR DRU6 PRESTO! been on tenure for one year may Sunday Bulletin-Record. He it i ipittrs HAT It’s a T . . It’s a Btrap, It’s a pump. It ’s "Hocus-Pocus,” magic apply for the Developmental Serv- presently associate editor. ' little flat by California COBBLBIRS. You won’t believe your eyes, ★ ★ ★ * SATURDAY SPECIAL ★ * t ★ / SPOUTS \' for here’s trickery with buttons, A natural . . . a- supernatural -V . . . to cast its spell oyer the gal who wants a shoe that’s highly / convertlDle, highly compatible with her entire ward- C A 1957 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN 3-6. fT.X’sSStSr'Yr robe. In black patent. Sixes 6 to 8 N and M. # • «# W This is the custom 300 model with a 'V-8 engine. Color: Beautiful snow B. C. BY JOHNNY HARY / white with a gold stripe. It has a large heater and radio, Fordomatic BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY bl^ANE A TAKE THArl-AND PLANTLAHD'S o i i e oo Colilondd transmission, all new whitewall $1 :. { that! ‘'ANPDfAt.' I POORStti 1 OmCKt UT HIM INTO THE tires. This car has had the loving 1 KHPlUMKlNfi WHCRC m VMRM care of one owner and is a tre­ ■ OMUSWIFSAI*/^) 4NO-WS MPIC CTH iKs \m i. yVr^WAMlNS HIM. HANCING AFRICAN VIOLETS SALE mendous huV for you. ______AAAHM SWEET EPISCIAS or TRAILING VIOLET MANY CARS SOLD-v^O MONEY DOWN— UP TC^3 YEARS TO PAY fteVEN&E' HANDSOME SILVER, OREEN aad BRONZE LEAVES \ TU B U LAR FLOWERS OF 7VHITE, YELLOW , LAVE N D E R and BED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ SATURDAY SPECIAL HANG IN Tho FoUagsr Is 3.lneh 1956 CHEVROLET 2-pft. SEDAN C MogniRcont RASKETS Plants The .popular 210 model with a V-8 CJP — 1 ^ ^ */UAA- engine. Very attractive light blue EASY TO TRAILS FROM MOR1Y MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI 4-iRch Plant color and is equipped with .large heater and defroster, like new tir^, ANPHE4AIDT0TBJ.V0U \ , A N D I A SHELF .00 , GROW 1.75 plus seat covers. It has a stand^d MICKEY FINN MRBOOMER 6AID TO TAKE NOT TO WORRy ABOUT YOUR ) ^ THOUGHT It> ALL Th e TIME VOU NEED ID JO B...TH A T 1718 IN VERY J 5 BEANOFFICE ! transmission. Very low mileage. '■'n . ' YBS! 1 JUST WALKBD HMM! MIGHT YOU <3ET W ELLM R.M EEKLE. CAWkmX HANDS, * BO/fORTHE MORE Another 100% reconditioned car at BYAGAIN-ANPiT HAVE ANY -AH - •VOUCWiTeETDO fiesroF M y, BUELL’S f » - a price you can afford. DIFFICULTYf LIFE/ AFRICAN VIOLETS 89c 3 2 50 X Crest IN OUR GREENHOUSE EVERY CAR 100®/© RECONDITIONED—'■EVERY CAR FULLY GUARANTEED REACH NEW PEAKS . . . * ★ ★ ★ SATURDAY SPECIAL * * * * FRAGRANT SPECIAL FLOWERING Your stock in fashion will soar In "Crest," a popular little flat W AX PLANT MAPLE by California COBBLERS that’s just made for ckpering. A aliver of a heel that almost isn’t— and a high riding vamp C T f Q C 1957 CHEVROLfeT 4-DR/WAGON STRAWteRRY IUPPENT PUNT SHRIMP with laqea over the toes. Soft and lovely In bluq. / •# BEGONIA nied, l^te, pink PUNT This is a V-8 'with the reliable VBLYET PLANT . COLEUS standard transmission, 210 model. 29c 2 For 49c WAX BEGONIA IVY GBIAMUM It is equipped with a large heater and defroster, powerful radio, new CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER POTTED AZALEA ^ POTTED HMMS — POTTEQ CINERARIA whitewall tires and tutone paint jF YOU 5TUPIP PUMie! PROP THhT aiMl ■ R ra rirr^ W B_8fiTf*r"T^l. TAKE that RISK! S liver gray and eggshell white. WFU, ALL BB BLOW / VOlfRB THl OWLV SAIPI NOW 80 g bto u ta here \N0W set gom u snow me Very low mileage. Here is a wagori. MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JpNES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ONE LBPTTOHELf d i s c o n n e c t aUKK'. IT lAAY [WHERE YOU PUT lAcKBEl ; ■■ ■ " M ry, Sf'NKI«W MB SAVE McKBEl THAT TIMINi BLOW UP AN/ BULBS that runs better now than it did I THIS IS MR.ABERNATHY. F CERTAINLY, SIR, PONT \ DBI/ICB PAAT! SBCONPI when new. AJAX I JU ST BOUGHT A YOU KNOW HOW TO GET ) CAU^D1UM$ IMPORltD TUBEROUS BjEQONIA APPLIANCE I REFRIGERATOR FROM IT STARTED? , --- —V Cotor Eos 'Shady sjibta ONTHIY PAYMENT* TOO HI6H? U t Us HMp Yon-TRADE DOWN TOPAT] STORE 1 YOU AMP I'P LIKE V Camelia -.0 ■ Q - 'iL% iCaniRtlon iC: ■ -Kg' BoIIm ^ 0 0 \ SOME INFORMATION j M .1^*' S lor ' ABOLIT THE / ^ f rFor j 8 i ' Fbsfcet 2*4^- anif‘ up 1954 FORD WAGON 1958 RENAULT 0 ^ II AUTOMATIC , , Jumbo Slz|8 iFrlBed . 4-Door Station Wagon. Dauphlne .ModeL o o « “ ■ ' r v ICE-CUBE / V-8 engine, Fordoma­ 4-Door Sedan. I f you want econ­ \ M AK E R . tic, radio, heater, white- $ ‘ -walls, tutone paint, 9 $1 omy, if you Want Y E S , r driving ease and UNDERSTAND ’« pass. This CEU- is tre­ t / 'Y - ^ fOR INDOOR mendous. Drive it and parking ease, THAT A LL VVfirO PCHtS ,WII^D0W 8HKLVES - see. - ' herels^our^an RIGHT... pLACmO POTS PLASTIC BfAMUHRS ^ ' PERENNIAL HEEDS V POTS SEBD!^OWBBS - HOUSEPLANT SEEDS Whirlibiid SAVGBRS POTXtNO SOIL ANNUAL SEEDS y 1952 DODGE 1954 PONTIAC JEFF'COBB, BY PETE HOFFMAN OmBEKELUO BOMBS SPHAGNUM MOSS ■ VEGETABLE 8Kgg>S MeadoWbrook)Model 2- 4-Door Sedan, Chieftain THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE BY \VILS0N SCRUGGS' »PEAT hprfSS HORMONE POWDER"" Model. Radio, heater, An AUTOMOBILE Door Hedan. Radio, heat«r, defroster, autpmStic transmis­ .WHKBnDYOUMtCT-i.. HALTS SCOTtS CRAI GRASS XILLER GET/SCTT^GO — $ ' sion, whitewall tires. $ SCQ HER? MI/I'I'S HER UMBi* wfalteu^U Ures, jet YSS,THEM3RKIS(SO The peauity. props o f this slosk little flat wOl-wmd you Bokriiig black. Very nice second Better h u r^ on this. Sf^ id Stit on Seen Spiooclan and M is TiigTi, wide and then.somol It ’a "W7»lrUblrd.”-Yn*ae,by California VBc/v«a,~AVERy car. ■ EMTHUSMSTK ConjsUBlRSi for yxku'- frotte and fun. PkwHand Whort A i G nrdiiiiiiig N—dt Atn^SniWlI^ Pplntod-toea and oUwhael—yours to black patant - j y e A 7DCMV. HON HAVE laathar.-Sisa*8.toStr atidiM. ■ * 8CB>,FA\mrS9$TRl w fira v o u i Open'Daily and Sondaya ' d A.M. to S PJI. f'. ■ / 1215 Toliand Tpkt. Mancheeter,. „ v m Bn-9-260t-: ' r ' ' Civ • '7

MANCHESTER EV’ENWC^^ERAIiD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1959 PAGBTRIBtEBM PACK ‘mELVE / M A?^ESTBR EV’ENWO HERALD. jfANCHttSTER, CONN, rRlt>A*y. MARCH «. 19W THE Big West, Boozer, Howell, Cox / Herald Angte Comprise AP College All-America 0 0 V' By » )U(\G New York, March 6 (Fl—OkcarOled West Virginia to it* flfth^without much, advance billing he E A R L Y O S T Robartaon of Cincinnati—.“ A great straight Southern Conference ti­ has provsij ha is deaervln|t hi Htia W*«E, SIDE dUNlDRS tle. " I -know that without Wm,” great hqbor, Words ciinnot de- Sport* Editor Standings er player thla year than last.” Jerry West, of West Virginia— aays West Virginia Coach Fred. acribe the tnie genuin'eTiea* of this i’ CIlURm LKAOtE MERCANTILC! IIEAOVK W. Pet. great boy. Not 'only is he a great H'OMKN'S LEAGUE 8- ELKS LEAGUE .600 "Thdre’s no one who can compare Schaua, "our team this yeau' Standings I Standing* I Standing* fltaadlags Average*^ Available it ■'Glance ■' ilartcheiter Trust . ..6 .wouldn’t have gone anyplace. athlete.., He's an All-American in Lot to Learn House A Hale ...... 6 .600 to him in all-around ability." W Pet. I W. Pci 1 W. L Pet. w . L. Pet. "There may be better shooters In every wall. of . life." "T hs-as too buay conceSi tingt-to the Boa^,on CeltiCa, 142-118. to Ba.seball Averages at a Glance were first pubBined in 1909 Fairfield Market ....4 .400 Bob Booaer, of Kansas State— Walnut Restaurant .714 ' Armory Package , . ,24 .867jNoith Methodist (2) 65 31 .677 Herm’s O m era . X 58 26 .690 Philadelphiitif Marcft^ the country. There may be better Cox was in the thick of things on winning. There waa no ti to I clinch the third and last' playoff by Albert Magncll of Manchester. Many years later, Magnell, Gus'i Grinders ...... 4 .400 "Itardest to atop big man in col­ John-DI's ...... 524 Cnpiloi Equipment ..21 .,583 I St James’ (2) 64 31 .667 Rainbow Club . . . 51 33 .807 A rival coach calls, h i^ ju s t rebounders. There ma.v be better when Kentucky \xm the National .583 Center Congo* (1 1 . . 60 3( .625 Man. Auto Faria . 50 34 .595 think abouty*ctting records." I in the Eastern Division. House "A Hale moved into a lege basketball.” , Whltq Glass ...... 5081 Lea’s Market ...... 21 great. An opposiiifi: player w'ho retired as financial editor of the Ibtrtford Courant last defensive players, but there’s no Collegiate (N C A A ) championahlp .552 60 34 .59.5 Blit now' the former Louiaian, The victory kept Boston froni first place tie with Manchester Bailpy Howell, of -MlsalBsippi Hobby Shoppe ---- .460, Patten Builders ...... 17 .472, St. John's ...... 6.3 4! Manchester Optical Sunday, sold his rights to the Spoctilig News. Batting Aver­ State—"Greatest- player In the one that' 1 have seen who could last saaaon. This aeaaon Coach .444 Fred’s Package ...... 14 ..389 i St. James' (1) ____ .53 4( .562 4« 36 A71 says there isn't a tiefter.bas­ State Unii’ersity star will have an "iiettlng ah alMinie record for •ea-'f'l Trust a$ they edged the Bankers Manor Soda Shop Oaudet Jeweler* ... ketball player aiound today. opportunity to pad his record. The aoh^ictorleS. The Celta how have ' ages at a Glance is one book jn ^very .sports department in SotitheiCatern Conference since Bob compare to West In his all-around Adolph Rupp built an entirely, Fletcher Glass .349:Uecl's Diive-Iii .3061 St, Bridget’s ...... 49 4' .510 Jon-Dl's ...... -.. 47 37 JWO $6-42 In the opener of a double- ability and performance. He has new team around him. .490 3 » .536 Hawk*;' who already have clinched 51, The Na‘ i ast a club record for the countrj'. It's ,a treasure for spdrtswriters as well as header *t the Verplanck School. Pettit.” 1.4>ague-lending Walmit Restaii ' •pw,, gHn,es were shaved off|5>''rlh Meiliodlsl (1| 47 4! Garden Restaurant . 45 Hut the fellow to whom “Cox’s outstanding quality," .490 57 ,321 the western Division, still have t'.'tal points as Dolph Schayes n time savOr. Whenevyr-'" per-* ---- ^------Gus's nipped Fairfield Market in Johnny Cox, of Kentucky—"Best a* fast a set of reflexes as any rant took the best way to it.* Armory Package Stole's, front- S f’Ond Congo* Memorial Store ... 27 Uipv’re referring ray* of himaelf 24 . 60 .286 three garnea remaining. scored iJ5 point*, John .Kerr 22 another thriller, 36-36. when tlie going .Is tough.'.’ .college player I've seen." Rupp declared, "is that he can go margin, capturing all lluee points} ,.„nning maigindhl.* past week s.s’ Temple Beth ,4 79 Manehe*ter Trust . IIP run rclaina a b it'o f hia higli centage.a and averages art figured, ' Bj,gpbaii Averages-at a Glance, .238 . .AVhile Pettit remained modest and Bob HopRina 20. Bill Sharfnan Magnell a hook Is brought out for j,, jj a-v’ali- These five whjzzes of the hard­ Boozer, a senior like Howell and get the points for us when w'e from soeond place .loii-Drs In this i 'Equipment surprised the I St- M ary's...... 45 5 .469 Crown Cleaner* ... 30 •4 arhool awkwardiie.'ja and has a lol The first game saw the Trust and Cox and at 6-8 the tallest need them the A'orsl. He carried week's feature match at the ^'lipg^p^s with a 3-t win. Lea's | Uommimily Baptist 45 5 .1691 With six weeks remaining to learn to improve hH same. ibthera lauded him. led Boston with 23. the answer at a glance. Magnel , today', ca:ried percentages up wood were named to the 1958 col­ blow a l 2 point halftime lead a* man on the flrit team, led Kan­ us in the early sea.son this year alleys. With Just four week.* re­ Milrket remained deadlocked for i fkinrordla I.iithcian 4.1 5 4481 Herni’s Camera ha* opencid tip a Philadelphia Coach AI Cervi 10 Hoops in Bow one of several Well-known brothers , "times at hat " "fielding House A Hale closed fast to pull legiate basketball All-America by He’* Bob Pettit of the St. Louis the Associated Press today on the sas State to the Big Eight crown. lUitU we were able to gel a smooth maining on the regular schedule. | second spot willi (.'apitol, three I Center Congo.* i 2l . 4'2 5 .438 seven-game lead a* a rsault Of this Hawks wiio last n ght set a Na­ said of Pettit: Elgin Bayior .cored 32 poinU j m Manchester, worked for 58 years ; ‘ banL.s" or g.ames "w n and lost” out the Victory. "He'a Just great. He ranks with basis of votes from 319 sports- Tex Winter, K-State coach, de­ working unit will, him. He adapted the victory clinched at least a tiei games out, with a 3-1 triiimpli | Eniamicl Llilheriui .. 40 .5 .417(w eek’s 3-t verdict over Manohes* tional Ba.sketbili .\.s.«n. a i n ft 1 e Dave Kaalauskas was tops for clares "Boozer is the hardest • to himself to the atyle of the .young for the championsliip for the Rogerl over flflli place Fred's Package South Metliodtsl . . . . .38 .5 .3901 ter Trust, while the runn«T-up ? V f« the all time great*. He docs so f'or*«cond"p!.T ir,h/-^^ne We.,t. as , a^.flnancial editor of the Cburant. j - House & Hale with 14 points. Billy writers and broadcasters through­ season scorintt record. stop big man in college basket- team and. as usual, played his Store, A final match at tlie Doiihlc } Zion laitheran 31 6 • 3'23 j Rainbow Club, defending cham- many things so well." ;he Lakers do'ned I t Breaking int,"! the newspapei |pJ,^ were carried out to more Belelsewicz and Frankie Boyd fol­ out the country, PeltU. in hi.s fifth'year in the ball. He has all shots and moves in the clutch.” Strike alleys saw the Patien ; shutout vli lories, 4-0. were i pions, lost a limilar decision to the Paul ArUiii o*’ the Warriors, 13.’j-lir). Baylor goL 14 field goals field in 1901, Magnell .served «■', than .800 and, beyond 170 games lowed v'lUt 12 and 10 point., re- Robertson, the "B ig O" who t NBA, dumped in 24 points to run rumierup to Pettit in the NBA 10 in a row at one p lint-yth the apectively. J. R. Coinposeo led all made the All-America lost year as to get open. Moat of his 25-poinl Don Hennpii. of Ritl; Johnny Builders and Den'.* DriveUri split scored bv South ktethodisl over I Manchester Atilo Parts. Manches- a "stringer" for the Courant until percentage.s were carried out to lour poult,*. m his sea.<'on'* total In 2.00S, al­ scoring race, declared: first game of the PhiP}*" double- scorers with 24 points as he paced a “ sophomore, ' again is the top ma­ average comes from long two- Green of Michigan State; Tom I Concordia Lutlipian, (.'enter Con-.ler Optical gained a tie for third though the Hawks lost to Phila­ Ifl().") when he took over as' 400 for the rest of tlie book. handed Jump shot. Since he let’s Hawkins of Notre Dame; Leo Fine stiigles and triples j gi-pp^tiojial i2)-over Kmaniiel| place with the Aulonien_ after "There isn't a better p l a y e r header, Pettit set hi^ record in the Chester correspondent for the, Magnell. who often helped his the Bankers attack. jor college scorer, averaging bet­ delphia, inB-101. around . today than Pettit, i nightcap. ter than ,33 points a game. He ha* go from high overhead ita’a un- Bvrd of Marshall and l» u Puclllo weie authored by Charlie theran. Conunnmts' Baptist over ' shutting out eighth place Msrnor- Hartford Times here. It was while I pj-other run Magnell's drug store Th« second game was a ding Harris 1’27-1’26-366. Frank Kulauti The 26-year-old Baton Rouge, wouldn't want to rank him with Willie .N'aiijls led New York with dong battle all the way, but Gus's, drawn capacity crowds wherever guaidable. And he Js Just as ac­ of North Carolina State were Center Congregntinnal (*li. S l.iial Comer Store 4-0. Sixth p.lMe he was at the New Britain Herald.; and soda shoppe on Main St., curate from a running hook or named as a aecond team; +Iennon. 126-366, riii-L* Dei ianti.