New Zealand Women's Law Journal Te Aho Kawe Kaupapa Ture a Ngā Wāhine
NEW ZEALAND WOMEN’S LAW JOURNAL TE AHO KAWE KAUPAPA TURE A NGĀ WĀHINE Volume 111 November 2019 Volume 1 1 1, November 2019 Copyright © individual contributors 2019 Published by LexisNexis New Zealand Limited Level 1 138 The Terrace Wellington 6011 The mode of citation of this journal is: [2019] NZWLJ (page). New Zealand Women’s Law Journal — Te Aho Kawe Kaupapa Ture a ngā Wāhine is a double-blind peer reviewed journal. Decisions as to publication are made by the Editors-in-Chief. A catalogue record for this journal is available from the National Library of New Zealand. ISsN 2537-9658 (Print) ISsN 2537-9666 (Online) Editors-in-chief: Josie Te Rata and Monique van Alphen Fyfe Deputy editors: Charlotte Doyle and Katharine Guilford Marketing managers: Ihlara McIndoe and Francy Sulikosky Associate editors: Charlotte Agnew-Harington, Charlotte Best, Georgiana Fraser, Mariah Hori Te Pa, Christina Laing, Molly McCarthy, Eleanor Milne, Tariqa Satherley, Nina White and Lexie Kirconnell- Kawana Technical editors: Grace Abbott, Mia Barnett, Linda Hasan-Stein, Emma Littlewood, Mothla Majeed, Emily McGeorge, Poppy Mitchell-Anyon, Madison Russell, Grace Tong and Lauren Zwi Trustees: Allanah Colley and Ana Lenard Advisory board: Hon Justice Susan Glazebrook, Hon Justice Susan Thomas, Hon Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox, Lady Deborah Chambers QC, Kate Davenport QC, Frances Joychild QC and Mary Scholtens QC Academic review board: Stephanie Marsden, Professor Julia Tolmie, Helen McQueen, Professor Yvette Tinsley, Cassandra Mudgway, Professor Elisabeth McDonald,
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