Independence Public Schools
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2016-44 JUNE Exhibit 1a
INDEPENDENCE PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGULAR BOARD MEETING –June 21, 2016 Independence Middle School Media Center
President Narduzzi called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Responding to Roll Call: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi
Also present: All administrators were present
Also present: Superintendent Hegedish and Treasurer Koehler
M16-39 Mr. Synek made a motion to go into Executive Session at 5:30 p.m., for the Evaluation of Superintendent & Treasurer; seconded by Ms. Mencl.
Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek. Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Executive Session, approved
Reconvened to Regular Session at 7:00 p.m
Approval of the recording of the previous meeting(s): a. May 3, 2016 – Special Meeting EX. 1a b. May 17, 2016 – Regular Meeting EX. 1b
M16-40 Mr. Fortlage made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2016 Special Meeting; seconded by Mrs. Laski (Exhibit 1a)
Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None May 3, 2016 Special Meeting, approved
M16-41 Mr. Fortlage made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2016 Regular Meeting; seconded by Mrs. Laski (Exhibit 1a)
Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None May 7, 2016 Regular Meeting, approved 2016-45 JUNE TREASURER – FINANCE REPORTS:
Financial Statements – May 2016 – for approval EX. 2 Investment Report – May 2016 – for approval EX. 3
M16-42 Mr. Fortlage made a motion to approve the Financial Statement –May 2016 (Exhibit 2); seconded by Mrs. Laski.
Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Financial Statement –May 2016, approved
M16-43 Mr. Synek made a motion to approve the Investment Report-May 2016 (Exhibit 3); seconded by Mrs. Mencl.
Investments (May 31, 2016)
EX. 3 BANK YIELD AMT. % MTD CYD INTERST Rate INTEREST STAR Ohio $568,134.18 .04 $291.67 $2,339.48 Independence $184,246.21 .20 $42.33 $272.16 STAR Plus $10,700,i.72 .37 $3,361.61 $13,882.03 Dollar Bank $51,778.04 .15 $12.73 $189.19 CD Ind. $500,000.00 .30 $1,516.67 CD Ind. $1,500,000.00 .30 $ $2,275.00 Total Investments $13,505028.15 $3,708.34 $20,474.53
Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi Abstain: Mr. Fortlage Voting Nay: None Investment Report –May 2016, approved
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center: Mrs. Laski updated the Board of Education on the CVCC Board of Education workshop, in which they reviewed current and new curriculum offerings along with enrollments. Mrs. Laski asked if the administration would help promote the low enrollment class to any potential students that may benefit from such offerings.
Technology/Curriculum: Mr. Synek informed the Board of Education that the Technology & Curriculum meeting review current summer technology upgrades and purchases. The district has committed to purchasing 300 Chromebooks and repurposing current iPads to the elementary. The district will be updating its current phone system and implementing on-line forms for parents. The curriculum department has been reviewing and evaluating textbooks in middle school social studies and primary school science. 2016-46 JUNE Miscellaneous: The athletic booster held their 1st annual “Color Run”, in which they had 250 participants either run a 3k or walk.
Board Policies – (Second Reading) The Independence Board of Education approves the following Policies: Policy 1130 /3113/4113 - Conflict of Interest (revised) Policy 2460.03 - Independent Educational Evaluations (new) Policy 4162 - Drug and Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders (revised) Policy 5112 - Entrance Requirements (revised) Policy 5200 - Attendance (revised) Policy 5320 - Immunization (revised) Policy 6110 - Grant Funds (revised) Policy 6550 - Travel Payment & Reimbursement (revised) Policy 7300 - Disposition of Real Property/Personal Property (revised) Policy 7450 - Property Inventory (revised) Policy 8500 - Food Services (revised) Policy 9270 - Equivalent Education Outside the Schools (Home Schooling) (revised)
Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Board Policies, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 63 – Resolution to Transfer Funds from the General Fund (001) Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following transfer of funds, up to – but not to exceed, from the General Fund (001) to be made to facilitate year-end closing: Transfer From Transfer To Amount 001 (General) 006 (Food Services) $ 46,750 001 (General) 300 (Athletics) $ 37,000 001(General) 003 (P.I.) $300,000 Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mr. Fortlage Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Resolution to Transfer Funds from the General Fund (001) , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 64 – Ohio Schools Council Insurance Programs – FY 2017 EX. 4 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education agrees to participate in the attached (Exhibit 4) Ohio Schools Council Programs for the period of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017; for property, fleet and liability insurance with Liberty Mutual Insurance and Todd Associates.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Ohio Schools Council Insurance Programs – FY 2017 EX. 4, approved 2016-47 JUNE RESOLUTION 2016 – 65 – Disposal of Equipment EX. 5 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the disposal of the listed equipment (Exhibit 5), as presented. Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Disposal of Equipment , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 66 – List of 2016 Graduates – Independence High School EX. 6 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education accepts the attached listing (Exhibit 6) of the 2016 graduates of Independence High School, who have completed all requirements for graduation, and who have received diplomas attesting to this achievement on May 31, 2016. Motion by: Ms. Mencl Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None List of 2016 Graduates – Independence High School EX. 6, approved
