Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 1

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Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 1

Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 1

Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them

Key Concept 1 - Jesus’ human life as a child in Palestine (L1-5)

1) See picture of house on p19 in teacher’s book

2) When Jesus was a boy he prayed prayers that were written on scrolls. Mary and Joseph taught Jesus to pray.

Key Concept 2 - Jesus is human – our tuakana and the Son of God (L6-8) 3) Jesus is God’s Son 4) We know this because the angel told Mary her baby would be God’s Son. Jesus is like our elder brother 5) In Maori we say Jesus is our tuakana

Key Concept 3 - Jesus’ invitation to be his friend (L9-11) 6) The names of Jesus’ friends are Simon, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Peter, Judas, Zacchaeus

7) I can be friends when I invite people to be my friend, I am kind and friendly Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 2

Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them

Key Concept 1 – The different ways Jesus showed love and respect (L1-6)

1) Jesus showed love and respect for people when he invited people to be friends with him. 2) A Bible story I know about this is when two disciples met Jesus and asked him where he lived and he said ‘Come and see’. When Jesus welcomed the children When Jesus healed Bartimaeus who was blind Whe Jesus healed the Widow’s son When Jesus healed the te lepers

Key Concept 2 – How to follow Jesus’ example of loving and respecting (L7-9)

3) Pictures of people showing love and respect by being kind, helping others, including others in games, saying nice things about people, enjoy playing with others, sharing my things with others, asking people how they are feeling, encouraging others, praising others for good things they do, treating people well, speaking kind and loving words.

4) I am a good friend when I … see examples above

Key Concept 3 – Learning about Jesus in the Bible (L10-11) 5) I can find stories about Jesus in the Bible 6) The Jesus stories are in the New Testament 7)The Bible is a special book because it is God’s word and it was written down by people who had the Holy Spirit within them guiding them. 8) We treat the Bible with respect because it is God’s holy Word. Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 3

Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them

Key Concept 1 – Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist as a Meal that helps people grow in holiness (L1-3)

1) The picture of the Last Supper includes Jesus and the twelve apostles. is surrounded by his friends. 2) On the table I have drawn wine, water, bread, grapes, fish, olives,

3) At Eucharist we remember what Jesus did at the Last Supper. What Jesus did at the Last Supper He gave thanks to God, he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples and said ‘take this and eat it, this is my body which is given up for you’. The he took the cup and gave thanks and praise and gave it to the disciples and said ‘take this, all of you, and drink from it, this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me’.

4) What the priest does at Eucharist The priest does what Jesus did at the Last Supper – see above.

5)The Eucharist helps people to grow in holiness because through it Jesus shares his grace and holiness, tapu and mana with people so they can show aroha and bring peace, friendship and happiness to others.

Key Concept 2 - How Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist (L4- 7)

6)4 ways Jesus is present in the Eucharist are 1) In the priest 2) 4) In the people gathered 3) In the Word of God 4) In the consecrated bread and wine 7)After we listen to the Gospel at Eucharist we say Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ 8)At Eucharist the bread and wine is changed into the body and blood of Jesus

Key Concept 3 - The Celebration of the Eucharist – giving thanks to God(L8)

9)Celebrating Eucharist is the best way people can give God thanks to God

Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 4 Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them

Key Concept 1 - Jesus invites people to grow in holiness through his grace (L1-2) 1) Grace means God’s life and love working in the people of God, the Church and in the world. 2) Grace helps people to grow in holiness. 3) When people respond to God’s grace they Share in God’s life and love Experience what it is like to be in God’s ‘favour’ Grow in friendship with God Can live the life of the Trinity of love Are helped to follow Jesus

Key Concept 2 - Sharing in Jesus’ mission of worshipping God and bringing about God’s reign (L3-5) 4) Jesus came on earth to begin the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. 5) Jesus was sent by God to work to build God’s Kingdom or reign on earth and to teach his followers to continue this work of building it. 6) God’s kingdom on earth is a kingdom or reign of love, peace and justice 7) We can help to build God’s reign on earth when we Speak and act kindly Show love and respect for others because they are tapu Tell the truth and speak out against injustice, unfairness and dishonesty

Key Concept 3 – How Jesus exercised tika, pono and aroha (L6-7) 8)Tapu means the value, dignity and worth of someone Jesus showed this when he treated someone with tika – justice and doing the right thing, pono – faithfulness and truth, and aroha – love and compassion 9) Mana means spiritual power and authority Jesus showed this when he demonstrated respect and love for all especially people who were outcasts. 10)Aroha means love and compassion Jesus showed this when he healed people especially outcasts like the people with leprosy.

