Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process: Self Review Report s2

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Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process: Self Review Report s2

Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process: Self Review Report

Date of Report: June 2007

District Name: Caledonia Area School District District Number: 0299 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Director of Special Education: Joan Buehrle Superintendent: Mr. Michael Moriarity

Annual Due Date: June 30

Electronic Report Submission: [email protected] . Reports must be PC Microsoft Word compatible or Send Report to: Bonnie Carlson, Compliance Supervisor Minnesota Department of Education Division of Compliance and Assistance 1500 Highway 36 West Roseville, MN 55113-4266

* For districts providing record review data: Submit individual student non-compliance information electronically or on a CD. Please do not send a hard copy.

Updated 4/17/07


Directions/Questions:  The report includes brief directions for each reporting section. The MNCIMP:SR Guidelines and Resources Manual, which has more detailed directions, resources, and samples for several report sections can be found on the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) web site: SR/index.html  Questions pertaining to the due process/compliance components of the report may be directed to the district’s lead compliance monitor.  Most sections of the report require a district unit of analysis. Reporting directions for each section will indicate if a district within a cooperative or education district can report on an area using a cooperative unit of analysis.  Caution is advised when attempting to analyze data based on small sample sizes, i.e. program evaluation, record review, and stakeholder data.

Report Format:  It is not necessary to completely fill each space; and if more space is needed, the space provided will expand accordingly.  Do not edit or delete any part of the report format. If the district is not required to report information in a particular section, leave the section blank.  Include the district name and number, and cooperative/education district name, if applicable on the cover page. Also include the district name in the report footer, beginning on page three. To do this, go to the “View” button on the toolbar, click on “Header and Footer”, then scroll to the bottom of the page to enter the district name. Click anywhere outside the footer to close.  If using an acronym within the report, spell out the words completely first, with the acronym proceeding it, e.g. Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).  Do not include charts, appendices, or any attachments with this report.  If possible, submit the report electronically to the email address on the cover page of the report. If electronic submission is not possible, mail two copies of the report to the address on the cover page of the report.  Email the report by June 30 each year to [email protected] . All reports must be PC Microsoft Word compatible.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 1 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District

1. District Demographics Directions  Update the district demographic charts annually.  Cooperatives: report each district’s demographics and general information/significant trends or changes individually. Indicate the district name for each profile reported.

SPP/APR Part B Indicators 9&10 Percentage of Percentage of Total Total Total Part B Part B (K-21) Total Early Childhood Student Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Special Education Enrollment Special Education Minority Special Education Enrollment Enrollment (General Education (General Education plus Special (K-21) Enrollment (Part C and Pre-K) plus Special Education) Education) by Race/Ethnicity White-97% White-98.5% Black-2% Black-1.5% 855 Asian0% 152 Asian-0% 18 Hispanic-0% Hispanic-0% Am. Indian-0% Am. Indian-0%

MNCIMP:SR Profile  Starting with the first year of planning, indicate the number of years the district/cooperative has participated in Self-Review.  If assistance is needed, contact your district’s lead compliance specialist.  Update this section annually.  For cooperatives or education districts, report each member district’s information individually as appropriate.  Report any extenuating circumstances that impact the district demographics or disability demographics, i.e. open-enrolled student population, opening of a new group home in the district, etc. Number of Years in Self-Review: Date of last MDE Validation: Date of next MDE Validation: 7 March 2006-2007 2011-2012 School Year

2. District General Information and Significant Trends or Changes In Caledonia, approximately 14.0 FTE licensed special education teachers act as case managers/service coordinators for Individual Education Plans, Interagency Family Service Plans and Individual Interagency Intervention Plans (IEPs, IFSPs, IIIPs) and serve students in twelve disability areas/ages birth-21. There are also two teachers for birth to 3 serving four school districts in Houston County. Both of the speech language pathologists are part time, providing approximately .8 FTE and .4 FTE to Caledonia. There are two adaptive PE teachers providing less than 1.0 FTE in our district. The district’s developmental cognitive disability-severe program continues to serve students from two neighboring districts. In December 2005 there were 152 special education students enrolled in the district or 14% of total enrollment.

