Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Geometry Honors Course Syllabus 2012-2013 Mr. Yu (951) 738-2100 Ext. 1311 [email protected]

Welcome to Geometry Honors! I have listed some of the basic course requirements as well as study habits, grading policies, and materials, which will result in your success in the course. The three most important behaviors are: good attendance, completing homework and class work, and taking notes during class.

Course Objectives: Supplies Needed: Congruence textbook (needed every class) Definitions and Postulates pencils Reasoning and Proofs 3-ring binder (just for geometry) Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 2 notebooks (just for geometry) Triangles dry erase markers Quadrilaterals highlighters Inequalities in Geometry Similarity Circles Surface Area and Volume of Geometric Solids Polygons Trigonometry

Homework, Class Work: In order to succeed in Geometry Honors, it is essential that homework be completed neatly, in pencil, with all work shown. No late work will be accepted unless it is due to an excused absence. Work missed due to absence should be turned in the next class period. In the event of a lengthy absence, see me to make special arrangements if needed.

Grading Scale: The following types of assessment will be used and weighted to determine your final grade. Tests 45% Quizzes 25% Homework, Projects, Notes 20% & Weekly Standard Reviews Final Exam 10%

The grading scale will be the standard of the Eleanor Roosevelt Math Department: 100 - 90% = A 89 - 80% = B 79 - 70% = C 69 - 65% = D Below 65% is failing

Tests and Quizzes: Announced and unannounced quizzes will be given regularly. Tests will be scheduled at the conclusion of every chapter. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, you will take the test the day you return. There are no re-takes on tests and quizzes.

Classroom Guidelines:  Bring required material to class.  Be in assigned seat, ready to work, when the tardy bell rings.  No socializing during lectures, no profanity, put-downs, or other disrespectful behavior to teacher or classmates.  No eating, drinking (except water), or chewing gum in class.  NO IPOD OR CELL PHONE USE IN CLASS!! I understand we all have them but you do not need to use them in class. Parents should call the school and ask for the student in case of an emergency. Tardy Policy I will follow the school’s tardy policy. The first tardy will result in a detention for one hour. The second and third tardy will be a one- hour detention and a phone call home. On the fourth tardy and each additional tardy, you will be given a referral to your designated Assistant Principal for a Saturday School.

Extra Assistance: Additional assistance will be available once a week before school starting at 7a.m. The day of the week depends on my schedule and will be announced to the class in advance. If you are struggling, then ask for help immediately before it’s too late!

Parent-Teacher Contact: If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school at (951)738-2100 extension 1311 and leave a message. You may also e-mail me at [email protected]. Emails prompt a quicker response. Please allow 48 hours for phone messages and emails to be returned as my “prep” period only happens every other day.

Diligence and a positive attitude will bring you success! Let’s have a great year together!

------I have read the course syllabus and I will do my best to meet the expectations of this course as stated in the course syllabus.

Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date

I, ______, have read the course syllabus and understand the expectations of (parent or guardian – PLEASE PRINT)

my student in Geometry Honors.

Signature of Parent or Guardian Date

Parents or Guardians: Please provide the following information:

Home Phone Number: ______

Work Phone Number: ______

Cell Phone Number: ______

E-mail Address: (please print!!)______Please print CLEARLY