Mois Tim rry The Kmanuel'’%9nirchnven of the Kmahuel Lutheran Church will Great Chiefs Visit District Leaders A b o u t T o w n meet tomorrow night at 7:30 at the church. A film, "Tour Lhtheran Red Men' Monday Named-for Drive parkhi^'Chirge Th« ZJpeer Qub will hold tU World Federation," depicting the WMkly Mtbaek party in th« club* meeting of Lutherans' from many M lantonomoh Tribe 'N o. 58, York Btrangfeld, dl^lrman of The Riv. .Charles ReynoliH. as-; rooms Saturday night starting at nations In Minneapolis. Minn,, In the Residential Divieion OTAhe Red, . Follows Aeeident sociate minister of South Aletho- ; IpRM, will hold ita regular meet­ dist Church, will talk and show 8:80 o’clock. 1057, will be shown. Cross Fund'Drive, has annolmced ing'in Tinker hall Monday night Harold V. Andrews, 48, of East slides of India at the meeting ot Ramrrationa are now being ac^ Scandls Lodge. Order of Vsaa. at .8 o'clock. Past sachems' night the following district majors: Walpole, Mass., wgsiarrested and the Young Adults of the Emanuel; \captad at the British .American will hold its monthly meeting to­ will be observed, the chairs to be Mrs. Edwfird Catrigan, Mra. Ar­ arged, with Improper parking Lutheran Church tomorrow night Suburbia TodaV Cnub for the annual St, Patrick’.^ night St 8 o'clock in Grange Hall. occupW by past sachems, f | thur StMle, Mrs. Jerome Walsh, yesleyday morning after a oar hit at 7:30 in the chapel. Sbme*€k)t 51c an Hour Dtbtca Saturday, March. H- Art Card playing will be the program Members aie requested to make : Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. Mil­ the re'h^^of his trailer truck parked The^Young Adults, a group for a special effort to attend this post-high school young people, Here Tomorrow P i o n c e r McKay and his orchestra will play for the evening, .and each member dred Hall, Mrs. Roger Bagiey, Mrs. on Main 'St. fo r tUkncing fro m '9 to . A buffet meeting aa the Gi'cat Chiefs will | York Strangfeld, Mrs. Ralph ,Co- , Police said |he truck was parked have extended an Invitation to the 1 is asked to make up his own table. young adults of Condordia Xu- will b?N|ierved. ” Refreshments will be served. make their annual visitation. A ; well( Mrs. Arthur Starkweather, at an angle tih.Uie east curb and In this month's Suburbia report will be made by the enter- i Mrs. Stanley Matteson, Mrs) Hay­ w'as fa c |n g \n o rth K jt was" parked theran Church to attend this meet-' New Haven Farms Today,' the French tell lUf 'hmv ing. Other young people In the Dr. Jacob.A. Segal, 413 Main St.. Due to' a scheduled basketball tainment committee on the prog- ! den Griswold -.Jr., Mrs. William Jusf south of tlVood&ryge St. American auburba are making Vanishes area will be welcome. ' liaa enrolled for a special post­ game tomorrow night, the Round ,ress of the anniversary dinner and i Fegy, Mrs. Edith Keith, MrA Fred Mrs> D ora RNllusseflk, 28, of 64 history. The French -Magazine dance to be held at the Garden Refreshments will be served fol­ grad u ate covirae, "Advances In Table Singers of Manchester High Edwards, Miss, Mary O’pwyer, Bolton St., drivingv north, hit the lowing the program. Realltes views the .suburban Diagnosis and . Management of School will pre.sent their program Grove next month. Mrs. Rika Horvath, Airs. John Mc- lift rear corner of tl«‘trailer aa movement and takes the view Refreshments will be ael'ved at Hit as H eart Disease,'’ giy-en by.the Yale to the .50-50 Club of St. Mary.a i Keever, Mrs. Gladys 'M srte Flor­ she paase'd, police sai^'PoIlce Said D ^D D NAMES .AIDE that the auburba are the bul­ In S p a ce the close of Monday night's meet­ University School ot Medicine. The Epiacopal Church promptly at 7 i ence Spaulding. Mrs. William Hol­ traffic coming from theNppposite W ashington, M arch 5 (jW—F ran­ wark of our economy and the p.m. in the old pariah hall. Tlic ing. ___________ _ guardian of our future. course consists of a series of teach­ lander, Mrs. Oswald Fisher, Mrs. direction caused .Mrs. Ruiagll to cis X. Dooley, 36, of Waterbury, Washington, March 6 (IP)— ing conferences which will be held club will hold ila aupper meeting Bruce Noble, and Mrs. fWesley drive close to the truck. ^ today was named a staff assistsmt MORIARTY A financial editor adviaes on on Thursday evenings.Xbeginntng following the entertainment. Talks on Shrines Shorts. I' . Dcunage to Airs. Russell's car to Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn.) Of Puerto Ricans when to borrow and when to Pioneer IV vanished into Ike’s Stand on Berlin ^nlght, and