In 2003-2004 we began implementing Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) testing two times per year for all students grades 2-10 in the areas of reading, language, and math. We have continued this testing through this current school year. Additional probes can be done periodically throughout the year. The reading Rewards program is now implemented with at risk and special education students at the middle and high school level. The Language! program is also used with students with reading needs in grades K- 12. Aimsweb reading progress monitoring is taking place with all students in grades K-8. Math and other reading probes are used with special education students. At the elementary grades K-2 have changed their emphasis to reading and language arts. They have integrated science and social studies into reading and language arts.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 2 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 2. District General Information and Significant Trends or Changes

In 2005-2006 a self-review was done, randomly reviewing 1 file from each case manager. In March 2007 the Minnesota Department of Education validation took place in our district. We have not yet received the final report with their findings from them.

We are the Houston County seat. As such, we offer many resources to families in need. The June Kjome Home provides transitional housing for battered women and their children. The June Kjome home provides support to women from a wide geographical area, including Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. Houston County Women's Resources is another agency that provides unique family support We also have open-enrolled special education students who come into our district because of the programming we offer for DCD students. Other parents simply choose to have their children with special needs attend our school. A.B.L.E. Inc. has a number of housing options, including in-home family support in Houston County. This agency was formerly called Houston County Group Homes and offers many residential options within Caledonia alone. Additionally, we are the county seat closest to the state line. People from the neighboring state (which has enacted welfare reform legislation) have been known to cross the state line to gain more services than what they were receiving in the other state. These unique services tend to draw families with high needs including children with disabilities, and account for our high percentage of minority students on IEPs.

Caledonia School District is a member of Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED). HVED is an intermediate district serving thirteen school districts and five charter schools in southeastern Minnesota. HVED provides Caledonia's special education director, school psychology, related services, low incidence teachers, assistive technology consultants, audiology, autism specialist, and special education coordination services to district programs. The Bluff Country Learning Options is a cooperative venture with four neighboring districts. It is an alternative middle school and high school which Caledonia utilizes. The Caledonia School District and Bluff Country Learning Options work with many agencies/ programs in the county, and participate in the Family Services Collaborative. Caledonia Area schools are participating in the Houston County Transition Interagengy Committee (CTIC) efforts helping to develop the system for interagency services, and operationalize that system. Caledonia students have been served by Rainbow Day Treatment, Winona Day Treatment, La Crosse Leadership Program, La Crosse Compass Program, La Crosse Family and Children's Center, and a variety of other treatment programs as needed.

Beginning in 1999-00 Hiawatha Valley Education District hosted CIMP Leadership Team meetings to help with the development of annual CIMP reports. During the first years of the CIMP process the state department encouraged data collection from assessment of academic indicators. The Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process Leadership team had focused on improvement in reading programs. Reading Indicators student assessments were a part of this initiative in 2001-02. Since the 2001-02 school year the State Department of Special Education has reduced expectations for Indicators data and suggested a focus on state reports of MCA, Basic Skills, and Dropout-Graduation data and self review of student files. This report includes data from of these sources.

3. MNCIMP:SR Membership Selection Process We continue to have at least 3 special education teachers on our team yearly. As one team member rotates off the team, a different teacher is added. We representation from all grade levels/areas served in out district. This allows for consistency from year to year. We also have a parent representative and general education teacher involved.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 3 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Leadership Team Formation and Membership Team Member Name District Position Term Length Membership Responsibility High School Special Ed. Actively participate on CIMP Lindsey Meyer 3 years Teacher Leadership Team Elementary Special Ed. Actively participate on CIMP Cindy Staggemeyer 1 year Teacher Leadership Team Middle/High School Special Actively participate on CIMP Peggy Purcell 1 year Ed. Leadership Team Actively participate on CIMP Colette Bruening Early Childhood Special Ed. 2 years Leadership Team Actively participate on CIMP Janelle Field-Rohrer General Education Teacher 2 years Leadership Team Actively participate on CIMP Kari Neumann Parent Advocate 5+years Leadership Team Actively participate on CIMP Jackie Timmesch 0-3 Special Education Teacher 2 years Leadership Team

4. MNCIMP:SR Parental & Community Involvement How are parents and community involved in the MNCIMP:SR planning process, analysis of the data, and Action Planning process? There continues to be a Parent Advisory Council. At meetings, parents needs are shared and addressed in a timely manner. They have also discussed the CIMP report. One parent continues to participate as a member of the CIMP team.

4. MNCIMP:SR Parental & Community Involvement How is your district’s MNCIMP:SR status and progress disseminated to parents, community, and other stakeholder groups? At the Parent Advisory Council meetings, parents have discussed the CIMP report. Parents will continue to be informed of our progress at these meetings. Special education information is available on the Caledonia School District website. The CIMP report and other special education information are included on the website. Parents, community members, and other stakeholder groups will be able to access this information on the website.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 4 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 5. Special Education Mission and Belief Statements

Mission Statement: Providing quality education that is individualized, giving equal opportunities to all students with special needs. Belief Statements: A quality education for students can only result through respectful collaboration and effort among students, parents, teachers, and the community. Have you changed the mission and belief statements from your previous report? YES NO X If yes, provide rationale for the change.