* 128-363. James’ i l l over Eton Lutheran aiul'j •I'^b-Dl’s and seventh plane Garilen La . native siirpa.s.sed the previous . Mikan vet, but maybe in a 22 points. ‘ eight years later, that he devised! pian.s extended trips during his re- who were behind most of the wty, Cincinnati has played. mark of 2,001 ,»ct last year by v,;,rs fn think dif- *et shot." a first team All-Ameritan last AI Atkms 134-F29-381, John Madi- ■St. .lames’ (2) over Temple Beth , Rcflnorant posted identical 3-1 „{ PaiU Arisiir scored 42 points, a ba-seball scorebook and s handy j tirement. Meanwhile, his publics- outacored their rivals 10-9 at the .All .Around Player . George Yai cllcy, then with Detroit. I equaling hs per.sonal career high. Howell, whose season Ls over aeason, mi.s.sed out thi.s lime be­ gan 127-34,5, Hector Rivard 138- Sholom Similar .3-1 decisions were ''Irlories over,Gaudct Jewelert and conipiiter for batting averages, | tion. Batting Average* at a foul line to walk off the floor with "He is all around player offen­ 335 and Paul Correnti 128. lie s now with Syracuse. The, Iavo .Mode.-t Bob didn't know that on He put the Warriors ahead for a one point victory, because Mississippi Stale will not cause of Pitt’s poor record, He and HuUiored ))>■ North Methodist (2) [Crown Cleaners, respectively. In ga'mcs won and and fielding | Glance, will be used from coast sively and defensively,” Cincinnati compete in the NCAA Tourna­ Pucillo, at 5-8‘ i and 5-9. re­ over St. Bridget's, St. .lolm'.* over [other matches. are the only NBA players to siir-: Wednesday night against Detroit good with ifss than three minutes averagei. j to coast for .years. 'Threre won't be Greg Manchiik led the Grinder- i ' J 2.000 points in one season. j to go With a pair of fouls. men with 13 points. Ed Fischer Coach George Smith says. "Every ment, shattered the three-year spectively. are the smallest plsA'- North Methodist i 1 i and Second Tlie week's lop shooters at the k‘.X ■■ he broke the NBA records of most The book of Sverages contained ; *iny retirement fpt a perfection RE.STAUKANT LEAGUE Pettit broke Yardley's mark chipped in with 11 and AI Tomlin­ team that we have played has had Southeastern Conference acoring er* on the squad Cniigregatlonal over St Marv s , Manctie.ster Bowling Green were Honor and Thrill j field goals In one season and most 213 pages which carried more than system in compiling sports aver- Slaniling* Emil Dietz 127-140.-372, Hank Chicago White Sox ouifielder .Inhn Callison, left, and Manager AI Lopez look over the with 11 seconds to go In the third son threw in 10. Marsh Potter waa an opportunity to gjive thought to mark of 2.002 that Bob Pettit set Jim Hagan of Tenne.ssee Tech; "It was a gi eat honor and great I free throws attempted until a 76.000 different combinations. Th e, *^7id statistics. That s how- W. L. Pit Scores of note were pinned h.V |wiuke 155-351, Ernle^ Wllke 13_9- period by making the second of the only man in double figures for the type of defense that might be as an All-America at Louisiana Bob Ferry of S' Louis: Ron John­ 685 j'lohn .lohnsnn 125-129-126-.380 autographs on a king size hall belongtng to a fan. Calli.son, from Rakerslield, Calif., is j thrill," Pettit said after the game, reporter mentioned It today. average book and the baseball- j valuable the Magnell guide is to VN’alnut ...... 63 29 .351. Les Christenaen 14'0-348, Andy two fouls. He equaled the mark the Fairfield club with 14 points, used to contain him and curtail his State in 1954. son of Minnesota: Joe Riiltlick of .576 ^ a a rl 1.36-1.3'i-367, Howard Holmes one of the most promising youngsters in spring training. He hit 29 home runs for I "but I didn'Crealire T was so close Even the W'arrior*' victory basketball scorebooks were copy- | sports departn^nt. Oak Grill ...... 5,3 .39 Kravontka 1.33-354, Russ Wilson didn't get ther into the Eastern 18 seconds earlier, making one of followed by Phil Dupont with nine. scoring, but yet he continues to .AII-.Amerloa Boy Northwestern ami York I.,Rrose of Ijike House ...... 43 49 467 11.30-345, Gei i v Cliappell 134. Cy Indianapolis last/year. tAP Photofax) I to the record until two or three righted and have remained in use ; score at a pace equal, to last year’s Babe McCarthy. Miss. State North Carolina wore choaen as 1.30-345, Riisa Fountain 152-343, I games ago. Division playoffs. Syracuse laid in- three free throws. Cavev’s . 1...... 43 49 .467 Pcikins 130-342, Boh Mimiich 138- Gnv Doyon 137-342, John Blmmoha for years. j Off the Cuff Y MIDGET LEAGUE ( national record. He Is one of top coach, hails Howell as a symbol a third team. Rays ...... 37 .55 402 ! Ken Leslie 126-3,56, li v Carl- It was in 1909 while covering] _. , , , r> ^ reboiinders in the nation. And with for young Americana "For three All 15 pla.ver.s,■ comprising the 402 i a«n 125, Fred ,Mc('ui ry 132-3,5.3, 34.'i. W all Phillips 340, Bill Simp­ Standings Chatterbox ...... 37 55 son 128, nick Trotter 131, George home games of New Britain in thpt A ’ *’*® ^*<5 “ p- W L Pet. all of that he is a great team years he has displayed the ability first three teams, will receive cer­ Ed HIndle 1.32, Piik Krinjak 129, Confident VU Win Regular Job' Connecticut Leainie that Masnell ' assignment as referee In player." that an All-America boy should tificates from the Associated Walnut Restaurant added two Tedford 125 and Bill Faber 126. fw., P Li. Army-Navy football game, Fletcher Glass ...13 1 .929 Bill Kabcr ,335. Ed Ralph,■>34.3, Mike realising that New Bngland^fans ^ West, a Junior like Robertson. possess. Playing in the Southland f games to its lead this past wlfek Pagan! Caterers ..10 3 .769 with a 3-1 triumph over runner-ljp PldchaiTZ.vlc .3.35. Ted Ijiwicnce thirsted for statistical records o f ; Booth worked the big foot- Blka ...... 10 4 .714 Oiilc Grill, Roger DiTarando's 3.38 and Dick Buc kley ,345. GARDEN GROVE CATERERS B o s t o n U. Expected their home earns, decided to work ggr^^ce attraction the past two Peck Lumber .... 6 7 .462 FIX) KIXITER squad now out front by 10 full on hi.s book. Followters of the 1 years .. Thanks to Don Clerkin of Ma's & Bill’s ---- 5 9 .357 games, illow many weeks left In W L Pet. Del Ennis Big Man Hartford team were- equally intgr-' the Hartford Times, who a year MERCHANTS I.KAGI E 8 .750 Man. Auto Parts . 4 9 .308 j ... 24 DiTarando - Bponsored club. In the regular scheduleI In other Standing* Rece])lions ested and wanted ^ records of all Keith's Variety . . 4 10 .286 ... 17 15 .531 ago blasted the CIAC, more offi­ other matches, third place White matche.s, Ray's Restaurant blank­ W L Pci ' players to back up their argu­ cials than ever have been working Wyman Fuel .... 3 10 .231 j Five Shifts Planned Glass shut out the Hobby Shoppe 77Qji'uimga --- ___ 15 17 .469 ed the Bolton Lake House 4-0 and 4 ments. tournament hoop games in all clas­ Copimimily Press 14 : Weddings ... 14 18 .438 UConns^ Foe Fletcher Glass continued their 3-n and celiac-dwelling Fletcher} the Chatterbox Restaurant won 10 8 T o B e League members, besides Hart­ Vic's Soda .Shop . .... 14 18 .438 sifications this season. No less than 556 i Smorgasbor In Redlegs’ Attack mastery of the Midgets os they set Glass edged fiftli place Manor Soda; three points from Cavey’s Restaur- . 10 8 ford and New Britain, were Spring- Dari's Dan V ...... 12 20 .r s a reported 60 worked at least once a league record for scoring while Shop 2-1. ant , 8 10 444 ' Clambakes field, Holyoke, New Haven, Bridge­ In either Class A, B or C. A year White Glass . . . . ■ Despite lo.*ing tliree point? to the Vot.. Verb March fi ifPl__ It'^ hcader at Madison Square Garden.-fdoubleheader Manhattan hit 60 downing Keith's Variety. 64 to 27. In Men’s Pin Event niUR.SD.AY HOUSEWIVES Week's singles and triple.* Dick DiBella 132-128-374, Cy Howard's Ijind'g 8 10 .444 New I ork, lyiarcn 0 < ' , an off-court development,' per cent of its shots and quickly port, Waterbury and Northhamp­ ago several dominated the assign­ , Weddings, the league-leading Re- New York. March 6 <^)— There is nothing like a youth Ma'a and Bill’s pulled the upset Standings were rolled by Fran Crandall 131- Giorgetll 126-129-375, Walt Arc- MoriarlV Bros. . 4 24 .222 ha.a lieeii many a jump-shot Denver of the Skvline Conference buried Lafayette. St. John's and ton. ments which caused much com'- of the week as they knocked off 1 14-340, Flo Kloier 111-112-116-339, eptlons still boast a seven-game movement to give a ma.jor league manager gray hairs. In Firing in the eighth annual Men's Town Duck Fin Bowling W. L. P.'J. kivy 1,33-127-372, Charlie Whelan Community Press jumped into a ] margin with eight weeks remain- since a North Carolina basket­ was named the llth N IT team , vastly improved NYU dueled head . As part of his sports coverage ments and which came to head third place Elks, 24 to 23. Alice 'Beebe 115-109 108-332, Dot 139-143-370, Ed Paganl 137-365, November 1956 the Philadelphia Phillies went for youth— following Clerkin'* attack oh the Ten Pins ...... 68 20 .773 four-game' lead thia week with a i jng The runners-up Buffet* man- ball fan rooted for a North (one more remains probably 1° he»fi off for his paper. Magnell kept the Ma’s and Bill’s got off to a good Tournament gets underway Saturday, March 14 at the Y Cowles 120. Flo Johnson 105. Mary Nino Acelo 131-357, Zip Soblikl and away went Del Ennis to the St. Louis Cardinals. He took CIAC, sponsors of the post-season BovvI-a-Jets ...... 4.5 43 ..511 3-0 win over Moriarly Bros, while agrd to gain but one game with Carolina State basketball Bradley I although the Pioneers f'"” " ' New Britain and Hartford team start and led 11-8 at halftime. alleys. Once against all competitors will roll six games in the Hi-Fi's ...... 40 48 j McCarthy 10810,5. Audrey Frey 107, 126-340, Ray Finnegan 132, Joe wdth him the RBI bat the*— —------still have a chance for the confer- ^roPPed in at the bUzzer for the knd player...... records. and published...... hoop classics .. ^'43 I Flsje Pound 106, Chic kie Berzenaki Dart's Dairy moved into a dead- their 2-2 lie against the Smorgas- ieam. But that'll be taking . 4 ♦ * They'held the Elks scoreless in opening qualifying round, with the top 16 in total pinfall then Bowl-a-Dears ...... 39 49 Rivosa 129, Skippy Kearna 129- lock for second place with Vic's borda while the third place Outings Phillies ever had j has also acquired a reputa- ence title. | Redmen s 16th victory against six ' ^heni regularly. Later this serviee the third period while scoring six ' 108, Rulli Ostrander 105 Anne place in Raleigh. N. C„ tonight if defeats. engaging in head-to-head matches^------Pinups ...... 37*’ 51 .420 i 3.55. Dan Malingiisggl 125-339, Bill .Soda Shop, the Dairymen winning } dropped all four points to the. Cel- And last season '^*ule the^m lS; only an average fielder Utah, leading Denver by one was broadened to include all league Silk Toivri Plavers points themselves. The last quar­ leading up to the 1959 champion­ Rocketles ...... 35 53 .398 Twerdy HO. Maude Carpenter 116, 1 IjiRlviere 130-342, Bill Pagani Jr. plummeted to eighth place, Ennis North Carolina's Tar Heels hap­ Oklahoma whipped Nebraska ^5- 1 teams Erv Rusconi. Gene Yost, Tom Yost. 2-1 over White Glass and Vic’s ; lar-dwelling Clambakes, "I'm sure glad I was traded to ' game with two games PlaV. »■' ; 54 „ match of Big Eight Confer-I ter saw the Elks come to life but ship. The front-running Ten Pin.s ron- Doris Gi'isr] 110-110. Amv Pirke\' I .342, Ton.V De.Simone 353 and Joe fumed on the Cardinals' bench. pen to beat Duke in the semi­ Five Manchester players will be Norm Kloter, Smoky Smoluk, .Mur­ 114, Shirley Villner 112-108, Ruth dropping three points to Howard's ; Town Champion Amy Plrkey 126- the Reds." Del said after hia im- j ( finals of the Atlantic Coast Con­ at Wyoming tonight while Den- also-rans but the Comhuskers' , _ . _ their drive fell short as Ms's and Tournament Director Norm Vilt- timic to pad their whopping lead Sylvester ,34 2. Landscaping. 330 Emma Aceto 108, Betty NUS- Phils' Manager Mayo Smith presslve showing. I'm sure Mayo [ with the New- Britain Teachers Col­ ray Crouse, Charlie Whelan, 1955 .McIntosh il9 and Evelyn 'Tedford ference Champion.ship Tournament. ver plays at Brigham Young. Herahell Tliimer set a school s e a -ID a ilv T a b u la t io n lege basketball team when it gets Bill’s scored well in the final min­ rier reports ther* will be at least which now number.s 2,3 games Jamesmili Myra Rivosa 110, Olive watched his light-lutting team fin­ will give me a chance in play' , ute to pull out the win. titlist. and Bates. .105. A I H eim 129-1,50-381, Arch rival N.C. State and up­ Utah victory and a Denver lo.s.s j acoring mark of 412 points, p 'iv tabulation of the records i f’’'"! taste of NIAB Tournament e 10 pun oiii inc win. j I five Shifts on opening dav. begin- after thi.s week's 4-0 virtorv ovei Roasctlo 109, Millie Oliva 106-110, ish seventh in rlOb batting and be­ regularly, and I'm confident. I'll f Rky Jenack. Gary Meacham and : g.g„ the morning and Newcomers inclnde Riis.* Sadro- tlie Pinups. The fourth place DOUBLE STRIKE LEAOlE Gladys 125-357, Ed Bujauciiia 134- fore the season was over he was start Virginia are the other sur­ could reaolve the dilemma and put. netting 21 thia time. d'nidgerv Comoutina of t^ Kansas City next zinski. Norm Dey, .lack Vittner, 357, Ed Harris .347, Howie Aiigual Alba Sobiski 110. Marie H«b«n- win a regular Job." AI Snyder again played best for g Bowl-a-Dears blanked the lowly Standings streil 106, Shirley Jacobs 111-107, out of a Job. vivors after first round play in UUh safely in the NCAA tourney. | ------per* .n r a g ir ' w ^ slave^^^^^ veek. Silk Tou-ners ^^*th the Blue Bill Thurston, Howie August, AI VILLAGE CH.ARMERS Pet. 341, AI Pirkey .341, Milt Tedford Dark Impresses r f ' t j the Lunchmen while Richard I.g.v-,g.3 ^v has Rockettes 4-0 and tlie Hi-Fi’s and W. L Caroline Janicke 109, Bea Cormier Meanwhile. Ennis, who seven the ACC showdown that picks the Conference Commissioner John 1 s *-i • f nights and Sunday and' holidav winners of 19 of 22 starts, Bujaiicius. AI Atkins, Dick Descy, 23 .893 .340. Carl Bolin Jr 126-342 and Another veteran .National Romney aays he will hold Denver' r I P J - I . * - nignts ana aunaay ana noiiaaj att. Art Brainard and Tom Greer i Bowl-a-Jets battled to a 2-2 stale­ Pet. MerrilTs Market ... 52 113 and Fran Crandall 119 showed times batted in more than 100 runs Leaguer who expressed confidence conference representative In the Last Night^s Fights re.sta were unknown during the Buzz K e^ ey, Leo Cyr, been filled from among the 37 Mike Denhup, Joe Tremano, Ken \V. c 25 ,687 Earle Rohan 126-3.39 were this to its NCAA obligation if it wins played best in a losing cause for mate. . . .^T 35 .620 Wilco Tool ...... 50 the fineat acorea at the Double In a aeason. got to the plate only waa Alvin Dark, the Chicago Cubs' UConn Co-Captain NCAA Tournament...... If North...... Caro , baseball season. The 40 hour week ^ ’®*"’,®-'’; Dave Boland Md entries received to date. "If neces­ Monlie and AI Rossetto. Man. Aulo Pftit.'N . 33 .560 week's sharpshooters. the Elks. Edith Hnmanowski 120 Madge 37 .598 Correnli's Insurance 42 Strike alleys. 329 times last year, driving in 47 36-year-old third baseman. lina wins and North Carolina State 1 “ ’ * ^ j 1 i t r»r» FUrfie Vaehen "'as undreamed of at the time. ** former Manchester sary.” .said Vittner, "a late shift HowHid Oil ...... 37 .,507 Fletcher's started their on­ McPartland 113 and Jeanne Nourie 42 ..543 ^ Gus's Grinders . . . . 