Greetings from District Governor Jim Russell

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Greetings from District Governor Jim Russell

Rotary District 6650 March 2011 Newsletter

2018 年 4 月 7 日 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 7

Greetings from District Governor Jim Russell

District Conference, District Conference, District Conference, District Conference! That might give you a small clue as to my focus at this point. Throw in Four-Way Speech Contest, RYLA, GSE, Lit Kits, PETS, Youth Exchange, and various requests/obligations from RI, and you can see why I’m not feeling like things are winding down. Fortunately, we have a strong team of leaders who are working every day to make these programs successful and keep us moving forward. I am thankful for the people who make good things happen in our District.

So, let’s talk District Conference. Our conference will take place on April 29 and April “The three 30 this year. The April 29 portion will be done at the Kent State Stark Conference priorities of the Center in Canton. It will begin at 5:30 PM with a Social Hour moving to Dinner and strategic plan the evening’s agenda which will include the Business Meeting, Memorials, remind us that the Recognition and Awards, and “Pass the Banner” Ceremony. success of Rotary is based on a simple Those wishing to stay in Canton can book a room at the Marriott Courtyard Metro formula of strong Circle Drive which is very near the KSU facility. clubs, significant service projects, The April 30 portion will take place at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton. This and a favorable portion will begin at 11:00 AM and will include family oriented entertainment with a public image.” heavy focus on Rotary. The planned activities include inflatables (rock wall, bounce house, bungee run, cannonball blast), carnival games, Wii Arcade, face paint, Ray Klinginsmith balloons, spin art, Youth Exchange Talent Show, Rotary/Interact Project Fair, Youth Exchange Cultural Exchange, GSE Presentation, House of Friendship, Door Prizes and a variety of on-stage entertainment. Food will be available for purchase from the Tuscarawas County Farm Bureau and the Stark County Farm Bureau will have a tent with livestock and kid’s crafts. This should be a great day of fun, and I’m asking you to attend with your family and friends. My goal is to see at least 1000 people at this event and I need your help to make that happen!

By now, all the 2011-12 Presidents are trained and DGE George Hays has his leadership team defined and thinking about the coming year. We should do whatever we can to assist that effort but we must also remember that there is work to be done for 2010-11. I know we have done some marvelous projects and our Leadership Development initiative is building so we’ll able to look back with pride on those. Let’s work to achieve our Foundation and Membership goals as well.

Jim Tsunami Devastation in Japan How Can We Help? DRFC PDG Meena Patel

It was December 2004, Rotary’s centennial year, when Tsunami hit East coast of Sri Lanka and surrounding regions. We all saw the horrific pictures of devastation. What is Future Rotarians from all over the world poured in money, and stood with the Rotary Vision? leaders in that part of the world.

The Future Within 7 years we are witnessing another catastrophe, triple tragedy of massive Vision Plan is damage due to earthquake, Tsunami devastation of unimaginable proportions and The Rotary an accident at nuclear power plant threatening the lives of Japanese people for Foundation’s many years to come. new model to Rotary International was there with Rotary leaders then, to help the people who had support district suffered 7 years ago, and now, with Japanese leadership in the affected regions of and club Japan. humanitarian and educational Five Rotary districts in Japan have been declared as disaster districts, 2520,2530, projects. 2620, 2820 and 2830. Rotary Foundation has set up a separate Tsunami Fund. Our R.I. Director and Vice President of R.I. Tom Thorfinson has requested Rotary district, Why was it Rotary clubs and Rotarians to contribute to this fund in the way we find convenient. adopted? Many districts and clubs in USA have their own Foundations and they are quickly forwarding the money to the Tsunami Fund of TRF. The Foundation During last Tsunami our district collected $ 16,000.00 plus money that came from identified a the clubs and individual Rotarians in our district. We used that money to build an growing need to orphanage and vocational training center in Sri Lanka for the girls who had lost their streamline its families. operations for improved One of the 5 districts in Japan, declared as a disaster district (2830) is Future Vision efficiency and Pilot district, and we cannot undertake matching grant with them, though other 4 focus its efforts districts can be helped if we decide to do that. I have sent e-mail to all the DGs and to achieve DRFCs of those 4 districts, asking them how we can help. greater impact and public The Rotary Foundation has extended the deadline for matching grants only in these th recognition. 5 districts in Japan to April 30 instead of March 31st. In fact a district in Thailand is providing $ 65,000.00 to the district 2820 to provide food and safe drinking water When does it (bottled water). In a week the grant was sanctioned. This is the first matching grant start? and the only matching grant so far. Our district contributed during last Tsunami and we will support our Japanese friends In July 2010, now. In fact we are exchanging our GSE team for the year 2011-12 with district 100 Rotary 2630 in Japan, the region not affected by this catastrophe. districts began to test the plan as If any Rotary club or Rotarians who have friends or business connections in part of a three- devastated part of Japan and want to help, please let us know. This is the time to year pilot. All help. Japan coordinator for the Rotary Foundation Hanae Kim will help us as much districts will as she can. adopt the new model in July 2013. ______

