Rubric for Creative Dance

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Rubric for Creative Dance

Dance Unit – Self Evaluation Grade 7-8 1 4 7 10 MARK Effort – Participates only with Participates in dance. Participates in dance Participates in dance strong Frequent reminders with a positive with enthusiasm, and encouragement. are needed to attitude. encourages others to Is easily distracted maintain focus on the Needs to be participate. and finds it difficult to dance. reminded to focus at Is consistently maintain focus. May times. focused and on task distract others. Can stay focused and and encourages follows instruction others to remain well. focused. Level and Uses little of the Uses some of the Attempts to use most Uses all space Space space possible for space provided. of the space provided, vertically as movements. Movement is limited provided. well as horizontally. Student movement to only two levels. At times uses varied Uses all levels within experiences only one levels within their their exploration of level. movement movement. experience. Patterns Pathways and Uses one or two Attempts various Uses an extensive and patterns are not pathways and pathways in their variety of pathways apparent in the dance patterns in their movement. in their movement. Pathways composition. dance. Basic patterns are Incorporates well- included in their defined patterns in dance composition. their dance composition. Creativity Uses common and Adapts some options Explores a variety of Explores numerous and stereotypical patterns from others in their creative options. creative options. borrowed from movement Takes some risks in Willing to take risks in Interpreta others. Goes beyond the their exploration. their exploration. tion Uses familiar patterns familiar to take a Movements show Movements are and movements. small risk. unusual patterns and highly original and Re-uses a simple Movements repeat fair variety. carried out well. pattern borrowed limited common Movements highlight from others or media. patterns and themes. the music in an interesting way. Place Glog Basic understanding Has some Has basic Understands that that dances are understanding that understanding that dances originate in different. dance originates in dances originate in different places and Did not use time other places. different places and have different efficiently to Used some time have different meanings connected complete glog. effectively on the meanings connected with them. computer creating with them. Used time on the glog. Used most time on computer effectively computer effectively to create the best to create an possible glog. adequate glog. Total

Tension/ Did not consider Slightly considered Considered tension Really thought about Resolution tension and tension and and resolution in tension and resolution in dance resolution in dance dance movements resolution in dance Dance movements movements Considered tension movements Did not consider Slightly considered and resolution in Really thought about tension and tension and dance music tension and resolution in dance resolution in dance resolution in dance music music music All Dance Just winged it – did Planned a few Planned movements – Effectively planned Creation not plan any movements – may or may or may not have movements / dance movements to go may not have gone gone with music sequence to go with Process with music with the music Music matched some the music Music did not match Music may have of the movements Music matched movements matched a couple movement on most movements occasions. Line Did not consider what May have considered Considered two of the Effectively considered Dance makes a line dance one of the following. following when using repetitive Did not use repetitive Repetitive creating line dance. movement, staying movement movement, staying Repetitive on beat to the music, Did not stay on beat on beat, appropriate movement, staying and chose Did not consider if music. on beat to music, or appropriate music for music was Did some movements appropriate line a line dance. appropriate for line at the same time dance music. Did all movements at dance Did most of the the same time Did not do all movements at the movements at the same time same time TOTA L


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