38 runs. bark, who played 132 games last Frank McGuire and his Tar i ^f® ^ h Working up the batting and I " Once again the at n o'clock Saturday night will Garden Grove ...... oO Ken Ciilliim. senior of New slaught in the early minutes and ! 107 topped all participants at the . . .40 .52 .1.35 I Mai Tool ...... 36 ,39 .480 Delivers Again season, *ald at Me,sa, Ariz,,, he'd Heels are NCAA-bound-^win. lose , w u in h l,n n '2 averages of 106 p W r s , ' Indians will have to sit be arranged if thi.s year's fiefePex- .Johnson Paint . . 68 .093 (XH NTKY OI.ltB MEN Y WEDNESDAY I-EAOUE Britain, and Meredith (Moel St the Wolfpack 1"! „ J®hn.son. 218, I^s Angeles. , continued throughout Boh Con-| ceed.s last year's total of 81 keg- Y ailevs. Nassiff Arni.s ...... , :jh 5-1 .ii:i , (’arlo's Aces ...... 7 Standings If Smith had forgotten the .14- like to play them all this year. "I or draw again stlne (18), Paul Quaanitschka : Redl to Box A 3-0 conquesl of Carlo’s Aces Btandings j .391 year-old outfielder drove in 215 think I can,” he added, "hut I'll Morhardl, above, senior of points in North Carolina s romp 10. 1 ' f battin-e: and fieldimr P'ayof'"- The Ba'\' Statera are last ler.s " .Jarvi.H Really ...... : 6 .')6 W. L Pet. the final over Clemson. John Haner'a Jump Boston -Tommy Garrow. ISSL, ‘ j ntn« «ianri in the six team loop with no chance (17), Steve Cole (17) and Richard! ! moved front-running Merrill’s W L Pet. runs during 1955-,56 "when he j probably be the worst looking Start March 80 MORNING GIXIRY LEAGUE The race for regular sea.son hon­ Cleeks ...... 21 6 .778 Manchester, have been named Thai's because N.C. State is on shot with nine seconds left enabled Claremont. N. H , stopped Lou 1, f„it'gaining one of the four playoff Schuster (10) all scored heavy Market two full games ahead of Manctie.ster Motor* 41 19 .6*3 played for Mayo at Philadelphia, 1 player you ever saw in exhibition The first round of head-to-head Standings ors is far from over as ninner-\ip. '‘I' ji t«.o„ ' Mash les ...... 18 9 '.667 'i co-captains of the 1959 Uni­ NCAA probation and ineligible for Virginia to eliminate Maryland. Carmona, 138'i, New York, 7. IJAf A f bertha. Saturday night the Indian* with Just about all their shots j Eddie Jordan (ieiusioi'i ■‘'cvnnd place Wllco Tool, the lool- Correnli's Insurance 39 21 .660 he got a reminder yesterday at | games. I have my own theory tournament play. warfare ia scheduled on Friday W. Pet. Hipwaid Oil look a. .3-1 (iei isioi'i , 2-1 decision Drivers ...... 14 13 .519 versity of Connecticut base­ Big John Richter's 28 points made Los Angeles - Hilardo Morales, I P'*-'' Rochester at 8 o'clock at the finding the basket. Chipper Rohr- over .larvis Really to move Witlim [men settling foi 15 .444 Don Willis Garage 33 27 .650 Tampa, E)a. * | about training. I work myself into lame Surprise the difference for N.C. State over ,135, Mexico, knocked out Javal- “ ''d Isbor sating business ,' Coliseum. bach (13) and Dan LaGace (10) night (6:30 and 8:30), March 20. Iris ...... 13 5 .772 over Gus s Grinder.*. Mai Tool also I Spoons ...... 12 K * S Gage 30 30 .500 Both notv wear the uniform of ! shape slowly " ball team. Announcement was machines. two games of the league-buiiling Putters ...... 8 19 .296 Only Virginia's victory, 66-65 ' fired-up South Carolina. Sophomore ; lana Kid, 136. Philippines, 5 played beat for Keith’s. wi(h quarter-final and semi-final In TV Feature Carnations 12 6 .667 pinned a 2-1 victory over third} Green Barbers 25 8.5 .417 the Cincinnati Reds and when the Bob Boyd of the Baltimore Mani'lie»l-«'' Auto Parts, the pace 10 .296 made by Athletic Director and over Maryland, was a surprise in Howard Hurt had 28 and Doug New "York 1 Sunnyside Garden) there were no tables of ' - matches slated Saturday, March _ ____ I Mums . . . 11 7 .611 place Correnti’s Insurance. the, Blasters ...... 8 club played an Intrasquad game Orioles, faced with a challenge for place Nas-siff Arm.*, 3-1 Third place Merrill’s Market 12 48 .200 Head Baseball Coach .1. Or- the round scrapping yeater-' Kistler added 20 for Duke against Joey Donovan, 137'^, New York, percentage, except for games won N e w Ir o n M a n 21. The champlonihip and consola­ 11 7 .611 loser* failing.10 games of the pace. , Noteworthy acorea: .Stan Hilln- Smith saw Del belt s three-run his first base job. said si Miami New York. March 6 KFc - Stefan ; pice Nasaiff Arms 3-1 Third place Only two games separate laague- lean Christian. Both are out­ day. North Carolina overpowered 'Vake Forest. outpointed Tggy Maldonado, 135, ^ d lost the idea of compiling such j^^w iron man in the National tion matchc.s will be held on Sat­ , , , , . I Petunias 1 (I 8 .556 * j ski 140-380, Lou Becker 145-372. leading Manchester Motor Sales homer, the difference in s 7-5 that he's going to hit over .300 this fielders. tablea for baseball was conceived , record book on CIAC at a Glance urday, April 4, beginning at 7:30. Redl has a burning ambition to : 9 9 .500 Garden Grove shut out. fourth Clemson 93-69, Duke spilled Wake | Playoff Necessary Puerto Rico, 10, place .Inhnson Palm 4-0 in a third The week's lop pinners were Ted : Biindi Taica 134-359. Charlie and runner-Up Correnti Insurance game. Ennis also walked in a season. as a labor saver. That was at the j 4apc|.| 21 wj]| be Johnny • Wilson, No entries will be accepted af­ win the weltei weight champion- ; Violets 9 9 ,500 I three-run Inning and added a "I've gotts hit shove .300 to Morhardt. an All-American Forest 78-71 and N.C. State edged. Thanks to the spectacular «hoot- mate I). Chambers with a 154 single and Whelan 136-358. J-lerb Johnson after this week’s action which aaw end of the 1907 season. rugged left winger Of the Detroit ter Friday night. March 13 and ship. But he is not banking entire­ I Tiger Lilies . , ! ...... 6 12 .3,33 Blngle. keep my lifetime average above soccer player last year as a South Carolina 75-72 in overtime. *o8 of Marshall's I^ o Byrd- a aec- Class A ! Top single game effnrls wete rousing' 394 triple, Ken Monlie ! 125-351, Bill Allen 134-347, Ray fifth place Green Barbers up*«t goalie, led the team in field­ Miaml of Ohio failed again in an ' ond team Associated. Press All­ When the 1908 sea.son Opened, i wines The March 21 game No Games Played. shift preference will be given on a ly on achieving that feat. Orchids ...... 5 1.3 .278 145-376. Bill Sheekey 3.55. Ed , DellaFera 341. Del St. Jolm 128 the Salesmen 2-1 and Correntl’s Even more, he made two fine the line." he said. Challenging him 1 (]oa(*liP8 N am ed Magnell had written about New York in the Motor 'autliDied by .Anna Mae White 117. ing with a perfec t 1 000 aver­ attempt to win the Mid-American America choice, Miami now mua Tonight's Games (.At New Haven first come, first served basis. ! Roses ...... 4 14 .222 Slowik 352. Pete Jankowski 128-; and Harry Eich 125. roll a 2-1 verdict over third place one- handed catches, particularly i Whitey Lockman. fresh from I draft pages. The at bats were car^ city will be the 509th in aiiccesaion The Hungarian-born, German- I Marv Edmund.* 114, Shii'Iey Hobs age last year, handling 52 Conference,, , ' , s NCAA A berth, face Bowling Green in a plavoffk at Arena) Tliere will be four* g^uaranteed cash Single.* of 105 or better: Dons I 335 and Dyke Pleasent 126. | ------’---- Don Willis Garage. A third 2-1 Impreaslve in that while batting ' San Francisco, a .280 lifetime hlt- Waltham,, March 6 i7P> ried out to 350. This also a p f^ d dupmg regular scheduled play. I^ e reared fighter, now living in Pa.s- 114. laz Juul 105-112. Beinice chances flawlessly. In his two Weaver vs. Hillhouse. prize* and the champion also will I Tedford 124 mew high). Arlyne victory was recorded by fourth across a lifetime total of 1.276 ter to Marsha l 90-79: P r°f . Mid-American's NCAA spot. squad named to the to finding percentages for Bames : current record is 508 games and is saic, N. J . meet.* unbeaten Eddie Cartwright 10.5-105, Marion Thoni- WEST SIDE RF-C years. Morhardt has commit­ 'New England All-Stars for the Stratford vs. Greenwich. receive a trophy donated by Pa­ Jordan of Brooklyn in a television Noake 122, Marge Murphy 115. I son 106 and 5fse .lenai k 106.- place E A S Gage, Stan Hilinski’s ably clmclied an g .. , Bvrd scored 34 points for a school, . u n . ip played and fielding changes at a held by Minray Murdoch of the gan! Caterers. Y FRl'IT LEAGUE Standing* ted only one error in 134 the Eastern NCAA with a 64-48 dumped 1 glance, * Class B 10-rounder at Madison Square Gar­ I Eleanor Squires 112. Jean 'Thur-i squad, bringing Its record up to the New York Rangers and for many !8 landing* W L. Pet. chances for a .992 fielding av­ victory over MT-bound Pvovi- ^ 1 ketball game Includes 12 college "The tabulation ppdved a God­ Last Night’s Sleores Early Entries den tonight, j ston 112. Lee Turner 112. Edith ! 500 mark, over last place Mcr- years since hia retirement head TELEPHONE LEAGUE w. L Pet. Oliva * Esso ...... 39 15 ,722 erage I>ast year he hatted (Icnce. and two other N IT entries, g Each has Ji 9-3 record captains. The New England stars, send," Magnell “ but was still No Games Played. Back from last year for another Romanowskj 109. Chickie Jaiiicke ; rlll'a Market. Somewhat over­ ac^', ^ coach of the sport st Yale. Wilson Jordan. 2.3. is subbing for injured | Standings 39 .,557 I-agani's ...... 36 18 .667 .2.50. and as a .sophomore he Manhattan and St. John's (N Y ). ‘ Boston U.. noW 18-8 after beating | ®°®'’b®fi by Fuzzy Evan.s of Ver- incomplete. Ni rt work was short- Tonight's Oam«« (At Yale) crack at the crown currently held 108. .Alva Doucette 108, Shirley | Peaches ...... 49 looked last week was the new 677 . ^ • hasn't missed a game since break- Gaspar Ortega of Mexico A Vic- i W. L McCann's Service . . 37 20 .849 batted .287. He is six feel tall scored victorie.s in other Thuraday favored Providence, is expected to ! niont and Johnny \4 nod of Wesley- Plainville vs. East Haven. by Larry Bates are Dick Buckley, Murphv 106, and Jeanne Narello Fig B a r * ...... 48 40 .545 team single mark turned In by the ened and-'^Spridays were really a ' ing in on Feb. 10, 1952, Sinc^ turn- tory over Ortega could have .17 Dari-Maid ...... 34 20 .630 hats and throw.s left, weighs fealure.s get the at-large berth opposite Con-1 "'ill meet the Greater Boston Lyman Hail v.s. Wilcox Tech, Carl Bolin Jr., Lanky Waickowski. 10.5. Uncmen ...... ■'"6; Dates X Nut,* .48 40 .545 In.surancemen. BOWLING day of re^ ''o r an opportunity for ing pro in 1949 with Omaha, Wilson boosted the unranked Redl into 9 R’enn'a Tavern ...... 26 31 .4,56 Inslallatiim . . . . . 15 .625 I Bernes ...... 43 45 ,489 The list of noteworthy scores 185 pounds and is 22 years of Manhattan, now 14-5, crushed, necticut's Yankee Conference! All-Stars March 15 at Brandeis. a family^icnic. No league baseball | has never missed a game, regular Class C Chet Nowicki. Fred MeCTurry, Don the. top 10. Fighting Jordan, a Hartford Rd. Grill .. 24 30 .444 Cable ...... 14 10 .583 Sugar Plums . . .40 48 .4.55 included Joe 'Twaronltc 149-138- »g® Lafavette 93-62 and St. John's champion* in the Eastern NCAA I The squad Includes: Dick Willey, waa /jSlayed on Sunday In the , season 01 playoff, since donning Last Night’s Score* Carpenter, Nick Twerdy. Stan newcomer to TV fans, means just VVest Side Tavern .. 17 10 .298 OIRL-S' JUNIOR LEAGUE PBX ...... 12 12 .36 52 .409 387, Charlie Varrlck 129-126-370, Connecticut opens its 25- snapped a slump and nipped■ '* New | tripleheader at New■■ —York - next)-----, Bowdoin; Mike Nason, Norwich: id old days." ' ] skates. No Games Played. Sasiela. Ell Fish, Gerry Chappell, another payday for .Steve. He is a '"‘***^ Honevdews Armory Tavern .... .9 48 .158 .Standing* Central Office . . 8 16 .3,3,3 I Dick Buckley 148-369, Hank Car­ game schedule on March 21 In 5'nrk University, also in the NIT. | Tuesday. Announcement could ] Dick Cadigan, Wesleyan: J®ttj,. Tonight’s Games (A t Stores) Stan Hilinaki, Edgar Brainard, Bill 7-5 favorite. A .3-1 victory over the Dates A LEAGUES Adamy, Hank Wittke, Ed Bujau- W. L. Pet. Repair ...... 6 18 .'2,50 . Nuts, last week's leaders, movefl Runner-up Pagani '.s .shut out lin 135-366. Count Farrand 134- s doubleheader at the Unl- 57-55 on Tonv Jackson's jump shot j come todav. | Morton and Pete W'lllniott, W U'' Terryvtlle vs. Ellsworth. A purse of $4,000-plus, however, Tulips ...... 21 5 .808 First a week ago. 1 n.stallation | , peaches into first place by a fifth place Renn'.s Tavern this 350, Ding Farr 360, Ell Fish 125- versitv of Marvland. at the buzzer ending a double-' In the Madison Square Garden Hams; Ed Diskowski, F a ir fi^ : Morgan vs. Litchfield. ciiia, John Morton, M ilt. ’Tedford, Order your 1959 bowling fro* is a big thing for the industrious Poinsettias ...... IS 8 .692 lost all three points to fourth | j,| ^ ^ ,p p ^ „„.^ .j,,,,i,e,„,ersd ro p - week^ to keep pace^ with league- , 350, Lankv Waiehowakl 342, Jim iTerry Parmenter, New Hairipshire: European, He has taken hi.s boxing phies now. Free catdoque up­ AI Byrne. Springfield: Clyde Lord Three-Year-Olds Get Chance Orchids ...... 16 10 .615 place PBX and dropped into »ec-| pH"'j„';;,, ^ Yie for second spot with leading Oliva s E.sso Salion, Babe o-RejUv I'sg-sse. Andy Lamoii- earnings and hia wages as a truck Gardenia-* ...... 8 18 .308 ' ond spot, two full games 6eliind pj g(,„red a 3-1 ver-Oliva’a club also rolling a 3-0 win ggg Nowickl' 138-345, and Bob Kiichar, Vermoftl; Robert driver and poured most of U into on request. I Thornton, Coast Gu^Vd; Ned Lar- Ro»e» ...... S .308, the Linemen who moved into f„„r(h place Ber- over cellar-dwelling Armory Tav- Johnson 125-344. Stan Saaiela the purchase of a farm in PennsvL Lady Slippers .... 7 19 .269 top position with a .3-0 triumph ^.pp^'s top matches ern. With only three weeks r e -, ^j^^lin 139-335, Tony I kin, Massachuset]!*; Jack Whelan, In Two Important Rich Races V’Snia. He plans to a rise be^f Singles of 80 or be.Uer: Linda lover cellar-dwclling Repair. Thud} ^ third 3-1 decision was maining Pagani s ti'all the iPHders g^g Carpenter 134, [H oly Cross; Jack O'Grady. Bates cattle, y 12-HourZ-Hour Engraving Service. , ■ ■ -rw rrW m *iWW '¥ 7 ' TT O 11 and Bolj Lejnb.v. Merrimack. Taft 97 Hie for season'* high ; place (.’able upended fifth place „,,,hored bv the cellar-dwelling by three games. Defending cham- Hillnski 343 and John Rivosa New York, March 6 (.flb—Three-* R«dl Record single), Barbara -McNeill 92, Jo.vce C'entral Office 2-1 in another -eiiaraweiung pion Dari-Maid fell five game.* off ; jg^ Not to be overlooked are Royal Honeydews over the fifth place year-olds on the West Coast and Orbit, Linmold and Fightin In­ Product« t'M onth RedTs fight record ia 22-3. in­ Baldyga 90, Jane Crandall 82-95H match. the pace, diopping a 2-1 dccialon the Deep South get their chance dian. cluding 13 kayos. He’’ has failed in Gerrv LaPine 127-155-385, Dave Sugar Plums. to third place McCann's Service Peggy Linas 82-83. Carole Nolan Week's finest single game ef­ tomorrow to show whether they The I>5iiisiana De'rby also Is at hia major tests - - against Gale 87, ciieryl Smith 82. Kathy Camp­ Tavloi- 12.5-126-.358. Berme Lath- .Station, the winners now 3'- COUNTRY CLUB WOSIEN; 30-MINUTE FREE forts were rolled by Flo Kloter 118, game* out of first. The West Side ______I are of Kentucky Derby caliber, one and one-eighth miles with’ -a any room Kerwin. Gil Turner and Vince bell 82 and Daphne Hurd 82. Also rop 133-3.54, Boh McKinney 1.30- Standings toOOR 11 I Most important of the two rich Martinez. A loss to the unknown Marv Bonham 114-105. Grace M)jr- Tavern nipped Hartford Rd. Grill Y Pet. INSTALLATION field of 12 in prospect. this Week, the Orchids set a new 342. Dan O Connell 14 2, Ed Ta.