Special Education Goal Statements Describe the process for development of the goal statements:

We reflected on last year’s goals, informal file review, and progress made.

The CIMP team discussed the progress that has been made since last year and the need to continue with those goals.

Special Education teachers completed numerous activities to improve their rate of compliance on record reviews. The parent advisory council has met this current school year and information was distributed to parents. Students reading progress continues to be monitored through NWEA testing, Aimsweb, and other reading probes. The CIMP team found the file review results to be primarily positive for our district. The CIMP team feels we can continue to improve our rate of compliance on record reviews and improve overall special education student achievement.

Caledonia Area Public Schools will improve their rate of compliance with due process. Goal Statements: Caledonia Area Public Schools through the use of best practices will improve overall special education student achievement.

Have you changed the goal statements from your previous report? YES NO X If yes, provide rationale for the change.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 5 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 6. Program Evaluation Directions: Student Achievement  Report and provide an analysis for any grade and subject in which the district did not demonstrate adequate yearly progress (AYP) for the special education population. Small districts of similar size within a cooperative or education district may be grouped for reporting purposes.  Select the degree of need (high, medium or low) based upon the urgency to implement change as determined by district criteria established by the leadership team. For each area designated as a high need, linkage with the District’s Improvement Plan under NCLB for the following school year must be provided (see Future Action Plan section of this report).

SPP/APR Part B Indicator 3

Did your district make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the entire special education subgroup in 2005-2006? (See district report card.) (Check one)

Yes __X__

No _____

NA (cell size too small to calculate AYP for Special Education) _____

If your district missed AYP last year for the first time, it is possible that next year your district will officially be in “needs improvement” status. How do you plan to improve the proficiency levels of students with disabilities? Respond below.

(See “District Data Profile” online at for information needed to complete this section) Grade Degree of Skill Assessed Level Analysis Need (check) (enter rate) (check one) 3: 100%  Are there any extenuating circumstances? High ____ 4: 85.7%  How are you linking into your district’s Improvement Plan under NCLB? 5: 37.5%  Are there additional steps you plan to take? If yes, document details in the Future Action Plan in this Medium _X_ 6: 50.0% Math __X__ report. 7: 33.3% 2004-2005 we failed to meet AYP in the area of Math. 2005-2006 we did meet AYP. We will continue to Low ____ 8: 28.6% adjust curriculum strategies, accommodations, and placements needed. We use MCA data, NWEA scores, 11: 23.8% Curriculum Based Measurements, and other assessments to monitor and/or chart student needs and progress. 3: 66.7%  Are there any extenuating circumstances? High ____ 4: 85.7%  How are you linking into your district’s Improvement Plan under NCLB? 5: 62.5%  Are there additional steps you plan to take? If yes, document details in the Future Action Plan in this Medium ____ 6: 60.0% Reading __X__ report. 7: 50.0% Low __X__ 8: 35.7% 10: 38.5%

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 6 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Program Evaluation Directions: High School Graduation, Dropout & Suspensions/Expulsions  Report and provide analysis for any performance areas where the district performance falls below the state and/or rates. Small districts of similar size within a cooperative or education district may be grouped for reporting purposes.  Select the degree of need (high, medium or low) based upon the urgency to implement change as determined by district criteria established by the leadership team. Each area designated as a high need must have a corresponding Action Plan for the following school year (see Future Action Plan section of this report). Degree of Reporting SPP/APR 2005-2006 Analysis Need Categories Indicator State Data (check one) State Rate = District Rate _100%__ 82.43% At or above state rate? Yes _X_ No ___ High ____ At or above state target? Yes _X_ No ___ Part B Graduation Rates State Target If below either state target or rate, provide an analysis. Medium ____ 1 = 81.95% (Special Low __X__ Education Rate)

State Rate = District Rate _1.6%__ 4.89% At or below state rate? Yes _X_ No ____ High ____ At or below state target? Yes _X_ No ____ Part B Dropout Rates State Target If above either state target or rate, provide an analysis. Medium ____ 2 = 4.55% (Special Low _X_ Education Rate)