Key Concept 4 - Jesus was sent to reveal God’s love and reconcile people to God (L8-9) 11) I can increase people’s tapu when I show love, kindness and respect for others. I can decrease people’s tapu when I speak and act towards others with disrespect and meanness Make a T chart to show what you know about Jesus’ love Looks like: gentle touching, looking with caring eyes, helping and comforting people. Sounds like: Caring words of encouragement and love My love Looks like: loving actions, a caring presence, a gentle manner with others My love Sounds like: encouragement, inclusion, fairness, willingness to help, support for those in need Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 5 Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them Key Concept 1 - The structure of the New Testament (L1-2)

The 4 different books in the New Testament are: 1) The book of the Gospels 2) The book of the Acts of the Apostles 3) The Letters 4) The book of Revelation

Number the instructions in the correct order – put the number in the When looking for a Scripture passage you 5) Look carefully for the small verse number beside or in the text 4 Find the correct Testament – Old or New 1 Find the large Chapter number at the beginning of the passage 3 Find the Gospel, look for the writer’s name or the name of the book. 2 Check you have the correct text. 5

Key Concept 2 - The context in which Jesus lived his life (L3-4) 8) Write 5 things you know about what life was like when Jesus lived on earth A) His land Palestine was occupied by Romans and ruled by Herod the Great, a cruel man B) The Romans demanded large taxes from the Jews – tax collected were despised C) Jews were farmers or herdsman, Jesus’ father Joseph was a carpenter D) Houses constructed of stones, thatch and clay, E)Synagogues used for prayer, boys taught the Jewish law by rabbis

Key Concept 3 - Jesus’ life story (L5) 9) Name 5 major events in Jesus’ life 10) Jesus’ birth and presentation in the temple 11) Jesus was baptised and chose his twelve apostles 12) Jesus was transfigured on the mountain giving the apostles a glimpse of his glory that was to come 13) Jesus suffered and died 14) Jesus rose again and ascended into heaven

Key Concept 4 - Jesus – fully human, fully divine (L6-7) 15)We believe Jesus was fully human because he was born and grew as all humans do. He needed to sleep and eat and wash and work like all people do. He had to make choices everyday to live according to God’s law. Jesus respected others and felt sadness when he saw them suffering. He needed friends to support him. Jesus practiced what he preached and he died just like all humans do.

16)We believe Jesus was fully divine because he was God’s Son and the second person of the Trinity. Jesus made God known in the world in the best way. The apostles saw Jesus as a divine human person at the transfiguration when his body became shining white which showed them what he would be like when he rose from the dead.

17)Do you know a Scripture story where Jesus’ divinity was illustrated? YES NO The title of the story is The Transfiguration Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 6 Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them

Key Concept 1 - Jesus is the Son of God who revealed God as Abba – loving Father (L1-2) 1) Explain what we mean when we talk about Jesus as the Son of God Jesus is truly God’s own Son because God revealed this to people. Jesus had a special relationship with God which was only understood by people because God chose to let them understand it. 2) Name a Scripture story that tells about Jesus as the Son of God The baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17) The transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8) Peter’s proclamation of faith (Matthew 16:17) 3) What does Abba mean and why did Jesus use this word? Abba means ‘dear father’ Jesus wanted to show his relationship with God as his father and the great love he had for his father. By calling God Abba, Jesus wanted to show people that God is not far away but close by like a loving parent 4) Name 3 things Jesus wanted people to know about God A) God has great love for all people especially the poor and sick and those who have been unfairly treated and disrespected. B) God has the power to heal people and forgive them when they do wrong C) God is like a loving parent – forgiving, merciful, patient and full of love

Key Concept 2 - Through the Holy Spirit Jesus invites people to repent and live a life of faith, hope and love in worship and action (L3-5) 5) What does repent mean? Turning away from sin and feeling deep sorrow for what you have done wrong and changing how you live 6) How do people go about repenting? People need to turn away from sin, say they are sorry and ask for forgiveness and change their way of living. To repent people need to do things differently and change what is in their hearts so they act with tika, pono and aroha and respect the tapu of God and people People need to ask the Holy Spirit to help them repent and change their ways. 7) Give an example of how the Holy Spirit invited people to repent The healing of the man at the pool of Bethsaida (John 5:1-18) The conversion of Zacchaeus 8) How does a person show they have faith, hope and love By listening to the Holy Spirit telling them how to live with faith, hope and love Faith - By trying to live the kind of person God created them to be Hope - By longing for good and believing and trusting in God’s goodness and love Love – By loving everyone even your enemies and especially those who have been disrespected and unloved. Key Concept 3 - Jesus lived his life in love for God and people (L6-8) 9) Give 5 different examples of how Jesus demonstrated how to live with love for people and for God A) Spending time with God in prayer