WHEREAS, on May 17, 2016, this Board adopted Resolution No. 2016-51 pursuant to Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code declaring it necessary to renew an existing 1.25-mill tax levy for the purpose of general permanent improvements, for five years, and requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer to certify the total current tax valuation of the School District and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that 1.25-mill renewal levy; and
WHEREAS, on May 19, 2016, the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer certified that the total current tax valuation of the School District is $453,851,680 and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that 1.25-mill renewal levy would be $555,954 annually during the life of the levy, assuming that the total current tax valuation remains the same throughout the life of the levy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Independence Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, Ohio, two-thirds (⅔) of all members elected thereto concurring, that:
Section 1. Declaration of Necessity of Tax Levy. This Board hereby finds, determines and declares that the amount of taxes which may be raised by this Board within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax list and duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the School District, and that it is necessary to renew, for five years, an existing 1.25-mill ad valorem property tax outside of the ten-mill limitation for the purpose of general permanent improvements.
Section 2. Submission of Question of Tax Levy to the Electors. The question of the renewal of an existing 1.25- mill ad valorem property tax outside of the ten-mill limitation, for five years, for the purpose of general permanent improvements, beginning with the tax list and duplicate for the year 2017, the proceeds of which renewal levy first would be available to the School District in calendar year 2018, shall be submitted under the provisions of Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code to the electors of the School District at an election to be held therein on November 8, 2016, as authorized by law. That election shall be held at the regular places of voting in the School District as established by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, or otherwise, within the times provided by law and shall be conducted, canvassed and certified in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. Notice of Election. The Treasurer of this Board be and is hereby authorized and directed to give or cause to be given notice of that election as provided by law. 2016-48 JUNE Section 4. Delivery of Materials to Board of Elections. The Treasurer be and is hereby directed to deliver or cause to be delivered (i) a certified copy of Resolution No. 2016-51 referred to in the first preamble to this Resolution, (ii) the certificate of the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer referred to in the second preamble to this Resolution and (iii) a certified copy of this Resolution, to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections before the close of business on Wednesday, August 10, 2016.
Section 5. Compliance with Open Meeting Requirements. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were taken, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were held, in meetings open to the public in compliance with the law.
Section 6. Captions and Headings. The captions and headings in this Resolution are solely for convenience of reference and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any Sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs or clauses hereof.
Section 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its adoption.
Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mr. Synek Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None A RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE QUESTION OF THE RENEWAL OF AN EXISTING 1.25-MILL TAX LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF GENERAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT S , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 68 – Authorize Treasurer to Prepare OCBOA (cash) Basis Financial Statement and waive the Required GAAP Reporting Basis Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer to file the district financial statements on an OCBOA basis and waive the requirement to file financial statements on a GAAP basis beginning with fiscal year 2016.
Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mr. Fortlage Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, MS. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Authorize Treasurer to Prepare OCBOA (cash) Basis Financial Statement and waive the Required GAAP Reporting Basis , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 69 – Approve Rea & Associates, Inc. to Prepare Financial Statements on a Cash Basis of Accounting Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves Rea & Associates to convert the financial statements from the GAAP Basis to Cash Basis of accounting beginning in fiscal year 2016.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Ms. Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Approve Rea & Associates, Inc. to Prepare Financial Statements on a Cash Basis of Accounting , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 70 – Ohio Schools Council Cooperative Purchasing Program – Cafeteria Awards – 2016-2017 School Year Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following cafeteria awards for the 2016-2017 school year: o Milk & Dairy Products – Dairymens o Ice Cream Products – Ice Cream Specialties o Food Service Paper Products – Joshen Paper and Packaging o Bakery Products – Alfred Nickles Bakery
Motion by: Ms. Mencl Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None 2016-49 JUNE Ohio Schools Council Cooperative Purchasing Program – Cafeteria Awards – 2016-2017 School Year, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 71 – PSI Affiliates, Inc. Agreement for Services – St. Michael School – 2016-2017 School Year Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves an Agreement for Services between St. Michael School and PSI Affiliates, Inc., for the 2016-2017 school year – at a total cost of $89,487.90.