State Rate = District Rate __0%__ 1.25% At or below state rate? Yes _X_ No ____ High ____ Suspension and At or below state target? Yes _X_ No ____ Part B Expulsion Rates State Target If above either state target or rate, provide an analysis. Medium ____ 4 >10 days = 1.8% (Special Low _X_ Education Rate)

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 7 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Program Evaluation Directions: Child Find & Least Restrictive Environment  Report and provide analysis for any performance areas where the district falls below the state target and/or state rate. Small districts of similar size within a cooperative or education district may be grouped for reporting purposes. Please note that this data is provided at the administrative unit level in Part C sections.  Data can be found on the MDE website at  Select the degree of need (high, medium or low) based upon the urgency to implement change as determined by district criteria established by the leadership team. Each area designated as a high need must have a corresponding Action Plan for the following school year (see Future Action Plan section of this report).

Degree of Reporting SPP/APR 2005-2006 Program Evaluation Analysis Need Category Indicator State Data (check one) State Rate = . Administrative Unit Rate ____1.3%____ High ____ Part C: 46% At or above state rate? Yes __X__ No ___ Part C Child Find At or above state target? Yes __X__ No ___ Medium ____ 5 Birth-1 State Target If below either state target or rate, provide an analysis. = .45% Low __X__ State Rate = Administrative Unit Rate ____2.6%____ High ____ Part C: 1.56% At or above state rate? Yes __X__ No ___ Part C Child Find At or above state target? Yes __X__ No ___ Medium ____ 6 Birth-3 State Target If below either state target or rate, provide an analysis. = 1.57% Low __X__ State Rate = Administrative Unit Rate ____92.7%____ High ____ Part C: 90.3% At or above state rate? Yes __X__ No ___ Natural Part C At or above state target? Yes __X__ No ___ Medium ____ Environment 2 State Target If below either state target or rate, provide an analysis. (ages 0-3) = 89.5% Low __X__ Administrative Unit Rate ____52.4%____ Part B: At or above state rate? Yes __X__ No ___ State Rate = Pre-School Settings At or above state target? Yes ____ No _X_ High ____ 50.5% LRE (age 3-5) Part B If below either state target or rate, provide an analysis. environments with 6 This data is from December 1, 2005. Some students are not able to attend because pre-schools fill Medium ___ State Target typically developing up quickly and there are no slots available. Beginning the 2007-2008 school year we are = 58% peers (including integrating the early childhood special education program with another pre-school program 3 days Low __X__ settings 1, 3, & 4) per week. Even though we are not at the target rate we have improved from 20% to 52.4% within a year’s time.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 8 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District SPP/APR Degree of Reporting 2005-2006 Indicator Program Evaluation Analysis Need Category State Data # (check one) District Rate ___41.7%___ Part B: State Rate= At or above state rate? Yes ____ No __X__ High ____ Settings/LRE 60.40% At or above state target? Ye s____ No __X__ School Age (6-21) Part B State Target If below either state target or rate, provide an analysis. Medium __X__ 5A Rate = 61% Removed from class Over the last three years we have been working towards a more inclusive model. This data Low ____ less than 21% of day continues to reflect these changes and continued progress. This is up from 39.5% the previous year. District Rate ___10.6%___ Part B: State At or below state rate? Yes ____ No __X__ Settings/LRE Rate=9.94% High ____ At or below state target? Ye s____ No __X__ School Age (6-21) Part B If above either state target or rate, provide an analysis. State Target Medium ____ 5B Removed from class Rate = 9.55% We serve as a regional service provider to districts in the area for students with more severe greater than 60% of Low __X__ disabilities. This contributes to our slightly higher than state percentages in this area. the day Part B: District Rate ___0.8%____ Settings/LRE At or below state rate? Yes __X__ No ____ State Rate= School Age (6-21) At or below state target? Yes__X__ No ____ High ____ 4.74% If above either state target or rate, provide an analysis. Part B Served in separate Medium ____ 5C State Target schools, residential Rate = 5.4% placements, or Low __X__ homebound or hospital placements

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 9 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Program Evaluation Directions: Early Childhood Outcome Data  Report and provide analysis for any performance areas where the district falls below the state target. Small districts of similar size within a cooperative or education district may be grouped for reporting purposes.  Data can be found on the MDE website at  Select the degree of need (high, medium or low) based upon the urgency to implement change as determined by district criteria established by the leadership team. Each area designated as a high need must have a corresponding Action Plan for the following school year (see Future Action Plan section of this report). SPP/APR Degree of Reporting 2005-2006 Indicator Program Evaluation Analysis Need Category State Data (check one) A. IFSP documentation of transition planning – Administrative Unit Rate____100%____ Parts B and C: At state target of 100%? Yes __X__ No _____ Transition If not at the state target, provide an analysis. State Targets = High ____ A. Documentation of Part B # A. 100% transition planning compliance B. Transition conferences occurred – Medium ___ on IFSP Part C B. 100% Administrative Unit Rate____100%____ B. Transition 8 compliance At state target of 100%? Yes __X__ No _____ Low __X__ conferences occurred If not at the state target, provide an analysis. during regulatory timeframe