*ko W 97V1'^AIN STRtlET m axchprtiop B lH 1959 1959 •'races for 3-year-olds is'the 3100,- Festival King, winner of the Jordan would knock him out of the 127 and Paul Cormier 125 pro­ ray 111. Dot E"a'lng 112, Ceal Taft 2-1 in a fourth match. Spinners ., ___ .50 26 .658 M.4 NCHESTER team single of 397 and team 107. Ruhv LaForge 107 and MarV ; 000 added Santa,Anita Derby. The trial. Dhaiilagari. Ambassador, big time main event class. That double of 757. breaking the old duced the week's.,top .score.*. Turning in- the best score* were Sliders ...... 48 28 .632 MERCURY In your homo could be disastrous to his cattle MERCURY ; other is the $'40,000 Louisiana Sputnik and Jerry Evarts shape marks of 59,3 and 7,50. Lucas 106 Mike Zwick 141-383. Jazz Fuller Strikes ...... 41 .35 .538). COMMUTER STATION WAGON I Derby at New Orleans' Fair up as the l>esl of the exipected buying plan. Splits ...... 38 38 .500 Grounds, The Kentucky Derby will Jordan has plenty of incentive POVS’ JUNIOR I.E.AGUE Setups ...... 30 46 .395 MONTEREY 4-DOOR SEDAN I starters. The quartet dominated con be ponoiod Tl E.Sl»A) HOUSEWIVES 4-door. Equipped with Merromatic, power b* run Ma.v 2 at Louisville, Ky.' the recent Derby trial at a mile to win this one. too. -Thi.s is his .Slandiiig.s Spares’ "...... 21 55 .276 steering, power window, radio, heater, The Santa Anita test of one and debut as a 'TV performer and Gar­ • W. I,. Pet, S* inding* A 3-1 victory over the Splits Fully equipped Two-tone paint, heater and and one-sixteenth. Canadians Closer W padded dash, foam seats, front and rear, one-eighth miles has attracted a den main eventer. .S.'C! boosted the Spinners into solis pos- defroster, pii.shbiitton radio, padded dash, Drawn a Field of 18 Spatulg.* ...... 68 foam nibhor .seat.s. front and rear. White- back-up lights, courtesy group, wheel cov- Free Installation field of 12. That’ll mean a gross Gulfstream Park offers the 0 oo$ilv with He stands 5-10 compared^ to To Second Pennan11 Tiger.,’ '.’ .’ .' .'9 3 .7,50 'Xv .' ] ■ session of first place while last UNIVERSAL value of $150,300 and a net of * * * • Rolling P.m.* ...... 48 wall tire.s, back-up lights, courtesy lights, era. 2-tone paint, Solar shield windshield, $15,000 added Magic City Handi­ • * • • Redl's 5-5. Redl likes to .swarm in Dickenson's ...... • 5 .58.3 week’s co-leaders, Slldera dropped $103,200 to the winner if all face • • • • • Klving Saucers .... 46 wheel covens, solar shield windshield. whitewall Urea. cap as its nhief attraction. The • * • • and awing away with both hands, 'S. Aleria 4 .Sons , .583 : i -u - i a 3-1 verdict to the fifth place the starting gate at 7:45 p.m. • * • * * • * • New York. -March 6 (48 —'The)gpg„, ghop , .5no Skillets ...... 44 SEDT COUERS mile and 70-yard race has drawn • # # • • Jordan, a sharpshooter with his .6 * Setups. .The Strikes also rolled Custom Pre-engineered EST. National Hockey League race, if W. T. Grant ...... 6 ..500 Coffee • Cups ...... 33 a 3-t win over the Spares. . a field of 12 with Vertex the likely left Jab and hook, likes an op­ There are several interesting ,.500 Double Boiler.* .... 25 $495 favorite. F. A. Piarulli's speedy ponent to come to him. it oan be called that, has reached L. T. Wood . . . . ,6 ’ Singles o f. 105 or better were $495 angles to the race. First, Tomy WEYERHAEUSER Red Sox ...... 6 .500 -All three firs’ division ,5-year-old has been on the ailing The styles favor the youngster. the stage where the Montreal a turned in bv Jean Gaudino 109- Down Down Lee came up lame and will not Jon-Di’s ___ ■...... 5 .417 recorded win* this past 123 (3311. Isabelle Parcialc 124, start. Tomy waa rated the second list but looks to be ready for Ms He soundly whipped Mel Barker, Canadiens can wrap up their sec­ with the Spafu'-a i l ) upending TRIPLEU 4 - s q u a r e ond straight pennant with one Harmac's ...... ’..4 8 .3,33 Bet tv Daniels 120, Helen Galla- best 2-year-61d back of First 1959 debut. He's carry 125 pounds the Texas welterweight champion, 8 the Coffee C p i5i 3-1, Rolling 3545 more yiclory. A loss by the second Red Ember ...... C .4 .3.33 gliei' 106G17, Lynn Vamey 108, 2895 and give from six to 16 to the in a Garden semi-final Feb. 20. Landing last year. 6 iit so far this Vic’s Soda .Shop...... 2 in .167 Pins (2) snutting out the Double Ahu Barron 106 and Evelyn Lor- SrOR£S^ year he has failed to Impress, others. Barlter’a atyle is similar to Redl’s. place Chicago Black Hawks will Boilers )6) 4-0 and the Flying roduce the same result for the de- Singles of 10.5 or betto: Rich entzen 106. lik ely to Bfi Favom l Bowie presents the $25,000 add­ That's apparently why Redl is only 114-113-110 (337i M,s Mc- Saucers i3i blanking the Skillets 1959 1959 681 M AIN ST.— MI 3-6771 ed Barbara Fritchie Handicap for HU-WALL a slim betting choice. Jordan's rec­ f;nding champion.*. Finnegan, conqueror of Tomy Curry 106, Mark Sheploff 116, Jim 14)4-0. ", ord ia 16 victories and two draw*. Lee In the Sah Felipe Handicap fillies and mares. They’ll go aix The Canadtens, who have domi­ Sommet.s 119-111. Bob Danhhy Tap single game efforts were BOV’S JUNIOR Le a g u e ENGLISH FORP PANILINO The bput will be broadcast and ENGLISH FORD two weeks ago, la in the field furlongs \"lth Tinkalero, winner nated the league almost from the 114, George May 114, Jim Harvey chalked up by Hilma McComb Standings GARAGES telecast (NBC, 10 p.m., EST) na-' Start of Che season, moved 'two Pritmd from along with Ole Fola. Both race for of two stakes earlier In the meet­ ...... , 111. George Edwards 108. Tony 142 (331), B-a Cormier 115-110, W. L Pet. . ESCORT STATION WkOON Neil McCarthy. The entry is likely ing, the top weight under 121 tioha))y. points closer to clinching last night Zetonis 111. Craig Phillips 118. Bruins ...... 7 3 .700 ANGLIA 2-DOOR SEDAN Scoring will be by rounds: A Liz Church (118, Ann Me.vers 118, to be favoreil since Ole' Fols has pounds. by downing the 'Ti>ronto Maple Russ Burneft 109. DaVe Haskell .700 Heater, defroster, whitewall tlrts, direc­ . ■ • • • • ...... luppleirrentary point syatem also S' Caroline Jankke 109, Ruth CTlark Lions ...... 7 Heater, defro.ster,1o.ste whitewall tires, direc­ won three stakes and Finnegan A t Lincoln Downs, the $10,000 Leafs, 2-1. And the Boston Bruins 105. Jim Daiby 116. Jerry Dubois Rangers ...... 5 .500 tional signals, foam seats. tional signals, foam seats. Nu-Wall PoBderoea Pin* vill bs used to help break draws. 107 and Jean Nourie 106. two. New Haven Handicap headliUM tightened their hold on third place 121, Ron Allen 112. Doug Mc- Hawks ...... 4 .400 Them there is C. V. Whitney's the card. A probable field of 10 paneling offsre an easy wSy to yith a 3-0 decision over the De­ Bi'iety 114. Mike Coy 108. Pete La,- Royals ...... 4 .400 oonsistMvt filly. Silver Spoon. She is expected for the seven furlong; givs important raoiqa in yotir troit Red Wings. Fond 110, Filed Adamson 105, Ron Y JI NIOR BOVS .300 Easy Viettwies Ahead Dickie Moore of the Canadiens Red Wings ...... S' has won five straight races, four dash., Ounrod, O p t i q u e a t and hom* new charm and warmth. , Morra 117 and Roger Poe 124. Standing* Singles of 900 or better *t the $95 $ $195 took over the goals tallied lead and of them in stake engagements at Double-Bid head the list. w. Manchester Bowling Green: Paul Down Nu*WalI ia oarsfully astaetad, JPrafue,' Ckschoalovakta, March upped his advantage over Andy Down Santa Anita. But she never has Tigers .. j ...... 21 Loughliti 117 (new high), lUclty aiufaosd to pattern, and pra-cut 6 dsairahle panaUnf laeigtha pions and their top rival* aeenjed points'in their duel for Ihe'Acoring Standing* Cardinals ...... 10 . . . „ 1590 i h i t j and only one filly aver won the ,T , I 1 1 na 'Phillips 90. Jack Mercer 90 NO MONEY DOWN race. She wo* Ciencla in 1939. Un­ with a random ho^s«MaUl heoAsd for easy victories again championship. Morse connected W. L. Pet. Giants ...... 6 148-384, Lanky AVaickowski- 1..9- j White 90 fabulouM dreamboat in ■' Friday's llchedule . with his goal and raised.hia Sparrows ...... 21 9 .700 der conditions of the' race Silver Syracuse vs. Philadelphia Vaa’d joint. It it araOabla in t:day as the World Ice Hockey Singles of 90 or better; Dennis 131-371, AI Wilhelm 135-355, Bert m at Champlonahips moved into the point total to 75 as all of the scor­ Bnie Jays ...... 15 15 ..500 1st Payment O C T , BVINRUDE‘8 Spoon.will carry only 113 pounds Hershey, Pa. Contamporary MorinJVlOrill 108-95, XVIAI Grzyb AUO.108, XPaul CLUl Hovey ADA,131, Tom A****| *Rainiondo VCS •«I »*.» *» 144, O ftN SUNDAYS 1959 EDSEL RANGER 2-DOOR SEDAN ing was concentrated in the sec­ Robins . .. 15 .500 to 118 by all her male rivals. Minneapolis at Petroit. second rptmd of the preliminary ...... , Buck 105, Mike Orlowski 99, PauR Larry Bates 127-352, Joe Twaro- MIXED doubles Sq. F t. etyting, V*-P*®k*0*d Tor round. A * the United State’s sex­ ond periqdj Larks ...... 9 21 .300 Wilhelm 99, Vic Salcius 98. Steve nlte 127, Bob Guthrie 136-345, Art S.andr.Z. ^ Boston called on . Harry Lumley protection and. eanyaniaiMa. tet squared off against East Ger­ Single* of 80 or belter at the Barton 97. Bob Young 97, Dave Massaro 356, Ding Farr 338 and Alva-K(l Doucette ...... i 18 ia JOO Full.v equipped witli pushbutton radio, heater, dreamtioat centaat 21c as substitute for the ailing Don many at Bmo, the American* still Manchester Bowling Green; -Mari­ Gtzyb 92 and Stan Grzyb 91. Pete Aceto 351. Astrld-Herm Wlerblcki .... 17 13 .567- FREE defrcKster, whitewall tires, safet.v package, FEB. 2VMAR, 22 were talking of the line play of Simmone and the veteran goal lyn Werner 97-80, Pat Quinn 83 BarluLra-DIck McGonvUle .. 17. 13 .567 tendbr -prom'ptlj' came up'with the and Kathy Cloleman 83. Nanev-Norm Warren ...... 17 13 H 0 7 -w »® | Mipourtb wall to wall carpeting, electric dock, foam Is The TInie Tq, Flaij Your Tom ,'Williams 1.. yesterday’s 10-3 MUJED DOUBLES Oehri’ieV<“Eraiik Kopcha... It 14 33 PRIZES vlcW»ry .over Norway. The Duluth, 69th shutout of his N H L career, - MIXKp DOrBLKS Jean-BIl) Thurston ...... 16 14 .588 rubber seats. ’2495 SPRING PAINT UPt - wI Lumley's fine 29-*ave effort waa - A' -fitandinzs ^ Slandlnzt ^ 8.- Chrisjensen-G. - ls)e - Hampton■ 16 14 Gal yam eelry bleriki karat Minn., wingman scored, four goals. W L Pet. MAR. $495 DOWN backed by goals off the sticks of NixFi) i>orni.F;s« Rena-Lou Oamalo ...... Iris^ni Vacanli ...... Jf }J NOW' For EstInMte* Call . . . J Mlandins* Anila-Zimy Olbert ...... 47 21 .619 N. Rphan-G. Yost ...... 18 If Bronco Hor\:ailL_puy Gendroh anij Liz-Tony. 8ala/ia ...... 46 33 .682 Naiicy-John'Uaudlno IV I- Pet. OUve-Joe RosaettO'. Atarge-O orw Murpliy . . . , J8 . If •» TEACHERS TRIUMPH rookie Larry l>ach. llareeslDlip Ctusliina ..36 19 .648 Audrey-^Henry Frey i..-.,, '41 » .632 3taUreei»;Dw Mower, ...i.U U - .f M cBRIDE'S Mlllto-OlUeillie Jarvis 34 20 .630 Mlldfed-Howard Haneen .. $ . g .674 Ru(h-£mie Pohl ...... Anne-NieV Tererty ^ . W IJ .« bataj^Uss Morrison . 33 21 ,611 Ruth-Ernle- Oakman --- 36 32 .471 Hyrtle-BUI LaBivlera-.... UNIVERSAL BUILDERS CORP. Wm. Diekson and Son7 Maiiion-Harry Buckmlnater 32 36 .471 Conole-Jisck. Tatio ...... 13 111 .543 ■rhala-RealnaldJI^M* -SPORT SPOT New Haven, March' 6' (4>)— Don Buth-^b OsU-ander i l 21 g n Ann-Paul.Correnti 13 (13 JOV Francee-AlberTTeat' Gladys-Herb Smith .. 31 23 ...674 Ruth-Frail BOnol)u* ...... -SI, .37 .4M Hlldur-Mloky ararWBlnfct BOX 1708 - f)5 SrillS SI,. NfW HAVfN, CONN. Perrelll poured In 26 pointa last College Basketb^l Peg-Bill Smith ...... SI 37 .iS$ Uarie-Al Puzxo ...... |Q 14 .417 ,■} 100 CENTER ST. "■ PAII'^ING AnmErnie McNeill ... , 30 24 .566 Maraarlte-Nell Thomas' 10 U4 .417 Llada-Don^...... Harrisonm il night ah the Neiv Haven Teachers arlon-Wlnston Smith 29 25 .537 Alwine-Blll Llsk ...... SO 38 .441 ■cores of note i f Without obligation pleue tend FREE catalogue ' , :B>4 MORIARTY 39' 25 .637 Charlolte^Iarence Lupien 27 41 .g7 Fat-Al Xa BZD* ______9 U -175 acored a (76-68 basketball ylctory .East -John Hedlurtd , Bowling Grew LIV fX ILN 36 28 .481 Rullr-EddlF .Werner ...... 26 43 -Mi _ licCooe ...... 8 16 --- OONTINKNTAL — MKRCUBY — EDSEL ENGUSH FORD and DECORATING S3(T NOBT*H^MA1N ^ t . — liB L* M l 9-5253 over Hartford .Untyer^ty, Ray illne-Tom Mnrley BMaowakt ...... 6. 18 .aW ThUrstm 18841 j NAME ■ ' ' CITY ' I r l gpeelaliaipg In «hui«h Work St. .John’* 67, N Y U 65. axtoorth May •< 26 39 .463 P«-CbarUe UtMng, .- 22 46 iH .19TJWA Jin* Rnuxtln '433. Marge. Rawer mem 25 to lead Hartford. Boston Univ. 64; ProWdehce 48. gMgm-Ken Hunoii ...... 19 .36 ■Tony SalliRa 34S, Eddie Werner 136^ 301 CENTER ST. OPEN EVENINGS Ml 3-S13S [EVU9RUDE • XMaMlah 1616 • i M iljr f-A .M . to 5 P.M., Inciqdiii|t W.edncaclaj^ 341, Zlggy Olbert 183. Rath Werner j^DDRESS ^ j l iAUt ■ Mmct. ’The Teachers had an e iriy lead Manhattan 93, Lafayette 62. 113 nnd Ruth Oakman UO tgpped_att MI 6-OttO—MANCMEHTER .A/tornooM Rad Satarday^, till Noon and kept it. A t the half, tjiey were New Haven TChre ,Tfi, UacUord ^rttetpanW at the Weet M * E*4< .11;<»... • , • ' - ahead «7.32. . i a. ■ -' ’ it-ti'e ®We5? slSS 'itee i^ e y ^ John .Cushinc 136 and Ana ■•.V' i. ■ V! , \'- - MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1989 Houses for Sale Houses for Sale BAQS^ poyR n:B N Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 61 Rooms Without Board 59 Help WaiiWh-M*lB 86 BOLTCUK CENTER—AttracUve two BOLTON, Tolland Rd. -^Imipacu- MANCHESTER—Five room ranch, SELUNO TOUR For CottrBBB w d CtaaBCB 27 TWO OIL apace heateraj tWo 80 (XX) (uU basement, t'Wo fireplaces, prompt, *0101601, Aatomobiles for Sale 4[^E R E OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN bedroom, ran<9i, aluminum late four room t-anch, breezeway, KNAPP SHOES, Harry Mghoney, gallon oil druma, double. Size mat- FURNISHED ROOM fbr rent patio, garage. Nicely landscaped. plastered walls, full Insulation. ice and amraising $rtl6but oUlga- AmUNE TRAliHNG., Afversl “ TOOLM Affii^ 106 Bicoh St. Ml 9-8884. storms, cellar, enclosed breeze­ MANCHESTER — SIX room Cape. IBM Ch r y s l e r New Yorker two- $8 Maple Street; MI 8-4837. treaa, in excellent condiUon. MI Aluminum storms and acreens new Price $18,650. Paul J. Correntl, Hot.water oil heat, tile bath, large tion, call S. A. Beaewer, RwUtar, young men wid Womoa in tnU y - 8 1292. way, garage. $13,900, Ml 9-513;i, kitchen garage. AmeSite drive. AH 8-4M69 or W « a l* ^ gmltfa. A*< door hardtop, fully equippM, ex­ AND FURNISHED ro6m, all modem im­ Carlton W. Hutchins. hot water heater. Convenient to Broker. MI 8-6863. YeSTCRPAr/, CMtBUMCLE 6TMZTE0 A BI6 AQ&UMENT lOOAV, ME erARTED A BKKiER ONE BECAUSE clnity will b« »cle6tea to tsrain SNOW BLOWERS—Iteo, Snowbird, City iitilities. 30 days occupancy. Boclates. AO 9-4^82. M«mb*r Haiti- cellent condiUon, $795. Will con­ immediately for attracUvA .airline provements. 