Mock Exam 4 (Lymphatic Systemàpelvic Organs)

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Mock Exam 4 (Lymphatic Systemàpelvic Organs)

Mock Exam 4 (Lymphatic SystemPelvic Organs)

1.The muscular wall of the heart is called the ______and contains______A.Myocardium, smooth muscle B.Epicardium, cardiac muscle C.Myocardium, cardiac muscle D.Epicardium, smooth muscle E. Endocardium, cardiac muscle

2.What does the shape of an erythrocyte do? A.Maximizes surface area B.Allows the cell to live longer C.Increases the opportunity of cells to clump together D.Allows the cell to be flexible when traveling in capillaries E.All of the above

3. Functions of the blood include ______I.Delivery of O2 II.Thermoregulation III. Uptake of Carbon Dioxide from tissue IV. Immunity V. Stabilization of pH and electrolyte composition

A.I and III B. I only C. I, II, II, and IV D. I, III, and IV only E. I, II, III, IV, and V

4. Which of the following statements is true? A. Arteries have wider lumens than veins B. Both arteries and veins contain smooth muscle but in different amounts C. Veins are high pressure vessels due to the large amounts of blood they carry D. Fenestrated capillaries have a complete endothelial lining E. Elastic arteries include the radial and ulnar arteries

5. The least abundant type of leukocyte are ______A.Neutrophils B.Monocytes C. Basophils D. Eosinophils E.Lymphocytes

6. Which of the following leukocyte is responsible for specific immunity against individual pathogens? A.Eosinophils B.Lymphocytes C.Basophils D.Monocytes E.All of the above

7.All of the following are associated with the right atrium except: A.Coronary sinus B.Tricuspid valve C.Pectinate muscles D.Papillary muscles E.Fossa Ovalis

8.What is the sinoatrial node responsible for doing? A.It controls the rate of contraction B.It passes impulses to the ventricular myocardium C.It transverses the fibrous skeleton of the heart D.It delays the impulses to the atrioventricular bundle E.It distributes impulses to papillary muscles

9. Why are the consequences of a ruptured lymph vessel (like the thoracic duct) life-threatening? A.Loss of lymph would indicate loss of blood volume B.Lymph would not be able to get filtered and cause toxic shock C.Loss of lymph would increase blood pressure to compensate D.Lymph would not be able to absorb nutrients E.All are correct

10. Most of the lymph returns to the venous circulation by way of the A.Right lymphatic duct B.Cisterna chyli C.Hepatic portal vein D.Thoracic Duct E. Lymphatic capillaries

11.Which of the following is incorrect? A.Lymph from the gut is usually yellow because it is high in fat B.Lymphatic vessels usually have valves like veins do C.Lymph is an ultrafiltrate of blood D.Lymphatic organs include lacteals and peyer’s patches E.All are incorrect

12.Areas susceptible to deep vein thrombosis include A.The ileocecal valve B.The popliteal fossa C.The ischiorectal fossa D.The antecubital fossa E.None of the above 13.In the cardiac cycle, A.Blood passes through the tricuspid valve into the left ventricle, B.Blood returns to left atrium via the pulmonary arteries C. Blood passes into the aorta through the mitral valve D.Blood enters right atrium through superior and inferior vena cavae E.Blood exits to the lungs through the pulmonary veins

Use the following image to answer questions 14-18

14.This is the respiratory organ of the fetus A 15. This vessel is part of the umbilical cord and carries deoxygenated blood G 16. Blood shunts from right atrium to left atrium via this structure C 17. This is the ductus venosus E 18.This structure will become the ligamentum arteriosum B

19.Which layer of arteries contracts in vasoconstriction during sympathetic innervation? A.Tunica Intima B.Tunica Externa C.Tunica Adventitia D.Tunica Media E.Endothelial layer

