O Make an ALTER, Place Mahanluxmi S Photo in Sitting Position
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o Make an ALTER, Place Mahanluxmi’s Photo in sitting position o Place Lord Ganesha Picture by the side. o Behind Mahanluxmi’s Photo, Please place or hang on the wall all other DEVI Devtas’s and Gurus & All respected Deities pictures. o Ignite Pure Ghee Jyoti, Sandlewood Agarbati is prefffered. o Keep some sweets Burfee or Rasgula ( No Grains should be in sweets) o Break flowers into small Pestles o Sit in front of the alter If alter is On Table you can sit on chairs o Recite Aum three times, then Do Namaskar to Ganesh ji with flower pestles o Do Namaskar to your Isht Dev or GURUS and ancestors. o Do Gayatri Mantra three (3) Times. o Now you start Aum Mahaluxmieh Namoo & offer Flower Pestles to the feet of Mahaluxmi 108 times – (Mahaluxmi is your main Deity before Pooja invite her to be seated when you place HER Picture o Recite Mahanluxmi Ashttotar do Naman with each sttotar o Do Gayatri Mantra three (3) times. o Do Mahaluxmi arti o Offer Sweets or sugar and Water to all Deities o Now take sugar or sweets yourself also
Note: I recommend you to get your Horoscope done, so that if some other treatment is needed. If some planet is at wrong place we should first block it so that it does not keep on spoiling your whole Pooja Experience. Same as If you keep on putting water into a utensil which has got a hole in it then the water will keep on leaking.
It is your choice - otherwise if you do not get the results you may call it fake Pooja, which may put you into more trouble.
Please stay on Fruits, Juice, milk, tea or coffee during the day, after the pooja you can have hot meal with Roasted or boiled potatoes, Kachaloo or Shakarkand. Absolutely No Onion, Garlic or Grains.
Please do this puja with dedication and devotion. We would like to have your feed back after this!
Most Humbly Your Well Wisher
Puru Kaucshal 416-401-5555 [email protected]
The Mahalakshmi Stotra: A Transliteration and Translation
Shree Indra Uvach,
Namostute-astu Mahamaye shri peethe soorpoojite, shankh chakra gada haste, MahaLakshmi Namostute (1)
Namaste Garuda-rudhe kalasura bhayankari, sarva paphare devi MahaLakshmi Namostute (2)
Sarvagye sarva-varde sarvadusta bhayankari, sarva dukh-hare devi MahaLakshmi Namostute (3)
Siddhi Budhhi prade devi bhakti mukti pradayini, mantramurte sadadevi MahaLakshmi Namostute (4)
Aadhyantara-hite devi aadhya shakti maheshwari, yogje yog sambhoote MahaLakshmi Namostute (5)
SthulaSukshma Maharoudrou Mahashakti Mahodare, Mahapap hare devi MahaLakshmi Namostute (6)
Padmasan-stithe devi par-brahm swaroopini
parmeshi jaganmatar, MahaLakshmi Namostute (7)
Shwetambardhare devi nanalankar bhushite, jagat-stithe jaganmata MahaLakshmi Namostute (8)
MahaLakshmyastak-stotram yah pathed bhaktiman nar, sarvasiddhim-avapnotim rajyam prapnoti sarvada (9)
Ek-kale pathen-nityam mahapapvinashanam, dwi-kale yah pathen-nityam dhandhanyasamanvit (10)
Tri-kalam yah pathen-nityam mahashatruvinashan, MahaLakshmi Bhaven-nityam, prassanna varda shubham (11)
Iti Shri MahaLakshmyastak Sampoornam
Lord Indra said, "O great force! one who is beseated on the seat of wealth, worshipped by the gods, Salutations to you! One who wields in her hands Conch, Discus, and the gada, O MahaLakshmi! Salutations to you! (1)
One who sits on the Garuda, by whom Kolasura fears, and the destroyer of all the sins, O Goddess MahaLakshmi! Salutations to you! (2)
One who knows everything, giver (of boons) to all, source of deterrence to all evil, & remover of everybody's sorrows, O Goddess MahaLakshmi! Salutations to you! (3)
Giver of Success (Siddhi), intellect (buddhi), enjoyment (bhog), & emancipation (moksha), O Goddess MahaLakshmi! Always Salutations to you! (4)
O Goddess, one whose existence is free from the beginning & the end, the eternal force, O Goddess, O Goddess who has taken form out of YOGA, Goddess MahaLakshmi! Salutations to you! (5)
O Goddess, you are the (main) substance (sthuhl), extremely minute (sukshma), and the most defiant & angry formed one ( Maharoudrou), you are the great force (of the world), and destroyer of the extremely big sins, O Goddess MahaLakshmi! Salutations to you! (6)
O Goddess who sits on the lotus, one whose form (swaroop) is as vibrant as the eternal God (parabrahma), O greatest Goddess, O Jagdamba, O MahaLakshmi, Salutations to you! (7)
O Goddess you are the one who adorns white clothes, several types of jewels. You are the omnipresent, and the creator of the world. (8)
The man who reads this stotra regularly, with devotion, he acquires all successes & stately adornments. (9)
One who reads this stotra once, daily; his greatest sins get destroyed. One who reads, this stotra twice, daily, gets abundant wealth & material requirement, as per requirement. (10)
One who reads daily, this stotra thrice, his greatest enemies would be destroyed and Goddess MahaLakshmi, giver of boons, doer of good for everybody, is always happy on him. (11)
Thus ends the MahaLakshmi Stotra, written by Indra.
Shri Lakshmi ji ki Aarti
Jai lakshmi maataa, Maiyaa jaya lakshmi maataa Tumako nishadina dhyaavata, Hara vishnu vidhaataa
Brahmaanii, rudraanii, kamalaa, Tuuhii hai jaga maataa Suurya chandramaa dhyaavata, Naarada rishi gaataa
Durgaa ruupa nirantara, sukha sampati daataa Jo koi tumako dhyaavata, riddhi siddhi dhana paataa
Tuuhii hai paataala basantii, Tuuhii shubha daataa Karma prabhaava prakaashaka, Jaganidhi ke traataa
Jisa ghara mein tuma rahatii, saba sadaguna aataa Kara sake koii kara le, mana nahin ghabaraataa
Tuma bina yagya na hove, Vastra na koii paataa Khaana paana kaa vaibhava, Saba tumase hii aataa
Shubha guna mandira sundara, Kshirodadhi jaataa Ratana chaturdasha tuma hii, Koii nahiin paataa
Aartii lakshmii jii kii, Jo koii nara gaataa Ura aananda umanga ati, Paapa utara jaataa