44 Pearl St. Call MI shopping, schools and ..busea Nice secAUSE ne vias i p o AFnenoNATe in mis ME WASN’T AITECnONATE ENOUGH - and Toro. Puah and aeU-prbpelied. ALBERT’S DO IT AGAIN I $14,000 RANCH, brick front, three SIX ROOM ranch plus utility rtMm Charles Lesperanoe, MI 0-7620. pi* Listing 8* sider older car In trade: MI S-8166 dCfCTlNCr'- ■ .. positions as hoetesaes. raw^a- f i r s t (3LASS WLA Capitol l^ulpment, 88 Main. Ml NO PA'YMENTS 8-6989. ^ yard. Priced to sell imnledia’ eiy at days. ' * ' ' ^ -V bedrooms, fireplace, cellar, base- only $12,900., R. F. Dimock Co., and attached garage. Only six tions, aecretary, ticket .agetita, 8-7968. _ • .,'K TILL APRIL lOTH years - old. Ideally located near EXCEPTIONAL BUY —^ELL — TRADE WVUAwrmTME KISSES? IS THAT ANK WAV communloationa, transporta 11 o n For work on eloae toMranco' Air> CUSTOMER DOESN’T WANT IT. LARGE,' pleasant furnished light boarh heat, trees, near bus, Realtors, Ml 9-5245. MEOO.MOMeV.' stores,-school. Carlton W. Hutch­ Buckley School, buses and stores. PANORAMIC VIEW Want 8*11 yqur piw 'rty? LOOKING FOR A rsNAcK.smack: WHAfT MAKE BEEN TO GREET ME?WIMr and station agents. Short low cost craft Preclfloa Parta, PRB-SEASON Cham saw apecial. MOVING TO CHICAGO housbkeeping room with refrig­ ) erator Light, heat, gaa furnished. ins. MI 9-5182. (XXI) Includes many extras like ’"all to This home Is just a few minutes Greenwqdd, Inc; will buy for. oil HOW^MVBEST UP TO MOW I let ME AMI.VOURWIFE training can qualify you over a Save up 80% on Clinton aawa. PICK UP DEPENDABLE SECOND HIGH HOURLY RATES Ladies. Ml 3-6388. wall carpeting, drapes, disposal, from Main St. and has everything cash, oh work out a trade. Quick c l a s s i f i e d ADVERTISEMENT DEPT. HOURS LiTUE WiPEI SMELL «UK8RE«Mr ORAMAI071BET period of weeks. Women will alao Now and uaed. Capitol Equipment MONTHLY PAYMENTS SOUTH WINDSOR—New five room storm doors, etc. Nicely land­ action assured. Call and. get.our C04 88 Main St., MI 8-7958. FOUR BEDR00I4 older Colonial. one could ask for Including three (SMACK.'.) IT ISN’T UKE be trained in charm and beauty $16.83 ROOM 'WITH continuous hot water ranch, built-in oven and range. Elxccllent condition. Two-car ga­ scaped. Qualified buyer con m - deal, no obligation. 8:16 AJU. to 4:30 PJW. CAR? MOREIOSASTO , If you' don’t qualify for oat of 3 COMPLETE bedrooms, two baths separate din­ . ■K0U« techniques. Must have pleasant, and shower, private entrance. Lot 100x200. $16,600. Philbrick rage. St. James Parish, $17,300. R. Bunie 4% mortgage. Priced (or GREEWOOD, INC., THATSBCREIWW personality, high school graduate, Uieae poaitions, pleaaa do not ap- 90% dFF ON handwoven m n dur­ ROOMS OF BRAND NEW ing. room, (picture book) kitchen, 1049 Club coupe, very good me­ ing March only. Call Mra. Elliott, Gentleman. 101 Chestnut St. Free Agency, MI 9-8464. F. Dlmock Co., Realtors. Ml 9-6245. immediate sale. Call MI 9-6063, wuh oven, range, dishwasher, dis­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. chanical condition—1149. IMKOUR. age 17 to 89. "Ihqulries Coriflden- FURNITURE MT 3-1 57 7 OFTICE.r M A L T O O L ft m 8-7633. parking. posal'’and brenkfast area. There IS MONIliAX Ihni raiD A y 10:80 A.M.-~SATUBDAV 9 A.BI. tlal. Accredited by NHSC. Write All 100% guaranteed; 'some In MANCHESTER — We have two (XXII) DUPLEX—TWo up, three down, 37- 1960 Chevrolet cliib coupe, light ENGINEERING COMPANY .30 Grove St., Manchester. Call JA also a ver.v nice paneled recrea for qualifying details, be sure, to FOR SALE— Nine Wooden atorm original factory crates, with orlg' beautiful two-family homes that tinned rooni, large breezeway,,two- green, radio- and heater—$109. include your age, phone number Inal factory .series numbers. you should look into. Excellent PLEASE READ YOUR AD $91 ADAMS STRlBSiT winttewa, alZe 82’’x88J4” . MI Apartm ents— Plats—*■ NEW SIX room ranch, one block ' car garage and beautiful IM with 1961 Chevrolet de luxe four door to; Airline Division, National 8-4696. ______- BLOND BEDROOM T e n e m e n ts 63 condition, nice location, not water from Green. All large roomz, two trees. Make this a (Must See). Convict Holds ra a ^ o ^ 's r Ads’* are taken over tks phone as a con- sedan, radio and heater, excellent School of Aeronautics, Box H, and steam heat, oil. For additional baths, bullt-ln stove and oven, fire­ MANCHESTER—Finished six room CUSTODIAN -Full-time for local UVING ROOM SUITE cape with full cellar, large cabinet ELVA TYLER, MLS Realtor n ia advertiser shonld read his ad the ORST DAV IT condition—$279. Herald. church. Plsaae write Box D. UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent condi­ 6 PC. DINETTE SET 15 MINUTE ride to Vernon. Three information call The Ellsworth place. Full basement, two-car ga­ APPBABS aad REPORT ERRORS In Ome for the next Inser- tion. New bench. Very reaaonable. rodnf apartment with garage, Mitten Agency, Realtors, Ml kitchen, tile bath, copper plumb­ MI 0-44Q9 1953 Chevrolet 210 four door Herald, aUtlng qualiDcatlona and —AND ACCESSORIES rage. Your choice of i’-terlor ing, city utilities, ameslte drive, Four Hostage M— The Herald Is responsible for only ONE incorrw^ or omitted sedan, solid black, radio and heat­ references. 17 Pearl 8t. MI 9-0,275. WESTlNGHOUSE REF'R stove, refrigerator. References, MI 3-6950. decoration. R. 9’. Dlmock Co., Real iMiirtlnn for any advertisement and then only to the extent of a er, above average-$449, Private Instructions 28 ------■ _ EMERSON TELEVISION 9-2837. tors, AO 9-5245. convenient location. Asking MANCHESTER - Five rooms, 3 OAKLAND ST.--TWO family Oil $12,650 Elsie Meyer Agency, Real­ down. 2 up, oil heat. Tnsulstlon •Hnake «Ood” Insertion. Errors which do not lessen the value of MAN *10 wash and clean ewa and a u t o m a t ic gaa hot water heater WASHING MACHINE 1954 Ford Custom V-8 two-door STENOGRAPHY — Intermediate Rudd monel-lined, complete. Like TWO ROOM furnished apartment, hot watef heat. Good Investment tor, MI 9-5624, tile hath, cilv htililics. laige lot. Over 12 Hours Uw adverOsement will not be corrected by "make good insertion. sedan. Has Fordomatic. radio and dictation class starting March 19; do general work, part or full-time. DE LUXE RANGE ______(XXIII) new. Meal slicing machine. One Take your choice of any o* these 105 Blroh St. Call MI 9-5601 after property. Priced to sell. $17,500. $12..300. Charles Ix-sperance Ml heater, real sharp, ivory and Mary Jayne Mitchell, SO 8-8295. Apply Bruno or A1 at Manchester Philbrick Agency. AO 9-8J84. GLASTONBURY Five room 0-7620. Motor Salea. No phone calls. Ap- • picture window, 60’’x69” . Call be­ appliances in addition, to bedroom, 6 p.m. BOLTON — Six room split level, (Continued from Page One) rOtJR COOPERATION WHX f \ : - | IU| 3 . 2 7 1 1 blue—$599. fore 8:30. Sat. and Sun. any time. wooded lot. Three bedrooms, fire­ rnnrli, full basement, plastered BE appreciated V i U i lYll A# ■ • ply in person only. - living room, dinette, rugs, lamps, FOUR ROOM apartment for rent. NEW LISTING—Six room cape, walls, full Insulation. attached FOUR ROOMS, redoeorated, wood­ No down payment on above cars. MI 3-6874. tables, linoleums, dishes and other place, excellent condition $i6,8nn. Keith to go them In the Bonds— Stocks Mortgfagfs 31 Heat, hot water, gas for ooking, three bedroom, Hqrge modern R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtors. MI • plastered garage. IJirge lot. Ex­ ed 60^42 lot, fully fenced, oil hot TWELVE PAIRS white organdy items. electric refrigerator and gas kitchen, ceramic bath, copper cellent condition Owner moving air treat, priced to sell at $11,500. Keith car. They left the police Lost and Found Personals 3 OAKLAND MOTORS, INC. TOO MANY DEBTS? Consolidate Help Wanted— EVER'YTHING 9-6245. 1 ruffled ourtaina, 73 inch length. stove. Call MI 9-4071 or MI piumblng, ameslte drive. Asking out of state. Priced at onlv \x>vi down payment. John H. Lap- car parked behind the Keith 367 OAKIJtND ST. your payments and Improve your Male or Female S7 ONLY $448 LOST—Red and brown rellglcua WANTED—Ride to Pratt Sc Whit Tel. MI 9-9432. 9-5779 from 5 to 7 p.m. $14,900. Paul J. Corrcntl, Broker, (XXIV) $17,800. Charles Ijesperance. Ml pen. Inc. MI h-5261, Ml 9-2896, MI house. MANCHESTER 'T h u ikilo credit standing. $22.25 per rtionth Phone for appointment MI 3-5363. * 9-7620. 9-5219 cases. Old addreas Inside of red nev Airport, Whitney St., East "All the time I keipt trying to Hartford. Hours 8-4:45. From vi­ ■ y»p/5 wsntJeZr will pay pff $1,000. If you own OPENINGS for part-time work. SAMUEL ALBERT, Hartford CH CENTER STREET — Five room NEW SIX room Colonial, $17,900. esse. Please call MI 3-2679. Sehtl- For a deal that's fancy real estate, call CTI 6-8897 and aak $40 weekly guaranteed for three 1950 ALUS CHALMERS tractor 7-0358, any time up to 8 ojn. heated, second floor, parking, $90. VERNON—Four room home, mod­ MANCHESTER-SIX room Capo: FIVE ROOM ranch, full basement talk him out of It," Dees said. "I mahtal value. cinity Waddell School. ' Call MI mm moMiNAOB built-in dishwasher, l*i baths, was afraid to try anything be­ 9-3117. see Jack Clancy VtTKOr^iMlCH. T Frank Burke or Mrs, Carter for evenings work per week. Car ^d equipment. PI 2-7007. See It Day Or Night Call MI 9-4839 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, ern kitchen, oil hot air heat, base­ built-in stove and oven, Ct mplete- shed dormer, fireplace, plast^ d with garage, fireplace, btillt-ln S-<> If you have no means of trans­ walls, full Insulation, recreation cause o fth e Keiths being in the LOST—PASS BOOK No. 3526. Sav­ MI 3-1446 details. Connecticut MortgaKe Ex­ needed. Cill Coventry. GArfield ment, A good buy. $8,600 The ly landscaped. Ameslte ’ rA’e R. oven and range, ceramic bath. RIDE WANTED to Pratt & Whit- change, 15 .Lewis St., Hartford. 9-4149 for MHce or home inter­ 14" MAONAVOX table model TV, portation. I'll send my auto for NEW EFFICIENCY apartm. nt for Philbrick Agency, Afl 9-8484. F Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml room, combination wlndow^i and Priced for Immediate sale at car." ing* Department of the Connecti­ 1953-54 CHEVROLETS, 1954 ■ Ford you. No obligation. rent with kitchen, living room, doors. Porch, trees, hot \yhter oil cut Bank t Trust Company, N. rc.v. Hours 8-4:45. From vicinity view. White Cross Party Plan, good condition, excellent for sum 9-5245. $15,500, S, A Reerhler. Realtor, Easley alao tried to talk Smoth­ Beaman Circle and Waddell Rd. convcrliblr, 1955 Chevrolet Bel Inc, mer cottage nr second set. MI bedroom, tile bath. Fun shed \VEST SIDE—Attractive f'vr room heat, good location. West. fTinrles MI 3-6969 or W. R. Smith, Associ­ xratT. St, Office. Application made Business Services Offered 13 Household Services Roofing—Siding 16 ji^ip Wanted— Female 35 A— E—R—T—’S home, enclosed breezeway. ga­ ers into giving up the idea of ea- C^ill \ll 9-3542 after 6 p.m. Air. 1953 Mercury, 1953 Pontihc. 9-6180. with stove, refrigerator and heat, (XXV) Ijcspcrancc. MI 9-7620,' ate. Ml 9-8952. caplng. Dees said. for payment. Offered 13-A EARN EXTRA money to pay cash 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD all on first floor. Storage <>pace rage. $13,900, assume 4 'i% Doiigla.s Motors, 333 Main. EVBREADY—A?he8, rubbish re­ COUGHLIN ROOFING Company, HOP HOME parties. Openings for "Ted Easley Is a champ, a real POUND—MONGREI.S brown and WOULD THE person who rtnick Inc. Aluminum siding, asphalt- for those necessities and luxuriea OPEN NIGHTS TILL 8 P.M In basement. Parking — o- bus mortgage, small cash. Carlton W. NEW SIX room Cape, West Side, MANCHESTER Slx/(4om rolonial! VERNON New six room Build­ STATION WAGONS—1952 Ram­ moval. Cellars and att)C8 cleaned. TV SERVICE — Potterton’s, all party plan demonstrators house- ohamp." the patrolman said of the white, amall dog. Call Lee Frac- the small dog on upper School SI. asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, in the home. Full or part-time. Boats and Accessories 46 SAT. 6 P.M. line, near shopping center. For Hutchins, AO 9-5132. bullt-ln range and oven, vestibule. plaatered walls, /full Insulation, er's Model Ranch, basement ga­ bler, 1950 Plymouth, 1949 Willys. No Job too big or small. Sundays makes. Highest quality guaranteed wares. toys gifts, novelties. No Gar necessary. For appointment fireplace, lavatofy. tile hath full rage, bullt-ln oven and range, Trusty. <^a. Dog Warden, MI 3-8594. about 1:15 or 1:20 Sunday after­ available, package delivery, light galvanized or copper gutters and one Or two only, $95 monthly. Can Chojee location. Large lot 318,200. noon please contact Nobla at 290 Dougla* Motors, 333 Main. work and parts, over 47 year’s ex­ collecting, no delivery. Experience call hn 3-5247. WESTlNGHOUSE r e f r 1 g erator, be seen at 189 West Middle Tpke., $12,900 ATTRACmVE 3 bedroom attir, porch,'(Jot water oil heat, colonial fireplace, executive size From Birmingham, Smother* expressing. MI 9-6045. perience. Famous for service since leaders. Ml 3-7707. not necessary. Call or write Mrs. ranch, ceramic bath, hot water R. F Dimock Co., Realtors, ATI fo u n d —LIGHT brown and white School SI. 23 H.P, 1958 SCOTT Atwater out four burner gas stove, maple Apt. F. Phohe AH 3-7091. 9-5245. amoslto drive; city utilities Side- rooms. Convenient to schools, and hla four hostages, held at the female, small dog. Call Frac- 1949 PONTIAC 4-door, automatic 1931. Phone MI 9-4537 for best Lillian Rosenberg, 45 Manor Cir­ EARN HIGH commissions selling board motor. Ml 3-5908. kitchen table with four chairs, 2 heat, basement picture window, •walks, larg* lot. Vacant. Charles shopping, Hartford, Manchester. point of Dees' .,38-caliber service transmission. Very good condition. AI, MARINOS, M A M Rubbish service. cle, East Hartford. JA 8-6247. Celeste Jewelry Fashions with a 145’ frontage. Carlton W. Hutch­ chia, E)og Warden. Ml 3-8.594, , Roofing and Chlmnevs 16-A in one cot with Gray FIVE ROOMS heated including (XXVIII) Lesperance. MI 9-7620. Only $16,200 - .30 year mortgage. revolver, headed north. Automobiles for Sale 4 Call before 3:30, Sat. and Sun. any Service, complete full time re­ fast growing party plan by , carpet 12x15, outdoor TV antenna. three bedrooms. refrigerator, ins. Ml 9-513'2. moval service, industrial, com­ DOUG’S Refrigeration Seiwfce—re­ MANCHESTER housewives—If you Builder, MI 9-1489 and AH 3-2465. Near the tiny town of Flat time. Ml 3-6874. being a Fashion Stylist. Wonder­ Diamonds— Watches— All In good condition. Reasonable. stove, storm window.s and park­ (X)VENTRY—New 5iAKE STREET — New six room 9-5245. appointment In your home or pany plan. Douglas Motors. 333 $100 down. Jensen's, Inr. (always tions, electric sewer cleaning, place or furnace, $5 and $10 loads Music Center, 186 West Middle Write Box J, Herald. Ame.sUo drive. city utilities charge of posse.ssing a gun after mine. EJxperienced, competent LIGHT TRUCKING of all kinds of Call MI 9-0014. place, Modern throughout. $23,900. Colonial with garage. Built by U. Main Street. reliable). Rolling Hlils Route 44A, paper and rags, pick up once a BIDWE3LL HOME Improvement drainplpe.s cleaned fast and effi­ delive'ced. MI 3-2694. Tpke. MI 9-620.’). $12,990. Oiarles Lesperance, MI FERGUSON RD.