20.Key differences between a bronchus and a bronchiole include______A.Bronchi have cartilage and bronchioles do not B.Bronchi have simple squamous tissue and bronchioles have stratified squamous tissue C.Bronchioles have goblet cells and bronchi do not D. Both have cartilage and goblet cells but in different amounts E. Bronchi have simple cuboidal tissue and bronchioles have pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

21. What is the function of arytenoid cartilage? A.Close the larynx when swallowing B. Protect the trachea anteriorly C.Provide an attachment point for vocal ligaments D.Provide structure to the trachea so it does not collapse E.All are incorrect

22.Which of the following is incorrect? A.Gas exchange occurs where smooth muscle is absent in respiratory bronchioles B.Alveoli is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium C.There is a high abundance of capillaries surrounding alveoli D.The endothelium of capillaries is fused to the epithelium of alveoli E.Bronchi are marked by the presence of goblet cells

23.Laryngeal muscles function to ______A.Open the epiglottis for breathing B.Close the larynx strongly for protection C.Narrow the glottis and control vocal ligaments for vocalization D.Help swallow food E.None of the above

Use the following image to answer questions 24-28

24.This is a tertiary bronchusC 25.This structure is lined with simple squamous tissue 26.This is a respiratory bronchioleE 27.Split at the carina results in these A 28.This structure is lined with simple cuboidal tissue E

29.Type II alveolar cells are important in the production of______A.pleural fluid B.pleurisy C.surfactant D.histamine E.macrophages

30.Two parts of the diaphragm include ______and ______A.Costal, Crural B.Costal, esophageal C.External, internal D.Crural, vertebral E.Vertebral, esophageal

31.Forced inspiration requires use of which of the following muscles? A.Scalene muscles B.Transversus thoracis C.Transversus abdominus D.Rectus abdominus E.Internal abdominal oblique

32. What type of tissue lines the luminal surface of the esophagus? A.Skeletal muscle B.Smooth muscle C.Glandular tissue D.Stratified squamous E.Pseudostratified ciliated columnar ET

33.Humans have heterodont teeth, Which of the following is correct? A.2 canines, 2 incisors, 3 pre molars, 2 molars B.2 canines, 1 incisor, 2 molars, 3 premolars C.2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars D. 2 molars, 1 incisor, 2 pre molars, 3 canines E. 2 incisors, 3 canines, 2 pre molars, 2 molars

34.What is the function of plicae circulares in the small intestine? A.They increase surface area of intestinal wall for absorption B. They aid removing waste C. They produce a mucous layer that protects the intestinal wall D. They work with bile in emulsifying fat E.None of the above

35.How does the duodenum protect itself from the acids coming from the stomach and the enzymes and other secretions coming in from the liver and pancreas? A.through duodenal chief cells B.through Peyer’s patches C.through submucosal duodenal glands D.throughseminal glands E.It does not need protection

36. Which of the following is correct? A.Pancreatic enzymes and bile enter at the duodenum B. The jejunum has a high concentration of lymphoid nodules to protect against large intestine bacteria C.Plicae and villi are smaller and sparser at the duodenum than at the ileum D.The epithelial lining of the small intestine contains simple cuboidal tissue E. All are correct

37.Functions of the liver include A.Regulating blood levels of carbs, lipids, and amino acids B.Synthesis of bile C.Detoxification D.Removing damaged red blood cells E.All of the above

38.Accesory structures of digestion include all of the following except: A.Liver B.Pancreas C.Spleen D.Gallbladder E.Salivary Glands

39.What lympathic structure helps absorb fats and is found in the villi of small intestine? A.Lacteals B.Peyer’s patches C.Adenoids D.Plicae Circulares E.None of the above

40.The portion of the stomach beneath the diaphragm is called ______A.Pylorus B.Fundus C.Cardia D.Body E.None of the above 41.Fused, double sheets of peritoneal membrane in the abdomen are generally called ____ A.Greater omentums B.Mesenteries C.Perineum D.Ligaments E.Mesocolon