Motion by: Ms. Mencl Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None PSI Affiliates, Inc. Agreement for Services – St. Michael School – 2016-2017 School Year, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 72 – Memorandum of Understanding Between Independence Education Association and Independence Board of Education – Article XIV – Personal Leave Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a Memorandum of Understanding between Independence Education Association and the Independence Board of Education on Article XIV – personal leave – effective for the 2016-17 school year.
Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Ms. Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Memorandum of Understanding Between Independence Education Association and Independence Board of Education – Article XIV – Personal Leave , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 73 – Memorandum of Understanding Between Independence Education Association and Independence Board of Education – Article XIX – School Calendar, Teacher Load and Work Days Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a Memorandum of Understanding between Independence Education Association and the Independence Board of Education on Article XIX – school calendar, teacher load and work day – effective for the 2016-17 school year.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Memorandum of Understanding Between Independence Education Association and Independence Board of Education – Article XIX – School Calendar, Teacher Load and Work Days, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 74 - Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County – Extended School Year (ESY) Service Contract Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the extended school year (ESY) interdistrict Service Area Contract with the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County effective June 10, 2016 through August 15, 2016.
Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Abstain: Mr. Fortlage Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County – Extended School Year (ESY) Service Contract, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 75 – United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland – School Based Therapy Agreement – 2016-2017 School Year Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a School Based Therapy Agreement with the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland for the 2016-2017 school year; at a rate of $70.00 per hour for each OTR/L and $55.00 per hour for each COTA Assistive Technology service; effective July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.
Motion by: Mr. Mencl Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland – School Based Therapy Agreement – 2016-2017 School Year , approved 2016-50 JUNE
RESOLUTION 2016 – 76 – United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland – Assistive Technology Service Agreement – 2016-2017 School Year Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a Assistive Technology Service Agreement with the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland for the 2016-2017 school year; at a rate of $80.00 per hour for each LPT, OTR/L and SLP Assistive Technology service; effective July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland – Assistive Technology Service Agreement – 2016- 2017 School Year, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 77 – Helen Lechman – Principal’s Secretary - Resignation Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education accepts the resignation of Helen Lechman – Principal’s Secretary, Independence High School - effective at the end of the business day – July 31, 2016.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Ms. Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Helen Lechman – Principal’s Secretary - Resignation , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 78 – Stephanie Richards – Educational Aide - Resignation Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education accepts the resignation of Stephanie Richards – Educational Aid, effective at the end of the business day – June 1, 2016
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Stephanie Richards – Educational Aide - Resignation , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 79 – Lauren Salcer – One-Year Limited Contact – 2016-17 School Year Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a one-year limited teacher contract to Lauren Salcer – Primary School - Pre-School Teacher, for the 2016-2017 school year; terms and conditions per the current bargaining agreement, and all documentation as required by district policies and procedures, as well as state and federal law.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Lauren Salcer – One-Year Limited Contact – 2016-17 School Year , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 80 – Consent Agenda Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following Consent Agenda Items:
A. Personnel Action: The Independence Board of Education approves the following personnel action pending (when applicable) satisfactory BCI&I and FBI Background Checks, as well as receipt of Student Activity Supervisor Permit, and all documentation as required by district policies and procedures, as well as State and Federal Law: 2016-51 JUNE
1. Supplemental Contracts – 2016-2017 School Year The Independence Board of Education approves the following 2016-2017 supplemental contracts:
MUSIC Matt Schatt – Marching Band Director Matt Schatt – Concert Band Matt Schatt – Middle School Music Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Music Meghan Schatt – Primary School Music Gretchen Obrovac – High School Choir Rachel Kuhn – Flag Corps
PRE-SEASON Matt Schatt – Marching Band Director Mike Abbadini – Technical director Pre-Season Kim Poussart – Assistant Band Director Pre-Season
DRAMA Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Drama Club Meghan Schatt - Assistant Director High School Drama Amanda Jaronwski – Musical Accompanist
MUSICAL Michele Descioli – Director High School Drama Rebecca Justice – Primary School Choreographer - Winter Concert Rebecca Justice – Primary School Choreographer - Spring Concert Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Show Choir
SERVICES Eric Wells – Key Club Scott Maretka – Biology Society Dana Wolf – Middle School Builders Club 50% Liz Twardzik – Middle School Builders Club 50% Mike Gruber – Middle School Athletic Coordinator Mike Gruber – Primary School Art Club Darlene Stefanski - High School Student Council – 50% Connie Aquilano - High School Student Council – 50%
WRITTEN PRODUCTION Jennifer Lewis – High School Yearbook Advisor – 50% Diana Panteck - High School Yearbook Advisor – 50%
SCHOOL DAY ACTIVITIES Kris Paulus – Senior Class Advisor Jennifer Lewis – Junior Class Advisor Laura Janosek – Sophomore Class Advisor Kelsey Whitacre – Community Service Coordinator Rick Fierer – Mock Trial – Middle School
Nicki Lee – Primary School Student Council (K - 2) Amy Montague – Primary School Student Council (3-4) Joe Hribar – Middle School Video Announcement Coordinator Diana Panteck – High School Video Announcement Coordinator
Eric Wells – Academic Challenge Advisor Jill Wagner – Power of the Pen Joe Durny – Middle School Recycling Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Talent Show Jill Wagner – Middle School Spelling Bee 2016-52 JUNE Josie Vecchio – Middle School Pep Club
Michelle Koussa – Middle School 5th – 6th Grd. Student Council Lisa McClain - Middle School 7th – 8th Grd. Student Council 50% Jossie Vecchio – Middle School 7th – 8th Grd. Student Council 50%
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Joe Durny – Bowling Club Joe Durny – Golf Club Mike Gruber – Primary School Intramurals Dan Czikray – Primary School Intramurals Kelsey Whitacre – High School Ski Club Mike Gruber – Middle School Art Club Scott Stasek – Middle School CLONE
OVERNIGHT TRIPS Josie Vecchio – Washington DC Trip Coordinator – Middle School Dana Yaro-Linderman – Chicago Trip Coordinator – Middle School
AD-HOC POSITIONS Deb Klag – Science League Primary School Building – 50%
Donna McFarland – Science League Primary School Building – 50% Photography Club – Alicia Hannah Yearbook – Alicia Hannah
HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY MANAGER Mike Gruber - 50% Mark Echstenkamper - 50%
FOOTBALL Dominic Gruttadauria III.– Assistant Coach Dominic Gruttadauria Jr. – Assistant Coach Sean Whitlock – Assistant Coach Todd Whitlock – Assistant Coach Garry Moore – Middle School Joe Penna - Middle School Jim Wotowiec - Middle School Tom Sirna - Volunteer
BOYS’ BASKETBALL Hugh McMahon – Head Coach High School
GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Mike Marcinko – Head Coach High School
WRESTLING Ken DeAngelis – Head Coach High School
GIRLS’ & BOYS’ SWIMMING Cindy Lusk – Head Coach
BOYS’ SOCCER Gino Manocchio – Assistant Coach
VOLLEYBALL Nicole Kalisewski – Assistant Coach Tony Messina – Assistant Coach Audrey Smolik – Middle School Assistant Coach 2016-53 JUNE Jill Zumack – Middle School Assistant Coach
GIRLS’ & BOYS’ CROSS COUNTRY Vern Blaze – Assistant Coach
BOYS’ GOLF Mark Corpuz – Assistant Coach (if numbers allow)
GIRLS’ GOLF Steve Ambrose – Assistant Coach (if numbers allow)
EXTENDED TIME – FY 2017 Connie Aquilano – HS 10 days Mary Dolejs – HS 10 days Lisa McClain – MS 5 days Donna Lanich – PS 3 days
2. LAND LAB SUMMER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR – 2016 Scott Maretka - $21.01 per hour; up to a maximum of 480 hours, with the permission of the Superintendent needed to work beyond 300 hours; effective June 8, 2016.
3. SUMMER CURRICULUM WORK - 2016 Laura Janosek – Not to exceed 30 hrs. Susan Ribovich – Not to exceed 30 hrs. Michelle Koussa - Not to exceed 20 hrs. Josie Vecchio – Not to exceed 20 hrs. Danielle Renton – Not to exceed 20 hrs. Joe Durny – Not to exceed 24 hrs. Lisa Ferguson – Not to exceed 30 hrs.