—103 ft. wooded conviction on a felony, work at reaaonable fee. Call Ml Mansfield, GArfield 9-4479. REGISTERED nurse two davs per MANCHESTER, 29 Pearl St. Four Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. & R. Built-in stove and oven. month. $1 per month. Genera! rub­ Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ ciently. Will R. Guy, MI 3-0377. REGISTERED nurse available foi* room furnished, heat, hot water, Large fireplace. SOn dsck 9-7620. lot In beautiful residential area, "We were about 25 miles south 8-2666. WANTED — (?lcan used cars. We week. Call MI 9-2358. part or full-time work in physi­ city utilities. Bargain at $3,500. buy, trade down or trade any­ bish removed at low price. Tele­ rages. Roofing and siding experts. oil Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 garage, central residential, work­ RANCH—6>i rooms. Ultra riicxlem baths three bedrooms. Beautiful of Birmingham when he grabbed phone MI 4-0784. Call any time. S. WATSON. PLUMBING and heat­ cian's office. MI 3-7919. HOME TOWN on Co. Range SIX ROOM cape, 4 bedrooms, extra Afl .3-0154. Carl and Esther thing. Douglas Motors, 333 'fain. Aluminum clapboards a specialty. ing contractor. New installations, LICENSED practical nurse, 11-7 ing couple. MI 3-6028. —situated on a spacious lot. in view. $18,700. R. F. Dlmock Co., me," Dees said. Auto Driving School 7-A delivered. Call MI 9-1534. exclusive surrounillngn. Beautiful large kitchen with dishwasher and Schwarz, INCX)ME TAXES prepared. Call Unexcelled workmanship. Easy alteration work and repair work. p.m., full or part-time. Call MI WILL DO baby-sitting In my Realtors. AH 9-S245. disposal, flrcplaee,. hot air bilt- At Birmingham, Patrol Lt. 1954 NASH foilr-door sedan. gOod LA'WN MOWERS sharpened, re­ budget terms Ml 9-6495 or TR 9-2358. LADY'S BLUE wool coat, size 38-1 THREE LARGE rooms, heat and living room with large picture MI 9-60S6. I ARSON’S Connecticut’s first li­ paired. All work guaranteed. Free MI 9-3808. licensed home, days, full or part- d r y o a k wood—fireplace, stove heat, extra largo lot. In quiet SOMERS—109 acres in center of James A. Daugherty, who led the condition. Very clean. private 6-9109. and furnace. Round and split, $10 40. Worn once. MI 41213. 1 hot water. Newly redecorated. window, built-in bookcases, (XXXI) censed driving school .rained, .. pick-up and delivery. We also HOUSEWIVES! Be a Senak l^arty time, Will also do ironing. MI neighborhood Ideal (or children. town divided in two lots 70 and earl.v part of the search for the owner, $450. 17 Pearl St, or MI per load delivered. PI 2-7886. One or two small children accept­ paneled walls and wall to wall missing persons, said Dees would THE DAIRY QUEEN on West Mid­ Certified and approved, is •’ow of­ sharpen axes, scissors, chisels, CARPENTERS, experienced In Hostess and receive valuable mer­ S-732P. YOillTHS' SPRING suit, navy blue to .school and shopping. F. 30. Will sell separately. Offers ex­ 9-0275.' \ , fering classrooiti and behind Moving— Trucking— ed, PI 2-7545 after 4 p.m. carpeting. Full basement with VERNOH—New six room Colonial bo rushed to Montgomery from dle Turnpike is now open. planer blades and knives Bruno building and contracting, altera­ chandise for your home free. Sim­ gabardine, size 20. Excellent con­ recreation room and built-in bar. with attached garage. Built-In A Reerhler, Realtor, MI 3-6969 or cellent development possibilities In wheel instruction for teenagers. Moske. MI 3-0771. tions, additions, porches, e*c. Spe­ S to ra g e 20 ply allow us to show yoUr guests THREE ROOM heated apar'.ment, W. R. Smith. Associate, MT 9-8952. unsurpassed location, George J. Flat Rock. Ml 9-6075. / Situations Wanted— Male 39 Household Goods 51 dition. MI 9-41,65. Two-car garage. $38,600. Phil­ range and oven. Fireplace sun HALL FOR hire—weddings, etc. 1957 VOIKSWAGEN. Call AU cializing in cottages, garages, sid­ our fine line of supplies for the $75. Call Atl 9-5229 Monday to Fri­ brick Agency, MI 9-8464. deek. I 'i baths, three bedroom.s, Coleman, Conn, Bank k Trust Co. Road blocks were thrown up In Accommodates up to 300. Call JA ELECTRICAL Installation and re­ MANCHESTER Package Delivery. FIVE ROOM rape on large wooded Bldg., Rockville, TR 5-4710, TR 9-4921. MORTLOCiai’S Manchester’s lead- ings. Guaranteed workmanship. home. Door prize! Party game! CAPABLE MAN' wants painting, SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall day. 9 to 5 p.m. high wooded lot. Brick front. north Alabama and northwest 8-6273, ext. 3. pairs New and old work. Call MI MI 3-0731 or AD 3-6978. Light trucking and package deliv­ Wanted—To Buy 58 BOLTON CENTER—Custom five lot. fireplacp, ba.sement garage, 5-4045. Georgia, tng drl^^g school. 'Three skilled, For details phone MI 9-6534. cleaning. Handy. References. Call tiles 4c a tile. Kentlle, from 7c $17,400 R. F. Dlmock Co., Real­ recently redecorated Inside and I960 PL'YMOUTH—Recently com­ 3-0391. ery. Refrigerators, washers and 3'i ROOM heated apartment in room ranch, stone front, breeze- At the home of Smothers' moth­ NEW FIGURE for spring at big coiirteMs Instructors. Class room MI 3-6670. each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, tors. MI 9-5245. painted outside. Extra tuilding VERNON—83 acres fronting direct­ plete motor overhaul, $76. Call FOR COMPLETE alterations and stove moving specialty. Folding HAIRDRESSERS. Full and part- at the Green. WANTED TO BUY new building, tile bath and way. double garage, a true sho\y- er yesterday, he summoned his fa­ savings. Special introductory dis­ MI 9-0118. instructions for 16, 10, 17 year GRINDING and sharpening—Farm cabinet work. For quick service chairs for rent. MI 9-0762. time. LuJon Salon of Beauty, Call Good used resalable furniture, shower. Large refrigerator and lot available, vacant, owner will ly on main highway. Outstanding olds. Telephone Mr. Mortlock, and household tools, latvn mowers place. Carlton W. Hutchins All (XXXII) consider your offer, S. A. Beeeh- ther, E. G. Smothers, who lives counts on Spencer foundation? and with reasonable winter prices. For MI 3-1939. ALL KINDS of sterilized used fur­ also small upright sind spinet gas range. Second floor, on bus 9-.5132. for commercial or residential de­ next door. bras in two new fabrics. Mrs. Director of Driver Education. and SAWS precision sharpened, AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS Co. Local Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Icr, Realtor, MI 3-6969 or W. R. velopment. George J. Coleman, free estimate call Joe Girardin, niture for every room including pianos. line. $85. Call MI 3-6396. VEItNON — New six room split "He asked for some clothing and Winona McLeod, PI 2-7048. 1947 PLYMOUTH two-door sedan, MI 9-7398. motors serviced. Empson H. MI 9-8933. moving, packing, storage. Low GROOMING ALL breeds of dogs. upholstered furniture and rugs, all Smith, A.ssociatc. MI 9-8952. Conn. Bank Sc Trust Co Bldg., Aborn, Maple St., Ellington, TR level. High wooded lot. Cathedral I gave him a suit and $10," the $50. Call MI 9-0293. rates on long distance moves to EXPERIENCED waitress v-anted. Poodles are our specialty. Call PI In good repair and finish. 40% Watkins Used Furniture MODERN THREE room apart­ 1 MANCHEISTER ceiling with redwood beams Built- Rockville, TR 6-4710, TR 5-4045. A’TTEN’nON teenagers, new driver 5-7166. . ALTERATIONS and remodeling — 48 states. MI 3-5187. MI 4-8913. ment. stove and refrigerator, $80 PORTER .ST, AREA Six room elder Smothers said of his son. Personals 3 CALL, OR SEE me for a good deal education classes starting : atur- 2-6148. off on new mattresses. Electric, Exchange in range and oven. I 'i baths, large colonial. 3 twin size bedrooms. "There vyas no indication that any­ kitchens, bathrooms, attics, cel­ gas. and combination ranges, a month. Call MI 9-7319. . I Glenwood Street—Like new, well fireplace. Finished laundry room. on 1959 Dodge oi- Simea anu first day. Call Mr. Mlclcttc, Manches­ lars, residing, porchc.s, roofing MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ SPAYED female, crose breed, all 15 Oak Street j built 4-rooni raneh, ideal for small 1'-;; baths, flrcplaee, finished ree- Suburban for Sale 75 thing was wrong." E L E C n U C SHAVERS, sales and choice used cars. Walter G. ter Driving Academy. Coventry, ASHES AND rubbish removed. ing Company. Local and 'ong dis­ space heaters. Some refrigerators Garage. Three bedrooms $17,990. reation room with cooking facili­ About an hour later, Daugherty and room- additions. Connecticut CLEANIKC5 WOMAN. One day shots, housebroken, 10 months old. with freezers. All sparkling clean I family, city utilities, amesite drive. R. F. Dimock Co. ResJtors. MI service. We carry cords, cutting Parker, Dennett nnd Popp Dodge, PI 2-7249. Walter Schultz, MI 9-2186, Remodeling Services 34 Oak St. tance moving. Weekly van serv­ week. MI 9-4070. WE BUY and sell antique ano used FOUR ROOM tenement second I shade trees, shrulrs. garden, St. ties. immediate ocrupanry. S, A BOLTON— Spring is coming and, as said, a highway patrolman noticed heads, cases and most part.s in Excellent with children. Call MI appliances and furniture look like furniture, china, glass, silver, pic­ 9-.524S. Inc., 10-12 Connecticut Boulevard, MI 3-1425. ice to New 'York. MI 3-6563. 9-8616 anv time. floor. Adults. All 3-4751. I James Parislio Asking $11,900. Bccchler. Realtor, MI 3-6969 or W. usual, buyers will b* shopping for the car outside Birmingham with stock. Russell’s Barber Shop, East Hartford. BU 9-4331 or MI new. Electric appliances tested ture frames, guns, attic cc itents, R. Smith, Associate. MI 9-8952. Bolton homes. We are fortunate to Smothers at the wheel and Easley before you buy. Come in and com­ ' Minimum down payment. Spruce St. 9-3422, Garage— Service— Storage 10 Household Services ANY KIND of carpentry and cabi­ Help Wanted— Male 36 whole estates. Furniture refin­ FIVE ROOM flat, first floor, two (XXXIII) have thiee ranches available at and Dees in the car. P a in tin g — P a p e rin g 21 pare, quality and prices. Open 9 ished and repaired. Furinture Re­ bedrooms, range and refrigerator. VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in Offered 13-A net work done. Honest and relia­ Articles For Sale 45 COVENTRY BOLTON LINE VERNON — New six room ranch FOR SALE- New five room ranch "winter " prices. One on Brook­ There was nothing to Indicate BEFORE YOU BUY a used car ble workmanship. Call Roscoe to 8. LeBlanc Furniture Hospital, pair Service and Sales, Talcott- $85. 53 Benton St. MI. 9-7310. house near Bo'lon Noteh. with field Road is real nlee. FHA ap­ my own home shop. Fort:' vears GARAGE FOR RENT at 182 Maple 195 South St., Rockville. with attached garage. B.iilt-in Dees was in trouble, the patrolmsm see Gorman Motor Sales. Huick Thompson, Ml 3-1895 for esti­ PAINTING AND paperhanging. BODY AND fender man with aomc WALLPAPER Sale—Many rattems ville. AO 3-7449. Oversized si.'c room Cape. I 'j two-car garage in basement, price praised at $15,900 and that’c the said, and he did not report the In­ factory experience. All makes, low Sales atid Service. 285 Main St. Ml 3-4751. WEAVING of bums, moth holes mates Good clean workmanship at rea­ experience. MI 3-7043. to choose from at handsome sav­ range and oven, fireplace !•’ living rates, free estimates, free pickup and torn clothing, hosiery runs, Business I.;Ocations baths, very large lot. Owners want room and basement. Wooded lot, $14,500, only $1,000 cash. Ha.s large selling price. Another going real cident. Street. Ml 9-4571. Open evenings. sonable rates. 30 years In Man­ ings. Trimmed and coated. C. J. SIX sofas $20-$40 each. fast sale. Asking $14,900 or best living room. 12 toot pirture win­ low ($14,900) is five rooms with A neighbor spotted the police ■and delivery. Mr. Miller, JA handbags repaired, zipper re­ ALL TYPES of carpentry work chester. Raymond Fiske, MI COMPOSITOR— PART-TIME for Morrison Paint Store, 385 Center DINING ROOM set. Call Ml 3-1828 for Rent 64 nice location, US.ilOO. R. F. Dlmock 2-8904. 1951 FORDS, four doors, tvo.doors, Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 placement, umbrellas -epalred, modern printing plant. Hours Kelvinator Refrigerator—$65 Co., Realtors. All 9-5245. dow. open planning to kitchen, room for two up, breezewAy and car parked at the Keiths’ back done, alterations, dormers, roof­ 9-9237. X St. Save $30 on new Simmons twin and dividing counter, plenty cabinets attached garage. Also has 3*4 Victoria 1951-52 Chevrolet, two- men’s shirt collars reversed and ing, porches, etc.' Call MI 9-5981. open. Call MI 3-1101. Am CONDITIONED two - room door shortly after noon, but WANTED — Ride to Hamilton full size mattresses. For other Information and list­ on two walls, stainless sink with acres, with bettpr than 670 feet of thought only that It was the car of doors, four doors, 1951-.52 Mer- replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ PAINTER and paperhanger, deco­ front office. 100e^, location. Mat- ings (XXXIV) Standard. 8-4:30 shift. Call MI curys, 1951 ■ Pontiac, 19,50 Fords, 194R HARLEY Davisou "61" with ing Shop. CARPENTER, experienced in , all rating. Good cleqn Job, reasonable AMBITIOUS young man desiring Spinet Desk—$30, Rooms Without Board 59 spray, oversize master bedroom road frontage The other — a a friend. low's, 867 Main St. with walk-ln elosct. also two regu­ beauty at $15,.500, Customized, two 9-9059 any time. club coupe, two doors, four doors, lots of c.xtras. Call MI 9-3'20 fields of carpentry. Contract or price. S. Yencha, MI 9-6914 after to learn auto parts business want­ Drum Table—$16. LAWRENCE F. FIANO,. COVENTRY—Attractive fivr room When the Keiths’ 9-year-old son 1951 Oldsmobile 88. Some automa­ DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com- hourly rates. MI 3-0731. 5. ed High School graduate with Coffee Table, like new—$16, FURNISHED ROOAl, convenientlyinlentl j coAIMERtnAI^ business or office ranch. I^rge kitchen, three bed­ lar bedrooms, linen closet, base­ bedrooms, breezeway, garage, full Don came home from school, he Special located. One minute from ^ aln Brokers board hot water heat. copper basement, niee big lot. Located on tics, some standard transmis.sions. Business Services Offered 13 pany, doors and windows, custom license preferred. Apply personal­ space for rent. Up to 6500 square- rooms. nice living room, large lot. found the house empty and a note Look Your Slimmest Douglas Motors, 333 Main St. work guaranteed. Call MI 9-1583 RECREATION rooms, remodeling, EXTERIOR and interior painting. ly 9 a m. Saturday. Grinold, 191 WATKINS St. Light housekeeping. V/oman feet. Will sub-divide. Main Street AH 9-5910 A comfortable home for Tiodest plumbing, instant hot water, heau- Route 85. So. start packing, and from his mother directing him to tiful hardwood floors, doors. rail T. J. Crockett,, Realtor at MI CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, after 6 additions, all types of carpentry Ceilings refinished. Paperhanging. Center St. ^ Discount On USED FURNITURE only. Ml 9-7959. Located near Center. Plentv of living. Priced at onlv $12,6.50, R. j . go to the house of an aunt nearby, work. Best workmanship. Call MI Wallpaper books. Estimates given. PAUL P. FIANO F Dimock Co., Realtors All Anderson windows good artesian I 3-1577 for the Better Buys In Bol­ available all hours. Satisfaction parking. Phone MI 9-5229 or MI MI 3-0458 and he did. A neighbor later found SAVE 60% on laundering. Wet 9-4291, Fully covered by insurance. Cali EXCHANGE HEATED ROOAl for one, or two 3-7444. 9-5245. well, large lot lOOx.300. In excellent ton. guaranteed. Call MI 9-131,*r wash, damp or fluff dry. Folded gentlemen. Free par'itmg. 54 High the Keith house empty, the Keiths’ Hearts And Flowers! Edward R. Price. MI 9-1003. OIL FURNACES 15 OAK STREET neighborhoofl. Might consider an car gone, and the police car still and wrapped free. Manchester St. / : 2.000 SQUARE feet of spaci. Will SUMAm? ST,—This six room home (XXXV') exchange. See Dion's, 31 North VERNON — NEW 6'4 room cus­ FLOOR SANDING a specialty. h o u r ------y------tom ranch, three fine bed­ parked beside the back door. He Skilled workmanship. Call Andy Laundromat. 