Individuals can contribute to our Japan Relief programs in multiple ways. The Rotary Foundation has established a Donor Advised Fund for this effort and you can contribute to it through the Member Access portal on the RI website. These funds will be administered by the Rotary Foundation. Our District is offering to partner with Japanese Districts in Matching Grants (see DRFC Patel’s article) and you can contribute directly to those grants by sending a check, payable to the District, to our Assistant District Treasurer Bonnie Davis with a note designating the funds for Japan Relief. These funds will be directed by our District and receive matching funds from the Foundation. GSE Team departed for the Philippines

Getting to The GSE Team from our District know our departed for District 3820 in the Philippines on Thursday March 17. Pictured are DG Jim, Team leader Elayne, Team members Toni, Katie, Rachel, and Luke. On District: departure, the group expressed excitement and nervous anticipation for their Poland impending adventure. All were looking forward to establishing new friendships on the other side of the globe. While there, the Team will visit a water well drilling project that is funded through Matching Grants with Newcomerstown, Alliance, and In 1796, Poland East Liverpool Clubs. They will also have the opportunity to distribute Lit Kits to Township was the about 1000 school children. Log in to the GSE blog to follow their travels in District first charted 3820 ( township in the Connecticut Western Reserve. Poland Township was the southeastern most portion, or Town One, Range One. District 6650 RYLA The village of Poland was 80 High School Juniors sponsored by 38 Rotary Clubs attended this year’s RYLA founded in 1866. It Conference held at the Avalon Inn in Warren. Salem Rotarian Barbara Loudon serves is also home to the as the District Chair. Students learn about their leadership strengths with the hope Poland Seminary they will apply their learning to leadership positions in their Senior year of High High School School and beyond. Loudon says the conference lets students explore who they are Bulldogs. Poland and how to communicate both verbally and nonverbally. Clubs are encouraged to Seminary was invite the students they sponsored to their meetings to share the RYLA experience. originally a private Many thanks to the team of adults (Rotarians and nonRotarians) who dedicate time secondary school, to make this event a success. Thanks also to the Salem Club for spearheading this Poland Academy, effort. A special mention is due Candy Wallace who has facilitated at RYLA for 17 and then a Liberal years. She will be busy chairing the Hall of Fame Festival next year and has decided Arts college she will be unable to continue her RYLA participation. Her contribution will certainly founded 200 years be missed. ago. Former distinguished faculty include the author of the McGuffey Reader, Memorializing Rotarians William Holmes Each year at the District Conference we try to honor every Rotarian from District McGuffey and journalist Ida 6650 who passed away in the current Rotary year. Tarbell. The future U.S. President It is always a challenge to gather this information at the end of the year. So we are William McKinley asking that you notify the District office when someone in your club passes away was once a student and that you provide information about their Rotary service that can be used to there. honor them in our annual memorial ceremony. A form for this information can be downloaded from the District website. District 4-Way Speech Competition

Getting to know our District:

Salem The District 4-Way Speech competition was held at Fairways Golf Club in North Canton on Saturday March 19. Nineteen contestants sponsored by Rotary clubs in District 6650 presented their 4 to 7 Salem was founded minute talk on the 4-Way Test as it relates to them. Top rated speeches by a Pennsylvanian included “Positive Influences”, “Solutions Focus”, “First Impressions”, and potter, John “Facebook” and the relevance of the 4-Way Test to each. Prize money was Straughan (Strawn) awarded to the top four contestants who were also invited to present their and a New Jersey talk at the Family Fun Fair on April 30. Winners were (L to R) Seth Noble – clockmaker, Zadok North Canton – 1st, Heather Johnson – Howland – 2nd, Branton Henry – Niles – Street, in 1806. 3rd,and Joshua Scott – Champion – 4th. Thanks to Committee Co-Chairs The city’s name Elwood Walker and Pat Potter, Judges Pat Potter, Sandra Lang, and PDG comes from Meena Patel, and Jean McKenzie and John Wlodarski of the Brookfield Club “shalom” and for their help with this event “salaam,” and means “peace.”Early settlers to the city Redistricting included the Religious Society of Friends In the past 15 years, the number of Rotarians has remained basically unchanged, at (“Quakers”), which about 1.2 million members. Yet there are 6,657 more Rotary clubs and 24 more the school system’s Rotary districts, while the average number of members per club has decreased by 8. sports teams honor In November, acting on past Council on Legislation decisions, the RI Board agreed by referring to to merge smaller districts that do not meet the RI Bylaws minimum requirements for themselves numbers of clubs and Rotarians. The 16 districts that have fewer than 30 clubs or collectively as the 1,000 members (the required minimums outlined at the 2004 Council) face "Quakers."Active in consolidation by the Board on 1 July 2012. Another 52 districts with fewer than 33 the abolitionist clubs or 1,200 members — the revised minimum numbers established at the 2010 movement of the Council — are subject to consolidation by the Board on 1 July 2013. early- to mid-19th century, Salem acted as a hub for the American Underground Railroad, with several homes serving as “stations.” In April 1850, Salem hosted the first Rose Parade Float 2011 Women's Rights Convention in Ohio, the second such If you were watching the Rose Parade in January, you probably saw Rotary’s convention in the excellent float entry. You weren’t alone! Almost 400 Million people got to see this United States. J. representation of our Building Communities – Bridging Continents theme. RI does Elizabeth Jones not pay for this annual float entry. Instead it is funded by contributions from delivered an individuals and Rotary Clubs. Unfortunately, this year’s float cost more than the address, and men amount contributed. Please consider making a contribution to help offset this shortfall. You can do so on line at . were refused attendance for the two-day News from the frontline: proceedings.While radio DJ Alan Freed was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, he grew up in Salem. While working at a radio station in Cleveland, he coined the phrase Sieglinde Warren, Division I-A "Rock & Roll."


Boardman’s 28th Annual Pancake Breakfast

The Rotary Club of Boardman’s 28th Annual Pancake Breakfast takes place over two weekends during Boardman Park’s Maple Syrup Festival; March 19th and 20th and March 26th and 27th. The traditional pancake breakfast menu of pancakes and sausages is served by Boardman Rotarians, Interact Club members and a scattering of Inbound and Outbound exchange students. Nearly 900 people were served on the first weekend. Getting to know our The pancake breakfast is served from 8 to 2 on Saturday and Sunday at the Community Center in Boardman Park. These two weekends are Boardman Rotary’s District second largest fundraiser next to the Oktoberfest.

Howland Township Pictured: #1 Dr. Fred Soller demonstrating It is the only his skills. Howland Township statewide.The township is named for the Howland family, who were the original settlers of the township, and Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower 165 years earlier. In 1620, John Howland landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts aboard the Mayflower. A descendant of his, Joseph Howland, purchased the #2 Rotarians Joe Ignazio, Dick Dowell and Greg Anstrom in the township from the Connecticut Land kitchen. Company in 1795. The first settler arrived in 1799, and the township was organized in 1812. A sawmill was constructed in Howland in 1814, with a gristmill POLAND constructed the following year. Circa 1830, Howland Springs began operation as Poland Rotary’s 25th Annual Chili Open a Success! a health spa; it operated in the The day dawned clear and cold with township until it nearly seven inches of new-fallen burned in 1882. snow. Perfect weather for a round of golf!

Poland Rotary has been doing its Chili Open since 1987. Weather conditions have ranged from 60 degrees and sunny to snow and wind chills well below zero. “The weather for this year’s open was perfect,” says President Matt Maxwell. “It started out cold but became warmer and sunny with no wind.”

The Poland Rotary Chili Open Golf Classic benefits 16 local charities.