4. SUMMER BUS AIDE FOR ESY - 2016 Barb Basnett – Summer bus aide, Level 2 – effective June 13th - July 28th.
B. Financial: The Independence Board of Education approves the following financial action:
1. Donation: a. Curves Gym Independence - $750.00 in fitness Equipment – Independence Middle School.
Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mr. Fortlage Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, MS. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Consent Agenda, approved
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Closing of the 2015-16 School Year Special Board Meeting June 30, 2016 @ 7:30am (EAC) 2016-54 JUNE
M16-44 Mr. Synek made a motion to Adjourn at 7:45 p.m.; seconded by Mr Fortlage.
Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi, Voting Nay: None Adjournment, approved
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
President – Jerry Narduzzi
Treasurer – Eric Koehler
(Approved: August 16, 2016 – Regular Meeting) 2016-55 JUNE
Exhibit 1b
INDEPENDENCE PUBLIC SCHOOLS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – June 29, 2016 Independence Board of Education
President Narduzzi called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Responding to Roll Call: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi
Also present: Superintendent Hegedish and Treasurer Koehler
RESOLUTION 2016 – 81 – Resolution to Amend the Permanent Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016 EX. 1 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the amendments to the Permanent Appropriations for fiscal year 2016, as presented.
Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Resolution to Amend the Permanent Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016 EX. 1, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 82 – Resolution to Approve Permanent Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016 EX. 2 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the fiscal year 2016 Permanent Appropriations, at fund level, as presented. Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Resolution to Approve Permanent Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016 EX. 2, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 83 – Resolution to Approve the List of Permanent Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2017 EX. 3 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the Permanent Appropriations, at fund level, as presented. Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Resolution to Approve the List of Permanent Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2017 EX. 3, approved
Resolution 2016 - 84 - Disposal of St. Michael’s Outdated Materials & Equipment Ex. 4 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the disposal of St. Michael’s outdated materials and equipment.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Disposal of St. Michael’s Outdated Materials & Equipment Ex. 4, approved 2016-56 JUNE
Resolution 2016 - 85 - QuadStar Digital Guidance Ltd. On-Site Support Contract - Fiscal Year 2016-17 Ex. 5 Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the One-Site Support Contract with QuadStar Digital Guidance Ltd. Effective August 22, 2016 through June 8th, 2017.
Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None QuadStar Digital Guidance Ltd. On-Site Support Contract - Fiscal Year 2016-17 Ex. 5, approved
Resolution 2016 - 86 - QuadStar Digital Guidance Ltd. Managed Internet Broadband Services - FY 2016-17 Ex. 6
Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the Managed Internal Broadband Services support Contract with QuadStar Digital Guidance Ltd. Effective August 22, 2016 through June 8th, 2017. Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Ms. Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None QuadStar Digital Guidance Ltd. Managed Internet Broadband Services - FY 2016-17 Ex. , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 - 87 - Richard Adams – Preparation/Compensation – 2016-2017 School Year Be It Resolved, the Independence Board of Education approves the preparation / compensation for Richard Adams; Effective for the 2016-2017 school year; compensation will be one-fifth (1/5) of the BA base salary.
Motion by: Ms. Mencl Second by: Mrs. Laski Roll Call: Voting Aye: Ms. Mencl, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Richard Adams – Preparation/Compensation – 2016-2017 School Year, approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 88 – Jennifer Mosgo – Primary School Educational Aide Cafeteria – 2016-17 School Year Be It Resolved, the Independence Board of Education approves Jennifer Mosgo as primary school Education aide effective for the 2016-17 school year.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Jennifer Mosgo – Primary School Educational Aide Cafeteria – 2016-17 School Year , approved
RESOLUTION 2016 – 89 – Treasurer’s Performance Bonus – FY 2016 Be It Resolved, the Independence Board of Education agrees to pay the Treasurer of the Independence Local Schools a performance bonus of $3,000 for Fiscal Year 2016.
Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Ms.Mencl Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Treasurer’s Performance Bonus – FY 2016, approved 2016-57 JUNE
M16-45 Mrs. Laski made a motion to Adjourn at 8:00 a.m.; seconded by Ms. Mencl.
Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Ms. Mencl, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi Voting Nay: None Adjournment, approved
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 a.m.
President – Jerry Narduzzi
Treasurer – Eric Koehler
(Approved: August 16, 2016 – Regular Meeting)