Leadership Self-Assessment Introduction and Instructions This self-assessment is meant to serve as a tool for reflection and skills exploration. It uses competencies, defined as the combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal attributes that contribute to enhanced employee performance and ultimately result in organizational success.1

On the left hand column you will find the name of a competency that has been identified as valuable for leadership in the non-profit sector, for example: Capacity to Inspire.

The second column gives a big picture definition, for example: Demonstrates an ability through words and actions to inspire others to perform with enthusiasm and persistence. The third column offers examples of behaviours typically associated with that competency. There are 5or 6 examples for each.

The 5 columns on the right allow you to select the option that best aligns with your experience. On this scale “1” represents never demonstrating a skill/competency (“Never”), while“5” represents always demonstrating that skill/competency, and simultaneously supporting others (“Always+”).

It is important to note that you may demonstrate some of the example behaviours consistently, while not demonstrating others for the same competency. Find a response that best corresponds to your overall experience with that competency.

You are encouraged to use this tool as an opportunity to dig deeper into areas where you’d like to develop. You can also use it to confirm and make best use of the strengths you do have. This self-assessment helps you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, and see where and how you can grow as a leader. It can be completed by you alone, or you can ask someone to complete it based on how they view you.

1 http://hr.unl.edu/compensation/nuvalues/corecompetencies.shtml

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 1 of 12 Once you have finished assessing your skills, you can use The Leadership Road Map to help prioritize areas for growth and learning, and to build a leadership development action plan.

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 2 of 12 Leadership Self-Assessment

3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) Capacity to Inspire Demonstrates an  Demonstrates the courage to ability to inspire do what is right others through words  Promotes an inspiring vision and actions. for the organization  Shows enthusiasm for the organization and its mission  Demonstrates commitment to success for all  Inspires others to exceed expectations  Communicates clear focus for the organization Change Leadership Shows motivation  Communicates a strong vision and ability in when there is a need for inspiring others to change  Brings teams or resources embrace change, together to accomplish change supporting staff in  Supports others in dealing coping with with change transition and  Addresses organizational maintaining obstacles to change productivity.  Maintains team productivity in times of transition  Recognizes and is sensitive to

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 3 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) individual responses to change Coaching and Helps peers and staff  Supports others to set realistic Developing Others develop by yet challenging goals for accurately assessing themselves  Supports others in their interests, needs and learning & development capabilities then  Directs, coaches or supports coaching or others in diverse situations supporting  Provides feedback to team individuals as members necessary.  Recognizes others for their achievements  Coaches team members towards performance improvement

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 4 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) Communicating as Demonstrates the  Provides clear direction a Leader ability to  Influences others through communicate with communication clarity in a wide  Adjusts communication tone, content and style to suit the variety of settings, audience both orally and  Is well understood when written. presenting to a group  Initiates difficult or uncomfortable communication when necessary  Listens attentively Conceptual Identifies patterns or  Creates new concepts in order Thinking connections, to integrate ideas revealing key or  Applies concepts to help underlying issues, understand or predict problems explaining or  Links events or trends to resolving problems, organizational capabilities to and discovering identify potential solutions. opportunities  Can separate cause and effect when analyzing issues  Predicts consequences of decisions  Sees problems from various

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 5 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) perspectives Conflict Demonstrates an  Seeks understanding of Management ability to intervene others’ core interests effectively in conflict  Resolves conflict in a timely situations, focusing manner  Maintains focus on shared on common purpose objectives and  Addresses issues openly even maintaining when at risk personally productive  Adopts a positive attitude relationships by when resolving important understanding the issues  Maintains constructive underlying interests relationships despite of others. disagreements

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 6 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) Decisiveness Making timely and  Demonstrates the willingness appropriate decisions to make important decisions regarding issues of  Offers clear explanations for importance to the decisions  Supports others in decision organization, its making people and its  Includes appropriate people in community, even decision-making processes when faced with  Considers relevant incomplete stakeholders in decisions information or  Shows capacity for decision- making in the absence of controversy. important data Drive to Excel Removes barriers  Makes a strong effort to meet and finds or creates goals the resources  Overcomes barriers to team or necessary to achieve organizational success  Challenges the status quo exceptional results.  Perseveres in seeking support for projects  Demonstrates consistent focus and clarity regarding goals  Is unaffected by pessimism or other discouraging factors Ethics & Values Demonstrates a well-  Treats people respectfully developed set of  Keeps confidences principles and values  Avoids conflicts of interest

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 7 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) in interactions with  Seen as a positive role model others and in  Acts in the organization’s best personal decisions; in interest so doing helps set a  Admits mistakes willingly even in the face of possible standard for personal adverse consequences leadership. Innovation Encourages self and  Constructively questions others to challenge organizational processes and conventional practices  Identifies ways to improve practices, using existing practices and services information from  Encourages others to varied sources and approach work in new ways generating new  Researches best practices methods to improve  Demonstrates creativity in outcomes. responding to challenges  Resourceful when challenged by obstacles Partnering Actively seeks and  Seeks partnering forms strategic opportunities within and partnerships with outside the organization  Seeks benefits for all parties individuals, groups in partnership agreements and organizations,  Identifies ways to increase both internally and efficiency through partnering externally, in order to  Identifies knowledge-building

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 8 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) improve outcomes. opportunities through partnerships  Demonstrates an open- minded attitude regarding external partners  Initiates business discussions with individuals outside the organization

Planning and Goal Regularly reviews  Sets priorities and activities Setting and directs priorities based on organizational goals and plans, adjusting  Actively participates in the team goals as overall planning process  Directs planning and goal- organizational goals setting processes and environmental  Organizes the schedules and conditions change. tasks of team members to reflect plan priorities  Contributes to budgeting process  Creates goals that ‘stretch’ the organization yet are achievable Self Management Demonstrates self-  Ensures personal challenges and Development awareness, managing do not affect the priorities of stress and its effect the team and organization  Seeks methods to relieve on others, willingly stress for self and others

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 9 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) seeking to develop  Negotiates appropriate personally, and solutions in times of excess acting on work  Focuses on personal growth constructive and development feedback from  Requests and accepts others. feedback constructively Strategic Approach Recognizes internal  Anticipates long term effects and external patterns when considering possible in the organization’s action  Stays focused on overall environment, purpose and vision understands the  Develops action plans to organization’s move things forward capabilities, and uses  Thinks strategically when this knowledge to setting goals develop strategies  Integrates environmental that ensure the trends with organizational plans organizational success. Team Building Displays a talent for  Encourages direct open building, communication among team maintaining, and members  Balances a focus on tasks leading a team to with attention to the ‘people’ consistent positive issues

Leadership Self-Assessment Page 10 of 12 3 ( U s u a ll 2 y 4 5 Competency Description Examples (Sometimes) ) (Always) (Always+) outcomes.  Communicates the importance of dealing promptly with differences  Looks for ways to develop and strengthen team members  Holds team and its members accountable for outcomes  Corrects team weaknesses through recruiting or development Visioning Develops and clearly  Takes a long term, ‘big communicates the picture’ perspective when organization’s considering plans and actions  Promotes a common potential; uses vision understanding of the to guide decision- organization's mission and making; and vision encourages ideas that  Demonstrates a sound reinforce or extend understanding of stakeholder needs the organization’s  Engages others in vision. opportunities for positive change  Asks challenging ‘what if’ questions regarding the future direction of the organization  Translates overall vision into specific goals for the team

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