42. Production of digestive enzymes that break lipids, carbs, and proteins into smaller molecules that can be absorbed is a function of which organ? A.Gallbladder B.Liver C.Pancreas D.Spleen E.Duodenum

43. Which of the following arteries is not have a paired branch? A.Suprarenal artery B.Renal artery C.Testicular artery D.Ovarian artery E.Inferior mesenteric artery

44. The left gastric artery and splenic artery are branches of which of the following? A.Superior mesenteric artery B.Celiac trunk C.Inferior mesenteric artery D.Common hepatic artery E.None of the above

45.One of the most important functions of the large intestine is to______A.Remove waste from foods previously eaten B.Absorb nutrients C.Reabsorb triglycerides into the lymphatic system D.Reabsorb water and electrolytes E.None of the above

46.The longitudinal muscle layer reduced to three bands found along the length of the large intestine is called______A.Epiploic appendage B.Diverticuli C.Haustra D.Internal anal sphincter E.Taenia coli

47.All of the following are functions of the kidneys except: A.Regulating concentrations of electrolytes B.Regulating blood volume and pressure C.Stabilizing blood pH D.Filtering soluble wastes from body E. Hematopoiesis

48.What type of tissue lines the urinary bladder? A.Reticular tissue B.Areolar tissue C.Transitional tissue D.Simple columnar tissue E.Glandular tissue

49.Which of the following statements is incorrect? A.The muscular wall of the bladder is called the detrusor muscle B.Juxtamedullary nephrons compose 85% of all nephrons C.25% of cardiac output flows through the kidneys D.Kidneys are not enclosed in peritoneal membranes E.Arterioles in a corpuscle are called the glomerulus

50.Which of the following are not part of the nephron? A.Collecting duct B.Renal corpuscle C.Loop of henle D.Proximal convoluted tubule E.Distal convoluted tubule

51.The process of filtration of blood occurs in which area? A.Renal corpuscle B.Nephron loop C.Renal pelvis D.Collecting duct E.Thin segment

52.The ability to create concentrated urine relies on the functions of which of the following? A.Nephron loop B.Collecting duct C.Juxtamedullary apparatus D.Glomerular capillaries E.Proximal and distal convoluted tubules

53.Compared to juxtamedullary nephrons, Cortical nephrons______A.Have a long loop of henle B.Are mostly found deep in the renal pyramid C.Do not filter blood D.Compose 85% of all nephrons E.Compose 15% of all nephrons 54.After passing through the minor and major caliceses, urine must flow through which structure before it reaches the ureter? A.Collecting duct B.Renal pelvis C.Urethra D.Distal convoluted tubule E.None of the above

55.Sympathetic motor innervation to the uterus and vagina is given by which of the following? A.Superior rectal plexus (sympathetic motor ) B.Pudenal Nerve (SOMATIC sensory and motor of urogenital and pelvic diaphgrams) Main nerve of perineum (lesions may cause fecal incontinence) C.Superior Hypogastric plexus (sympathetic visceral motor of this) D.Pelvic splachnic nerve (VISCERAL motor parasymp pelvic organs and external genitalia) E.Sacral sympathetic trunks (sympathetic innervations to pudenal n)

56. The levator ani muscle group is composed of which two muscles? A.coccygeus and iliococcygeus B.Coccygeus and pubococcygeus C.Iliococygeus and piriformis D.Piriformis and pubococcygeus E.Iliococcygeus and pubococcygeus

57.Spermatids mature into spermatozoons through spemiogenesis within cytoplasm of which cells? A.Sertoli cells B.Dartos cells C.Interstitial cells D.Spermatogonious cells E.Cells of Epididymis

58.The peritoneal layer of the testis is known as ______A.Tunica Albuginia B.Tunica Vaginalis C.Tunica Adventitia D.Scrotum E.Dartos Fascia