B) Celebrating the Sacraments

C) Treating people with respect, care and love

D) Being faithful to God and to one’s own responsibilities

E) Believing that no matter what happens, God will never desert you

Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 7 Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them Key Concept 1 – Jesus saves people from sin and death through his life death and resurrection (L1-4) 1) What does it mean to be saved? To be saved means to be changed or transformed by God’s love To receive the gift of being restored to friendship with God To live as a follower of Jesus and to cooperate with God’s gift of salvation Being saved is a lifelong process which will be completed when people die and share eternal life with God forever. 2) Explain how Jesus saved humanity through his life, death and resurrection Through his life Jesus saved people by listening to them, forgiving them, healing them, teaching them and loving them. He freed them from injustice, he challenged them and they were changed by him. Through his death Jesus saved people by giving his life because of his great love for God and all people. By his death Jesus broke the power of sin and through the gift of grace brought people back into a loving relationship with God. Jesus’ death showed all people that love does not stop even when there is suffering Through his resurrection Jesus showed there is no darkness or anger in God. God’s love is so enormous it overcomes sin and death and restores peoples’ tapu. By his resurrection Jesus showed he overcame the power of sin and death and brought back hope into people’s lives and they were restored to God’s grace and favour. Because of the resurrection people will be given eternal life when they die and they will be raised on the last day and they will share in the fullness of God’s light and love forever. 3) What did Jesus save humanity from and what did he save them for? Jesus saved humanity from sin and selfishness, oppression, exclusion, broken relationships, damaged tapu and self esteem, poverty, sickness of mind and body. Jesus saved humanity to restore their relationship with God and each other so they could live in the freedom and justice with God’s grace, love and peace. 4) How is Jesus’ death a saving event for humanity? Jesus’ death is a saving event because the offering of his life to God on the cross was made out of love. By doing this Jesus overcame the power of sin and brought people back into a loving relationship with God and restored their tapu.

5) Why is the resurrection such an important event for Christians? Christians believe that because of the resurrection they will be given eternal life and they will share in the glory of heaven forever. Death will have no power over them.

Key Concept 2 – Scriptural titles of Jesus (L5-7) 6) Name 3 titles Jesus is given in the Scriptures I am the bread of life (John 6:35, 41, 48) I am the way the truth and the life (John 14:6) I am the light of the world (John 8:12, 9:5) I am the gate (John 10:7, 9) I am the good shepherd (John 10;11, 14) I am God’s Son (John 10:36) I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25) I am the true vine (John 15:1) 7/8) Choose one of these titles and explain its meaning I am the bread of life (John 6:35, 41, 48) As the bread of life Jesus feeds people on his Word and the Eucharist. He nourishes their life in God through grace and increases their tapu and mana I am the way the truth and the life (John 14:6) – living the way Jesus has lived with tika, pono and aroha they will receive the fullness of the life and the truth will be revealed to them I am the light of the world (John 8:12, 9:5) As the light of the world, Jesus enables people to see and this means more than just seeing what is around about, but seeing with eyes of faith and recognising Jesus for who he is. I am the gate (John 10:7, 9) the entrance to the enclosure for sheep in Jesus’ day was an opening in the wall or hedge. This was where the shepherd slept. So the shepherd became the gate of the sheep enclosure. Jesus is saying it is through him that people can find the life of God. I am the good shepherd (John 10;11, 14) The shepherd of Jesus’ day went before his sheep leading them to grass and to safety, protecting them from wolves and harm. As the good shepherd Jesus leads people to what is good and will even lay down his life to save them I am God’s Son (John 10:36) Jesus tells the people to look at what he is doing for they will see that the work he is doing is the work of his Father who is God. His work of tika, aroha, mercy and healing will show them how he is one with God. I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25) – people will receive the gift of God’s own life in grace, the fullness of Tapu and through Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit they will have eternal life I am the true vine (John 15:1) – the branches receive the life and nourishment from the vine rooted in the ground 9) The title “Jesus is Lord” means that Jesus is God. Lord is the word used for God which in Greek is Adonai. Therefore when you say Jesus is Lord you are saying Jesus is God. 10) Matamua means firstborn. 11) Jesus is called our matamua because he is the firstborn Son of God and tuakana as we are all God’s children. 12)Tuakana means elder brother. 13) Jesus is called our tuakana because Jesus is the head of the Church, the people of God. People relate to Jesus as younger brothers and sisters. Jesus leads, guides, teaches people how to love and respect God and people. Answer Sheet for Pre Test for the JESUS CHRIST STRAND Year 8 Teachers - Please read the Teachers Notes for each lesson – the answers are in them

Key Concept 1- The Beatitudes and their place in the lives of Christ’s disciple (L1-2) 1)Name some of the Beatitudes and explain why they are important in the lives of Christians Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The poor in spirit are those who recognise that everything they have comes as taonga from God the father. They know they depend on God for everything and turn to God in their need.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Those who mourn are in touch with pain, loss, grief whether their own or other people’s and who share Jesus’ compassion for those who suffer.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. The meek are gentle and respect the tapu and dignity of others, not overbearing and bullying.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will receive mercy. Those who hunger and thirst for what is right, work for the coming of God’s Kingdom, Te Rangitiratanga

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. The pure in heart fix their hearts and minds on Te Atua, and are not sidetracked by selfish desires and material goods.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Peacemakers work actively to create peace and harmony in their relationships, in their homes, their communities and the world.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Jesus acknowledges those who are penalised and ridiculed because of their commitment to the Kingdom and the promises that their faithfulness will be rewarded.

Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. The reward for living according to the Beatitudes is to live in God’s presence, to see God face to face and be called God’s children. 2)Give examples of how the Beatitudes could be lived out by students of your age. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I am grateful for what I have rather than being jealous of what others have,

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Taking time to be with people who are suffering from sadness, disappointment and loss in their lives and I feel sensitive to the pain others feel.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Nothing is stronger than gentleness – when I feel like shouting at someone I calm myself and whisper gently

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will receive mercy. I stand up for someone in my class who is excluded and invite them to join my group

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. I turn off the radio and TV and take time for prayer and silence so I can hear God speaking to me in my heart

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. I make an effort to stop arguments at home by asking people to calm down and listen to what each person has to say and decide together on what could be done

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I try to promote fairness by challenging people to recognise situations when people are not given a fair go.

Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. I try to imagine what it would be like to be in another person’s shoes and treat them with respect regardless of what they have done or not done.

Key Concept 2 – Original, personal and communal sin, the struggle against sin and Christ’s message of forgiveness (L3-5) 3) Original sin means failure to love God and your neighbour the actions that spoilt the loving relationship God wanted to have with people we are not to blame for original sin but we have to reject the effects of it our human nature is weakened by the original sin of Adam and Eve people tend to choose the wrong thing original sin can be overcome with the help of the Holy Spirit by dying and rising Jesus overcame sin and death people are free to choose and are no longer bound by sin and death the power of original sin is great but the grace of God is greater

4) Personal sin means Turning away from good for wrongdoing Choosing not to follow the teachings of Jesus Failing to respect God, people and the earth Each person is responsible for their personal sin when they are old enough to be responsible for their choices

5) Give an example of personal sin that people can commit People can tell lies, steal what belongs to others, be disrespectful towards others, ignore the needs of others, cheat on others, think only of themselves.

6) Social or communal sin means … When a whole community acts in a way which causes suffering and injustice When people fail to challenge unfairness When people are excluded and have no say in what is happening in their lives When rich people make bad decisions for poor people When those who have plenty refuse to share with those who have nothing

7) Give an example of social or communal sin in Aotearoa New Zealand Welfare payments are so low that people live in poverty Policies that benefit the wealthy only Treaty rights have not been honoured Immigration policies that separate families Long waiting time for treatment for people who are in pain Disregard for care of our land, coasts and waterways Lack of enough support for children with disabilities

Key Concept 3 - Working for justice and peace as a follower of Jesus, advocate for the poor (L6-7) 8) Give 2 examples when Jesus was an advocate for the poor Curing of the deaf man (Mark 7:13-15) The widow’s mite (Mark 12:41-44) Healing of the man with the withered hand (Mark 3:1-6) The couple caught in adultery (John 8:1-11)

9) Give 2 examples that show how Christians today follow Jesus’ example and work for justice and for the poor Join protests against benefit cuts Write letters to protest about cuts to health and education funding Support minority groups so they get fair treatment Run a stall to raise money for people in need Key Concept 4 - Jesus as Risen Lord (L8) 10)Retell one of the stories about Jesus as the Risen Lord The Commissioning of the disciples (Matthew 28:16-20) The Ascension of Jesus (Mark 16:19-20) Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-11) Jesus appears to two Disciples (Mark 16:12-13) The Walk to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) Jesus appears to his Disciples (Luke 24:36-49) Jesus and Thomas (John 20: 24-29) Jesus appears to seven Disciples (John 21:1-14) Jesus and Peter (John 21:15-25)

11) Explain what the Resurrection means to Christians The risen Jesus and the Church is like the head to the body – his life flows through the body and all are united with him Through the celebration of the Sacraments the risen Jesus become one with him The risen Jesus showed his power by his Ascension into heaven that he now shares in God’s power and authority. God exulted the risen Jesus and gave him a name above all other names so that when it is spoken every knee shall bend and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. The risen Jesus is no longer limited by time and place so he is present now with his followers wherever they are in the world The risen Jesus gave his spirit to the Church so that is has the strength to carry on the work of his saving mission to bring about God’s Kingdom of love, peace, justice and mercy on earth as it is in heaven

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