
ANA SAYFA Noun Clauses Other Grammar Points  Noun clauses with Question Words  Reported Speech Modals, Adjective Clauses, (Where, what, who, when, Why Tenses, Active Passive, Gerund,  Noun clauses with –ever words infinitive, Nouns, Adjectives,  Noun clauses with Yes No Questions (Whatever, Whenever, Whoever…) adverbs, Adverbial Clauses (If , whether or not) İngilizce Dilbilgisi İngilizce  Subjunctive mood İngilizce sözlük  Noun clauses with That İngilizce türkçe  If or Whether  Reduction of Noun Clauses



Wh- Soru kelimeleri (what, when..) ile modal (can, should…) yardımcı fiileriyle oluşan cümleler “Wh + to” şeklinde kısaltılabilir. Anlamda bir değişiklik olmaz.

 I don’t know what I should do I don’t know what to do.

 Sinan can’t decide whether he should go or stay home Sinan can’t decide whether to go or (to) stay home

 We don’t know how we can solve this problem. We don’t know how to solve this problem.

 Please tell us where we will meet you. Please tell us where to meet you.

That Clause (ınfinitive)

Özneler ve zamanlar aynı ise that kalkar, yüklem to infinitive (to do formatı) yapılır. . He is happy that he is healthy again. He is happy to be healthy again.

I am glad that I can watch the movie I am glad to watch the movie

Özneler faklı ise that kalkar, öznesi başına for getirilir, yüklem to infinitive (to do formatı) yapılır. . It is not safe that people swim here. It is not safe for people to swim here. . It is urgent that she change her job. It is urgent for her to change her job.

Özneler aynı ve zamanlar farklı ise that kalkar, yüklem to + have+ verb3 yapılır

. I’m glad that I have been chosen president. (passive) I’m glad to have been selected. . I am happy now that I finished the project. (active) I am happy now to have finished the project.

Bu yapı zamanlara(tenses) göre şu şekilde oluşturulmaktadır.

1. BE (am, is, are) Everybody knows that he is a liar. It is known that he is a liar. He is known to be a liar.

2. Simple Present They think that Murat has a lot of money. It is thought that Murat has a lot of money. Murat is thought to have a lot of money.

3. BE (was, were) We feel that Teddy was right yesterday. It is felt that Teddy was right yesterday. Teddy is felt to have been right yesterday. Yukarıdaki cümlede zaman farkı vardır. “feel” Present (şimdiki), “was” ise Past (geçmiş) zamandadır. Eğer şu şekilde olsaydı: We felt that Teddy was right yesterday. It was felt that Teddy was right yesterday. Teddy was felt to be right yesterday şeklinde yapılırdı.Çünkü iki eylemde geçmişte olmuştur.

4. Simple Past People claim that James stole the money. It is claimed that James stole the money. James is claimed to have stolen the money. Yukarıdaki cümlede zaman farkı vardır. “Claim” present (şimdiki), “stole” ise past (geçmiş) zamandadır. Eğer şu şekilde olsaydı: People claimed that James stole the money. It was claimed that James stole the money. James was claimed to steal the money şeklinde yapılırdı.Çünkü iki eylemde geçmişte olmuştur.

5. Present Continuous

They report that The Prime Minister is going to Greece. It is reported The Prime Minister is going to Greece The Prime Minister is reported to be going to Greece

6. Past Continuous

People know that he was struggling for his country. It’s known that he was struggling for his country. He was known to have been struggling for his country. Yukarıdaki cümlede zaman farkı vardır. “know” present (şimdiki), “was struggling” ise past (geçmiş) zamandadır. Eğer şu şekilde olsaydı: People knew that he was struggling for his country. It was known that he was struggling for his country. He was known to be struggling for his country. şeklinde yapılırdı.Çünkü iki eylemde geçmişte olmuştur.

7. Future (will /going to) We expect that economy will get better soon. It is expected that economy will get better soon. Economy is expected to get better soon.

8. Present Passive They allege that books are stolen from the library. It’s alleged that books are stolen from the library. Books are alleged to be stolen from the library.

9. Past Passive They suspect that the man was murdered. It is suspected that the man was murdered. The man was suspected to have been murdered. Yukarıdaki cümlede zaman farkı vardır. “suspect” present (şimdiki), “was murdered” ise past (geçmiş) zamandadır. Eğer şu şekilde olsaydı: They suspected that the man was murdered. It was suspected that the man was murdered. The man was suspected to be murdered. şeklinde yapılırdı.Çünkü iki eylemde geçmişte olmuştur.

Not: Zaman farkı durumu “Simple Past” ve “Past Perfect” ile yapılan cümleler içinde geçerlidir:

They believed she had done it on purpose It was believed she had done it on purpose She was believed to have done it on purpose

That Clause (Gerund) Gerund alan fiilerle yapılan that cümlelri yine gerund kullanılarak kısaltılır.

 I suggest that we wait a while before we make any firm decisions. I suggest waiting a while before we make any firm decisions.

 She acknowledged that she had been at fault She acknowledged having been at fault.

 She admitted (that) she had made a mistake She admited having made a mistake

 Neil denies that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did. Neil denies breaking the window.