Administrative Unit Rate ____100%____ High ____ Part C: State Target = At state target of 100%? Yes __X__ No ______Timely Evaluations Part C 100% If not at the state target, provide an analysis. Medium ___ 7 compliance 45-day timeline Low __X__

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 10 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 7. Stakeholder Information Directions  Data collection efforts must either include all members of a stakeholder group or a representative sample of the group.  The representative sample must provide a valid sample size to be able to generalize the data.  A tool to use to determine an appropriate sample size can be found at: .  Indicate the format used to collect stakeholder data.  Report the sampling method(s) used, as part of the analysis.  Disaggregate all Part B and Part C responses and report separately.  Include the number of stakeholders identified for the initial contact.  Include the number of stakeholders that participated.  Include the number of participants necessary for a valid sample.  Summarize findings for each stakeholder group.

FAMILY SURVEY: QUESTION 8 Include the following data specific to question 8 on the MDE survey:  Report Part B data only.  Record the number of families that responded to question 8.  Provide the number of families that responded for each rating 1 through 5, e.g. 2 marked 1; 0 marked 2; 7 marked 3; 75 marked 4; 250 marked 5.

 Select the degree of need (high, medium or low) to implement change as determined by district criteria established by the leadership team.  Each area designated as a high need must include a corresponding Action Plan for the following school year. (See Future Action Plan.)

School Degree of Stakeholder Data Stakeholders Year(s) Data Need Findings Collected (check one) Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____ Family Part C: Survey or Focus Group Part C Medium ____ # surveys distributed = ______# of families contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of families participated ______Low ____ # for valid sample = ______

Family Findings: Part C

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 11 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District School Degree of Stakeholder Data Stakeholders Year(s) Data Need Findings Collected (check one) Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method:

Part B Survey or Focus Group # surveys distributed = ______# of families contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of families participated ______# for valid sample = ______High ____ SPP/APR Indicator #3 Family MDE Survey Question 8: Medium ____ Part B # surveys returned with a response to question 8 = ______Low ____ Number of responses for score ______1 ______2 ______3 ______4 ______5

Family Findings: Part B Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____ Survey or Focus Group General Educator Staff Medium ____ # surveys distributed = ______# of general education teachers contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of general education teachers participated ______Low ____ # for valid sample = ______

Findings: General Educator Staff

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 12 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District School Degree of Stakeholder Data Stakeholders Year(s) Data Need Findings Collected (check one) Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____

Paraprofessional Survey or Focus Group Medium ____ # surveys distributed = ______# of paraprofessionals contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of paraprofessionals participated ______Low ____ # for valid sample = ______Paraprofessional Findings: Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____ Special Education Staff Part C Part C: Survey or Focus Group Medium ____ # surveys distributed = ______# of special education staff contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of special education staff participated ______Low ____ # for valid sample = ______Special Education Staff Findings: Part C Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____ Special Education Staff Part B: Survey or Focus Group Medium ____ Part B # surveys distributed = ______# of special education staff contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of special education staff participated ______Low ____ # for valid sample = ______Special Education Staff Findings: Part B

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 13 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District School Degree of Stakeholders Stakeholder Data Year(s) Data Need Findings Collected (check one) Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____ Administrator Survey or Focus Group Medium ____ (Optional) # surveys distributed = ______# of administrators contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of administrators participated ______Low ____ # for valid sample = ______

Administrator Findings: (Optional) Information was collected through □ MDE Survey □ District Survey □ Focus Group(s) Sampling method: High ____ Other: Survey or Focus Group Medium ______# surveys distributed = ______# of ______contacted ______# surveys returned = ______# of ______participated _____ Low ____ # for valid sample = ______

Findings: Other: ______

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 14 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Part B and Part C SPP/APR (all) 8. Record Review Directions  Records selected for review must be a demographically representative sampling of a district‘s students in special education.  The representative areas include but are not limited to disability, race/ethnicity, age and gender.  The Part B record sample and the Part C record sample must be determined separately.  A tool to use to determine an appropriate sample size can be found at:

 Report a summary of findings for each TSES area that has non-compliance identified in one or more student files.  Include the total number of records identified with non-compliance and the total number of records reviewed, e.g. “5 of 10 secondary transition records lacked a secondary transition evaluation by age 14 or grade nine.”  Indicate if the records reviewed were Part C or Part B. The record review data must be reported separately.  Under the “Compliance Status” column, check “individual student non-compliance” if one or more student records were identified.  Check “MDE systemic non-compliance”, if non-compliance is identified based on compliance findings from a variety of sources including but not limited to compliance review of individual student records, stakeholder survey responses and complaints identified within the monitoring cycle.

 Each TSES area listed as “MDE non-compliance” must be included in the Action Plan.  For each student file identified with non-compliance, submit the individual student information electronically using an Access Monitoring Database report by student and citation. If the report is not available, the information can be burned on a CD which can be sent to MDE.  Do not send paper copies of the individual student data.

Record Review Process and Sampling Procedures Describe the district’s sampling procedures and record review process:

MDE conducted a validation visit/audit in March 2007. We have not yet received the results and reports from the state at this time.

TSES Reference TSES Part Part Compliance Record Review Data Number Compliance Area B C Status  Individual Student Non-compliance  MDE Systemic Non-compliance  Individual Student Non-compliance  MDE Systemic Non-compliance  Individual Student Non-compliance  MDE Systemic Non-compliance

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 15 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District TSES Reference TSES Part Part Compliance Record Review Data Number Compliance Area B C Status 9. Longitudinal Review Directions (optional)  Include the number of longitudinal records reviewed.  Internal consistency reporting pertains to each indicator used to determine the consistency of documentation from initial or prior evaluation to the most current evaluation. Secondly, internal consistency addresses whether or not the three consecutive IEP were consistent with the IEP process. Address the quality indicators as strengths or weaknesses found in the review.  Conferred benefit pertains to the data used to determine whether the student benefits from his/her special education program and service over time. Determine if growth was evident from evaluation to evaluation and across three consecutive IEP.  Determine the degree of need (high, medium or low) based upon the urgency to implement change as determined by district criteria established by the leadership team. Each area designated as a high need must have a corresponding Action Plan for the following school year (See Future Action Plan section of this report).  Refer to the 2004 MNCIMP:SR Guidelines and Resources Manual for additional directions, sampling procedures, and resources.

Reporting Longitudinal Review (optional) Degree of Need Categories Analysis (check one) High ____

Internal Consistency Medium ____

Low ____ High ____

Conferred Benefit Medium ____

Low ____

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 16 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 11. Current Year Action Planning Directions *Use the information reported in the district’s prior year Action Plan(s), reported as high need and/or non-compliant, to complete the following components, identified by an asterisk (*) in the left side of the chart below:  *Goal Statement: Identify goal as stated in prior year’s MNCIMP:SR Report.  *Desired Outcome: Provide a measurable statement of the expected outcome. “What will change as a result of strategies and activities implemented?”  *Strategy(s): Describe strategies employed to achieve the desired outcome, e.g. training, staff development, policies, task force committees, etc.  *What collected data will give evidence of progress? Describe what data will be collected to determine if the outcome has been met or if progress is being made.

For the current year’s report, complete the “Progress/Results Analysis” and “Status” sections of the chart below based on the prior year’s Action Plan(s) to determine if progress has been made in meeting the desired outcome.  Progress/Results Analysis: Report data that was collected to determine whether the outcome was met.  Status: Analyze results and determine progress from the prior year’s Action Plan(s) in meeting the desired outcome. Indicate whether the outcome was met, will need to be continued, or other. If the outcome was not met and will be continued, address the outcome in the next year’s Action Plan (see next page) and note any changes in strategies. If “Other” is checked, provide an explanation in the “Progress/Results Analysis” section.

Note: To insert additional lines to an Action Plan, tab after the last column and a new row will automatically be inserted. To insert additional Action Plan charts, insert a page break after the chart, then copy and paste the blank Action Plan chart into the new page.