Pictured are Mike Vargo, Mike Hagyari, and Ryan Caesar who improvised a way to ensure an adequate supply of food and beverages as they braved a northeast Ohio winter to play in the Chili Open. Getting to know our District Poland and Struthers Rotary Clubs join for the annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

In what has become an annual event, members of the Struthers and Poland East Canton Rotary Clubs joined together to The Village of East celebrate St. Patrick’s Canton was settled Day. The menu included in the 1700’s and corned beef, cabbage and had the honor of potatoes along with plenty being the first of Irish mirth and song. county seat. The Wheeling and Lake Pictured from right to left Erie Railroad are Poland Rotarian Brian brought many Downie, Struthers passengers through Rotarian Kelly Becker, the village in the along with long-time late 1800’s. The Poland Rotarian Jim Werner Inn stands Klepper, who led the on the corner of group in a series of Irish songs including “Danny Boy” and “An Irish Lullaby,” also State Routes 44 known as “Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra.” and 172 in the village. The Osnaburg Historical Society owns and operates the inn which has been restored to its original state with much of the period furnishings. This building also served as a tavern in the Mike Bollas, Division I-B 1800’s. Just across the street stands another historical inn, The Warren Rotary Club: Stage Coach Inn, which also offered Pancake Day and Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Sale weary travelers a place to stay. A long standing social event with the rotary Club of Warren. Pancake Day will be held on Sunday, March 27 at the Lincoln K-8 School Cafeteria from 9 am until 1 pm. You and your guests will enjoy plump hot cakes, scrambled eggs and sausage, milk, juice and of course Dunkin' Donuts coffee. What could be better than a Sunday morning brunch with good food, friends and family. The day will be a success for the Rotary and Interact Clubs with just a little help from everyone.

Also available are order forms for Dunkin' Donuts Coffee that we are selling for only $ 8 per pound. Choose from Regular, Dunkin' DeCaf, French Vanilla and Hazelnut. Enjoy a bag or two and be sure to encourage others to join in this fund raiser.

Warren Main Library - Rotary Display. is currently featuring a display of Warren Rotary memorabilia and items throughout the month of March. This is a Public Relations project to inform the public about Rotary with the hopes of obtaining new members. If you are in the area stop in the library and view the display.

The New Rotary Brochure. Another Public Relations effort from the Warren Club. Thanks to Rob Berk for providing the printing and holders for these brochures that Getting to will be placed in businesses to help grow membership. know our District Champion Rotary Club: Cortland Third Annual Food Drive - The Champion Pride Council's 3rd annual food drive for Champion residents will be March 22 - April 15. The Champion Pride Council is the Cortland is in Bazetta Township, result of collaborative effort between Champion service clubs - including the Champion Trumbull County Rotary, Champion schools, Trumbull County Technical Center, KSU-Trumbull, and was originally Champion churches and Champion Township Trustees for the purpose of conducting 3 named Leroy. annual community service projects to benefit Champion residents. Food collected will Cortland was a dry be packaged and distributed to families in need for Easter. Food collections are then city until distributed to residents through the ministerial council. Donation locations will be 2005.According to Champion schools, Trumbull County Technical Center,KSU-Trumbull, Champion legend, the Opera Township Fire Station, the BP station, several restaurants, and the following churches: House is haunted Champion Presbyterian, Champion Christian, St William, Otterbein United Methodist, by a spirit who only and Wildare United Methodist. reveals itself to those with the last Youth Exchange Program respresentatives named: Haylee Martinko, daughter of name Kline (Other Tamara and Brian Martinko, and Rush Swipas, son of Mrs Christina Swipas, have been variations such as selected by Rotary District 6650 and Champion Rotary as international exchange Klein, Cline, and students for school year 2011/2012. Their destination countries have not yet been Small which is the determined. English translation of Kline from German). It is supposedly Kinsman Rotary Club: haunted by Solomon Kline. Eric Golf Outing - June 17, 2011 at Bronzwood Golf Course in Kinsman. Stocz, former NFL For further information contact Robert Nemeth at Stanwade Metal Products,(330) 772- player, lived in 2421 Cortland, attended and graduated from Lakeview High School. The city hosts a Street Fair with a parade every year at the end of June during which the Miss Judy Lorigan, Division II-C Cortland pagent is held. Famous magician, Johnny Ace Palmer, Massillon Rotary Club: attended and graduated from On April 28th the Massillon Rotary Club will host a joint meeting of the Canal Fulton, Lakeview High Perry Twp., Jackson Twp. and Massillon clubs. The guests of honor will be the GSE School. team from The Philippines. The meeting starts at 11:45 and is held at the Eagles Professional club 190 in Massillon. wrestler, Craig Holko, attended On April 16 the Massillon Rotary will hold its annual fund raiser at the Massillon Maplewood High Knights of Columbus Hall. This year’s event, “A Run for the Roses” will feature horse School. racing and a reverse raffle. Event starts at 6:00 pm. Tickets and information from Tim Bryan at 330 833-1026

Phillip Mariola, Division III-A

Rittman Rotary Club: If you are planning on attending the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans, don’t forget to contact PDG George Windate.