59.Meiosis of primary spermatocytes results in ______A.3 diploid spermatids B.2 haploid primary spermatids C.4 haploid spermatids D.4 diploid spermatids E. 4 diploid primary spermatids 60.The process of forming sperm cells is called______A.Spermiogenesis B.Spermatogenesis C.Seminogenesis D.Spermatomy E.Spermatiogenesis

61.The muscular layer of the uterus is called ______A.Endometrium B.Myometrium C.Epimetrium D.Uterine Cavity E.Perimetrium

62.Occlusion of the left renal vein may cause varicosity that can be easily seen in what area? A.Left uterine tube only B.Right and left spermatic cords of testicles C.Left spermatic cord of the testicle only D.Left testicle only E.Right uterine tube only

63. Which of the following is true? A. Secretions of the bulbourethral glands are acidic to match the environment of the vagina B.The prostate gland secretes about 60% of seminal fluid C.Seminal fluid is high in fructose and is mostly secreted by seminal glands D.The ductus deferens is a lymphatic vessel that passes through the inguinal canal and over the pelvic brim E.All are false

64.Ovulation… A.Is another term for oogenesis B.Is the event of gamete release circa 14 day of cycle C.Marks the beginning of the ovarian cycle D.Is the beginning of the uterine cycle E.Is another term for menses

65.What marks the end of the ovarian cycle? A.Increased levels of estrogen B.Ovulation C.Formation of the corpus albicans D.Formation of corpus luteum E.All of the above

66.Increases in levels of leutinizing hormone indicate what event? A.Ovulation B.Beginning of Menses C.Oogenesis D.End of the Uterine cycle E.Beginning of Ovarian cyle

67.At puberty, increased levels of which hormone will stimulate oogenesis? A.Leutinizing hormone B.Follicle stimulating hormone C.Progesterone D.Estradiol E.Prolactin

Use the following image to answer questions 68-72

68.Oogenesis and hormonal production occurs hereE 69.This structure is filled with nonkeratinized stratified squamous tissue A 70.This structure is a symphysis C 71.Muscular wall of the uterus G 72.This structure is homologous to the corpora cavernosa of the penisD

Use the following image to answer questions 73-79 73.Functional maturation of sperm occurs in this structureM 74.This type of erectile tissue appears pairedJ 75.This gland is important in the secretion of an alkaline substance that neutralizes the urethraA 76.This gland secretes the most amount of seminal fluidG 77.Point at which reproductive and urinary system meetI 78.This is a vessel found within the spermatic cord that is cut during a vasectomy N 79.This is the scrotum L

80. The direct link between the nervous and endocrine system is ______A.The hypophysis B.The hypothalamus C.The pituitary gland D.The adrenal gland E.The adenohypophysis

81.Hormonal secretion of which of the following gland will have the greatest effect energy use, growth, and development? A.Adrenal gland B.Thyroid gland C.Thymus gland D.Pineal gland E.None of the above

82. Which of the following vessels is highly associated with endocrine glands? A.Fenestrated capillaries B.Continuous capillaries C.Elastic arteries D.Muscular capillaries E.Sinusoids

83.Retention of sodium ions and water is a job of which hormone? A.Epinephrine B.Cortisol C.Glucagon D.Aldosterone E.Calcitonin

84.Which of the following is similar in function to aldosterone? A.Epinephrine B.Calcitonin C.Parathyroid hormone D.Antidiuretic hormone E.Adrenocorticotropic hormone

85.______targets most cells and functions to increase cardiac activity, blood pressure, glycogen breakdown, etc. A.Cortisol B.Norepinephrine C.Cortisone D.Aldosterone E.Leutinizing hormone

86.The effects produced by stimulation of the ______outlast the other signs of sympathetic activation A.Adrenal Cortex B.Renal Cortex C.Adrenal Medulla D.Pancreas E.Renal Medulla

87.Glucocorticoids affecting primarily the liver are secreted by which region? A.Zona glomerulosa B.Adrenal cortex C.Adrenal medulla D.Renal cortex E.Renal Medulla

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