Existing Action Plan(s) * *Goal Statement: Caledonia Area Public Schools will improve their rate of compliance with due process. Complete this section using the Action Plans from the district’s existing MNCIMP:SR report from the Complete this section for next year’s report. prior year. *What collected data will give *Desired Outcome *Strategies Progress/Results Analysis Status X evidence of progress? Outcome Met All special education staff will Attendance at monthly sp. ed. Higher rates of compliance on We currently have meetings twice a Outcome Continue X complete all due process forms meetings, HVED sub-groups, future record reviews. File month to discuss issues and receive Other: explain with accuracy and within and other meetings where review results will be shared training/updates. A sp. ed. secretary timelines. training is involved, as well as (specifically areas that received monitors paperwork at each building continuing to use a checklist citations, concerns, or needs and checks for needed information. of necessary forms and improvement). Monthly special Informal review of files was conducted information to be education meetings where prior to annual IEP meeting to improve completed/remembered. training is offered to staff overall compliance and prepare us for concerning compliance issues. the upcoming march validation visit. Attending sub-groups/workshops All special education teachers were offered by HVED. provided with resources and checklists for reviewing files.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 17 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Existing Action Plan(s) * *Goal Statement: Caledonia Area Public Schools through the use of best practices will improve overall special education student achievement. Complete this section using the Action Plans from the district’s existing MNCIMP:SR report from the Complete this section for next year’s report. prior year. *What collected data will give *Desired Outcome *Strategies Progress/Results Analysis Status X evidence of progress? Outcome Met X All special education students Monitoring and recording Probes can come from NWEA NWEA testing has occurred for most Outcome Continue with reading goals will complete reading and/or math probes testing, the Read Naturally students in grades 2-10 at least 2 times Other: explain reading probes a minimum of 3 for each student with computer program, Aimsweb, this year. Also many special education times a year (fall, winter, and goals/needs. fluency checks, or other teachers are using Read Naturally, spring). Students with math appropriate measures. Aimsweb, Rewards, Language!, 6-Min. goals/needs will also be Solution, and other resources to monitored. monitor student growth and achievement in both fluency and comprehension. This is regularly occurring and data is being collected on a regular basis. Math goals are also being monitored through the use of Aimsweb and Transitional Math. Outcome Met All special education staff Regularly scheduled building Building meetings taking place a Building level special education Outcome Continue X (administrators, special education meetings to discuss student minimum of once monthly. meetings have occurred at least once Other: explain teachers, educational assistants) programming and other per month at all levels. District wide will be given time for special education District wide Special education meetings have occurred 4 times this collaboration. concerns/questions. Pre-K teacher meetings to take place a year. We continue to experience through grade 12 special minimum on 3 times per year. difficulty in scheduling meetings with education teacher meetings at educational assistance due to related least 3 times per year. Also, Meetings with educational assignments and contractual issues. time to collaborate, plan, and assistants to take place a discuss issues with minimum of once monthly. program/room educational assistants at least once monthly.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 18 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 12. Future Year Action Plan Directions (New Action Pan) Complete the following components to address new areas identified in the current report as high need and /or as non-compliant:  Goal Statement: Identify goal as stated on MNCIMP:SR Report.  Desired Outcome: Provide a measurable statement of the expected outcome. “What will change as a result of strategies and activities implemented?”  Strategy(s): Describe strategies employed to achieve the desired outcome. (E.g. training, staff development, policies, task force committees, etc.)  What collected data will give evidence of progress? Describe what data will be collected to determine if the outcome has been met or if progress is being made.

The following sections should be left blank for the current report, and completed when submitting the MNCIMP:SR Report next year.  Progress/Results Analysis: Report data that was collected to determine whether the outcome was met.  Status: Analyze results and determine progress from the prior year’s Action Plan(s) in meeting the desired outcome. Indicate with an “X” whether the outcome was met, will need to be continued, or other. If the outcome was not met and will be continued, address the outcome in the next year’s Action Plan and note any changes in strategies. If “Other” is checked, provide an explanation in the “Progress/Results Analysis” section.

Note: To insert additional lines to an Action Plan, tab after the last column and a new row will automatically be inserted. To insert additional Action Plan charts, insert a page break after the chart, then copy and paste the blank Action Plan chart into the new page.