680 Center St Roofing—Siding 16 PAINTING AND paperhanging — Open Thursday Evenings Until 9 subdivide 166 West Middle Tpke. in new High School district of­ St . Willimantir. Conn. Phones HA reasonable rates. Call A. Tluck, M SERVICE—^MI 9-4749 Closed Mondays ROOM WITH kHchen privileges. ! Call MI .3-7043, Mr. Mull. BOX MOUNTAIN DR.. Vernon — 3-2712 or HA 3-9848. Also a nice 15 rooms, fireplace, built-in electric called police. Sebula, MI 9-8919. PLAT FINISH Holland window RAY’S ROOFING CO., shingle And Babies accepted. Centrally locat­ fers immediate occupancy, patio, Police found convict clothing in­ MI 3-4661. WANTED porch, paneled recreation room, Spacious seven room ranch, large acre cleared land poultry and stove and oven, garage, large shades, made to measure. All built-up roofs, gutter and c^duc- ed. Apply Mrs. Dorsey, 14 /.rch St. redwood paneled living room, three lot with abundance of bird’ trees. side the police car and sent out LEAVE TOUR rubbish worries to Earl VanCamp NINE-PIECE dining room set. Two built-in bar, large modern ki’ chen, dairy farm with equipment and 10 me! Cellars. attics cleaned. metal Venetian blinds st a new tor work; roof, chimney repairs. EXCELLENT storage space. Rea­ bedrooms, den, and separate din­ room, furnished house, eievation. In excellent location, Immediate an alarm over a^seven state area low price. Keys made while you Ray Hagenow, MI 9-7Z14; Ray gaa ranges. Call MI 3-6357 after 5 FURNISHED ROOM, complete two baths, two fireplaces, plus of the Southeast Light trucking of all Kinds, for housekewing facilities. Woman sonable. Call MI 3-0117, ^ many extras. Call now. Paul, J. ing room. Kitchen, builtrin range In I.;e"banon, Conn. Price reducetl. occupancy $16,800. George J. Cole­ homes, stores and offices. Norm's watt. Marlow's. Jackson. Ml 3-8325. Experienced p.m. and oven, wall refrigerator. Two- man, Conn. Bank and 'Trust Co, ----- — ______jZ______only. Cme block from Center. Call Correnti, MI 3-6363. Bldg.. Rockville, TR 5-4710, TR Trucking. MI 3-890S. BELMONT Rug Cleaning Com­ DINING ROOM table and chairs, car garage, 1’? acre lot. $26,800 MANCHESTER -English Colonial. ROOFING, SIDING, painting. Car­ AH ^ 39^______Suburban for Rent 66 R. F. Dimock Clo., Realtors, MI 6-4045. pany — For those who care about pentry. Alterations and additions. LINOTYPE • SEPTIC TANKS commode, wMh stand and desk. HOME BUSINESS income—A six Six large rooms, large sunporch. RC^M FOR rent in private home room home, a four room home, a 9-5245. lavatorv. tile bath, modern ’ itchen ■ r xi.,., a MORTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA their rugs — phone MI 3-0012. Ceilings. Workmanship Guaran­ CLEANED and INSTALLED Miscellaneous glass. Call All . REDUCED $75 to $65 and $90 to Free pickup and delivery teed. A. A. Dion, Inc. 299 Autumn ymh kitchen privileges. MI 3-8877 $80—Two three room apartments, package store and candy store. garage amesite drive Plastered television, service. M 9-4641. OPERATOR 9-5009. ^ ______(XXXVI) Two unfinished. Fireplace, full CROCKETT’S estimates given. We specialize in St. Ml 3-4860, • SEWERS /o r 98 CTiarter Oak St. Rockville, heat, hot water, electric Hard combination to beat, Paul walls, full attic, hot water ail heat cement basement. City conven­ TWO HOLLYWOOD beds, thre^/ stove, refrigerator, garbage dis­ J. Correnti. MI 3-5383. trees, .shrubs, city utilities good FLOOR SANDING and reflnishlng. furniture and wall to wall carpet­ A p p ly m a c h in e g l e a n e d LIGHT housekeeping room for gen­ TWO IN ONE package. A nlc< two- iences, $12,990. George J. Cole­ Corner Specializing In old floors. M ing. piece blond den set. Call ^ posal. No dogs Call Tr 5-2505 or location Excellent condition. man, Rockville, TR 6-4710, TR 3-2297. / tlemen, complete with stove, re­ FOR $13,800—Three bedrooms, 3V4 family and a separate four room Charles Lesperance. MI 9-7620. 9-6750. • INSTALLATION frigerator and sink Call Ml 9-0641 TR 5-5050. year old ranch, garage, full base, home. This two-family is ir very 6-4045. nice condition inside and out. RANCHES ELECTROLUX OWNERS- Prompt SPECIALIST or;MI 9-8886. ROCKVILLE- Three apartments of ment and large lot. Good "ondi- MANCHESTER, Summer St Six COVENTRY — Contemnorary M aurljratpr NEW HOOVER deluxe wi^ all at- 2\i rooms romnletelv furnished, tion, many extras. Assume a large Separate heating systems, copper rooms, plastered walls, oil heat, Both new and used. Check our friendly service on your Electro­ NICE ROOM with lavatory, private plumbing, aluminum combina­ ranch, 5',4 rooms, basement . rec­ selections.' Four brand new lux (R) cleaner. Pick up and de­ i COLONIAL tachments. Call AH 9-908 heated. TR 5-9992, TR- 5-5531, TR | G.I. mortgage: Call the Fl.sworth enclosed porch. <’i1v utilities, reation room, patio, range, dish­ entrance. 14’ » Hackmatack St. tion?, two-car garage, convenient ones, being built by quality livery Call Electrolux authorized SPRING 5-2244. Mitten Agency, Realtors. MI Clharle.s I/e.speranco. MI 9-7620. washer. Owner. Call MI 9-8689. E u r n iu g Town and Country DINING ROOM set, Combination Call MI 3-8905 or 112 OV 4-3680. 3-6930. location. An unusual nackage buy builders. T'arious Ideations. Our sales ano'service. Ml 9-9848 or JA refrigerator, for $21,500. R. F. Dlmock Co , 2-0108. Wease aak for Augustli.e DECORATORS gas and oil sTovey VERNON Five room, 2nd floor, MANCHESTER - Excellent six VERNON CENTER. Excellent used ones Include one In Green divan. Call AH 3-^02. FURNISHED room for rent near MANCHESTER Special—Six room Realtors, MI 9-5245. Manor with baaement, Henry Kanilenski SLIP COVERS Drainago Co. ^ ------apartment Hot water furnished, room ranch with glassed-in porch. neighbor, beautiful view. Solid six - ...... 7 "— Main St. 9 Hazel St. Call All $60 month, TR 5-7664. i cape on bus line. Full price, Street with a nice rec room, M l 9-4143 9-2170. Garage, amesite drive. Citv utili­ rooms, three bedroom ranch. TV ANTENNAS repaired and in­ $12,650. 6'.j room colonial, beau­ (XXXVII) ties. convenient location. All car­ Spacious living room, fireplace, and a few others. Yourself • PAINTING tiful condition.,Full price. $14,900. stalled. Call Modern TV Service. I X C TV .Service peting included. For a pi ce of enclosed breezeway. garage, full MI 3-8185. NOTICE Wanted to Rent 68 Good financing. Call the F'lsworth TWO-FAMILY — Excellent condi­ tion. 5-5. choice location, $16,700. $15,700 El.sie Meyer Agency, basement, rec room, hot water At a rq^eting held by the Town Mitten Agency, Realtors. Ml Realtors MI 9-5524, MI 3-6930. heat. Owner ROckvilie TR 5-9956. RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make- 3 PIECES • PAPERING NOTICE WANTED to rent—Three bedrdom 3-6930. or MI 9-5524. R. F. Dimock Co., Realtors, Ml 244 MAIN STREET Planning Commission of_Manches- house. Will consider option to buy. 9-6245 cars, amplifiers, phonographs and DIVAN, 2 CHAIRS In accordan^’e with the require­ QUia\ SALE. Side. Attrac­ changers. Over ,47 years total ex­ RESIDENTIAL ter, (^nnecticut. March 2, 1959. Prefer Green Manor section. Maxi­ MANtTHESTER ''outskirts. Five Mitchell 31571 following a public hearing held i ments of the Zoning , Board of .r. Ap- mum rent $125 month. MI 3-2505. room home, excellent condition (XXXIX) tive four room ranch Wooded perience. 90 days gpiarantee on all LABOR February 2, 1959, it was voted t o ; peals regulations for the Town area. Walk to Mam. Ml 3-6526. Read Herald Advs. work. Potterton's. Ml 9-4.537. COMMERCIAL ■plus garage, barn and chickeh . y» * 1 0 . 0 0 SMASHING make the following zone change: ! of Manchester. Connecticut, we coop, it has seven acres of good MANCHESTER—All brick six room HAROLD & SON. Rubbish Remov­ To change to Industrial Zone, an j Zoning Board will hold a public Business Property for Sale 70 cleared land for farming or build­ Cqpe in South Manchester. Built al-papers and ashes. Call MI Professional Custom Fitted Fully I mured area now In Residence Zone AA, hearing on Monday evening. ing lots. Call fast on this one. Full by Ponticelli in 1951. Aluminum 9-4034. All Work Ouanuiteed described as follows: Northerly: March 16. 1959 at 8 P.M. In the PACKAGE store, gaa station, seven price $14,900. Call the Ellsworth combinations, large enclosed rear Ml 9^0366 By Hop Brook, approx. 600’ ; Hearing Room of llie Municipal room house pius extra rental unit. Mitten Agency, Realtors, MI porch. Garage and ‘amesite Ive. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ELECTRICAL work by ^ a lt SAVE—I will custom cut and HOME VALUES Building on the following applica­ Located on a heavily traveled large lot. Very nice condition. PI 2-6010 Easterly; By Prospect .St.. 146,9'; 3-6930. Zemanek assures ybur safety. pin fit all covers to your furni­ Prices have been tut to rock bottom. These Southerly: By land N /F Conn. tion, STATE HEARING AL.SO. route, with an excellent ootentlal $15,500. R. F Dimock Co. Real­ Don't wait, call Ml 9-8976 now. ture. You simply, baste and sew. Power Co., 710.9’ and Westerly: By Lynwood H. Wescolt; 1 Mitchell for future growth. Guaranteed in­ CUSTOM 6 'i room ranch, wall to tors, MI 9-5245. Be wise and modernize. Drive; Industrial Zone. Special Ex- vestment with all types of .arc­ wall carpeting, artistic naneling, • You Furnish Material a homes must be sold. ' Take advantage of low Hop Brook, 350’, more or less. 'ITie above rone change will be- ception is requested for Repairer's ing available. For further informa­ fireplace, plaatered g a r .- g e , (X X X X ff BRAND NEW OLDSMOBILES Few pattern pieces enable you prices and easy term*' Buy now. etmie effective March 9, 1959. License and UsCd Car License and tion call R. F, Dimock Co., MI large wooded lot. many extras, to turn out this slim basic in no A charming quilt in easy-to-do Estimates On Complete 9-5245:' VERNON—Large 5(4 room ranch, HIGH TRADES BANK RATES applique that will add to the decoi’ Work If Desired 'TOWN . PLANNING COMMIS­ Certificate of Approval for same. only $18,300. Carlton W. Hutchins, time! Finish with buttons and All persons interested may at­ breezeway. oversized garage, two Undings. of any bedroom. You'll find it 6- room older home on Adams St. In­ SION MI 9-5132. a LIVING RODMS Martin E. Alvord, Chairman tend this hearing. fireplaces, combinations Jhrough- No. 8278 with PATT-O-RAMA fascinating to do and a compli­ dustrial zone, 1-car garage. Over­ Houses for Sale 72 MANCHESTER—Six room Cape, out, plastered, magnificent -view.' ■57 CHRYS. $2195 ■54 PLYM. $795 a DINING R005IS Dorothy C. Jacobson, Secretary ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS '58 OLDS. SAVE! Belvedere hardtop. is in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18, 20. Size ment-catcher when completed. sized lot. Daniel L. Hair. Chairman oil heat, tile bath, tile kitchen, $18,600. R ' F. Dimock Co. Real­ ' Super 88 Convertible. Saratog^a 4-dr. hardtop. 14; 84 bust, yards of 35-inch. Pattern No. 5904- has applique a BEDROOMS FOR THE VERY BE^T IN HOMES CALL 11,900 March 4, 1959 MANCHESTER — Trim six room tors. Ml 5-5245. , a Dr a p e s ^ Edward M. Saari, Secretary city utilities, near shopping cen­ To order, send 36c in coins to: pattern pieces; fUll directions. . A^wchester, Connecticut cape, full cellar with pine "aneled '55 OLDS. ^ $1595 a OTTOJIANS Advt. No. 6697 ter. bus line and high school. '58 OLDS. $2795 ■56 OLDS. $1395 Sue Burnett, The Manchester To order, send 25c in coins to 7- room home on H>Rh St. in Man­ Advt. No. 6697 recreation room, aluminum r.torm Combination windows and doors. (XXXXI) De Luxe 98 Holiday cpe.. a c h a is e l o u n g e s R. F. DIMOCK CO. and acreens, city utilities, ame­ 88 4-door sedan. 88 4-door sedan. Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF Anne Cabot, Manchester Evening chester’s Wiest Side. Imnfaculate' Charles Lesperance. MI 9-7620. AMERICAS, NEW Y/i% G1 mortgage. Open House Excellent mortgage available. Call 08 Holiday sedan. Super 4-do6r hardtop. TEL. Ml 3-5532 MANCHESTER—Spacious six room Sniring A Summer '59 issue of our Album! Fifty-six pages of pretty bedrooms, g a ^ e, large lot. v $77.70 per month, Including In- owner, MI 9-3209. No agents. *58 GOLIATH $1995 pattern .magazine Basic FASH­ designs; plus free patterns for cro M l 9.3266 t*i«*t, principal *nd tojcrs. 03000 Sahirdoy and Sunday It All Adds Up-- ranch, screened porch, fireplace; 'S7 BUrCK 42095 '55 CHRYS. $1195 9 A.M. fo 6 P M. garage, near school, stores. $15,690 \Vind|ior 2-door hardtop. Tiger coupe. NEW! ION. chet and knR items. 25c a copy! down. March 7 and 8 a 6 Room Ranch Special 2-door hardtop. Only 1 left. Brand new 3 bedroom Immaoulnt* 6-room 0*pe. Beau- , easily financed. MI 3-0164. Carl • S .Bedrooms (2 twin size) and Esther Schwarz. , '52 BUICK $125 ranch oA Castle Rd. in W o^hiil tlfnl location, well, landscaped, 2 to 5 P.M. MANCHESTER '57 MERC. $1895 ■55 CHEV. $1295 nmaalta drive, aluminum storm Spacious Kitchen with Dis­ Here's a cqance to buy Belj Air V-8 indoor. Super hardtop. Heights. Ceramic tiled bath, for­ 50 Elizabeth Drive 4-door sedan. ^ 7 , 2 0 0 windows nnd doors.— 014,000. posal and Exhaust Fan a lovely Tli-room- Cape RECOMMENDED mica countom. VA mortgage avail- M a n ch e ste r SEPTIC TANKS Y WALTON W. Highlnnd Park Section. Older a '33’ Living ' Room; Fireplacp, that has charm and Indi­ For the professional man with .'a b le . . . Built-Ins y .. ' viduality. Just 6 years old. Stop In today for demonstration drive In a new Olds or a Safety-Tested Used Car.. WANTID AND {[ GRANT AGENCY growing family—this 4i,i bed-^ 7-room home, amall aewing 6-roo^ ranch. Fireplace, r«H>m, benutlful oak floors Full, Dry Basement Four bedrooms and nice - r e a l t o r , room home on double lot. quiet'' s e c r e t a r y screened porch, attached ga­ a sunporch. . 1 > 4 % ' mort­ WANTED Join our **Home Finders-Club**. ' If we don*t thronghout, aluminum storm rage. 015,500. Low down pay­ M and Fait Timt RUiSQED SEWERS Listing arid residential (AA) street. French a lOO’xSOO’ Level Lot. / gage. Choice AA location. doors open from 25x15' livings Pcpionant posiHon immodiatoly ovoikMe iii io- have the home of yoirr choice on hfmd we will find V^dows, new ceiling, new haat- ment to qunlUle4 buyer. Offered at 016,900. Eve-' [omes in 015,000 to 024,0(8) MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, M o k a n Selling City lag qjntem, insnlatad, S- From Idaaohestar. Greea, itlnt Tea, it all adi)s livability. Maeliiiiji Clei^sil And Country room to screened 12x20’ porch.' ningi call Ml -or bbtekef. Our listiog* am de­ Formal dining room, cheerful cai mockm office, for dap«ndabl«j coh^Mirious oneforyou. / . anr gdgagfe, latw * 176. Ekoal- right otf Woodfaridge, fc^ow and at a price . Call ^ pleted. Wa have ready buyers "YOUR LOCAL OLOSMOMLE DEALER" Iw ve^porte^ In op^ Sbptto Tanks, Dry Weilk Sewer Homes—SlnM Conway ^ l^l)zigtath Drive. MI 0-9858. UnlM Instglled—-Cellar I Water­ 1910 kitchen with ^feakfast nook,_, levt . Warren E. HoWland, for the right biom*#- Fra* ap- ‘ RAF DTfHriaL Used oar. k a i ^ ■■ griad«r to • . 1 Vi baths. Open attic; full base-' socrefaiy. Le^al training helpful but not com­ JOHN H. LAPPEN praloal sei^ce. Carl and Eattaer proofing Done, ; ; ' Courtesy, DcpeddablUty,'’ S. J. fLOUFE Carl and Esther Schwai^ IU4Utor Integrity - ment, garage fbr S cars. State­ pulsory. INCORPORATED 575 Main Street Schwart. 810 WEST OBSTOR ST.4 O O R H ^ ^ H M C T D R J I :;R 0 A D -^ I ^ ly, trees and shrubs'provide pri-^ Raah E^tat^— BnUdarj I MI 3-0154 Manehaatar, Conn. AleKINNIY BROS. Multiple Listing Service JARVIS REALTY cbC m 0-5301 . vacy. Convenient to' bus and'' 283 EAST CENTER, STREET— (Coriier of Lenox) Oaventry— FI. 0-9009 MI 8-1108 MI3-01S4 S«w«rci « Distoesot Co. U. GRANT school. ' Owner transferred. / Reply Box c-o Herald .AnyUma Waakaad MI g-28S9-^Hr 9-5019 9 Mil 8-1168 Shown by appointment. Ml 3-4112— MI 3-7847-^-PI 2.8311-1-MI 341S7 lsil-188 PcMl SU -M l i/$S08 / M k / V' ■ \ -4 \.


• \ i. ->« • I I I . . FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1969 Eu^ning ^ralb BloodmohUe Visits Center Church Moh4 ay^ 1 :4 5 to 6:mp.m.