contlnuingXthrough MATES Change These women, alopg with their w;as light, police sald."T7o one was V Dooley, a graduate of Holy BROTHERS buy on credit — and when not spat'e today and may never A pril 23. ^ Mrs. W arren G. Wiilsey Sr..' 140 The llev,'Richard L. Foley will di.ttrlct teams, all volunteejr work­ Injured. CbQSs College, is a director of the to. Readers can learn what he heard from again. Garden St., Wethersfield, gave a give an illustrated lecture on the ers, wift start contactttig Manche.s-, Andrew's posted a $25 bond and Connecticut Society for Crippled 801 C EN TER ST. New Haven, March « the weather does for -them talk and demonstration yesterday (;ard Partym Dale approved by the U.S. Employment The space probe tracking sta­ "Shrines of Europe" at the month­ ter reaidents for Red Crois dona- is due in court Monday. Children and Adults. An 8-0138 A report by the local Hu­ from Ellin Rol>erl.s article on tion at Gold.stone. Calif., lost con- to the Homemakera group at the ly meeting of the Ladies of St. Service and j-ie Puerto Rican De­ the subject. Community Y, using dried flowers, The average weekly lo.ss of the man Relations Council today partm ent oths\x> r. laiH at 10:1.6 a n . EST today when Paris, Bonn MATF.S for the past week was I's ■iame.s, ■ Monday in St. James' On the lighter side, a fath­ ‘.he probe's transmitting signals Personal Notices fresh flowers and fruit. School ha.l. charged that NewHaveibjirea Many ol the Puerto Ricans who pounds, bringing the total loss to truck farms and nurseries ex­ worked at New Haven area tnick er. faced-with a request from '.leoanie very weak. Mrs. Walter Tedford of 163 Oak date to 121 pounds. The top three "Father Poley. assistant pastor , farms and nurseries last summer, hia children for a pet burro, At that time the probe was trav­ Block Plan In Memoriam St. Slid Mrs. A lbert .Ford of 20 weight losers are Donald Kuohl, of St. Thomas the Apostle Church,,! ploited Puerto Rican work­ he said, v.’ere hired "through un- recalls the transgressions of eling toward the siin at about Overlook Dr. will leave this eve­ ,10 pounds: Beverly Harvey. 26 West Hartford, is the.aon of Mr. ! It's Hale's Self ers, paying them as little as 51 licenised private out-of-state 'em­ the pet goat of his boyhood .1,900 miles an hour, 412,000 miles In lovtn* m^morv of mv hui>hiinf). ning for a 6-Weck vacation in F lor­ pounds: and Winslow MpLoughlin, and Mrs. Cornelius R. Foley. 49 : cents an hour. ployment' agencies or contractors days - and buys the burro. from the Earth. C M Joel M. fCichoii who psss^d swsy Scarborough Rd, During his trav- 1 The Goldstnne station in.stalled VsScM 5. 1990 ida. They/vlll divide their time be­ 16 pounds. D(»n Donchlap, formor executive who often, provided unwilling, in- .Suburbia Today will he dis­ For Pullout tween Fort Lauderdale and Pnlm Because of Lent, the March ckrd els while a aludent at North [ Serve ahd secretary of the Greater New expibriencet. or unhealthy workers, tributed tomorrow with The a special filler in its tracking gear Not dead to thos^ who lovod htm Beach, and plan al.so to visit Mrs. party has been moved to April 10. American College in Rome, Italy. ; Haven OouncL, rAeaeed the report charged exrrbitant fees and fare.s and followed the space probe for Kot lost blit Rons bffor#.* an additional nine minutes. Honn, (iermany, March 6 He lives with us In memArv still August Carlshn. -formerly of Man­ Frank Marchewe will take over where he completed hia studlesl which outlined what it called the to both employer.s snd workeis, lHanrhrstrr And will for ever mor«“ chester, who how re.sides In < St. for the ''stiprise'' meeting next for the priesthood, he visited many Meat Dept. For poor working conditibna of Puerto and undercut local labor standards The last eontai-t was made at ! (/?’)—A Kovernment Rpokes- of these shrines. about 10:24 a.ni. Mrs. Florenr* J Nichols Peter.sbiirg. W ednesday. Rican migratory worker.i. man said toda.v France and ✓ The report wa'e released in con­ (Uontinlied on Page .Nine) SitriuiuT i^rralh Asked if there was any likeli­ West (iermany atand opposed nection with teetimony Donchian hood of fiirtl'ei eontaet with Pi­ “to all plans of diseirjiagrc- WE HAVE A CARRIAGE FULL w aj to make today before the oneer IV a .spokesniaii for the Labor OommUtee of the Connec­ National Aeronaiilics and Space m enf’ that have yet been ad­ ticut General Aaaembly in Hart­ j A dm inistration said it wa.s iin- vanced to thin out military PINEHURSt ford.
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