Future Year Action Plan(s) Goal Statement: Caledonia Area Public Schools will improve their rate of compliance with due process. Complete this section using the Action Plans from the current report. Complete this section prior to submitting next year’s report. What collected data will give Desired Outcome Strategies Progress/Results Analysis Status X evidence of progress? Outcome Met All special education staff will Attendance at monthly sp. ed. Higher rates of compliance on Outcome Continue complete all due process forms meetings, sub-groups, and future record reviews. Validation Other: explain with accuracy and within other meetings where training results will be shared and Other: explain timelines. is involved, as well as addressed (specifically areas that continuing to use a checklist received citations, concerns, or of necessary forms and needs improvement). Monthly information to be special education meetings where completed/remembered. training is offered to staff concerning compliance issues. Attending sub-groups/workshops offered.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 19 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Future Year Action Plan(s) Goal Statement: Caledonia Area Public Schools through the use of best practices will improve overall special education student achievement. Complete this section using the Action Plans from the current report. Complete this section prior to submitting next year’s report. What collected data will give Desired Outcome Strategies Progress/Results Analysis Status X evidence of progress? Outcome Met All special education students Monitoring and recording Data from NWEA testing, the Outcome Continue with reading and math goals will reading and/or math probes Read Naturally computer Other: explain have their progress monitored for each student with program, Aimsweb, fluency frequently. Using a variety a goals/needs. checks, or other appropriate research based measures. measures.

Outcome Met All special education staff Regularly scheduled building Building meetings taking place a Outcome Continue (administrators, special education meetings to discuss student minimum of once monthly. Other: explain teachers, educational assistants) programming and other will be given time for special education District wide Special education collaboration. concerns/questions. Pre-K teacher meetings to take place a through grade 12 special minimum on 3 times per year. education teacher meetings at least 3 times per year. Also, Meetings with educational time to collaborate, plan, and assistants to take place a discuss issues with minimum of once monthly. program/room educational assistants at least once monthly.

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 20 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District 13. Data Management Plan Directions  District Data Profiles for Early Childhood and K-21 special education programs are published annually and can be found on the MDE website at  The year prior to the district’s scheduled MDE Validation Review, Part B and Part C record review findings should be included in the annual report.  Prior to the district’s scheduled MDE Validation Review, data must be gathered from all required stakeholder groups listed in the chart below. Districts may choose to collect data from one or more groups during each year of the MNCIMP: SR cycle, or collect data from all groups in one year.  Complete the “Year Collected” column after the data has been collected for all categories except those already listed as “Annually”.  See the MNCIMP: SR Guidelines and Resources Manual for detailed sampling procedures and additional directions.

Data Sources and Targeted Population Timing of Measurements Year Collected Part C: Child Find and Natural Environments Annually – District results can be found in the Annually Early Childhood District Data Profiles Part C and Part B Early Childhood Outcome Data Ongoing as children enter or exit Part C or Annually – District results can be found in the Section 619 Early Childhood District Data Profiles Part C Family Outcomes Survey Annually—District results will be included in the Ongoing as children exit Part C Early Childhood District Data Profile Part B (age 3-5): Settings/LRE Annually – District results can be found in the Annually Early Childhood District Data Profiles Part B (age 6-21): Settings/LRE Annually – District results can be found in the Annually K-21 District Data Profiles Part C: Timely Evaluations Annually—District results can be found in the Annually Early Childhood District Data Profile MCA-2 Results (Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 & 11) Annually – District results can be found in the Annually AYP Status for Special Education Subgroup K-21 District Data Profiles Graduation Rates Annually – District results can be found in the Annually K-21 District Data Profiles Dropout Rates Annually – District results can be found in the Annually K-21 District Data Profiles Suspension and Expulsion Rates Annually – District results can be found in the Annually K-21 District Data Profiles Family Stakeholder Information Maybe collected anytime in the cycle. 2010-2011 Part C Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation Family Stakeholder Information Maybe collected anytime in the cycle. 2010-2011 Part B Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 21 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District Data Sources and Targeted Population Timing of Measurements Year Collected May be collected any time in the cycle. General Education Staff Stakeholder Information 2010-2011 Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. Special Education Staff Stakeholder Information May be collected any time in the cycle. 2010-2011 (Part C) Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. Special Education Staff Stakeholder Information May be collected any time in the cycle. 2010-2011 (Part B) Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. May be collected any time in the cycle. Paraprofessional Stakeholder Information 2010-2011 Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. Administrator Stakeholder Information May be collected any time in the cycle. (Optional) Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. Other: May be collected any time in the cycle. ______Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. Other: May be collected any time in the cycle. ______Reported on the year prior to MDE Validation. Part B: Record Reviews Conducted and reported on the year prior to 2010-2011 Ages 3 to 21 Special Education Student MDE Validation Part C: Record Reviews Conducted and reported on the year prior to 2010-2011 Birth to age 3 Early Childhood Infants and Toddlers MDE Validation Longitudinal Record Reviews Conducted and reported on the year prior to (Optional) MDE Validation

MNCIMP:SR District Name: Caledonia Area School District 22 Cooperative/Education District Name: Hiawatha Valley Education District

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