Virginia Positive Behavior Supports Network Executive Steering Committee

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Virginia Positive Behavior Supports Network Executive Steering Committee


Virginia Positive Behavior Supports Network Executive Steering Committee 9/3/2015


Members present: Richard Kriner, Justin Creech, Jennifer Diehl, Daphne Weaver, VJ Petillo, Darcy Creech; Laura Sabados and Molly Dellinger-Wray (both via conference call)

***Before beginning the meeting, Molly shared that fellow executive steering committee member Peter Whang has decided to resign his position. Molly recommended filling the vacancy with the individual who had the next highest number of votes in the initial election of committee members. She agreed to link with Susan Murdock (who conducted the election) to get the name of this individual and to then contact this individual to determine their interest in joining the committee. The committee identified the need to add this process to the by- laws to address this issue should it occur in the future.

I. Review and approve minutes The minutes from the July 2015 meeting were approved.

II. Quick subcommittee updates (10 minutes each)

a. Training and Mentoring (Survey results have been sent to T&M and Exec Steering Committee) Justin and Richard provided copies of the survey results to executive steering committee members for their review prior to the meeting. They reported that 8 out 12 members on their sub-committee responded to the survey. They Agenda felt that they received good feedback on the survey items. Some members of the executive steering committee had brief questions about items on the survey. These questions were answered as best they could be. Both Justin and Richard were clear that the survey’s content is still a work in progress.

a.i. Next steps as it relates to survey results Justin and Richard asked for any executive steering committee feedback and requested it be provided within the next 2 weeks. They will then meet with Molly to discuss all of the results and how to proceed. b. Endorsement Board Jennifer shared that this sub-committee remains on hold to allow for focus on the ethics sub-committee. In addition, this sub-committee is largely dependent on the recommendations from the Training and Mentoring Committee.

Molly did share one suggestion for consideration when this sub- committee does meet: have expedited portfolio candidates pay a submission fee of $300 that will be refunded only if they are endorsed. c. Ethics Daphne and Jennifer reported that their sub-committee continues to meet monthly. The sub-committee has completed composing the Preamble/Introduction to what will be the Code. They shared that the sub-committee is largely utilizing the ACA Code of Ethics as a model/guide for writing the PBS ethics code. Jennifer stated that the sub-committee will be beginning the process of writing the actual code at their upcoming meeting in September. They will go section by section to: (1) determine what, if anything, in each section applies to PBS and (2) modify the wording to be in line with PBS language.

Molly recommended, and those present agreed, that the Virginia PBS Network would adopt the ACA Code of Ethics in the interim until their own Code of Ethics is developed. Agenda d. Best Practices VJ shared that he had full participation, and much interest, from all of his sub-committee members at their second meeting which was held in August. He reported that his sub- committee is utilizing the APBS Best Practice standards as a model/guide to help construct the Virginia PBS Network's Standards of Best Practice. They, too, are going section by section to review and, if necessary, re-work the material to best fit the concept of Virginia PBS Standards of Best Practice. The sub-committee's next meeting will be in late September.

III. CEA Recommendations (1 hour) Laura shared that she and her sub- committee have completed much research on various issues related to CEA's. Darcy reported that their sub-committee utilized two Survey Monkey surveys to obtain information from sub-committee members on both their personal and professional opinions related to the many aspects of CEA's. The sub-committee then compiled the results and presented them to the members of the executive steering committee for review at this meeting. Those present then collectively reviewed each item of the survey and provided feedback if needed . The CEA sub-committee will consider this feedback and then present a final draft of their recommendations to the executive steering committee.

IV. Review action plan and make any necessary changes (if time available and if needed) This item was not addressed due to time constraints.

V. Closing

a. Date/time of next meeting The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 13 from 10:00am-12:00pm at DARS.

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