Friday, April 1st, Rittman Rotary Club will host Carson Entertainment at the O. J. Work Auditorium in Wadsworth as they present “Art of Imagination.” This “family-friendly” magic show is a must see performance! It will be a magical night that your family will not forget, where the audience becomes stars! Carson Entertainment was voted Las Vegas’ #1 Family Attraction two years running. And now we have the opportunity to enjoy it right here in our own state! You will experience grand illusions, comedy magic, and daring tricks performed with live animals. Tickets are $10 per person. All ticket sales will go to enable our club to provide scholarships for Rittman High School students and other projects that will specifically benefit our community.

For tickets, call 330-855-4251 or email [email protected]. You may also visit the Rittman Rotary website at where there is a contact form for ticket purchase. See you at the show! Wooster Rotary Club:

The Wooster High School Interact Club has had a very busy, yet rewarding year. In the fall the kids teamed up with a local church to tackle the task of fixing up an old abandoned home next to the Wooster Tower Apartment Complex. The home, now called Sowing Hope House, will be used to mentor and provide a healthy snack to children after school, that reside in the apartment complex. The day the Interact kids arrived to work they heard from the pastor of the deplorable conditions and lives that many of these kids have led. Most are being raised by a single mother, with many men that come through their lives, and most never even know their father. They learned of the drug trafficking that goes on next door and how one drug dealer has learned of the Sowing Hope House mission and has turned his life around and now helps with the project. The energy was amazing after the kids heard the mission and they spent the next 3 hours painting, scrubbing walls, picking up trash in the yard, and hauling away debris. Attention Several young Interactors went to Club Advisor Roger Redman and asked to Club eventually become mentors themselves. In the spring the kids will be returning to Secretaries Sowing Hope House to deliver a pizza party for the children.

Clubs will no longer receive paper versions of the Official Directory Data Form in October to report officers and club information; instead, clubs should report through Member Access by 10 During the Holiday season the Interact kids March adopted a family. The kids met and pooled all their own money…..then headed to Walmart! With over $220 in hand they purchased an abundance of gifts for 2 girls being raised by a single father. As word spread throughout the High School a couple teachers stepped forward with Ipods they wanted to donate to the cause. The Interact kids wrapped and delivered the gifts in what was a very moving experience for many. Several days later the father, whom delivers furniture for a local retailer, was delivering a chair to Rotarian Roger Redmans home when he recognized Rogers daughter Morgan, the president of the Interact Club. As Roger rounded the corner of the home the man was embracing Morgan with tears flowing down his face. He turned to Roger and said “I am the father of the kids Interact adopted. You will never know how special this Christmas has been thanks to Interact”. In February the kids had a fun night at Acres of Fun entertainment complex where they played laser tag, enjoyed pizza and pop, and the fellowship of Interact. This spring the Interact Club will be assisting with the annual Wooster Rotary Auction, selling popcorn at the event as a fundraiser. Then they will be sponsoring a car wash when warmer weather arrives and hope to use the proceeds to adopt another needy family in the area that may need help with clothing. Lastly, they will be doing their biannual trash pick-up along the mile of road the club has adopted.

Mark Waltz, Division III-B

District Office Contact Info: March 10, 2011 visit to WTUZ Radio for recording of local radio spots for the District Public Relations Grant involving, Dover, 217 Second St. NW New Philadelphia, Newcomerstown, Dennison, Bolivar-Zoar, Dennison, and Canton, Oh 44702 Sugarcreek. We also had Malvern Club take part. Spots have begun and will be (330) 452-2882 running thru the end of June 2011. These are 60 sec ads with coverage three times F (330) 452-8614 a day, 6 days a week. info@cantonrotary. org

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