ths Probate Court, *1,950.20 from AUjf/john R. Mroeeh-of Man- Tfae W snther c h e r ^ and Richard D. OiChran, the' town clerk’s office. *1,770.6,7 About T o ^ Ver'non, are serving ts'ca1>>: Cervini Lists from the town court, and' *2,160 in ATcrag* Net Press Bun ForeoMt af D. S..Was1fear M m M ,»ins in the 1959 a s r k ITniversltv Statf-shared bus taxes. Far the Week Endtatg . Special Funds F a b n u u y WBIi.’ lfW n » tMcy Speawr G ^ p r. SanS- Fair liuid eiildar taulglit. ta id s f Second Ooa*»g«tlon«l C9>urch uel E. Pond. 63 AlS.xanden St , Is Tax Receipts .Under special funds, February jield * rumnioje sole Mwfch J ^serving as one of the workers in receipts amounting to *1,823.11 12,890 fair and littla 4*aaga la tMOpeta- the church, beftnning *t 9M «•»». the. campaign. In February were recorded for the town fire ture. The church w5l be open/r«e»djiy district, *165.47 for the dog. li­ MambMT o f tlia A udit \ nl*ht for the reception of »«">» The Gleaners Circle of the Smith cense fund, and *2,285.63 for the Borwu a t CIrooistloii. / Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm \ the «le. Mr*. Ralph-Rockwell ie Methodiat WSCS will meet Monday A totsl of |30.0«3.86 was collected parking fund. Total receipts \ chairman. y for the year up to Feb., 28 for these at 7:30 p.m. In the chapel. In property taxes during F'ebniRry. Classified Advertising on Page 6) PRICE FIVE CENTS according to the monthly report of three items were listed respective­ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1939 Marine CplyAruce Tedford. eon ly as *298,807.66. *3,591.18, and This i* the Easter’to look romantic, femihine, elegant.. .to VOL. LXXVin, NO. 183 (TEN PAGES) Mrs. Frances Burke Redick of Paul Cervini, collector of reventic. *20,329.29. of Mr*. U m w Tedford, 4S Acad­ Newington, American Legton De­ emy St.. U U klnj part in an am- I Other sources, Cervini said, 'Phe paiking meter fund now choos6 fabulously flattering fashions from our breath* chlbloHar" exercise with the Second partment chairman of the Girls’ State' program, announces that (brought last month’s total receipts totals *138,777.96, according to taking collection of all that'* new tor spring! Here H ALE’S Marteh hJr Win* on Onslow Laurel Girts’ Stale, sponsored by itn $175,9R«.9P. the controller's office, with *94),- are sumptuous fabric* and color* .,. style* you II lose Top Hoods R ea^ at Camp Lejeune. N. C. the auxiliaries, will be held st the I Since July 1. the start of the fis­ 000 in investments. *8,443.41. in a your heart to, wear proudly again and again! D esperado Midwest Staggers Univei-stty of Connecticut the week cal year, the town has collected -checking account, and *40,334.65 / Maocheater Granjre conferred of June 21-27. The locsl unit will taxes. State aaaistonce, fees, snd in a savings accourit. the first and second decrees on sponsor two Junior girls from other receipts amounting to J.i,- February receipts for the Water Pushed into eilht candidates Wednesday nipht Manchester High School, Miss Bar­ 176,9ns.01 as of Feb. 28, counting a Department c-ame to *31,999.56. Shot Down in oramre Hall. The same dejrree bara Wallen la chairman of local balance from the previous year of bringing the total collected since now teams will go to Westfield Gran^je *227.943.76. July 1 to *302,660.45. on March 19. The home ^tconomics Girl Stale affairs. Black Days According to the report. *834,- A total of *128,339..55 remains to New Spring In Georgia committee will meet at the home be collected to meet the manager’s TH* ASSOCIATM* PB*8S ♦Michigan highways open during . of Nonnle Hildinp, SOI Main St.. Chapman Court. Order of 0,68.99 remaina to be collected be­ estimate for the year of *431.000. By Amaranth, will meet tonight at fore the fiacal y#ar ends Jiipc .30 A wild March snow storm the night. By JACK ADAMS Monday evenlnK to plan the har­ Sewer Department recelnts last TWO 300-foot radio towers were Washington, March 7 (JP)— vest aupper. 7:4.^ in the Manonic Temple. The to balance the general manager's month were *563.14, with the Trenton, Ga., March J W — tapered off and whipped wnll include the initia­ estimate of receipts for the fiscal COSTUME Alabama desperado William downed by 45 m.p.h. winds in Several of the nation’s top tion of candidates, A solcal time year. The e.stimatc was .*6.011.057. year's coller-Uon up to Feb. 28 st through the Northeast today Bowling Green, Ohio, and a house Manchester Assembly Order of *1,602,25. The report said a balance E. Smothers was shor down trailer was overturned while being hoodlums have run into black Rainbow for Girls, will hold a re­ will follow, snd refreshments will Inrhided among the. receipts of *74,247.75 must be collected to after leaving the upper Mid­ 1-e served hy .Mrs. Elizabeth Hea.i- JEWELRY and captured today as he a^ towed on a highway near Lancas­ days since the Justice Depart­ hearsal S\inday at 2 pm. in the : contrihiiting to last month's total meet the year's estimate of *75,- west strait*jacketed in the ter. Ohio. J .airtes and her committee. I were *109,376.92 In .Slate aa.aisl- Chonze from new pa.stel color* in tempted to sh<»t it out with worst late winter weather ment started a big push Masonic Tejnple. 8.50. 'Temperatures took a sharp skid against the underworld a >;ear lance for school constniction, *22,- lucite. al*o apring colors in stone a Georgia sheriff. ^ _ pounding in a decade. east of the Mississippi River, and 203.6.5 to the Board of Kducalion, act jewelry consisting of neck­ PoUca Chief H. H. Hutching* Numerous highways remained early morning readings were up to ago. Red Leader .*1,714.50 from the Building In­ laces, earrings, bracelets, pins, etc. felled the crafty, cigar-smoking blocked in snow-choked sections of 20 degrees colder than a day Moi-e are expected to topple-as spection department. *1.74 1.1.5 fugiO've with a single shot from federal aulliorities continue a his ,38-caliber pistol at Hooker Rd. Iowa. Minnesota, Wisconsin and earlier. from the librariss, *1,220.19 frOm THK OFFICK 01’ Michigan as high winds whipped Snowfall tapered off to flurries steady whittling out of cases Again Shifts CORRECTION and U.S. Highway 11. snowfalls of up to. 22 inches into in most of the Northeast, although against underworld characters. DR. J. A. SEGAL »1.00-*2.00 Dade County Sheriff Allison Justice Department officials said t h e CORRECT AND IN’TENDED PRICES OF 20-foot drifts. locally heavy flurries depo.sited a Blevins and Hutchins had sur­ fresh'blanket near the lower Great today Atty. Gen. William P. Rog­ THESE TtVO ITEM.S IN 0 | R AD LAST 413 MAIN ST. •lEWELRY BAIl prised the 38-year-pld Smothers Deaths blamed on the storm ers' program for an unrelenting Nerve War NIGHT SHOI LO HAVE READ: JVrsoiial Notices Main Floor At F.ntrance standing by the road near a rail­ numbered. 33—12 In Iowa, 10 in long-term attack on the hoodlum MILL RE CLOSED road crossing, the latter related.- Indiana. 6 in Wisconsin. 2 in In New England, the preclpita- ______' ' ______■ Michigan, 2- in New York and 1 in fion came as heavy rain in mild element is moving along just about Hale's invites you to “He threw his gun in the sher­ 50-degree temperatures. A rainfall as planned. Berlin, Germany, March 7 A LC O A WRAP In Memoriam THURSDAY iff's face,” Hutchings said. ‘‘I beat Pennsylvania. The pre-spring dose (jp)—Weat Berlin Mayor Willy SPAM of winter claimed its victims of 2.17 inches soaked Portland, Systematic Drive select yohr new him to it.’.’ Maine, halting air traffic and har- Brandt said today if the Rua- In iDvinic mpmni’y of I,nrry HAtflpM EVENINGS ’ITie police chief said Smothers through snow shoveling heart at­ Rogers announced the program who Aws*' Marrh fi, 1954, was identified by - a gray coat, tacks, traffic accidents and a .year ago as a systematic "non- aians aign a aeparate peace, 12 Oz. Cgn 2.S Ft. Roll 29c (Contlnueil on Page .\lnet sensalional” drive to combat or­ 45c »»'m1 fni’ifiva* il)p Rllonl |4'ar REGINNING MARCH 5 white shirt, blue trousers and red aaphyxiation. treaty with CornYpunist Eaat A fprvpnl wiAh m\' ^rm wri-t hf'rp. HANDBAG cap which he wore in a desperate Winds gusting up to 50 mlle.s ganized crime with a highly or­ Germany t h e y^ will ruin Thopp arp oihpn«. I knot* THRU APRIL 23 ganized series of prosecutions Blit h* wa«i mlnp and I lovpd him po. now from their large flight through Alabama and into an hour swept the, heavy snow chancea_of a German settle­ nearby Tennessee. area aa the storm moved north­ Suburbia Today aimed primarily at getting "the D^ar find tak^ a mpjiAa*o to mv I.aiiv A "Judy Bond" assortment. The wounded criminal was tak­ eastward into Canada, and high­ 100 top hoodlums” behind bars or ment. ^ The J W HALC CORK in Ilpavpii abow en to he Tii-Oounty Hospital at way crews threw in the towel on out of the country. Brandt,'just back friwp a T^ll him iioH much I him and from imported leather lined In Herald Today jTivp him all'm>‘ 1o>a, Fort Oglethorpe, some 15 miles efforts to keep Wisconsin and M ANCHISTIR CONM* patent, plus the new SOFTEE. AKso pas­ The names on the select list 30,000 mile world trip, cdpi- Mother. BLOUSE from the capture scene. Hutch­ have never been published, but as mented at a newa conference tel colors in suede and plastic calf. ings said liis bullet shattered the' a starter the AUoiney General wanted man’s left /Shoulder but ordered a pooling of information on a statement by Soviet Pre­ For Your that he did not belifeve the wound on these characters from the files mier Khrushchev thflt the So­ *2.98 r„*7.95 was cri'Jcal. of the F'’BI, the Immigration Serv­ viet Union will sign with East Easter Suit Lawmen from Tennessee, Geor­ Fred Stone, 85, Dies; ice. and the treasury units han­ Germany alone if the West HA.VnBAG BAR gia and Alabama combined this Main Floor At Flntrance dling counterfeiting, narcotics, al­ does not come to terms. Dalnlee JUDY BO.VD cre­ tri-state hill country for Smothers cohol and Income tax cases. The ates a rollatle.sH with since he overpowered an Alaba’-'a Stage, Film Veteran Council of State Governments By CARL HARTMAN The Most Comfortable its own necklace of fine patrolman Thursday and fled and the National Assn, of State hand-dolailing. Done in lux- northward with four hoetages. Attorneys General pledged co­ Leipzig, East Germany, iiiloiis Dacron crepe, it's- operation with respect to infor­ March 7 (iiP)—Soviet Premier as dressy a.s a can be (OontlBued on Page Three) North Hollywood, Calif.. March 7 ,/P)_Fred Stone, whoae nimble mation available to them. Khrushchev has dropped a Shoe Ever Conceived! yet so carefree you can Milton Wessel, 35-year-old for- | hint that he may invite Po­ tub it in seconds, let it drip aong and dance acts and amazing mer A.ssistant U.S. Attorney in i dr>'. wear it and wear it - acrobatics delighted musical com­ land and Czechoslovakia to it rarely needs ironing. A New York City, was recalled from i Join Russia in signing a ^ace gcirixin any wardrobe in Probe Sought edy audiences for- decades, is dead private law practice to act as an | At A Very Popular Price information coordinator with the i treaty with East Germany, Drying clothes white.' Sizes 32 to 38.' at 85. Blowing hot and cold, the ebul­ The veteran of 50 years on stage title of Special Assistant to the | is easy today... On Migratory Attorney General. lient Soviet leader let leak the sug­ and screen succumbed yesterday at In recognition of the fact that gestion that this may be hi# niwet 1. FIRM THIS IS NOT his home to a complication of ail­ the underworld many years ago maneuver In his pressure cam­ Labor in State ments. A heart attack about two divided the country roughly Into Has Cap, Will Travel paign against the West. SUPPORT A LOAFER years ago was soon followed by four operatinf* areas—Northeast. The Russians are demanding an SPORTSlt EAR\2nd Floor British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, only recently back from Moscow, wore this sporty out­ Hartford, March 7 (/P)—Practices total blindness. Midwest. Far West and Southeast fit as he left London’s airport for a visit to Belfast, in northern Ireland, The trax^hng statesttian all-German treaty that would, In of some Connecticut farmers who Stone’s sight had been failing for —Wessel and his staff set up field effect, still leave two Germanys to 2. LIGHT five or six years, the delayed ef­ due in Washington later this month for talks With President Elsenhower on the Bel lln crisis and counter Western proposal* for re­ A NEW use migratory labor are attracting offices at New York, Chicago, Los other Allied matters. (AP Photofax i. WEIGHT Show For IFomeit criticism from health agencies, fect of injuries suffered in a 1927 Aflgeles and Miami. unification of the country. SENSATION labor organizations, church groups, plane crash. Bouncing around exuding qon- He was flying solo between his Crime Convention IN ALL DAY and others concerned with the wel­ One of its tsuiks was to check 3. CUSHIONED fare of the agricultural workers. Connecticut "farm and rehearsals COMFORT for a Broadway show when he out thg. activltiet of some 60 • The State Legislature’s Labor who showed up for a so-called the Impression hist hs ffris na 1* ARCH Committee yesterday heard com­ crashed. Both legs were broken, ah Ike May Go orr making headway In ft* wto of "crime convention" at Apalachin, plaints from a number of groups ankle crushed, his jaw broken. nerves ,on Germauy—4ftd partlcu- RELIEVES FOOT that try to look out for the migra­ His friend, Will Rogers, flew N.Y., Nov. 14, 1957. ■ larly Berlin. , / 4. GLOVE tory workers. The committee is from Hollywood to replace him In In the yet -• since the Wessel Basically, the Soviet position has LEATHER AND LEG considering two bills that concern the show, "Three Cheers.” task force started its higfhly se- For Public Support IBank Robber not changed—but the 64-yiev^d MUSCLE STRAIN so's home heating such laborers. A barber's son. born in VRl- (Cbntlnued on Page Three) Russian premier has been speaking One would set up an investigat­ mont, Colo., Stone started as a cir­ Vegas. Nev., March 7 (If)—A In two tone*. , 5. CUSHIONED ing commission to look into the cus acrobat and worked in medi­ Yesterday he told a group of our w ay I BV WARREN ROGER.S JR. <4>gomery, was at the White House bold, teenage beauty, wrestled off INNERSOLE problem and report to the next cine and minstrel shows before a bus In the middle of the desert, foreign businessmen "I believe SIZES 4 to 10 Legislature. The other would give Washington, March 7 (/Pi Pres­ yesterday and Thur.sday. Pres­ FROM HEEL )ou get premium quality teaming up with Dave Montgom­ U.S. to Appeal idential press secretary James C. has been charged with robbing a there vrill be no war." . _ ,. Mobilheat with RT-98 . . . the the State Agriculture Commis­ ery in 1885 to form a song and ident Ei.senhower and Soviet Hagerty said this was coincidental Las Vegas bank of *1,761. Today he leaves for Bast Berlin/ TO TOE NARROW, most completely effective fuel Hale's Has Just sioner jurisdiction over the living dance aft. Premier Nikita Khruslichev are and the President haa no present The FBI said 19-year-old Ida with Indications he may be about quarters of migratory workers. Montgomery and Stone starred Belle Ingram, blonde and belliger MEDIUM, oil additive in use today. Arid Both houses of the Legislature in 1902-06 at New York’s Majestic Dismissal of locked in a .strange kind of contest plans for a broadcast. . (Continued on Page Three) you get premium service. Au­ The Easter Outfit But Eisenhower was taking other ent, is the youngest bank robber 6. COMFORT­ WIDE are adjourned until Tuesday. How­ Theater in "The Wizard of Oz," —each trying to convince the well-publicized steps. they’ve ever had to deal with. Cer­ tomatic deliveries . . . a bal­ ever, Legislative hearings will be Stone as the orginal scarecrow, FRED S’TONE other his side is united on the issue tainly, she's the prettiest. ABLE WEDGE anced payment plan and many For Your Small Fry held Monday through Friday next Montgomery as the tin man. Suit on Right of Berlin’s future. He met for 90 minutes r.t the other extras designed to make with Katharine Hepburn in "Alice White House yesterday with the The girl, a former bank teller In HEIGHT week. Victor Herbert and Henry Blos­ With Secretary of State Dulles four top Republican and Democrat-1 Washington D, C.. drew a trail of COLORS; home heating rea/fy raty. Among matters that were dis­ som wrote "The Red Mill" for Adams.” Montgomery, Ala., Ma-ch 7 VPi— on the sidelines' fighting cancer. Two of Stone’s three daughters. is leaders in Congress. He fol­ admiring glance* a* she strode Into Bulletins cussed yesterday, as lawmakers them. Alabama officials claimed a vic­ Eisenhower moved into a more lowed that up with a While Hou e a downtown Las Vegas bank yes- For Viirspa. Beau- • WHITE and the public talked over dozens Another hit was "Jack O’ Lan­ Mrs. Dorothy Stone Collin-s and tory in their running battle with action foreign affairs role. In East Carol Montgomery Slone were session with eight other key Repub­ from the AP Wire* Mobilheat .;!m of bills, were dnmken driving and tern.” On his own, Stone then the U.S. Civil Rights Commission Germany, Khrushchev was busy lican and Democratic members of (Continued on Pago Three) ticianz, M nu ne- THE • BEIGE SHOP shoplifting. ^ ... played in "Old Town.” "Chin- with him when he died. His third after a government suit was dis­ assembling his allie.s. e/tan—A One way to make it short and un­ able white bow. Comes in,size.5 14„to 20. Why not and apple boards and meat payments would come, depending family of *lx vrea kllM CMiy y straight once in a while. boards?”] on the price received. Cobimecticut business leaders To Have Lasting Effect So here goes: have] been pictured aa favorjpg a today when a amonlderlng ^ eventful is to have good evidence GIRLS'COATS stop in this Saturday and pick out yours? And he [read the story 'of Stanley Then Yankus has to do some­ filled their small eaat side F ro t A few 'weeks ago. there was a Yankus, the American who said he > .■*. y . "I low (Interest loan program for funny story about a baby sitter thing with the eggs from his *ure the effects of what are-usu- homo wltti dens* smok*. P ol^ for your deductions . . . like .CAN- Fresh new styling. The grow-n-up look, aonie aeml- would Sell hi* chicken and wheat f. wortliy and needy college students Bv TOM HESSHAW Priced At Only who got stuck on the job — be­ farm at Dowagiac, Mich., and chickens. These- must be sold ...A union official forecasts the (AP Rellglou* Writer) I ally called revivals ' except in, said Richard Pielch, 29, fta CEI.EI) c h e c k s. fltted princess styles; some with detachable collars, cause her employers forgot to tell migrate down here. Yankus since through the .egg rnarketing board loss of jobs by."hundreds of per­ Will the current era of mass! terms of increased churcli mem­ Audrey, 24, and their chlldreii, *24.98 her they had Just painted the set up by the New South Wales bership or s'poradic moral reform Diane 8; Carol 7, Elcbaird 6 and all fully lined in navy and high shades. Size* 7 to 14. 1953 has'been lighting the U.S. gov­ sons” before the year's end because evangeilism, personified by globe­ toilet seat. ernment's wheat acreage allotment State government. The board no contract was awarded to elec­ trotting Billy Graham, have a movements." James 8 suffocated ft ft* dens* would charge him 4 Vi fence smoke which filled their 4-room, If you don’t PAY by check, you Fun la fun. It turn* out that this program and was aSseased about tric boat for work on any of the lasting effect on American reli­ Only 4 Great Awakenings bit of imaginary humor apparent­ *2,600 In fines ears, iffieat, milk sale of wool. , lish a balance between tradition cheat pains. J MONDAYS , paper printed a aecond story; ex- sugar, MlBtoes and coalj There art lesser charge if inciting tq' riot In religloiul revivals In America, says :• But all the time, the farmer connedtloii. with a teenage riot m McLoiighlin, is that they occur andichsiige. For Vour ConxyniMic#, 9 A.M4 6 reaurgtol BANKING HOUH.S Suppose Yankus decides to quit tion, the Puritan movement rioo-fundamentallsm ’ or neo- ed Radio Stetion WINF NATIONAL BANK 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. , tributes- It, to another friend and But let’a aay Yankus decides to J ^ p h f". - Guffey, ; former’ |l%*^million to settle an old dnlm Monday thru Friday F'BIDAY be a wheat and chicken farmer in farming and tiy a . business. * He surely were, have induced far- orthbdoxy. i , tlemeit '.fTJ ISM oa your dial CORR so on. settles-fof .a comer shop sort of Democratic XI.s; Senator from . . . .Cbikinnan John A. McCone of Modern revivalists, the 'author • t r I h d ' A street 9 lo 8 9 A.M. to S:S0 P.M., Similar e|forta at pursuit over New South W^les State—ajid that reaching social; political and- eyen 59 5 MAIN • MANCHESTER; CONN. family buslnea* that sella every­ Pennsylvania, died laati night the Atomic Energy Commission "thinks, not only havs had little Thuradaj- Evenlitga M SATtr^DAY » M a n c h i s t e r C o N h * the years also left everyone woukf be a strange migtUre of in- In Washington from a heart flew home, • apparenfly much Im­ economic changes. , ’ > Saturday Mornings 9 to If / 9 AJH. tv S:S0 P.M. winded. teibsta anywhere In Australia. Ha thing. proved from a 2-W eek‘bout with a “But the hlilorian of rarivaMpn ' . V’ i /. 1; t- • • r . M ^ CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS could buy his farm, plgnt hla Wheat ailment He was U« f AP In America is hsLnl put to iflfa#- (OoBttmMd 4» Fag* VMpr) (GoatlBiMd so Fags Four) Photofax). cold. til ■- (OeatlBjad ea Png* nve) and run his xhickaaa. | • /

7 ” - ■